#and bc of the psych damage -9999 wright has suffered through despite being a combat powerhouse
what's especially funny about #273: I AM WRITING IT. but:
backwards and in my primary; it helps alot as i am establishing parts here and there, give myself hints for what had happened before -- little things like , initial reactions; moreover, which characters will, um. Wright wasn't very thoughtful of her affairs, people have bets for with who she will end up with -- and that silliness helps her to carry on, hiding from everyone, creating more gossip and finishing it; has fun explaining to Sharp why she's late when it's plain obvious; not that he cares beyond reasonable, but he is relieved to know the caliber of her troubles gradually improved, became of a lovesick adolescent she must had been for all this time;
OneNote has quite a lot of things going about.
The Scar part of the story, that screamed Sharp whatever it was with Wright, she was a wanted person by the very unsavory, violent people, and for a reason she barely understood herself; Roland Oaks rescue, that initially started Sharp's path for becoming a mentor to someone because Wright was both scathing and naive; The December of 1890's, when Wright practically borrowed his badge, had massive support from local vendors standing up for hamlets, saved her peers multiple times -- and lost it all to the bottle at around Christmas because Ruth Singer told her things that totally made sense, in a world, where Ministry would sent aurors out to Hogsmeade after the troll attack.
Wright is a tough girl. She is also 15. Good she can be responsible and resourceful. Bad she tried to become the hero of a storybook she imagined wizarding world to be; Sharp couldn't dissolve the illusion sooner, to prevent her downfall -- and that assumption, that she is naive rather than light-headed -- was crucial lack of judgement.
It wasn't complacency but a terrible reliance on luck. Have to much of it, and you'll become reckless; go somewhere dangerous unthinkingly, pray, that your skill is as imperishable as luck is ephemeral.
Her fall wasn't that bad but it became clear: she takes a hit like this again, -- a scratch on her sense of self-integrity, where standing up for someone is a vital part of up-keeping the hearth of something she'd call 'home for thoughts', -- she is defeated.
At this point, Sharp was aware of the Trials and he didn't care because nor Eleazar, neither Keepers were paying any attention for the signs Wright gave off all the time. She was navigating in waters many people his age would avoid; she didn't explain why must she.
What was it so alluring about Unforgivable Curses she'd mentioned she might have learned about the fourth curse, unlisted. What was it stuck on her mind that she couldn't concentrate enough to brew; why would she be so concerned the Draught of Peace will not ever be able to ease it. What is wrong with you.
What is your ancient magic.
Why do you think, again, it is ancient.
It is not Trials that keep you up at night. What is it. Put your wits to use. Think. Me, asking you silly questions, should be an indication for something, shouldn't it.
tldr; somewhere around Christmas, a week after the Trial and letting Sharp into know, full down in the bottle, she'll fill it back with her soul, telling Sharp a lot of terribly sensitive things.
How she was tired; in fear for her friends, who suddenly needed thee Dragon Story of their very own; that she couldn't brew the Draught of Peace at the last class of the year because of all this and the fact, she couldn't share everything, anything with anyone without being talked back or accused of something, soothed and Godrick's Heart! But Back To GoBlins, felt incredibly lonely and that the only comfort she'd had was the silent company of Sharp's classroom and himself grading papers, not asking any questions but sharing pumpkin pastries, just like her deceased father used to do when he was busy with both work and looking for an untended kid on a ship.
TLDR2; Sharp will presume, when people open up like she did, when their past is anything but happy-go-lucky memories, they can't be left alone in the face of their deepest fears; he must be, must've been more attentive. He failed at it, despite being aware the most.
The bloody ship blew up again.
Hogwarts had its penchant for rumors. If those were about Wright, perhaps many of them were actually true; she could very well defend herself but her abilities, powers, whatever it was wrong about her, took a toll on her and had given her responsibilities she wasn't ready for to hold but tackle. He decided, he must be around for her to not waste her life away, for comfort and peace of mind. Screw her talents. Skill is gained, nobody's born ready; he can ensure she will go through the rest supervised and allowed mistakes again.
She has decades upon decades ahead of her. She doesn't need any of this at her 15. There is no need rushing forward; there shouldn't be any shame in asking for help nor fear. Eleazar, what have you done; Matilda was all-right about you, I should've listened.
Black isn't the man she has to see as a threat; in all of the student body, he always has a thing or two to say to her! She doesn't risk her paycheck starting an argument; she has all the gossip to riddle him with and out of her sight. I wish, I could've done this all the time but, there's a catch: she will not dare, because Eleazar told her so, because Phineas must be a scarecrow-turning-Death should he learn about ancient magic. The topic everyone hates, or has a disdain for, or unflinchingly recognize as ramblings of a man with little hopes left. Unfathomable. She couldn't have asked for a better mentor. P.S. Dinah, don't @ me.
Rookwood's disclosing he knew her mother and that he wished to hunt her down after she rejected the offer to join the ranks, like a fox, in a death run; Ranrok's taking Fig's life; Wright took these remaining two hits in the span of hours.
That bloody ship exploded and took the dock with it. For fuck's sake.
Wright is tough. She was there for all of them. Time for everyone to be there for her.
Some tracks that overlaps between Sharp's and Wright's respective playlists.
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