#and begins to pee.
theamazingannie · 6 months
Finding out that people pronounce it perkabeth is the bane of my existence. No minor detail makes me quite as full of rage as knowing that people ignoring that his name is PERCY AS IN PER-SEA and still looking at his ship name with Annabeth as perKabeth. Where is the K sound from??? I don’t CARE how the word itself would be pronounced in your language it’s a NAME based off OTHER NAMES you can’t just CHANGE IT!!!!
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bookrat · 6 months
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Pretty sure my little man has a case of abundism affecting the marble tabby coat under all those white splotches
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l3irdl3rain · 9 months
Does each cat get their own litter box, or do they share?
I have 6 litter boxes total because the recommendation is that you should have one more litterbox than you do cats. Merrill and Petunia use whatever litterbox they feel is right. Zorah mainly only uses the one in the bathroom. And Arthur has his own special litterbox that only he uses. It is completely empty because he doesn’t like any kind of litter. It only took me months to figure it out.
And Duncan wears diapers because he decided months and months ago that squatting and litterboxes were too much effort
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incesthemes · 4 months
it's so significant to me that do you believe in miracles paralleled all hell breaks loose specifically. because ahbl is the first time dean violates sam's autonomy to bring him back to life. it shows the extreme lengths that dean will go to protect sam, and despite all the other times dean has ignored sam's personhood in his pursuit to keep him alive, this is the moment in the show that fully exemplifies just how codependent these two really are, because there's an entire season dedicated to the consequences of that codependency.
so for dybim to take that imagery and scenario and reverse the roles means that this is supposed to be just as indicative of their codependence. it's a threshold that will have major consequences because sam crossed over the point of no return. there's no going back from choosing unhealthy codependency with your brother, the show is signaling. dean is sam's ultimate decision—he doesn't choose himself, he doesn't choose independence, he chooses dean, and all that that entails. he probably only realizes that all of his posturing about autonomy was a lie at the very moment he says it out loud, but once he's finally honest with himself it's a done deal. just like dean can never go back from his deal for sam's life, sam can never return to any point before this moment. he's in this relationship for good, and he wants to be codependent with dean; that's his decision.
and this is why soul survivor hurts so bad. because dean, like sam in season 9, declares that they're not family, not brothers. the role reversal continues, and sam is now suffering all of the pains he unwittingly put dean through by trying to maintain boundaries between them. now that he's realized he can't handle having those boundaries, any distance between him and dean is too much. here sam is, violating dean's autonomy and saving him against his will, just like dean has done to him so many times before. here he is, listening to dean reject him over and over again, like a parody of all sam's attempts to extricate himself from dean. he's on the other side now, staring down his brother and seeing his past self within him.
9.23 to 10.03 is just a speedrun of the previous 8 seasons but in reverse, with sam enduring the suffering of being in dean's position. and how tragic is it for sam to finally commit to his codependent relationship with dean, only for dean to leave him the moment it happens? how must that feel, for him to finally return his brother's feelings in all their toxic and fucked up glory, only to lose him in the worst way? to have all of his own words shouted back at him with the cruel intent to hurt—jesus christ. how am i supposed to cope with this in any normal way?
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age-of-play-i-say · 1 year
Daddy's Plush Replacement, pt. 3
(sorry this took so long y'all I had to study for work and could not spare the brain space, anyway this is part 3 of a 4 part story for @justpottytime, enjoy!)
(this one is heavy on the padding and the wettings, so if that's not your thing, respectfully keep scrolling)
If I try to be careful, I'm not gonna make it
I make a run for it and make a calculated leap for the potty and only let out a few dribbles as I settle down.
By the time butt’s fully on the seat, I’m already pottying full-force. I let out a gasp, punctuated by lifting one foot in the air while all my muscles freeze taut to focus on making potty. After about 20 seconds, my muscles start to finally relax. I start to feel the relief I craved while riding Teddie just now. I sit up on the potty and realize just how tingly everything feels.
