#and esp in my senior year we had stuff pertaining to band taking place outside of band itself so like. sure
hua-fei-hua · 4 years
schedules!!! I would like schedule lore 👀
hehe hello hello it is 1 p.m. (at the time of starting this) and i just woke up but let’s go my dude
keep in mind i haven’t figured out what order they’d have the classes just that they have them so they might have different periods for the same subject but hey fun fun fun and under the cut for courtesy
so i think i mentioned this before but music of the moment takes place in their junior year, aka the year where you take aps until you die and then get crushed under the weight of “i gotta do good for COLLEGE” and since i grew up in the nerdy half of the school, some people would definitely look at these schedules and be like “what the hell is wrong with you look at all those high-level classes they’re in wtf” to which i often get to say “this is/was my life” 
i’m also a california girl (( •̀ ω •́ )y) so idk if this was a california thing, a district thing, or maybe a nationwide thing, but our high schools focused on these things called the A-G requirements, which were class credit requirements to get a UC to even look at your application, so i tended to give the characters a third year of lab science bc that was recommended on the A-G requirements. i actually took two sciences as a junior (ap chem and physiology), so i also noticed i had this habit of giving characters two sciences LOL
i also gave them classes based off their quirks, though that was mostly to help me pick out their science classes lmao
i’ll just go in the order i came up with them so starting w/the main trio
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deku has APUSH bc i can see him being a huge history buff. thinking about it now i think it would be funny if all might were head of the history department, but midnight canonically teaches history so she’d probably get that lol. his only other ap would be ap bio, which was a quirk choice. i only gave him two aps bc ap bio and apush were known as really intensive aps at my school. a general rule of thumb was don’t take apush and ap lang at the same time, and while most people ignored that (and regretted it lol), i tended to follow that with the kids here.
then he has elementary calc bc i’m also pretending that their school district didn’t fuck over their math curriculum like mine did, so putting the smart kids on track to take calc as juniors. he takes elementary calc rather than calc AB like iida bc sometime in soph year i think is when bakugou comes back in (after some freak accident stuff), and so then his confidence temporarily falters at the time of turning in class registration. if he didn’t have uraraka in the class with him, he would have regretted that.
then he has regular english to balance out the APUSH, and then japanese 5/6 bc like i mentioned in the last ask, his mother speaks good enough english that he was able to forget it through the years. the primary demographic of their school in my mind is japanese though, so it’s not like they spend a lot of time starting with super foundational basics in japanese, but rather they focus on reading and writing. since a lot of the kids live in an environment where they’re immersed in the language, the class can actually go pretty fast, so i imagine the school would have a reputation for having a lot of kids w/5′s on the AP japanese exam
and then a lot of the characters have ER 5, which just means they get out after fifth period. this is bc at my high school, marching band was a zero period (basically the only zero period due to some school politics i think idk it was before my time), so i kept that for here bc honestly a lot of this au just reflects my high school life lol. 
and then uraraka is in AP studio art, and i’m not really sure why i picked that class for her aside from “she seems like she’d do art as a hobby” bc her goal is definitely to become an astronaut in this au. that’s why she’s in AP physics, the two year commitment to Suffering™.
the reason she’s not in calc ab is the simple answer of poverty. like i said in the previous ask, she’s attending ua on a permit, and so the school wasn’t able to let her take a placement test for math, putting her in the regular track (geometry, algebra ii, precalc, optional elecalc), so she had to work really, really hard and take summer math classes (as in all of precalc over six weeks in the summer summer into their junior year), and as such she’s proud of the fact that she’s even able to take elementary calc as a junior. 
i feel like poverty probably affects more aspects of this au than i realize until i have to say them aloud, but that’s bc i went to a high school where i think 85%+ of the school was under the poverty line so this is just what’s normal to me. i actually really like how uararaka being poor is handled in canon it’s not a big deal but it shows up in little ways
then she has ap lang bc i think she’d value that a bit more than history bc you know how english classes tend to be the ones with the fun discussions and inside jokes? yeah. that seems up her alley. then she gets ER 5 w/o needing a language bc like i said last time she took AP jpn as a soph after working really really hard to learn how to read, and so she got those language credits out of the way.
iida, as you can see, also doesn’t have any language, and i literally just spent like 45 minutes looking through past tiny notebooks for Bb notes bc i can’t remember if he took ap jpn as a fresh or as a soph, so i’ll just decide he took it as a soph w/uraraka. the reason he’s able to do that is bc he took japanese school on saturdays (similar to how a lot of kids took chinese school on saturday where i came from), and he actually remembered the stuff he learned there, unlike deku, who also took it for a while but forgot everything. 
