#and even in 5-6s had pretty good moments and ideas but it really should have stayed with 6s(better after 4s)
bidisasterevankinard · 8 months
Ok, why no one told me that Jeff decided not to stop with one movie, but made at least one more? after such a mixed comments?
10 notes · View notes
isuzukuretsuki · 7 years
Okay I finished drv3. I want to do a collective post on my thoughts of it, but this is just gonna be me bitching about the ending and how awful it was and I’ll leave my collective thoughts for another post. Anyhoo spoilers below.
I have a lot of mixed feelings for drv3′s ending, but honestly, most of them aren’t good. That being said, it wasn’t all that awful. The whole “dr/sdr2 is a work of fiction!” and “this is just a reality show!” had an interesting premise, and the whole poking fun at fans, fourth wall breaking, and generally questioning why people find entertainment out of games that hurt fictional characters did deliver. It was a creative spin and I applaud the author for taking such a daring route.
However, the moment they pulled the “all your identities and personalities are fiction!” is when it started to go downhill. I mean I understand where they were going with the whole “even if everything is a lie, our feelings aren’t lies!” but it just. Didn’t fucking work. They pretty much threw EVERYTHING they established about these characters out the window and went “in reality these characters are a bunch of normies who signed up for the killing game of their own free will because they have a massive danganronpa kink”. If you’re trying to tell me that everything about these characters, from their personalities, to their identities, to their backstories, are a load of horse shit then why am I even supposed to care about these characters.
Like. They didn’t even give us a reason why these characters volunteered anyway. If they were a bunch of normies who were duped into joining, or they had a desperate reason to join cuz there was no other option for them, then fine. But as far as I’m concerned, these dumbasses just joined cuz they liked the thrill and because they have a danganronpa kink. The whole “our identities may be fiction, but our feelings aren’t!” just Did Not Deliver because why am I supposed to feel empathy to these idiots who joined because “why the fuck not!” Like ffs I love dr too but you aren’t gonna see me develop some kink for murder and sign up for death games.
Like honestly sdr2 just handled the whole “massive plot twist about the entire cast” and the “memories make a person!” theme sooooo much better. The entire cast being manipulated into joining a cult by Ultimate Bitch because they had their insecurities and weaknesses preyed on, and how their memories shaped who they were as people worked and it felt believable. It did not work in drv3, nor did it feel believable and I wish they just never went down that route.
Moving on the idea that they’re all talentless bimbos just doesn’t make sense. Someone with a danganronpa kink can’t make bombs that disable electronics just because she “remembered” she was an inventor. Someone with a danganronpa kink can’t be agile, quick, physically strong and have fighting capabilities that you’d only have with years of torturous training just because she “remembered” she was an assassin.
This leads to the implication that Shirogane was perhaps just fucking with them and that they didn’t join of their own free will. While it’s cool how it’s left open ended for interpretation, even if Shirogane was lying the entire time, where does that lead? Does that mean everything WAS real and that Shirogane just kidnapped a bunch of kids and orchestrated an entire killing game for the lols simply because instead of the gang having a danganronpa kink, she just has a junko kink??
The world building was just so. bad. You have all this cool build up with the meteorites and the golfer project only to retcon it in the last trial and pretty much just say the entire storyline build up up to this point was bullshit. Now the whole thing with the apocalypse and being shipped out into space seemed like a massive rip off of virtue’s last reward but the other storyline of it being all a killing game reality show is just a rip off of hunger games so either way, it’s not like either plotline wins the award of originality.
I’m all for open endings and having stuff left up to interpretation but for drv3 it just felt like they threw two completely different storylines into our faces then went “pick your fancy” because they obviously don’t care enough to ground their story a lil bit more. Love me some good fourth wall breaking and kinkshaming of fans, but if your writing suffers in your attempt to kink shame fans then we have a problem.
That being said, there are some things I liked about it. I did like how they gave the whole “hope versus despair” theme the middle finger... even though “truth versus lies” or “reality versus fiction” isn’t a really more creative. But the whole truth/lie thing did work since it tied really nicely with say, Ouma’s character. Ouma always talked about how lies aren’t as nasty as people make it look like and he was shot down everytime, but this ending shows that his words actually had weight and perhaps he was right. 
It also tied really well into Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer, being the mastermind. I know the general consensus was that Shirogane was an awful villain but I actually liked her quite a bit. I will say that I wasn’t really fond of her whole wallflower act. While I do understand the intent of having the girl with the “useless cosplay talent that can’t help us in anyway”, end up being the mastermind because she’s a cosplayer, her being a total wallflower really made me have a hard time growing attached to her or even caring about her prior the mastermind reveal. 
Even so, I loved how the mastermind role tied with her talent so nicely. A cosplayer allows you to bring fiction to life after all, and Shirogane embodied that ideology to a T. It was quite ironic for Shirogane to insist that Saihara and crew have no significance because they’re “just fictional”, yet Shirogane lives her life constantly bordering between reality and fiction. Shirogane should understand better than anyone how powerful fiction can be because she’s a cosplayer, and in a way she does, yet she also doesn’t, and that ends up being her downfall. So yeah, I hate the whole “it’s all fiction!” plotline to the depths of my bones but it fit really nicely into Shirogane’s character. While Shirogane obviously lacks development from being a wallflower for 5/6s of the game, I didn’t find her to be as awful of a villain as people thought and she’s one of the only things I liked about the whole “reality versus fiction” plot.
