#and cyrek is such an engaging muse that is just as important to me as my own and!! everything about him pulls my interest
forbiddcnsirvn · 2 years
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DEVILSERPENT: Taken from when we celebrated our small, but meaningful honeymoon, yet another day that’s tucked in deep within the heart that I’d never thought would beat so yearningly for someone before. It feels forever and beyond has passed, doesn’t it? Since the second we laid eyes upon one another. I remember how enticed I was from that one passing moment alone – you were not like any other that I had seen or met, the underdog that was chewed by everyone around him and yet remained to hold inferno that could conflagrate every inch and thread of my being. When I grew up, I was raised in an environment where love was a ludicrous thing and attraction implied nothing but material rewards – assignment after assignment went by to chisel me into something that was entirely unloveable. And to think of it now, I am still astounded by how much of kindred spirits we had always been. We were both sewn by tragedies, by the surroundings that were anything but kind, and we bit the world and hands that tried to care for us. It was peculiar in theory how we eventually ended up strung together, and yet here we are, and then I started believing that it had always been fate all along. I remember being convinced that soulmates never existed – that the other half of our existence was made up by nothing but anecdotes and fairy tales that were not made for people like me, like us, but now there is nothing that can reduce my belief that we have always meant to come into one. There are many evidences of that – how we clashed, volcanoes erupting against one another, hell-stricken, and yet when the night collapsed we’d discover ourselves still in each other’s arms. If that isn’t fate, and if you aren’t the one piece that completes me,  then I’m not sure what would be. I’m not sure if I would ever believe in anything else anymore. 
Cyrek, my soulmate, my rockstar – we have grown up a lot since, but there is not a day where I don’t crave you the way I always had. They say attraction falters once the novelty wears off, but that is not the sentiment that I can relate to. We may have grown older, but each second I spend without you by my side is the hardest to endure. I do not care if you’re ill, I do not care if there are days where you might not be able to embrace me the way you usually would; every moment I lie down next to you and being able to watch you drift off into sleep, no matter how short-lived, is already more than enough for me. You are enough. I know that you doubt that very often. Your worth, your values, but I do hope that one day you will realize how important you are by just existing and being yourself. I don’t give a single shit about the flaws that you may have, I have loved those for years, and I have loved YOU for years, and nothing about that will ever change. You’re still the person who brought me out of my confinement so we could watch the world and moon spin together. So I could breathe in the air, and wake to the sound of your humming in the morning. You’re still the person that breathed life into me and pulled genuine laughter out of me sincerely for the first time in God knew how long. You taught me ventures, and affections, and stupid quarrels and love. No matter how many anniversaries that we’ll have, that would never ever change and I will be here even through your worst days. Kind of funny, huh? How willing I am to drop many off my proximities, but for you, and you alone, I will be here.
We have built so much over the years. Our marriage, our entire army of children, this little found family that I admit I’m still trying to warm up to entirely and the trailer that we share our nights in. It has not always been easy, and yes, you can be a hardass and I can be a complete brat, but we make it work - don’t we? I’ve learned that wealth means nothing when the person that you long to be is not around and that simplicity in life is not always bad. Of course, there isn’t anything simple about our relationship in nature and I kind of love that about us a lot, but when it comes to living, just sitting at the porch and on your lap while summer heat breezes in and you tell me about your shitty days and those creatures you are not allowed to name, that feeling is, undoubtedly, indescribable. I want more of that and I always will. I crave not for the exquisite things, but the little ticks where we can be intimate together after our long days or rowdy exchanges, where I can just stare at you and be content that you are still around. With me. If there is one wish that I could say for this anniversary, is that I would like to be able to have another year writing this sappy shit while you work your odd jobs and I am waiting for you to come home. And next year, I will wish for the same. I am yours, and I forever will be. Happy anniversary, Cyrek, I love you deeply. ♥ @devilsprxphct
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