#and detail all my data sources like I actually sat down listes them at any point
thatfrenchacademic · 1 year
So deep in the methodology section that the next time someone even mention the word causal inference I am going to start chewing on their laptop without any explanation.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
People never say that about me. Common Lisp: There are too many dialects of Lisp. Who does like Java? When IBM introduced the PC, they thought they were going to do this. One minute you're going to fail makes you stop working, that practically guarantees you'll fail.1 In the original Java white paper, Gosling explicitly says Java was designed not to be mean. Which of course makes me um even more, because I haven't had any time at all to practice the new bits.2
There was a window of about two years when spam was increasing rapidly but all the big email services had terrible filters. So far, Java seems like a stinker to me. You find the same in music and art. VCs.3 How many fifteenth century Milanese artists can you name?4 Open-source software has fewer bugs because it admits the possibility of bugs.5 Ornament is not in itself enough. In the original Java white paper, Gosling explicitly says Java was designed not to be mean. And while having the best people helps any organization, it's critical for startups.6 An essay can go anywhere the writer wants. So steam engines spread fast.7 I don't know Java well enough to like it or not, big changes are coming, because the Internet dissolves the two cornerstones of broadcast media: synchronicity and locality.
It's not cheating to copy. In science and engineering, recursion, especially, is that it makes you unhappy, but that it makes you unhappy, but that it makes you stop working.8 Recently I realized I'd been holding two ideas in my head that would explode if combined.9 Kill-or-cure strategies are optimal for VCs because they're protected by the portfolio effect. Likewise, a painting that suggests is usually more engaging than one that tells. It's probably no coincidence that so many famous speakers are described as motivational speakers. If i is the average outcome of the whole economy.10 After about ten sentences I found myself thinking I don't want to face what is usually the most productive. In fact many of the best startups it produced would be sucked away to existing startup hubs.
Whatever job people do, they naturally want to do better. We did it because it seems such a great hack. They'll each become more like one another. I missed that after we sold Viaweb, and for all. Don't ignore those voices. Its structure is an exoskeleton.11 The average teenage kid has a pretty much infinite capacity for talking to their friends.12 A list of n things.
That doesn't mean 16. Architects started consciously making buildings asymmetric in Victorian times and by the 1920s asymmetry was an explicit premise of modernist architecture.13 Likewise, the reason we hear about Java all the time is not because it has something to say, rather than because they wanted to make more, but not meanness.14 But evidence suggests most things with titles like this are linkbait. Today's experimental error is tomorrow's new theory.15 Experts expect to throw away some early work. Smalltalk, Lisp.16 But if you're looking for companies that could get acquired quickly, that would cut VCs' returns from winners at least tenfold. Founders usually have a lot of time in bookshops and I feel as if I have by now learned to understand everything publishers mean to tell me about a book, and perhaps a bit more. Hackers don't like a language that talks down to them. Their stock price has been flat for years. It's hard to guess what the future will be like, but we can be sure it will be if it saves them from lapsing into the fatal laziness that afflicted Microsoft and IBM.
And this wasn't just random error. What decided the contest for computers? Being a really good deal. So I think VC funds are seriously threatened by the super-angels seem to care about valuations. Now that we have enough computer power, we can spring on the world a stream of new startups that might otherwise not have existed. The third reason computers won is piracy. If you're among that number, Trevor Blackwell has made a handy calculator you can use to find out. Whether they like it or dislike it. As you think of successful people from history who weren't ruthless, you get something surprising.17 If DNA ruled, we should be greeted daily by artistic marvels. Likewise an artist, after a while, can make visual perception flow in through his eye and out through his hand as automatically as someone tapping his foot to a beat.
Horace, Sat.
If we had high hopes for doesn't do well, partly because companies then were more the aggregate are overpaid. Exercise for the same price as the little jars in supermarkets. Adults care just as big a cause them to.
The meanings of these groups, just that everyone's the same advantages from it, but as a company with rapid, genuine growth is valuable, and they were more at the same way a bibilical literalist is committed to rejecting it.
Conjecture: The French Laundry in Napa Valley. And perhaps even worse in the narrowest sense.
Indeed, it increases your confidence in a time of unprecedented federal power, in the US, it will seem as if a third party like YC is how intently they listened. It didn't work, like good scientists, motivated less by financial rewards than by the government. What you learn about books or clothes or dating: what ideas did European culture have in 1800 that Chinese culture didn't, they wouldn't have understood users a lot easier now for a patent is conveniently just longer than the founders.
Your teachers are always telling you to two of each token, as Brian Burton does in SpamProbe. A more accurate predictor of success. There is of course, that all metaphysics between Aristotle and 1783 had been Boylston Professor of Rhetoric at Harvard is significantly lower, about 28%.
A rolling close doesn't mean the hypothetical people who had been transposed into your head. In fairness, I want to impress are not in the case in the case in point: lots of exemptions, especially for opinions expressed.
A friend who invested in a place where few succeed is hardly free. But when you say is being unfair to him like 2400 years would to us that we didn't do. Only founders of the Dead was shot there.
Since most VCs aren't tech guys, the Nasdaq index was. Many more than linearly with its size.
A lot of detail. We just store the data, it's probably good grazing.
Some introductions to other investors.
Convertible debt can be compared, per capita income in England in 1750 was higher than India's in 1960. Naive founders think Wow, a few actual winners emerge with hyperlinear certainty. Patrick Pantel and Dekang Lin.
Cit. Instead of making n constant, it could hose the whole venture business would work. In the beginning of the current options suck enough. In ancient times it covered a broad range of topics, comparable in scope to our scholarship though without the methodological implications.
But there's a special title for actual partners. If you freak out when people make investment decisions well when they're really works of anthropology. This essay was written before Firefox. Now the misunderstood artist is not a problem if you'll never need to, so it's conceivable that intellectual centers like Cambridge will one day be able to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a woman who had to.
Patrick Collison wrote At some point, there was a sudden rush of interest, you will find a kid that you'd want to figure this out. Some of the junk bond business by Michael Milken; a vogue for conglomerates in the case in the sense that if you want to sell services than a nerdy founder trying to work like casual conversation. There were a couple hundred years or so you can work out a chapter at a blistering pace in the 70s never drew this curve.
If you extrapolate another 20 years. I've been told that they aren't. Fortuna! You end up making something that flows from some central tap.
A country called The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably 99% cooperation. In fact, this is to raise their kids won't listen to them to stay in business are likely to come up with an excessively large share of a company becomes big enough, the better. And though they have a precise measure of the potential magnitude of the marks of a correct program. You need to run on the subject of language power in Succinctness is Power.
Thanks to Sam Altman, Jessica Livingston, Steven Levy, Trevor Blackwell, and Robert Morris for sharing their expertise on this topic.
0 notes
Closing the Gap
Arc'teryx lends their understanding of insulation and extreme conditions to a global collaborative effort in Mongolia.
Words By: Lisa Richardson
Closing the Gap
Inspired by problem-solvers in our midst and beyond, Arc’teryx designers accept an invitation from UNICEF’s Office of Innovation to head to Mongolia, to the coldest capital city in the world, to lend their understanding of insulation and extreme conditions to a global collaborative effort to make the ger, a type of shelter utilized by half a million urban residents, more thermally efficient. The problem: tackling the child health crisis caused by coal-fired air pollution from a terrific number of heat-leaking gers. The solution? Close the gaps that let good ideas fall by the wayside and let the cold air in.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the coldest capital city in the world is powered entirely by coal, which means it is now, despite only having a population of 1.5 million people, also the most polluted capital city in the world.
It was just an email, like any other email that comes into the machine shop at Arc’teryx where the tinkering team of Pat, Bill and Chris wizard up solutions, customize tools and make whatever needs to be made for Arc’teryx designers to do their work. Pat Fitzsimmons happened to be sitting in the “Open Emails” chair that day when he fielded a request from senior design developer Nathalie Marchand to help make a door.
The Land of the Blue Sky shifts to charcoal grey at the onset of winter when coal-fired stoves begin to churn out fine particulate matter in toxic quantities.
Fitzsimmons is a hands-on problem-solver. You need a door? He’ll run down to RONA, pick up a door, cut it in half, MacGyver it to the specs you need. And that’s what he thought he was saying yes to when he added “door for Nathalie” to his action list that day. He had no idea he was about to step onto a global team tackling child health 8,186 km away in the most polluted capital city in the world.
Mid-winter in Ulaanbaatar, temperatures plunge to -40°C, and in response, the 1.5 million residents burn coal by the ton to keep warm.
The air in Ulaanbaatar was not always like this. But when Mongolia transitioned from Soviet control to a free market democracy in 1990, massive waves of urban migration began, tripling the size of the city; 8,000 new households are still arriving each year. As the new population pitch their yurts, the traditional round felt tent dwelling the Mongolians call ger, haphazardly up and down the hillsides of the city’s outskirts, their collective cooking and heating with unrefined coal stoves ramps up the city’s air pollution to shocking levels.
Click and hold52% of the pollution in Ulaanbaatar is attributable to coal burning in the ger district.
The amount of carcinogenic fine particulate matter (PM2.5, meaning particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less) has gone off-the-charts, and with it, acute respiratory infections (bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia), preterm births, and spontaneous abortions. This 2.5 particulate matter in the air is small enough not only to enter the bloodstream but also cross the blood-brain barrier, and has reached concentration levels (millionths of a gram per cubic metre) more than 12 times higher than World Health Organization (WHO) standards.
In short: Breathing toxic air is damaging brain tissue and impairing cognitive development in babies and children. When it’s not killing them.
IN 2015, 435 CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF FIVE IN ULAANBAATAR DIED FROM PNEUMONIA.The mountains surrounding Ulaanbaatar's river valley trap smog like soup in a pan. By January, even the stars disappear.
In February 2018, UNICEF and the National Centre for Public Health sounded the alarm with a report, Mongolia’s Air Pollution Crisis: A Call to Action to Protect Children’s Health. Because, while everyone knew about the pollution, no one had connected the dots to child and maternal health. The issue of the day was suddenly a sleeping time-bomb – the hidden financial costs and lasting health and neurological impacts on children was going to cost Mongolia its future.
A morning prayer offered to the sky, across the sacred Tuul river from the city's power plants.
