#and crashes on that universe's charlie's couch for 8 months
cowboyvillainz · 8 months
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herostaire. I like him.
something I have never done before is draw out the way a character's fashion sense progresses over time. it was super fun to think about... I love to draw clothes and this took it to another level by mixing it with characterization and story arcs. TASTY!
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Timeless - Five Hargreeves x Reader
Main story parts:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28
Pt 28 - A Family Reunion
Gently you and Five parted from your kiss as you finally took in air again. Dropping your hands from his face you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your forehead against his. You hadn't opened your eyes yet as you were taking in every bit of this moment. As you did so Five lowered his hands from your face and wrapped his arms around your waist quickly pulling you closer to him.
"Oh!" You let out, surprised at the sudden action
"Didn't mean to scare you there." Five comments as he holds you tightly
He had missed you so much. It had only been about three days but all that time was filled with the worry of if you even existed in this timeline, where you could've been, and if you still loved him after tearing you from the life you re-built. He heard you say it, that you love him, and he felt it in the kiss you just shared but he didn't understand how you could love him after he threw you into time alone, again. Five pressed his forehead back against yours as he tries to just appreciate the solace of having you here with him. As you held your boyfriend for the first time in years you could feel something was off. Pulling your head back, you look at Five. He looks back at you and you can see that something was going on behind his eyes. Gently you stroke his hair as you quietly ask,
"What's going on in that head of yours?"
Five looked at you, your head tilted slightly as your eyes searched his face for some type of answer. He melted at the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair and across the back of his neck. Five closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours once more. His voice barely a whisper as he said
"I promised no apocalypse and no time travel and I left you in time again. Alone. I just...are you mad at me?"
"I could never be mad at you, I missed you so much." You replied gently
A smile crept to Five's face and a weight fell off his shoulders knowing that you weren't upset with him, but your response also amused him. It was the exact same response he had given you when he returned to the future. It was what he said to ease your worry that he was mad at you all those years ago when he left and got stuck in the apocalypse. Five tilted his head up and places a light kiss on your forehead before replying,
"I missed you too ma chérie."
As the two of you stood embraced under the night sky a voice came from down the alleyway calling,
"Hey (Y/N), you okay? You stopped talking to the universe."
You and Five both turn to look at where the voice came from and you see Charlie standing at the entrance to the alley.
"Oh Charlie, I forgot you were here." You comment
"FORGOT?! What do you mean forgot? Do I matter that little to you?" Charlie exclaims before quickly adding "Don't answer that."
Charlie makes his way over to where you are with Five. Leaving the embrace you grab Five's hand to hold as you gesture with the other one to your friend.
"Charlie, this is my boyfriend Five and Five, this is my friend Charlie." You explain "He's the one who kept me sane while I was stuck in this time."
"That's a pretty bold claim saying I kept you sane..." Charlie states before extending his hand out and exclaiming "But wow! It's great to finally meet you. She never shuts up about you."
"Charlie!" You say using your freehand to hit his arm "Don't make me mute you."
"DoN'T MakE mE mUte YoU" Charlie mocks
With his free hand, Five takes Charlie's and shakes it. A full smile appears on his face as he comments,
"I see she's rubbed off on you."
"Not entirely, but definitely too much." Charlie jokes
"Wow, okay." You say sarcastically
Charlie and Five stop shaking hands and Five let go of yours using that arm to wrap around your waist and pull you into his side. Five looks down and you before back to Charlie and says,
"Thank you for taking care of her while I was gone."
"Thank you for coming back and taking over," Charlie jokes before stating "I'm joking, she's the only friend I've ever had so it's been a great experience so far."
"Never a dull day." You add
"I bet." Five replies
As the three of you stand in the alley, Five catches something move out of his peripheral and looks up to see Diego passing by one of the windows. He doesn't notice any of you down in the alleyway though so, a thought comes to Five's mind. As much as he hated the way his brother had been treating him lately, he knew that his brother loved you too. And Diego definitely loved you more than him. Turning to you, Five comments,
"It's getting a bit chilly out here, why don't we head inside. Anyway, I think there's someone else who wants to see you too."
Five then tilts his head to gesture up to the window where Diego is and you turn your head to look. It was your brother. The smile that you had at being reunited with Five widened as you saw your older brother above you. You turn back to Five excited and Five says,
"Let's go. You too Charlie."
Charlie smiles excitedly and the three of you walk inside and start to head up the staircase. As you do so, Five quietly details a plan to surprise Diego. When you approached the door to the apartment you waited quietly with Charlie outside. Five entered alone and as he did Diego asked him,
"Where did you go?"
"Outside. I needed some air and I had a nice chat." Five replies bluntly
Five then closes the door which is your signal and you go invisible and phase yourself through the wall and quietly walk behind where Diego stood. The anticipation rushed through you and you wanted to just run and hug your brother but you know this would mean so much more.
"You had a chat?" Diego questioned, "With who?"
"With me." You said
Diego turned around to look at where the voice came from and when he did you revealed yourself. You looked up at him with a smile on your face. You can see Diego's face go through a series of emotions as he tries to process the sight of you before him. Shifting from shock to confusion to awe he looks on at his little sister before him. You can see him get misty-eyed as he slowly approaches you.
"(Y- (Y/N)?" He asks voice wavering
"Hi Eggo."
Diego quietly takes a few steps over to you before wrapping you in a tight hug. You could hear sniffles coming from him as he held you.
"Eggo are you crying?"
"What? No...I- it's just d-dust" Diego obviously lies
You looked towards Five and rolled your eyes at Diego's response as you hugged him tighter. You knew that your brother had missed you too and even if he was trying to act tough his true colors always showed through. As you held him a knock came from the door. Diego quickly lets go of you and pulls out a knife. A voice calls,
"Can I come in now?"
Diego poises himself ready to throw but you lower his arm. As he looks at you confused you open the door and let Charlie inside.
"Hi, I'm Charlie," Charlie says extending his hand again
Diego looks on at him confused before slowly taking his hand to shake it and replying,
As you all stand there looking at each other you can feel the tiredness of your feet from standing in heels so long. Looking over towards the living room you see some couches and decide to sit down. As you walk over there the others follow.
"Som how long have you guys been here?" You question
"Three days." Five replies
"About eighty for me," Diego adds
Diego and Five walk over to the couch across from the two sofa chairs as you sit down on one of them. As Charlie takes the other one Diego asks you,
"So how long have you been here?"
You look off to the side. You knew the number of days but actually realizing how long it had been...You were taken aback a little. You look towards them and bring your eyes to meet their gazes. Taking a small breath you quietly respond,
"one thousand, four hundred and eighteen days..."
Their jaws drop and they simultaneously sit down on the couch across from you. No words are said as they stare at you. Five could barely find words to say as his mind was racing too fast calculating the amount of time. Figuring out the amount, Five's eyes went wide with concern.
"(Y/N)...that's..." Five tries to get out
"Three years, ten months, and eighteen days." You state
"Holy shit," Diego says slumping back into the couch
Five's heart dropped and the weight that he thought had left his shoulders came crashing back in full force. You were here for almost four years? He left you for years on end...again? Five looked down at the floor ashamed, he couldn't dare to look you in the eyes right now. He cursed at himself internally for making the exact same mistake that he did the first time but more so he promised himself to keep you safe and he failed. Even if you had already said you weren't mad for what happened and had forgiven him, Five couldn't forgive himself. He needed to make this up to you. He needed to get you home. As he struggled to cope with what he had done Diego asked,
"So how old are you now then?"
"I turned 22 on October 1st, 1963." You reply
"Which is funny because if you were born in 1989 then technically you're also negative 26 right now." Charlie chimes in
"Yes, I am 33, 22, and negative 26 all at the same time." You reply
"Weirdo." Charlie jabs
"Thank you."
"How does he know that? Your actual birthday." Diego questions
"Well, I ended up mentioning some things about the future to him. I was here for almost four years." You explain
"Which don't forget, you still owe me another fact about it." Charlie reminds
"Yeah, yeah you'll get it in time buckaroo." You wave off
"Wait, so I missed four of your birthdays?" Diego complains
Diego was upset with himself that he wasn't there for you when he should've been. Sensing his change in emotion you try to cheer him up by commenting,
"I'm sure you were doing something really important though!"
