#and he’s like ‘are you okay?? are you hurt?? here i have pills. uhh ibuprofen? or do you need something stronger?’
lilcatdraws · 7 months
Home from the Psych Ward
Ledger!Joker x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Joker has been in Arkham for the past month. He escaped two days ago and after the horrible treatment comes home to you sick and miserable. You nurse him back to health.
Author’s Note: Finally! I got something done. I wasn’t really sure how to end this so sorry if it just kinda ended abruptly.
Taglist: @alittlesmartcookie
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Joker had been in Arkham for the past month and escaped just two days ago. He was at large and on the run from the cops. You were worried sick. You knew he would wait it out before he came home because he didn’t want to lead the police right to you. But that didn’t stop your anxiety from taking over. For two days you sat close by waiting for J to come home. You could not stop worrying about him. 
There was a knock at your window. Your relief finally came when you looked through the window and saw Joker perched outside. It didn’t last long though. 
“J! I was so worried about you!” You exclaimed as you helped him crawl inside. 
As soon as Joker hit the floor he collapsed. You knelt beside him in a panic. He wasn’t wearing his makeup so you could see how pale and gaunt he looked. His face was twisted in pain. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” You asked him.
“No. They had me drugged up pretty good last week. I think I’m, uh, getting sick. Most of that shit doesn’t react well with my stomach.” 
“What hurts?” 
“Everything.” Joker chuckled softly.
You nodded half heartedly and tried to figure out what to do. You decided it was best to move him somewhere comfortable. You helped him stand up and shuffled him over to the couch. Joker laid down and propped his head up with the pillow.
You felt his forehead. He was burning up. You went into the bathroom and emerged with a thermometer in hand. 
“J, I’m going to take your temperature, okay?” 
Joker smirked. “Ooh. I’d be happy to drop my pants, doll.”
You were glad to see his sense of humor wasn’t affected.
“Um, no. I’m good. Here, open up.”
Joker opened his mouth and you stuck it under his tongue. When it beeped you read the number and gasped. It was a high fever of 101. You rushed back to the bathroom and took a washcloth from one of the drawers. You soaked it in cold water and grabbed some ibuprofen from your medicine cabinet.
When you returned, you laid the cloth over his forehead.
“It’s a pretty high fever, J. You need to take something to bring it down.” You told him as you started to open the pill bottle and shake two into your hand.
Joker put his hand up to stop you.
“No. No more pills, bunny. I’ve had them crammed down my throat for the past month. I don’t think I can take anymore.”
“J, you don’t mess around with a fever. You need to take this. It’ll be fine I promise.”
Joker sighed and reluctantly took the pills with a sip of water from the bottle you had on the coffee table. He cringed as he swallowed. You felt a pang of guilt. Arkham must’ve been really bad this time. But you couldn’t let the fever linger.
“I’m sorry honey but see, that wasn’t so bad.”
“S’okay bunny. I’ll live.” J said with a weak smile.
“How long have you felt sick?”
“Uhh, the day after I busted out of the joint.”
“What was going on?”
“My head was spinning and my stomach was in knots. I thought it was just the after effects of the drugs though. Then I, uh, threw up a few times.”
“Are you still nauseous?” 
“Yeah.” Joker said with a yawn.
You could tell he was getting sleepy. Maybe a rest would do him some good. 
“Do you wanna go to bed?” 
“Yeah. I’ll just stay here. I don’t feel like movin’. Can you help me out of my suit?” 
You nodded and helped him undress into just his boxers and socks. One of the many  things you would never understand about him was wearing socks to bed. Sometimes he got too hot for them but usually he left them on. 
You laid a blanket over him and kissed him goodnight.
You woke up in the middle of the night to your bathroom light on. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, annoyed at Joker for waking you up. You got up to fuss at him but before you could, you heard gagging and coughing. 
J was throwing up and it sounded awful. 
You opened the door and knelt beside him. Joker glanced over his shoulder at you but felt another wave of nausea and retched again. You rubbed his back and held his hair as he vomited. 
Joker tried to sit up but got dizzy and fell back into your arms. He panted. You grabbed a towel and wiped his face. He tried to reach up to flush the toilet but missed so you did it for him. You guessed he was done.
“M’fine, bunny. Go back to bed.” Joker mumbled.
You shook your head. “No. I’m not leaving you. You can’t even sit up without falling.” 
Joker swatted you away and tried to stand up. His legs gave way and he fell backwards right on top of you. Your protective instincts were now in full swing.
“Okay that’s it. You’re coming to bed with me. I don’t feel right leaving you alone.” You said as you helped him up.
You both staggered back into the bedroom. J was practically growling to himself. He hated feeling so helpless.
“You can get over it, mister. You’re sick so I’m taking care of you. Simple as that.” You said sternly.
Joker rolled his eyes. “Whatever, bunny.” 