Anyway wow this is long but yeah. Overall the ending gets a big fat thumbs down LMAO. It could have been worse but it just felt like a massive waste of potential.
6 notes · View notes
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""Does paying in full for car insurance cover 6 months, one year, or what?
Progressive has the option of paying in full for car insurance instead of paying monthly. The total is about $1500. Does this only cover 6 months? Or one year?
Small business insurance?
My friend is starting a small handyman business, and we were discussing liability insurance. Does anyone know the requirements for the state of FL and any decent and affordable companies?""
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
""50cc bike insurance, need help!?
Well i need to get a bike to get around more.. and its like a 2000 reg bike that i found which is in pretty good condition.. and i've got my provisional etc.. and my CBT but the insurance still comes out as 560!? is there anyway of getting it lower?!
21st Century Insurance ?????????????
Is 21st Century good auto insurance. I am on my dads auto insurance. I pay 250 a month for a 03 dodge durango. So I am going to be shopping around in 6 months. I have progressive auto insurance.
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
Best medical / health insurance in Dubai?
family health insurance, which should cover maternity expenses as well. also it should be economical and well received at all hospitals / clinics. thanks in advance""
Auto insurance question in Michigan?
i am making monthly payments on a brand new 2008 colbot that i got in dec 2007. I have shopped around for cheaper full coverage auto insurance, that what i already have. I can't seem to find no car insurance cheaper than what i have. My car insurance is more than my car payment. I have talked to a few insurance companies and we went over different things that could make it cheaper. But, they can't beat the price that i already have. My credit isn't the best, but shouldn't a car payment be more than insurance? Anyone have any ideas where and how i could get a cheaper car insurance policy?""
What is the best car insurance company?
I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me?
""50% fault accident, but my insurance did not need to pay. Will my rate be affected?""
I was recently involved into an accident in a mall parking lot. My car was damaged and the other driver's car was not. I filed a claim with their insurance and received 50% of my claim as they determined comparable negligence, 50% fault . The other driver did not file a claim, and my insurance company did not pay any money to anyone. Will my rate be affected by this accident?""
""I got my first ticket today, will my insurance go up?""
I have had my lisence for about a year, im 17. i got pulled over today for going 29 in a 20 school zone. i got a 66 dollar ticket, but i really need to know if my insurance will go up... so can i get some help please?!""
Prior proof of insurance?
I just got progressive car insurance. They want me to send prior proof of insurance from my old company. Do I just send in my old insurance card?
Car insurance question...?
-I'm 15 going on 16 and I have an insurance question. Should there be a need for my name to be on my parents insurance on our car if the car itself is already insured? -Is it ok for your car to be insured without you being insured? Because its kind of
Can you trick car insurance companies?
Lets say I get a 4 door acura integra, the most basic LS kind. It should be pretty cheap on insurance. But if I do a GSR motor swap and mod it heavily(turbo etc..) Is the insurance company actually gonna be investigating into these things? I mean, for all I know I could just say I got it that way.. It's stil technically an integra sedan, a car made to get groceries.""
Can I have two car insurance policies in two different states at once?
Is it legal to have two car insurance policies in two states? I registered my car in florida, which is my permanent home where I am a resident and I pay taxes and vote and so on. I am also going to school in Georgia. I have an insurance policy in georgia since I spend at least 6 months here. But, in order to renew my registration in florida I must have a florida insurance policy. I don't want to register my car in GA. So, does anyone know if it is legal to buy an insurance policy in florida when I have one in GA as well?""
How do Americans live in a country where you have no health system?
If you get sick enough you could lose everything, if you don't have insurance. I think that you can lose everything even if you have insurance.""
Adding car to insurance policy?
I just bought a car from a local used car dealership, and they tried to have my insurance company (All-state) add the car to my policy. But All-state refused because i'm not the ...show more""
What is the average car insurance cost in Arizona?
I'm moving there very soon and before I get quotes from a million different companies I would like to hear from every day people. Any one who can help has my thanks.
Ideas for quick car with cheap insurance?
I'm 21 and looking to get a new car that's both fast and cheapish to insure. I have 2 years NCB, with a clean license and I've never crashed. I have looked at some hot hatches and fast saloons. I was surprised to find that insurance for a Golf GTi was more than for a C32 AMG, a 180mph car with 150bhp more! I'm tempted by the AMG, but servicing might suck my wallet dry... Are there any other options? Looking for 0-60 around 5 - 6s, good mid range power, 5 seats, and economy at least in the 20s""
Having difficulty cancelling auto insurance with allstate?
