localskyrimchicken · 4 months
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localskyrimchicken · 1 year
I want to date yet I freak out everytime a girl shows interest 😔
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localskyrimchicken · 1 year
"I also realized that I'm in love with you."
my own interpretation of what happens in 6x02 after shane and jenny kiss ;) the smut isn't overly explicit as I tried to focus on emotions more than actions but I hope it's good stuff regardless. A03: TheWritingBeaver
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"I also realized that I'm in love with you." are the last words spoken by Jennifer Diane Schecter before she underwent a fundamental transformation because the moment Shane Mccutcheon kissed her, she felt like a new woman.
It was a road they hade never travelled down before. The teasing of their friends about not already hooking up used to make them laugh at them, now they were the joke.
She wraps her arms tight around her as their hands grab, pull, tug, scratch at anything possible. Shane guides her arms around her neck and it makes Jenny shudder.
There is a certain closeness there. An intimacy that neither had shared before. Jenny knows Shane hasn't because they know each other. They get each other.
Their change in positions as they make out in the hallway of their bungalow leads them into a impromptu hug. Eventually Shane pulls away to look her deep in the eyes. Naked, vulnerable and glossy.
"Fuck" She sighs when her lips travel down he neck and lead her backwards into her own bedroom. Shane pulls away slightly.
"Do you want-" Jenny pulls her down, nodding frantically as she guides her arms down to her breasts, feeling Shane cup them as her lips travel lower to areas never explored before and even though this isn't the first time someone has kissed down her body. It still feels special in its own right.
Hands travel on their own accord to grip at the roots of Shane's hear and her heartbeat accelerates even more when she hears a soft moan that was terribly disguised as a grunt.
"I" She kissed down her the valley of her breasts, sucking lightly on her left nipple (Jenny doesn't miss the fact that she kissed right above that. That she kissed her heart. ) "Have wanted this" her kisses are spread out evenly across her stomach and abdomen. "For so long"
"Why didn't you make a move then?" Jenny asks in what seems to be a snarky remark on the outside but it's directed towards Shane who has always been smart enough to look inside.
"Why didn't you?" Shane chuckles and winks before worrying the skin of her thighs, being careful not to irritate the area around her scars too much. Jenny doesn't have it in her to tell her that they are healed and she doesn't need to be so careful. Because she doesn't want to spend another moment outside of Shane's warm embrace and love.
There are many possibilities with Shane on how this could end. Whether or not it will fuck up their relationship for good, whether or not it will be ignored and viewed as a mistake controlled by emotions that should have never existed in the first place.
But, in this moment, as Shane pulls down her panties before looking back up at her. Viewing Jenny's naked body, a black dress laying on the floor of her bedroom that she wasn’t even aware had been taken off, it's nothing she hadn't seen before. Yet, Shane looks at her in awe. As if she is the most gorgeous woman alive. As if she was the only woman she could ever want.
In this moment, Shane Mccutcheon is hers. In this moment. She loves her.
Whether or not that will apply tommorow or if she will be replaced by the newest plaything, Jenny doesn't know. Shane sucks lightly on her clit, placing sensitive kisses and licks, fingers are pumping and rubbing. Jenny's head rolls back before she looks back down, moaning and uncontrollably rolling her hips
She doesn't remember climax. Which is odd considering this was probably the happiest she ever has been. What she does remember is reaching out for Shane and seeing her fall apart against her in earnest. As if she has wanted this just as much. Jenny remembers the saltiness of cum both Shane's and hers as they kissed. The kisses felt so tender. It wasn't rough, surprisingly enough.
Jenny fucked her with emotion. With love. Because this meant something to her. Shane's head rolls back and she is lying down under her, trembling due to Jenny's fingers inside of her and Jenny can't help but mutter, answer a question asked as a rebuttal instead of genuineness.
"I was scared that you would leave afterwards." She whispers it, as if that could make her pretend that she hadn't said it. Shane's palm reaches out to cup her cheek, rub the tears she hadn't even known had fallen. That same palm pulls her head down to rest against her shoulder and she other reaches to grasp her hand, resting them intertwined on Shane's stomach.
"I was scared too." Shane whispers back and kisses the top of her head. A single kiss that spread its way down her body like wildlife, extinguishing all doubts and fears she could have ever had. She kissed Shane back, planting it firmly on her heart, glancing up to see a warm smile directed at her.
"Jen." She greets proudly, as if it's the first time she has seen her in years. The same tone she used when Jenny came back from Skokie. She reaches up, cupping her cheek and kissing her with everything she can muster. She knows what the point of it was once Shane squeezes her hand and pulls back with a dopey grin.
"I love you too."
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localskyrimchicken · 1 year
"you're my best friend, you know that."
Takes place during 5x011 at the couch scene where they cuddle and get high :) I will probably post more shenny on my A03 account. "TheWritingBeaver". Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46785898
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"Suck." Shane commands and it takes a moment for Jenny to realize what she is referring to despite the object being quite literally shoved in front of her. Once her thoughts clear from the deep, unspoken part of her that wishes that word meant something different. Was used differently, she regains momentum and sucks in from the bong.
