#and god i love him but its a good thing William is also there πŸ˜‚
hergan416 Β· 1 year
Ok so got to the train dinner scene in English and you know I love the train scene right? So I'm PUMPED
(long post/spoilers below the cut, etc. etc.)
And like sure Sherlock and William read as flirtatious, and some of the word play is interesting (different translation than the subtitles, or from the manga) but it also feels like it loses impact.
Someone who can speak Japanese could probably say more than me, but there is just something so poignant about the way William breaks out into English to say the classic "Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes" in the sub.
I predicted that shock would wear off, but they don't even leave the line the same!! It's "Come and catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes" (emphasis mine).
And also, Sherlock specifically prompts William to say something. "If you were this mastermind, what would you say?"/ "Come and catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes ... Yes, I suspect you would derive satisfaction at hearing those words."
In the sub translation, it's William choosing to say it, adding to Sherlock's "joke." Same thing with the manga.
"Still...I was just thinking how great it would be if you were the sharp witted mastermind." / "Catch me if you can Mr. Holmes ... would that satisfy you to hear me say that, Mr. Detective?"
The sub is much more faithful to the manga here too.
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(Also look at Sherlocks blush in the manga. He's getting a little pink, then William makes it clear he has the excuse of joking back, and it's a full face blush for a second. I adore how emotional Sherlock is, in all iterations but especially in the manga.
It doesn't have to be flirtation that's causing the blush, it could be anger, or amusement, or a lot of things. But I personally feel like that look William gets when he is challenging Sherlock is one of the sexiest things ever, and if I were Sherly, I would do exactly that too sooo)
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eileenbr Β· 3 years
So I'm watching Supergirl 6x18 and I'll be writing the reactions I'm having.
Umm nothing really good or bad yet. Although William was right to get mad at Andrea, I don't blame him this time.
Nooo leave my Brainy bby alone😭
Ughh, the cgi hurts my eyes 😫
Alex telling Kara not to tell her how to raise her child??? The child she just adopted?? The child who's suffering the same things Kara did?? Girl, she didn't have bad intentions when she told you that, why would you get that mad?... Also, with that conversation it seems they gonna make Kara live as Kara Zor-El and not Danvers, It seems obvious now and I'm not sure how to feel about it.
Oh yes, the greatest love story Nyxly and Lex, pfff, glad the bad guys can find love but the main character doesn't πŸ™„
Aww Lena giving Andrea advice, growth!
Bad cgi again, really bad.
So no totems for Nyxly, okay.
Gooood, Alex apologized, they are in good terms, that's nice. Again the part of not hiding anything about their identity, seems they are setting Kara to be full Kara Zor-El on earth (which probably makes sense with the corage gauntlet).
Ugh, again Nyxly and Lex, too much. They are already in love, both, in just 2 episodes.
Bachelorette partyyy, how fancyyy haha. Nooo Brainy, don't cryyy... Wow Lena's dance, in love... Hahaha Kara's dance, goofy as always πŸ˜‚... Whyyy, why can't brainia be happy together, why do they have to suffer :(
Oh no, Lex entered the tower, please don't do anything to Esme.... Okay so W chose to record a video instead of calling a superfriend?? Maybe a videocall to them?? Damn... Oh no, Nyxly found Esme... Okay Nyxly sexy voice, of course I would believe her as well... Sooo this is the way William will die:s
Nooo their Bachelorette party being ruined, damn these people can't be happy for a second.
Oh no, I have to say it kind of made me sad watching William die, I mean, I've never liked his character and many times he was just there doing nothing but hinder, and yes he should've called a superfriend now they are also his friends instead of recording a video, but killing him makes no sense, and he was kind of tender this episode with Esme (I appreciate it), and it's gonna be another trauma for them, specially my girl Kara who always blames herself for the bad things that happens in that city or the world.
Oh God, what was this episode?! This season?! I can't take this anymore, I've never been happier this show is ending as much as I am rn.
I'm gonna be really objective here. I really hope they find a way to make Brainy stay in this time, I would love if Kara finds her perfect partner and no, I don't think that should be Mon bc I don't think they could ever have a healthy relationship, I know Mon has wroth (if Crisis didn't change that bc we really don't know yet), however he did it in the future and that's his place, he has a mission there as well as Kara has its own in the present, and her family that means everything to her, and tbh I don't think they are that compatible, it wouldn't make any sense now after everything Kara's been through and her personal growth, but do I think the writers would care about it? NO, at this point I feel they are capable of doing anything, (not in the good way).
Talking about Supercorp, I think any possibility is already dead. Let's be honest, for much that I want it to happen, the writers/show runners have shown 0 interest in it, so I have no faith (hope they prove me wrong but I don't think so).
Andrea Rojas aka Acrata aka a waste of a powerful character. I know it's not a big dc character but that doesn't mean she isn't powerful.
And Dansen, probably the only good thing lately. I hope there won't be any trouble or interruptions during their wedding, that'd be incredibly unfair.
After all, I really don't wanna to watch the finale, I'll wait to see ppl reactions and look for Dansen wedding, Idk, I guess I will see how I feel next week but ugh. I wouldn't be surprised if the make Lena and James a thing again bc as I said, I expect nothing good for this finale.
Thank you for reading this, I'm mad haha.
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