I revel in the feeling, flicking my nipples and waggling my hips. I giggle, feeling silly at my urgent run over earlier.
Suddenly my butt feels entirely too warm and I panic and sit bolt upright.
Filled the potty already? But how? Am barely halfway empty! An I can’t stop making potty now!
Panicking, I cast around and see the little basket of puffy absorbent options Daddy left out right next to the potty. I lean forward and grab a thick, sturdy option and yank it open, standing only to shove the padding between my legs before collapsing to my knees, whining and yanking my regular-sized teddie to sit under the diaper, pressing the rapidly darkening padding up to my baby parts.
I drop my hands to the carpet and rock forward, letting the waves of pee shivers roll through me, guiding me slowly to grind back and forth, allowing potties to escape freely while pressing my stiff lil tdick to the crinkly diaper below.
Daddy is gonna be so proud of me! I realize, the relief of my half-controlled accident returning me to a comfortable, soft headspace. Made peepee in a diapey, hadda accident without him. I giggle sheepishly, and press my hips further down. The warmth of my pottie accident makes me moan out loud.
I close my eyes again and let my hips carry me, grinding and humping away at the warmth below. I wish Daddy could see me now, free and unashamed, I picture his proud smile, his hand gently and quickly pulling on my tdick while I tell him the details.
I need it so bad. I jam my hand between my legs, gripping my stiff baby tdick between my thumb and two fingers and stroking in short, even motions.
Ohhh, I want Daddy so bad. I need him, I need his praise, his smell, his voice.
“Daddy–” I yell as my tdick draws up and I come with one last gush into the soggy padding below.
After some deep breaths,  I look around shakily. No mess, just an almost overflowing bee potty and a diaper ready to go in the Diaper Genie under Daddy’s desk. I giggle, and come up on one knee. 
I did it! Kept Teddie dry, stayed in headspace! what should I–oh! 
Daddy’s not here to empty the potty (which has never filled before) until tomorrow morning. Clearly, I’ll need it again before then! 
The basket of padding options looms large in my peripheral vision. I’ve never let Daddy see me in any padding yet, but I want the freedom of diapers desperately. Lately, he and I have been going over ways to start with this addition to our dynamic, but nothing’s stuck yet.
But right now, alone with his love all around me, I think I can manage some padding.
I shrug alone like it’s no big deal, roll up the used diaper and toss it in the Genie. I scan through the diaper option and find that for all Daddy’s talk of the basket being “backup” there are enough options to last about a week. Shaking my head with a suppressed grin at Daddy's eagerness, I shuffle through the options.
I alight on a thick pullup for now, bladder sore from my unintentional hold. It has lilac lace patterns and a scalloped edge. I almost hold my breath while I tape it on, scared of hating it, scared of loving it.
I smooth my hands over the tapes and my hands automatically keeping feeling around, pressing the crinkly stuff to my sticky lil tdick and moaning.
Love it. Love it, love my daddy. I fight back a surge of anxiety and choose to stay in headspace.
“And Daddy loves me!” I remind myself aloud. The padding feels so right, soft and dry, and holding me close, promising to protect me.
I wrap my arms around my middle and do a little happy dance, enjoying the crinkles and tingles.
Still feelin’ all tingly everywhere I think. 
After a final check of the unusability of the bee potty, I close it and turn to Teddie, hogging the daybed. I know I want to play more, but I don’t know how yet. I certainly don’t want to take off my fresh padding to do it. I move towards the bedside tabe, going to grab my drink and take a peek at the other playtime toy options in the basket over there.
What's that?
A bit of motion in the corner of my eye catches my attention. I see myself mirrored in the frame of my still-recording, front-facing phone camera. As I step out of frame reflexively, I realize the closed bee potty and padding basket are in the dead center of the frame. I stop the recording and wait, heart pounding. Sure enough, scrolling through the frames of the video, I see myself bounce on Teddie, lots of motion and then a hard turn to the potty frames. I close out of the frame-viewer in my photos when I see my eyes cross. After a quick cringe break, I reopen the vid and find the moments of wetting padding quickly and my little happy dance. I freeze on my face after smoothing down the tapes.