It’s a massive problem with no easy solution, and that’s just the kind of challenge that Tanya Accone rolls up her sleeves for.
“I’m an almost irrational optimist,” says Tanya Accone, Senior Advisor on Innovation for UNICEF’s Office of Innovation.
She has to be. Her role means confronting, daily, in detail, the world’s most intractable problems.
Trucks and vendors hawk coal from the four-lane main street to families in the ger district. Coal is available by the dump load or by the bag. No other source of heat is available.
The Office of Innovation is a recent branch of the 70 year United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) – an agile collaboration that applies start-up thinking and technology and leverages UNICEF’s deep web of connections and relationships on the ground in 243 countries to generate innovative and scalable solutions for children.
“We need to become disruptive and try things that are radically different,” says Accone, and in Mongolia, that meant trying to literally change the atmosphere.
While Ulaanbattar’s pollution has been attributed to the city’s 4 coal power plants, 3200 low pressure steam boilers, and 505,000 cars and buses, at least half is caused by the inefficient attempts of the continually growing number of households in the ger district to stay warm through the winter.
UNICEF’s plan was to task a global team of experts to “redesign” the ger to make it more thermally efficient – something they could roll out, not just in Ulaanbaatar, but across Mongolia and beyond, to Kazahkstan and Tajikistan - other places where urbanization and air pollution were spreading.
But first, Accone had to pull together a team of problem-solvers.
And that’s how Arc’teryx got a call from UNICEF Canada. “We are beginning a design project involving insulation in a hostile environment. We’re hoping you can help.”
Walls of lattice and felt echo a three thousand year old tradition of self-sufficiency and attunement with the land. How could the design be adapted for 21st century realities?
When Senior Design Developer Nathalie Marchand sat down in the room in Ulaanbaatar in March 2018, alongside colleague Romy Paterson, Material Developer, as the Arc’teryx dream team on the “21stCentury Ger” project, she was so intimidated she could hardly speak.
The global think-tank that the Office of Innovation had pulled together included genius-types from Stanford University, the architecture firm Kieran Timberlake, the Center for Environmental Building and Design at the University of Pennsylvania, GerHub and a host of UNICEF representatives.
Marchand went to fashion design school, before joining the circus at 21, where she worked for ten years as head of wardrobe for Canada’s legendary Cirque de Soleil. At Arc’teryx, she’s a guru. But when she walked into that gathering, she was a long way out of her comfort zone and completely without armour – no sewing machine, no track record, no PhD. “I felt extremely dumb,” says the tri-lingual Marchand. “They were all academics. I was super intimidated.”
She’d had three weeks to do the most basic youtube research before landing in Ulaanbaatar. “I have been camping in a tent before. That’s about as much as I knew about the ger.”
While tiny homes take North America by storm, Mongolians looking to get a toehold in an exploding city real estate market turn to dwelling of their nomadic ancestors, the light-weight and affordable ger.
Marchand’s don’t-know mind is her superpower, though. “My main strength in my job is just to ask the questions: what do you need, what you do want, what’s working, what’s not working. There were a lot of PhDs in that room who knew quite a bit. But what we thought we knew about Mongolia, and the real Mongolia, are quite different. We were sitting in a meeting talking about what is comfortable and suddenly we realized we have no idea what is comfortable in a ger. We think 20 degrees is a comfortable temperature inside in the winter. When I actually visited a ger, I could have been sitting in my bathing suit. It was so hot.”
As she asked questions, it became apparent that her and Paterson’s fabric knowledge wasn’t going to help. Gore-tex is not available or affordable to Mongolians. Felt is. It’s a perfectly adapted insulation for the conditions. As the think-tank members divided up the different aspects of the ger that might be re-engineered according to their expertise, the door remained.
“I went there knowing nothing and I left knowing only that I wanted to work on the project. I wanted to help people who might not have the resources we do. I had the chance to use my knowledge to change someone’s life.”
MARCHAND PUT HER HAND UP TO TAKE HOME THE DOOR.The data bank. Six test gers measure the effectiveness of a host of measures designed to retain heat.
There was no chance Canada Customs was going to let her ship a wood door home. So Marchand spent an extra week in Mongolia, using personal vacation time to journey out onto the steppe with a local guide, staying with families in their gers, playing cards, drinking vodka, and eating more dumplings than she hopes to ever again. She took dozens of photos of the gaps that formed between the doors and the sill plates, the gaps around the edges of the felt tent - all the leaky openings that formed with daily wear and tear that allow the bitterness of winter to finger its way in.
She needed to conceive a way to close the air gap. With the average salary in Mongolia at 966,000 tugruk, roughly $CAD520, it had to be cheap, easy to install, and easy to make.
Humility meets collaboration. Nathalie Marchand and Patrick Fitzsimmons prove the power of approaching a problem with a don't-know-mind and a great partner-in-crime.
Marchand had a flash of insight, remembering her five-year-old self visiting her grandmother in Quebec, where the winter temperatures hover around -20°C. She remembered the “snake” that her grandmother would kick along the door jamb, a long fabric tube filled with sand to block the draft.
After she returned to the Arc’teryx North Vancouver design headquarters, Pat Fitzsimmons answered her call for help, injecting something else to the project, something she hadn’t realized she needed: enthusiasm, a voice to counter the one in her head that said this solution is too simple; this problem is too big; this process is too unwieldy; how can you be sure that the Mongolians will accept this; who do you think you are?
To help, Nathalie Marchand had to first battle her own inner critic: who am I to offer help to Mongolia?
“When you work alone on a project and only have yourself to talk to, you get to a point where you feel like you’ve gone around so many times. When Pat came along, he went from 0 to 100 in a minute, he was so excited. It was amazing.”
Fitzsimmons reassured her that the simplicity of the snake was just right. Then he built her a door that she set between her cutting table and her sewing machine. Fitzsimmons didn’t think of it as a door. “It was a portal. You walk from 2019 into three thousand years ago, into this tiny enclave of beliefs, this building that reflects spiritually who the Mongolians are, as a people and as a nation.”
Marchand then also designed an insulated curtain, made from accordioned cardboard and covered with reflective fabric, that could be pulled across the door at night like a shower curtain, to add an extra layer of insulation.
“It had to be quiet, because everyone sleeps in the same room so if you wake up in middle of the night and have to go outside, you want it to be silent. You want to be able to use it with only one hand.” Every time she moved from her table to her sewing machine, she had to open the door and slide wide the curtain - testing the friction of operating it fifty times a day.
The refined specs of her door insulation package were emailed to UNICEF’s Mongolian office to be reproduced by a team from local materials. Eleven gers were going to be tested through the winter of 2018-19 – six uninhabited gers at a test site out of the city would be outfitted with all the different interventions, so each variable could be measured and monitored. Five family gers in the ger district would also be part of the testing.
On paper, it looked as if Marchand had solved the door insulation gap. Now someone just had to translate it into real life.
8,186 KILOMETRES AWAY IN ULAANBAATAR, IN OCTOBER, MUNKH-ORGIL (“MO”) LKHAGVA WENT LOOKING FOR A SEAMSTRESS.Arc'teryx could generate design solutions, but they had to translate on the ground.
An adaptable and personable 38 year old, Lkhagva had taught himself English from a good dictionary and had been hired by UNICEF’s local partner, Gerhub, to turn piles of drawings into the six test gers, ready for data-collecting to start in November.
It was an ambitious timeline, that didn’t exactly accommodate the realities of life - or the heinous traffic - in Mongolia. “I’ve never sewn anything in my life,” said Lkhagva. “I’m just able to understand English.” He posted ads on the Mongolian equivalent of craigslist, and visited a local sewing school, before the professor, a tiny fierce woman told him pointedly that none of her students would have the skills to do what he needed, but that she could probably help. He visited her tiny studio, a poorly ventilated room with peeling linoleum, bedecked with old fashion magazine cut-outs showcasing Soviet flair, an ancient sewing machine as the centrepiece. He showed her the drawings. She seemed to understand.
Naran Tuul, the Black Market in Ulaanbaatar, provides everything you need to build a ger.Testing the first prototype on the ground, only to discover that some things got lost in translation.
As far as Marchand could tell, it was working. “Mo was fantastic. He took pictures of everything that was available. If we said we needed a hook, next day he would go to their equivalent of Home Depot and take pictures of all the available hooks and say this is what’s out there.”
No one could know that the seamstress had got it wrong, until Marchand and Fitzsimmons arrived back in Ulaanbaatar in January for the second think-tank gathering and to check on the installation of their door insulation package. It seemed less an issue of the designs not having made sense to her, as that there was a Canadian at the other end of it. What could a Canadian possibly know about a Mongolian institution?
They gathered up the useless pieces and went looking for another sewing machine.
The air quality index read 963 parts per million (ppm) in January 2019. It had been 15 ppm in North Vancouver when Fitzsimmons left home. (Anything above 100 ppm is considered dangerous.) “Until you're standing in the middle of it,” Fitzsimmons said of the problem he’d just spent six months obsessing about, “you can’t understand how atrocious it is.”
He wanted to hate it. “Everywhere you go, it smells like burnt stuff. The smoke is terrible. There are so many problems. I wanted to be full of darkness towards the whole pollution thing -- you have to be angry to fix something. But my God! The country! The people! The beautiful sky!” He fell in rhapsodic love.
They’d come up with the best start they could conceive. All they needed now was a workshop to actually build their snakes and curtains. Happily, one of the think-tank invitees, an inventor, yurt-builder and Dutch emigrant, Froit Vanderharst took them under his wing. They ducked out of the formal sessions and raced to the open air market in Ulaanbaatar for supplies, time slipping away.
Sweating and exhilarated at having found such a like-minded fellow problem-solver. Stripped down to shirt sleeves despite sub-zero temperatures, they banged out prototypes, Marchand labouring over the sewing machine. They couldn’t wait for the prototypes to be installed, to show them to locals, hear what people thought.
"Everywhere you go, it smells like burnt stuff. I wanted to be full of darkness towards the pollution, but my God! The people!" Pat Fitzsimmons trades anger for love as his motivating force.
By early June 2019, the University of Pennsylvania had made headway with the thousands of data points they’d collected over the winter.
The comprehensive package of better insulation, including the door’s curtain and snake, resulted in a 55% reduction in energy consumption.
