#and dave giving himself an ulcer trying to figure out how to make sure this future baby doesnt DROWN
attachablepenis · 1 year
its completely unrealistic to believe that baby dirk, fresh off his meteor, was able to both not drown and somhow climb up into his bros old apartment
alpha dave setting up a wile e coyote giant baseball mitt and catapult contraption to catch and fling limp neck dirk to safety IS however completely believable and in character
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whump-town · 4 years
Route 66
(done right-- welcome to my version of Route 66 with angst and whump because I like to beat Hotch around... cause I love him. Buckle in, fasten your seat belts, and, for the love of God people, remember to keep your hands and feet inside vehicle at all times...)
Aaron Hotchner sits bolt upright in his bed. For a moment, all he knows is the cold sweat drying on his skin and the scent of musky settled dust. Noticeably, this isn’t his house or even his bed. The sheets across his bare legs are scratchy, irritating his skin. He can’t focus on the sensation eating his legs up, too busy trying to keep his measly dinner down. 
His racing heart and nausea tightening his throat are making it a difficult feat.
The bed lamp on the nightstand beside the other bed clicks on and slowly, his brain strings together the course of the last few days. Tennessee, three dead kids, and another missing. No cooling-off period. All dead within the first 24 hours. The hotel. 
“Hotch, are you okay?” The other figure-- not Dave, which is weird because he remembers talking to Dave before he fell asleep. The older man had asked something similar to the voice now but inquiring if he needed anything before they went to sleep. “Hotch?”
He snaps out of his thoughts, grounded by the hand placed on his shoulder. 
It’s Prentiss.  
He throws the blankets off of his legs and appreciates when she stumbles out of his way. His knees buckle underneath his feet but he throws a hand out and catches himself on the nightstand. For a moment, Emily reaches out for him. Wanting to allow him to lean into her but she hesitates. He manages to stand on his own even if his knees bow from his weight. 
She gives him space and he manages to get to the bathroom by himself. Sparing her the sight of him falling limply to his knees as he expels the contents of his stomach into the inside of a hotel toilet. She can still hear his weak gags from the other room.
As much as she would like to invade his personal space and smother him with remedies, she has to fight that. Hotch cares about his personal space and while it will make her feel momentarily better that she’s helped him, he’ll carry around the guilt of being weak for a month or better. So, instead, she slips a cardigan over her tank top and waits for him to either stop vomiting or for the knock on their door that signals someone else has heard the noise.
Whichever comes first. 
He falls silent. Too silent. 
Whatever part of her brain that screams for his personal space is overpowered by the intense fear that births itself in the form of panic and a tight uncomfortable feeling in her throat. “Are you okay?” She knocks her fist against the door before peeking her head around. Relief flooding her body as she finds him propped up between the toilet and the bathtub, his head leaning against the cold off-white walls. 
“Do you need anything? Water?” 
At just the mention of putting something near his mouth, his stomach twists bitterly. He shakes his head. 
She leans against the doorframe, “is there anything I can do?”
He shakes his head, unable to trust his voice.
That was Wednesday.
Emily tells Dave, her hands shaking a little as she explains the whole situation. It feels like a betrayal of his trust. People get sick and it’s not like they’re an exception to that. If anything, they sick more often that normal people. Stress suppresses the immune system.
“It’s probably nothing,” she admits, head ducked from his peering eyes. She picks insistently at her nails, which tells Dave all he really needs to know on the matter. It isn’t nothing. Whatever Emily saw, and whatever she hasn’t told him in full, bothered her. Given Emily and Hotch’s strange relationships-- at one another throats and then the best of friends-- he reckon, it is bad. 
“I’ll talk to him,” Dave says with a sigh. His head already hurts just thinking about the loops that boy is going to make him jump through. He chuckles to himself. Boy. Aaron Hotchner isn’t much of a boy anymore. Although, it’s not hard to see that knuckle-headed recruit from twenty some years ago. 
Unfortunately, Dave, also, knows exactly what she’s talking about. Just yesterday he’d followed a nose-diving, clearly distraught Aaron Hotchner into the men’s bathroom.
“Aaron?” Dave gives him a moment. Waits until the gagging stops and he hears the sound of lazily, uncoordinated movement as Hotch tries and fails to pull himself back to his feet. Calling the younger man’s name out again, he pushes the stall open so that he can see in better. “You okay, son?”
Hotch is curled into himself, head tilted back against the cool plastic of the stall wall. His dark hair is haloed out around his head, sticking up in every direction. Slowly his eyes drag up to Dave, surrounded by the dark bags and the light brown of his iris’ accented by the aggravated vessels of his eye. That answers one question: he sure as hell isn’t sleeping.
“Fine,” Hotch rasps, voice cracking around the soreness lodged in his throat. “I’m fine.” He pulls himself upright. With an audience, standing is mandatory. He’s not going to be on his knees in front of anyone. With a muffled cough, he throws out a fumbling hand to connect with the commode handle. Flushing the meager ex-contents of his stomach.