I look so happy. And calm.
I take a screenshot. My heart pounds as I open the photo and the ‘share’ suggestions pop up, Daddy at the top of the list. I hit send, blush creeping down my neck to join the tingles all over my body. My phone opens his most recent messages, indicating he’s a restaurant with colleagues, having a lowkey and fun apps and drinks before heading back to his hotel room for the night.
Dots pop up almost immediately, Daddy’s seen it. It seems like forever a few minutes of typing before I get a bunch of emojis, an oh my god?? and a very sweet I’m so proud of you, Peanut!
Then a photo comes through, a bit grainy and dark. It’s Daddy’s lap, low light from a restaurant bulb just barely illuminating the unmistakable boner bulge in his jeans.
Fuck, baby, that’s so hot.
ye, Daddy? Wan see the vid?
Oh my god, baby, yes please. Then a few seconds later: Heading to the bathroom to watch because PHEW!
I send him the vid and tidy up my space for the evening, trying to let my padding and surroundings make me feel safe and cared for. 
Daddy loves when you’re his baby. He asked for the video himself. He won’t think you’re gross.
I queue up another movie and gather my next round of snacks and drinks to the bedside table.
It’ll be bedtime after this, I think. That’s what Daddy would want.
Feeling soft and obedient, I turn to the final task of arranging Teddie to sit up so I can sit on his lap, all cozy and padded, and then my phone chirps.
A video thumbnail appears, Daddy’s button-up in the center of the frame, with an arm in front of him pops up and I grab my earbuds, baby parts tingling with anticipation.
I hear him shuffling, skin against skin, and the camera focuses slowly, illuminating Daddy mostly from the waist up in a dim single-stall bathroom. He doesn’t look directly at the camera, but his breathing is deep and strained. I can hear, but not quite see, his belt jingling and being unbuckled. He backs away from the phone to get his big Daddy dick out, and immediately wraps it up with both hands, stroking it firmly and thrusting into his hands, humping faster and faster.
Suddenly he slows, shivers, and speeds up, violently thrusting until his cummies spill in the sink. He collapses forward onto his elbows on the sink, murmuring into the camera’s microphone Oh that was so hot Baby, oh my god, you did up your padding all on your own. Daddy is going to treat you so right when he gets home, little one, ohhhh my god, oh god. Okay. I gotta clean up and pretend my Baby didn’t just send me my literal wet dream scenario. Jesus fuckkk. The video ends after he tucks himself back into his pants and goes to wash his hands.
I’m burning for him, tingling ramping all over my body, but especially where my pull-up covers everything I’d need to get to to find release. I whine, too baby-ish to think of a solution. My phone chirps again.
Remember what I said about Teddie’s tail?
A surprise?
Yes, a surprise just in case you were brave enough not to break when the potty filled up. Something you can feel through any padding.
I approach Teddie, flipping him over as fast as his mass would allow to see his tail. What I see is the handle of a rechargeable magic wand, with the head of the wand making up the bulk of Teddie’s plushie tail. I settle Teddie so he’s nice and stable and stand behind him on the daybed, lifting my hips to settle my crinkly parts on his tail and flip on the wand.
Immediate sensation shoots through my pullup, vibrating my entire lower half, focusing on the aching clit and dripping parts. My tingles spread out under my skin and I remove my t-shirt when they climb my neck. I’m aching and dripping, getting closer and closer to a release that feels . . . Daddy-ordained. 
I turn up the wand and close my eyes. 
Daddy wants this, Daddy wants this, don’t hold back, let it all out!
Stunningly fast, the pulses from my baby parts radiate out from there, rolling through every muscle of my body in a warm wave of bliss. I turn the wand off and relax my muscles with my eyes still closed. I know I squirted, so I’m gonna have to remove this padding for bedtime anyway. I lean forward and throw out my camera’s kickstand again and shuffle around to press record.