You watch as Diego's demeanor rapidly changes. Quickly he sits up from leaning back on the couch and looks towards you with a fire in his eyes. He must be passionate about something then. Leaning over the coffee table he looks between you and Charlie before proudly saying,
"I'm going to save President John F. Kennedy."
"JFK needs to be saved?" Charlie questions concerned
He's going to what? Save JFK? He had to be joking. You knew your brother still suffered from a hero complex but had it really gotten this bad after the apocalypse?
"Diego, you're joking, right? JFK's death is a part of history, you can't just change that!"
"JFK dies?!" Charlie exclaims shooting up from his chair
"Listen (Y/N), I know I can do it. I can save him."
"Get your head out of your ass Diego, he's supposed to get assassinated." Five adds snapping out of his trance
"HE GETS ASSASSINATED?!" Charlie yells "(Y/N) is this true?!"
You finally look over to your frantic friend, there was no way to put this lightly. A grimace appeared on your face as you pointed sad finger guns in Charlie's direction. Weakly you answer,
"...that's your fact from the future buddy..."
"NOOOOO!" Charlie yells before plopping back in his seat and mumbling "But I like JFK..."
You lean over and awkwardly pat your friend's back trying to comfort him. This was going to take some time for him though. As you tried your best to help Charlie, Diego and Five bickered over the plan to save JFK.
"You stay out of this Five. This is between me and my sister. I'm going to save the president, (Y/N) do you want in?"
"Diego, I love you but this plan is irrational."
"Thank you! Finally someone with a sense of reason!" Five exclaims  "It's this behavior that got him thrown into a psych ward!"
"You were in a psych ward?" You ask
Diego tries to stutter out a reply to you but before he could say anything Five adds,
"Not only was he in a psych ward but he also decided to get with some overly suspicious crazy lady he met a few days ago in the psych ward."
Get with? What did Five mean get with? You really hoped it wasn't the meaning of "get with" that you were accustomed to. You could feel your blood boil a bit but you try to calm yourself down. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding. In a firm but steady voice, you ask,
"What do you mean get with?"
Five looks you dead in the eyes and in the most serious tone he deadpans his response,
"I mean exactly what you think I mean."
Your jaw drops and you look down at the ground in disbelief. You said no words but your face told the story of how you were feeling at this revelation. Anger, hurt, and disgust flooded your system because you could believe your brother's actions. Eighty days. He could get over a woman he loved for almost a decade in eighty days with some stranger he only met a few days ago. Wow. You whip your head to look at Diego and if looks could kill then he would already be dead with the one you were giving him.
"Did you forget Eudora?" You spat
"What?" Diego asks
"Have you an ounce of regret?"  you chastise
Five and Charlie exchange a look with each other as they watch you yell angrily at your beloved brother, both knowing the reason why you would be so angered.
"(Y/N), I can explain-" Diego tries to start
You stand up from your seat and look down at your older brother. Your fists clenched tightly as you reprimanded him,
"Eighty days, huh? That's all it took to get over Eudora? You meet one psychotic harlot and that's it, no more Eudora?"
"I-" Diego tries to interject
"I what, Diego?" You rebuke
You took deep breaths to calm yourself but it was to no use. You began to shake as emotion overtook you. Tiny electric sparks started to fly off of you as your emotional buildup starts to seep out through your powers. Your voice wavered as you continued,
"I have been here for almost four years and I'm still not over her death. I loved her for five years. You loved her for over ten! You went on a tirade to get revenge for her death and yet you sit here now completely fine with throwing her away as if she was no one."
Charlie and Five look on at the scene before them but say no words. They both knew this was not something they should intervene in. Diego looks at you with a sorrowful look, water starting to well in his eyes mirroring yours. He opens his mouth but makes no sound. Summoning a knife you point it at your brother, your hand shaking vigorously as you hold it.
"I should kill you so you can confront her yourself and tell her what you've done." You choke out
You continue to point the knife in Diego's direction as you look him in the eye. You stare at him for a bit but then turn your head to look away from him. Stabbing your knife into the coffee table below you quietly say,
"I'm not going to though. I want you to live with the guilt of desecrating her memory."
You couldn't stand to look at your brother right now. You were disgusted at his actions. Walking away from the three of them you hear Diego stutter from behind,
"We-well if you're going to be m-m-mad at me then be m-mad at Five too."
You turn around and look back at the two Hargreeves boys.
"Oh really? Why is that?" You question harshly
"G-go on, t-tell her."
Five looks at you. He knew you were already upset, he didn't want to make it worse with the news that the apocalypse was happening again. You crossed your arms as sparks continued to fly off of you. Tilting your head slightly, you gave him a look as if to say "go on". Five knew that he had to tell you at some point so he might as well get it over with now. Carefully, he broached the topic, calmly stating,
"The apocalypse followed us here and we have six days to stop it."
The room was silent as you stared blankly at your brother and Five.
"What the fuck!" Charlie exclaims breaking the silence
"Couldn't have put it better myself." You reply bluntly
"(Y/N)-" Five tries to start
"No no no, if you're worried I'm upset at you Five, I'm not. Today has been...a day and I'm ready to stop experiencing this day." You explain calmly "We can talk tomorrow but for right now point me to where I can knock out for a few hours."
"Well, Elliott and Luther are shoved into the darkroom so you can take the bedroom. It's straight down the hall." Five replies
"Thank you. Charlie, you make the phone call, I'm going to bed. Five if you decide to sleep tonight, which I highly doubt given the circumstances and how fresh that pot of coffee smells, feel free to come join me and get eight hours of rest for once."
"Absolu-" Diego starts to exclaim
You turn your attention to him quickly and harshly question,
"I'm sorry but do you have a comment to make about my LOVING boyfriend who spent FORTY-FIVE years in a WASTELAND completely ALONE to try and get back to ME?"
Diego closes his mouth and looks away from you.
"That's what I thought," You state before adding "Goodnight."
With that, you turn around a headed down the hall towards the bedroom to fall asleep. Once you enter the room you kick off your heels and plopped down on the bed. You were too emotionally tired to search for any sort of pajamas so you stayed in your dress. As you sat down on the bed and started to process all that was said you couldn't help but get overwhelmed. Your whole existence had been flipped upside down in a matter of hours and it was just so much. Quietly, you let out tiny sobs unsure of any other way to cope.
The three boys had watched you walk away and once the door to the bedroom closes Charlie quietly gets up from his seat and heads over to the phone to make a call.
"Look what you did. Now she's mad at me." Diego complains to Five
"What I did? You were the one to go and get with that psycho." Five retorts annoyed
"You didn't have to tell (Y/N) and her name is Lila." Diego replies
"I don't care about her name and you shouldn't either. Also, I'm not going to lie to my girlfriend." Five complains standing up from the couch "Now if you need me I'm going to go get eight hours of sleep with my girlfriend."
Diego looks at Five angrily as he walks away and towards the bedroom. As Five walks through the kitchen he sees Charlie hanging up the phone.
"Charlie, you can take the couch for the night." Five states before turning to Diego "Diego get off it so he can sleep."
"You're the worst brother ever," Diego replies standing up and moving to one of the sofa chairs
"The feeling is mutual." Five replies
He then walks down the hall and quietly enters the bedroom. As he opens the door he can hear you quietly sniffling. Carefully, he approaches the side of the bed you were on and sits next to you. Gently, he strokes your hair as he asks,
"Are you okay, my love?"
"No." You quietly reply
"Is it because of Diego or the apocalypse?"
"It's- it's just a lot for one day..."
"I know darling." Five softly replies "And I'm sorry. I never wanted anything like this to happen."
The two of you sat on the bed silently and slowly you leaned over and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Five wrapped an arm around you and held you against him. He hated seeing you so upset. Five tried to think about a way to make you feel better, something to help ease the distress you were going through. An idea came to his head and he stood up from the bed. Turning to you he extending his hand for you to take it. You looked at him quizzically.
"What are you doing?" You asked
A boyish smile appears on his face as he answers,
"We didn't get a chance to dance at the consulate."
