#and figured you know what? I'll join the fun and spam everyone some more
nakanotamu 3 months
Alright so I finished watching a Stardom show and I had a lot of thoughts about it and stuff I wanted to say and normally I would dump this all in my discord server but rn I'd feel weird about spamming this in there bc of brain reasons so tumblr gets it instead. So here are my probably needlessly long thoughts about Stardom's 2023.09.09 5 Star GP show from Korakuen Hall:
Alright so just right off the bat I'll say that this show was pretty packed (~1300 people) and the crowd was very hot and that... did nothing for me. Moments that make me feel very alienated from what is apparently the average wrestling fan, let me tell you. People make such a big deal out of loud active crowds and idk I mostly just found this one annoying. There's something about them being so audibly almost exclusively men that is really not fun. Rossy spent 10 years being so bad at appealing to women that I think it's fair to say it just wasn't a concern of his at any point, and Harada was absolutely gunning for a product in that same vein and it SUCKS. Oh my god it sucks. idk why it bothered me so much on this show, it's not like it's anything new, but it was really getting to me. I'm looking forward to getting to the show from, I think late November, when Kid specifically commented on how many women were there and seeing if it feels any different. Shout out to the one very loud woman who was a huge Komomo stan though, mood.
This show was originally billed as the Generational Struggle Part 3, the culmination of the Generational Struggle stuff from earlier in the Summer, a storyline that nobody ever understood and none of the wrestlers had any interest in, ultimately just completely dropped by the time this show actually happened, really emblematic of Harada's era of booking. I think this show stands out in a similar way, a peak of popularity and hype during a period where the quality was already starting to steeply decline, but before people had really noticed in numbers and before things had really cratered, with the wrestlers still mostly able to cover up the increasingly obvious holes. As such I think it's worth talking about as a shining example of this incredibly weird and bad period for Stardom.
Lady C & Hina vs Miyu Amasaki & Hanako - I like the sort of QQ vs QQ feeling to this match, but iirc it was one of those matches that were frequent at the time that had to be changed at the last minute bc someone was hurt or sick. So idk it was a fine opener though, no strong feelings but like it's the first match it's fine.
Mariah May & Waka Tsukiyama vs Mei Seira & Megan Bayne - Okay I hate to say it but Megan is kind of growing on me. I still think the way they brought her in was all wrong, and trying to push her for singles matches again later was still a mistake, but I do think she found a pretty entertaining niche in these less important tag matches. A lot of it is everyone else figuring out how to play off of her, and I don't really think it's a *good* thing when one wrestler warps an entire match around her every single time like she does, but in a match that's not all that important so there's less to detract from, yeah it's actually pretty fun. I just like seeing Mei Seira get thrown you know? Or when Mariah tries to knock her off the apron and she just doesn't move. It's annoying as hell when it gets her title shots, but in contexts like this, it's a pretty good bit.
Natsupoi & Yuna Mizumori vs Syuri & Saki Kashima - I'll talk more about it later but this whole undercard felt really disposable to me, which is always disappointing, especially given how much character Stardom packed into even their smaller matches before this period. Yunamon was in the middle of her joining CA story (still, somehow) and Poi and Syuri are always entertaining together, and they still are here with some fun spots and stuff, but I just didn't care. Like I said though, broader issues going on during this period so we do know why it was like that and I'll get to it later.
Mayu Iwatani, Koguma, & Momo Kohgo vs Natsuko Tora, Fukigen Death, & Rina - Again, perfectly servicable undercard match that doesn't really have anything fun or interesting going on under the hood, but we know why now so I'm not trying to like, criticize, just saying yeah wow it was bad huh. This was Komomo's second last match before she got injured iirc which is incredibly depressing, I don't think she even tagged in once during this match so she was probably already hurt and I hate it.
