#and can kuukou use his ability more than once???? like could he seal off all of his opponent’s abilities if given the time????? 🤔🤔🤔
akkivee · 1 year
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kuukou’s and hitoya’s abilities!!!!
we didn’t get to see jyushi’s yet, but hitoya’s objection sends the move right back at the opponent!!! hitoya uses his ability in retaliation against hifumi, whose ability as we know makes the opposing member attack their own team, which is exactly what happens; hifumi winds up attacking his own team!!! so it looks like hitoya can send the ability effects right back at them as well!!!
as for kuukou, his takes a moment to charge up apparently, but once he’s done, meditation can seal off his opponent’s ability!!! he uses it on jakurai and we see sensei take no damage from the ability itself. but upon attempting to heal his teammates, his ability looked almost cancelled out completely. whether or not the the ability stays sealed for the rest of the match or if kuukou has to be taken out/heavily damaged will have to be answered next month possibly lol
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