Your eyes start to dry and a smile reappears on your face as you take his hand. Standing up Five holds you against him as the two of you start to sway in the dark room with only the light of the moon to guide you. From outside you can hear the sound of a radio playing Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling In Love and using your powers you open the bedroom window so the sound is clearer. You and Five locked eyes with each other and the world started to fade away. The apocalypse and all the other worries you two faced were irrelevant at this moment. Five slowly leaned his head down and pressed his lips against yours. Unlike the kiss when you reunited earlier, this one was soft and gentle rather than passionate and needy, but the emotion expressed in it was just as strong. This was all either of you needed, and just like the song, neither of you could help falling in love with the other. Parting from the kiss you rest your head on his chest and as you continue to say you can feel yourself getting tired. Five sensed it and asked,
"Tired love?"
You slowly nodded your head. Guiding you back to the bed, Five helped your tired self get in under the covers. Making his way to the other side of the bed he kicks off his shoes before removing his jacket, vest, and tie, laying them nicely on a nearby chair. As he approaches the bed you lift the covers up so he can slide in next to you. You roll towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and placing your head on his chest. Five wraps his arms back around you and rests his head on top of yours. As he slowly runs his hand up and down your back he says,
"As long as we have each other everything will turn out fine."
You nod your head lightly and Five places a gentle kiss on the top of it. You had missed all of this more than words could express. The memory of being close to Five had started to fade over your years and you started to forget what it was like to hold your boyfriend, dance with him, and just exist with him. But getting to share this with him once more you knew that there was no need to worry because he wouldn't leave your side. Closing your eyes, you start to listen to the beating of Five's heart, and soon enough you managed to fall asleep. Five watched as you slept holding you tight against him. He was worried he'd lose you again if he let go even for a second. You were so resilient, finding your way in a new world after he had dropped you in it a second time, and yet you still found it in your heart to love him. Five didn't know what he did to deserve you, what he did to get to call you his one and only, but he was going to stop this apocalypse no matter what and he was going to make it up to you for leaving you here so long.
The night went on and Five closed his eyes but when he opened them again light was peering through the blinds of the bedroom. It was morning. He had actually slept. Outside the bedroom, he could hear the sounds of chatter in the kitchen. He blinked a few times trying to get the feeling of sleep to go away to no avail. He needed a coffee but you were still peacefully sleeping on top of him and he didn't want to wake you. He smiled at the sight of you. The rays of sunshine lit up your messy hair giving you a radiant glow. A wave of feeling came over Five and compelled him to kiss you and so just like the night before he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. And just like Sleeping Beauty, you started to wake at the feeling of a kiss from your one true love. You let out a yawn as your eyes flutter open halfway. The world was still a blur but you could tell from the amount of light that it was day.
"It's morning," you slur still half asleep
Five chuckles to himself at your groggy response. Adorable. He looks at your tired face and replies,
"Yes, it is. Good morning,"
You did not want to deal with all the revelations from the night before nor did you want to deal with whatever else the world was going to throw at you given that it was being flipped on its head again. You nuzzled your face deeper into Five's chest and you stated muffled,
"I don't want to get up,"
"Neither do I, but if you recall there is an apocalypse to stop."
"Can't we deal with it tomorrow?" you ask
"Unfortunately, that's not really an option."
You let out a huff. Maybe if you refused to get up he would just willingly stay. That was not the case though because Five sat up from laying in bed and looked down towards you. If the impending apocalypse wasn't occurring he'd happily stay with you all morning but the world was going to end and he needed to stop it. You look back up towards him with a grumpy look on your face that your plan didn't work.
"I'm going to get up so I can start figuring out a new plan, but you feel free to stay here as long as you like. Okay?" Five explains calmly
"Okay..." You mumble
Five takes your hand and brings it up to his lips placing a soft kiss on the top of it. Pulling away he looks at you once more, his thumb gently running back and forth across your knuckles.
"I'm going to go now but you come and join whenever you want."
You nod your head and with that Five gets up and puts on his vest, tie, jacket, and shoes. He heads to the door and walks out closing it behind him but not before giving you one last smile. You lay in bed for a few minutes but without Five with you, there was no reason to stay. You get up from the bed and look in the mirror in the corner of the room. Fixing your hair and flattening out your dress you decide to leave the room and walk out to the chattering of the others who were awake. You saw Luther standing by the stove, Five leaned up against a counter, Charlie sitting at the kitchen table and Diego pacing back and forth. You walk past Diego and sit down on the other chair at the kitchen table.
"No, no, no, I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego says, a scowl on his face
"What are they talking about?" You ask Charlie
"I don't know. I've been staring at the number of eggs that Luther has been cooking." Charlie replies
As you look over and see a mountain of scrambled eggs Luther asks,
"Wait, who?"
"Those Dutch sociopaths." Diego states
"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five comments "Hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to this timeline."
"Oh. No wonder those guys said she's one of them when I fought them at the consulate. I'm one of the people they want dead." You mention aloud
"You fought them?" Diego and Five ask simultaneously
"Uh, Yeah." You reply bluntly
"We're going to discuss that later," Diego says before turning to Five "Why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up."
"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me." Luther comments
"I had almost four years with no problems." You add
After you finish your statement another man walks into the room. He looks around at the people there before looking towards you and Charlie. Pointing at you two he says,
"I've seen you before."
Diego, Luther, and Five all look towards you confused.
"Oh yeah, four days ago I paid you a hundred dollars so we could. use your phone to make calls."
"You also threatened to gouge his eyes out if he didn't" Charlie adds
"You what?" Luther asks
Ignoring him you reply to Charlie,
"He tried shutting the door on my face and we needed a phone, I had no choice in the matter."
"Sure..." Charlie says sarcastically
"That's true but I feel like I've seen you somewhere else." The man says
Without another word, he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. Odd. Diego then turns to Five and angrily says,
"I still don't understand how all of can be fine until you show up."
"Listen, even if it was my fault, which it isn't, we only have six days before the end of the world" Five explains "And the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate."
Well...that wasn't exactly true but you weren't going to say anything. This wasn't the time. You think. As you decided to keep quiet you could feel someone looking at you. You look over at Charlie and see him staring at you intently. You knew what he was thinking in his head but you were not going to acknowledge him on it. Instead, you looked away, back towards the conversation at hand.
"Well...That's not exactly true." Luther says looking up from his eggs
"What do you mean?" Five then asks
"I saw him." Luther states
You and the rest of the group look on intrigued as Luther details the events of him seeing Reginald in person. The more he detailed the story though the more you came to a realization. That was your birthday party a year ago. How did you not see him or run into him? Your eyes then go wide as you realize something one more. You look over to Charlie who looks like he's going through the same realization. In sync you both whisper,
"The hobo."
Charlie gets up from his seat and makes his way over to the doorway to the living room. You follow after him and stand close by. The two of you stay facing forward pretending that you are still listening. Slowly as not to cause suspicion, Charlie leans over to you and whispers,
"You need to tell them."
"I'm not telling them shit." You whisper back
"(Y/N) they need to know!" Charlie whispers more aggressively
"This is not the time!" You whisper aggressively back
You and Charlie continue to whisper fight with each other catching the attention of the Hargreeves boys. They look on in confusion trying to figure out what you two were saying. As the two of you continued to quietly bicker, Elliott exclaimed,
"I remember where I know you from! You're Reginald Hargreeves adoptive daughter!"
You immediately retch at his words. You hated people calling you that, being his daughter is the last thing you wanted to be. The Hargreeves boys stare at you with the jaws dropped. They weren't sure if they heard Elliott correctly.
"Elliott, what do you mean Reginald Hargreeves, daughter?" Diego questions
"Well just look at the newspaper," Elliot says holding out the paper for Diego to take
Diego snatches the paper from his hands as Luther and Five move closer to look at it. The three of them look at the giant front-page photo of you smiling, surrounded by a group of people, as you stand between their dad and Grace. The three of them then proceed to read the front-page headline: Blasting America Upward: NASA Reveals Billionaire Reginald Hargreeves' Adoptive Daughter as Originator of  Primate Rocket Test Trial Concept
"Elliott, why do you have this?" Five asks
"I kept it because the front-page photo includes Majestic Twelve member Michael Anderson," Elliott explains
"Ew, imagine wanting to keep a photo of my dad." Charlie comments annoyed
"HE'S YOUR DAD?!" Elliott exclaims
"Yeah, regrettably." Charlie replies "I'm Charlie Anderson. His son."
