#and he absolutely refers to them as his Buggy Balls in bed
misc-headcanons · 5 years
if u squeeze buggys balls just slightly they honk
I once said that his nose honks a little which makes him fucking hilarious when he's giving oral, but this is even better
Sex with Buggy leads to a lot of cartoonish sound effects in the bedroom, it's like having sex with Gerald McBoingboing
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britishchick09 · 4 years
it happened one night livewatch
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last week this movie was on tv and i watched some of it in between classes, but was over by the end of school :/
luckily the library exists and i was able to get it! so in honor of my first half day of the year, i’ll be watching this classic movie!
first of all the dvd is cute :)
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the old columbia logo is so neat! and the music is great too
ooh it was a short story! coolio
clark gable’s in this *cue girl swoon*
captain: “huuuunger striking?” lol
yo this captain dude is MEAN
is this girl a hostage? wait did she say king? OVER 21 WHAT’S GOING ON
claudette girl: “i thought i told you not to bring any food in here!”* guy backs away* lol
soldier: “she’s too smart for you!” dam right she is ;)
hey is that clark gable in the phone
wait is that a black guy who is that
news boss: “you wouldn’t know a newspaper if you kicked it in the pants” lol
oh it’s clark gable sounding cool kewl
where’s the girl she’s awesome and i miss her
just sit on the newspapers clark gable it would be neat :D
sock him sock him sock him SOCK HIM SOCK HIM SOCK HIM
“oh yeah????” JUS SOCK HIM PLZ
...oh no sock :/
OP DERE HE IS! ...or dere she is ;)
claudette girl and clark gable are sort of like anna and kristoff when they first met! :D
cool train it has a lotta license plates :D
fun fact: if you took a drink every time someone in this movie smokes you’d probably die
*screen fades* commercial break!
yo claudette’s smoking it must be cool don’t smoke kids :D
she just threw her cig LITTERBUG
she didn’t notice that it was gone SEE CIGS ARE BAD
4 dollars is like 100 bucks today cool :D (jk it’s 77)
woah that horn sounds like an electric guitar ROCK ON????
why must old men snore :(
just chuck him across the room claudette it’s cool
sit on clark’s hand it’s cool
*claudette and clark stare at each other* awk-ward!
awwww she’s hugging his arm! ♥
she’s gonna be like OH CRAP when she awakes huh (she did but not much)
they cute together ♥
clark: “you look kind of pretty asleep” awwww
claudette: “i’ll be a few minutes late please wait for me.” conductor: “oh yeah????????”
ooh the night bus cool :D
guy: “the bus is gone.” oH yEaH??????
claudette: “that’s 12 hours from now!” so it’s 8 am now kewl
she calls him young man although he’s older than him lol
her last name is andews so is her first name julie....?
awww it’s ellen :/ still cool tho
she pawned her watch for clothes sorta like how anna bought her travel clothes with her coronation dress neat-o (frozen ihon au?)
ooh telegrams asoue reference
lol the telegram lady can’t read his words lol
2.60 is probably 50 bucks wowza (i was right it’s 50.62!)
the train announcer sounds done with his life poor guy :/
shapely: “you have class with a capital k” ...lol
shut up shapely plz
shapely: “shut up my big nasty mouth!” YES PLZ SHUT UP
shapely: “i could go on you in a big way.” ...oh no
awww clark just called claudette ellen his wife awwwwwwwww ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
shapely: “no offense doc!” bugs bunny who
clark: “you’re as help
buying cigars and cigs on a train what a time
the chocolates are 1.67 that’s like 30 (it’s 32! i’m good at this inflation stuff)
yo it be pouring where’s morton salt girl when you need her
omg this is the part i saw last time i think!
claudette: “your ego is absolutely colossal” tell that to captain man lol
claudette: “there’s a brain behind that face isn’t there?” lol
the hotel is 2 bucks a night which is about 50 huh not bad! :D
awww that’s cute a little privacy screen :)
awwwwwww she gonna wear his pjs!
omg he’s undressing in front of her i thought he liked privacy
this is just for the clark fangirls isn’t it
clark’s singing the big bad wolf song nice timely reference bro :D
peter warn nice name :D
claudette: “i don’t like it.” ...oh :/
omg airplane cool :D
wow they have a plane table cool :D
the plane flying overhead reminds me of the planes that fly past here sometimes it’s neat
awww he bought a toothbrush and pressed her clothes so sweet!
clark: “all the best houses have showers outside!” huh idk bout that...
wow this is so domestic
he said her hair was cute awwww!
lol they saw her xd xd xd xd lol
wowza you really miss a lot in between classes huh next thing i remember they were stealing a car
clark: “that’s your ration for lunch” world war who
kewl they have a donut
claudette’s kinda cute when she smiles :)
oh no the guys are there!!!!!!!!!!