“Gotta get out all the squirties before I pad up for sleepies.” I say softly into the camera, “following your instructions, Daddy.”
I get back behind Teddy, this time driving my hips into the re-engaged wand on his tail, grinding his prone form hard enough to hear the crinkling of my pull up.
I look right at the camera, not feeling shy in this space, feeling loose and uninhibited. I turn up the wand and hump faster, carefree and sloppy as my diapey crinkles on Teddie’s tail.
“Gonna let it out, Daddy, gotta let it all out for you, oh oh oH-” I say before my eyes start roll back.
Shaking, legs locked while standing, I crest over the top of a very intense orgasm, purposefully tipping forward to let the wand stimulate my tdick and peehole all at once. A loud hiss bursts into the pullup and I keep humping out all my potties until the hissing finally ends, turning off the wand, and reaching for the camera. Between the two orgasms and the wettings, I’m all tuckered out. I’m panting and smiling for the camera, happy I finally feel brave enough to let Daddy into this part of my sexual life.
“Time for night-night padding!” I say cheerily, before hitting the record button to end the video.
I send it, and hop down to dispose of my now-soaked pull up.
I was right, I needed one last release before bedtime.
I run over to the Diaper Genie, untape and toss it in. I feel a strange little loss, and hum unhappily. I grab the thickest diaper in the basket and tape it on. My brain goes quiet, my headspace is secure.
Am good baby.
I toddle around, grabbing some savory snacks and another big sippy drink, and flip Teddie over to sit him up and settle in his arms, wearing only socks and a diaper to watch Emperor’s New Groove. My phone chirps a few times, but babies don’t hafta answer phones. I let my lids get heavier and heavier, empty sippy slipping from my hand as I crash for the night, spread eagle between Teddie’s plushie legs. I snuffle and flip to lay on top of Teddie, pushing him back with my eyes half–closed to straddle him and fall asleep instantly. Teddie’s hard cock pressed against the outside of my thick padding and the last thing I remember before falling asleep is clenching and producing a small gush instantly absorbed by my padding.
Ni ni, Teddie, ni ni Daddy.
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strawberrycatty · 2 years
Reposting because I don't want to throw omo at op, but this just showed up on my dash and i'm having so many thoughts
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creepyscritches · 1 year
Pee-Pee went to the vet today and the vet was so beyond impressed at just how huge he is that he started flapping different fat folds around to point out how fucking large this pig is
3.5lbs........how does an animal get that fat off of bell peppers and romaine
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Fuck Pee Ess Gee and Laporta, enjoy softie Lionel pics instead.
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
well the good news is that if the last things you do before falling asleep are read a bit of a children’s fantasy book and then think about your guys, you do get to have dreams about your guys in a fun fantasy setting! the bad news is that all of that goes out the window once your bladder realizes it has control over your dreams and turns them into a hellish nightmare until you realize you have to wake up to pee. it happens.
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pygartheangel · 1 year
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Gilbert Lewis - The King of Cartoons during the first season of "Pee Wee's Playhouse" in 1986
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konodimada · 1 year
Tbh the fact that Mista wasn’t too shocked when Abbachio whipped it out and pissed in the teapot and the fact that everyone was so shocked when Giorno “drank” the tea makes me think that this is a hazing ritual they do and they’ve all been given the Piss Teacup.
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milo-is-rambling · 11 months
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View from my bed 👍
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yzerman · 1 year
i joke abt drugs a lot on here but honestly my short term memory is shot to all hell and i used to be so much smarter than i am now and i cry abt it a lot
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lonelyhumanoid · 1 year
Not being able to differentiate/separate fantasy (sexual in particular) from reality is fucking
✨C R I N G E✨
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bad-ads · 2 years
and is this “divine feminine” in the room with us now?
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xhatake · 1 year
watching this show has made me realize that my main dnd character [ vaeron moongleam ] is just percy if he was itachi
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