#and caravan means. moving out. which is huge and scary and requires a lot of thinking and financial decisions and i cant really handle that
elibeeline · 6 months
Sibling keeps reassuring me that its definitely good. I need it to definitely be good i swear to gods
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walterblythe87-blog · 6 years
Are we all really ready?
As I was in the shower the other day, I was listening to Patriot Soap Box on YouTube.  It was their afternoon live broadcast.  The women who was speaking was reading a post from an anon on VOAT.  It struck me pretty deep because it put a lot of things going on into perspective.  I will share the post with all you fine folk.  Submitted by an ANON.
“For a starter, if I understand things correctly, America is about to see over 50,000 people arrested for crimes that as they are revealed will obliterate doubts or calls for leniency.
As long as the coming ‘purge’ of the swamp (think FISA, Human Trafficking, etc.) is truly as portrayed, it is a good thing.
Most of the people I guess are “higher up”, and they need to go, but what of their lesser minions? Will they be arrested too? Are they going to just watch? Will they run or hide? Will they help or refuse to? How likely is it that they, if civilians, will fight and, if official/enforcement, will mutiny and fight? What will the ultra-left wing “resistors” do?
What would that mean for Patriots? Are you really prepared?
Arresting over 50,000 people scattered across the entire country, some in every State, is a very large and complex operation. Complex logistics and security, yes, but consider the legal aspects involved. To do this whole thing in a Constitutional manner with minimum damage to innocents requires very precise logical thinking, lots of research, and tons of preparation such as the Executive order re: military tribunals which takes effect first thing of 2019 or the declaration of a National Emergency on December 21, 2017 because of the damage these perps were/are doing, can do, and were about to do.
Add to this the complexity of communications with the public - such as Q and his drops. * How do we prepare the people for something like this? * What do we tell them so as to minimize interference and maximize cooperation? * When should what be released and how? Think about that. Information, propaganda, directions, successes. * How well are the releases getting through? How well are they being accepted? Think penetration rate. * What is the best approach to take, the most effective both in penetration and content? Lots of complexity. Lots of analysis. Many small decisions, some minute by minute. Think logically. Connect the dots.
On top of all that, add (the fact?) that there are 50,000+ moving targets to keep track of so that when the time comes, mobilization and take down for all at each location can happen almost simultaneously. That is a very tall order, regardless of the fact that this has been in the works for many years (even back in the 1950's).
Q says, "we have it all". Intelligence (NSA?) helps for sure. Great (military) minds and strategists, yep. Lots of impressive technology, uh huh. And of course POTUS! But is that really it? What if there's more?
[Q #918 - “Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here”]
What if the baker has a secret ingredient?
Remember Jade Helm 15? -- The acronym JADE HELM stands for: → an App: Joint Assistance for Deployment Execution → plus one module within the app: Homeland Eradication of Local Militants. One app, one module, many functions. What are those functions? How many other apps and modules are there? What do they do?
IMO, Jade Helm (2015) was partially a test of an AI to do (among other things) pretty much the exact thing discussed above - monitor and track people in real time via audio, analog, digital input and guide individual take-out teams on the ground. This while also guiding all the teams in the entire operation and while tracking/reporting their positions & progress, predicting and adjusting as situations require. [DJ at Level9News did an excellent job on this & it is well worth the listen -- [https://www.level9news.com/caravan-to-midnight-episode-309-jade-helm-decoded/] ... just separate the robot mechanics from the AI system. IMO. the latter is much further along than the former]
One task or function of this AI is to, “Predict human behavior and act before it occurs.” How does that fit in with Q-drops?
It seems to me this operation is utilizing a military AI, similar to Jade Helm but improved. This may be a fascinating topic and certainly is a huge advantage as to how they can win the battle(s) before engaging. It is also why the op should succeed. It would also explain why or how the plan/op thus far seems to be progressing like a very well played, almost flawless, chess game.
But... Connect the dots. Think logically.
Once the People have the government back (crooked politicians thrown out), where will the financial and corporate execs be? Are not some of these to go also? What about all the corporations and systems run by or owned by the perps?
What if, for example, the top folks at Google fall? Under Executive Order 13818 “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” [https://www.federalregister.gov/executive-order/13818] what happens to their extensive personal property? What happens to Google? Who will be in charge?
What happens when the leaders of however many large conglomerates lose their assets and go away? Is it 'game over, let's divide up the spoils'? Or does it initiate the big reset? Or is it both?
