#and cute little floofballs swearing a lot is part of it
nocek · 5 months
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And this concludes the grand crossover event
(or does it?)
(it does but I was given a great idea for how to solve Gwen's problem :) )
the timeline of previous relevant comics:
[Jeff has a great fashion sense and Peter is the best hooker]
[Jeff is found and fucks are lost]
[bro landed up in the wrong universe and all he got out of it is a lousy bow]
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natty-anne · 4 years
The Loss Of Oliver...
Has made me super aware of all things cat related now.
I am super obsessed and super in love with all things foof like that go “mew!”
Not that I wasn’t before, since Oliver was just 9 weeks old when I adopted him from the ASPCA (Adopt don’t shop, no matter how cute that puppy looks in the window!)
Anyway he was so tiny he fit in the palm of my hand, and had the tiniest, baby meow I had ever heard. Up till his last breaths he maintained that baby meow and I will forever love the sound of it and miss it dearly.
You know when I decided to go there and look at the cats to adopt, I originally went there with the intent of picking out a black cat.
I am super obsessed with black cats (and orange tabby cats too n__n)
But I had also wanted to start out my adventure with the animal in kitten form, but there were no black cat kittens. There were a couple of black cats that were like 2 months old, but I didn’t want that, I wanted a baby. Lol I’m so picky, sorry not sorry.
And there he was, in all his tiny, cuteness. He was so precious...but he wasn’t a black cat.
He was a kitten though, so I thought I’d at least say hi to him. One of the best decisions I ever made to this day. I remember kneeling down to get better acquainted with him since he was in a bottom cage. And him wanting absolutely nothing to do with me, haha. Small note: prior to me entering the room he had been in a play area with a girl and her mom, and I guess they had decided not to get him after all (lucky me) cause when I first saw him I thought: “How cute, I want to see him too!”
So anyway I kneeled down in front of him, and him showing no interest in me I was like “Well fine be that way, I guess I’ll go look at these other cats!” and as I’m getting up and attempting to walk away he reaches his paw through the bars of the cage at me and gives the biggest meow and starts freaking out to get me back. 
From that moment on, that reaction on, I knew he was mine.
I didn’t waste any time getting him together and bringing him home. I paid the $75 adoption fee and signed the papers for him and he had to get neutered lol (poor little guy loosing his little nunganungas before he’s had a chance to use them LOL)
And from that day on (October 15, 2010) till about 1 o’clock (I say this because I wasn’t paying attention to the time in this moment. No in this moment I was holding him in front of the big window in the room at the vet’s getting in his last views of the world....before he had to go....) February 15, 2021 he was my best friend.
He’ll always be my best friend, that will never change, the memories, the imprints have already been made so there’s no getting rid of the title even if he’s no longer physically with me.
We’re having him cremated, my mother wanted that for him. We’re doing things differently with him than we have done with our previous cats that have come and gone from our family. Those cats are all buried in the back yard. No, Oliver didn’t deserve that ending. He was my baby, through and through. I can’t let him go.
So he shall forever be in a box, turned into what I explained to my five year old as “They magically turned him into sand, and we’ve put him in a box so he’ll always be with us even if we move away.” Believe me this constant talk of death and pet related to my daughter has been an exhausting experience and learning of a lot of life lessons that’s for sure.
This never ending relationship with the rainbow bridge is such a gut wrenching thing I swear. I feel extremely lost and empty now from this.
Ever time I go to my parent’s house now I keep expecting him to be trying to run and escape out the front door, or be in the front window greeting me and bird watching. I keep expecting him to be on the kitchen counter trying to look out the window and try to rub and love on me for attention.
It’s such a hard thing trying to keep moving forward without something that’s had such an impact on your life. Oh Oliver, how I miss you so. How your energy, at least for me, is still very present in the house. When I try to walk, I can feel you zooming past me, I can feeling you jumping. I swear I can still hear you scratching.
I think this is going to drive me more insane if I’m being honest with you.
Dear Universe I just want my cat back.
I just want my baby back......please......
Oh how I wish it was that easy. That you could just step outside, put your hands together like you’re praying, look up to the sky, and just say please...please can I have them back......and they come back. Just like that. 
I’d give anything to have him back......anything. That’s how much I love him, how much I will always love him no matter how far away he goes from me, and even if I can no longer hold him, I will always love my furbaby.
On that note I’m gonna go now and continue to have my mental break downs and crying fest because I suddenly remember the amazing life of a sweet and good little floofball that was a part of my life. That at one point (before I had a human baby and betrayed him lol) he was my everything. He will always be my main man.
My little Ollie Monster. Momma loves you.
Goodnight Tumblr, stay safe, hold your furbabies close.