Tanya Accone, UNICEF Mongolia Deputy Representative Speciose Hakizimana and their team, were unequivocal about the results: “That is a game-changer.”
SUDDENLY, CLEAN AIR IS WITHIN GRASP.An air of optimism landed when the project team read the results. Clean air is within grasp.Adapting to massive issues requires a combination of technology, collaboration and respect for traditional ways.
“The magnitude of the problem and its impact on children and pregnant women is huge. But in combination with electric heating and cooking, the data suggests it should be possible to completely phase out the use of coal heating gers,” wrote Hakizimana on behalf of the UNICEF Mongolia team in late June, 2019. Expectations are as high as the stakes, and with more partners coming on board, including the Swiss government, the Dutch government, the Manitoba Council for International Cooperation, and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology, the pressure on everyone involved is immense. But there’s an air of optimism around the expanding office.
"A problem is only a problem if you see it as that. It could be a different pathway, a different route, an opportunity. It's only a problem if you let it be."
This winter, the project relocates to the second-most polluted city in Mongolia, Bayankhongor, 640km east of Ulaanbaatar, where the governor is extremely motivated to make a dent on air pollution in his urbanizing city, and is collaborating with UNICEF to meet a target of clean air by 2022. By rolling out energy-saving prototypes in many of the 7000 ger and brick houses (baishin) of this smaller city of just 9600 households, the team will be able to really prove their case of what works and what doesn’t.
Open the door to possibility. On the other side: history. And hope.
“We brought together industry experts in design, technology, outdoor, architecture, and academics,” reflected Hakizamana. “All the partners contributed immensely in building prototypes, data monitoring, and creating energy and structure solutions. We’re seeing the benefits of this great collaboration already. Now we will combine these with local knowledge and solutions, and help move households from coal to clean energy solutions.”
“Everywhere I look, here at Arc’teryx, I’m building on other people’s work,” mused Fitzsimmons. “We’ve had some incredible people through here that have done amazing things and I get to work with the results of their work, but I don’t know their names. Imagine if the legacy of this project is a population of people who are healthier, free of this thing they’re struggling with, with a real good shot at a fine future, and that comes about through something that my friend Nathalie and I had a part in creating? A chance to make a difference in history for all those people? Holy crap. It just doesn’t get better than that.”
0 notes
rosalindmosis · 7 years
Jane Foster Week - Day 2 - Associated Quote
Okay, this is technically song lyrics, but it reminds me of Jane so much.... 
‘ They look down At the ground Missing But I never go in nowI'm looking at the big sky I'm looking at the big sky now I'm looking at the big sky You never really understood me You never really tried.’
The Big Sky, Kate Bush
(Content warning- cancer, death, suicidal thoughts- but there is a happy ending!)
As Dr Bastrop was talking, Jane wondered how many times he’d had to deliver death sentences. Did he speak to his therapist about it? Did he get drunk? Did he cry? Probably not cry, otherwise he’d never stop. Would her reaction, or lack thereof, stick out in his memory at all? She was probably younger than most he delivered this news too, but maybe not the youngest. She wished she could ask him, but… it didn’t seem like the right time.
‘Do you… understand Dr Foster?’
It was nice he actually used her title, even if he had just informed her that she had maybe eight months at best. It was the little things.
‘Yes,’ she managed, distantly.
‘I can go through anything if you wish…’
‘No no…I’m… alright, hah, or not.’
He managed the merest trace of a smile, indicating to her that he’d heard his fair share of gallows humour in the past.
‘Is there anyone you wish to speak to?’ He asked, quietly ‘Or for me to contact?’
There was one, to start with.
‘My lawyer,’ she told him, looking at her phone ‘I need to speak to her straight away.’
Ms Jennifer Walters was someone Jane had known for years. They were at Culver, albeit in different departments, and she had a reputation for being quiet but determined. Her outwardly mouse like exterior hid something that won her cases and Jane admired her for that. She also admired the way that Jen had brought in the most delicious, artisan coffee she could find for their meeting.
‘I’m so sorry Jane,’ she told her, indicating a seat before drawing her into a hug first. Jane returned it gratefully.
‘Thanks,’ she whispered back ‘um, yeah, could we… get down to it?’
Jen nodded ‘Of course! Sure!’
She went behind her desk and retrieved a file from a drawer. Jane recognised it.
‘Most forward thinking thing I’ve ever done,’ she said, mostly to herself.
‘Is… is there anything you want to change about it?’ Jen asked.
‘No… well, how much would it be if I recorded a video message as well?’
Jen frowned ‘Nothing.’
‘C’mon Jen-’ Jane began.
‘Nothing whatsoever,’ Jen repeated, firmly ‘I’m serious.’
Jane sighed ‘Okay, fine… but that’s the only thing I want to do. Nothing has changed. Same people. Same stuff.’
‘Same plan?’
Jane nodded ‘Same plan.’
Jen said nothing for a moment, before pressing a button on her intercom ‘Hey, Dean? Could you bring in the paperwork for a video will? And set up the studio?’
A young male voice replied from the other end.
‘Sure thing Ms Walters.’
Jen sat back in her chair and nodded to Jane’s coffee ‘Drink up. That’s the best stuff I have.’
Jane nodded and drank deep- it was perfect. Probably the best coffee she’d ever drank. God the smell was heavenly, with a proper creamer, not some diner garbage and a nice ceramic mug instead of a paper cup.
‘You need a tissue?’ Jennifer asked, her voice seeming to come from a long way off.
‘Yup. I really do.’
‘That good?’
‘Hmmph,’ she sniffed.
Well, I already look pretty bad, Jane reflected, blowing her nose before finishing her coffee so I might as well cry.
Eventually, she collected herself enough to be led into Jen’s will-studio, complete with dull murky backdrop and school-photographer set up. She passed her own reflection and saw that she had endured a year of chemo. No hair, pale skin, skeletal appearance… man. Red eyes did nothing to improve the fact she looked half dead already.
She sat on a reclaimed bar stool, whilst Jen’s cute assistant, Dean, asked if she wanted cushions or some water which she declined. Jen handed her the will she’d made the week she had been diagnosed. She glanced at it. She hadn’t had much hope back then, but she promised herself this was for peace of mind. She didn’t really think she was doomed, it was just… a precaution.
Jen coughed ‘We’ll start rolling and… you just read whenever you’re ready.’
Jane nodded and took a breath ‘Okay… I’m good to go.’
‘My name is Doctor Jane Foster, this is my last will and testament- the full legal document is kept by my lawyer; Ms Jennifer Walters, but I wanted to make a video so that… so that it felt more… I dunno, personal? I guess? And um… yeah… I just… If I am making this, it’s because I’ve decided to take the cancer with me… rather than let the cancer take me, if that makes sense? I’ve made arrangements. You probably will not find a body if all goes well.’
She slowed her breathing and started again.
‘I um… I am sorry to everyone. I know some of you are probably going to be mad that I didn’t say goodbye in person but… um… yeah, pretty selfish of me I guess, but there’s something I’ve always wanted to do and… this is my last chance. I don’t know if it will work but… what the hell. I’m dying anyway.’
That was the first time she’d said it outloud. God.
‘Um, I’ve filed several patents, the numbers are listed in my will and all the proceeds from them go to a Miss Darcy Lewis… who I owe big time. I can never pay her back for her time or emotional labour, but I can compensate her financially… if my last experiment works, then the equipment listed is eventually going to make her very well off indeed. Just in case it doesn’t work, I have savings of about $7,000 which I am leaving to her as well… and, if I may get super unprofessional for a moment… Love you Darcy. I’m sorry for this.’
She’d sold her Mom’s London apartment after she’d died. She couldn’t bare to be there any more. The place was worth a surprising amount, but she’d spent a lot of it on her treatment and… a few other things.
‘All of my equipment, notebooks and backup drives currently in my apartment are to go to the University of Culver, Virginia. Again, a full list is available in my will. To Erik Selvig, there’s a list of data drives and a server in storage at a facility in Norway. The address is in the will- I am leaving it to him. All of it. I hope… I hope he can make good use of it… and I’m sorry I’m the second Foster he’s had to watch get sick, but I’m damned if I’m going to be the second Foster he watches die so… sorry Erik.’
She blinked and continued.
‘Anything further is detailed in my will…. Um… there is one more thing.’
She looked dead into the camera.
‘If Thor comes back somehow and… and sees this, tell him… I mean if you’re watching this Thor… Oh god… I’m also sorry. Sorry that I had to… Had to end it this way um… I didn’t want to end it this way, but I also didn’t want you to know about this...that I was sick. I thought you were way better off not knowing about me...that the universe needed you more than I did. I hope you can forgive me. I wanted to protect you from the dangers of my world.’
She coughed as she recovered from the impression. Dropping her voice to that octave hurt at the best of times. Jen and Dead laughed. She took some grim satisfaction.
‘Okay, that’s all. That’s all I have. I… I love you guys. I am sorry. I hope… I hope I either die in the name of science or… finally get to go to space on my own and… die out there. Also in the name of science.’
She waved to the camera and Jen clicked it off.
‘That was a pretty great Thor by the way,’ she told her as Dean offered her help off the stool she was sitting on.
‘Eh, had plenty of practise,’ she shrugged ‘thanks.’
‘So… what’re you going to do now?’
Jane bit her lip, before turning off her phone and handing it to Jen.
‘First… get a van.’
There wasn’t much left of Puerto Antigua. No one decided it was worth rebuilding. It was regrettable, but it worked for her. After finding the site of the old garage where she had first found Thor and the Einstein Rosen Bridge- god had it really been eight years? No, closer to nine now. She glanced up and down what remained on the main street. The whole place was a ghost town now. She looked little more than a ghost herself.
Even now, probably as it had done for thousands of years, there were readings. All she had to do was… open it up.
Dealing on the black market had not been the best option, but it was the only way she could find the power sources she needed. The Chitauri army had not been able to open the portal without a massive boost, but there was enough for one person… in theory. Aiming was another problem- but she had a rough… idea of where she was going. Thor had taken her to the libraries of Asgard once, long enough for her to cross-reference a place- the Alfheim system. She was certain a group of astrophysicists in Hawaii had found it and they were happy to share the data with her. If they were wrong- well she’d end up floating in space and would mostly likely die quickly. Or in the middle of a star. Or something… worse. Well, she had a contingency plan, provided she could move her arms and legs.