"Oh wow! A Majestic 12 member's son is in MY apartment! I have so many questions!" Elliott excitedly bursts
Elliott takes Charlie by the arm and pulls him over to his desk full of papers and news clippings leaving you to deal with the fallout of the revelation.
"We're you even going to tell us this?" Five asks quietly
"I don't know...Maybe? I wouldn't know where to start..." You try to explain
"Well start explaining then." Diego commands
"Yeah! Why does this say you're his adoptive daughter!" Luther questions angrily
"First of all, I'm not his adoptive daughter. The public always gets that wrong. The only thing I am is the heir to his estate, legally I am not his child nor would I ever choose to be. All of this happened by accident!" You exclaim
"What do you mean by accident?" Five inquires
You start to pace around and make wild gestures with your hands as you try to find the words to explain the circumstances. Everything was really just a series of events. Trying your best you start to ramble to them about what's happened.
"When I was dropped in the alley I passed out, went into a coma for seven days, woke up in the hospital and the first person I saw was Mom. She found me in the alley and constantly visited me while I was in the hospital. After I was released she took me in. We went to some meeting and met Reginald and some of his colleagues. I presented the idea to send a primate into space and everyone agreed with it."
"Pogo," Diego said
"Yeah, Pogo. And then Mom and Reginald started working together, unfortunately, started dating, Mom alone legally adopted, and then we moved in with Reginald and I became a public figure. Literally, everything has been by chance! Hell, even meeting Charlie was by chance!"
"That's true," Charlie comments trying to get away from Elliott
"Wait..." Diego interjects "You were in a coma for seven days?"
"Were you in pain?" Five asks concerned
"Guys, that's not what matters right now!" Luther exclaims
"Of course it matters! She was in a coma!" Five reprimands him
"She was in a coma FOUR YEARS AGO!"
"No Luther, this is important." Diego retorts "So you're okay?"
"I'm here aren't I?" You reply to Diego before turning to Five and saying "Don't worry I wasn't in pain."
"So that's why you were at the consulate yesterday. You attended with him." Five comments
"And mom," Diego adds
"Yup. I was forced to go because Reginald, Mom, and I are apparently an influential unit." You respond
"That man will say anything but the word family." Charlie jokes as he walks over to you, finally escaping Elliott
"Oh, so you've just been galavanting about with our mom and dad while you've been here, huh? That's what you've been doing." Luther accuses
"Luther, who cares what she was doing? That's not what matters. We need to get to dad because he knows something about time travel." Five ridicules
Luther rolls his eyes and lets out a huff before heading back to the kitchen table and plopping down in one of the seats. Grabbing his fork he starts to shovel eggs into his mouth. Elliott approaches the kitchen and asks Five,
"Wait, why don't you just do your thing and, uh, time travel us out?"
Five lets out a huff before walking over to refill his cup with coffee.
"Anyone care to explain?" Five asks annoyed
"First time he tried, he got lost in the apocalypse." Luther states
A pout comes upon Diego's face as he crosses his arms. Angrily mumbling, Diego adds,
"Second time, he regressed in age and started dating my sister,"
You look over at your brother. He was making it sound like the consequence of Five's time-traveling was not his physical age getting messed up but rather the fact that he started dating you. Unsurprising yet still unbelievable. "Last time I tried, I scattered my family, and lovely girlfriend over there, across three years in Dallas, Texas, possibly triggering a doomsday."  Five explains
"Damn when you said he fucked up, I didn't think you meant he fucked up fucked up." Charlie leans over and mentions to you
"Charlie," you reprimand lightly, hitting his arm "That's my boyfriend, be a bit more sensitive."
"You said it first."
"I was summarizing..."
Unaware of the conversation you were having with Charlie, Five turns to Elliott. His signature know-it-all look on his face as he asks,
"Any more questions, Elliott?" "Uh, no." Elliott replies
"You're missing the big picture Dad is the ringleader of a sinister cabal that's planning to kill the president." Diego exclaims
Dear God, when was he going to give up on this whole save JFK deal? You knew the answer to that question. It was never. He had to save JFK or JFK had to die for this to be done. You had no clue why he was making these connections though. Granted you didn't associate with Reggie outside of what was necessary but you never got an indication that he was part of a cabal. Sure he had government ties but...a cabal seemed like a stretch to you. You knew wickedness resided inside of him but he would never assassinate the president, especially since Grace admired JFK so much. Would he? "A cabal?" Luther questions, his mouth still full of eggs
"Ignore him, Luther. Look, the way I see it, we only have one option." Five states to the group
"Oh, yeah? And what's that?" Luther questions "It's time to get the Umbrella Academy back together." Five replies "Hell, yeah. Family meeting." Diego says "Okay then, can one of you get Allison, please?" Luther asks "You two still a thing?" Diego inquires
Luther just looks at him without responding. Knowing something was up Diego leans in closer and quietly asks,
"Do we need to talk?"
"No, she's married." Luther replies upset "Whoa. Dude, that's rough." Diego responds "I can handle it." Luther lies "I'll get her. Can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" Five requests "I'll try." Luther retorts
Five starts to walk away and towards the stairs leading down to the ground floor of the building. You turn to Charlie and say,
"I'll be right back."
As you walk away you can see Elliott approaching Charlie out of your peripheral and from behind you, you hear Charlie call,
You kept moving on though and follow Five down the stairs to the front entrance. When you get to the front door Five stops and turns around to face you.
"Are you coming with me?" He questions, a smile on his face
You were thinking about it but then you heard from upstairs,
"Please stop asking me about my dad! I don't like him!"
You watch as Charlie tries to speed walk away from Elliott upstairs.
"Please I just want to know about him!" Elliott says following him
"I think I'm going to stay to keep Elliott at bay and Charlie from jumping out a window." You reply to Five
"That's reasonable."
"You'll be back soon?" You ask
"As quick as can be mon chérie." Five says before placing a quick peck on your cheek
He pulls back and you give him a smile which he returns before flashing away. Turning around you head back upstairs. Luther had left through the back entrance to go get Vanya so all that was left was Diego, Elliott, you, and Charlie. Elliott continued to push Charlie to talk about his dad and you could tell Charlie was getting frustrated. His dad was the last person he'd want to talk about, especially unwillingly.
"Please I've never even gotten close to anyone whose parent is high up in the majestic 12 before just tell me something!" Elliott begs
You watch as Charlie stops in place and turns on his heel to face Elliott and looks him dead in the eyes. Charlie's face was red and his expression was less than enthused. You hear as Charlie takes a deep breath in before bursting,
"You want to know about my dad? You really want to know? He's an awful person. Never loved me, never loved my mom, he only ever loved himself. Everything he does is for personal gain and status. He could care less about anything that requires emotional labor and has done the barest of bare minimum as a parent. He's an awful man, I want him to die soon and god do I hope he rots in hell once he does. Is that enough for you?"
Elliott nods his head and from the kitchen Diego comments,
"Amen, right there with you bro!"
Charlie walks off to the couch and quietly sits down on it. You knew he was upset, he hated his dad as much as the Hargreeves hated theirs. You had no clue what it was like to despise your father but you did know what it was like to despise theirs. Walking behind the couch you stood directly behind Charlie because you knew there was one way to cheer him up immediately. Extending your arm out above his head you reach your hand out flat before proceeding to aggressively pat him on the head. At first, he tries swatting you away but in time he starts laughing. When you can tell he's all better you stop and he looks up at you.
"So a family meeting, huh?" Charlie says
"Yup. You'll finally get to meet everyone in the flesh." You reply walking around to the front of the couch
"How well do you think it's going to go?" Charlie questions
"About as well as me and Diego talking last night. Probably worse." You reply bluntly as you sit next to him
Charlie gives a small nod of his head. He had this look on his face and you knew he was contemplating saying something.
