#and don’t imagine orochimaru running a tea shop in ba sing she
lynniearts · 4 years
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Waterbender Hinata
An ATLA AU where:
Hinata is the scorned heir to the Northern Water Tribe who’s sold betrothed to the second son of the Fire Nation to appease the Firelord
Her cousin ends up hijacking the vessel she’s on and they run away to the Southern Water Tribes in search of asylum
They find a hundred-year-old, sixteen-year-old ridiculously blond jock of an avatar who hinata absolutely does not fall for (spoiler: she does. just a bit tho)while they continue to run from the combined forces of the jilted Prince (who is obviously no other than angsty emo boi sasuke himself) and their own tribesmen
Neji says ‘fuck’.
A lot.
He gets a bit better after meeting kyoshi warrior tenten (she doesn’t like potty mouths or long-haired pompous asses from the north,,,or she tries not to, at least)
Fast forward 3 books worth of content later, the world has been saved, tyrannical fire nation dictatorship and insidious northern tribe political intrigue have been dismantled, AND hinata’s gotten over her crush and has settled into her role as an ambassador for the Five Nations while her cousin happily takes over her father’s mantle in the North.
She’s kickass and pretty af and fucking adorable especially when she takes down diplomats thrice her age in economic negotiations (the new firelord rues his nation’s loss of his former fiancé but is pretty happy with the loud-mouthed, bespectacled, red-haired civilian he fell for during his time in the earth kingdom)
Oh and there’s also a love triangle. Probably.
Because hinata ends up falling for the same earth bender the avatar happens to be wooing.
Unfortunately for him, pink-haired girls tend to be raging lesbians with crippling crushes on soft-spoken, weird waterbenders.
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