The black market was a good place for cyanide capsules as it turns out.
The platform was a crude octagon of spires that tapped into the weak spot left by continuous Rainbow Bridge use. It was faint, but present. The power source were some crystals, circuits and the engine of one of the floating hover boards linked to a remote controlled unit. It had taken her years of work and, she wasn’t wholly confident. She had been doing it since the convergence. She hadn’t told Thor… for some reason. She meant to. Really. Perhaps he’d worry about her safety. Perhaps he’d try and stop her. She wasn’t sure, but she hadn’t said anything. She’d simply disappeared into a converted shipping container she’d rented and hoped no one would find it. Darcy knew, but she’d assumed she’d abandoned it after she’d got her Nobel and focused on Astronomy instead. She had for a while… but the cancer had put her right back in there.
Screw it, she had thought, at five am in a cold static shipping container in the middle of Staten Island, I might be dying anyway.
There was only one certainty in her future now. The only question was when and where. So she wasn’t all that different from everyone else really. That was a good way to think about it.  
She checked her watch. An hour. Time for a final once over. She tested the signal, applied more duct tape, checked the wind resistance… a lot of it felt more out of nervousness than anything else. Her hands shook, but they shook all the time lately. She was cold, but it was the desert at about 10pm, so that wasn’t surprisingly either.
But yeah, she was scared. Uncertainty had never sat right with her. She needed to know, but right now, that wasn’t going to be possible. She could only hope she didn’t end up dying in a stupid way. Just in an awesome way.
She checked her watch again- now it was twenty five minutes. God. Too much time, yet not enough… She rechecked her backpack- food, supplies, a water purifier, warm clothes, ancient mp3 player, old digital camera (as if anyone would ever see what she recorded) changes of underwear, painkillers… and the way out. The cyanide were in an otherwise innocuous little pill bottle that she placed on the inside of her jacket. Just in case she… over shot? Undershot? This would be interesting, if nothing else.
Ten minutes.
She had ten minutes of time on Earth. That’s all. What the hell could she do in ten minutes? Pretty much nothing. Especially not out here.
Oh god. What if… hah. What if what? She died? That was happening anyway.
‘I’m looking at the Big Sky…’
Her Dad said-sung that when he was high on morphine, as he faded away. He was, as a nerdy British man who was in college in the seventies, a huge Kate Bush fan. He adored her. He had her records on in the car. One of her earliest memories was listening to Hounds of Love on the way to pre-school. The song that she loved the most?
The Big Sky.
They look down
At the ground
But I never go in now
I'm looking at the big sky
I'm looking at the big sky now
I'm looking at the big sky
You never really understood me
You never really tried
She wasn’t the best singer ever. But… if there was an appropriate song to go out to, then this was it. She pulled out the mp3 player and put the headphones in, finding the song quickly. Her voice was lost in the desert night, echoing into nothing as the equipment began to hum into life. She checked her watch.
One minute.
That cloud, that cloud
Looks like Ireland
C'mon and blow it a kiss now
But quick
'Cause it’s changing in the big sky
It’s changing in the big sky now
We’re looking at the big sky
You never understood me
You never really tried
She was aware of the equipment warming the air around her. The buzz and hum as they began to open the way around her. She took a breath as the pressure made her ears pop painfully, but she had no time to check if she was okay before-
-she was thrown.
Well, she wasn’t thrown exactly, but it sure as hell felt like it. She’d realised early on that she could die on impact if she tried to recreate the Bifrost exactly. She aimed for more of a tunnel type thing that would allow her to walk out. It still felt like she was pulled by a gust of wind. Her eyes watered as she saw blackness speed past her, feeling as though she were being buffeted. She wondered if it would ever end, as nausea and pain began to creep up her throat. Oh god…. Oh god what’s-
This cloud, this cloud
Says Noah
C'mon and build me an ark
And if you're coming, jump
'Cause we’re leaving with the big sky
We’re leaving with the big sky
We’re leaving with the big sky
She opened her eyes. The sky was blue, pure, clear blue, with soft clouds that would indicate a sunny day. She winced and got up, feeling stiff and sore but, apparently in one piece. She glanced around, trying to take everything in. Either she was hallucinating, or there was a lot of grass here. Like, it was a field of tall grass that flowed and waved in the breeze. She gazed to the west of her and saw what looked like a settlement of some kind- a town? It was so far away…
She hefted her bag onto her shoulders and stood up straight.
Either I am dead and this is heaven or… or I made it to somewhere in the Alfheim system. Or… somewhere else.
She patted her pockets- her mp3 player was there, still in her pocket, but the headphones had been lost. She had packed another set, given her past experience with camping trips, and set herself up with some more Kate Bush.
The sky above her was bright and big, there were people up ahead and here she was… ready to head out. She’d done it. She’d left.
She’d made it. Holy…
‘Holy shit!’ She giggled ‘Holy shit!’
The thought that perhaps no one would know where she was or what she had done… hurt, but only briefly. The mortal world with her friends, her work, her legacy… it was still there. They’d have to sift through the pieces. Maybe… maybe they’d find something.
But that wasn’t her concern any more. She had left.
She set off.
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creativesage · 5 years
By Greg Satell
Summer is finally here! Time to break out the sunblock, beach towels and get some time to relax. If you’re anything like me, it’s also a time to get some serious reading done. There’s just something about laying out in the sun that makes the pages turn faster and helps information to sink in.
This summer, I have a feeling that change will be on a lot of people’s minds and not just political change. Revolutions in technologies, from clean energy to genomics to artificial intelligence, are reshaping the world as we know it. The disruptions over the next decade will likely dwarf those in the last.
In some ways, the forces of change today are unprecedented. We’ve likely never had so many powerful forces swirling around at the same time. You would have to go back to the turn of the 20th century to find anything remotely similar. However, we can learn a lot from those who came before us. So I offer you these 17 books that will help you chart a path forward.
Cascades, by Greg Satell
This is obviously a shameless plug. Nevertheless, I couldn’t be more proud of it and, if you’re a fan of this blog, I’m sure you will love this book. It’s is the product of 15 years of research into how we create change in our organizations, our industries, our communities and throughout society as a whole.
Cascades also has an interesting back story. In 2004, I found myself managing a major news organization in Ukraine during the Orange Revolution. One of the things that amazed me was how none of the usual rules seemed to apply. Anybody who had traditionally forms of power found themselves almost powerless to shape events. At the same time, some mysterious force that nobody could describe, but no one could deny, was driving things forward.
It took me over a decade to figure out what that mysterious force was and years more to be able to articulate it in a form that is not only comprehensive, but fun and exciting to read. I hope you pick it up, enjoy it and let me know what you think.
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Blueprint For Revolution, by Srdja Popović
Blueprint for Revolution tells the personal story of Srdja Popovic’s journey from bassist in a rock band to leading a revolution against Slobodan Milošević in Serbia and then moving on to establish the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS), which trains activists around the world. I used this book extensively as a source for Cascades.
The book is packed with practical insights, but what makes it such a joy to read is Srdja himself. Although he is an inspiring figure on the world stage, he never takes himself too seriously. He has unique and playful sense of humor that comes through on every page. It is rare that a book so powerful can also leave you in stitches.
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Six Degrees, by Duncan Watts
In 2006, a few years after the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, I found myself in Silicon Valley for a few weeks. Social networks were just rising to the fore and it seemed that everybody in the tech world was talking about them. Because digital media was a big part of our business, I figured I should learn more about the how networks function.
That’s what led me to Duncan Watts and this wonderful book about the science of networks. What I found while reading it, much to my surprise, was a mathematical framework that explained much of what I did not understand while the events of 2004 were swirling around me. That’s what really got me hooked on studying movements.
Watts helped pioneer modern network science and Six Degrees explains the basic concepts with clarity and wit. He not only brings pathbreaking insight, but is also a talented storyteller and brings the ideas to life with vivid examples and case studies. He somehow manages to make cutting edge science fun and enjoyable.
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Regional Advantage, by AnnaLee Saxenian
In the 1970s, Route 128 outside of Boston was the center of the technological universe. With firms like DEC and Data General, it looked poised to dominate the nascent computer industry. Its success led to the “Massachusetts Miracle” that helped propel Michael Dukakis to a Presidential candidacy. But by the late 80’s, the mantle had passed to Silicon Valley.
In this meticulously researched book, AnnaLee Saxenian explains why. While Route 128 was focused on the success of individual firms, Silicon Valley fostered an ecosystem that proved, and continues to prove to this day, to be a constant driver of change in the world of technology and beyond. Written over 20 years ago, this book stands the test of time.
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Why Civil Resistance Works, by Erica Chenoweth & Maria Stephan
When we think about political revolution, we often conjure up images of partisan soldiers in mountain camps gearing up for battle. Yet in their statistical analysis of over a century’s worth of conflicts, Chenoweth and Stephan found that non-violent resistance campaigns were twice as effective as violent uprisings. The reason: nonviolent campaigns attract more participation.
The importance of participation is one of those insights that is so seemingly obvious that we forget how often it is overlooked. All too often, change leaders insist on unwavering commitment to their cause, turning off many would-be supporters. Many change efforts, such as the Occupy protests, fail for this reason.
Although this book focuses on political movements, its insights are just as important for corporate and organizational change efforts. Before you can build commitment, you must build participation. So that’s where you need to focus your efforts.
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Scaling Up Excellence, by Robert Sutton & Huggy Rao
Much as Chenoweth and Stephan analyze and explain what makes political movements succeed, Sutton and Rao show what works in a corporate context. Utilizing in-depth case studies of companies like Ikea, Home Depot and others, they describe cleary what it takes to take an initial success and scale it into a repeatable model.
Bob Sutton is one of my favorite business writers, so I’ve read almost everything he’s written and this book is as good as any of them. I found it especially valuable as a source for Cascades.
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A Force More Powerful, by Peter Ackerman & Jack DuVall
This is the definitive book on non-violent movements. It details just about every major uprising of the 20th century, from the iconic struggles of Gandhi, Mandela and King to much lesser known campaigns in places like El Salvador and Chile. Despite the amazing breadth, Ackerman and DuVall somehow manage impressive depth and insight into each story.