"Just say it." you command
"You're thinking about something, so just say it."
"You can't stay mad at Diego forever. He's your brother." Charlie comments
"I will do what I must." You reply crossing your arms
"You will try." He responds
You stand up and start to pace back and forth in front of the couch. Charlie knew you better than this there was something deeper than just being mad at Diego for meeting someone else. He agreed with all the points you had made before but he could just feel something was missing from your reasoning. As you pace around you complain
"It just doesn't make sense! He knew Eudora for a decade. That's approximately 3650 days plus two leap years so 3652. He knew this floozy for four. You know how much 4 is of 3652?"
"How much?" Charlie asks unenthused
"0.001 percent. It's a fraction of a fraction of A FRACTION!" You exclaim angrily
"Okay, so what's the real issue." Charlie questions
You look at him with a mix of anger and surprise.
"How dare you- I- uh-" You try to respond
You shut your mouth when you realize no response would come. He was right. That wasn't quite the real issue, it was part of it but it wasn't the root cause. You let out a sigh and look down at the ground. There was a far off look in your eyes as you sat on the coffee table across from Charlie. You thought about why you were truly upset, what was really making you tick and it hurt you to think about. You looked up at Charlie as you tried to hold a few tears back. Your voice wavered as you softly spoke,
"Besides my Mom, he and Eudora were the closest things I had to parents after I lost mine...We were a family...and it feels like he's throwing all of that away..."
"And you're losing your family to a stranger." Charlie adds
You nod your head lightly. Charlie stands up and reaches his hand out lightly patting your head. A small smile comes to your face and you look up towards your friend.
"How about we go for a short walk? Clear your head before everyone gets here. You know someone is going to mention you've been living with Reggie, so might as well get in the headspace for whatever reactions might occur." Charlie suggests
You nod your head once more and the two of you head downstairs to get some air before everyone else showed up. As you walked away Diego peeked his head around the doorframe and watched you leave, his face streaked with a few stray tears. In your fit of anger, you had forgotten that Diego was still at the apartment. He had heard what you had said and between last night and now he couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. He still had complicated feelings in terms of Lila but he needed to figure them out because they really weren't worth you feeling like you were losing him to someone who had barely been around. He knew how awful that feeling was. Diego dried his eyes and put on a strong face as he heard Luther arrive back with Vanya.
Time passed and Five had arrived back with Klaus and Allison. It took forever to get them to come along though since they were both relentlessly drunk. As Five entered the building with his inebriated siblings he saw the other three up on the balcony above. As the sun shined in the room the six living Hargreeves all looked at each other. Breaking the silence, Klaus pulls off his glasses and comments,
"Oh, wow. I know this is impossible, but...did we all get sexier?"
Allison looks up at the balcony above. There stood Vanya in the flesh. She hadn't seen her since the night of the apocalypse. Her voice wavered and she said, "Vanya."
Vanya looked back down at Allison. Pure joy radiated off of her as she excitedly replied, "I can't believe I have a sister."
Vanya makes her way down the stairs towards where the rest of the group is and Luther and Diego follow suit. When Vanya gets to the main floor she stands in front of Allison. The two of them look at each other for a bit before Allison quietly states, "I missed you." "Thank God someone did. " Vanya responds
The two of them stand awkwardly for a second before opening their arms and enveloping each other. The two sisters happily reunited. Klaus attempts to hug Diego but Diego extends his arm keeping him at a distance.
"Oh, you are drunk." Diego states "Yeah. No, just a little... just a few..." Klaus says before noticing the hug going on "Oh, that's so sweet." Slowly Klaus walks over to his sisters and wraps his arms around them.
"Hi" Vanya softly says
"Hey, Vanny." Klaus greets placing a kiss to the top of her head
Five looked around and noticed that you were nowhere to be found. He was about to start asking questions when he heard the door to the building open and the sound of your voice speaking behind him.
"And so that's how I snuck me and my friends into a 21+ club at 16 years old." you explain to Charlie, unaware of the others in the room
"You what?!" Diego exclaims
Your attention snaps to the room filled with Hargreeves. You look around to see Vanya, Allison, and Klaus standing all together on the left side of the room while Luther, Diego, and Five stand on the right side. You then did a double-take as you noticed one more Hargreeves sitting in the corner on an old TV display. Ben. Something was off about seeing him this time but still, you smiled at him and he happily waved back. Turning your attention back to the living group you attempt to divert the topic by saying,
"Hey everyone! Long time, no see!"
"Hey (Y/N)! It's nice to see you again!" Klaus says buying into the diversion
Diego shoots you an upset look that only a protective older brother would give and you shrug your shoulders back. You see Vanya looking at you quizzically. She then asks,
"Are you my sister too?"
You now look back confused. Vanya knew you two weren't related so why was she asking that?
"She has amnesia." Five informs
"Oh." You express before turning to Vanya "No, I'm not related to you. Diego sees me as his little sister but I'm not a Hargreeves."
"Just because you weren't adopted by our dad doesn't mean you're not a Hargreeves. You're family." Ben comments from behind you
You smile at his comment. Five then proceeds to ask,
"Klaus. Is Ben here?" "Oh, uh... no." Klaus fumbles out before lying "No, unfortunately, ghosts can't time travel."
"What?" You say to yourself, a confused look on your face "Are you kidding me?" Ben exclaims annoyed
Seeing that this was going to be everyone, Five decides to move forward with the meeting and states, "All right, then. Let's get down to business."
Everyone starts to make their way upstairs and finds somewhere to sit or stand in the living room. Once everyone is settled Five takes the charge of starting to meeting and says,
"All right. First off, I wanna say I'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going-back-in-time-and-getting-stuck thing. But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the world back here with us." "Oh, my God, again?" Klaus exclaims as he grabs himself a drink
He looks around at the group and everyone looks back. He didn't know already? Realizing that he was out of the loop Klaus continues,
"All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the...Oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five! I told them we had until 2019." "We have until Monday. We have six days." Five states "Is it Vanya?" Klaus asks "Klaus." Allison chastises
"What? It's usually Vanya." Klaus retorts "Do you have any leads, Five?" Vanya questions "Yeah, we have one." Five says taking a file from Diego
Five hands the file to Allison and she opens it to see a photo paperclipped to the inside. Her eyes go wide with shock as she comments, "Holy shit, is that Dad?"
"Yeah." Diego replies "That's him?" Vanya inquires
"Standing on the grassy knoll." Diego informs "Diego and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we've got nothing."  Five explains
"Not nothing. He's planning to kill Kennedy." Diego retorts
"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right." Five corrects "Yeah, but how are we supposed to fix it if we don't know what's broken?" Allison asks "Come on. Do the math. We know Dad's having shady-ass meetings with some shady-ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do." Diego describes getting up from his chair "Talk to Dad." Five states
"Kill Dad." Diego says at the same time
Five looks back at Diego and shoots him a look while the others look around in confusion. Even Ben was puzzled by what was going on. He looks your way and you shrug your shoulders mouthing I don't know to him. "None of us are supposed to be here, right? I mean, what if it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" Vanya wonders
Everyone is silent for a second looking at each other with wide eyes. It seems like no one is going to say anything until Luther chimes in, "Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswald."
"And you're working for Jack Ruby." Diego yells back "Allison has been very involved in local politics." Klaus slips into the conversation "Okay, you started a cult." Allison retorts
"Thank you!" Ben exclaims finally getting support "I'm... I'm just a... a nanny on a farm. I don't have anything to do with all of that." Vanya stutter "Well, maybe you do, we just don't know it yet." Allison comments back
Diego whistles loudly grabbing everyone's attention. With all eyes on him, he explains, "Listen to yourselves. Everything in our new lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, Dad is on the grassy knoll, (Y/N) has been living with him for 3 years, Klaus is...doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly, we were all sent back here for one special reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy."
"I'm sorry go back a second. (Y/N) has been living with him?" Allison asks
"If it makes it any better it was completely by accident. A series of unfortunate events." You explain
"Lemon Snickers," Charlie says to himself
"So close buddy. Good try." You reply patting his arm Everyone looks around for a second before starting to argue again with each other. Their voices becoming a cacophony of sound. You and Charlie look on at the mess that is a Hargreeves get together.