I switched from Allstate to Geico on Feb 21st (a Sunday). I called my local Allstate guy on Monday the 22nd. He said he'd cancel the policy, and I logged into my Allstate account online on the 27th and it still wasn't cancelled. I called their 24 hour customer service and spoke with someone who said they'd put in the request to cancel the policy again. I log into my bank today and they WITHDREW my March payment! So I called them again and they said the policy was still active. The lady I spoke with tonight said they will need to see proof that I'm with Geico now. Why didn't anyone tell me that the first two times? What do I need to do to get my policy to be cancelled? I've been with a few other auto insurance companies in my day and I've NEVER had this much of an issue getting the policy cancelled! As of now they owe me well over $200 and I'm afraid they're going to play games with me before I get my money back. What are my rights and options??""
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
How much does life insurance cost monthly for a 28 year old nonsmoking female??
Any lawyers or insurance agents out there?
I won a long fought Small claims case. The lady I sued has insurance, business insurance, not car related. 8 months ago her insurance company denied the claim. I went to Small Claims and won. Doesn't the insurance company now have to pay me if I send them a copy of the final judgment? I also won on her appeal, so its final. Thank you.""
Which insurance company is the best for teenage drivers?
I am sixteen year old girl from New Hampshire, an honors student who runs cross country, and I have to pay for my own insurance because my parents don't have car insurance. Also, my car is a 1990 BMW 3.25 convertible, and I have only the limited funds supported by a part time job at Friendly's.""
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
Does compare the meerkat do cheap car insurance?
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new hampshire insurance company marine
Is it possible to get affordable car insurance?
How can I get affordable car insurance without really sacrificing the kind of coverage that I get? I just want to be able to pay less for my car insurance buy still get good quality.
Does my son need car insurance?
I have a son and he just got his license, hes 16 yrs old. and we only have one car at the moment. Its just me and him and I have insurance already under my name, I have AAA in California. My question is since he got his license does he need to be put under my insurance also or is the car already insured since its already in my name?""
Does anyone know the cheapest auto insurance?
In florida that is? i'm 18 and trying to buy my first car. I'm almost to my car cost mark and I know that i'm going to have to be ready to buy auto insurance....and I'm not 'bankin'' lol.
What would my car insurance be?
I am 16, female, first time getting insurance. I am thinking about getting a convertible, would my insurance be more? If so about how much more? But black or blue, not red or yellow. One of my friends is my age/sex and hers is about $100/mo. Would mine be about the same, give or take a little? I am trying to come up w/ a budget and see what I can afford so any help will be greatly appreciated! Every free insurance quote site you must fill in your EXACT car type or be 18+, I have already tried that.""
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Do you have Life insurance?
Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?""
How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance?
I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?""
How much will my insurance go up in Georgia?
ok so i recently got a ticket for going 45 in a 25 in georgia i am 19 years old and i am living with my parents and i am on my parents insurance. i am insured on 4 cars full coverage 2005 dodge ram 2010 lexus hs250 a 2005 ford expedition and a 2011 ford mustang v6 this is my first ticket i have ever gotten that has given me points any help would be great thanks
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks!
Are my car insurance rates normal?
I'm looking to buy a 2004 hyundai tiburon gt and the insurance company said it would be 1100 every 6 months. My second choice was a 2005 mazda3 I. Once again, rate would be 965 every 6 months. Even the tiburon base would be over 1000. I'm a 17 year old boy. Which explains alot, but I've had no accidents and have the safe driver discount.""
Health insurance coverage or car insurance- accident?
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily Injury i am looking for some auto insurance ...can you please clarify me the difference between the above two .. also, when i get into an accident, who will cover for my medical charges .. is it insurance from the car insurance company or from employer's health insurance provider that covers my medical charges? i also have a health coverage from my employer""
Can Insurance Companies ask for co pay?
I never got into an accident before and once I did it had to be a hit and run. I bought a brand new car and want the repair to be done by the dealership (they have their own collision center) but the insurance company is saying that I need to pay 20% of the total repair cost and my deductible. I live in the state of California.
How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?
i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping me...im shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now ..is there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...""
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old on a volkswagen golf 1.9 GTI?
like the min price?
Affordable insurance for children in Texas?
Does any one know of any insurance for children living in Texas? I had medicaid for my children; but, got disqualified because of a vehicle that we recently purchased. Our income really stinks. But, we never thought that it would affect us. But the resources count against us.""
""Changing insurance companies have active claim with old one, what happens?""
I have a claim with my current insurance company, waiting to get the deductible don't have it handy. But I found I can get a better rate with a different insurance company. What happens if I change companies before I get my car fixed? Does the insurance company still have to pay when I get it fixed since it happened when I was covered by them. Or do they not have to pay it since I'm no longer covered by them?""
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Where can i find cheap no faught insurance in Detroit Michigan?
Car insurance question?
My boyfriend doesn't have a car therefore he doesn't have car insurance... If he were to get into an accident driving my car or get a ticket, would my insurance go up? I have full coverage and the insurance company said he and I would be covered. But I was wondering if my insurance would go up if he were to get pulled over or get into an accident.""
Why does my dog make my homeowners policy go up !!!?