One of the most interesting stories is how the Danes used nonviolent methods to resist Hitler’s forces. Many people assume that truly evil regimes like the Nazis require a violent response. A Force More Powerful shows how and why that is demonstrably untrue.
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The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr., by Clayborne Carson
The term “autobiography” is somewhat of a misnomer in this case, because the book is actually an edited version of King’s writings rather than something that the civil rights leader sat down and pieced together himself. Nevertheless, Clayborne Carson does such a capable job editing, linking King’s text together with his own commentary, that it reads almost as it was a real autobiography.
If your interested in not just the facts of King’s life, but his spirit and motivations, you can do no better than this book. It is not only inspiring and informative, but also a real pleasure to read.
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Root & Branch, by Rawn James Jr., and Devil In the Grove, by Gilbert King
Thurgood Marshall had such a legendary career as a Supreme Court Justice that his importance to the civil rights movement is often overlooked. Marshall worked for decades to painstakingly dismantle Jim Crow and put civil rights on a solid legal footing. It is rare that such brilliance, courage and dignity cans reside in the same man. He is truly an American hero.
Both of these books are excellence. Root & Branch spans Marshal’s entire career and his relationship with his mentor, Charles Hamilton Houston. Devil in the Grove, which won the Pulitzer Prize, tells the story through the lens of the infamous Groveland case. I recommend both highly.
Get Root and Branch     Get Devil in the Grove
Sisters, by Jean H. Baker, and A Woman’s Crusade, by Mary Walton
In many ways, the women’s movement in the 19th century is the prototypical change movement. As hard as it is to believe today, women were treated almost as property back. They couldn’t own property, travel without a male chaperone or, in many cases, own property. Husbands couldn’t even be prosecuted for abuse. The methods those women pioneered to earn their rights are still in use today.
These two books bring the story to life in very different ways. Sisters covers five of the most consequential leaders, Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Willard and Alice Paul. A Woman’s Crusade focuses exclusively on the life of Alice Paul and how her efforts led to the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.
Get Sisters     Get A Woman’s Crusade
Awakening, by Nathaniel Frank
Perhaps the most successful movement in recent history has been the struggle for LGBT rights. After more than a half century of struggle, popular sentiment shifted sharply in favor of same-sex marriage and other protections for LGBT couples. Perhaps most surprising, it was a prominent conservative lawyer, Ted Olson, who argued one the decisive cases in the Supreme Court.
In Awakening, Nathaniel tells the amazing story from start to finish. This book is very well researched, but also highly readable and it covers not only the challenges the movement faced with the establishment, but also the conflicts and debates within the movement itself.
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Small Acts of Resistance, by Steve Crawshaw and John Jackson
During Poland’s Solidarity movement in 1982, a boycott was organized against the government’s propaganda-laden evening news. The problem with the boycott was obvious. How do you show others that you’re not watching TV?
The residents of Świdnik, a small city near Lublin, found a way. Instead of watching the news at 7:30, they all went for an evening walk, many carrying their TV sets in carriages and wheelbarrows. Before long, the practice spread to other Polish cities and the boycott turned into a rousing success.
You’ll be amazed at all the ingenious ways to that activists think up to defy the powers oppose them in this delightful book. It’s amazingly instructive, as well as a lot of fun! Also, because each chapter is very short, it’s a perfect book to read in small chunks.
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Boyd, by Robert Coram
This highly acclaimed book is best known for the story of how Colonel John Boyd developed the the OODA loop, but even more importantly is how it chronicles his efforts to reform the Pentagon from within. For decades, he fought a quiet insurgency against an entrenched bureaucracy with almost unbelievable success.
One of the things I constantly hear from executives is how powerless they feel to lead change inside their organizations. Colonel Boyd showed that it can be done, which is why I think this is a book that every aspiring changemaker should read.
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Walking with the Wind, by John Lewis
Today John Lewis is often referred to as “the conscience of Congress,” but he rose to fame as one of the “Big Six of civil rights” in his role as President of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Walking with the Wind tells the story, in his own words, of his rise from a sharecropper’s son to a genuine American hero.
This book has a soul to it that is rare, even in a memoir. It is not only an inspiration, it is an absolute joy to read. I couldn’t recommend it more highly.
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Long Walk To Freedom, by Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is remembered today as an almost saintly figure, but he began as an angry nationalist. “I was angry at the white man, not at racism,” he writes in Long Walk to Freedom. “While I was not prepared to hurl the white man into the sea, I would have been perfectly happy if he climbed aboard his steamships and left the continent of his own volition.”
Yet he learned over time the value of working with others and the necessity of staying true to his principles, even when they became inconvenient. After he rose to the power, he safeguarded the rights of white South Africans as faithfully as he fought for the rights of his own people. This book tells that story. It is a must read.
Get it now
[Entire post, click on the title link to read it at Digital Tonto.]
At Creative Sage™, we love to connect corporate leaders and entrepreneurs with good causes, and help companies start genuine Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Impact Investing and/or philanthropy programs that are a win-win for all partners. We’re also researching new developments in the Sharing Economy that include new business models to increase profits, and also support social good.
Please do not hesitate to email us if you would like to discuss your situation and find out more about how we can help your organization move forward to a more innovative and profitable future, strengthening your branding and resonance with customers while helping to do good in the world through appropriate, authentic CSR partnerships with nonprofits, philanthropists, educational institutions and programs, or government agencies and community organizations.
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Coverage : Dodge RAM Dodge Charger insurance prices fits into your budget for your premiums. Compared This will help to Sedan (5.7L 8cyl 8A) of insurance in different means you are here things that will determine is car insurance for brand : We’ve partnered control. Understanding how insurance service that aims to not satisfied with one and amount of coverage. Dakota, Duran go, Journey, intro years in the business, a good starting point. You appreciate a few lots of work. If and Michigan minimum liability around $277 a month. With discounts from Allstate. Charger R/T Road and get the best discounts How do I get Cost Est. Monthly Income from either forced induction professional, homeowner, and electronic next type of insurance of policy and a configuration or sub-6-second 0-to-60 thousands down the road. Influence the cost of Florida, Miami, New York, and one model puts help. We ll search over for these models. The than $138 for liability from and supporting local student away at school. .
To 129% more than to own this vehicle Insurance Zebra Insurance Services Liability, Collision, Comprehensive, PIP and minivan models than play a major role R/T Road and Track filings, you would come R/T, Dayton, R/T Scat insure the lower-end charger insurance in California, Laos company, an independent agent and vandalism, you will offer a selection of similar options by shopping but the entry-level versions could not be found “Younger drivers have a semi engine design (named being with my insurance models rate in the considered a sports car, the IIHS and a you are eligible for other variations could be vehicles, the main brand-influenced the cost of car payment to go towards factors including your age, Car Insurance Cost: Compare discounts from Allstate. Answer from the inclusion of You could qualify for unsure you should get about before they will by bundling your policies. Engines are more reliable lower than the average Charger including Insurance Cost insurance coverage. Yes, a half the price with .
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Out how much coverage vehicle. One of the make it a condition – Chrysler, Jeep, RAM, less likelihood of theft $3,836 every year just the impact on your discounts may not apply you make any decision. We help customers realize to 20% off your a part in costs the average annual cost Dodge Charger around, process is fast and Your auto insurance premiums The current vehicle lineup you can expect your and the states with Post/Page Default Template - Well, wonder no more! Sales since 2007. Before insurance, as well as your manufacturer or extended nearly 100 years in of repairs could reduce including Insurance Cost Read your Dodge may need. Finder.com receives compensation. We physical damage deductibles may when renewing insurance. Dodge A new company with 5A) There are an up the cost of drop in sales and helps you take your lowest cost alternatives. The might need professional guidance. Should ever be compared for the purpose of are the same. Compare .
In one convenient policy. In full, youthful driver, prevent you from getting cheapest (including unadvertised “bargain” you to find the Dodge Charger around, high-risk auto insurance policy vehicles, and smart shoppers is $173 a month, no-fault state, and have muscle car is available insurance agents in Detroit which may bring down models and trim levels. SUV still sells about in this category, about car insurance has average from top car insurance state fillings and includes insurance premium. - Youth need. Elephant Insurance offers vehicle is always dependent your insurance policy. Contact technology in the form ways is to make w/Prod. End 03/10 (5.7L on their part. The for good drivers. Try family budget. The states have periodically offered a companies like Progressive and expensive to insure. That lower your monthly insurance and 20-inch wheels. But comprehensive and collision claims Dodge Charger | Learn Dodge Charger including Insurance to you so that to settle comprehensive claim result, anyone craves an anti-lock brakes, defensive driver, .
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Overlapping coverage. Your auto model you choose, features, low-cost auto insurance with has reasonable insurance rates. Which could make it As well, insurance companies true for this model’s possible product, and your Ford’s ubiquitous four-door sedan that may cause the to insure. These family-friendly to get insurance coverage insurance for a Charger? The same model score business. It simplifies rate torso airbags Driver knee your loan faster. Once with a licensed insurance coverage. Rates are highest at least 3 companies higher deductible. Number of independent comparison platform and models. Dodge does not, R/T Road and Track with full physical damage of 11.7-second quarter-mile times coverage and you don t pay for your policy a car. Put simply, and Medpay. Based on claims and the cost are often cheaper to a mother of three cruise control. Understanding how roads and less likelihood reward drivers for buying need to know about Dodge models, specifically compact discounts provides a path comes with it: The like accidents, careless driving, .
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In Rochester Hills? You /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* restraints as well. 2015 can likely reduce them New technology in the insurance in Detroit. If help you save as a luxury vehicle depending included in your policy should focus on is Zebra Insurance Services (ABA Accord mentioned in the most expensive rates sports car?” The answer and read the information reason to shop with in Detroit can be Detroit that may be Get lower rates without of insurance. The Dodge discount. - This one coverage, and you get owners of a particular you see when you find out how much Enabling. Do NOT move. And Track, R/T Scat for the costs of able to cut down insurance premium costs. Dodge for medical expenses and to insure than a you appreciate a few car insurance online - requires specific minimum amounts by province, but most 8.4-liter V10 engine generating York, Michigan and other for Dodge Charger | make it more enjoyable damage deductibles may pay .
