#and find something that i can make mean domething
i-think-sometimes · 1 year
A handful of hot takes from someone who stock walmart shelves at night:
Pink sauce keeps coming in an assortment of colours. I would reccomend acting as if it is poison. Last time I had to stock it it was a weird greyish orange.
The diet isle is full of lies. The only thing there that is proven to work as intended is the caffiene stuff (why 5 hour energy is considered diet I don't know) and the protein stuff (made for weight gain, muscle mass etc. Used for medical supplements, is not on my shit list). If it has an asterisk, it has not been proven at all. Don't listen to the diet isle anyway, its just trying to make you feel bad about yourself.
Please stop opening the deodorant. If it doesn't have a lid (the inner seal being gone also makes this apply) we cannot sell it. At that point you may as well steal it because then I won't have to touch it.
If you find domething moldy or gross randomly (stuff gets holes in the packages sometimes, we will not blame you) please tell an associate. Some of us are allergic to mold or have asthma. I would rather not hear an abulance at 3am ever again, thank you.
Please do not open the lotion or soaps. They are messy. We legally cannot sell them if they are open. I do not like the allergies they give me later. Muscinex sucks to take.
Just. Just go with an associate's pronouns. Please stop calling me sir. Half of us that you are trying to "gotcha" the gender of are just tall or short people. It is also none of your buisness. Knock it off.
Please stop yelling at me for spelling colours like that. I know it is america. I just read a lot of old literature as a kid. I am trying to help you find your prefered colour of towel using walmart google, I am not here to make you think I'm an invader from great britain(why is this something I have had to say more than once?).
Please stop mashing the help button after we have closed.
If I am stocking the toilet paper, why do you assume I have the electronic keys?
Closed means leave. If you are in line for the register that is fine. I hate it but I get it. It is not wander around hour. It it finally we can pull what we are stocking into the isle without worrying about being in the way of customers hour.
If I am wearing earplugs because it is loud nearby, please do not shout. I promise the only reason I am allowed to wear them is because I have proven I can still hear people whispering in my direction with them in. I do not need hearing damage because you think I'm ignoring you.
If I do not turn around at sir that is not a viable reason to touch me. I have barely broken the elbow back at first contact reflex. (Kind of. It appears occasionally) I do not want to explain to anyone that I got startled and launched my bony arm into someone's gut. I had enough of that in high school where my teachers knew about the stalkers.
Employees are people. If you do not want to be interacted with like that I can guarantee that we will not be offended if you do not interact with us like that.
Most of the time, when we explain something to you, it is not because we think your dumb. It is because we wish someone had told us. Or because we are trying to fill silence.
I lisp. I fumble words. Let me count down or witness the unholy hell of trying to say 20 words in one syllable. It is 5 seconds of brain reset. Chill.
If an employee says we are out. We are out. Our backroom is not currently working properly. So even if we did have it we would not be able to find it.
If an employee is in the backroom, you are not allowed in there. That is tresspassing. It is punishable.
I am only a man for the purpose of walking people to cars. That is it. Please stop your male children from following me into the bathroom. Several people are uncomfortable. Myself included.
Please do not put infant supplies or anything edible in chemical. Infants chew on everything and if it is a health hazard to an adult it will kill a small child (pets are also included, but I have not to this day seen a pet item that was not already destroyed beyond usability on a chemical shelf.) Dropped in the oops puddle is not what I am mad about. Please stop leaving teething toys in the ferbreeze.
If. If you drop and break something. Please tell someone. Anyone. If you want to guard it until an employee comes by thats fine. But dont just assume we immediately know about a spill the second it happens. That's how people get hurt.
Blocking the emergency exits is a crime. Stop that. It is one thing to be there with the cart. It is another entirely to park a scissor lift there. (This one is more for my coworkers and the construction guys, but still.) Also stop blocking/stealing the fire extinguishers. We need those. They need to be accessible.
If there is a severe, immediate problem, tell someone. It may require either a lockdown or evacuation depending on what happened. Missing children and accidentally mixed chemicals are deadly if handled improperly. Same with medical issues.
If someone drops I will abandon you to get someone who may be able to help. This is not a personal against you. This is a first aid oh shit moment. (Thank you customer who told me when someone passed out behind me and distracted people away from them and the fact that no body was helping them. You are a godsend. As far as I know they made a full recovery.)
I am not a medical professional. All I know is what works for me. Please actually see a doctor for your major injury. I just know how to handle my scholiosis specifically.
I do not have every brand name memorised. Please. Clarify what it does when I ask instead of repeating the brand name. I can at least get you to the area.
Please do not ever work me to hypothermia again. Once was bad enough. If someone hadn't caught me starting to take the coat off I likely would have died. (Bad manager, pretty sure she is in some significant legal trouble because this is not the worst thing she did.)
Thank you, to everyone who agrees that they hate the beeping cameras. If enough people complain on the website they might get turned off. Keep it up.
Thank you, to everyone who is just there to be a reasonable customer. I appreciate you.