then he has concert band bc he likes sitting down to play with ~*feelings*~ and ~*dynamics*~ and stuff
he’s also in four aps (APUSH, ap lang, ap physics, and calc ab) and that’s bc 1. he wants to be like his brother and idk do some cool shit in the future i haven’t decided yet, but basically he wants to go to stanford or smth and takes that very very seriously by taking five million billion aps bc rich people time is also different from poor people time. i picked physics over a different ap science bc it reminded me of his quirk LOL. 
he manages having four aps by not playing league or procrastinating in general, so somehow he maintains a proper sleep schedule. however, this also means he goes straight home all the time and doesn’t have a whole lot of time to socialize with his friends unless it’s before a football game or school event.
oh, but he does also have track, and like i said last time izch attends all his races to cheer him on. c:
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todoroki, like i mentioned in the tags last time, is half white, half japanese in this au bc you WILL pry the half-white-half-asian todoroki headcanon out of my cold, dead half-white-half-asian hands. and even then you might have trouble w/that bc rigor mortis. 
his parents are divorced, and he lives with his non-japanese mother, which is why he’s in japanese 5/6. his mother is bilingual here and does speak perfectly good japanese, but todoroki prefers english bc jpn reminds him of his father. still, upon entering high school, he picks japanese as his foreign language bc he’s still curious and wants to appreciate his heritage outside of his ancestry. 
he’s in ap chem bc i like to project bc thermochemistry reminded me of him and also so he could have a class w/momo and they’d go immediately after band together and it would be cute and funny but then they’d have lab partners assigned to them and that’s why they’re not lab partners and okay yeah this is a lot lmao. he’s also in ap bio and i’m sitting here trying to figure out why i gave that to him, and it’s probably bc he’d want to be a doctor in this au? most people at my school took ap bio as seniors due to its reputation as a class where you write a lot.
then he has ap lang bc i think he’d like english more than history and so has regular history to balance it out. he has calc ab bc lol nerd
if there was any character i would have given calc bc to as a junior, it would have been momo, but i kept her in ab bc her school counselor wants her to chill out lmao. i was actually thinking of giving her all aps and then she’d have a 5.0 gpa, but then i remembered that having marching band would bring down her gpa due it not being an ap class, so i decided “fuck it” and gave her ceramics. thinking about it later, i remembered that ap 3d art was a thing i think?? but bc my school didn’t offer it idk how it works so i’m standing by her having ceramics.
she and todoroki were actually going to have er 5 too but then i remembered todoroki needed a language. momo grew up in a really wealthy family and so she never lost any of her japanese ability and took ap jpn as a freshman to get those credits out of the way. 
kyouka is the first student i gave precalculus to as a junior. a part of me waffled over this bc she’s bffs with basically the valedictorian and so through osmosis she would have been good enough to be in calculus, but in the end i stood by keeping her in precalc bc she’s probably not that good at math, man. she’s also the first character i gave ap jpn to as a junior bc i feel like she’d be good enough to skip jpn ½, and then she keeps going with it bc she has yaomomo to practice with.
oh and then i gave her ap physics as a quirk choice lol. she’s definitely suffering in that class bc her math skills are kinda hmm but she has a lot of fun and likes what she’s learning conceptually, despite not being the best at number crunching. idk if she’d pass the test tho lol.
and then she literally takes APUSH to hang out w/yaomomo. looking at it now, i gave her four aps, so i might actually knock her into regular physics now that i think about it. i wanna say she challenges herself w/a lot of ap classes despite not necessarily being able to handle it bc she hangs out w/momo, but i mean deku hangs out with iida (salutorian) and uraraka (who wants to be an astronaut) and he’s only in two ap classes so i get the feeling that’s not gonna hold up in court lol. 
and then i gave her ap lang bc of the plot. she gets that sweet, sweet er 5 bc she’s always had er 5 and it would be weird for her to stay in school during sixth period.
kaminari has precalc w/her, and idk if that’s gonna be plot-relevant, but the fact that they have ap lang together definitely will be. i gave him ap lang bc he seems the kind of guy who would also enjoy the dynamic of a good english class. he’s in regular history bc he’s not a fool who would take ap lang and apush at the same time, and he’d probably listen to jirou complain abt apush sometimes during ap lang lmao. 
