#and buck basically implying he was betrayed by eddie
warpedpuppeteer · 5 months
Remember when Eddie went full on Scorned Wife mode at a grocery store and called Buck a No Good Husband and a Deadbeat Dad like they were on the edge of getting a divorce?? 😭 And Buck was like "why can't you see my side in this!" like an upset husband who expected his spouse to always have his back no matter what but is betraying him by taking the other side?? And they weren't even dating? Fucking wild 😭
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lemotmo · 3 months
First time I've seen them be, deservedly and understandably, short with someone. The ask was vile but I love the answer so enjoy! You will have no trouble figuring out what the ask was.
A. Anon, I debated long and hard about answering your ask because, to be frank, it's rude as hell. But I decided to answer it because there are a couple of points I would like to make and you gave me an opening. I will be more polite to you than your ask was to me, but this is my third draft of this response and it's still not as polite as I strive to be to people, but it's clearly as polite as I can be on this one. Enjoy.
It's not possible to 'turn on Tommy'. He is a plot device. His character is whatever the plot needs him to be. I said from day one I liked the intended purpose of Tommy as far as present Buck is concerned. I get what the show is doing with him and I like it, right now, for Buck. I never pretended it was more than that. You are correct, my blog has lots of pro Eddie/Buddie posts. I've watched from the beginning. If you actually watch the show it is hard to not like him/them. You're also correct in that I view Buck/Eddie/Christopher as a family unit. That's the way they're written. We're supposed to see them that way, again watch the show for context. I love Eddie. He deserves better than the neverending Shannon go round. Ryan's recent interviews seem to imply he would also like to get off that particular ride. That doesn't make me or anyone else a Tommy traitor, because again, can't betray a plot device.
As for the Lou part of your ask, I have made no secret of my personal issues with him. I don't feel the need to reference it in every single answer I give, but they're easy to find on my blog. Screaming at me that we have no proof he's supported trump since 2016 is not the character win you seem to think it is. He was just as misogynistic, homophobic and racist then. So not a point in Lou's favor. I also have issues with the Cameo videos. It's gross to charge fans to talk to you. Did he have every right to capitalize on his fandom moment, sure, but I can still think it's icky. I can also acknowledge the nightmare it has caused for Oliver and Tim, and even more disgustingly so, Ryan. Most of us figured out it was the same 8 or 9 blogs purchasing the videos (no surprise who those blogs were) which I'm also sure Lou eventually figured out. He wasn't talking to a wide audience. The view count told you that. Which is why I stress that people have to stop pretending that Buck and Tommy are some wide spread loved couple. Reality doesn't support that. Shouting into a vacuum of like minded people is not the same thing as being an audience favorite and most of the people shouting know this. The videos served no purpose except financial. Which again, he had every right to do, but i have the right to be grossed out by it. I try very hard to be respectful of everyone's opinions. I am an adult. I don't need everyone to agree with my every thought. I expect the same basic level of politeness in my ask box. Your misunderstanding or deliberate ignorance of what is very clearly displayed on my blog is not my responsibility. I understand what I think the show is trying to do with the character of Tommy. I get it, and I don't hate it. I like the idea. Voicing that was never stating I'm anti Eddie or Buddie. And understanding and voicing where I think the show is going doesn't make me a Tommy traitor. Because once more, he's a plot device.
Louder for the people in back!
Oh wow. What a truth bomb. Slay! OP your ability to stay calm and collected when obviously answering a very rude and disrespectful ask is remarkable and commendable. I always strive to do the same on my blog, but even I sometimes lose my patience when it comes to the more 'rude' messages in my inbox.
What can I say about this? It's the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Enough said.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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bandsanitizer · 5 years
After 3x05, specifically The Market Scene™️, I’m pretty convinced that Buddie is going to happen and I don’t just mean it from a “Eddie misses Buck” perspective.
(Under the cut because it’s a long post.)
With the first valid reason toxic masculinity just ain’t it for Eddie’s anger towards Buck being “Christopher misses you”, it is established that Eddie sees Buck as responsible for Christopher to some degree. Whether this is conscious or not, the statement implies that Buck’s important to Christopher’s well-being AND Buck should be/is aware of that.