"You were right, this is worse than last night." Charlie admits
"Yeah, I told you."
From across the room, Five listens to the sound of his siblings arguing blending together. The loud mixture of noise sent him back into his memories. The awful future of if they don't stop this doomsday. He remembered the fire and destruction. The ash in the air and the bodies on the ground. A bloody mess in the exact same street just outside the building. And his siblings eviscerated by nuclear weapons, reduced to nothing. While everyone continued to argue you saw Five slipping into the recesses of his memory. Walking over to him you pull his hand out of his pocket and take it in yours. Five shakes his head slightly and looks at you after fully coming back to reality. He holds your hand a bit tighter before turning back to his siblings.
"Guys, you all die." Five states, his voice wavering as he spoke
You squeezed his hand, reassuring him that you were there for him. Taking a breath he hesitantly continues,
"I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it, but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporize the world with all of you in it...in a war that never happened until we brought it here. And Hazel gave his life to save us, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But Dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."
Five finishes his thoughts and without a second to pause Luther gets up from his seat and says, "Okay, I'm out." "Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five criticizes "Yeah, I did. I heard a 58-year-old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Why don't you get your girlfriend to help you out. She's his favorite after all." Luther ridicules
Luther starts to walk away but you could feel your blood boil. Five had been through 45 years of one apocalypse, saved all of you from dying when you were unable to stop it and now was pleading with his siblings to help him stop this new one and Luther was just going to walk out? Unable to contain your anger you shout,
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
Everyone turns to look at you, Luther included.
"Minus Vanya we all agreed to travel back in time. We took a gamble to save our lives, ended up here and now we're facing a doomsday. That's the facts of the matter, we fucked up by being here and now we need to stop it and get out. If Five thinks that your dad can help us then we should listen."
"Well, you can still count me out. It's time we all grew the hell up and I'm sure you can run on home to dad and fix it Number Zero." Luther mocks
"You know you're being a real prick Luther! For someone who wants us all to grow up, it's childish of you to still be mad that my number is above yours. A number I didn't want in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE!" You rebuke
Luther shakes his head before stating,
"I'm out of here." "Luther!" Vanya exclaims
"Come back." Allison begs
Diego gets up from his seat and starts following Luther down the stairs. You watch as Luther walks away. Maybe it was better without him here.
"Where are you going?"
"Save it, Diego," Luther says
Letting go of your hand Five spacial jumps down the stairs and in front of Luther. Looking him in his eyes Five commands, "No one leaves until we figure this out."
Luther stares at Five for a second before grabbing him by the shirt and tossing him over the railing. Spacial jumping once more so he didn't hit the ground Five lands outside in the alleyway. Straightening out his uniform he looks back towards the building and asks himself, "Jeez...When did the monkey learn how to fight dirty?"
Five starts walking back to the door to enter the building but hears a clatter coming from the roof above. Looking up he sees Lila standing there. Speaking the only words that come to his mind he comments, "Son of a bitch."
Link to Side Story Here: The Tattoo - “A Family Reunion” Side Story ________________________________
Taglist: @xplrreylo @joebob15274 @insatiable-ivy @fruitsaladtree @angelpeachamber @academy-umbrella @lizziel1410 @ir3neeee @faith-quake @aliens-with-colas @sunsetcurve-1995 @lady-celeste25 @im-dead-and-hurting @nerdypinupcrystal @cherry-ki-d @anapocalypseinmymind @vicassa @2cuteforyourlies @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson​ @shadowycreationcupcake​ @emily-hargreeves @metor-showers1994 @fivehargreevesforthewin​ @rinko-san @supernovavision @cicilisthebest @flickbix @hi-v-juice @magykal-777​ @zosiaduda @thethirdwheelfriend @mysticracoon @isnt-it-loverly @officiallydarkgeek @lady1505 @always-the-very-worst @tinypandagirl @libidinexx @lemongrabbuns @itwasallred @deadandoverit @shlokage @keksi249 @theoriginalkat @we-stan-fiction @bi-idiot-fanfics @annnagennnie @izzyjojo4 @megasimpleplan4ever @flowertoty @grabthemoneyandletsgo @itsametaphorbriansblog @vanillacaramelhoney @satvaldiva @disaster-magician @margotsfandoms @emily-b-m @bluechildrenlickmytoes @soft-slytherin-sweetie @oceanspray5 @im-here-for-fanfics @thebloodrobin @freestarlight @starcurrent @lilacs-lavender
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tatooedlaura-blog · 6 years
The After
This third series reads as follows:
Shattered … Desolation … Determination … Us and Ours … Ratty Towels … The Sleepover … Skinner and the Punch … Oregon … Impossibilities … Something from Nothing … Out of the Car … Partners … News … Never Replace You … The Chip … Date Night … Evidence of Things Unseen … Maggie’s Walter … Glasses … Maggie’s Truth … Waiting Words … Fuzzy Fleece Pants and Creamsicles ... Nuptials
First series … Second series
***possibly NSFW
Amidst the chaos of what felt like 300 people crammed in a 16 square foot space, Mulder grinned down at his wife, smile widening exponentially at the thought of getting to call her wife from now until eternity plus an hour or so. Scully couldn’t miss it, no one in the room missed it, the couple who’d just pulled in their drive three blocks over couldn’t miss it and returning it equally, she formed a lasting habit of spinning her wedding ring, nail to diamond, never ending circle of gold, warm against her skin, sleek in its movement, “how are you doing there, Mr. Mulder?”
“Very well and getting better by the second. What do you say we get the hell out of here? Find a place I can remove you clothing quickly and efficiently? Stay naked for the better part of two days, two weeks, whatever.”
His words did things to her, fancy things that made some parts tingle and others tighten, lungs jump and breath stutter on quick intake, “we can’t just crash the party then disappear. Mom will kill us, dead and buried in an instant.”
Mulder glanced across the room, taking in his suddenly burgeoning family tree, hemming and hawing between Scully’s heavy breasts in his hands and the prospect of Sunday dinner as husband and wife, “we are gone by 9, naked by 9:30.”
“I was thinking more like 8.”
“Even better.”
They mingled, they laughed, they apologized to Maggie and Walter for interfering in their wedding day but Maggie assured them both, plainly sincere and ecstatically happy, “I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. The thought had crossed my mind more than once about whether to ask if you’d like to make it a dual ceremony.” Glancing at an also smiling Skinner, who squeezed her hand tightly, deciding he’d more than likely never let her go again, “but we knew you’d get things done in your own time.”
Mulder, wondering how Skinner’s progress was coming with the idea that he was now his son-in-law, “well, thanks for not being pissed that we got things done on your time.”
Betsy and Toby crashed through them at that moment, Hannah close at their heels, yelling for them to give back her cupcake. Dave came through next, apologizing when he stepped on Walter’s toes and bumped Scully’s stomach with his elbow, “sorry, sorry, I’ll be back once the holligans are under wraps!”
Mulder shifted Scully back, concern halting conversation, “you okay?”
Feeling perfect at the moment, she smiled, “I’m good but I’d be better if I had a sandwich.”
After kissing her forehead, he whispered in her ear, “my wife and her appetite.”
“My husband and his sandwich making abilities.”
They made it to 8:15pm, a good compromise between now and never, Mulder’s hand drifting farther and farther up her thigh under the kitchen table where they were sitting, Scully’s knees willingly nudged further and further apart until the clock ticked to 8:15 and she leaned into his ear, “take me home, Mulder.”
Never one to need twice telling when it involved her and well … her … he wiggled to adjust, willed to relax, breathed in deep to calm then stood to fast, shooting his chair backwards into Joanna’s backside, knocking her forward into Charlie, who knew that kind of speedy need to get away. Grinning, he righted himself, then looked at Mulder, twinkle in his eye, “in a hurry there? Got somewhere to be?” Scully shot her brother a look, trying to get him to shut up and die where he stood but given death stares never actually carry death, Charlie stuck out his tongue at her, “or is it a whole mixed company thing?”
“Stuff it, Charlie.”