then he’s in ap physics, and he’s actually surprisingly good at it. we’re talking abt him having a C in the class when even yaomomo is pulling a high B bc the ap physics curve is always so steep it’s basically a circle. this was a quirk choice, but also bc canonically, kaminari is smarter than people give him credit for. he just seems to struggle with math, but with languages, he actually seems to be pretty good, and i’ve seen posts pointing out the fact that he makes clever physics and literary jokes at times. 
and then,, i gave him ap enviro bc i was sitting there thinking “he needs another class before he gets er 5″ and then apes just. i was like “oh no it fits” but although idk if i’m gonna keep it, i think it would be funny if he, sero, and kirishima all had apes together and the teacher called them the three stooges all the time. ap enviro was also known as a super chill, almost a joke class to take, so i feel like it fits his personality too.
he has er 5 for plot reasons too. and i’d make the c:
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and now onto the rest of the bakusquad!!
mina, like i mentioned before, i put into french bc language of love. i can see her doing that. most kids took spanish where i come from bc of the terrible reputation of the mandarin teacher, so even though there’s the thing i talked abt earlier where a lot of kids take jpn bc of language barriers w/her parents, i think mina would be a good enough speaker that she wouldn’t find it necessary to formally take the class and learn to read, and so she takes french. 
her only ap is ap chemistry bc she wants to focus all her energy on the class. she knows her limits and so only takes the one ap. 
for the little arrow notes pointing to her name, i think i was originally only going to have jirou be in marching band as a freshman, but i like the idea of krmn meeting in band in middle school, so it would make sense for mina to want to jump straight into marching as a freshman. however, i think rather than playing in the field show (the thing that will get you actual honor as a freshman in marching band), she’d be in ID unit (which means she marches in the front helping hold up a sign for the school name for parades, and then also plays with the band for concert season and does water girl duties when they’re on the stands for games and stuff) as a freshman. 
she and tooru also join choreo as sophomores, which is a dance team primarily composed of girls. they just seemed the type, and also mina canonically dances so i was like “that seems like a fun thing for them to do together!” it’s not a class, so it doesn’t show up on her schedule, but she does spend a lot of her lunch periods and some (or a lot idk) after school practicing. the after school thing kind of messes w/the plot though so i’m trying to figure out how to keep kirishima at school until she’s done so they can take the bus home together for the plot. 
hmm and then we get to kirishima, who’s also in precalc and is only taking APES as his sole ap bc i was like. “rocks. what kind of ap would deal with rocks. there’s no ap geology OH MY GOD ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE”. 
fun fact, the band here in this au has an inside joke after he and bakugou get together and it’s just “the drum major’s boyfriend’s rock collection” which is based off a joke in my band which was “the assistant drum major’s rock collection” bc this dude. our assistant drum major at the time. when we were on trips. when we stopped for whatever reason, he’d start walking around and picking up rocks he liked. so yeah that’s obviously gonna be a joke i’m gonna transplant into my writing bc write what you know *finger guns* 
another fun fact, kiri was also in ID unit as a freshman. i came up with this idea when i was going a manga coloring of kmjr and then as a joke i started editing the sketch to put them into marching band uniforms, and then it started going too far and i was thinking abt what colors they’d be using and i remembered that ID unit was a thing, so i chucked kiri into that as a freshman.
and then there’s the “physio?” mark bc i think him having apes and physio at the same time would be a fun reflection of his quirk, but this was around the time i realized i had this habit of giving characters double science classes/science classes as a junior when the A-G requirements only asked for two years of lab science (three recommended tho). 
anyway, then he has spanish bc idk man it just seemed like him. like, mina says something in french and then he’d be like “sí”. this might also stem from this one headcanon i really like that i saw around that he was adopted and raised by lesbians, and so in this case he wouldn’t feel as much of a need to know japanese. 
i’m gonna skip over bakugou for a sec to talk abt sero. so something i did not entirely on purpose was do a thing where mina, kaminari, kirishima, and sero never all shared one class together, but there are classes with three of them in it (apes excludes mina, reg history excludes sero, reg english excludes kaminari), and so independently, the teachers of those classes call the trio they get the three stooges until one day the two teachers are hanging out, see some combination of the three of them and is like “ah if it isn’t the three stooges” and the other teacher is like “no man they need xx to be the three stooges” and then together they realize “oh god there are four of them” and that would just be so funny. it’s highly unlikely to make it into the fic, so this is more of a trivial lore tidbit™
i thought abt giving sero elementary calc, and even rn i’m waffling over that, but then if i gave him precalc then there might be a class with all four of them, depending on how i schedule things, so we’ll see. then i gave him apush bc i figured he seemed the type
as for piano, i just kinda realized that i could give them art classes instead of science classes to fill out their schedules even though band technically already fulfilled those credits for them. and like man, i was just thinking he’d take it bc he thought it would be a nice skill to have.