Ok ... a bit of a rant ... you people are the only ones who can relate ! Do i get a discount for the protection he provides me, my family, and the house ... noooooooooo .... but they want to raise my rate because he could bite someone someday ... {end rant}""
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
Car that has cheap insurance and high MPG?
of course, needs to be cheap, or needs to have cheap payments.... I am a student and a mother, so can't be tiny... I am at a total lost. Thanks :)""
How much would car insurance cost? ?
I'm 18 and live I'm Maryland. I want to get a car but want an idea of how much car insurance will cost
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
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What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Am I eligible for unemployment insurance in Alaska if I am a full-time student?
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
Does adding additional drivers reduce insurance?
if you add a parent as an additional driver on a car insurance quote, will it reduce the cost of the quote?""
Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance?
Hi everyone, please Where Can I Get Checp Car Insurance? i live in CA""
Can my parents put my car under their insurance so it's cheaper since I'm 16?
I'm 16 I have my permit and I have like 2 more months to go till I can get my license which is finally coming since its been a long wait. And after the 2 months end school starts and I'm going into my junior year and at this age everyone is driving already so please don't hate or any negative attitude here on that. And I'm responsible etc and work hard in school so that's why my parents are getting me a car I want and they've been saving saving into my bank account since I was little. But that money is for me. But the car I want is the 2013 Camaro ZL1 and it goes for $40,000 around there and don't blast on me about the price I'm not wanting a $100,000 car and its my first and last car I'm not gonna switch through 10 cars 1 is good enough and I like sports cars because of their look, and performance, I like smooth cars. But if my parents get that I know insurance is the thing that everyone has problems with because of pricing but since I'm 16 and the car is a sports car and all I was told it can be thousands for the insurance but what if it is under my parents insurance will it be way cheaper? And what does it mean if the car is under my parents name and not mines what is that? Will I still be able to name my plate?""
Does a ticket for not having insurance increase your insurance rate?
I'm a professional driver of a honda civic for a major company in California. My corporation has a policy that says if you have 3 or more dings on your record in 5 years (dings classified as anything that would increase their cost for your insurance policy) that you lose your job. 3 years ago I got a ticket for going 5 miles through a stop sign, that was #1, 8 months ago I got a speeding ticket for 78 in a 65, that was #2. Tonight I went through a DUI checkpoint, I had everything except my insurance policy was 8 days past due. The officer and myself figured I just had an outdated card and all I needed was proof of insurance. It turns out, for some stupid reason, gieco didn't auto-renew my insurance policy, and I simply didn't have insurance for 8 days. I called my insurance company, got everything taken care of, but I still have a ticket for driving without insurance, which I imagine means a ding on my record. What I need to know is does that ding increase the cost of insurance in the state of California? If so I'm fired as soon as this ticket hits DMV.""
Im away to buy a car on sunday but have no insurance on it will i need insurance ?
i am buying a car on sunday but have no insurance first car buying and it seems that you need to be 21 to get 1 day insurance so whats the legal way to do it because i dont want to buy car then get stopped and it gets towed away and can i drive it awa if the guys got insurance still on the car but what if he doesnt? is that a risk i shal take or not worth it at all!!! thanks .
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
Whats the average cost to insure a car through personal business insurance?
I am a carer and I need to insure my car through personal business insurance does anybody have any idea how much it would cost for a 1.2 punto to be insured?
Would your name show up on car insurance papers if their were to be two people on the insurance?
My dad is the main person on the car insurance and if he was to put me on it, would my name show on the car insurance papers?""
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
What's a good sports car for a 16 year old that would have cheap insurance?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of:?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of: Answer Hedging. Passing risk to someone else. Risk premium. Systematic risk. a and d
What will insurance on this car cost for me monthly?
Hi, I'm going for my G2 end test today, so hopefully I pass and get my G. Here's a bit of information you should know in order to answer this question assuming I have my G license: - I'm 23 - Male - I live in Ontario - I got a DUI in December 2008 as a G2 driver, however it wasn't a criminal offense since I only blew .02 (one drink) - I plan on putting the insurance on a 2004 Hyundai Accent, still in excellent condition - I will be a secondary driver on this car, my girlfriend being the primary I think that's all you need to know, If I missed anything that might help, ask, and I'll edit this question! - Thanks!""
Does an expired MOT invalidate insurance when making a claim for my car stolen from a private driveway?
I had no idea that my mot had ran out, when my car was stolen from a private driveway (not on public road) My insurance say i was in breach of the policy. But where do i stand legally with the car being off road when stolen? The insurance quoted no payout if there's no mot when one is required by law! Is there a loophole i can use""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I've looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does anyone know any insurance company/comparison websites that are good? Preferably recommend ones you have used yourself. Thanks""
How long will it take for your auto insurance premiums to go down after and accident and a speeding ticket?
