#and deathwing... w his cool jaw
quenthel · 6 months
grigori in general is just such a stunning dragon... the way his body moves and his physical presence especially. but maybe im saying that bc for me the basis of dragons is wow dragons you can just clip into anytime so it always shocks me how much presence enemies have in other games lol
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necroarchived · 7 years
🏐`•.¸¸.•´mou ippon meme!!`•• .¸.•●☀️ “Unpopular 🔥 Opinion”
     Send a 🔥 to listen to Frost complain like a champion.
     Specified later to be about major character deaths.
     Placed under a readmore because I’m self-aware enough toknow that this is just going to be a lot of rambling, frothing hatred.
     Vol’jin. Fucking Vol’jin. I’ll be entirely honest, I’mone of those people who didn’t pay a lot of attention to Vol’jin until hestarted smack-talking Garrosh and then became a Mega Badass during Mists ofPandaria. I’m woman enough to admit that. But I’m also woman enough to admit that that’s because Blizzard didn’t givehim enough to do throughout Vanilla-Wrath, which is a damn shame because once they started playing around with him, Vol’jinwas awesome. He was so badass. The man took a knife to the throat and survived,then went on to lead the rebellion against GARROSH HECKSCREAM, FUCK YOUGARROSH, YOU SUCKED SO MUCH. (God I miss the days when we were all united inour seething hatred for that dickwaffle.)
     Then Vol’jinbecame the Warchief of the Horde, a Warchief that the Horde could bereally and truly proud of, which they neededafter the fiasco that was Garrosh. They deservedhim. Hell, man, I started making Horde characters because I was so excited tohave Vol’jin as a Warchief. I was so excited!
     And then!Warlords of Draenor dropped! And Vol’jin… did fucking nothing.
     I was willing toforgive that. Warlords of Draenor wasa fiasco on so many levels from a storytelling perspective (not the least beingKhadgar’s somewhat-shitty introduction into the spotlight at the cost of Jainaand Wrathion but whatever. That’s a different salt.) so the lack of Vol’jinmight’ve not been too bad. Warlords didn’t even have a Troll Area, which is howyou knew it was a bullshit expansion. (You needthe Troll Area for it to be a real WoW expansion.) I was forgiving. I couldwait. With the Burning Legion coming back, Vol’jin was definitely going to getto do some kickass stuff as Warchief. He was going to do great.
     And then Blizzardfucking murdered him.
     I mean, are youjoking? I outright refused for monthsto believe that they were actually going to kill Vol’in after it was dataminedthat he would die, especially considering the immediate outcry from the player base. And people weren’t pissedbecause he was a major character – after all, we also lost Varian, but he was awell-executed Major Character Death.(But this is salt, so I’m not spending time on that.) Not only did Vol’jin diebefore he did anything of worth asthe Warchief, before we got to know how he handled that mantle and saw him inaction, but his death was so. so bad. They literally stuck him like a pig by some random-ass demon in a cinematic thatwas very clearly centered on Sylvanas Windrunner. And the second cinematic,where he named her his successor was again – centered on Sylvanas Windrunner.Blizzard did Vol’jin the disservice of killing him Too Damn Soon and thenmaking his death all about Sylvanas. Hell, even in the scenario, Varian istalking with Sylvanas like she’s incharge, when the fuckin’ Warchief of theHorde is right there next to her. Like damn, dude, at least acknowledgeyour new antithesis!
     Now we have Warchief Sylvanas. And Sylvanas is… not Warchief material. “The spirits toldVol’jin she is!” The spirits are Blizzard and Blizzard is fucking stupid. Sylvanasis selfish, ruthless, and disconnected to the extreme from mortality. Thesemake her a fascinating character, but they don’t do well to foster her into aWarchief of worth. And thus far, that’s proven true. Sylvanas hasn’t reallydone a lot as Warchief that she wouldn’t have done as Banshee Queen. Vol’jin,meanwhile, has become ash. It’s just… so, so dumb.
     (Not to mention,Sylvanas is functionally immortal and now in charge of a bunch of mortals. That…doesn’t jive well with me. Seems like a really bad situation that, whilepotentially interesting, Blizzard likely wouldn’t handle well.)