Dave waded into the fray simply because it’s what he did, “need me to clear a path to the door, Mulder? Get the small children out of your way? Keep you from leaving shoeprints across my son’s forehead in your desperate exit attempt?”
And Mulder, lovely, lovely Mulder, looked Dave right in the eye, moving forward enough for nose to nose contact with his new cousin, “yes.” Scully groaned from the table, face bright red from the idea that her mother, new stepfather, brothers, sisters-in-law and friends knew exactly why they were leaving early, while Mulder just matched Dave’s wide smile, “and be quick about it, would you?”
Dave gave his the quickest of kisses on the cheek, “you are my new favorite cousin.”
Bill gently kicked the back of Dave’s knees, collapsing him to the floor, “run, Dana, while you still can.”
Standing, she took her embarrassment in stride, raising an eyebrow at her older brother, “waddle, Bill. Like a duck.”
Toby, being Toby, brought the conversation back to G rated levels by sticking his butt out and bending slightly at the waist, wiggling as he walked, “like this?”
Maggie, sitting back in her own seat, nudged Walter, happily quiet beside her, “regretting anything yet?”
“Just that third cupcake.”
By 8:42, he had her in the bedroom, amused by her equal impatience to get him undressed, fingers fumbling, heart racing, eyes concentrating on any and all skin as it was revealed, one inch at a time, “slow down or you’re going to pop every button on this shirt.”
“I don’t want to slow down though.” Finally meeting his gaze, she paused, three buttons down, four to go, “I have been waiting to get you out of this since I watched you put in on this morning.”
Not about to argue that, he answered with his own hands sliding down the back of her pants, “I’m thinking you should wear stretchier pants all the time. This is way easier to do now than when you wear suits and jeans.”
Speeding through the last of the buttons, growling at the undershirt barrier now in the way, “I hate clothes.”
“Me, too. Let’s stop wearing them.”
Scully laughed into his chest, “nobody but you wants to see me naked, Mulder, I guarantee it.”
Catching her lips with his as his hands came back up, moved over her back, around her belly, to the hem of her shirt, “and I’d like to see you now, please.”
Shirt removed, bra unstrapped, pants down, underwear next, bare glory in front of him to worship forever, he finally got his hands on her breasts, weight substantially more than months before, heavy, warm, round, eye closing caliber as he stood reverently, silently, amazed she ever said ‘hello’ let alone ‘I do’ in the first place.
“I just need you to let go for nine seconds while I get your pants off, then you can go right back to them, I swear.”
He laughed, came back to reality, the bedroom, Scully, “sorry. How long was I gone?”
“About a minute. I waited as long as I could.” Batting his hands away, she undressed him with an efficiently born of impatient arousal, “now, I recall how, when we first did this, I demanded for you simply to fuck me and we’d do the foreplay thing at a later time.” Looking up at his shyly, “would that be a possibility again? At least for the first round because I’m to the point that if I have to think about us together any longer, I’m going to push you down and climb on, leaving the old adage of ‘wham, bam, thank you Mulder’ in the dust.”
Her hips were already swaying, waiting, skin flushed, eyes wide, drifting finger telling him she was more than ready for him and to his amusement, she pulled away quickly at his touch, a giggle rising to the surface, “seriously, you touch me there again and I’ll be done, not kidding at all.”
“Good Lord, Mulder, what!?”
“Top or bottom?”
“Eventually both.” Pushing him back on the bed, “top first for efficiency purposes.” Crawling up his now prone body, she took one long, slow drag against him before sitting up, sliding down, settling deep, sighing happily, “don’t move.”
Hands already in all the places he’d been thinking out for the last seven hours, he knew if he moved, he’d been done as well, “if I do, it’ll be the 15 second finale to the two minute show with the longest opening act ever.”
And she laughed, deep, long, happy, muscles tightening in all the right spots, hips shifting involuntarily, then voluntarily after she discovered it produced the best possibly feeling in the universe, “finales are fun though.”
Moving to hold her by the hips, he lifted up, eyes rolling back as he did, “I agree.”
The honeymoon lasted 47 hours, them in pajamas or nothing the entire time, clothed only when the pizza arrived and when they needed a break, muscles sore, couch leather cold, napping necessary in the living room to recuperate, give the bed a rest, the mattress springs getting a workout like they hadn’t seen in weeks, the headboard banging more than once, Mulder laughing along with Scully as she came around him.
The honeymoon lasted 47 hours until the phone rang …
Then damn phone always rings at the worst damn time …
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doubledoubling · 6 years
Rules: tag ten followers u want to get to know better
Tagged by @kylarossisaboss and @uchi-mura and @twoflipstwotwists
Name: Kendra
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 5’5
Middle name: Renee
Put your music on shuffle, what are the first four songs that come one?:
I listen to all my music on Spotify and separate everything into genre based playlists and don’t have one playlist with all my songs so this is kind of cheating because I just shuffled my 4 favorite playlists:
1. I write sins not tragedies - panic! At the disco
2. Maneater - nelly furtado
3. Anaconda - nicki minaj
4. Attention - Charlie puth
Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. What is line 17?
“Couch. The shade from the trees darkened the path completely.” - Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson
Ever had a song/poem written about you? Not to my knowledge
When was the last time you played air guitar? Idk probably a couple months ago
Who is your celebrity crush: idk pick a Chris
What’s a sound you hate + a sound you love? I hate the sound of metal scraping against metal which is weirdly specific I know and I love the sound of wind in trees
Do you believe in ghosts? I say no but I’m also terrified of them so...maybe
How about aliens? I definitely believe in aliens but I don’t think any aliens have ever visited this planet! The universe is too big for us to be alone but all UFOs are hoaxes
Do you drive? Yup
If so have you ever crashed? Yes I caused a fender bender on the expressway on the way to my grandpas funeral. Also I got my car stuck in a foot deep gutter but I’m not sure if that counts as a crash. I did stress cry on both occasions though.
What was the last book you read? The last one I finished was As Dead as it Gets by Katie Alender because your girl LOVES books written for people 7 years younger than me!
Do you like the smell of gasoline? I don’t hate it. I do love the smell of cholorine though like I’ll smell hotel pools all day.
What was the last movie you saw? Oceans 8
Do you have any obsessions rn? When don’t I? I’ve been really into writing for like a year and I’m also really into reading blogs where people make fun of celebrities! Also I’m obsessed with some embarrassing stuff I have too much shame to admit but what else is new
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done u wrong? I say I don’t but also I kinda do if you’re a real unapologetic asshole
In a relationship? I’m in a relationship with getting lonely, hopping on tinder, going on a couple dates with a weirdo of my choosing, and then getting turned off dating for 4 months. So no I am not in a relationship (also men suck)
I tag whoever wants to do this because I’m lazy
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totallylesbians · 6 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?Lately it’s been, in no particular order…-There’s Nothing Holding Me Back by Shawn Mendes -Curious by Hayley Kiyoko -Follow You by Bring Me The Horizon-Fuck You by Sleeping With Sirens (pop goes punk cover)-Perfect by Ed Sheeran -Just the Girl by The Click Five (All but Hayley are on my drag list, which is what I’ve mostly been listening to…)
2. If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Probably Alycia Debnam-Carey, honestly
3. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. Charlie bit Alex’s shoulder through her coat. “Just admit you love the…” line continues to “city in winter.” From KL Hughes’ The Art of Us
4. What do you think about most?I don’t even know, dude. My mind is so fucking random and scattered. It’s probably not good stuff if I really think about it.
5. What does your latest tattoo from someone else say?“Still”
6. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?I sleep with my boxer briefs on. That’s it though. Unless I’m on my period or sleeping with someone else or at someone else’s house.
7. What’s your strangest talent?I don’t know really. I can manipulate my voice a bit. It usually makes people laugh or be like “what the fuck?” I can bend backwards and make my feet touch my head too. So there’s that.
8. Girls…(finish the sentence); Boys…(finish the sentence). Girls…are strong and beautiful and need to realize they need someone to tell them that for it to be true. Boys…are strong and beautiful, too. Both need positivity and to be kinder to themselves and others.