Mirai vs Saori Anou - God, okay, this match was kind of the one that made me think about typing up my thoughts about this show. I did not like this match anywhere near as much as I expected to. It just was not clicking for me, like, at all. This felt like a very clear "first time singles match", especially between two wrestlers who I guess don't really know each other outside of wrestling and haven't trained together or anything. There's a reason first time singles matches are rarely actually all that good and I really felt that awkwardness and lack of chemistry here. Mirai and Anou are both good so it was like, fine, but I was really taken out of it and unimpressed after I had assumed this would be really good. I do like Anou winning the white belt, and I do think Mirai's run needed to end bc it was not... working, but man I would not have devoted like Mirai's entire Fall to this feud after watching this match. Shining example of why you should put wrestlers together with people they want to work with and not just whichever names you think sound good against each other.
Hazuki vs Starlight Kid - This match on the other hand totally lived up to expectations. Hazuki and Kid obviously know each other super well and are both freaks, it was great. Brawling through the crowd always gives me kind of, idk, a sort of secondhand embarassment feeling? It just feels wrong my brain doesn't like it but I still appreciated what they were doing with it, with Kid angry and desperate and trying to prove herself more intense and bad than Hazuki. Hazuki always looks amazing getting tortured in submissions, and Kid's whole gameplan being trying to build to the Black Tiger Leg Killer makes sense. I couldn't actually remember who won this so I was even biting on the near falls at the end and liked Hazuki's quick, desperate win. They're both so great and I liked this a lot.
Tam Nakano vs Suzu Suzuki - This was like, the exact opposite of Mirai vs Anou to me. It still had a little bit of that first singles match awkwardness I think, but the amount you would expect given that's what it was, and they both brought enough to compensate for that. Tam really does have the same chemistry with "mini Giulia" as she does with the big sis herself and this match was really great for it. Again exactly opposite to Anou vs Mirai, this match totally would have left me excited for a title match program between these two - which ofc unfortunately never actually happened. I think the booking was incredibly stupid though, because of course it was, but why give Suzu the win over the champ to build to her winning the tournament and... earning a title match she already earned with this match? I guess there is the possibility that as people seem to believe Utami was meant to win and Suzu was an audible when Utami got hurt, which would make some sense booking wise. I still think Utami winning would have been extremely nonsensical from a story standpoint, but all the rest of Harada's booking was disjointed and very obviously ignored story too, so it would be consistent in that way at least. But anyway, I really enjoyed this match.
Giulia vs Maika - Wow, man, I liked this match so so much more than I was expecting to. Idk why it quite feels like this because I haven't skipped any of these shows, but if 2023 was the Maika starmaking year, this was the match where her popularity really felt like it exploded basically overnight. Like she was already liked, but this match out of nowhere was where it was suddenly like, oh my god Maika is SUPER popular, god damn. I think all of Giulia's singles matches have some holes, like, I wouldn't exactly say she is "good" at "selling" even at the best of times, but Maika is really good at compensating for her weaknesses, and most importantly the match really really excels at her strengths, namely intensity and homoeroticism. Given the things I've heard or seen I think this might be the last Giulia singles match I really enjoy, uh, either in her time in Stardom or possibly ever, but still if it does turn out that way for me, what a note to go out on. Really really fantastic, I thought this match was great, even if the story stuff and the booking around it was extremely inconsistent and stop and go with a whole Giulia vs Maika storyline they teased repeatedly and clearly wanted to do and never actually got to. At least they got to do this one.
Which I guess brings me to how weird this period of Stardom was. There have definitely been times I've wondered myself why I'm so dedicated to not skipping anything even when I don't exactly think it's fantastic, but I don't know, I still want to see what it was like, you know? I want to see what the wrestlers cared about even when there was no guarantee at all the booker would pay attention to any of it. There are definitely still good moments, even if there are a lot of bad and a lot of it is disjointed and weird around it. I just want to see it for myself.
I did improv in high school, and I remember after regionals one year we tried to do our regular weekly practice the next week, and it was terrible. Everyone was just creatively tapped and needed to recharge too badly, but we didn't realize that at first, and there was just this feeling of like, "we're doing the same things we always do, why isn't this working?" A lot of stuff from this period gives me the impression that that's how the wrestlers were feeling during this time.