Shane smiles encouragingly, her dimples shine through their dimly lit living room and she looks so cute, bundled up in a hoodie and sweatpants as if their heating bill isn't already through the roof and isn't even winter yet. Butterflies pile up in her gut and it makes her sick. Because she knows Shane and the lack of a chance she can have of a working relationship with her. Let alone her feelings being reciprocated.
Jenny pushes back those thoughts as she leans back against the couch arm, stretching her arms lightly and grimacing while Shane takes a hit of the bong herself.
"Never again will I unveil myself to someone with such generosity and an open heart and show her the ropes and teach her everything that I know." She starts, shaking her head as it hangs low. She isn't even sure if Shane is listening or if she should even speak.
When Shane looks away from the bong and their eyes meet, she realizes her doubt was in vain. Shane listened, she always did.
"You can't let Adele do that to you." Shane replies in a deep, grumbling voice. Fuck Adele, it's Nicki she was talking about.
"I was talking about Nikki."
"Oh, fuck Nikki."
"I did." Jenny thought the joke was funny but it definitely slid over Shane's head as she wholeheartedly started cussing out Nikki Stevens in her honor and if Jenny was brave, she would have kissed her to shut up. Instead. She decided to play the role of a weakling.
"Fucking worthless, dim-witted actress who should be on the cover of maxim." Shane continues, leaning against the other couch arm, kicking off her booths before slinging her legs against Jenny, making her shiver.
"Hey. I'm not in love with her anymore. She's dead to me." She doesn't know why she said that but her subconscious definitely decided it was important enough to share. The way Shane looked at her, eyes sparkling with a strange sense of hope that only seemed to light up even further when Jenny smiled.
she had to stop getting her hopes up, but how could she when Shane Mccutcheon was looking at her like that. Testing her restraint at every brush of her legs against hers.
"Good. Nikki's dead?"
"She doesn't exist to me anymore." Shane let out a satisfied chuckle and lit a cigarette once Jenny said that and God If that wasn't the hottest thing she had ever witnessed then she wasn't sure what was.
"It's like a wicked witch" Jenny keeps talking, keeps rambling because if anyone on this earth was going to know about her feelings, it was going to be Shane. Her family.
Once Jenny starts rambling shit about Nikki, Shane's legs casually slide to enclose her and it takes all her might not to give in. Give in to something she isn't even sure was being offered. But there was Shane with that crooked, self assuring grin and she is so handsome.
When Shane compares Adele to a snake and makes a zig zaggy motion as Jenny streches her arms across her the butterflies return but the moment of attraction seizes temporarily as the tone is replaced by one much more softer and innocent.
"I have terrible cramps" Jenny lets out in a whiny voice and asks for another hit of the bong, enjoying the way Shane's gaze turns concerned and attentive. They weren't even that bad, she just wanted to get high and to see Shane look at her like she was a priceless porcelain doll that needed protection.
does that thought make her sick? maybe.
Shane hands the bong over before speaking to her with the most gentle expression Jenny had ever witnessed.
"I was about to give you a compliment though, that I admire you." As stunned as she was by that Jenny kept looking at Shane, willing her to go on.
"You do?" She asks in a pathetic tone, wrapping her arms around Shane's knees as she the latter rubs at her face, as though willing to hide it behind her hoodie’s sleeve.
"I think you are a real survivor, ever since you got here" Jenny mimicks a certain part of her past before Shane does the same. The two laugh and humor helps sometimes, she notices. As Shane continues talking about how proud of her she is for telling her story, Jenny can't help but tear up.
Not only did she have the world's greatest and hottest best friend but she was also definitely irrevocably in love with her.
"Well I'm gonna throw the compliment right back at you." She manages to somehow keep back the crying from leaking into her voice. Shane seems oddly giddy about that but Jenny blames it on the weed "Oh yeah? What is it?"
"You didn't have to come today, in solidarity like that.
"You gave me my job" Shane sits up and puts out her cigarette before continuing, looking over at her with a soft smile "You're my best friend, you know that. So of course I would do that." She says it like it's the clearest fact n the world, as though those words don't create a fog within Jenny's eyes and mind.
"It's the truth!" She adds and takes another hit and Jenny can't stand it anymore. She rubs her eyes from the tears and once Shane puts down the bong, she pushes her back against the couch lightly as Shane grins up at her.
Their faces are mere inches apart and as much as Jenny wants to close that gap. She is still weak and it's too soon, and they are both high and aren't thinking straight. Shane looks up at her as if she wants it too but Jenny can't tell whether or not that's her own imagination running wild. Instead, she pulls a leg over Shane's and plants her head firmly against her shoulderblade, weakly listening to the slight speed up of Shane's heartbeat.
She looks up at her, to check for whether or not this is okay. She is met with a sweet smile and a sleepy kiss to the top of her head as she snuggles closer against her chest. Shane's fingers run through her hair as Jenny's play with her hoodie’s drawstrings as her cheek rests against the warm and soft material.