On his feet once again, he leans into the door for a moment. The world attempting to give out from beneath his feet.
Dave reaches out and touches his elbow, wrapping his hand around his arm. He’s a little too worried to leave just yet. “You sure about that,” Dave asks. “You don’t seem alright. “The glare that comes his way is concentrated and while it doesn’t scare Dave into leaving Hotch alone, it does assure him that Hotch is already doing better.
As it turns out, “doing better” was temporary. 
“I told you,” Hotch states calmly, his voice the picture of calm and steady. Controlled. “I’m fine.” He keeps his gaze on the whiskey he’s gently spinning around his glass. 
“You’re getting old,” Dave brushes it off. He pours Hotch another two fingers of the whiskey, not really asking just leaning over and pouring. Hotch doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t validate the statement. “We’re not as young as we once were,” Dave sighs. There’s a melancholy that settles over the room. Dave thinks about that lanky kid he picked up in Seattle. He had no way of knowing that kid would turn into the man in front of him today. A trusted friend. A son.
Dave lets the heavy taste of the whiskey settle on his tongue, shaking his head as he fails to think of anything but the last few years. Of the trouble brought into their lives.
Hotch cups the tumbler in his hands, looking down into the amber liquid. He’s not sure how to say it, really. The thing is, he knows something is wrong. But… he glances at Dave, the older man smirking as he raises his glass to his lips, maybe it’s just in his head. 
He’s having nightmares. Not the usual ones, although, those aren’t all that normal either. The thing is, he’s dreaming of Haley. He hasn’t dreamt of Haley in years. He never dealt with those emotions and that trauma the right way but that typically reflects itself more around the anniversaries of the attacks. Not now. Not without reason.
He’s right. He just doesn’t know that yet.
“You okay, man?” 
Hotch sticks to a very predictable routine. When he deviates from it, it’s still not that crazy. It’s 11:30, and like always, he comes down from his office for his third cup of coffee. Today, his fingers are digging into the pale flesh of his temple. More alarming than the pallor of his skin is the blatant pain etched across his forehead. Completely out of character.
It’s like he doesn’t even hear Morgan the first time. Now he startles slightly, flinching as Emily and Morgan both step into the breakroom beside him. Absently, he watches as Emily pulls the mug of coffee from his hands. Nothing more than a grunt of annoyance gracing his lips when she pours it down the sink. 
“You’re going to give yourself an ulcer,” she states, filling it, instead, with cold water from the tap. “Besides, you look like you need a nap.”
Morgan envies the relationships she has with their boss. Dying Hotch wouldn’t let Morgan anywhere near his coffee. “When was the last time you slept anyways,” Morgan asks, tucking his arms against his chest. He’s preparing for a pushback. For shields and that steely look in his friends eyes. 
Because that’s what’s normal.
“Last night,” Hotch says instead, taking his mug of water from Emily with a frown. 
There are no shields. 
“For more than a few hours, man,” Morgan amends. “Seven or eight hours not four.” 
The water still taste like coffee-- so like shit. However, it’s probably better on his empty stomach. Besides, water isn’t as cruel coming back up. As far as Morgan’s question goes, he can’t remember. Not recently, that’s for sure. “Don’t you have work to do,” he grunts, raising an eyebrow.
That’s Hotch. 
Morgan looks him up and down one last time before nodding. 
Emily eyes him a moment to long and Morgan shakes his head, his suspensions confirmed. 
“Drink the water,” Emily states, following Morgan out. 
Wednesday he spaces out during a meeting. 
It’s not pressing even though it’s at the round table. They’re just bored and looking for something interesting to do-- so Dave drags him out of his office. He’s been hiding out there, only coming out when he has to. Secluded to the dark cool space.  
His eyes seemed glassy and if he were anyone else, they might jokingly inquire about his sobriety. It’s insensitive now, wrong. By now, it’s impossible to deny that something’s wrong.
Palm pressed into his eye-socket, he’s trying to swallow down the nausea creeping up his throat. “Hmm,” he grunts, clenching his teeth tightly to refrain from wincing.
“Are you alright?” Reid. He’s sitting beside Hotch, leaning close to the larger man. Nearly pressed into his side, his sore side. Reid watches a vein in his forehead jump so he puts some more space between them. Shying away for a moment. “I can…” he clears his throat nervously. “I have, uhm, I have Tylenol.” He stutters, eyes catching the other’s now that the low hum of their voices has cut through the mostly silent room. “If you--If--If you want that.”
Hotch gently reaches down and knocks a knuckle against his thigh. They meet eyes and Reid feels himself calm immediately. “That would--” Hotch has to stop and clear his throat. “Please.” 
