#and dont get me STARTED on daniel and robby. my kingdom for them to have more than one scene together in season 6
mrsrhys23 · 5 years
The Royal Romance
Summary: You are an actress working on a show called ‘The Royal Romance.” and you’re doing an interview talking about it. 
Word count: 1,103 
Warnings: Complete nonsense..?
A/N:  All the characters belong to Pixelberry. This is apart of my series The Royal Romance, I got bored and decided to write a one shot for it. 
The cast list HERE
Permatags: @desiree-0816, @cordoniaqueensworld, @itschoicesstuff, @roisebeaumontworld21, @emilypowell001
Series tags: @bbrandy2002, @texaskitten30
The audience cheered and clapped as you made your way onto the stage and took a seat in front of the talk show host. 
“So Y/N Y/L/N is joining us here to talk about her hit show called The Royal Romance,” the woman interviewing you explained to audience both in the studio and watching at home. “Y/N, it’s a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you for coming,” the older woman smiled. 
“Thank you for having me. It's lovely to be here,” you replied. 
She turned to you a smile on her face. “So Y/N tell us about it because I mean it has done really, really well. So well that it’s been renewed for a second series. Did you know that it was going to do this well? Did you have any idea how much people were going to love it?” 
You thought about your answer for a second, “ No, you never know how something is going to be perceived but I think all the cast had an inkling that it was going to do well,” you explained. 
“But you didn’t think It’d get the response it has gotten?” She asked. 
“No, like I said we all had a good feeling about it but you just never know,” you shrugged. 
“What can you tell us about this series? The last one ended on such a cliffhanger.”
“Yeah, We’ve just started filming again, I can’t really say much but in this season Riley Brooks comes back sort to clear her name and find out who orchestrated the photographs. We kind of see Riley trying to figure out who she is as cliche as that sounds and we see Liam trying to navigate being king and trying to fit in to his new role. I think in a way all the characters are trying to figure out who they are amongst the ‘courtly drama’ as they call it.”
“Do you know who’s behind it?” the host asked. 
I don’t. It seems to be all on a need to know basis. Daniel di Tamasso likes to say he knows but I don’t think he does,” You explained, smiling when you thought over that conversation. 
“In the first series we saw quite the friendship between your and Daniels characters,” the woman said. 
Yeah, we did. There is definitely something there, I can’t speak for Daniel but I’d dont think Drake would ever betray his friend. I think the love Drake has for his best friend holds him back pursuing anything with her. I don’t think it is all romantic between them, they did bond over both being outsiders initially and Riley doesn’t seem to have the same feelings towards Drake as he does her, but we'll see what happens. Like I said it really is about each character figuring out who they are in all of this.”
“We also saw a very good friendship between Riley and Hana, that was an interesting one,” she noted. 
It was, they’re both competitors but that doesn’t seem to affect their relationship in anyway. Riley bonded with her because they are both outsiders. Riley is an American and not nobility whereas Hana is nobility but is from Shanghai, they both have an unfair disadvantage here.”
“You talk about Riley uncovering a plot against her, but isn’t she sort of out of her depth?” She ventured. 
You nodded your head, “Yes, they all are I think. We have Maxwell who invited Riley to Cordonia in the first season and was given the responsibility in the first to sort of mentor this girl and now  he has to help her uncover this plot against her and he still  isn't really trusted by his brother. We then have Drake who is always just been considered as ‘the prince's best friend’ and had never really engaged with court suddenly is. Then we have Liam who was simply the spare and is suddenly king. Hana who has been trained for courtly life but lacks in certain areas, I think her kindness really is used against her. Then we have Olivia who is going to be more involved this season, she’s had a tough life, the loss of her parents then being raised by her aunt who was never there, then living in the palace where she was never really accepted by anyone other than Liam. We have six young adults who if you look past the titles are very ordinary, who are taking on something very big and very dangerous,” you explained. 
The host  nodded, thinking over what you just said, looking down at the note-cards in her lap then back up to you. “Is there any pressure to do better this season, do you think?”
You pondered over it for a moment. Last season had gone down really quite well, so of course there was pressure to do better this time around.  “Yes. I think there is pressure to up our game here a little and do better than we did last time. We’ve finished the first episode and we’ve just gotten the script for the second, I don’t want to jinx it but I think we’re doing it.”
The host looked back down to her notes then back up to you again, “What a lot of people don’t know is that this is a spin off from another two shows.”
“It is,” you nodded, “There’s three series’ in the same universe. We have The Crown And The Flame, Rules Of Engagement and The Royal Romance.”
“Do they ever overlap?” she asked. 
“Yeah, The Crown And The Flame is all about the five kingdoms coming together which make up Cordonia, so what takes place in that does overlap more so in to The Royal Romance. Rules Of Engagement is about a family, who essentially needed to earn their inheritance from their grandmother on a cruise  and the main character, Katie, meets Leo who is Liam’s brother. Then The Royal Romance is everything going on in the kingdom now. We have had a few crossovers with the Rules Of Engagement and vise versa. Mainly Chris Hemsworth who plays Leo, Rupert Everett who plays Constantine, Sara Stuart who plays Regina and Margot Robbie who plays Madeline go in and out of the two shows, whereas our characters are just mentioned. 
The host looked down to her watch then back up to you. “We’re running out of time now, but it was absolutely lovely to have you on the show. Thank you for coming on to talk about the show with us, Y/N.” 
“Thank you for having me,” you grinned.
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