"Aren't you sweaty in this?" Shane chuckles and slides her other hand down to Jenny's waist, pulling their pelvises closer together.
"Why? Do i smell shitty?" Jenny chuckles back.
"No. You smell like home." She adds in earnest as she watches Shane's eyes get uncharacteristically misty. She watches her mouth hang agape for a moment before a certain determination and hunger is shown-
Max enters the house not even seconds later prompting them to part from their position at the couch as the two invite him for a few hits of the bong. Jenny keeps a palm firmly planted against Shane's knee, not missing the lazy smile it inspires.
Later, when Max decides their company is too boring and her rambling about Nikki get annoying, Jenny's head is pulled back against Shane's chest by her palm and Jenny can no longer deny those butterflies.
She's going to tell her soon, she has to
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localskyrimchicken · 2 years
best boi fr feel like I'm the only one who never found him annoying 😭😭
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localskyrimchicken · 2 years
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Jarl Ballin
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localskyrimchicken · 3 years
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New Feelings
( Link for AO3 above; and if anyone is curious the song I was inspired by Is "Don't delete the kisses" by Wolf Alice. This is my first fanfic post on here btw. )
The MC lies awake at 02:00 am, suffering from a identity crisis due to a certain dark haired, party girl, roommate of hers and that kiss they shared at the kappa sorority house. ( Thanks a lot Becca! )
The clock on her bedroom table flashes red with the numbers as time passes and Amy keeps repeating the last few days in her head.
Kaitlyn kissed her. Amy let Kaitlyn kiss her. Honestly why was she even surprised? Amy knew from day one that Kaitlyn was amazing, seriously.
Not only is she impossibly good looking with that dark shoulder length hair and beautiful brown eyes ( The fact that she made the most generic eye colour there is feel like it's the rarest one is enough to convince Amy she has a crush on her- )
There it is. That one word she refused to use to describe the way she feels about her best friend. The dorky, adorable, fun party girl with a unexplainable obsession with horror movies.
She has a crush on Kaitlyn.
And she has no idea whatsoever what to do about it. Amy has never been the crushing type. She's has had multiple guys come up to her and ask her out, she always rejected them because she honestly saw dating as a waste of time. Simply put, she didn't want to date.
She thought that her and Chris had this in common, so they could have at least a little fun. And then he caught feelings, or at least Amy thinks so. It would explain why he so desperately sticks and glues himself to Becca's side and refuses to let whatever small flirting him and Amy once did go away. He keeps bringing it up and it's enough to ruin Amy's whole day.
Speaking of the blonde devil in disguise. Becca is the whole reason Amy is still awake, if it weren't for her stupid dare she wouldn't be feeling this way right now.
If it weren't for that dare she wouldn't have felt jealousy when Kaitlyn immediately went dancing with Darren instead of talking to her about anything, really. It wouldn't even have to be about the two guys pining over Amy or even about whatever it is that got Kaitlyn in such a bad mood.
But then again. If Amy went by that logic ( "If it weren't for the dare" ) then she could just as easily blame Kaitlyn for picking her instead of Abby or Madison or literally anyone...
She could wing it. Tell her how she feels. The only problem being that if she doesn't feel the same way, which is highly likely ( it was just one kiss. Her brain keeps repeating like a mantra ) not to mention it's garranted social suicide if anyone were to find out ( not that Amy thinks Kaitlyn would tell people but with how thin these dorm walls are its damn right plausible someone would hear. ) Even worse it could ruin their friendship.
She could go to Zach for advice on same-sex crushing since this is actually her first one of those.
( Amy wonders if this means she is bi. It probably does since she still finds some guys attractive like Chris- But that was before she realized just how stunning and amazing Kaitlyn was. Either way, she has plenty of time to figure that out so she doesn't bother right now. ) 
But then she would have to tell Zack about her crush on Kaitlyn and then he would tease her and make the situation already worse than it is.
Kaitlyn doesn't make it any better herself. It's like she knows. All of that light flirting they keep doing. (Heck. The first sentences they ever exchanged is how hot the other was. ) 
Maybe she could learn to deal with it and hopes it goes away with time. She highly doubts it will but it's worth a try right? After all there is no way Kaitlyn actually feels the same way.
Later as the disco light flashes above them and Kaitlyn leans in to kiss her, a part of her feels bad for wasting so much time doubting herself, and kisses back without a second thought.
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localskyrimchicken · 3 years
Hi! Anybody who likes reading these ships and want to see more, check out "TheWritingBeaver" on AO3 ;
Mary Saotome x Yumeko Jabami ( Kakegurui )
Bonnie Winterbottom x Annalise Keating ( HTGAWM )
Kaitlyn Liao x MC ( The Freshman)
Serana x Female Dragonborn ( Skyrim )
I plan on writing the first below as soon as I come up with good ideas for the fic and have the time;
- Amata Almodovar x Female Lone Wanderer ( Fallout 3 )
- Gundham Tanaka x Sonia Nevermind ( Danganronpa)
I will also repost more on here since ppl also read fanfics on tumblr :)
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