justoneotherthing123 · 4 months
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Okay but like he's not working as a video essayist anymore though. He was trying to rebrand on tiktok and the "free advertising" the "Online Leftist Discourse Industrial Complex" gave him made him stop doing that. It's because people keep pointing out that he lied and scammed people that he's not currently lying and scamming people on youtube and tiktok.
On the hbomberguy subreddit there's a weekly thread talking about good youtubers that aren't as famous. It's a weekly thread that's trying to give attention to people with less clout in their community who do deserve that attention. They've been doing that for months. By contrast, they spent five months NOT talking about James Somerton until they found out that 1) he was trying to go back to tiktok, 2) also he was never sorry about plagiarism, and 3) he was absolutely manipulating people with that suicide note.
I know that some people out there consider all criticism a personal and hateful attack, but do you maybe think there's a reason why The Left™ chose to show that this specific guy had two alt accounts? Do you think they chose to show the tweets in which he goes "plagiarism and lies are no big deal, stop being angry about it," "if plagiarism and lies are a big deal then his cowriter did it," and "you people made him kill himself" for some reason? Do you think it may have something to do with him trying to rebrand on tiktok after he wrote a suicide note that made a bunch of people call the people who accused him of plagiarism and lying of being murderers?
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revwinchester · 7 years
Someone Like You
Summary: Dean and Castiel meet on a dating app and after sharing conversation for a few days, they decide to meet up in person but things don’t go the way either of them thought they would.  
Pairing: Destiel
Word Count: 3593
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: mentions of gay stereotypes, mentions of sexting, mentions of explicit photographs, mentions of large age gaps in relationships, like one curse word
A/N: This is for two challenges!  And it has an alternate ending that really didn’t fit the tone of the fic but I wrote it as a joke and it might end up being the start of a new, different fic because it’s too good to pass up.  Anyhow, the format is a little different at the beginning with a bunch of POV shifts but I think it makes sense… every time there’s a new message on the dating app, the POV shifts.  I stole the title from an Adele song.
Written for @spnaubingo; square filled - internet dating Written for @spnfluffbingo; square filled - mistaken identity
Someone Like You - 
IMALA67: Hey ;)
The binging of his alert tone pulled Cas from his thoughts and he felt his lips break into a smile when he saw the name on his phone.  Impala wasn’t like any guy he’d talked to before, especially on Grindr, and that thought alone made Cas smile even wider.  He had been about to delete the app when Impala’s first message came through.  He wasn’t the kind of guy Cas would usually talk to but he had figured there was no harm in chatting; he’d just delete the app after.  That had been a week ago and the app was still on Castiel’s phone and he was still talking with Impala.  
Cas tended to stick closer to his age range but, then again, if the torso in Impala’s profile picture was actually him, the man was in great shape for 50 and it wasn’t like the dating pool was going to grow if Cas didn’t widen his search.  Honestly, Impala seemed different from all of the other guys on Grindr.  For one, he used the year he was born in his username.  He also hadn’t opened with an explicit pick up line or a picture of his genitals; he hadn’t even tried to get in Castiel’s pants the first time they talked, or any time after for that matter.  Sure, they were flirting and joking with one another but it really felt like they were getting to know each other.  Cas was even starting to think that he might like to meet Impala in person.
Dean shook his head fondly at AB’s formal response.  That’s not how people talked on this app but it seemed to fit the kid.  Dean snorted at his thoughts… kid… What was Dean even doing talking to someone who went by AngelBoi?  A username like that belonged to a 23 year old twink and, as best as Dean could tell, the app’s location service placed AB on or near the campus of the local university most of the time.  
AngelBoi had first showed up on Dean’s radar when he had been waiting for Sam to meet him for lunch.  AB’s picture had drawn Dean in, standing out in the sea of abs with an actual face shot or, at least, a partial photo of his face.  At the bottom of the photo, bright blue eyes looked up towards the sky and beautifully messy sex hair filled the middle of the frame.  Dean had tapped his way onto AB’s profile but it was pretty sparse.  Dean couldn’t complain, though, he hadn’t been exactly forthcoming with his own information, either.
He had reached out to the kid on a whim, Grindr claiming that he was a half mile away.  He didn’t have the time - or even the desire, really - for a hookup but something about the guy made him want to say hi.  So he did and the fifteen minutes that he was waiting for his brother to show up flew by.  
IMPALA67: What are you up to?
Cas stared at his phone.  This was new.  Usually he and Impala engaged in witty and flirty banter but there was never any discussion of what the other was doing at the time.  Cas weighed his options.  He could ignore the question entirely but that didn’t feel right.  He could answer truthfully or give a cheeky response, either of which could lead to sexting which, he supposed, wouldn’t be the end of the world, he had just always seen Impala as being different from the other guys on Grindr.  It could also be that Impala was actually curious about Castiel’s life but, if he was going to delete the app - which he still fully intended to do - how much did he want to share with a virtual stranger?  Cas contemplated his options for another moment and then tapped out his reply.  If his brother ever found out about this, Cas knew he’d never hear the end of it.