similar thought process went for apush, where i was like “hmm. btwn ap lang and apush, i think he’d go for apush” though i think it would also be good to not have him, kiri, and mina in ap lang for the sake of the plot w/kaminari.
and now finally to bakugou. a big old fucking nerd. he’s taking four aps (chem, physics, calc ab, and japanese) bc he’s a big old fucking nerd. chem bc his quirk (and also i think it’d be funny if he were lab partners w/momo), japanese bc his mother would be stricter w/the language than inko, and then calc ab n physics bc he’s a major fucking nerd. to balance all this out, he has regular english and regular history bc he doesn’t care as much abt those subjects. he’s not really a man of words. idk if him not having er will be plot significant yet, but we’ll see as time goes on
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phew holy shit and now onto the characters where i was like “should i give them schedules so that i can know what characters i can mention in scenes where they’re in class now that i know plot things will happen outside of zero period band, lunch, and after school?” and then i was like “…yeah. :c” but bc of that i have less to say abt their classes.
tsuyu’s in ap bio bc of her quirk. i think it would suit her. same goes for swim; i almost gave her er 5 but then i was like “WAIT OFC SHE’D BE ON THE SWIM TEAM” bc i was wondering if i should give more of them other sports. i put her in elementary calc bc she seems like she’d be pretty good at math, but not bold enough to go into ap, or maybe she doesn’t want to overload with too many aps.
tokoyami takes ap physics bc (and you can see this in my scribbles in a previous photo) “i hate myself” and this was another quirk choice. then he’s in apush and ap lang bc again “i hate myself.” but he has a chill class in precalc and i was thinking abt what other class he’d be in, and then i remembered the cultural festival arc he plays the guitar and so i was like “oh! i can give him guitar!”
aoyama is in ap french, a class i forgot existed bc my school is literally currently phasing out the french classes bc everyone was taking spanish lol. then he’s taking ap lang and apush bc he likes the humanities. regular physics was a quirk choice (so many of these kids rely on physics for their quirks!! my god), and then for tennis i was just like, “he seems like he’d enjoy that” though idk if he’d do it for more than a year.
ojiro i actually was sitting there like, “y’know. he actually seems like he would have immigrated to america from japan when he was in elementary school or something.” so he speaks the language just fine, but his parents never thought it was overly important that he learn to read as well as a native speaker. they would have probably wanted him to focus on learning and getting good at english, and so bc of that by the time he’s in high school he speaks just as well as everyone else, which is why he’s in ap lang and apush. he took ap jpn as a soph though, since he probably went back to japan every summer and picked up some decent reading skills.
physio was a quirk choice, since i didn’t peg him the type to immediately jump into ap bio until he was a senior. then i was like, “he also seems like he’d be in woodshop” but then i had the idea of putting tooru into drama, and then i was like “le gasp THEATER TECH” but then i took back the idea of putting tooru in drama for scheduling reasons, so now he’s just in woodshop. as for the wrestling? comment, thinking abt it now, i think he might actually have er instead, and spend that time doing martial arts. there was a girl i knew from elementary to high school who always left school an hour early (even in elementary school) to do gymnastics, and now she’s literally going to a four-year university known for their gymnastics on a full scholarship, so i think that’s a thing that would happen to ojiro in a quirkless american au. 
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when making this i was like “shouji would just be chill in high school” and so he’s the only kid i didn’t give any aps to, though later i saw a post where someone said they could see him being a doctor in a quirkless au and i was like “yeah…” so maybe change out the physio for ap bio. otherwise he’s in concert band bc he would just like being in concert, and he and iida would probably have this lowkey friendship going on as the only people who were in concert band for three years in a row. 
shinsou would definitely take a back-breaking amount of ap classes bc for various reasons, he couldn’t or wasn’t allowed to take honors classes before and now he’s going ham on it. that’s why he’s in apush AND ap lang and still somehow taking ap physics AND ap bio. it’s like he has a death wish. he’s in elementary calc bc his counselor thought he needed to chill the fuck out. he goes home after er 5, and he sleeps from like 3 p.m. to midnight every night, then spends the next six hours doing homework, and then at like six he gets ready for the day and goes to school. this is a common sleep schedule in sophomores who take WHAP their first ap at my school, but by the time they enter junior year they either figure out how to handle it or just keep going. my sister had this sleep schedule as a sophomore. i didn’t take whap bc my parents wouldn’t let me lol
for tooru, putting “AP LANG” in all caps was actually a mistake, but i think she’d really enjoy her english classes. then you can see i had a lot of internal conflict over whether i’d put her in regular physics (for her quirk) or drama (for her personality) before settling on physics bc if she was gonna do choreo w/mina, she wouldn’t have time to do drama too. oh shit i stand corrected, tooru also takes french; she probably met mina in there honestly. then i put her in cooking bc i realized i forgot sato was a character and i put him in cooking and i was like “honestly that’s such a tooru class to take”. i think she’d take apush to hang out with ojiro LOL. 