Reid nods his head, standing ducking his gaze from the other’s. He’s got a mission, a way he can help, and he’s content for the moment.
Hotch knows the Tylenol isn’t going to help, nothing has, but it’ll make Reid feel good to have something to do. That, within itself, is good enough.
Until it isn’t.
He wakes with a startle. The breath in his lungs effectively knocked out. A whimper leaves his lips, twisting in agony at the pain down his sternum into his abdomen. Slowly, the black of his vision patters out but he’s left covered in a cold sweat and shaking. 
Panting, he sits up, holding his side with his hand as he does so. Shit… and it’s ten o’clock. “J-Jessica?” he’s shaking so bad that he has to lean back against the couch. “Hey,” he rasps. “Is, ugh, is Jack up?”
He’s not but that just leaves more time for Jessica to fret. She’s noticed things are off too and after Hotch promised to be home last night… he’d worried her. He’s still worrying her. 
“I’m okay,” he rasps. “Just…” his lip twitches as he just stares into the carpet of his office. It’s getting so hard to keep up this ruse. To keep lying. He wants to cave. For someone to just take care of him so this madness can end but… he doesn’t want to burden anyone. Not when Jessica already does so much. “I just lost track of time, Jess. I’m sorry. I, ugh, fell asleep on the couch in my office.”
He closes his eyes, head tilted back. He’s still exhausted which is too exhausted to say anything when Jessica lays into him about spending too much time at the office. “It’s gonna be the death of you Aaron,” she whispers, the fear in her voice thick. “You can’t do that to this boy,” she adds. “Not to any of us.”
He… He hadn’t considered that.
“I--” he squints at his phone, frowning at the Amber Alert he sees. “I gotta go, Jess.” At least he feels guilty about it. “I’ll talk to you later…”
Thin ice but when isn’t he?
Standing is… it’s really hard. He keeps one hand pressed to the wall as he walks, each step a little too unsteady. Pulling in a deep breath he straightens his back out and walks into the conference room. The other’s glance up but no better than to look for too long.
He starts to struggle to breath, his body shaking against his will. The room is freezing, leaving his skin tight and pained with the goosebumps raised across his arms. He needs to sit down but if he sits down he won’t be able to get back up. He can’t know for certain, his breathing is labored and his vision is swimming-- he’s got to get out of this room. “E--Excuse me.”
His shoulders slump and his roll back into his head.
part 2 is in progress but you can still yell at me about the cliff hanger down below if you’d like :)... I mean, a comment is a comment
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Honestly God and five and siblings goals. Also do you have any more info on that au??
(about the late addition/universe child au here ;3c)
adsfSDFGH are you kidding they would be the most insufferable kind of siblings where God and Five are consistently bothering each other and getting on one another’s nerves because they both are strong personalities that clash but at the same time if you even THINK about being mean to the other they will kill you without mercy
of course there’s being protective AND being irritating to multitask which God considers her job as a big sister clearly??
at some point Five figures out how to shift the academy like two inches to the left dimensionally speaking so that it sort of becomes something almost like how the Commission HQ was out of time but not quite?? it’s the house that when you enter you kind of feel like you’re entering a liminal space because it’s not quite in the dimension but it’s also not not in the dimension?
which is a longwinded way of saying that Five figures out how to squirm right through a loophole so God can come to their family dinners sometimes, when she wants to come
absolutely no one is sure what to do with,, you know,, God as their,,,, what? step-sibling? Like,, yeah the universe didn’t marry Reginald or whatever but she’s five’s sister and five is their brother so??
klaus just rolls with it and teams up with god to irritate five while also taking her side on genuinely everything because she gave Dave and Ben back
(“That was actually me??” Five protests loudly, because he was the one who had to fucking jump into an active warzone after Klaus ditched and grab a big old adult corpse and lug it home like does no one have ANY respect for the effort he makes?)
Five only brings up being ‘older’ than God exactly one (1) time because she immediately turns him into a 3-year-old until he manages to contact their mother to set it right (and even then she made him stay that way for a couple of days for “teasing his sister” before returning him to age 13)
“Hey how come you can change Five’s age but he can’t?” Allison asks over breakfast. No one touches the coffee pot because God made it, and it’s like black sludge. Well, Five drinks it - but he hardly counts.
She takes a sip of her tar. “Eventually he’ll be able to do it, but he’s too young right now.”
“HEY you know the conversion rates, right?” Klaus interjects, “How old is Five in universe years?”
God just kind of shrugs. “I spent my first few hundred years cradled in our mother’s arms as she spoke galaxies into being. I was probably a few hundred thousand years old when I made my first planet, and then a few hundred thousand more than that when I figured out life.”
Five is also drinking sludge tar coffee and carefully not commenting.
“Is Five a baby?” Luther asks incredulously, and he absolutely deserves the mug that is thrown at his head. He’s only fortunate Allison yanked him out of the way so it shattered on the wall instead of his thick skull, and that Vanya immediately moved to restrain Five from lunging across the table.