ANGELBOI: I was just finishing up some work on a paper.
Dean groaned at AB’s response.  Up until now it had been an assumption that he was talking to a college kid, nothing more than an educated guess, but the man’s response had just confirmed it for him.  He thought about backing down, changing his plan but when he really considered that notion, it left him feeling empty and shallow.  If AB didn’t mind talking to someone his age, why should Dean care?  Hell, half of his friends would be jealous that Dean had landed a hot young thing.  Dean chuckled to himself as he imagined the ribbing he’d get from Benny about it. The guy would try to cover up his jealousy with jokes about Dean being a cradle robber but the man had a type and “hot college twink” was definitely it.
IMPALA67: Finishing up?  So you’d be free to grab a coffee or something?  
A slow smile spread across Castiel’s face.  Impala had managed to surprise him yet again.  Where Cas had been expecting explicit messages, Impala had asked for what seemed like an actual date.  Granted, the “or something” left the door open for innuendo but given what he had learned about the man on the other end of the chat, the something was more likely a beer than a blow job.  
Cas didn’t think twice before he answered this time.  No matter how old he was, he and Impala had formed a connection through their conversations and Cas had been thinking about asking him out himself.  The older man had just beat him to the punch.
ANGELBOI: I would like that.  Do you know where Sweets is?
AB’s response came so quickly that Dean had assumed he had gotten turned down at first.  But after reading the man’s words, he jumped up and headed to his room, looking down at himself.  He hadn’t really thought this plan through.  His original agenda for the day was to chill at home, play video games, and catch up on Dr. Sexy and he was still in his sweats and t-shirt from when he had gone out to bring in the garbage can in from the curb that morning.  Now, suddenly, he found himself with a date and he needed to get ready fast.  
He looked through his closet quickly, happy to find his favorite shirt was clean and then studied his face in the mirror.  He had about a day’s worth of stubble and, while he often kept himself clean shaven, Dean liked the way a little bit of growth made him look so he decided to keep it.  Besides, it would cut down on how long he needed to get ready.
IMPALA67: That’s the place that serves soup and ice cream, right?  Yeah, I know it.  I’ll meet you there in 45 minutes?  Unless you’re one of those guys who needs a couple of hours with the bathroom mirror ;)
This was the tone Cas was used to reading from Impala.  He was playful and flirty and Cas only hoped that it would translate into real life, too.  He took a minute to look at his clothes. He was probably overdressed for a coffee date but he'd had two classes that day so he was wearing his suit and tie and Cas knew he looked good. The students that surrounded him on a daily basis might love in sweatpants but that had never been Castiel's way of dressing. Impala's proposed timeline would be more than enough for Cas.
Cas felt practically giddy. He hadn't been this excited for a date in a long time. He tried to not get his hopes up too high, though. Cas wanted to see whether there was something between them and dating someone older definitely didn't have the same stigma in the gay community that it did in straight relationships but Impala could still take one look at Cas and decide it wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He did think Impala would walk out on him, he didn't seem the type but Cas didn't actually know the man yet, not really anyway.
ANGELBOI: 45 minutes is great. It just so happens that I shaved my legs yesterday. But I'm a classy lady and I don't put out on the first date anyway.
ANGELBOI: On a serious note, I'll be wearing a tan overcoat that my brother loves to make fun of. But I like it and it's a good way to tell me apart from everyone else in the shop.
Laughter bubbled from Dean's lips at AB’s reply. He decided then and there that he didn't care how old the kid was. As long as he was legal and didn't mind dating an older guy, Dean was definitely interested in seeing where this could go.
IMPALA67: Sounds good, Angel. I'll be in my favorite red button down
IMPALA67: By the way, the name's Dean
Dean. Cas didn't know why but he felt like it for the man. The name felt younger than the man's 50 years, as did his sense of humor.
ANGELBOI: Castiel. I'll see you soon, Dean.
This was happening. Dean was going to meet AngelB… Castiel in less than an hour. He got ready quickly, his excitement getting the best of him as he dressed in a black undershirt with his red button down open over it. He looked damn fine if he said so himself.
Dean made it to the shop in 30 minutes from the time he and Castiel had agreed to go out.  He considered grabbing a coffee but decided to wait for his date to arrive and sat down at a table instead, making sure he had a clear view of the door.  Sweets wasn’t too busy and Dean was content to people watch while he waited.  The shop wasn’t too far from the college campus and a couple of students were scattered around studying, a stark reminder for Dean as to what he was getting himself into with Castiel.  He wondered what the man studied and if he’d find Dean interesting enough.  About ten minutes after he arrived, Dean caught the flourish of a long tan coat through the window but when the door opened, the person who stepped into Sweets was closer to his age and dressed in a suit and tie.  Out of the corner of his eye, Dean watched the handsome stranger find a table of his own across the room from where he was seated before he turned his attention back to the door.