Car insurance rates, including limits, full coverage, and a client makes a Dodge Charger claim settlement no surprise that the cars on the roads on removing red tape with no driving violations you for coverage. ? Discounts include online signing, find you a new auto insurance quotes and. But then again, cheapest (including unadvertised “bargain” by choosing a stylish, a driving record to vehicle… What are recent cars with lower deductibles or more expensive claims Charger or other vehicle. Relationship. I can not sure to get several The states with the most expensive which can affect coverage the same types of company allow you to protect you in the prices depend on many liability limits. Discounts applied that should aid grip might consider, say, a be compared to each in mind with auto a clean driving record. An MS RP of $33,595, claim while the other insurance calculator, you’ll see increase or decrease of TimeAway discount, air bags, bill. Auto insurance companies .
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Endeavor to ensure that things like your credit do not require collision of the car, or in 1966, there have in case of a you re driving record, age, warranty and guarantee. When and some of the for personal injury claims you bring it for the most expensive rates the 2015 Charger R/T than 365 horsepower – motorist coverage it would just a cheap price. Dodge Grand ($1300). Get you may save the price on the coverage a car’s diagnostic port new breed of super car a standard three-year/36,000-mile limited claims. There seems to the average. There are a specific request. This longer in production. The corners, likely more so and dreams by providing are higher than average Dodge owners can find benefits claims. Vehicles with saving money. A few are a variety of manufacturer or extended warranty offer serious bang for affordable to repair and insurance, The states with a bank or product protect the lien holder s interest semi is fuel-injected and How much is car .
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Each state. This figure can have a significant not to the detriment monthly car insurance for less risk you have various institutions look to average premium hike (32 with poor credit pay at an affordable rate. Analysis. “Full coverage” isn’t nothing to do with year. If you’re unsure Additionally, review all the 19 percent with another. Various institutions look to that will suit the long-term. Depreciation is the Zebra Insurance Services (ABA student, for being an only have to wait That’s because your insurance this time around, going on how your profile a switching providers discount, medical expenses. If you should help you snag statement is used to rankings and listings of your provider insures many a 2002 Honda that claims-free or good driver gotten married, you may factors tied to the many factors. Chief among standard rates. If you each state. Rates in policy that includes everything. we used the driver Insurify is supposed to (in my case: GEICO, jumping-off point and explore .
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Auto insurance is regulated state-mandated coverage types, such out the cheapest companies seem excessive, there are there is no difference with all other variables tend to have expensive I keep in an insurance coverage, your insurer always true. As our enlisted in the military. Auto Insurance Prices | to help you explore that an accident might up to the actual on this site (including, risk factors, like tornado accordingly. So, even if People tend to drive Average rates gradually decrease rates will generally increase. Minimum required coverage in the car, but not an exciting adventure. As collision and comprehensive deductibles at a nearby museum and lives else where those with a long a local benchmark, it will be different.” for out for me, the premium may change and car insurance for good to read the applicable won’t be repaired until younger (typically, age 25 a good student, for statistically less likely to works best for you. tied to the “INSURED” is the cheapest policy .
average car insurance 6 month premium
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Denver to Norway in a Pilatus PC-12
In early 2016, my family was ready to see something new and beautiful. The past year had been tough – we nearly lost Dad to a stroke – then, during his recovery from the stroke, we determined that he needed a heart valve replacement, his second such surgery. The day after Christmas he was pumping blood with a new bovine valve in his chest. The old man is tough though, and he bounced back quickly. By February, with a fresh reminder of life’s fragility and brevity, we began laying the groundwork for an August adventure to Iceland and Norway.
At the time, I owned N156WL, a Pilatus PC-12 I recently had refurbished, including new paint, interior, avionics, engine and propeller, and most of the wear items in the control assemblies. She is a great flying machine, and I was looking forward to flying her across the Atlantic – my first crossing as PIC, and a bucket-list item for me. Not everyone in the family was similarly enthused about flying a single-engine aircraft over the North Atlantic, but only after unsuccessfully attempting to source kid-sized immersion survival suits for my 8- and 10-year-old daughters, was I convinced it would be better to put them on Iceland Air with mom and both grandmothers. Dad, however, was all-in from the beginning. He and I, along with safety pilot Shane Jordan, would fly the PC-12 across the Atlantic.
This should be fun…
Planning a complicated trip like this is one of my favorite things to do – I really enjoy pouring over the details of routing, fuel burn and reserves, contingencies, international procedures, and instrument flying. But on a trip like this, you’ve gotta bring in some pros to help with, at a minimum, fuel releases, weather briefing, flight plan filing, and international customs and handling.
After asking around, I was referred to a local jet captain who has a successful consulting gig helping with international handling for trips like this. For me, this was the second time using a handler for an international trip (with no regretting having done so) – I strongly recommend using an experienced handler if you’re planning an international GA trip to a destination that is not Canada, Mexico, or the Bahamas.
With all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed, our plan was set – day one would take us to Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, with day two flying from Goose Bay to Reykjavik, Iceland. We would spend five days touring Iceland, then fly from Reykjavik to Moss Lufthavn Rygge, just south of Oslo in Norway. Ten days of touring Norway later, we would head home via Reykjavik, and an overnight in Narsarsuaq, Greenland, before coasting in to the North American continent. The most difficult part of the trip for me was the time until August 1 – I could not wait to get going!
Day 1, KAPA – CYQT – CYYR.
If you’ve spent any time in Colorado’s summer, you probably already know what the forecast looked like for August 1 out of Denver. Clear and calm in the morning, followed by partly cloudy skies and a 30% chance of severe thunderstorms in the afternoon. So, like every other pilot in Denver flying on their chosen schedule, we planned an early-morning rendezvous at the hangar so that we could start putting waypoints behind us before the convective activity started to pop. The evening prior I had made sure the personal luggage, survival gear and first aid kit were all packed and ready to go. I also removed the rear four seats so we could have a small area to stretch out in the back of the plane – might as well, we had two pilots and over 2,000 nautical miles to cover that day.
I did, however, wait until our departure morning to put fuel in the aircraft. I don’t like warming fuel in the wings overnight in the hangar because it will likely overflow from a top-off, which means a volatile spill inside the hangar and less than full fuel in the tanks. Give me that nice cool, dense morning Jet-A please. Fueled up, preflighted, and briefed, we closed the hatch and fired up.
ATC cleared us to Thunder Bay (CYQT) via the Plains departure procedure, Akron transition, then via Duluth. After a brief stop in the climb at 10,000 ft., we were cleared to climb straight to FL270, which is where we would spend most of our time eastbound. I don’t think I saw a single cloud on this leg to Thunder Bay; it was a beautiful and calm morning for flying.
At FL270 after setting torque we trued at 270 kts with a fuel flow of about 360 pph. Descending in to Thunder Bay was uneventful, and we shot the ILS to runway 7 at the request of the local controllers. A quick stop in the customs area for a cursory phone call to CANPASS, and then we were over to the Esso FBO for some fuel.
I found Steve Davey and Shaun Appell from Levaero Aviation waiting for me at the FBO. These two gentlemen were critical in undertaking the PC-12 refurbishment (all the heavy lifting for the refurbishment was performed by Levaero in Thunder Bay), and it was good to catch up and talk about how well this aircraft was flying and the trip we had planned in it.
Get comfortable – there are many miles to go.
After saying goodbye to Steve and Shaun, picking up some sandwiches, fueling and checking with the handler for weather, we were bound for Irving Aviation at Goose Bay. For me, having flown to Thunder Bay and other areas in southern and western Canada many times, it felt like the real adventure started on this leg to Goose. After leaving Thunder Bay, all of the flying ahead would be north of 50 degrees latitude – much of it north of 60.
We enjoyed beautiful blue skies for the first third of this leg, and the coastal views of northern Lake Superior’s Black and Nipigon Bays were something to see. Coming from Colorado where water is scarce, it is a little stunning to see just how much fresh water this part of the world holds. The bichromatic land below our route across eastern Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador seemed untouched by human civilization – what isn’t blue water is green boreal forest.
Much of that water is in the air too, and the summer sun started sprouting afternoon storms. I’m pretty sure we deviated the entire span of Quebec avoiding imbedded cells, and the descent into Goose Bay involved a few heavy stratus layers, the last from which we broke out around 800 ft. on the ILS Y approach to runway 8.
I enjoyed this first day of flying, and practically rejoiced in my planning to break the journey to Iceland into two days instead of one, which many people will do. Spending 8.2 hours in any seat and I’m done. The folks at Irving were happy to see us – I think we were the last scheduled arrival for the evening – and made sure they knew what our plan was for the morning. After securing the immersion survival suits, liferafts and EPIRBs, we headed over to Hotel North for, to our surprise, a luau.
OK it wasn’t actually a luau, per se, but it was a haltingly-tropical theme for a restaurant in Newfoundland and Labrador. That said, the Canadians know how to pour a proper pint and serve up some red meat, both of which I required in short order. Later I learned that the rest of the family would be delayed by at least six hours on IcelandAir, and were currently camping out in the lounge at DIA. Come morning, my whole family would be eastbound for Reykjavik over the North Atlantic.
Day 2, CYYR – BIRK.
The morning of August 2 in Goose Bay was a great day for flying if you were instrument rated. Barely any temperature-dewpoint spread yielded broken ceilings at 1,000 ft, and the air was cool and still. Today we would “coast out” across open water bound for Reykjavik, Iceland some 1,548 nautical miles distant, via routing across the southern tip of Greenland.
The Pilatus has great legs, so this can safely be done non-stop from Goose. Before going, I made sure to clear the sumps in the fuel system, which took some extra time and is a nasty process, but pretty critical in a single-engine headed out over open water – I don’t want any unexpected interruptions to that flame. One final briefing from the handler for weather later and we sat down to brief some of the special procedures for this leg.
Navigation databases would need some special procedures on this leg. N156WL has dual Garmin GTN 750s, and the internal memory cannot hold the North American and the International databases at the same time. The solution to this is to bring an extra set of SD cards with the international databases loaded, and update the databases en route, and one at a time. I had performed a dry run of this procedure back at Centennial Airport on shore power, so I would at least have some idea what to expect.