plz don’t recognize her
clark: ‘dOn’T lOsE yOuR tEmPer!!!” woah mocking spongebob who
lol dat was funny good trolling :D
it’s at 42 minutes HOW IS IT NOT HALFWAY DONE
omg wait i think this is the next part i saw
awww there’s a pic of her on the dad’s desk ♥
cool radio broadcast and newspapers AND WIRE PICS IT’S THE FUTURE MAN
is there a radio on the bus cool
oh it’s just real guys ok cool
ok wow everyone knows the flying trapeze song is this a musical now
wowza this song is from 1867 coolio! :D
are they singing the whole flipping song get on with the story plz
ok wow that guy just DROVE RIGHT INTO A LAKE
awwww clark’s comforting her bless ♥
the guy said ‘behind the 8 ball’ last decade slang reference :D
10 thousand bucks is like a million billion (it’s 193 million i was close)
bugs dooley more like bunny :D
they left the bus so this when they steal the car????
10 spot is like 193 wowza
awww they be going piggyback
abe lincoln is a ‘natural born piggybacker’ confirmed
oh wow they’re sleeping in hay kewl
clark: “you can’t be hungry and scared at the same time!” hmmmm.......
oh no what happened to peter :(
awww he brought food but she’s scared and not hungry huh i guess he was right!
awwww his coat’s blaket!
awww no kiss :/
hey it’s like modern times when they walk away from the camera :D
this is the other part i saw the car stealing’s coming up! :D
he’s picking hay out of her teeth how domestically romantic ♥
oh wow clark has a lotta hitchhiking moves
claudette: “o that’s amazing.”
you thumbed too late clark you thumbed too late
claudette: *raises her skirt to above her knee* oh dang victorian swoon
the driver’s probably thinking of the will smith meme now (DAS HOT! DAS HOT!)
claudette: “the limb is mightier than the sword.”
i remember the driver guy he’s funny :D
he’s just singing and clark’s like ‘oh god please for the love of god and holy stop’
the driver’s so happy i love him :D
his face after clark shuts him up is like ‘hmm’
now i understand claudette’s face when clark suggests a carrot lol :D
clark be like HOP outta that car!
DANG clark beat the driver MAN THAT’S ROUGH!
awww claudette’s wiping clark’s brow what a mom
how much is 10 gallons of gas like 40 bucks or something (it’s 19 cents each which is about 18.34 huh!)
the car’s oinking a bit like the car in the 11 year old senpai newsreel!
now they’re at the hotel place and i guess the owner’s living with his mom???
clark saying claudette will be in her husband’s arms and her pausing is sort of like kristoff saying anna will be safe with her true love bish hans :)
ooh nice rug cover :D
clark’s not that hot shirtness sorry fangirls :/
omg claudette bra wow :o (it’s sorta cute tbh)
oh wow they got in their pjs fast
clark: “i want someone more real, more alive!” claudette’s right there bro
clark: “the stars are so close you feel like you could reach up and stir them around” awww ♥
oh no he doesn’t love him but she truly loves him :(
heartbroken claudette ellen isn’t cool :(
wait was the claudette bra actually a slip or something why is that a wonder?
awww clark’s wondering if she’d really go but she’s asleep
25 bucks is about 300 bucks (it’s 476 kewl)
aww the guy has a hat :D
who’s zeke is this a bob’s burgers crossover
oh the hotel guy huh!
they found claudette in the bed it’s like snow white :D
mom: “i run a respectable business!” too bad you’re not your business OHHHHH
oh hey clark kissed the office gal :D
wowza the paper guy has a lotta phones huh
and a candle stick with a dial phone? wowza!
this place is busy huh
kit was right that typewriter sound is the best :D
oh no clark’s not gonna see her there :/
he’s calling the car ‘baby’ how about the lindberg baby CUZ YOU STOLE IT!!!!
omg hoboes on the train it’s not just a kit thing!
the car horn be going ‘de de de de de!”
oh no car gone
wowza that’s a lotta papers!
she’s home but what about her true love?
also are movie newspapers actually created on newspaper i’ve always wondered that
oh no claudette’s marrying insert sad clark here :(
what a pretty gown! very shiny and flowery ♥
awww claudette ellen and her dad are so sweet together!
she wants clark pete doesn’t she
claudette ellen hasn’t cried since she was a baby huh
dad: “tell me you haven’t fallen in love with the bus driver!” it’s worse... THE MILKMAN!!!!! :o
claudette: “i practically threw myself at him!” yeah you kind of did back there....
omg her dad knows peter awesome!
cool a typewriter letter :D
oh wow he just ran in there and it was awkward with the pappa
AND THEY KISSEDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
there’s 10 more minutes it’s getting JUICY
8.60 is probably 70 (it’s 170!)
