#and everyone has said it already but ahem ahem SMUG ALERT. cartman’s obsession (not just hate) with kyle was confirmed!!!!!!!
hatsunevitu · 1 year
i love the fact that although kyman is often considered in the fandom to be totally one-sided, their rivalry actually can’t possibly be one-sided because, come on, kyle just keeps reacting to cartman’s actions even when he knows it’ll only make cartman want to fight more.
like, let me explain what i mean. i’ve rewatched the s13e13 “dances with smurfs” that is basically an episode about wendy and cartman and their rivalry. y’know what happened there? wendy just ignored cartman as much as it was possible and when ignoring was no longer an option she just played along with cartman to defeat him in his own game. the purpose was in solving this problem and stopping cartman’s annoying actions. after that she continued ignoring him. that’s a behaviour of a disinterested in cartman person.
others? we’ve seen so many times when cartman started pestering stan, butters, kenny and other people, and they were rather annoyed and irritated, sure, but they all understood that the best way to get rid of cartman was just to totally ignore him and not give a single shit about what he’s up to, so that he loses his interest. And this strategy works ‘cause the main purpose for cartman is to get a response, a proper reaction.
and kyle, of all people, is the only one who keeps fighting and responding cartman, giving him the reaction he wants. it’s almost like he’s enjoying this, y’know. i mean, would you really get into fights and arguments with a person you don’t give a shit about every time you’re given a chance? doubt it. cartman starts it but kyle continues it – and that’s what makes kyman so wholesome. this mutual obsession.
and they both know that kyle will keep answering cartman because they both can’t live without this and they generally enjoy this fighting process and, moreover — they both need it.
and everyone knows that.
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