Bonus note: none of us care what you are buying. Buy condoms if you want. Giggle at the condoms if you want. Just as long as you aren't a jerk and don't make a mess we won't make a fuss about what you do.
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hemwickcharnel · 6 years
All I’ve ever heard since I was a child was how creative I was, and I feel like my life since then has just been me struggling to keep up that expectation
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a missing piece of home
summary: requested by anon:
You x Chris have been dating for a year, but you live in a different state. While on vacation with Chris, he proposes, and you start the process of moving to Boston, meaning you leave the job you love the family and friends you love. A few months in, you get homesick and grow distinct because everything in Boston belongs to Chris, from his family, friends, house, and dog. You never brought it up because you knew it was ridiculous to have these thoughts. This leads to a huge fight, all because you never told him you felt like an outsider in his life, and you just wanted something that reminds you of home.
warning: fluff, little angst
pairing: chris evans x reader
masterlist / request for chris closed
please don’t post any of my content anywhere else without my permission. comment and reblogs welcome!
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your hands were pancaked with chris’s as you both walked down the beach. you both were on vacation from your two year anniversary of being together. you both met in a cliché way. you were both the only two in a movie theater and chris volunteered to sit with you so you don’t feel lonely. you both hit it off and been together ever since.
“where are we going?” you asked chris. “can’t tell you.” you peered over at him; he was smirking. “you’re very bad at keeping stuff a secret.” you said through a laugh. chris turned to look at you, “what? I’m good at keeping secrets.”
you shook your head as you turned back in front of yourself. “that smirk says otherwise.” chris huffed, “okay t’s just domething I’m very excited about ok. we’re here anyways." Chris said as he let go of your hand. You looked down at your feet to see rose petals.
"what's this?" You asked as you looked at Chris. "Follow the path and you'll find out."
You did as he said following the path. It led you to a covered dock that was decked out with string lights and pictures of you and Chris through the years.
"Chris, this is amazing I didn-," you turned around expecting Chris to be standing behind you but he wasn't. He was down on one knee with a velvet black box in his hand.
"oh my Gosh Chris." Your hand came over your mouth as you gasped loudly. Chris grinned up at you. "I know this probably isn't what you're expecting but I've been wanting to do this for a while and now I think it's time."
Chris opened the box revealing a stunning diamond. "Y/n will you marry me?"
You nodded as tears fell from your eyes. "Yes." You extend your hand so Chris could slip the ring on your finger.
Once the ring was on you leaned down and kissed him. Chris picked you up as your lips were still connected. You laughed as you pulled away from his lips. "I'm going to be Mrs Evans?"
Chris smiled at the thought of you being having his last name. "Yes, you're going to be Mrs Evans." You smiled as you leaned in to kiss him again.
5 months after that you and Chris got married. You moved from your home town to Boston. You left behind so much and it took a huge toll on you.
You weren't used to being away from so many people you had in your life for so long. You distance yourself from Chris without even noticing. Chris noticed and he grew confused.
He wanted to ask you badly what was wrong many times but he decided to leave you alone. But after this morning when he tried to touch you and you pulled away, he had enough. He needed to see what was wrong.
You laid in bed ready to fall asleep. Your eyes were shut and you were about to fall asleep until Chris walked in.
"we need to talk." He slipped into bed with you ready to talk. You sat up, "what is it?"
Chris exhaled loudly before he talked, "y/n you've been so distance from me and I don't know why. Earlier you wouldn't let me touch and I don't know if it's me but if it is I'm sorry."
you looked at Chris seeing how sad he looked as he looked at you. It felt like a punch in the gut. It wasn't him at all and you were very upset that you even made him think that.
"Chris it's not you." You sat up with him. "I should've told you but the reason why I've been distance is because... Chris I left my family, my friends, my dream job, everything when I moved to Boston. I love it here but I miss my family too and it just makes me really sad to the point I distance myself. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
You hung your head low feeling ashamed. Chris had no idea you were feeling that way. he thought you were happy here in Boston but he was wrong. 
“baby it’s ok,” Chris cupped your cheek forcing you to look at him. “Just please tell me these things don’t distance yourself from me. I want to help you.” Chris leaned in and kissed your forehead. “ok lets go to sleep now.” 
Chris laid down in the bed, you did the same with him. you fell asleep in chris’s arms. what you said was still on Chris’s’s mind and he wasn’t just going to do nothing about it either.
the next day Chris got up extra early so he could make some calls. you woke up a few hours later to a empty, cold bed. you frowned as you sat up looking around the room. dodger was still at the end of the bed so he didn’t take dodger on a walk. you didn’t smell coffee either. you decided to get up and find him.
you walked out of the bedroom, holding Chris shirt to your body to shield the cold. you made your way to the kitchen seeing Chris back to you. he was on his computer, deeply into what was on there. you cleared your throat to make it know you were there. Chris turned to you smiling.