a buggy ride wowza that’s old fashioned right there
awww clark doesn’t want to admit that he loves claudette but he does
wait is she already married
ooh claudette’s dress train is nice :D
OOH HELICOPTER i thought that was a ‘39 thing!
it’s an airplane with copter blades wow extra much king wesley
ooh the peanuts kids are the chorus people nice :D
the movie camera is a crank cool!
wow dad don’t call your daughter a sucker WOW
39.60 is like 700 bucks probably (765!)
i hope claudette says ‘i DON’T’
dad speak up plz SPEAK UP SPEAK UP
king said ‘i will’ why IT’S ‘I DO’
ooh claudette’s hesitant SHOOT SHE RAN AWAY
the cameras be crankin’
she just drove away like that wowza what a gal
omg the dad’s drunk af what a sad boi
100 thousand is probably a billion AND HE SAYS DIRT CHEAP
awww did claudette and clark go to jerico?
awwww they married!!!!!!!!!!! :D
so that was the movie! it had a lot of funny and memorable parts, but some parts were a little long so i’ll give it a 8/10
what a great movie!
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If you had asked me last September if I would ever return to Bali, I would have told you ‘No F***ing Way!’ Sorry for the expletive.. but I was that determined to never return! I travelled to Bali three times last year and absolutely fell in love with the people as well as the place. I was constantly amazed at how happy and content everyone is there. It’s so refreshing to see such a huge emphasis on finding joy with family and friends as opposed to climbing a social ladder and having materialistic possessions which you can’t help but think are half the cause in the western world for depression and anxiety. But… my last venture to Bali proved to be too much to handle. So let me start this post by first telling you about the past.
It was my birthday weekend and my gal pal Emily (who I will here on refer to as Bekina) had easily twisted my arm into a little weekend getaway to Bali to celebrate. We had a nice resort lined up and were ready to par-tay. As we stood at the airport I started to break out in hives as I realised I’d accidentally used my house mates laundry powder to wash my darks. There I was having an allergic reaction to half of my suitcase which was now filled with clothes I couldn’t wear. Let me just mention that this included every single pair of undies I’d packed. Long story short I had to strip my nickers off and live loose for the weekend seeing as undies ain’t so easy to come across in Bali. The reason for me telling you this will all come into play shortly..
We arrived in Kuta and headed out for a few drinks on Friday evening ready for the clock to strike midnight and for birthday hour to begin. We headed to a bar where a ridiculous drink was made involving bottles of vodka stacked on top of martini glasses, balancing on bottle openers, filled with all sorts of liquids, topped with a shot glass that would be set on fire and fountained down into the martini glass whilst being sipped through a straw. We took a sling into the air on the sling shot that had been set up outside Sky Garden, and we danced in the cages of Engine Room to the Biebs. At some hour of the morning we decided it was time to head back to our resort. It was only a couple blocks away so we linked arms and wandered down the street.
Half a block away from our resort we had to cross the street, and there was barely a soul in sight minus two scooters that had pulled up in front of us chanting ‘Transport? Transport?’. If you’ve been to Asia you know what it’s like – they sit there and wait for you to change your mind. You gotta just keep movin’ on! After a few no’s they still weren’t budging so we attempted to cross in front of them. First step onto the road and they managed to edge forward and corner us off, grabbing my bag in the process that I had secured around my body and in my hand. Off old mate went on his scooter ripping my bag from around me, and managing to tear the bum end of my pants open in the process. In the thrill of the moment I jumped on the second bike and yelled with promise “Follow him! He’s got my bag!” Meanwhile offering the driver a chunk of money if we managed to get the bag back. I’d left Bekina in the street high and dry and I was in a scene of Fast and the Furious scooting through the streets of Bali. So this is where I’ll remind you about my allergic reaction to the washing powder, and the fact that I don’t have any undies on. Yep, you know it! If it’s not enough that I’m role playing Fast and the Furious, I’m doing it whilst mooning half of Bali on the back of a bike looking like an outrageous white girl gone wild! Oh mum and dad, I hope you’re proud.
We soon lost old mate up ahead, and we had conveniently done a few blocks and landed outside the resort. I jumped off the bike so confused at how I’d managed to loose my possessions and my dignity all in one swoop. A few moments later Bekina toddled around the corner with a face of pure joy to see I was still in one piece. I then proceeded to call my mum and tell her I was moving home and never leaving my room ever again. Mum was wise enough to know I’d soon be over it and out travelling the world in no time as planned.
It’s all a big laugh to look back on now, but at the time it was all very dramatic and traumatic! In the space of 3 days I also managed to get conjunctivitis, continue to break out in hives, and slip on a banana peel in the street. Safe to say I couldn’t look at the Indonesian people the same again. I felt as though they were all just waiting for the right moment to steal my goods, and my time in Bali was done!