God, for her part, simply shrugs. “It’s a bit difficult to say. We aren’t the same as other people. We aren’t even the same as each other. One day, when we’re old enough, we’re supposed to leave our mother and become universes unto ourselves - but that’s so far into the future as to be eternity.”
Mollified, Five sits back and nods his head, because it isn’t fair to judge his age by human standards or by universe standards really.
Except then God smirks and says, “But he’s definitely younger than me and being not even a hundred definitely makes him a baby.” 
They end up just having to cut God’s visit short that day before they manage to completely destroy the kitchen. As it stands they’re going to have to entirely replace the flatware. Diego ended up just bear hugging Five to his chest and walking out of the room at one point, which Five quickly escaped and jumped back in. Klaus told Diego it was a bad idea, and so the black eye is Diego’s own fault.
honestly just the knowledge that your brother is kind of ?? a god? or a demi-god? they’re all somewhat unclear on everything
“I think I’m having a crisis of faith.” Klaus wheezes from the floor when Five finally ends up trying to explain after he does his thing so he can have God over at the house. “Are we religious? Are we supposed to be religious now? Are angels real?”
“You’ve been calling Dave your angel for literal months, Klaus.” Five points out, unimpressed.
Klaus rolls over to prop himself up on his elbows and give his littlest brother the stink eye. “YEAH. But like, in a GAY way not a CELESTIAL way thank you.”
“Important clarification.” God deadpans from where she’s sitting on the couch inspecting her nails. Allison is painting her other hand in confident strokes that only faltered a little upon finding the exact identity of the little girl in front of her.
“Does no one care about my crisis?” Klaus howls mournfully to the ceiling.
“I finished the tea.” Dave announces, coming into the room and just looking at Klaus on the floor with fondness instead of the general exasperation that’s sitting on every other sibling’s face. That’s how they know it’s love.
“That’s why he’s an angel.” Klaus sighs dreamily, accepting the cup and reaching up to pull Dave down to cuddle while Five makes a face at the blatant PDA going on in the house
honestly just Dave being super calm and just very very calmly turning to Klaus upon finding all this out and being like “Klaus, love of my life, I know you told me your family was weird but what the actual fuck.” 
And he’s from like, the old days when fuck was a really really bad word so you know it’s bad
(someone: i have questions about religion - 
god: actually i’m agnostic
someone: …
god: …
someone: but aren’t you goD -)
now i’m picturing claire coming over and having a tea party with her uncle five and also oh, god
(patrick, frantically, in the background after being filled in on all of this: what the fuck allison what the fuck)
but basically five in this au is like,, a very weak god?? because he’s a baby in terms of years and their power is supposed to grow with their years (which probably means that the universe absolutely could have interfered but it would have been a little like using a nuclear bomb to get rid of a spider in the house)
Five can: part the fabric of the universe to travel - both spatially and temporally, do some quick and dirty magic tricks like swapping two items or jumping an item to his hand instead of going to it, and speak the language of the universe - which is how he contacts his mother (it’s a little bit like yelling for your parent from across the house and hoping they’ll come closer to hear you)
God can do a whole heck of a lot more than that but she binds herself with a lot of personal rules - the chief of which is not to interfere too badly in mortal affairs because she’s a big believe in free will. And also if she tries to help one person, where does she draw the line?
(God likes Allison because she gets what it’s like to be capable of overriding someone’s free will and then choosing to not do that - even when it’s the easiest option available)
“So like, do I get my own planet?” Five asks, idly spreading peanut butter on bread as he prepares his favorite snack.
“Maybe when you’re older.” God says, just that side of condescending as she loudly clicks buttons on a gaming system she stole directly out of Ben’s hands not even ten minutes ago. He just let her have it and sat down at the table with a book and a deep sigh.
“I’ll kill you.” Five says mildly, like he’s commenting on the weather. “I’ll kill you, and no jury would convict me.”
“On no.” God deadpans, not even looking up from her game. It may or may not be pokemon. “Whatever will I do. I wonder where people go when they die. Surely it isn’t my own home dimension. Oh, the horror.”
“Don’t bring me into this.” Ben mutters, loudly flipping a page and making Five snort in laughter.
honestly i’m just picturing a whole lot of shenanigans tbh,, like not even connected series of flashes of just sort of a slice of life comedy
(“Some big sisters teach their little brothers to ride bikes.” Diego mutters, rubbing at the side of his head where his entire goddamn ear vanished a moment ago when he’d be volunteered for God to try and demonstrate something on him, “Just harmless bike riding. Not vanishing people’s fucking ears. The nerve. See if I hang around you two again.”)