I got into a car accident 3 years ago. Due to my car lost control during raining weather. There was no one involved but myself and the police cited me for reckless driving. That was almost 3 years ago. Recently, in October I had gotten a speeding ticket of going over 15-20. I took it upon myself to go to traffic school both times to wipeout some of the points off my driving record, but some how my insurance still upped my premiums yet again. My question is how long will it take for my premiums to go down or have the accident removed from my record? Does any one know of a good insurance company that I can transfer to due to my insurance premiums are way too high. I know of other people who have worse records but their insurance isnt at much as mine. Also I've had my license for 13 years and have in all that time just have been in 1 accident and 2 speeding tickets. Any help would be appreciated.""
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
Question about newborn insurance coverage under the mother's plan?
With the birth of my first two children, any claims that were submitted to the insurance company for the first 30 days were paid under my plan. After that, I could elect to add them to my policy or not. I had a baby 30 days ago and they're denying his claims. I've called Humana (a new insurance for me since the birth of my first children) and they assured me that the claims for him would be paid, and that they would NOT add him to my policy (he has separate insurance). I was just at Humana's website searching for a provider (for myself) and it appears they've added him and made my deductible of $2,000 go up to $4,000 (family coverage). Is this correct? I thought it was state or federal law or something that newborns are covered under the mother's policy for the first 30 days. Can someone help?""
""Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?""
i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.""
If a 20 year old doesn't have insurance on his car and get's into a car accident is the state of Illinois.?
If a 20 year old doesn't have insurance on his car and get's into a car accident is the state of Illinois, what legally happens? I got into a car wreck in my uninsured vehicle, now I went out and got insurance, and have a court date set up. What legally should happen here? Loss of license? Obviously a fine.. Just give me the facts on this one.""
Car insurance company discriminate against me because I was not born in the UK?
I had a quote for car insurance through a well-known national company. They were aware I had a UK licence for 5 years and had no convictions, claims etc. I rang and spoke to a representative and she confirmed the quote. The following day I decided to accept and called them. We went through my information and the agent said, so you were born in the UK? I said no, I am a UK citizen but I was born abroad. The quote then went up by 200 !!!! I took issue and spoke to a manger who said this was legitimate when I told him I was certain it was illegal since the only information that had changed was my place of birth, he eventually said he would honour the original quote. I then bought the policy with a one-off payment. Insurance is a racket and I don't think they should be alllowed to get by with this. Does anyone know anything about this and what can be done next to make sure it doesn't happen to other people?""
Life & house insurance on rented?
If you are moving into a rented property how does life insurance work as it usually goes against the cost of the home as it is paid off? Also, what about house insurance, would you just need contents insurance and take off building insurance as that is covered by the landlord isn't it?""
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I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
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Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Car Insurance for 17 year old? UK?
I've tried calling companies - they all say 'We cannot give you a quote' Comparison websites - 'cannot quote' How am i supposed to get insurance... i dont mind paying anything up to 7000 I've tried with 3 different cars... even a 1.0L and still no quotes.
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Camaro vs. Mustang which is affortable? Would a 2012 Camaro Coupe more affortable than a Mustang 2012 Mustang. By affortable i mean like insurances/ gas/ and all that other stuffs. Which one is cheaper in total to own? TY
Quote for Car Insurance!?
Hello, I need some help in with Car Insurance...............So, I want to purchase a Honda Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I went on those car insurance compare sites and was quoted over 4000pounds!!! Here is the information I gave there, i was born in 1990, have license for 5 years, I have an international drivers license, I started living in the UK in April 2013, unemployed......Can someone please tell me why i was quoted so much money!! I even tried putting my partner who has been driving for 14 years and no luck! Is there any way for me to get cheaper car insurance? And is comprehensive or third party cheaper for me? Thankxx""
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How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
How bad would my insurance rates be?
I have the money to buy a used 04 S2000 now, but my parents are paying for the insurance and I don't want to make them pay a lot. My father is 47 and wants to put the car under his name if I buy it. If it matters, I'm 18, straight A's in high school if (GPA matters), two years of driving experience, and I live in Indiana. Would the insurance rates for this car be a lot? If possible, does anybody have an estimate?""
How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?
I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner""
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
""Someone backed into me in a parking lot, is this insurance company lying?""
Foreigners backed into my car in the parking lot, they had insurance, I called the insurance company and they asked for an estimate on how much it would cost to fix it, I did, and they said okay and that they would mail it on Friday morning. It's now Monday and I haven't gotten it. They are in a state not far from us. Is this insurance company full of crap or do I just need to wait longer? Thanks :)""
What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?
My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.
im 19 and i was never insured. I live in ontario, canada. I want to be principal for 2007 chrysler sebring, I need the cheapest quote possible. thanks""
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
Does anyone know of a car insurance that can give you a policy without a down payment?
I live in miami fl my car insurance expired on 2/26/12 i don't have money for the renewal does anyone know of any car insurance company that can except me with out a down payment please i need help and at this ponit i need to take what i can for my car before it to late???
Can I change car insurance in the middle of a claim?
I bought a different car and want to change insurance companies but was iin an accident and they are currently paying my hospital bills. It wasn't my fault, as I was rear ended. Can I still find a cheaper insurance for the new car?""
""New Driver, Buying Used Car, How much is monthly insurance?""