He laid down on the bed as you went around, picked up the comforter off the floor, and laid it over him.
“Does your stomach hurt?” You asked.
Joker nodded sleepily.
“Do you want a heating pad?”
He nodded again.
You went into the kitchen and found one of your heating pads in a drawer. Then you put it in the microwave for a few minutes and brought it back to J. He took it gratefully and placed it on his abdomen. Once you crawled back into bed, he snuggled close to you and began to doze off. You went back to sleep as soon as you heard his light snores. 
You woke up the next morning before J did so you could make him breakfast. He hadn’t been properly fed in a while and you wanted to spoil him.
You got dressed and went into the kitchen. You knew you couldn’t make food that was too greasy because of the condition J’s stomach was in. The poor thing could only handle so much.
So you decided on making him a bowl of fruit loops (his favorite cereal), toast with strawberry jelly, and a glass of orange juice. You put everything on a tray and brought it to the bedroom.
Joker was still asleep when you came in. You sat the tray down on the nightstand and nudged his shoulder. He jumped a little, a common thing he did when startled awake, and opened his eyes.
“Oh hey, y/n.” He said with a yawn.
“Hey sleepyhead. Feeling any better?” 
“Eh. A little. My head still hurts.”
You put your hand to his forehead.
“Well, your fever’s gone down. Do you think you can handle food right now?”
J nodded. He sat up against the headboard and you carefully handed him the tray. You turned on the TV while he ate, keeping the volume low. Munching on those fruit loops, he looked like a kid watching Saturday morning cartoons. It made you smile. 
Then the worry came circling back.
“J, what did they do to you?” You asked, rubbing circles into his palm with your thumb.
“Nothing they haven’t done before. Like I said, this time around they had me sedated for the majority of the day and kept me tied to the bed. I just laid around the whole time I was there.”
“You didn’t do anything else? You just laid in bed all day?”
“Yeah. I mean, I got up to use the bathroom and sat up to eat but that’s it.”
“You didn’t leave your room or go outside…”
Joker wheezed out a laugh. “It isn’t preschool, y/n. My cell’s in a high security ward. There is no leaving. Unless I need medical attention or the doctor decides for some odd reason that I need to have therapy in their office instead of my cell. I hate when that happens.” 
“I’m sorry, honey.” You mumbled and you buried your head in his chest.
Joker ruffled your hair. “S’okay, bunny. I’m fine. Now get off of me before you get sick.” 
You just smiled and held him tighter. 
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supernatural7543 · 4 years
Guns and Golden Wings part 8
First off. This is my first fanfic and first time using tumblr.  I do not own anything in this except the plot. Disclaimer mentions of torture/blood and swear words. please enjoy!
One month later 
   You and Gabe were still together and he had gone on a trip. You had been hunting with the boys but there were no cases right now and without Gabe you were really really bored. You still hadn't told them about how you were dating the archangel. You just didn't know how.  Sam's voice brought you from the book you had been reading “y/n we got a hunt. Should be pretty easy want to come?” You nodded and soon you were on your way as Sam filled you in. “7 young women have gone missing and 5 of the 7 were found dead. We’re thinking ghost or dragon.” You nodded 24 hours later you found out it was a ghost and were already on the hunt. You turned the corner and saw the 2 remaining girls tied up. One was already dead and the other was in pretty bad shape. You ran to her “ we are gonna get you outta here ok?” You said and she nodded. While you were fighting the ghost something went wrong. You had put the girl in a salt circle but she stepped out, and right into the ghost’s hatchet. You gasped and ran to her. The boys finished up the job as the girl died. “ you promised.” she said before she died. Those words still ring like a bell in your ears. Sam and Dean weren't exactly happy to, they had gotten in a fight and were still pissed. You got back to the bunker and the boys started yelling at each other you could tell this was gonna get violent if you didn't do something you got in between them trying to get them to stop. That's when the punches were thrown. One hit you in the ribs and the other hit your hip. You could feel the broken ribs and was in a ton of pain. Dean pushed you out of the way and onto the ground. You had to crawl to Gabe's room. Once you got there you locked the door and leaned against it. You held the necklace Gabe had given you for your one month anniversary. Gabe. You prayed  I really could use some help right now.  The pain was getting worse and it hurt to breathe. You heard a flutter of wings and felt Gabes hand on your cheek. Your eyes fluttered open as he put his hand on your chest. You felt a warm sensation go through your body and your ribs didn't hurt any more. You got up and Gabe held you. “Who did this to you?” He asked. “Sam and Dean.” You replied quietly. You could see his anger “ they got in a fight and I got in the way.” You told him everything that had happened. Yep he is definitely mad! You thought. He laid you down on his bed and you soon fell asleep. 