“hi love, did you sleep well?” 
you nodded as you sat on his lap. Chris wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close. “what are you doing?” you asked as you looked at his computer. “I’m seeing if we can rent a house in your home town.”
you turned to him eyebrows raised. “really?”
chris nodded as he ran his finger over your cheek. “yeah you want to be close to your family so i think we should get a house there.” 
you couldn’t help but smile at chris. you were so grateful to have him there wasn’t many words to describe it. “thank you so much.” you wrapped your arms around him hugging him. chris chuckled softly. “no need to thank me. just being a good husband.”
okay now i’m going to go learn and write some more later. hope you like it
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ceescedasticity · 5 years
How did the Gleeful Abandon's helmsman find out? That was an isolated system, right?
You're in the middle of 'Troll Wizard of Oz' (and four of your techs are arguing about whether the movie is best watched while intoxicated and if the stock of tranquilizers would substitute) when the helmsblock gets several call alerts. That's unusual.
The shift supervisor Syncrate raises an eyebrow but doesn't step away from the biowire he's pruning. "Get that, would you, Caloco? It takes forever to get these gloves off."
"Uh, yes, sir."
(Caloco is not the most senior lower-ranked tech present -- that would be Dometh -- but she is possibly the least tranquilizer?)
Caloco blinks at the console. "It's an inquiry from the command deck about power surges... and an inquiry from environmental control about power surges... and an inquiry from the hanger segment about power surges?"
You... certainly haven't noticed any power surges. Sometimes power surges are caused by 'disruption of the helmsman's physiological equilibrium' (which usually means you got sick), and sometimes they're caused by helm rig malfunctions, but either way you know when they happen. And they haven't.
Syncrate blinks, and starts taking his gloves off. "I realize it's extremely unlikely we failed to notice a power surge, but check the logs anyway. How annoyed did command seem?"
"I don't know how to answer that question..."
Syncrate checks the logs and messages back to all the complainy people that any power problems started outside the engineblock.
"Power consumption in sector four is way more than normal," Dometh notes, despite the tranquilizers. "And climbing? Seven is high, too."
"Seven includes environmental plant... I'm calling them."
They don't pick up. Syncrate keeps trying, but then the calls stop going through at all.
The helmsblock lights flicker.
Your sensors flicker.
Nottey shows up, two hours before his shift is supposed to start, herding along three more junior helmstechs and four trolls you've never seen before.
"Whoa, you're right, it's MUCH better in here," one of the strangers says. Two of the others are staring at you.
"Micvit--" Syncrate starts.
"I know, I know, but -- I think the ship's haunting hit critical mass or something. Just step out in the hall. You can feel -- something."
"And intraship communications are down," one of the strangers adds. Oh, right, that's a mediculler uniform.
"Shit," Dometh says suddenly. "Four just went dark."
And then there's a VIBRATION through the bones of the ship, strong enough to make your teeth rattle and the larger-horned people present cringe. It's followed by a distant but PIERCING siren.
The lights flicker again. You're pretty sure nothing's wrong with their power supply.
"...Okay, I know we never actually did the emergency engineblock isolation drills, but can someone pull up the checklist."
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namisiaa · 6 years
I don't think you disliked it because it was cliche, but because it was cliche YOU didn't like. Almost everything is a cliche in some way or form nowdays. Now it comes down to taste. There are plenty cliches I love and I'm sure you too. Sorry if nitpicking.
Well you are right in some way hecause we all love some cliches because it's just impossible not to. They are everywhere. But under every one of it stands the plot, reason, characters ect. which make it easy to take. And this one wasn't - I mean, 8-9 months of flashbacks is eaaay too long for a cliche like that which actually didn't explained that much - it just confirmed what we already knew. I understand this is important for her and she was waiting for this for so long to officialy reviele, that's why I'm not hating, just ststing the fact and discuse :P. And actually I'm the type of person who like when something is as far from any cliche as possible. I like beeing surprised - it's one of the most important thing for me when I follow a series - I don't want to figure out before what will happens. I want to wait for a new chapter/episode/whatever without my usual 3-4 different scenarios that I know one of them will be true at least in the most important thing. I find it boring.With Kuroshitsuji I, of course, knew what will happens from time to time, but the situation between characters - which is very intersting part for me nezt to plot - was interesting enough to feel the need for being surprised. And sometimes non of my scenarios were true and that was the best. And now I'm bored. I even remember saying something like: "I would like him to go to yard and talk to policeman so we can find out domething, maybe at least his name that I don't care abkut, but better anythung than nothing. But nah, tjat won't happens. She will let them escape and it will be all the same again... " not exactly like this because my english sucks too much to translate what I really said, bjt close enough xD.And cliche or not, this arc is just weak. With or without 2CT I didn't like it from the start, but I hoped it's just because I'm not into boysbands xD. To compare: I liked School Arc much more, and as I heard it was concidered bad too. For me it wasn't the best, but I like school mangas/series from time to time and I really lile to see them in roles of a student and a tracher so mayne that's why. Sorry, I guess I lost a point a bit xD.
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