18 years of age, recently got my license more than a month ago. Looking into this 2003 Ford Taurus I found at a dealership (4 door).... Parents are saying insurance will cost around $300 a month! excluding the car payment which will be around $200 a month. For some reason, I don't believe them what so ever with the cost of the insurance. I do have to get full coverage insurance. But thats just ridiculous. New drivers, how much do you pay for insurance. Only answer if your on your own plan.""
Would I be able to get sr22 insurance and drive a family car?
So I need sr22 insurance, but I dont own a car. I have heard two different answers on this from the same auto insurance company (vern fonk). I used to drive my familys car and I had asked them when I went in can I drive that car if I get sr22 insurance and they said no because they have insurance on it, but than when my dad said I could drive the car and that they didnt know what they were talking about I decided to call back. I explained it to the guy on the phone at vern fonk and he said if i get the non owners auto insurance than I can drive any car including theres because I would have liability insurance. Which one is true? because I would like to be able to drive again and cant afford a car right now.""
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
Health insurance in the United States?
Hi! Im not certain how things exactly work in the USA with insurance. 1) Is it compulsory? 2) Secondly, if I have insurance and suppose I want a procedure that insurance will not cover such as laser eye surgery (elective ) or say an elective cesarean. If I am willing to pay for the procedure myself can the doctor refuse to treat me and deny the procedure just because Im insurance isnt paying? Am I allowed to pay out of pocket if Im willing or is insurance legally required? Category""
Low cost insurance on my car?
I'm 18, about to start paying for my insurance. I have a 1998, Honda accord EX, 6V 2D. I've had my license since 2010 and a clean record. My parents have us on nationwide but it's really expensive. What's a cheaper insurance company I could go to when I graduated?""
Is it legal for an insurance company to have a totaled car repaired and give it back to the owner?
The car was already determined to be totaled by the insurance company because the cost to repair the car exceeded 70% of the fair value of the car but not the total fair value. Instead of giving us the fair value, however, the insurance company decided to have the car repaired and give it back to us because it still cost the insurance company less money. Now it is apparent that car does not function as well as before.""
How much would insurance be?
How much money would it be to add someone to my insurance, for farmers?""
Car Insurance Estimate?
I'm 19 years old. I've had my license since December 2008. I've never been in an accident. The car would cost around 5000$ It's a silver 2002 Saturn Vue AWD V6 With around 100,000 miles on it. Used obviously. It would be bought with a loan from a bank, so financed. I make around 1000$ a month, working 32 hours a week. Lame work for now, but hey. I can easily pay for the insurance. I also have good credit history. Any ideas on what insurance would cost.""
""I recently received a red light camera ticket, will the insurance know about it?""
I'm trying to apply for a new auto insurance which i think i would have a better rate than the one i currently have. The problem is I recently received a red light camera ticket with no points, but there is a question on the application form that said have you receive any moving violation including no points violation? Would they really know about it? should i say yes or no. i'm afraid if i say yes they will deny me coverage. please advice. I just ordered my drivers license history to see if its there. thanks!""
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0 notes
junker-town · 8 years
The USWNT has a lot of questions to answer after finishing last in the SheBelieves Cup
Is a three-woman defense a wild experiment, or does Jill Ellis have a plan? What should Carli Lloyd and Alex Morgan’s roles be? Plus a lot more.
The United States women’s national team entered the SheBelieves Cup expecting to win the tournament on home soil, and turn in three solid performances at the very least. Instead, they finished dead last, following up a win against Germany with shutout losses to England and France. It was the first time the USWNT had lost back-to-back home games since 2000.
Two bad losses aren’t something to be concerned about in and of themselves. The USWNT is making drastic changes in tactics and personnel, and they’re doing so at a time that makes sense — the next major tournament is more than two years away. There were plenty of positives to come out of the tournament, and even more problems that conceivably have workable short-term solutions.
But some aspects of the USWNT’s play and tactics just look bad. So let’s talk about everything: the good, the fixable, and the downright worrying.
The back three is a work in progress
Last September, USWNT head coach Jill Ellis debuted a new 3-4-1-2 formation out of nowhere, in a friendly against the Netherlands. It turned out to be more than just a a one-off experiment in a throwaway game — Ellis has continued to use a back three, and did in all three SheBelieves Cup games. The team appears to have improved in their understanding of the system, but they’re very far from expert level.
France’s goals in the final game of the tournament illustrate the USWNT’s problem with positional understanding perfectly. On Les Bleus’ second, Allie Long failed to anticipate a long ball over the top to Eugenie Le Sommer, while Becky Sauerbrunn made a poor decision in her attempt to help, and goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher’s positioning left something to be desired.
Eugénie Le Sommer = really fast. #USWNT in trouble early in the final match of the #SheBelievesCup https://t.co/hxISesDHH7
— FOX Soccer (@FOXSoccer) March 8, 2017
France’s third showed off an even bigger problem with the team’s lack of mastery of their roles in this formation. Left center back Casey Short and left wingback Tobin Heath both stepped up to close down the ball during the move, leaving Eve Perisset free to run in behind the defense.