The next show, on September 10th, was Dream Tag Fes, which seems to me to sort of be when this era of Stardom jumped the shark. (And I say that as someone who used to be way too much of a nerd about sitcoms and is extremely specific about what that term means.) The one last truly top to bottom great show for this era of Stardom, amidst some decline already starting to show, before the management issues and terrible schedule would become too much to ignore and they wouldn't be able to reach those heights again. I mean I think they're already on their way back up, I'm glad Harada has already been fired and Rossy being gone too is a bonus, but for this period at least. I might skip some stuff in the future, I know at least the Money Ball Scramble that was a mess where they didn't even run by the wrestlers what was in the boxes for sure, but I don't know, I still worry about missing out on the good stuff too, you know? That's my problem with wrestling, I'm so quick to tell others there's no actual obligation to watch everything, and yet I feel it myself. But even if it was another one that was all over the place, I'm still glad I watched this show.
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Hey guys what's up I'm the leader of Team Skull: Johto branch, and we're accepting members. Have you ever wanted the economic security and sense of belonging of being in a gang, but didnt want to join the mob? Are you absolutely sick of blasting off again and ready to settle in some place where the vibes are less take over the world and more pillow fort? Have you ever wanted to live somewhere with a bunk sofa? Team Skull is right for you! Join today! We meet in the park where I totally don't live.
My name is Sol and I'm a poison type specialist. I used to be a trainer; I have all my certifications, blah blah blah. I work for a non-profit cleaning up routes and distributing those free items your twelve year old picks up while catching Zigzagoons. It's a very wholesome job. I also do poison "pest" control on the side to make ends meet; moving Beedrill nests away from kiddie parks and relocating Trubbish to the local dump and wrangling Ekans, all that shit.
My only Pokemon currently is Queef (he goes by Fart because my brother refuses to call him Queef but his name is Queef damnit he makes the exact sound), a classic Grimer I rescued from a clean up job. Mostly I just rehabilitate or foster, but Queef is here full-time.
If you're also a poison type lover, definitely hit me up, I love the little buggers.
UPDATE: Currently living in a park 馃憤 I now also have a feral Nidoran M who will be released once he stops injuring himself, and an Absol who I don't think I technically own but lives here also. Their names are Lil Bitch and Soteria respectively.
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HEY EVERYONE, I'm irl Sol, actual Sol behind the fictional Pokemon Sol. I follow back from @solitarelee which most of you probably figured out immediately given my name LMAO. So my activity page looks like this!
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Which I'm super pumped about actually. I didn't foresee any of this happening when I started the blog but I'm having a blast.
If anyone wants to OOC plot stuff to happen in "real pokeverse life" with me, my ask box and DMs are open (at least I think my DMs are open. if they're not right this second they're about to be). If you want something to be OOC discussion via ask box just let me know and be sure to send it off anon so I can answer privately. If we wind up doing a bunch of stuff together we could also trade Discords if necessary!
I'm gonna try to create like a list of all the members so I can keep them straight, but it might take me a second because I'm pretty busy irl. I'll also be trying to create a tagging system so people can tumblr savior or block certain RP threads if they feel like they're getting spammed to hell.
I created this blog as like a fun night time distraction on nights when I have to stay up, so it probably will never be super active during the day, at least not for while this semester is still going. If I don't reply right away it's definitely because I physically haven't seen it yet!
Thanks for all of your interest and for having fun playing in this sandbox with me!! I am living out my childhood pokemon rp dreams right now.
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Fic wrap-up
It鈥檚 been a shitty year for everyone, myself included. 2020鈥瞫 really done a number on me, and my mental health is currently at the lowest it鈥檚 been in years. BUT I鈥檓 working on it, and I figure part of that is being proud of what I did do, the things I did make, despite it all.聽
So this year, I somehow wrote (and posted) 10 fics, with a total of 21,507 words. The longest fic I wrote was 6K, the shortest just 827 words. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn鈥檛 much, but considering, you know, everything, I鈥檓 still happy with that.聽
And I think y鈥檃ll were happy with it too. Several of these fics got 1000+ hits! Considering for me usually anything over 200 hits is a success, that鈥檚 amazing.