kouda also has plot relevant classes bc i’d always wanted a subplot btwn him n jirou and coming up with these schedules i finally figured out how to maybe work that in. his plot relevant classes would be ap jpn, precalc, and maybe ap lang, though idk if i’d put him in the same period as kmjr. he’d def have precalc w them tho bc again, plot. i was originally gonna give him ap bio bc quirk, but then as his classes started adding up, i decided to push it off into his senior year so he could chill out a bit. and then he’s also a weirdo he’s in both band and choir.
fun trivia lore abt this au, jirou and kouda don’t actually become particularly close friends until after spring break of their junior year, but they do know and are friendly with one another. after the band goes on an overnight trip, jirou’s hanging out in hot topic on the first day w/bakugou or something, and they stumble across kouda in there all by himself, so they take him in and he hangs out with the two of them for a good chunk of the trip. this may or may not be based in the fact that i met my own current friend group by wandering around a hot topic by myself on the first day of a band overnight trip and then two of my now-friends found me and took me to these anime and video game stores they found. 
sato is the only one in class 1-a where i haven’t figured out all six of his classes aside from band. definitely cooking. possibly bta, which is business and technology academy, but i’d have to ask one of my friends if they have a class just dedicated to business. he was also around the time that i realized some people consider stats to be real math, so i’m wondering if maybe i’ll put him in stats rather than the regular algebraic lineage, and then he’d take ap stats as a senior. this is bc he’d totally go off to culinary school after high school and run a bakery. 
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oh and then i was feeling exceptionally gay on the bus when i was making up these last few schedules, so i just had this hilarious idea for an exchange btwn jirou (whom i’ve always really liked as being bi) and momo bc even though they never become more than friends in my writing, they can have some homoerotic subtext. as a treat. 
jirou: i’m very gaymomo: *gives her a few dollars*
i gave mei theater tech, but she would totally abuse that to help out with making props for the band field show. to a certain extent, i don’t feel like she fits into the band dynamic, but she would also make a killer tenor sax player i think. her weirdness honestly screams back row more, but smth abt her just makes her seem saxy. anyway, she takes calc ab as her only ap bc she wants to go into engineering, but only takes regular physics bc she knows she’ll be busy with a bunch of personal projects and knows colleges would love to hear more abt her passion projects than abt a bunch of stuffy classes she only took to look good on her college apps.
kendou would also be competing with momo to get a super high gpa, and i think she’d probably be the type to get a spectacularly high gpa whilst also being in a sport. i was thinking abt how in band, we had some girls who did basketball, and they would come up to the stands after their games to play for the boys’ games, and i realized that kendou seemed the type for that, so rather than getting er, i think she’d have basketball as a sixth period. ap bio was a quirk choice; she’s only in elementary calc instead of ab bc while i thought abt it, i ultimately only put her in ele bc she’s got a bunch of writing intensive classes going on w/ap lang, apush, and ap jpn
monoma would totally be taking ap lang and completely failing it. he’s also got this huge drama personality to him, so that’s how he ended up in that too. then he’s in regular history and precalc bc he barks more than he can bite. otherwise i haven���t fully figured out his schedule bc he has a weird quirk and i’m not sure what science class i’d give him, if any.
tetsutestu was pretty easy bc i wanted it to reflect kirishima’s. they’re obvs not identical bc they’re still their own separate people; he’s in ap chem as a quirk choice, but otherwise he has all the same classes as kiri. that one change in scheduling might mean he n kiri have five classes together, depending on how i want to distribute class periods, or maybe they’ll have four classes together. idk
phew. and that’s all the classes i’ve given to the kids in Bb so far!! very few of them are actually for the sake of the plot, but more to know, “if these characters are having a conversation in this class, what other characters can i mention and/or have overhear them at this time?” so if i wanted to go ultra hardcore, i could also come up with entire class seating arrangements for some classes, but i think i’ll just stick with figuring out who sits immediately near the plot-relevant characters lol
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