Just Diego at the police station getting really frustrated with a case and being like “Hold up Eudora -” (“Don’t call me that.”) “I’m gonna call home and see if god is in, see if she knows that the hell is going on here. If not we might have to talk with Klaus, ugh.” (“Diego what the FUCK.”)
technically god has a name but it’s in like,, universe language?? it’s in starsong and not really,, applicable to human ears? the universe has a starsong name as well, and technically so does Five, which is probably why this au five was so resistant to getting a ‘name’ - he already had one
(Luther, horrified: wait when you said about being the four horsemen were you being literal
Five: don’t be silly Luther, if my sister wanted to cause the apocalypse she’d come down here and do it herself, not outsource
Luther: i am not comforted by that)
even after their first somewhat interesting meeting, god actually does get along with klaus very well - partially because his powers most directly relate with her ‘dimension’ so to speak, the one she calls home most of the time
i’m currently picturing a team up between god, claire, and five and it’s horrifying and wonderful and i’m sure causes more than one stress ulcer in the house goodness
but yes needless to say i do have a lot of thoughts about this au lmao
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newscheckz · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/parent-read-learn-reality/
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Little did Mrs. Joseph know that the CCTV installed in their house, which almost caused a rift between her and her husband would be the saving grace to unravel the mystery behind a very unfortunate incident that would change the atmosphere in her home permanently.
Mrs. Joseph came back from work a few days before the ugly incident and met some guys from the technical department of their church working on certain installations.
When she enquired about what was going on her husband, Pastor Kim Joseph told her that he brought those brothers from their church to come and help install a CCTV camera in their home.
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This response did not go down well with Mrs. Joseph who felt that her dear husband should have discussed with her before going into such project for the home.
Agreed, they had talked over it some months back and even brought in some experts to survey the house and get some other technical details, but they later agreed that the project should be suspended till their son Dave, returned from NYSC.
However, Pastor Joseph explained to her that while he was praying in the house that morning after she had gone to work it was strongly impressed on his heart to get that work done without further delay.
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He is a full time pastor with one of the Pentecostal churches in Lagos, South-West, Nigeria while his wife, Dupe Joseph was a manager in one of the commercial banks in the same city.
The wife still could not understand the sense of urgency in the whole thing or why he could not wait till at least the next day so they could talk about it once again. Anyway, that’s that for the issue of CCTV installation in their home.
Mrs. Joseph was still nursing the wound from her husband’s rash decision before tragedy struck in their home.
Three days later, while at work, at about 1 pm Mrs. Joseph got a call from her husband to come home immediately.
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The tone of his voice did not give her any room to question him further. Even before she could open her mouth to ask any question he had hung up.
She quickly put necessary things in order in the office, called her driver and headed home not knowing what to expect. As she approached her home, she started having this kind of heavy heartedness, an indication that something was wrong somewhere.
When she got to their estate gate, the forlorn look on the faces of the security men who opened the gate for her car did not pass her unnoticed. Her house was just a few blocks away from the gate.
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He arrived at her house in time just to see the police and some paramedics from the estate medical centre putting a body into an ambulance. At that instant, her whole world came to a standstill.
She could not immediately make out what was happening or whose body it was. Before her eyes could span round the pockets of people gathered in the compound some women surrounded her and held her while leading her into the house.
On getting into the living room she met her husband sitting on the floor wearing a pair of trousers and no shirt.
That was probably the first time any of the people in that room had seen him that way. Pastor Joseph’s family was one decent and lovely family, which many residents of that estate admired so much.
They are the kind of neighbours any person would like to have. Their two children are so homely and well-mannered that other parents use them to give example to their own children. Mrs. Joseph could still not fathom what was happening in her home.
Pastor Joseph had just rounded off their Wednesday Hour of Grace prayer meeting in the church when his phone rang at about 11.30am.
It was their nanny that called and tearfully said, “Oga I beg come home ooo! I no know wetin happen to Bisi ooo! (Sir please come home. I don’t know what happened to Bisi). She cut the line before he could say anything further, but not until the pastor heard some yelling and commotion at the background.
He quickly jumped into his car with deacon Udoh and Sister Margaret who were with him when the call came in.
Without wasting time with further details let me tell you what happened. The nanny said that she came back from the market and met the front door open, which is very unusual. She entered into the house, went straight to the living room and saw the only daughter of the Josephs, Bisola stone dead on the sofa.
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She ran outside the compound in fear and alerted the neighbours and the security men at the estate gate. That is the summary of what happened there.
Let us leave other events that happened in-between and address this sad incident: What do you think happened to Bisola? Who is the first suspect in this case assuming you are assigned to investigate this incident?
Your guess is as good as mine. But let us see more facts as they unveil…
In the midst of the uproar and confusion, one of the police officers who came there asked them if there was anything like CCTV in their house.
And Pastor Joseph answered in the affirmative. He then led the team to make the most painful discovery of their lives so far.