                              Gabriel's pov
   He couldn't believe that they had hurt you. “Castiel you better get you feathery ass down here before I kill your boyfriend!” He growled. He walked into the room the boys were in. They sat at different tables and were clearly still mad but it was nothing compared to Gabriel's anger. They stood up and  just as Gabe started to run towards them, cas appeared and held him back. “You will be sorry for what you did to her!” Gabe yelled. The boys looked confused. “You should really watch who gets caught in the crossfire.” He glared at them. “You will be sorry!” The boy's vision started to fade and soon they were passed out. 
                            Your pov 
       You woke up and saw Gabe lying next to you asleep. You got up and went to get breakfast. Once you were in the kitchen you poured yourself a bowl of cereal. You were sitting comfortably and eating when a tall girl with long brown hair dressed in running clothes came in. “Hey y/n” they said. You stood up and pulled out your gun. The woman turned around and looked super surprised at the sight of your gun trained on her “Wow y/n calm down it's just me”  you glared at her “who are you and how did you get in here?” You asked, gun never leaving its trained position on her head. “Uhh I used the key? Y/n it's me, Sam?” She said. “Prove it tell me something about dean no one else knows!” You said. “Uhh dean's favorite movie is porky’s 2!” She said quickly. You lowered your gun. “Sam? What happened to you?” You said trying to stifle a laugh. “What do you mean?” Girl Sam asked. “Did you look in the mirror this morning?” You asked. Girl Sam shook her head. Just then another girl walked in, girl Sam pulled out her gun and the other girl whipped her gun out too. She had blondish brownish hair that was a pixie cut. She had green eyes and was dressed in an old AC/DC shirt and some plaid pants. Then another girl walked in. She was wearing a tan trench coat and her hair was shoulder length and dark brown. You were practically on the ground. You knew that it was girl Sam girl dean and girl cas but they didn't know that. “What's so funny y/n!” Girl dean yelled “ h-hi dean” you said through giggles. Girl Sam looked at girl dean “dean?” She asked. Girl dean rolled her eyes “duh and who are you?” She said you cleared your throat “ok so it seems that you all have been gender swapped. That's Sam, that's Dean, and that's Cas.” They all stared at each other in surprise. “Oh my god!!” You said “I just came up with your girl names! Samantha and Deanna and castiel. Cas’s name can stay the same.”  The boys, well girls now, looked pissed. “We  need to talk to Gabriel.” Samantha said. “Okay” you said. you all walked down to his room and knocked on the door. Gabe answered and almost fell on the floor laughing at the sight. You smiled. You loved his laugh, it was so cute. The boys/girls glared at you and him. Once you both regained your composure Deanna started yelling at you “ What the HELL did you do Gabriel!!” you both laughed a little. “Ok feathers it was funny but you should really turn them back now.” you said. Gabe turned red. “What did you do?” you asked with a sigh. “Well I didn’t use my archangel magic. I used a spell that lasts 24 hours.” he said hesitantly. You saw the girl's eyes go wide. “ you mean we are stuck like this for all fucking day?!” Deanna yelled. Suddenly she grasped her abdomen and fell to the ground. Samantha followed suit. “Augh!” she screamed “ what the fuck is happening to me?!” it took you a minute to realize what was happening. You almost fell to the ground laughing but gabe caught you. You both struggled to stay upright as the realization slammed into you like a freight train. “What AUGH are you laughing about?! This isn't funny!” Deanna yelled. You caught your breath “ you're on your period!!” you fell to the ground, body shuddering with laughter. Her eyes went wide. Samantha looked to you and then down to her parts. You ran off and when you came back you had a box of tampons and a box of pads in your arms. You gave them the boxes and they went to the restroom to clean up. You and Gabriel were sitting on the couch when the girls came back in. “ how do we stop the pain?” Samantha grunted. You tossed them a bottle of ibuprofen. “Take two pills. The pain will slowly fade away. Do not take more than two at a time.” they stared at you like you were some sort of expert on the subject, which compared to them you were. They popped the pills and sat down in the chairs opposite of you, aguasted. “ you have to go through that every month?” cas asked. She didn’t have to deal with a period because she was an angel. You nodded. “That must be horrible.” she said. You shrugged, you had sort of gotten used to it. You stood up and Gabe stood as well. He threw the girls a few boxes of chocolates before following you down the hall. When you both had gotten to your room you asked him a question. “Why didn’t you use your angel powers?” he grinned “I did. But I wanted them to feel what it was like for at least a day” he stated. You laughed. “Wow j-just wow!” he walked over and popped a chocolate in your mouth. Then he leaned forward and kissed you. You grinned. “ you just had to get some of that chocolate huh?” he smiled and kissed you again. About five minutes later you both were lying on your bed in nothing but you undergarments having passionate sex. You loved him so much. “I love you feathers.” you said. He pulled you close and whispered in your ear. “ I love you to sugar.” and you soon fell asleep on his shoulder. 
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