So how did I end up back there? Well a good friend of mine Corey was being deployed overseas with the army, and could only travel to a select few destinations for pre-deployment leave, and you guessed it, Bali was the hottest spot on the list! With a little arm twisting I’d decided to give it a second chance, (or a 4th chance?) and regain the love I once felt towards the place before my dramatic birthday incident on the proviso that we were not to set foot in Kuta!
If you’ve read my post on my Cambodian series of unfortunate events, you can understand that I was feeling a little on edge as I landed in Bali. I was still uncertain weather I’d managed to shake my bad luck back in Cambodia, or if it was hiding somewhere in my carry-on plotting its next scheme against me.
I met Corey at the airport and we headed to a hotel in Legian for the night before departing in the morning to Nusa Lembongan for some chilled luxury. You may recall when I left Cambodia I was still a little sick with gastro, but was feeling not too shabby for the flights. Waking up in Bali my belly sounded like a washing machine stuck on the most intense stain removal cycle possible. I was over the moon that I’d asked Corey to bring me a tube of Vegemite, and after some Vegemite toast, a trip to the pharmacy, and a bunch of pills later I was starting to feel decent again.
Soon after arriving to our beyond luscious pool villa in Nusa Lembongan, things took a dramatic turn as I lay on the bathroom floor clawing at the walls begging Corey to go to reception and get a buggy to take me to the hospital. Now before you assume I’m being dramatic.. I’ve only ever been to hospital once before as a child, so this was legit. Our doctor friend in the so called ‘hospital’ which was barely even a room with four walls told me I’d developed a stomach infection and loaded me up with antibiotics to shake it. For the next couple of days I indulged in cooked oats, chicken broth, and Vegemite toast until my stomach was feeling mint again. Finally we were ready to adventure! That is until I managed to pass the bug on to Corey… my bad. Luckily he was only out of action for one day and although we didn’t see much of Lembongan besides our resort and the hospital, I was a happy girl. Could you honestly think of a better place to recover then sitting on a sun bed by a private villa pool with guest services at your beckoned call? I can’t!
Next stop was Gili Trawangan, and here we managed to make up for the adventures we’d missed the past few days. We rode bikes around the island, went on a snorkelling trip where we seen reef sharks and green sea turtles, wined and dined at the nicest spots around, and enjoyed the super chill beach bars the island had to offer.  After Gili T we headed back to Legian for a final night before Corey’s flight home. We explored the freaking gorgeous Canguu which is a hipster region of Bali just north of Kuta with amazing shopping and quality markets; and took a visit to Tanah Lot temple. We enjoyed the sunset beauty of Ku De Ta in the evening, and soon said our goodbyes as Corey headed off for the airport.
My flight heading back to northern Thailand wasn’t for a few days yet, and I’d decided there was no place I would rather fill this time then in Uluwatu. I found a guesthouse right by the famous Single Fins Restaurant and Bar and headed straight for the place where the sky meets the sea. For three days I frolicked on the beach, ate acai bowls, attempted some yoga, snuck into the yoga retreat’s lush pool, wore hippy pants, wasted hours hand standing on the beach, read my book, and enjoyed my own good company. Life in Uluwatu was absolute Bliss! And I can safely say that the Bali love had returned! I was able to look at the Balinese the same way I used to whilst joking with them about being their new Australian girlfriend.
One evening I got a little ambitious and decided to run to Uluwatu Temple which involved a winding road and apparently lots of guard dogs perched out front of properties. I made it to the temple with a few tribal dances to scare the teeth-baring dogs away (in fact to probably scare anyone away), but was not keen to cross the dogs again. It was at this point that Wyan had driven past on his scooter and said ‘Jump on, I give you ride for free’ with his big cheesy Balinese grin that was genuine and warm enough for me to go… ‘OK!’ (parents currently haemorrhaging at home). Honestly though, it was either death by a guard dog or jumping on the back of my new Balinese mates bike. We wound up and down over the hills and passed the vicious dogs while Wyan lovingly held my leg with one hand as he dreamed of our future together. I’ve learnt that nothing comes free in life, and if a little leg handling was all it was gonna cost me then I could deal with that. Wyan dropped me back to safety, and passed on his number so I could go get a ‘free’ bike and surf board from him the next day. I obviously didn’t, and as he pursed his lips as a question if he could have a farewell smooch, I let him down easy and ran off into the sunset.
So my Bali trip was a nice balance of what dreams are made of vs reality. I’m quite ok with this to be honest because I feel like it’s the universes’ right to chuck a few curve balls our way and attempt to keep us all a little level headed and alert at times. Travelling isn’t always strawberries and sunshine, but as long as you can laugh at your own expense you will make it out as a new and improved version of you. So any who… now it’s mid-2017, and you can go ahead and ask me if I’ll ever return to Bali again. I already know what my answer is!
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