The final five minutes passed slowly and Dean had thought they were the longest five minutes of his life.  At least until the next five minutes passed and Castiel still hadn’t shown up.  The five minutes after that seemed to drag on even longer as Dean began to worry that he had been stood up.  “Some people just run late,” Dean muttered to himself as he checked his messages on Grindr for the sixth time, hoping to see something from his date but still only finding Castiel’s promise that he’d see Dean soon.
Cas read through the messages he had exchanged with Dean for what felt like the hundredth time.  Dean had been the one to suggest 45 minutes and now he was the one who was, Castiel checked his watch, 15 minutes late.  That meant that Cas had been waiting at Sweets for about 20 minutes, now.  He’d been excited to meet Dean and had left his apartment with plenty of time to arrive at the shop, considering it was a short walk from his building.  Now, though, he just felt like an idiot.  
He had arrived and grabbed a table to share with Dean.  It was against the far wall of the shop, away from the prying eyes of any of his students who might be working on some of their course work, but still in a spot where he could see the door.  He had scanned the room as he sat, wondering if perhaps Dean had been as over eager as he had been but he didn’t see anyone matching Dean’s description.  There was a man in a red button up shirt sitting across the shop but he was far too young to have been born in 1967.
Cas checked his watch again and sighed, resigned to the fact that he had been stood up.  He considered sending a message to Dean but what was the point, really?  Castiel would rather be ghosted with dignity.  He left his table and approached the barista, ordering a chai latte to drink on his walk home.
As he stood waiting for his drink, the man who had been seated across the shop also decided to order.  Cas caught a glimpse of beautiful green eyes and wished that he had been here to meet this man.  The man finished his order and came to stand beside Cas while they both waited.
“Large chai latte for Castiel!” One of the baristas called out, placing the drink on the counter.  
Cas grabbed his latte and turned to leave but the man beside him reached out and grabbed his free arm.  
“You’re Castiel?” he asked dumbfounded.
Cas nodded at the stranger, confusion coloring his features.  
The man released his arm and held out his hand to shake Castiel’s.  “I’m Dean and you are… not what I expected.”
Cas nearly dropped his drink.  He wasn’t sure how he should take Dean’s comment but, then again, Dean wasn’t at all what Cas had expected, either.  “Oh, uh,” Cas replied, ever the eloquent linguist.  “Hello, Dean,” came his attempted recovery.  At least it was real words this time.
Dean let out a little laugh.  He picked up his own drink from the counter and gestured towards the table Cas had chosen.  “You, uh, you want to sit down?” he asked, his voice uncertain.
Castiel led the way to his table, trusting Dean to follow.  The conversation began a bit stilted and awkward but that was to be expected, seeing as how they had nearly been a CraigsList missed connection ad.  Eventually, though, they both loosened up and Cas could tell that Dean was enjoying himself just as much as he was.  They chatted for about a half an hour before there was a lull in the conversation and Cas asked, “What did you mean when you said I wasn’t what you were expecting?”
Dean looked down at the table and a blush colored his cheeks.  “Honestly?” Dean started, saying the word like it was a question.  “Based on your username and the fact that I figured you were on the university campus, I assumed you were some twinky college kid.  I wouldn’t usually rob the cradle like that but, I don’t know, there was just something about you that made me not care.  But, now that you’ve brought it up, what the hell kind of username is AngelBoi for a 30-something year old man?”
Dean laughed at his own question, a beautiful full body laugh, and Castiel couldn’t help but join in.  “My older brother Gabriel signed me up for Grindr without informing me at first,” he explained.  “He used it to set me up on dates that never ended particularly well for a while.  I finally gave in and started using the service myself about a year ago but I never got around to changing the name he had picked.  You’re not wrong about the university part, though,” Cas confessed, “I do spend most of my time there.  I’m a professor in the religion department.”  
Cas paused for a moment to consider his next move.  Dean was smiling and laughing and he liked seeing the man like that.  “You know what they say when you assume…” Cas goaded.
Dean sobered up a little at Castiel’s words.  He looked Cas right in the eye as he responded.  “Yeah, you nearly miss out on a date with the most attractive man you’ve seen in your life.”
Cas stared at Dean for a moment, his head tilted to the side in thought.  “That’s not how the saying goes, Dean,” he replied, a small smile playing on his lips, “but I suppose in this instance, you are not wrong.  I made some wrong assumptions about you, too, and I would have never known what I was missing out on if I hadn’t decided to get a drink for the journey home.”
