#and felix meets jonny and thinks hes oliver and jonny plays along
slashfuhrer · 6 months
what I want to be writing:
'Being the right little doll today, are we?' Jonny purred, slamming Felix against the wall. Dazed, way too high for his own good, Felix only managed a breathy: 'God, Ollie...' before sliding down along the wall. Jonny chuckled quietly as he stroked Felix' lower lip with his thumb. 'Wanna suck me off?' His voice dripped honey straight into Felix' brain. 'Fuck, Olls, I thought you'd never ask.' Well, Jonny thought as he unzipped his jeans, dear brother is pretty blind for not seeing how easy of a lay his golden castle boy is. Might as well make use of it. what I'm having to write instead: "The drop in refining capacity has already led to an increase in oil exports since supplies cannot be refined domestically anymore, and the surplus crude stock on the global market may depress the price rally of the recent months"
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