This isn’t a statement of, “Hey can you visit Christopher?” It’s one that implicitly questions why Buck would do something that causes Christopher to feel that way. The whole argument, in fact, is over why Buck would follow through with the lawsuit, given the consequences. It says that Buck should known better. It says that Buck should’ve thought more— Thought more about Christopher.
There is canon evidence of Eddie holding resentment towards 2 people when it comes to the treatment, and lack of communication and involvement with Christopher, prior to the episode.
Who? Shannon and himself, aka Christopher’s two parents.
Eddie expresses, maybe more implies, regrets towards being deployed after Christopher’s birth, in the Christmas episode. He also showcases resentment towards the fact that Shannon left, mainly in terms of her leaving and not contacting Christopher.
And look what we have here: Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley leaving Christopher behind and cutting off contact with him and Eddie.
“Oh, but Buck’s not his parent.”
Here’s the thing, though. For all that canon dynamics and dialogue implies, Buck is a parental figure in Christopher’s life and Eddie sees that.
I lack specifics of canon moments, but Buck is with Eddie to pick-up Christopher in several accounts. Eddie seems initially pretty trusting of Buck’s recommendation of Carla because it’s Buck. Buck coming along for Santa pictures. Eddie has Buck watch Christopher, despite Buck being in a not-so-good mental state, which implicates a trust that Buck will put Christopher first, enough to get out of his head.
Y’know the whole debate of whether or not Buck has stuff to do when Eddie gets him out of bed at the beginning of the season? That is followed up with Christopher hanging out with Buck and Eddie needing someone to watch Christopher. While never explicitly stated, watching Christopher is the thing that Buck is getting up to do. Eddie couldn’t have possibly been sure that Buck would be ready/up for it. Thus, it showcases Eddie’s trust that Buck will be able to put the stuff behind him for the sake of being a good caretaker of Christopher while Eddie cannot.
This trust is, then, explicitly stated at the end of 3x03. The whole “there’s no one in this world i trust more with my son than you”.
That’s not shit you just tell your friend and parents are, often, not people to use their kids flippantly. This isn’t something that Eddie would just say for the sake of cheering up Buck. That’s not the kind of parent Eddie is. It’s something that Eddie truly feels. There’s a trust with Christopher that Eddie has with Buck that’s unlike the trust he places in anyone else.
It’s the trust that Buck is going to protect Christopher, that Buck is going to put Christopher first, and that Buck would do whatever it takes to ensure Christopher’s safety. It’s implied by the conversation happening when it does, after Buck, hurt and injured, out there searching for Christopher the moment he lost him in the tsunami. Eddie expressing his trust then, having Buck, again watch Christopher partially for Buck’s own mental health, and Eddie thanking Buck for not giving up, showcases that Eddie truly believes that Buck will put Christopher first.
Which is an extremely parental trait, emphasized by the way that Eddie puts Christopher first. It’s also a trait that is usually one of, if not the, most important traits in a single parent’s potential S/O. They have to be able to understand that their child and their child’s well-being comes first. So Buck, displaying that, makes him the front-runner for potential romantic interest for Eddie, at least from a writing perspective.
And this trust Eddie has in Buck, is what leads to Eddie’s anger and frustration.
We’ve basically only seen Eddie angry once prior to the market fight, and that’s when he beats up a guy for insulting Christopher. Yes, it’s initially about the parking space, but for the most part, it’s not extremely heated and more of “I’m sick of people like this”, until Christopher is involved. It establishes pretty solid grounds of what truly makes Eddie snap.
Now fastforward to the market scene and guess what most of Eddie’s anger at Buck centers around? The inability for Eddie to depend on Buck for Christopher’s best-interest. Not in the sense that Buck has other responsibilities, but the implication the conscious choice of the lawsuit has in terms of Buck not caring or not prioritizing Christopher enough. Eddie is angry because all that trust he put in Buck to put Christopher first, to be good for Christopher? It’s been betrayed
If Buck cannot think about how his actions affect Christopher, then Eddie cannot trust Buck with Christopher. Which, again, as friends it’s not the end of the world. It’s not the kind of responsibility you expect from a friend.