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thecorteztwins · 6 years
Rando Munday OOC Things
- The LARP was so fun this weekend! I always have a good time but this time was EXTRA GOOD!! - Chatzy used to be a HUGE part of my Tumblr RP experience, I did hours like every night? And now when I see a link for a chatzy on my dash I’m like...too pooped. Ditto for the Discord RP that I’m in, I can generally just do one thing a week there. I think it’s because I’m working more hours now than I was then, and get up earlier, but I miss it. - I’ve started watching Aggressive Retsuko on Netflix, I really enjoy it! Cute and relatable (even if my office is nowhere CLOSE to that bad! it’s really great actually!) Director Gori is my favorite, I love her so much!!
- I went to a women’s college. New students got assigned an older “sister” to show them the ropes and stuff. Mine was more of an older “sibling” because they were identifying as nb at the time. He ended up transitioning fully to male, getting on T, taking a male name, etc. My dad, an old conservative Southern guy, met him both before and after the transitioning. He was super cool both times, and he used the right name/pronouns, not just to his face but even now when he asks me how Neil (the guy’s name) is doing now, and if we’re still talking. For whatever reason, he’s very invested in our friendship; I think he was just glad to have someone looking out for his little girl. Anyway I told him that Neil was living in Madison, in Wisconsin, and he was SO HAPPY?! Like he was THRILLED to hear that! He explained to me that he had been worried a bit for Neil because apparently Wisconsin has some pretty conservative areas, but Madison is like this hip liberal alternative college town, and that it’s “perfect” for Neil. My dad is adorable, is what I’m trying to say. - I believe our shrew is a southern short-tailed shrew. Most shrews can't stand each other but this breed can be social and share burrows! SO WE COULD HAVE LOTS OF SHREWS also we think it was a mom bc it was hauling a grub instead of eating it on the spot. I have half a mind to buy some mealworms next time I'm at the pet shop and scatter them in the yard for the shrew(s) - Tumblr reminded me of how Hagrid made Harry a scrapbook of his parents and brought him a birthday cake and is the one who got him Hedwig and I AM SO UPSET hagrid is so wonderful and unappreciated - Why does everyone think Hufflepuffs are all nice floofballs? Being loyal and hardworking does not automatically beget niceness. The Death Eaters were loyal and hardworking too. Not anti-Hufflepuff here (they’re my fave house!) but just, like, noticing. - “Reality doesn’t come with trigger warnings” Reality doesn’t come with a laugh track either, but our media also includes those? Reality doesn’t come with pause and rewind buttons, but we can do that with our media? And there’s “Viewer Discretion Advised” shit in front of lots of shows? Like this is just the dumbest argument. I’d like to think that even if I were against trigger warnings (which I’m NOT) I would employ better arguments than this. I feel that way about a lot of things---it’s less being agreed/disagreed with that peeves me, and more the stupidity of the argument being used. Even when I agree with the point being made. - And then I saw someone say “Trigger warnings let people avoid topics that make them unhappy” uhhhhhh should I be looking for things that make me unhappy? Should I stop watching shows I enjoy and start watching shows I hate? Should I look for pictures of things I find upsetting instead of cute animals? Should I read books in genres I dislike instead of stuff I’ll enjoy or at least makes for a good hate-read? What the fuck kind of argument is this? If people are seeking out things that make them unhappy, that seems a LOT more uhealthy than avoiding it, what the fuck.  - So apparently there’s a new member of the Avengers but it turns out she was with them all along, she was a founding member of the team but then something happened that made everyone forget her but she was TOTALLY present in all the old issues, and we’re going to draw a bunch of scenes from those old issues but with her in it doing/saying cool things and have all the Avengers remember her now and talk about how great she is! Holy shit this is...are you kidding? Please tell me she turns out to be a bad guy and this is all fake OH IT IS thank goodness. Actually I really love this. I would have hated it if she was for real, but this turning out to be a villain plot makes me like it (because I hate the genuine “retconned into being a pre-existing part of the team” when it’s played straight) - I don’t think it’s cool to speculate on other peoples sexualities, even if they’re in the public eye, but if you’re going to try to guess which female celebrities are gay...look for who a lot of lesbians crush on. This is just a general pattern in my experience, not a universal fact, but I notice queer women seem to find other queer women most attractive. Maybe it’s the overall preference for “butch” traits that I find is common among gay and bi women, maybe it’s just my own imagination/confirmation bias, but I swear we can fucking sense it. - Things I hate: When someone includes stuff like “so hate me if you want” or “so you can tear me apart now” or “so now you clearly think I’m an awful person” in their argument. This does not incline me to take your argument more seriously, nor in any way be sympathetic with you. In fact, it fills me with fucking ire, and I have no doubt other people feel the same. 
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