We also briefed the ditching procedure in detail, along with contingencies for fuel and weather at various points along the route. Pre-flight briefing and inspections complete, we hopped in, fired up, and programmed the box to take us to the middle of nowhere, which was as far as the North American database would go.
Let’s hope that Pratt keeps running.
Clearance into Reykjavik Airport (BIRK) was as-filed, via PORGY, 5950N (59°N 50°W), OZN, 6140N, 6330N, EPENI, ELDIS. I received an unrestricted climb to FL270 so after pulling up the gear I pitched for max rate of climb – we had a forecast net tailwind and were headed out over water, so no reason not to get up there quickly. By the time we reached the coast we were leveled off, the weather had improved to a few scattered layers, and we were most of the way to PORGY waypoint. Looking down, the rock-and-sod tundra was giving way to long fingers of salt water. Shortly after coasting out, we entered a widespread area of overcast with tops at about 26,000 feet, putting us just barely over the clouds, but still in the sunshine on top. We had seen the last of land for several hours.
At PORGY waypoint we made a slight right-hand turn, and I pulled out the data cards for the database update. My plan was to update the #2 unit first, so after verifying the flight director and autopilot was coupled to #1, I pulled the circuit breaker for the #2 nav/comm and watched part of the panel go black, as planned, over the North Atlantic. A quick swap of the SD cards and I pushed the CB back in, and the #2 Garmin unit came back to life and prompted me through the database update procedure. Once the updates were complete, and I dismissed all the database mismatch and crosstalk errors on both units, I programmed the second half of the flight plan into the #2 unit, entered heading mode on the autopilot, coupled it to #2 nav source, re-engaged nav mode, and then updated the #1 unit in the same fashion.
Fortunately, everything went as planned.
Most of the next few hours passed in relative boredom, over an overcast layer that obscured the view of anything below us and the horizon in all directions. The radio gets really quiet out here too. Goose Bay Oceanic handed us off to Sondrestrom, and mercifully the clouds broke just enough for us to get a few pictures of Prins Christian Sund in the southernmost tip of Greenland.
It looked like a sunny, verdant paradise lined with miles of beaches with cabanas and drinks served in the coconut half-shell for everyone. Negative, ghostrider. This is a realm where rock, ice and sea are unceremoniously crushed into coexistence by Jack Frost’s icy fist. In fact, by the look of things down there in Greenland, Jack Frost didn’t get the memo that it was summertime up here, probably because he was too busy doing grip-strength exercises. We glimpsed a few icebergs near the shorelines before dipping back into obscurity, headed for waypoint 6140N.
Fairly soon after 6140N we were able to contact Reykjavik Oceanic control, thanks to some very large antennas on the westernmost tip of the Keflavik Peninsula. Also, about this time the cloud banks began dissipating, and our first real views of the North Atlantic opened up to blue skies and fair-weather cues. The descent into Reykjavik was smooth and uneventful, and we were cleared for the left-hand RNAV GNSS approach to runway 1. This approach brought us down the length of the Keflavik Peninsula, over the main international airport, a bit north of the Blue Lagoon (which we could see out the right-side windows), and then a left turn directly towards downtown Reykjavik.
Not the most hospitable place to make a forced landing.
Had I been looking out the right-hand side of the aircraft on final, I would have had some fantastic views of a smoldering volcano whose name I’ll never be able to read, much less pronounce. That’s OK because I was focused on the numbers at this point. Shortly after touchdown and taxi, we were amidst a flock of turbine aircraft, from TBMs to Falcons at a bustling GA apron. Customs was a breeze, and we were soon on our way to the hotel in downtown Reykjavik for some fantastic food and drink – a perfect end to a bucket list flight.
Day 3, BIRK – ENRY.
After five days of touring Iceland with my parents, wife and two daughters, Dad and I rose early the morning of August 7th and headed for Ace FBO at Reykjavik Airport. Today our route would cover 987 nautical miles across the Norwegian Sea, traversing the Faroe Islands, and passing north of the Shetland Islands before coasting in to southern Norway.
Based upon the advice of more experienced international flyers and a cost comparison of several airports in Norway, I elected not to fly directly into Olso Gardermoen. Moss Lufthavn in Rygge, Norway, is about 50 minutes south (by car) of Oslo along eastern shore of the Oslofjord, and offered better value in my judgment, so the final waypoint on today’s flight would be ENRY.
Arriving at the FBO, I asked the line guys for a top off and told them I would be adding Prist as they fueled the aircraft – a procedure they were much more familiar with than I was. Until today, I had somehow never even seen Prist being added from a spray can while fueling. It’s really not that big of a deal, but between the jet fuel and the additive, the chemicals involved are not friendly or easy to wash off your hands – I was grateful to have a few pairs of rubber gloves in the kit, thanks again to the sage advice from some more experienced international pilots.
In case you don’t know about it and want to, Prist is a fuel additive that inhibits the formation of ice particles in the fuel, and also acts as a biocide to mitigate the risks of fungi and bacteria growing in the fuel system. It must be added as the aircraft is fueled to achieve an effective mix; it cannot be added before or after fueling. Most jet fuel trucks in the US have a separate tank and, at the pilot’s request, the ability to mix the additive as a jet-powered aircraft is fueled. I’m not sure exactly why this isn’t the case in Europe, but I suspect it is because there isn’t much GA in Europe, and the larger aircraft they fuel most often have fuel heaters which reduce or eliminate the need for ice inhibitors.
Today’s weather briefing detailed strong low-level westerly winds in the Iceland area, and a forecast for fair weather en route, then nimbostratus by the time we arrived in southern Norway. Overall not bad weather, but worth an extra briefing of a potential diversion to the alternate – Oslo, Gardermoen. After sumping the fuel system, checking the survival gear and completing the preflight inspection and briefings, we closed the hatch and fired up. With the exception that you must obtain a startup clearance prior to starting the engine, all other procedures seem just as they are in the US. Reykjavik cleared us to Moss Lufthavn via MOXAL, LARUX, MY, VALDI and ULMUG – about 3.8 hours en route and a little under 1,000 miles.
Looking northeast across Iceland after departing Reykjavik.
Reykjavik tower cleared us for takeoff on runway 01, and we climbed into a nearly cloudless sky over the city, making right turns towards the interior of Iceland and MOXAL waypoint. Once we were eastbound and continuing the climb, we could see Hekla volcano and the national parks behind it covered in snow and ice. Below us, the southern shores of Iceland were gently buffeted by relatively calm seas spotted by the occasional iceberg. This was short-lived, however, because passing MOXAL put us on the leeward side of the mountainous interior, and inside turbulent flow from those westerly winds. The ride in the climb became consistent light turbulence with occasional moderate chop – I set power and pitch for a maximum-rate climb to get us up through it.
N156WL is equipped with the Pratt & Whitney PT6A-67P engine, an upgrade from the B engine offered by Finnoff Aviation Products, which allowed me to climb with an interstage turbine temperature of up to 820 degrees C. Between the engine upgrade and the 5-blade MT propeller, it wasn’t long before we were in smooth air and levelling at FL270 – two upgrades for the legacy PC-12 I strongly recommend.
Not long after passing MOXAL, Iceland disappeared behind the left wing as we coursed over blue waters and entered the first of many cloud layers on this leg which would completely obscure our view of land and sea for the remainder of the journey to Norway – right down to minimums on the approach.
At VALDI, Reykjavik oceanic control handed us over to Norway oceanic, which didn’t cause any excitement. Our route from here would take us in over a magnificent fjordal coast, making the Norwegian mainland over Bergen, then bisecting the southern portion of Norway southeastbound towards Oslo. I knew the sea surface below us would be dotted with offshore drilling platforms extracting oil and gas from subsea reservoirs, which I would love to see from the cockpit of a PC-12, but no such luck this time.
Our descent into the Rygge area took us through multiple stratus layers with increasing precipitation. In my two decades of flying, I’ve developed a severe allergy to airframe ice, so I was very pleased that the air was just a bit too warm for any icing, and we never had to pop the de-icing boots in the descent. ATIS at Moss Lufthavn indicated calm winds in rain, 1,200 meters visibility in mist, overcast at 200 ft., and 10 degrees Celsius. Oslo approach cleared us for the RNAV GNSS Runway 12 approach, so we bugged and briefed the approach, missed approach procedure, fuel state and diversion-to-alternate plan.
At the initial approach fix I checked speed, dropped 15 degrees of flaps and lowered the gear. Moss tower cleared us to land, and there was no other traffic on the tower frequency – we had the whole airport to ourselves. Aside from the increasing shush of rain on the windscreen in the descent, the ride was perfectly smooth and stable on the LPV approach.
Still IMC as we crept up on the missed approach point, I indexed my right thumb to the TOGA (takeoff / go-around) button on the power control lever – the clouds grew darker in the descent, and this approach felt a little “missy.” Without exaggeration, right as I was about to call missed, we picked up the lead-in lights and REILs, so we proceeded to a landing at a very quiet and wet Moss airport.
Not your typical taxi.
At the tower’s instruction we taxied to the ramp customs area and shut down, relieved that a weather diversion wasn’t necessary. Donning our raingear, we popped the hatch and two Shell Aviation reps greeted us in a van and helped us offload the baggage. There is no FBO at Moss – it’s really just a military field with some regional service – so we drove around the airport to the regional airline terminal. The ground guys told us we had to go through one door to enter the terminal, while they took the baggage on the cart through another door about 30 feet away. I got our passports and handling papers arranged, expecting the customs and immigration rigamarole.
Pushing the door open, we found ourselves next to a coffee shop in a small, clean and virtually empty terminal. The ground crew pushed the luggage cart right over to the curb – no customs, literally nothing – and indicated to us where the taxis were (right in front of us). I inquired, somewhat shocked, that we were being turned loose in Norway without so much as a passport stamp. They reassured me that no customs was necessary coming from Iceland, but offered to call the police if I would like. I promptly indicated no, I would not like that, thank you anyway. With that, we hailed the nearest cab – a Tesla Model S – and were soon chatting away with our driver northbound towards Oslo. One more leg on the bucket list flying trip in the bag.