GUYS. #USAvFRA http://pic.twitter.com/PqiMlutOn0
— thrace (@thrace) March 8, 2017
Once Perisset broke free down the right, Long, Sauerbrunn and Naeher had to scramble to attempt to recover, and it would be unfair to blame them for failing to cut out the resulting cross or stop Camile Abily from scoring.
The American defense looked competent in the Germany game, but was a bit shaky with Julie Johnston and Ali Krieger rotated in against England. Long and Short returned to face France, and weren’t nearly as sharp as they were in the opener. Ellis still has to find the right three players to use in defense, then make sure they have a good understanding of their roles in the system. Right now, it doesn’t look like anyone has a good understanding of how to defend in this shape.
Does Ellis understand the system’s deficiencies? Well, it’s hard to say.
Given the timing, these SheBelieves Cup games were exhibitions that were slightly more competitive than normal friendlies, which the USWNT used to try out a new system and some new players as well. Still, the USWNT was taking these games seriously. They wanted to win. And, uh...
Ellis said USWNT was surprised how direct France played. 'It was as direct as I've ever seen them play.'
— Andrew Das (@AndrewDasNYT) March 8, 2017
That’s not great, especially since it was obvious to France’s coach and players exactly how they should be attacking the USWNT.
Eugénie Le Sommer said that with the USWNT's 3-5-2 they knew they could put three up top and also exploit the US on the flanks
— Caitlin Buckley (@caitlinbuckley2) March 8, 2017
Back three systems are inherently susceptible to being overloaded on the flanks against teams that play variations of 4-3-3, but there are ways to mitigate those problems. The USWNT didn’t do anything to prevent themselves from getting roasted out wide — they played true wingers, not wingbacks in the wingback slots — and even weirder, it didn’t occur to them that France might use this strategy.
It’s true that the USWNT was more concerned with getting better at playing in a back three than they were at stifling France, but it’s not clear that Ellis has a sound idea in place here. We should remember that this is the coach who called attacking midfielders Carli Lloyd and Lauren Holiday “two No. 6s” during the World Cup group stage, and only accidentally stumbled into a better lineup because Holiday’s suspension forced her to give Morgan Brian a chance.
Off-the-ball movement is a problem
Because a 3-4-1-2 formation features wide players starting from deeper positions than formations the USWNT has used previously, it’s very important for the strikers to move off the ball — perhaps wide, if there’s space wide — to give defensive midfielders and defenders the same number of positive passing options that they’d have if the team was playing a variation of 4-4-2 or 4-3-3. The forwards weren’t doing a great job of that all tournament, and especially in the second half against France.
Live #USWNT observation: Lack of dynamic runs off ball is killing attack. Very few good options as backs bring ball up field. #USAvFRA
— Sebastian Salazar (@SebiSalazarFUT) March 8, 2017
There was one particularly bad moment late in the France match. Lindsey Horan did an excellent job to win the ball in midfield, surge forward into space and draw defenders’ attention towards her. She had her head up, looking for an early pass. And she had no one to pass to, because the forwards were all standing still.
Is 3-4-1-2 the best fit?
The concept of the USWNT’s new formation makes sense. They’re best with two strikers, but two-time FIFA World Player of the Year and captain Carli Lloyd is pretty much a pure attacking midfielder. She’s a bit slow to play as a pure striker and a liability defensively in a midfield two, but world class at scoring from the No. 10 position. A 4-3-1-2 or 4-4-2 diamond formation isn’t a great idea because the USWNT’s wide players are too good to keep on the bench. So Ellis came up with the solution of using those great wide players as wingbacks, and making up for their defensive liabilities by playing three center backs.
But this really doesn’t feel like the best use of available talent. Casey Short and Ali Krieger, who played as outside center backs at SheBelieves, are much better as balanced fullbacks in a back four. Allie Long plays as a box-to-box central midfielder fro the Portland Thorns, and looks a bit out of place at center back. Julie Johnston and Becky Sauerbrunn formed the best two-woman center back partnership in the world before this formation change. And there’s something criminal about forcing players like Crystal Dunn and Tobin Heath into roles where they have large defensive responsibilities and shouldn’t take too many risks going forward.
The best use of the USWNT’s top players is probably a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 formation that allows Lloyd or a similar attacking midfielder to get forward with defensive cover, while the wide players take risks and the fullbacks play support roles. This would demand a lot of smart movement or hold-up play from Alex Morgan or Christen Press — both of whom are probably better with a strike partner — but if either can learn the role, it would benefit the rest of the team immensely.
Heath and Dunn are simply too good to be wasted as wingbacks, and getting the USWNT’s defensive personnel up to speed in a back three looks like it’s going to take a ton of work.
Rose Lavelle is the real deal
The biggest bright spot at SheBelieves was Lavelle, a 21-year-old University of Wisconsin product who was selected by the Boston Breakers with the first pick at the 2017 NWSL College Draft. She started at left wingback against England — a role she’s never played before — and was the best player on the pitch in her USWNT debut.
