#and bless ur soul for reading ALL of them wow i am speechless!
panevanbuckley ยท 1 year
I am literally half way through reading all of ur buddie fics. I am in love, enamored, kicking my feet twirling my hair. I love ur shit sm u r amazing <3
anonymously tell me how you feel about me. i can't reply, i just have to read it and post it. ๐Ÿ’–
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thefloorisbalaclava ยท 4 years
okay i just wanted 2 say . that u.. i just. u rly are smth . arent u honey. okay sorry for when this makes zero sense u can one hundred percent ignore this im ill and delirious rn and after writing all this i did Not Mean for this 2 be so unnecessarily long but;;; i was just reading my way through ur masterlist (Like Fucking Always, thats just everyday for me) and i was just overcome by idek . the everything abt u. im damn near 2 tears hitting the keyboard as i type this. god i love u so much u have no idea U HAVE NO IDEA !!!!!!!! this is in no way shape or form an exaggeration idc that ive never interacted w u properly bc i have so much love in my heart for u. sometimes when i see ur posts i have 2 squeak 2 release tension. its so so overwhelming . everything Is bad atm ,everything is depressing and lonely and dark but not ur work, never ever ever ur work. ur stories are my coping mechanism. there are times i have been entirely reliant on them and u have not once ever ever ever failed 2 deliver and somehow, although u never even couldve been able 2 know abt me , they always arrived at the right time . (and dont start thinking this is a big deal over frankie morales fanfic bc IT ISNT 2 ME !!!!!!! my perspective on the world right now is. im so so afraid of just. mainly slipping into the headspace i used 2 live in. i fear that i will do it by accident and have 2 fight my way out again. but i am as determined as i can be 2 not 2 ever let myself lose hope again. ur stories are my hope. they are the relief. im not sure if u can fathom how important it is 2 me that ur blog is always here. its constant and lovely and comforting and sweet.) u are akin 2 literally my guardian angel i am not joking i see u on my dash and my brain: oh wow a divine intervention. as i said u dont have 2 respond 2 this but i cant stay silent bc ur so crucial 2 me. i NEEDED one hundred percent NEEDED 2 tell u that a) u are making such a big impact on me. i am listening i am listening so hard 2 ur every word . i have been listening for a long time and i will continue 2 do so. i am growing and improving and admiring. and b) i am so so unbelievably grateful for that. for u. u live in my mind rent fucking free!!!!!! u bring so much joy 2 my life. u make me smile. u are such a passionate and refreshing storyteller. thank u . thank u thank u thank u. so much
i'm sorry it took me so long to answer this. i'm just...well...I'm overwhelmed. I've never had someone say anything like this to me. I don't think I or my writing has ever been this important to anyone and I'm just...kinda speechless. I'm honored. I feel so blessed. I should be thanking you for being so open, so real with me. I am beyond touched. I know we don't know each other but I have lots of love for you and i hope you can feel that in every word I write! I am so sorry things are tough right now but I'm glad I can bring some semblance of joy to you.
you are gonna get everything you deserve in life because I can tell from this message that you are a sweet and kind soul. you deserve happiness and all that comes with it.
thank you for this ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
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