I did learn this year that I am terrible at tagging, and at knowing what my stories are actually about. I think I probably write more hurt/comfort and found family trope than I realize. Also the usual domestic suspects like cooking/eating and sleeping together, I write those way more than I realize. If someone sees other recurring themes in these, let me know? I鈥檇 be really curious to hear what other people think these stories are really about. 聽
Thank you all so much for reading, and leaving kudos and comments! I still get an email almost every single day that someone left kudos, and it makes me a little bit happier every day.聽
So just to share them once more, here they all are, sorted by fandom:聽
Dan & Phil:聽
mating calls聽 5 times Dan loved Phil鈥檚 subtle attempts at flirting through animal facts, and one time he didn鈥檛. 1354 words, teen and up audiences聽 Tags: 5+1 fic, getting together, 2009 fic, fluff, mentions of family members, animal facts, gay animals, bad flirting through animal facts, making animal sounds, gratuitous abuse of artistic freedom when it comes to available technology, by which I mean I have no idea when phones got email just bear with me okay
House Hunters聽聽 Kath and Nigel go down to London to help Phil and Dan find a house to buy 827 words,聽 gen Tags: moving, POV Outsider, headaches & migraines, bugs & insects Just You, And Him聽 You first realize your feelings may have changed when you look at him pouring coffee, eyes bleary and curly hair flopping around chaotically as if he鈥檚 had a restless night again. Or, the one in which there is a lot of pining. 921 words, gen聽 Tags: POV Second Person, pining, yearning, food, getting together, oh my god they were roommates
and they were roombas聽 Dan knows that, as a manmade inanimate object, he should not be capable of talking or of feeling anything, let alone love. Not that it matters, because there鈥檚 no way Phil feels the same about him anyway. Dan is content to live his life cleaning floors and occasionally bumping into Phil, without ever doing anything about his feelings. That is, until one fateful day they get stuck under a table together鈥t鈥檚 a race for survival and love as time starts running out. Will they live happily ever after or will their love fade as quickly as their batteries? 2027 words, gen聽 Tags: crack, roombas, swearing, there鈥檚 a cat, I don鈥檛....I don鈥檛 know what else to put here, the word war chat made me do it, I don鈥檛 know what this is either
Star Trek: Picard:
on this fresh morning in the broken world聽 Guinan has heard a lot of rumours about Picard鈥檚 latest adventures and the crew of La Sirena. She never quite believed them, knowing fully well how rumours tend to be exaggerated. Then Picard shows up to ask her to join the ship for a while, and Guinan realizes she鈥檚 never done learning after all. 3033 words, gen聽 Tags: guinan meets the sirena crew, canon divergent, holosquad, introspective, trauma, spoilers for picard, no I mean it there are spoilers here, do NOT read if you鈥檙e not up to speed on picard
HIStory 3: Trapped:聽
Jack Tries To Become A Normal Member Of Society聽 After everything鈥檚 settled down and Jack has taken his time to relax and enjoy this newfound life with Zhao Zi, he decides it鈥檚 time to find a normal job. After all these years as a mercenary and working with the mafia and Interpol, how hard can it be, right? 3271 words, gen聽 Tags: shenanigans, comedy, some (threats of) violence, sex mentions, swearing, blood, menial labour, annoying customers, unrealistic scenarios, found family trope, quite possibly the single most self indulgent fic I鈥檝e ever written
how two hands touch聽 Okay, maybe Tang Yi does sleep better when Shaofei is there. He鈥檒l never actually admit that though.(a 5+1 fic) 2414 words, teen and up audiences聽 Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, food, banter about food, cooking, some angst and sadness but I promise everything will be ok, shaofei does go into the hospital again sorry about that, I figured he鈥檚 used to it, set from mid-canon to post-canon, not beta read My Engineer:聽
Duen Holmes and the Case of the Missing Cupcake聽 While at the volunteer camp, Cupcake goes missing. Duen decides this is the perfect opportunity to try out some sleuthing.Or, the one in which Duen plays Sherlock Holmes, and finds out some very interesting things indeed. 6495 words, teen and up audiences聽 Tags: cupcake the lizard, camp trip, fluff, crack, so just like a regular episode really, canon compliant up to episode 12, spoilers up to episode 12
Unrooted聽 King has some thoughts on Ram's tattoos. 988 words, gen Tags: tattoos, introspective Unspoken聽 Ram has some thoughts on King and his plants. 1531 words, gen聽 Tags: introspection, plants
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