9. Ever had a poem or a song written about you?No. My first girlfriend said she wrote a poem about me, but what she read me was actually what she wrote about her ex. That was kind of awkward.
10. When is the last time you played the air guitar?Earlier today. So like…3-4ish hours ago
11. Do you have any strange phobias?Not that I know of
12. Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?Not that that I can recall. Maybe chopsticks or a pencil when I was a kid but that’s about it. And I’m not even sure I did that.
13. What’s your religion?I don’t have one
14. If you’re outside what are you most likely doing? Walking. Or going for a run, if it’s nice out.
15. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?Behind it. Definitely.
16. Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?I’m going to have to go with Pvris. They saved my life. Other bands have too. But I have to say them.
17. What was the last lie you told?Probably “I’m okay.”
18. Do you believe in karma?Something like that, yes. For sure.
19. What does your URL mean?Essentially, that is blog is gay as fuck and contains anything lesbian related.
20. What’s your greatest weakness? Greatest strength?Weakness: stubbornness Strength: loyalty
21. Who is your celebrity crush?I have so many dude. Ryan Ashley, Eliza Taylor, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Kristen Stewart, Anna Kendrick, etc
22. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?Not that I know of
23. How do you vent your anger?Usually through violence and aggression. I yell. I scream. I throw things. I hit things. It’s the only thing that truly helps me. I can write and draw but it doesn’t help much at all.
24. Do you have a collection of anything? Movies. That’s the only thing that comes to mind.
25. Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Neither honestly. But if I had to choose…maybe talking on the phone.
26. Are you happy with the person you’ve become?No. But I hope to be someday.
27. What’s a sound you hate? Sound you love?Hate: high pitches like nails on a chalkboard and similar sounds Love: the sound of rain
28. What’s your biggest “what if?”What if I had been there when he died? What if I had gotten to say goodbye to him? Would I still be mourning him the way I do? Would it have made a difference in how/who I am now? I’ll never know. And it kills me.
29. Do you believe in ghosts? What about aliens?Yes to both. I’m not sure I’d call either of them that. But I definitely believe in both. I’ve had experiences that I can’t explain. And I find it hard to believe that out of the entire universe, we are on the only planet that has life.
30. Stick out your right arm, what’s the first thing you touch? Do the same to your left. Right: the arm of the couch. Left: the folded body pillow that we keep on the couch
31. Smell the air. What do you smell?The candle during. Lilacs.
32. What’s the worst place you’ve ever been to?The only place that comes to mind immediately was my ex’s mom’s house.
33. Choose: east coast or west coast?I’ve only ever been on the west coast
34. Most attractive singer of the opposite gender?I’m not sure exactly. But my favorite male singer would have to be M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold. I love his voice. He’s got nice tattoos and a great smile.
35. To you, what’s the meaning of life?I’m not sure I’ve found it yet
36. Define art. I don’t think I can. Art is subjective. Describing it depends on the piece. It depends on the person viewing the piece. I believe art is meant to make someone feel something though. It’s meant to express what the artist feels in some way. Whether it’s pain or beauty and anything and all in between.
37. Do you believe in luck?Something like that
38. What’s the weather like right now?Calm. Somewhat cloudy skies. Maybe a slight breeze.
39. What time is it?Currently, as I reach this question, 12:08am
40. Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?Not legally, yet. But I have crashed. Just about everything I’ve ever rode/driven. At least once.
41. What was the last book you read?Published book: The Art of Us by KL Hughes
42. Do you like the smell of gasoline?Not really
43. Do you have any nicknames?Spiffy is my most popular one. A few call me Midget. And family members call me one too, but I’m not saying that one.
44. What was the last film you saw?I’m currently watching Salt. But the last one I watched through and through was The House
45. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?Probably whatever happened to my wrist. Considering it still hurts over a year later
46. Have you ever caught a butterfly?No. But I remember raising one from a caterpillar in elementary school and releasing them as butterflies.
47. Do you have any obsessions right now?Not that I know of
48. What’s your sexuality?Gay/lesbian
49. Ever had a rumor spread about you?I’ve had quite a few spread about me. I think the ones that effected my life at the time the most was that I was pregnant or that I was trans.
50. Do you believe in magic?I’m not sure
51. Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?Yes. Absolutely.
52. What’s your astrological sign?Taurus
53. Do you save money or spend it?A bit of both, but more so save it. I spend it on necessities for the most part and save the rest.
54. What’s the last thing you purchased?A smoothie, a lemonade, two bags of chips, and two boxes of donuts.
55. Love or lust?I’d rather have love
56. In a relationship?No
57. How many relationships have you had?4, technically. One only lasted like two weeks and was long distance so I don’t count it. One with a boy, 3 with girls.
58. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?Nope
59. Where were you yesterday?I know it’s technically past midnight but I haven’t slept yet so I’m going to say that it’s from the 9th. And I was at work.
60. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Yes. My stuffed dog I’ve had for as long as I can remember
61. Are you wearing socks right now?No
62. What’s your favorite animal?Probably otters
63. What’s is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?I don’t know. I don’t think I have one. I don’t care if people like me or not.
64. Where is your best friend?Probably in bed at home. I don’t know.
65. Give me your top 5 blogs on tumblr.Some that come to mind are @eatmeoutnowbabe@ericajonorris@perksofbeingalesbian@yourgaydarisonpoint@youknow-me-not-my-story
66. What is your heritage?I’m Native American
67. What were you doing last night at 12am?Laying in bed
68. What do you think is Satan’s last name?Probably something cheesy and harmless sounding
69. Be honest. Have you ever gotten yourself off?Never
70. Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?Kind of. To an extent
71. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?Save the dog. Fuck my boss. I can find a different job. That said, my actual boss, wouldn’t do that to me
72. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. A) do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? B) what do you do with your remaining days? C) would you be afraid?A. Maybe a few people, but not everyoneB. Live my life to the fullest that I canC. I don’t think so
73. You can only have one of these things: trust or love?I think this is a trick question. I think they go hand in hand a bit. But I choose trust over love.
74. What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?Not sure really. Maybe Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks. It reminds me of some good times in my childhood
75. What are the last 4 digits of your cell phone number?7260
76. In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Open communication. Trust. Honesty.
77. How can I win your heart?Can’t win what I don’t have
78. Can insanity bring more creativity?Maybe to an extent
79. What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?Getting Dexter
80. What size shoes do you wear?Depends on the brand and style. But anywhere from 5-7
81. What do you want to be written on your tombstone?“I’m not easy to kill…fuck”
82. What is your favorite word?Fuck
83. Give me the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word; heart?Less
84. What is a saying you say a lot?“It is what it is”
85. What’s the last song you listened to?Follow Me by Uncle Kracker
86. Basic question: what is your favorite color/colors?Black
87. What is your current desktop picture?I’ll reblog a picture of it. I posted it before
88. If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?My mom’s ex-boyfriend’s son
89. What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?I’m not sure, honestly
90. One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find out you are surrounded by mummies. The mummies aren’t doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?Tell them to fuck off. Or kill them. Depends I guess
91. You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with a superpower of your choice. What is that power?Transfiguration/shapeshifting
92. You can relive any point of time in your life. The timespan can only be a half hour, though. What half hour of your life would you like to experience again?Any time I had with my best friend before he died. I don’t care if it’s us playing. Or sleeping. I just want one more moment with him
93. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Nothing. My past has made me who I am. I am a product of all that I have been through. I may not like myself, but this is who I am. If something hadn’t happened, I may not be the me I am now. It’s up to me to change and become the person I want to be with everything that’s happened.
94. You have the opportunity to sleep with the music celebrity of your choice. Who will it be?Probably Lynn Gunn. Maybe Lauren Jauregui
95. You just got a free plane ticket to go anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you going to go?I don’t know specifics. Somewhere where no one knows my name or my story. Somewhere where I’m free to be whoever I want to be 96. Do you have any relatives in jail?Probably. I think my cousin is in prison. Looking at like 25 years I think.
97. Have you ever thrown up in a car?Not that I remember. But I heard that I did when I was black out drunk a few years back
98. Ever been on a plane?Yes. Quite a few times. But only for visits to two places.
99. Answered
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