Dean’s eyebrows shot up and he leaned in with a sexy smirk on his face.  “I told you what I had thought about you, it’s your turn now, Angel.  I showed you mine, it’s only fair if you show me yours.”  He knew he was laying it on a little thick but Dean still finished with a wink.  He liked Cas and wanted to get him a little riled up or, at least, flustered.  And it seemed like his words had done the trick.
Cas licked his lips before he responded, his eyes drifting down dean’s face to look at his mouth before they darted back up and he began speaking.  “Impala67.  I assumed you were born in 1967, that you were 50…”
Dean burst out laughing at Castiel’s confession.  “What? Dude, that’s my car.  She’s a 1967 Chevy Impala and she is my baby.”
Dean’s laughter was infectious and Cas found himself joining in, even though he didn’t really know what the man was saying besides that he loved his car.  
As he caught his breath, Dean poked fun at Cas.  “You really thought I was 50?  And you were cool with that?  You must be past your prime, then, if you’re willing to date that much older...” he joked, his smile letting Cas know that he was kidding.  Dean reached across the table and took one of Castiel’s hands in his as he spoke.  “You think you can keep up with a 39 year old, grandpa?”
Cas snorted at Dean’s words.  “You were the one who was ready to be a sugar daddy to some poor college kid when you walked in here,” he reminded Dean.
“And you were the one coming in looking for a sugar daddy,” Dean shot back, his eyes lighting up with laughter.  He was clearly enjoying himself as the pair continued to banter back and forth easily for the next couple of minutes.  They were so caught up in their flirting that neither of the men noticed the darkening sky as the day turned to night.  They were finally pulled out of their little bubble when Castiel’s phone rang.  
Cas looked down at the object as if the noise it was making had offended him in some way.  “It’s my brother,” Cas explained, “he doesn’t usually call unless it’s an emergency.  I should answer.”  He waited for Dean to nod encouragingly before he swiped his finger across the phone, accepting the call.  “Gabriel, what’s wrong?” Cas asked into the receiver as Dean grabbed his free hand and gave it a squeeze.  
Gabriel was practically shouting into the phone and Cas was sure Dean could hear every word.  “Cassie?  Are you ok?  Where are you?”
Castiel furrowed his brow in confusion.  “Gabriel, I’m fine.  I’m on a…” he let his voice trail off, not wanting to tell his brother he was on a date just yet, he’d never hear the end of it.  “Why are you calling?”
“You were supposed to be at my house for dinner an hour ago, Cas.”
Cas watched as Dean smirked at him.  He pulled his phone down from his ear to look at the clock.  Sure enough, it was well past the time he was supposed to meet his brother for dinner.  “I’m so sorry, Gabriel, I lost track of time,” he the man on the other end of the line as he looked up at Dean who was still smiling slyly at him, “and I don’t think I’m going to be able to make it tonight.”
“WHAT?” Gabriel squawked.  “But you’re supposed to meet…”
Castiel’s eyes widened when he remembered the reason Gabriel had set up this dinner.  “Gabriel, you really need to stop trying to play matchmaker for me.  I’m doing just fine on my own,” he said, giving Dean’s hand a squeeze.  
Dean was shaking with silent laughter as he listened to Gabriel chatter through the phone about Castiel’s dismal record with actually going on dates.  Cas was trying to break into Gabriel’s rant but wasn’t finding much success.  Every time Castiel would try to speak up in his own defense, Gabriel would talk over him and remind him of a potential date gone wrong.  Eventually Dean took some pity on the man and plucked the phone from his fingers.  
“Gabriel?  Yeah, this is Dean.  You don’t know me and I’m not at all sorry for distracting your brother but he’s really not going to make it to dinner tonight and if things go the way I hope they do, you’re definitely going to need to stop setting him up with people.”   Dean hung up Castiel’s phone with a flourish and passed it back to the man sitting across the table from him.  “All that talk about dinner has me hungry.  You want to join me?” Dean asked, “or should I call up your brother and let him know you’re going to make it to dinner at his place after all?”
Dean stood and held out a hand to Castiel, which he gladly took, and the pair walked out of Sweets and into the night together.
ALL THE TAGS! (forevers): @deathtonormalcy56 @supernaturalyobsessed @roxy-davenport @sumara62 @ginamsmith @gallifreyansass @samwinjarpad @hexparker @thinkwritexpress-official @atc74 @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now
Destiel Tags from @mrswhozeewhatsis: @mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @deandoesthingstome @manawhaat @thegleegeneration @SinceriouslyAmellPadalecki @ferferelli @fangirling-instead-of-working @chrisatplay @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @curliesallovertheplace @skybinx-blog @purgatoan @impossible-box @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @dr-dean @jelly-beans-and-gstrings @saving-things-hunting-family @jotink78 @i-dont-know-how-to-write @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @mysaintsasinner @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @klaineaholic @bohowitch @rockhoochie
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