     The whole dealbetween her and Genn would be so muchmore interesting if it were Sylvanas and Genn fighting each other while Vol’jinand Anduin try to hold them back. Sylvanas, from her Siege of Orgrimmar text,indicates that she had no intention of obeying a troll Warchief to begin with.And Genn obviously doesn’t respect Anduin at all, considering how quick he was to disobey direct orders andassault the Horde when there are MOTHERFUCKINGDEMONS attacking. Like – damn,buddy, I get that you’re upset about your son, and Sylvanas definitely deservesto get socked in the jaw for the shit she pulls in Gilneas, but now is not the time. Down, ya daft puppy. Vol’jinand Anduin could bond over being relatively new leaders of the Horde and theAlliance, the Forsaken-Worgen conflict would have a bit more equality about it,no leaders need to die!! Everyone is happy!
     Except no, they’re not, everyone’s kind of low-key unhappy, because Blizzard is dumb.
     Arthas’ deathactually ties into a different salt I have against Blizzard, which is that theyset themselves up to fail with their business model with World of Warcraft. Many eons ago, Blizzard decided that they neededto, every year or so, make an expansion and center it around our strugglesagainst a particular Big Bad, likely one from the Warcraft RTS series. These expansions would revolve around usdismantling their forces, killing their lieutenants, salting the earth, andculminating in us sieging their stronghold and slaughtering the Big Bad.
     The issue withthis model, friends, is that eventually, you’re going to run out of Big Bads.
     Which they’redoing.
     Arthas?Deathwing? These were two of the biggest,baddest villains in Warcraft. Deathwing’s been menacing Azeroth for overten thousand years, insidiously pulling the strings of kingdoms forgenerations, and yet I’m supposed to believe that he suddenly decided to becomea Flying Furnace of Rage? That Thrall somehow was cool enough to literally replacehim as the Earthwarder, then wield the Dragon Soul to kill-steal Deathwing?(AND THAT THAT FOR SOME FUCKING REASON RENDERED THE DRAGONS STERILE?Like w h a t the actual fuck, Blizzard, how drunk were you when you made that decision,and how much more drunk were you when you decided to stick to it?)
     Arthas, in lessthan a year, razed three of the most powerful nations on Azeroth to the ground,slaughtering and damning thousands upon thousands of people. He ascended to physical godhood in what many considerto be one of the best-written character arcs of Blizzard history. (Though I, ofcourse, might be a bit biased about this.) Under his leadership, the Scourgecame to be one of the three main powers of Azeroth, with just as likely achance to dominate the planet as the Horde or Alliance. Arthas was popular, dangerous.
     And then theykilled him.
     Like – yeah, froma non-storytelling point, Arthas needed to die. He was a dangerous zombie godwho wanted to turn us into his zombie slaves. The issue is, once they killedhim, Blizzard lost that dangerouszombie god as a threat to pit us against. The Scourge could no longer be usedas a worthwhile threat, because hey, theirzombie god was dead. We won. Plus, the Scourge just wasn’t as cool anymore,because Arthas – the prince we watched fall, the death knight we loved to hate –wasn’t around to make it extra cool. But due to the way they decided to set uptheir expansions model, Blizzard set up Arthas for the slaughter. And now the onlytime you see Arthas is… literally everywhere else, because he was a popular andiconic character, even eight RL years after his death. (Note how often he’sfeatured or referenced in Heroes of theStorm, and how many WoW ads feature images of him.)
     Blizzard seems tounderstand that they really Fucked Up killing Arthas, because they’re murderingBolvar’s character in an attempt to make him the new Arthas. The things he’shaving the death knights do is literallythe sort of shit Arthas would send us to do. Hell, Arthas’ ghost even comesback to bitch those very truths at us! And this is a shame mostly for Bolvar, because the interestingpotentials with his character are basically scrapped. A Good Lich King, onewith morals who halfway cares about the world and the mortals within it, wouldhave been really cool to explore. Instead we get a guy who tells us to goassault Light’s Hope and drive the red dragonflight into possible extinction.That’s not Bolvar. That’s Orange Arthas.
     Blizzard iskilling off their characters left and right and they’re mostly doing it badly,making everyone suffer theconsequences. For every Varian-level character death, we get a Vol’jin, Kairoz,Deathwing, Arthas, Ysera, Illidan, Kael’thas, all the fuckin dragons atthis point. Deaths that Blizzard did notwrite well, deaths that ultimately harmed the story more than helped it.
     And I don’t thinkthey have any intention of stopping.
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