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From the CCTV recordings, they saw that a male figure came into the house at about 10.15 am and Bisola opened the door to him.
He came in and sat a while talking with the girl before other ugly things followed. From the moment he came in he went straight and sat near the girl on the 3-seater sofa she was reclining on reading a novel.
Bisola was relaxed and smiling heartily with him all the while. Suddenly the scene changed. He pinned her down on the floor and raped her. He was raping her and using the pillow to snuff the life out of her at the same time.
When he was done the first round he got up and moved round the house in search of God-knows-what.
After walking round he came back to the motionless body of the girl and raped her again then picked her and dropped her on the seat. He went further to bring out a small bottle from his pocket, opened it and tried to force some of the content into her mouth.
When it was obvious the liquid was not going down, he went into the kitchen and poured the content into the kitchen sink, came back and placed the empty bottle near the sofa where the girl lay; he made sure he opened it and dropped the cover on the floor. When he was done he quietly opened the door and left.
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Don’t cry yet because more horrifying revelations are coming. Let’s check this place tomorrow to know what happened next.
From the CCTV footage, it was not difficult for the pastor to pick who the killer was. Even the nanny was called in by the police and she immediately identified the monster. In other words, he was well known to the family.
Mrs. Joseph was too shattered to be made to watch any video, but I guess she too would have been able to recognize the assailant.
The policemen encouraged the pastor to put himself together and put a call across to the killer and invite him to come and help him to do something in the church.
He obliged and mustered courage and made a call to the guy at the other end. He was asked to put the call on speaker so that others could follow in the conversation.
The pastor sounded as calm as ever while the voice at the other end was enthusiastic to hear from him. And the brief discussion went thus:
Pastor Joseph: Hello my boy, how are you doing today?
Voice: I am fine sir. What of mummy and other members of the family?
Pastor: They are good; we bless God. Voice: Ok sir.
Pastor: I don’t know, ehnn, are you so busy this afternoon? Voice: Not really sir. Is there something you want me to do for you? Pastor: Good to hear that. Can you come over to the church now to help me type some mails?
Voice: Yes, sir. I will be there very soon.
Pastor: Oh, that’s my boy. I am expecting you dear. Line cuts.
The pastor entered his car while one of the police officers drove and they went to the church. On getting there the pastor went into his office with one of the police men while the rest waited in the car.
In a space of about 10 minutes a young man walked into the premises and went straight to the pastor’s office. You should know what happened there and then.
By now another police vehicle had joined them in the church. They drove back to Milimuck Estate where the Josephs live.
Back to the house, the CCTV footage was played for the young man the police came back with to watch. He was instructed not say a word but to watch quietly till the end, which he did.
At the end of the footage, the senior police officer announced, “young man whatever you say or do here may be used against you in the law court. Shall we proceed to the station please?”
Meanwhile, before they got back to the house Mrs. Joseph had been rushed to the hospital. The whole incident was too much for her to contain. Her elder sister, Dr. (Mrs.) Davies did not want to take chances knowing fully well that Mrs. Joseph was a known hypertension, as well as ulcer patient.
So, Dr. Davies arranged for her to be moved to her private clinic for close monitoring and observation, at least for that night.
I guess you may be asking within your mind, “who is that young man?” Don’t worry we shall soon find out. But before then let me tell you a little more about the Josephs family.
Pastor and Mrs. Joseph had two children, 20 year old David who is currently doing his NYSC in Rivers state, Nigeria and his 12 year old Bisola who was in JSS 3, in one of the private secondary schools in Lagos state before her gruesome murder.
As I said earlier, the Josephs family is a very godly and friendly family. Their 2 children are just good and also very intelligent. You hardly see them outside unless they are going to the church with their parents.
And they don’t even have many friends. They have few selected friends, mostly from their church and a few others from their estate.
Dave has a friend who is a member of their church music group. Both of them went to the same school from their primary to secondary school. But they separated when they were about to enter the university.
Dave did a 4-year course in the university while his friend went in for engineering, which was a 5-year program. Hence, Dave graduated before his friend and went to serve.
Meanwhile, when Dave came home after his orientation camp he discovered that his friend had been at home for some weeks.
When he asked him what he was doing at home he told him that there was a practical course he was sent to do in one of the firms in Lagos before coming back to finish his final year. And Dave believed him.
Dave and his friend were always together during the holidays. That was about the only friend he was allowed to visit from time to time. Both families became good friends because of the two boys.
This guy was like a second son to the Josephs. When Pastor Joseph traveled to the UK for a program he made sure that he bought the same kind of wears for his son and the friend.
Everybody in Pastor Joseph’s home loved this boy and even treated him as one of them. If he came to the house and wanted to eat, even if the family had finished eating the nanny would be asked to get him something to eat.
On several occasions he had spent not just a night but nights and days with the Josephs. To say that they were close may be an understatement but let us just leave it there.