Don't get me wrong, under the circumstances, I'm OK with all of that. Really I am. Grateful even. So long as I'm not one of the “spoils”.
All of which underscores the main point & most important fact that we the People cannot afford to relax and let anything like this happen again.
Something big is coming out of all this, much more than you realize and even more powerful and pervasive than before.
[Q+ #2118] -- “there was a time when...”
September is Disaster Preparedness Month. IMO, the Emergency Broadcasting System test (delayed until on Oct 3) will be just that, a test. Would you advertise when you're going to mount an operation of this scope? No, you'd test one of the main (and critical) systems first, and then deploy. It could be 10 minutes later, 1 day, or 10 days, but only after the success of the test is assessed.
Or, skip the test and deploy beforehand. Either way, the big hurdle, IMO, concerns the November elections. What if some of the perps are on the ballot? Unless they've resigned & are not running, which I doubt is the case, do you arrest them before the elections? Or wait until after? If done before, along with timely revelations, the people should understand, but how will ballots be adjusted? Do it after, the people will wonder and there will be a need to re-do the elections and what happens as we wait for those? Either way, it seems to me we're going to need special elections. Meanwhile, who's in charge? Does the military fill-in? Think Martial Law and for how long?
Here's another view on this: [https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-09-23-emergency-report-signed-executive-orders-reveal-trump-is-planning-mass-arrests-military-tribunals-for-deep-state-traitors-like-comey-clinton-and-obama.html] -- 09/23/18 -- EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama
What is phase +2? Dissolve the Fed and institute a cashless cryptocurrency society? What is phase +3? “Full Spectrum Dominance”? How does WiFi 5g and internet of things fit in? It does, you know. Everything online, all the time, tracked to you and what you do or use. Here's an astute clue: PEARL HARBOR 2.0 -- [https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/pearl-harbor-2-0/]
Increase your attention span. Expand you're field of view. The information has been out there for years.
Mr X says: “Tell him the coming change defies all imagination. We are living through history.” [https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/22005-stunning-new-briefings-spy-satellites-down-deep-state-arrests-finally-imminent/]
[Q #1870] -- “This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!” [Q #1761] -- “Bigger than you realize.” [Q #1658] -- “This is bigger than people can possibly imagine.” [Q #1214] -- “Bigger than you can imagine.” [Q #1103] -- “This is BIGGER than you think.” [Q #1097] -- “Bigger than you know.” [Q #1072] -- “Bigger than you can imagine.” [Q #1032] -- “Bigger than you know.” [Q #772] -- “THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE” [Q #668] -- “THIS IS BIGGER THAN ANYONE CAN IMAGINE.”
Think logically. Connect the dots.
If the country is truly given back to the People, can the people keep it? We lost it once already. Are the People ready and willing to do the work required? Think Constitution. Think Federalist Papers.
And if the country/government is not given back, can the People take it back? Under these circumstances, I think it unlikely but worth a really solid try.
If memory serves (I cannot find the docs at this time) it was Samuel Adams, who while at and participating in the Constitutional Convention, wrote home to his wife saying, (not exact quote but should be close enough to get the point across), 'The success of this “grand experiment” that we are embarking upon depends on every man putting the good of his country above his own.’
Patriots, are you really ready? Be vigilant. Be prepared. In God We Trust”
WOW! When you really get to the core of the matter, it will chill you to the bone.  We don’t know what to expect or how the world will be after all of this happens.  I personally don’t think that we will be set into an AI and cryptocurrency spiral of a new world, but yet again we don’t know.  I have already been prepping and setting up my survival gear, stocking ammo, so on and so forth.  I’m not trying to scary anyone here, but we most certainly need to be ready and prepared to face anything.  Q has been telling us and showing us tweets of these left wing extremists saying that they have mass scale riots planned if Kavanaugh gets confirmed, and that’s just about ABORTION! Imagine how the world is going to react when the human trafficking stuff all starts to come out.  I think most people will be shocked and come aboard the side of the good, but there will be a small portion of people who do not believe it and they will think it is Donald Trump being an Authoritative dictator who is just eliminating his political opposition.  Stay the course and trust the plan.  With that being said fellow patriots, stay vigilante, stay safe.  See something say something and in God We Trust!
-Walter Blythe a.k.a. Wolfie
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