#and finally learned that the word ‘sidhe’ is pronounced like ‘she’ as in the pronoun
For those who don’t know, today, May 1st, is Beltane (in the northern hemisphere). Beltane is a Celtic holiday and said to be one of the three days of the year where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual word is at it’s thinnest (the other two are the Summer Solstice aka Litha and Samhain).
This is also the holiday that Arthur uses the Horn of Cathbhadh to talk to Uther in the Death Song of Uther Pendragon in season 5.
I don’t know much about this holiday—just a shallow understanding, I wasn’t raised in this culture, but am loving learning about the practices—but here is some things I know about it. Beltane literally means “the fire of Bel”. Bel is the god of the sun, and Beltane celebrates his union with the goddess of the earth, Danu. Bel and Danu are seen as the parents of the Irish gods. One of the traditions of Beltane was to put out all fires, light a sacred Bel fire, then everyone would take flames from that sacred Bel fire, and relight the fires and their hearths. So, fire is one way to celebrate Beltane. Another way is flowers. The Welsh goddess Blodeuwedd is the goddess of emotions and flowers. She is also associated with Beltane. Since Beltane is when all the flowers start to bloom and nature is vibrant, decorating everything with flowers is another Beltane tradition especially flower crowns.
Samhain falls on October 31st in the norther hemisphere. This is the holiday associated with the Cailleach. Samhain means “summer’s end” and the holiday is seen as the Celtic new year. Samhain is the holiday that Morgana and Morgause used to open the veil in the Darkest Hour in season 4 (if I remember right).
Why am I posting this? Because it seems like the holidays in BBC Merlin are the holidays of the Wheel Of The Year. This is useful for fanfic writers who want to expand on the Merlin world more. Or want there to be a holiday or banquet in their stories but don’t know what to make it for. Or want to try and work out a timeline for the show. Or just want to use it for tropes.
I meant this post as more a jumping off place to know where the BBC Merlin holidays originate from. I would suggest definitely researching each individual holiday more before writing about it.
I cannot stress this enough. I am not a 100% accurate source on these holidays. I think the information I have above is true, but I could be wrong. I’m very new to this.
If anyone wants to correct or add on to this that knows more, feel free to.
And to the once and future fandom, have fun researching and thinking up fun plots🫡
Ps. All the holidays are opposite in the northern and southern hemispheres because the wheel of the year follows the cycle of the seasons, so when it’s the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, it’s the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. When it’s Beltane in the northern hemisphere it’s Samhain in the southern hemisphere. Etc.
P.p.s. The pronunciation… 😵‍💫😖 it’s…it’s…it’s not what you think for like half of them. 😵‍💫
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