It was barely 5 days after Dave went back to his place of service that his only sister, Bisola was gruesomely murdered. Bisola was at home that fateful day because their school was on mid-term break.
Her mum went to work while her dad went for a program in the church. The nanny had gone to Mile 12 market to buy some food items that morning.
I guess you are beginning to pick the pieces together as to unravel who killed Bisola. But before we finally name the dog, I want to ask you some questions.
· What do you know about your child’s best friend?
· Do you know that even the most trusted friend can be used by the devil to give your family a deadly blow?
· Are you sure the people you call your family friends share the same values with your own family? Are you sure they teach their own children same things you teach yours?
What of their religious beliefs and practices, because I have come to understand that some families believe one thing and practice another?
· When you are talking to your children and educating them on the issues of life, do you make it a point of duty to include their friends in the teachings?
· When was the last time you checked the call log and chats/messages on your child’s phone?
· Have you ever thought of organizing an in-house training/discussion on basic life issues like sexuality, friendship, academic excellence, and the likes for your children and their friends?
Even if you cannot handle it by yourself you can get some people who are good in such areas to help you.
· Do you agree with me that your own children are not safe until every other child out there is safe?
· Do you, from time to time, find out the state of the relationship between your children and their close friends?
· Apart from your children, who are the other friends kept by their close friends? This is because the friend of our friend is also our friend.
· Do you know that the fact that you are a child of God does not make your family totally immune to some of the pains other families are passing through?
· Do you know that you may be sincerely wrong to trust some unproven friends?
· Is there any reason under heaven why you should allow your daughter to be very close and relaxed with a young man without any measure of fear or suspicion?
· Are you aware that sexual hormones do not know who is a sibling or a friend?
· Do you know that at times boys can use their association with your son to get at your girls and vice versa?
· Am I wrong to say that none of my children should entertain their friends inside their room? Every friend must stay and be entertained in the living room, irrespective of who they are.
· Am I also wrong to say that I do not allow their friends to sleep-over in my home unless I am fully persuaded about who I am relating with, down to knowing the family and their value system?
· Who are your own friends?
· What is the testimony of people in your area about your family?
Please forgive me for throwing this number of questions to you at the same time. By the way, I still have many questions to ask but I just remembered that we are still looking for Bisola’s murderer.
At the police station, the police quizzed the young man they picked from Pastor Joseph’s house.
Officer: What is your name? Young man: (in a muffled voice) Edward Officer: Edward who? Young man: Edward Megida. Officer: Edward, did you recognize the man in the CCTV footage you watched before we left Pastor Joseph’s house? Edward: Ye-ye-yes sir. Officer: Who was that? Edward (stammering the more) I – I – I am the one. But sir it was the devil’s work (crying now).
Officer: (mockingly) you wrote an application letter to the devil and he employed you without pay but we are going to pay you here.
This will be a good lesson other devil’s employees like you. Now tell me, why did you kill that innocent girl?
Edward: Sir I I, it was the devil. Another officer: (kicking him from behind) come on speak out before I destroy you now! criminal like you!
Officer: My guy stop this your crocodile tears and just tell us everything you know about the death of that girl. And you better talk now before our oga comes here ooo! If you cooperate with us we may even do something for you before or when he comes. Edward: Sir I didn’t want to kill her but I was afraid that she might tell her family what I did to her. Officer: What did you do to her? Edward: I I raped her. Officer: (sounding amused) are you sure we will not collect that your dick from you so that it will not land you into trouble again? By the way, how did you gain entrance into the house? Was the door not locked? Edward: Bisola opened the door for me but the gate was open when I came. Officer: Why did she open the door for you? What did you use to threaten her? Edward: I did not threaten her at all. She just opened the door for me? Officer: Why?
Edward still has a lot of revelations and confessions to make, he may even have some accomplice(s) within or outside the Josephs family. Let’s cap it up tomorrow with those revelations. I am still your friend.
Edward: She knows me very well and I have been going to their house.
Officer: What do you normally go there to do?
Edward: Her elder brother, David is my best friend?
Another officer: (hit him on the head) you are a very wicked boy! You raped and killed the only sister of your best friend. You are not supposed to be alive by now.
Officer: Why did you do that, a fine young man like you? Did you want her to be your girl friend and she refused?
Edward: Sir I don’t know what came over me.
Officer: When was the last time you went to their house?
Edward: About six days ago, just before David went back to Rivers State where he is serving.
Officer: What happened that day, which warranted your going back to kill that girl?
Edward: Sir nothing unusual happened. All of us were just gisting and playing games in David’s room as we used to do before.
Officer: Who were the other people?
Edward: I mean three of us – David, Bisola and I.
Officer: So what happened?
Edward: Nothing sir. It is just that I became attracted to her. That day she was wearing one black bum shots like that, which was quite revealing of her very fair skin on her laps.
