#and got a long ginger wig so i can have fun elf hair
monogramsalarm · 2 years
ordered my outfit for ren faire this summer >:3
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finmoryo · 3 years
I took your "Which Tolkien character who gives me gender envy are you" quiz and I got Maedhros! I'm not sure why I did but I'm very very happy! The Noldor in general give me gender envy and I was wondering what aspects of the characters you could get in the quiz, physical or otherwise, are enviable.
I know this stuff is personal for some people but not for others so if you're not comfortable sharing that's 100% understandable!
It's a fantastic premise for a quiz
Thanks for taking my quiz! I love sharing stuff about myself unfortunately (I can never shut up about myself, and that is probably why I have only one friend), so here we go.
Firstly, I'd just like to be an elf. I romanticize it too much. What I hate the most about Tolkien's lore is probably the diminishment of the elves. I like things staying the same, and I want the elves to prosper and stay super powerful, but clearly that doesn't happen and I've never been able to wrap my head around it.
Legolas - This was probably the hair and the fact that some old people thought I was cis boy when I dressed up as him for Halloween a few years ago (my brother went as Gandalf). I love the look of long hair, especially on men, but I can’t have it anymore. I cut it off for a reason. It gives me too many sensory issues, my hair is super curly and frizzy, and it gives me dysphoria. If I grew my hair out, I'd look even more feminine, even though my hair just looks naturally more masculine than most afabs. Long hair changes that. I'd love it, and I'd probably feel so powerful and euphoric with it after I complete my transition, but it's not going to happen.
Finrod - I think I put this just so the takers could have another option. Finrod is really pretty though, and I like him. Clamavi de Profundis's Battle of Sauron and Finrod Felagund was one of my introductions to the greater world of Tolkien outside the Hobbit and LOTR, so he's held a special place in my heart. He's noble and cool, and people like him. I guess I just want to be liked and seen in the way most people see him. I don't interact with others on here much, so I'm clueless about what people think of me.
Maglor - Out of all the Fëanorians, I loved (past tense bc I have no favorite now I love them all) him the most. I considered naming myself after him, but I thought it would get too confusing. Although considering you're called Nelyo, I might rethink that. Anyway, I've always admired Maglor. Probably for his musical skills and beautiful voice. I'm mediocre at best when it comes to playing instruments (although some would probably argue about my clarinet skills), and I cannot sing. My voice is low, but not as low as I'd like (it's super low rn though, I have a cold and it's at the cost of me coughing nonstop and choking on coughdrops when I fall asleep with them in my mouth). I'd love to have Maglor's beautiful voice and talent.
Sauron - Probably the one I envy most. The reason I got into the Silm. I love Phobs's art, with Sauron having red hair (I’ve seriously considered going ginger when I move out, but I don't want to grow my hair out. I'd wear a wig, but good ones are expensive and idk where to look), glowing eyes, and just an otherworldly presence. I've always imagined what it'd be like to live in a fantasy world, probably because I've been so detached from the real world and have relied on books for comfort and a place to call home or be sucked into. I never really fit in, whether it was in my body (I would love the shapeshifting maia powers) or just in society (I think I'm autistic, though I can't exactly confirm it).
Maedhros - For one thing, I'd like to be tall. I'm 5'1, and because of that I will pretty much always be misgendered or look like a middleschooler. I connect to Maedhros more closely than the other Fëanorians, except maybe Caranthir. I'm an oldest sibling, I just want to get along with people, and a couple other reasons that I can't remember because my memory is just awful.
Thranduil - The Hobbit movies introduced me to Tolkien, and I always thought he was super hot. 13 year old me did not imagine I would become obsessed with the Silm. I'm not exactly sure about this one. Maybe it was his grace, appearing as someone of a higher power, something more divine and beautiful than mankind, being one of the first elves I saw (not counting Elrond. Film Elrond is not a pleasure to look at). Also, my brother calls him "bushy brows" and makes fun of me because I think he's hot. I just wanna be hot, tall, and live in a fantasy world where I fit in. Not that I would, I have no skills and would probably just die.
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