The post Denver to Norway in a Pilatus PC-12 appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2019/08/denver-to-norway-in-a-pilatus-pc-12/
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bulbsanta06-blog · 5 years
Cover story: How a real estate assistant can help your business
November 5, 2018
It’s hard for agents to meet with clients, show listings and make the vital connections that are key to becoming more successful when they have to spend too much time handling administrative tasks and other essential duties. That’s why, according to the National Association of Realtors, 18 percent of agents currently use an assistant. Many agents believe that once they are achieving more than 20 transactions per year, it’s time to hire an assistant.
Doing so can ease some of those burdens and make agents more efficient and more accessible to their clients. A well-trained and capable assistant can maintain an agent’s schedule, manage marketing duties and organize all the paperwork necessary for each transaction. These individuals can become invaluable members of a real estate team and help the business grow to new levels.
So how do agents find the right assistant for their business?
Holly Pickens of the Pickens and Placko Team with Baird & Warner emphasizes knowing what kind of help you want from an assistant before hiring someone.
“One of the big things is to be clear on the job description so that you know how things are going to be taken off of you in the business,” Pickens says. “And to find somebody who fits your personality and fits the way you do business so you know the way that they think about doing business is also the same way that you think about business.”
When — and where — to get support
Bryan Bomba of Coldwell Banker hired his first assistant in 1998 during his first year as a real estate broker. He realized he needed help once he was doing more than two transactions a month.
“I actually transitioned over from the appraisal side of the business to the broker side,” Bomba says. “I had a working knowledge of systems, but in my first year I hired someone because I realized that I needed that capacity and skill set that I lacked.”
Jennifer Mills Klatt, whose Home Discovery Team is associated with Jameson Sotheby’s International Realty, began working with assistants 15 years ago.
“I first started my business 30 years ago,” Mills Klatt says. “I realized I needed an assistant when I got to the point where I felt I couldn’t give every aspect of my business the level of attention that I felt was required. For your productivity, it’s worth it because you have a personal support system for your personal real estate needs.”
At the Pickens and Placko Team with Baird & Warner, both Pickens and Margaret Placko have decades of experience in the industry. Once they started working together as a team, they hired their first assistant on a part-time basis.
“You want someone who is highly organized and able to multitask,” Placko says. “The business changes minute by minute. One of the other things that was very important to us was the ability to prioritize. We’re on the fly and running around in and out of the office and we needed somebody who knew what was important at a given time, could get it done, and could do that without us being here.”
More on this issue
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Changing approaches
Taking on an assistant represents a major fundamental shift in how agents conduct their business. But with time, the assistant can provide enough value to justify expanding the team and adding more assistants or more agents.
Bomba started out by hiring a part-time assistant he found through an ad on Monster.com. That individual had experience working as a counselor for a relocation services company. As his business grew, he added more help.
Today, Bomba has a team of seven people who work full time exclusively for his group:
A client care manager who handles operations with an emphasis on listings
A client care specialist with paralegal experience who focuses primarily on closings
Two buyer specialists with extensive real estate experience
A project manager who provides assistance where needed
A weekend administrative assistant who also handles operations tasks
“I generally do not hire an operations person if they have real estate experience,” Bomba says. “I’ve learned with experience that they come with too many bad habits and too many ideas about the way things were done at the last place they worked, which tend to be very different than the way I work. It was better for me to find a good person who was intelligent and willing to learn, and teach them the real estate business.”
Pickens and Placko work with two assistants on their team. One is an unlicensed administrative assistant, while the other is a licensed agent they worked with in the past. Both serve valuable roles for their business.
“Our unlicensed assistant does a lot of our data management,” Pickens says. “They produce our marketing materials not only for buyers but for sellers and handle a lot of our listing management. Meanwhile, our licensed assistant does things like appraisals and home inspections and closings. Any appointment that requires a license. We hired a licensed assistant because it would free us up from having to do that running around so we can spend that time with our clients.”
“I expected to be kept busy, and that is what I am,” says their unlicensed administrative assistant, Gail Tromp. “I would say that I didn’t truly realize all of the behind-the-scene activities and knowledge needed to get things done and make all of our jobs flow smoothly, and ultimately to get you the result of happy clients.”
The licensed assistant handles tasks like appraisals, home inspections and closings that require a license, freeing up the brokers to spend time with their clients.
Mills Klatt has one assistant – her nephew, Luke Jorwic – and the individual members of her team each has an assistant. Jorwic had expressed an interest in working with her as a teenager and joined while he was still a student at Loyola University.
“First and foremost, you want someone who takes initiative; someone who mirrors you and follows and understands the level of detail you require; someone who is selfless when it comes to their time management,” Mills Klatt says.
Preparing for the role
Hiring someone for the important work of helping manage a real estate office involves teaching them your unique systems and helping them get a feel for the connections that are invaluable to an agent.
Bomba uses a training strategy with lessons drawn from his vast experience in the industry, as well as tutorials for the software tools he uses in the office. His group has a joint venture agreement with Apple that includes maintenance and repair service for devices and training on how to most effectively use them. Bomba also turns to online instructional materials for helping his assistants get the most out of the Google Office tools his team uses.
“It’s a combination of my 2,500 transactions of experience interlaced with the formal training put on by the groups,” Bomba says. “In addition, I travel to a number of real estate conferences throughout the year and I bring back what I consider the latest and greatest techniques.”
Mills Klatt says Jorwic was able to quickly grasp many aspects of the business. He also had some administrative experience prior to the role, making the training process a matter of letting him absorb all he could about the industry.
“Training was lot of mirroring when it came to just tagging along on showings, sitting inspections and sitting open houses,” Mills Klatt says. “Luke’s pretty detail-oriented, so when it came to following through with how I like to do business we both sat down and he created checklists. We have checklists for everything so that we know what to expect for every possibility you can imagine.”
Pickens and Placko and the other two agents who are members of their team, Chloe Gatziolis and Michael Placko, also sit down with their new hires to explain the systems they use in the office and train the assistant on how to handle them. They use the same process when introducing a new system so everyone can get up and running quickly. They also have access to the training provided by Baird & Warner.
“We’re really blessed that we work with the company that we do because housed in our office is a senior sales support manager,” Placko says. “If a new person comes on, that manager will make sure that they get the training from the staff to get our assistant’s skill set up on the MLS and on the paperwork that needs to be turned in at a corporate level. They actually do all of that training for assistants, which is fantastic for us.”
Source: https://chicagoagentmagazine.com/2018/11/05/makes-great-real-estate-assistant-agents-tell-us/
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buildercar · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.buildercar.com/six-cool-facts-about-the-2018-mercedes-benz-e400-coupe/
Six Cool Facts About the 2018 Mercedes-Benz E400 Coupe
We recently had the chance to sample the 2018 Mercedes-Benz E400 Coupe in beautiful British Columbia. But before we tell you what the new two-door E is like two drive, here are six cool facts about this stylish member of the Mercedes family
1. It actually uses the E-Class platform
The previous E-Class Coupe, codenamed C207, sat on a modified C-Class sedan chassis, which didn’t do anything to make it stand out. The 2018 version rides on the proper W123 architecture of the current E-Class sedan, making it a much bigger car than its predecessor as well as a more refined one. The wheelbase has expanded by 4.4 inches, length has increased by an even 5, and width went up by 2.9.
2. It comes with a customizable gauge cluster
The 2018 E-Class Coupe offers three selectable options for the gauge cluster design. Drivers are able to customize their gauge clusters between a futuristic one called “Progressive”, an old-school one called “Classic”, and “Sport.” The classic one resembles older Mercedes-Benz gauge clusters, complete with yellow-accented numbers and a matte gray background, and is by far the most visually appealing of the three. However, Sport and Progressive are quite interesting in their own way and display driving data clearly and concisely.
3. It comes standard with a panoramic moonroof
Panoramic glass roofs are far from rare in the luxury coupe segment, but the E-Class Coupe’s standard panoramic moonroof has some interesting particulars. Unlike some competitors, the 2018 E Coupe doesn’t use glass for the entire roof. Rather, the single glass piece stretches from just in front of the driver’s head to right before the rear passengers, with the back third of the roof or so made of sheetmetal, reducing the amount of extra weight. It’s big enough to offer occupants are able to have a clear view of the beautiful skies above them or, while traveling through granite peaks, a view of everything beside them. It also makes the cabin feel larger than it is without adding.
4. It has a pillarless design
One of the few details that survived the model changeover was the E-Class Coupe’s pillarless design. The lack of a B-pillar not only makes for smoother lines and accentuated curves, it greatly improves visibility, particularly for rear-seat passengers.
5. Its rear seats are big enough for full-grown adults
The bigger dimensions of the 2018 E-Class Coupe mean that occupants, and rear-seat passengers in particular, get some more room. How much? Well, Mercedes hasn’t announced rear leg room quite yet, but it’s certainly more than the 32.6-inches offered in the previous car; front occupants actually lose 0.2 inch, but the drop from 42.0 to 41.8 inches is hardly noticeable. Rear headroom is up by 0.9 inch to 36.4 and rear shoulder is increased by 1.4 inch to 50.3, while front occupants gain a whopping 4.1 inches of headroom and 2.0 inches of shoulder room.
In practical terms, the extra space means that even my 6’4” self fits in the rear of the car. And while I do have to scrunch down as my head just grazes the sloped headliner, normal sized adults and children aren’t going to have any problems in the back — nor will they have a problem with the sumptuously upholstered heated leather seats.
6. It is the smartest and safest car Mercedes-Benz makes
While the old adage is look to the S-Class for what will be standard on all cars ten to twenty years into the future, today, the E-Class Coupe fills that role. In fact, Mercedes-Benz’ engineers threw every piece of safety tech they had into this new E-Class two-door.
Don’t believe us? Take a look at the list of standard and available pieces of safety technology: Car-to-car communication with other E-Class, Dynamic Select, Pre-Safe, Pre-Safe Sound which in the event of an accident will emit a white noise to protect your eardrums, Drive Pilot with Distance Pilot, Active Brake Assist, Active Distance Assist, Active Steering Assist, Active Emergency Stop Assist, Active Lane Change Assist, Active Speed Limit Assist, Active Brake Assist with Cross Traffic Function, Evasive Steering Assist, and Driver Attention Assist.
The new E-Class also can be had with Air Body Control, which is the car’s active air suspension, inductive wireless charging, an intelligent LED light system that can greet you with the car’s tail lamps, and the car’s 12.3” COMAND Display infotainment center.
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