However, it’s one you’d expect from an S/O or parental figure, or at least someone trying to be. While it’s Eddie being protective of Christopher, it also speaks volumes of how Eddie views Buck. Eddie pushes for Buck to see how self-centered he’s being. Eddie is arguing for the fact that Buck needs to see the repercussions this has on people other than himself, mainly Christopher. It’s pushing for responsibility and, in regards to Christopher, a more parental view.
Eddie likely wouldn’t push it if he hadn’t initially expected more from Buck—expected Buck to not be so self-centric as to forego thinking how it would impact Christopher. Eddie brings up Christopher, not just because Eddie is Christopher’s dad, but because Eddie knows that Buck gives a shit. Eddie knows that despite Buck’s choices, saying that is going to hurt Buck and make him rethink what he’s done.
It’s grounds for Buck reassessing his choices and ability to put Christopher first, or at least have concern towards his best-interests. It’s also an insight into Eddie’s dependence upon Buck in a way that showcases that Eddie sees Buck as a parental figure in Christopher’s life.
Which, again, romance isn’t necessary, but the effort to achieve said dynamic would be wasted if there wasn’t a relationship pursued here. Additionally, Buck’s guilt and the bringing up of Christopher lays grounds for a resolutory scene between Christopher and Buck, and Buck and Eddie.
In the same way that Eddie wouldn’t have brought up Christopher if he didn’t have expectations for Buck, there’s no reason for Buck to have responded as he did, if the show wasn’t at least going to give a resolving scene.
Buck’s immediate guilt and suggestion to see Christopher, lawsuit be damned, is grounds to show that Buck hurting/foregoing to think about how it would affect Christopher was not intentional. It actually, is something closer to Buck not having realised that this would affect Christopher this way. It’s a way of establishing that, no Eddie is wrong, Buck does care about Christopher. It’s a very desperate call to save what trust Eddie has left with Buck and for Buck to reestablish any sort of presence in Christopher’s life.
It’s very much akin to the major conflicts in romantic plots with single parents in any media. There’s the initial lack of trust, the establishment of trust, an unintentional but damning breaking of said trust, the talk about what the trust implies, and the slow rebuilding of said trust.
Buck, if written true to his character, will fight for a moment to apologize and fix his relationship with Christopher. This will reestablish trust there. As for with Eddie, given Buck asks about him at the end of the episode, there’s some basis for Buck having a major role in helping Eddie’s whole rage arc. Especially, given that Eddie was the one to help Buck at the beginning of the season with his own mental struggles. This will, then, allow for talking and for the reestablishment of trust between Eddie and Buck.
That last part is mostly hypothetical, but this show, I’d say, is pretty good with foreshadowing and manipulation of trailers, and following through with plots. As such, given the effort they’ve put into building the dynamics between Eddie, Buck, and Christopher, along with the subsequent but quick change in said relationship in the past episode, the ground for the development of Buddie into a canon romantic relationship is there.
While neither Buck nor Eddie are necessarily in the place to have the introduction of a new romantic interest, this entire conflict would need to end with a tattered relationship in order for any character to be established as a love interest for Eddie that surpasses Buck, literally the person Eddie trusts with Christopher the most. This would take a while, or some miracle, to establish, but would be necessary because that’s an incredibly necessary trait for single-parent potential partners. They have to be the best for the kid. Whoever Eddie does end up with needs to be the best person to and for Christopher.
And despite everything, it’s still Buck. It’s still Buck because, as said previously, Buck’s initial reaction to Eddie’s reasoning is guilt, and to see Christopher and make things right. This is the only immediate action to resolve things that Buck’s has in regards to anyone hurt by his lawsuit. Granted, Christopher is a kid and not the 118, but the fact stands.
There’s too much preestablished, too much implied, and too much effort put into Eddie, Buck, and Christopher’s relationship for the writers to pursue anything different. Like it would be poor follow-through/planning to randomly establish a love interest for either character at this point.
Eddie’s view of Buck as a parental figure to Christopher, along with the Buck’s responsibility in concerns to Christopher that Buck’s guilt implies (along with the tsunami plot), makes for a basis of potential Buddie. One that might not happen by mid-season 3, but definitely possible, and very very likely.
There’s so much established dynamic and complexity there, that I believe Buddie has a good basis after the episode, and honestly the show would be terrible writers, writers with inability to cohesively develop plots, if Buddie didn’t become canon.
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