#and eddie’s like ‘yes’ *gives him a smooch* ‘bye’ *runs away’
watermelon-cth · 2 years
Watching heartstopper and imaging steddie in certain scenes is really the ultimate act of gay
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Finished ep4 again.
Random thoughts as the episode progressed:
AJ’s opening narration is wonderful. Seriously, his voice acting throughout this season has been top notch and it really shines here.
Lilly’s dead body fills me with more joy than it should and I’m growing more and more concerned about that...
AND there goes my hat! Oh well, the thing was probably cursed anyway
LOUIS MY BOY! ❤️❤️ Seriously, I’m always so happy to see him, though I’m still surprised to see him so early. I’m glad that they did it this way so that I didn’t have to worry about him through half of the episode.
Also that clouis hug is just ❤️❤️❤️❤️
And I still am baffled that they blinded Violet. Like, I know the hints were always there but I didn’t actually think they’d do it, y’know? And Louis seeing her and how his eyes get so wide as the realization hits him is terrific.  If there was one thing I could add to this season is more Louis and Violet brotp moments, like a hug or something. But having them hold hands as Louis guides her to safety is pretty great. ❤️
The raiders are dying oh no...
And Minerva’s super fucked. She’s bit and out of her goddamn mind.
Like, two inches in front of AJ but I’m sure he’s not grossed out or anything haha
Damn Minerva calm down sheesh
AJ calling Tenn a dummy 😂
Is it just me or is Tenn’s voice deeper? Like, he sounds different than he did last episode. 
I know walkers could break into this cave any second but I gotta get them collectibles
James and his eyebrows are still mad at me...
Bro why ya gotta try and kidnap my son? Didn’t you see what happened to the last people who tried to do that?? 
Seriously though, the whole argument with James is wild. 
“you had him empty an entire clip into that woman’s head!”
“nah just half a clip” 😂😂😂
James quit pacing like that! I can’t take you seriously with that hilarious snarl on your face!
James’ voice acting is really damn good, though. I mean, it’s Johnny Yong Bosch so I wouldn’t expect anything less but it really makes the entire scene having him and Melissa Hutchison together going back and forth like this. 
Also, Tenn throughout this whole thing has to be SUPER uncomfortable haha
“You can trust me to make the hard calls.”
*exaggerated, drawn-out whale noise of despair*
But AJ’s right... he’s certainly not going to enjoy his next kill jfc
Bye James... I love you, walker man...
“You’re not dead. That’s good.” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why wasn’t there an option to smooch him here?? Like, we didn’t know if he got away completely safe? He didn’t know if we were alive or worse?? Like, if there was ever a time to get some smoochin’ in IT’S NOW! I don’t care if there are children present! You literally smooched two inches in front of AJ before! PUCKER UP!
Also, I can’t be the only one who got such a dreadful vibe during this scene and while they’re walking to the bridge? Like Louis is all “It’s over! Yay let’s build a house together!” and all I could keep thinking the first time I played was “I swear on Mitch’s Masterpiece if someone just shoots Louis dead while we’re having a moment I’m going to CROAK”
But then talking about building that purple, 914-floor mansion with a tree house is basically one big “I love you” in disguise I mean c’mon
Also, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before but Louis’ theme is my favorite. Every time I hear it during a clouis moment I practically swoon.
 “Can I help?”
“Of course you can. You’re in charge of painting.”
*gross sobbing intensifies*
Goddamn it Minerva can you just... NOT.
Tenn’s dead and I hate everything.
In all seriousness, though, as furious as it makes to me to give Minerva what her crazy, delusional ass wanted, I still feel this is slightly better than letting Louis die. It’s hard to explain, but Tenn dying this way, making the same mistakes, just seems more tragically fitting? While I feel like Louis dying because of it... isn’t. Maybe it’s selfish of me, but I’m too attached to his character to let him go like that. If Tenn wants to run into the arms of his “sister” while she’s literally being DEVOURED by walkers then... fine.
There is no right answer to this.   
While I hate this consequence and that fact that either Tenn or Louis HAVE to die, I won’t deny that it’s impactful and emotional.
 Clementine’s bit and I hate everything. 
Cue flashbacks of me repeating: “YOU HAVE AN AXE! CUT IT OFF!”
Playing as AJ is one of the sickest things in this game and I absolutely love it. 
Y’all they were really trying to make us cry, huh...?
Oh no. Clementine’s dead. Oooooooh nooooooo...
Oh hai Eddie, funny running into you here- aaaaaand he’s dead. Well.
I’m not sobbing over little baby AJ I swear-
Goddamn fish I hate fishing
I crossed out Violet and Minerva’s initials because I don’t want Violet to see them and be reminded of what her girlfriend became- wait...
Tenn, even as a walker, still found his way back towards the school AND is still doing his hand thing. Goddamn.
"Take Us Back” is such a great song...
Oh hai Clementine
Goodbye foot.
“Eh, wasn’t my favorite foot anyway.” WHY WASN’T THAT A LINE??
I don’t see Mitch’s grave, therefore, he’s still alive and in hibernation
don’t fight me on this
Omar’s laugh tho ❤️
Ruby that burp was weak. You’re never going to impress Aasim like that LEMME SHOW YOU HOW IT’S DONE
Well, while I’m not thrilled that Violet forgave Clem so easily, I am glad that they’re friends again, y’know?
Louis, I love you and I will miss you and you’re my absolute favorite and I love you and-
Aasim chasing Willy around like an older brother teasing and playing with his little brother? That’s the good shit right there.
“Did I do a good job?”
*Clementine will remember that*
Jeez, here! Just take my heart, goodness sake!
I’m crying again. 
Lilly’s fucking dead.
And I left Louis feeling loved. 
All is good with the world. 
except there’s still walkers roaming around but still
I’d say this is my second favorite episode because I think I like ep3 just a teeny tiny bit more, but I will note that this one did make me cry just a little bit more than ep3. Ep3 had me tearing up at Lee’s scene, but ep4 is just a rollar coaster of chaos and angry tears and sad tears and happy tears...
 All in all, this season is my favorite out of all of them. Yes, even beating s1. It really makes me wish there were 5 episodes rather than 4, but for what it is, it’s special and I love it and I can’t wait to come back and play it again.❤️
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