#and he does it every time but this time einie was the first larger dog he ever had so he's also so excited to be able to train him
doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 17 / 31 * EINSTEIN 」
May 30, 1979
❝Let's run through this one more time, Einie,❞ Emmett says, crouched down behind a small assortment of simple tools whose heads are turned away from him to face outward. ❝Then we'll leave it there for today and go out for our nightly walk; I think we both could use the fresh air.❞
Einstein sniffs at the air, wise to his master's tricks; the scent of his favourite liver snacks wafts from the pocket of Emmett's lab coat and he knows that if he solves every one of these problems satisfactorily, he'll get a treat for each and every right answer. So he sits and looks at each of the tools on the ground and waits expectantly for the first test.
❝Alright boy, grab me the Phillips head!❞ Einstein looks between the five tools laid out before him and picks up the second one from the left, prompting a joyous reaction from Emmett. ❝Well done!❞ He pulls a single treat from his pocket and tosses it at Einstein, who catches it expertly.
While he crunches his treat, Emmett rearranges the tools into a different configuration and gestures to the new layout. Einstein takes a moment to look at the new arrangement.
❝Now how about the torque wrench?❞ Emmett has to remind himself not to give anything away as Einstein considers the options laid out before him, for it would defeat the entire purpose of the training exercise. He needed the extra pair of hands while he was working and Einstein's ability to correctly identify and bring him the necessary tools would be an invaluable help.
As his first large dog, this presented opportunities previously unavailable to him in the amount of help Einstein could offer.
Einstein first sniffs at the vise grip before turning and grabbing the one just to the right of it. Emmett beams, once again pleased, and takes the tool back.
❝Excellent work, Einie!❞ He tosses another treat at him and Einstein's jaws snap shut around it.
The tools are rearranged once again.
❝Let's try something a little more challenging; the crescent wrench!❞ Einstein deliberates for a moment before returning to the vise grip and holding it up expectantly. Emmett takes the tool out of his mouth and pats him on the head encouragingly.
❝Almost, Einie, almost.❞ He holds it up like a professor demonstrating something to his students. ❝This one is a vise grip. Invented in the mid 1920s, they have a locking mechanism unique to them that allows it to remain clamped around an object without sacrificing pressure applied if you have to remove your hands.❞
Einstein looks momentarily put-out that he will not be receiving a treat for his efforts, but Emmett offers a few more encouraging words and rearranges the tools for one final trial.
❝Last one for tonight; can you get me the needle-nose pliers?❞
Emmett places his hands on his aching knees as Einstein takes longer to look between the instruments this time. He's too old now to be holding this position for long—the same way his body tries to remind him he's too old to be throwing himself so completely into his projects to the point where he neglects his own physical needs—but another five minutes, if that, won't kill him.
Einstein chooses wrong again, this time bringing him the crescent wrench, and Emmett makes a mental note of Einie's problem areas—the pliers seem to be tricky for him; more attention and practise will have to be given to those—but this was still a successful training attempt and half right and half wrong is still a marked improvement from when they started.
❝That one was the crescent wrench,❞ he says, holding it up again. ❝But you did exceptionally!❞ Again, Einstein manages to look disappointed that he hasn't received a treat for his efforts and stares longingly at Emmett's pocket; he's had practise already with two other dogs to-date, but Einie has mastered the puppy-dog eyes in a way that shakes even his resolve.
Still, he manages to avoid giving Einstein a treat and instead focuses on scooping the assortment of tools up to toss on the nearby table. He groans as he stands, his knees aching.
They still have that walk to go on.
❝We still have some work to do, but once you can correctly identify all the tools, we'll work on sizing.❞ Emmett scratches lovingly behind Einstein's ears and even though he only correctly identified two out of the four tools, he is beyond proud of his canine companion. He'll make a fine assistant with just a little more training.
Emmett walks over to the door and grabs the lead off the hook. Einstein bounds after him, tail whipping a mile a minute and barking excitedly. We'll work on some leash training instead. He's done exceptionally well with it so far.
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