And as we were playing she bent over my body to collect her phone from David and her chest rested on my own. At that moment I didn’t know what happened to me again and I started imagining some weird things.
Officer: So?
Edward: I quickly got up and told them that I was going and I left. Officer: And?
Edward: When I got home I could not get her off my mind and I desired to have her by all means.
Officer: Continue.
Edward: That was just that. When my parents went to work in the morning I told my siblings that I wanted to pick some things from the mall and left the house. I went to their house straight.
Officer: How did you know she was alone in the house by that time?
Edward: I called her and told her that I just wanted to know how she was doing and if she was missing
Dave. It was then she told me that she was alone and would not mind if I paid her a visit.
Officer: So you accepted the invitation and went and killed her?
Edward: I didn’t mean to. I only wanted to have fun with her. But she just died when I was still on that.
Officer: (getting angry with him for the first time or so it appears) will you shut up your mouth you lying beast! She died while you were making love to her meanwhile the footage showed you suffocating her with a pillow.
You even came around to have a second round with her lifeless body. And that reminds me, what was that liquid you tried to force down her throat?
Edward: (obviously terrified) sir…sir, it…it was Sniper. But I just took a small quantity from the one in our house.
Officer: You said you did not want to kill her, why then did you go there with Sniper?
Edward: I…I…I don’t..
A slap from the other officer behind him could not let him complete the statement on his lips.
Officer: Now tell me, how many other girls have you done this to because you seem to be a master in the art?
Edward: Sir, this is just the first time I wa…
Another slap and a shove from the other officer brought him down to the floor with a heavy thud. This made him to cry out in pain. He was however mercilessly forced to stand on his feet again.
Officer: I am giving you the last chance before something sinister happens to you. Tell me how long you have been in this business and who your accomplices are. By the way, why are you not in school since they said you are a final year student of Victory Crest University?
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Edward: (shaking like a leaf with blood dripping from one of his nostrils) Sir, I was sent out of school about 2 months ago because I got involved in a cult activity. But my parents are still trying to see if they can work their way into getting me back to the school.
That is why no one knows about it yet. It was other members of the cult I joined in the school that introduced me into gang-raping of girls. They also taught me that the best way to avoid being caught is to eliminate the victim after using her.
I don’t know the number of girls I have raped from my second year in the university when I joined the cult but this is the second one to die in my hands.
Officer: Who and where was the first victim?
Edward: She was a girl in my department in the school and it happened during one of our gang activities in the school.
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We raided the girls’ hostel and her room happened to be one of the rooms assigned to me to raid. We were meant to raid the girls’ rooms and collect their hand sets and other valuables.
But when I got to their room her room mates were not there so I decided to rape her. While raping her she called out my name so I decided to kill her to cover my tracks.
Officer: Mhnn, oh boy you have gone far ooo. Listen to your language; you decided to kill her TO COVER YOUR TRACKS. How did you do that? Well, I don’t think that is necessary now. Are your parents aware of all these?
Edward: They got to know when they were invited to the school because of the last incident that involved the daughter of the deans of students’ affairs.
Officer: How old are you?
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Edward: I will be 20 years in December.
At this juncture those who went to the clinic to bring Mrs. Joseph and their nanny for some interrogations came in with them.
Of course they had told her to console herself with the fact that her daughter’s murderer has been caught and was already in police custody.
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Hence, Mrs. Joseph entered the interrogation room with the utmost curiosity to know who she offended so much that decided to take smiles from her face for the rest of her life.
And to think of it, that fateful day the T-shirt Edward was wearing was the same one Mrs. Joseph bought for him and his son, David when she took them to the trade fair complex about a year ago. She was not prepared for what she saw when she entered into the police interrogation office.
On seeing Edward in that dimly lit police interrogation room, every atom of strength that remained in Mrs. Joseph left her. Just before she collapsed on the floor, she managed to say in a trembling voice, “EDWARD, ARE YOU THE ONE?”
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These are the facts we have been able to pick from the story:
· Edward, David Jospeh’s best friend killed Bisola, the only sister David had. · Edward killed Bisola right inside her parents’ house, where he had always spent good times with the family before that fateful date. · Bisola trusted Edward so much and as such did not hesitate to throw their door wide open for him despite the fact that she was alone in the house. Another proof that 90% of pedophiles and other child sexual molesters are people known to the child. · Neither David nor his family knew that his best friend was a cultist and serial rapist.
ALSO READ: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU LOSE YOUR JOB · They also did not know that he was already rusticated from the campus and could not conclude his final year. · Edward was filled with lustful desires to waste Bisola from the day she unconsciously exposed her thighs and chest in a very unbecoming manner before him.
Another reason why we should ensure that our daughters dress decently even at home, especially when there are male visitors in the house.
That is the end of the story for now. But watch out for another series. Draw your own conclusions as a parent and as a family. I am still your friend.
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