Look at how she turns out of pressure, nutmegs a defender and makes a perfect pass to Mallory Pugh, turning defense into attack by herself in five seconds.
Lavelle is probably the most technically adept player to join the USWNT since Heath and Holiday started making appearances a decade ago. Ellis has regularly alluded to transforming the USWNT into a possession-oriented team — as did her predecessor, Tom Sermanni — and Lavelle will be a huge part of those plans going forward.
Ellis and Lloyd aren’t saying the right things
Worrying quote No. 1, from Ellis, on Lavelle
“What's her best role? I mean she's still kind of new with us so I think tonight in a game where I thought she did very well wide — and she's a natural lefty so we like her out there ... I think she did great. So we'll see in terms of where she ends up." (via Stephanie Yang)
First, “she’s a lefty so we played her on the left” is not great logic. Second, Ellis proceeded to play Lavelle on the right against France. It’s tough to figure out what she’s thinking.
This isn’t to say that Lavelle should play in her preferred position, as a No. 10. A lot of players prefer to play in that role, and most of them can’t, for the good of the team. But Ellis saying this, then swapping her to the right wing is very odd.
Worrying quote No. 2, from Ellis, on Short
Ellis says both Short and Naeher took steps forward tonight. #USAvFRA
— Chelsey Bush (@ChelseyWrites) March 8, 2017
A manager defending their players is a good thing. Managers should defend their players against criticism and direct the heat towards themselves. Short and Naeher are also good players who should get more chances with the national team, and not be judged on one game. But it’s ridiculous to say that they “took steps forward” against France. They both played poorly. Let’s hope Ellis was just defending them, not stating a genuinely held belief.
Worrying quote No. 3, from Lloyd
"Nobody likes losing 2 in a row. But this is what it's all about, to be tested by some of the best teams in the world. We have a lot of young players out there, a lot of players who haven't been a part of this team. The real focus is 2019, and if life were easy and we were winning all the time, it wouldn't taste that much sweeter to make it to the top. We've just got to keep focused on what we want to do, stick to the gameplan and all learn from this. It's just a learning tool." (FS1 interview with Jenny Taft)
The captain of the team should not be using young and new players as an excuse for a loss. Especially when they didn’t play well themselves, and were rightfully substituted for playing poorly.
We need to talk about The Undroppables
Only two players started every match for the USWNT at the SheBelieves cup, co-captains Lloyd and Sauerbrunn. As a result of their undroppable status, there was no time to get minutes for Jessica McDonald, the leading scorer in NWSL over the last three seasons, or Emily Sonnett, a 23-year-old defender widely considered to be an important part of the team’s future.
As Lloyd said, “the real focus is 2019.” If this is true, shouldn’t Ellis have picked a game to rest each of them and get a look at more players?
And at the same time, Lloyd’s form has been extremely up and down over the last year. She struggled at the Olympics, recovered to have an excellent fall, then played poorly in all three SheBelieves matches. Lloyd hasn’t been consistently great outside of major tournament knockout games either, at any point in her career. If she’s in poor form, someone else should get a shot.
Though it seems like Morgan is no longer part of their ranks
Once a member of the Undroppables Club, Alex Morgan appears to have fallen into a rotation, and will need to compete to get back to a place where her starting status is set in stone.
Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports
It looks like her competition is stiff, too. While none of the strikers were great at SheBelieves, Christen Press and Lynn Williams turned in the closest thing to a good performance, in the opener against England. Both were much better than Morgan in NWSL last season. And Morgan has studded to establish herself at the top of the forward pecking order on a loaded Olympique Lyonnais side, though partially due to injury issues.
There’s no question that Morgan is one of the most talented forwards in the world. Her 2012 is arguably the best individual year in USWNT history, and she showed flashes of her former greatness in 2016. But it’s been five years since Morgan was truly at the top of her game, and her grace period has ended. If she’s going to start big games, it’ll be because she earned it with her play for Lyon and Orlando Pride, as well as off the bench or in lower-level games for the USWNT.
Get ready for a lot of chemistry vs. form arguments
When any national team loses games they’re expected to win, fans get talking about the team selection. And with the USWNT, that argument usually boils down to one thing — do you pick the players in the best form, or try to build team chemistry?
Most of the USWNT’s big successes in their history have been during periods when they had a defined formation and the majority of their starters set in stone. A handful of players rotate in and out due to fitness or tactical adjustments, but historically, seven or eight starters have been known before lineups were released.
However, loyalty to players in the face of all evidence that change is needed has also been the USWNT’s downfall on several occasions. And, as noted earlier, their 2015 World Cup win came as the result of a dramatic change. They didn’t start playing their best soccer until they figured out that they needed to move Lloyd up the pitch and bench one of their out of form strikers for Brian.
Is the best way forward for the USWNT to decide on a core and stick with them, or to err on the side of picking the players who are in the best form? That might be the toughest question that a national team coach has to answer.
What’s next?
The USWNT has two scheduled friendlies against Russia in April, then a match away to Norway in June. It’s possible they could add another away match during that European trip. There should be games against Brazil and Japan at some point, but no details have been given on those.
0 notes