#and her fav horror movie. well it wouldn’t be carrie. but i think she’d be into sort of more psychological films
atelierlili · 5 months
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
You’ve made a grave mistake because I have so much to say and some art as well(becuase I’m so sane for them I swear)
So I’ve always headcannon that Katniss had her first baby in her late twenties-early thirties. In my head the 5, 10, 15 years go like this. Year 5: Katniss is open to the idea of children now. The games are done, but is Panem really safe yet? Is she ready yet. No, not really. Year 10: okay, Katniss feels safer and braver now. If it happens it happens. They won’t actively try for it and will let nature take its course. Year 15: Toast boy and girl are born within a 5-ish year time span.
Katniss names the girl Marigold for the golden flowers that Peeta planted next Katniss’ Primroses. Marigolds represent warmth, creativity, joy and good luck, but they were also given away during times of grief as a gesture of kindness and solidarity as the flower’s vibrant colours helped ease the pain of grief. Gold is also the colour that represents the bond between the district 12 team that comprised of Peeta, Katniss, Effie, Haymitch, Portia & Cinna. So it’s also carries some sentimental weight as without them and their bonds, this little girl wouldn’t have been born. Of course, Peeta calls the girl Muffin. Because she’s his little muffin. His little cupcake. It’s not until Effie decides that Mary is too bland a nickname for her favorite niece that we get the girl’s most used nickname- Muffy.
Muffy is a bundle of joy to their lives. And Katniss loves being a mother more than she’d thought. Having Muffy made Katniss yearn for the mini Peeta she dreamt of on a beach in the QQ.
Toastboy pops out about three and a half years later. The age gap is so close to be about the same as Katniss and Prim’s that it makes her heart squeeze again. His name is Cress, after Watercress (wait plz don’t leave), the aquatic plant that can be found in bunches at Katniss’ special lake. They are a highly nutritious plant to eat and is said to believe to have medicinal uses like treating swelling and fevers. The name is also a small nod to Annie Cresta and Finnick because of the water connection. His curly blonde hair gets him the nickname Goldilocks from Johanna.
Both children are highly artistic and connected to nature, Katniss teaches them both to hunt, but the kiddos don’t like it as much because they don’t like to hurt animals. It hurts Katniss a little bit, but she’s glad that bloodshed and violence (even to survive) aren’t a daily part of their lives.
Muffy is a performer. She’s definitely daddy’s little girl because she loves to yap. She could yap all day and still find something to talk about. She grows up loving to dance and then wanting to sing and dance- the dreams of making it big in the Capitol as a actress. (To Katniss’ complete and under horror) She’ll definitely develope some complex when it comes to being the Mockingjay’s daughter. Especially when she starts getting movie offers to play her Mom, even when after she tries going out of her way to distance herself from Katniss by going under a different stage name.
Cress is very much not Muffy. He’s a quiet little guy who follows after his big sister like a little duckling. He’s the only one who doesn’t get tired of her yapping and genuinely listens to her. Peeta and Katniss were a little worried when they started noticing that he wasn’t speaking for a while. They go to doctors and they can never find what’s causing this speech delay, but one day he starts talking at the age of 2, and he has the softest most sweetest voice in the world. He’s a very quiet and observant kid, that gets into more trouble than you’d think. While Peeta’s art is very imagery and emotionally (and politically) focused, Cress’s art is not. He’s super talented with a pencil and really skilled at realistic/technical drawings that he’d probably go an illustrate diagrams for scientific textbooks on nature and stuff. Growing up, he probably feels like his art work is too cold and unfeeling compared to Peeta’s splash of life. But in reality, the difference between they art styles are indicative of how they see and filter the world through their art.
Anyway, this is taking waaay to long so here is some early concept art of the toast babies. I’m still messing around with the tones and hues of their design, so none of this is final. I’m probs gonna switch Cress’s skin tone to a more golden undertone as opposed to Katniss’s reddish one to match his hair color, which might get a tad darker (or lighter tbh. In the books Peeta’s an ashy blonde) Meanwhile maybe I’ll give Muffy the redder undertone? There’s something off bout her that I need to keep experimenting with. She screams Movie Katniss baby, not Book Katniss Baby, but maybe that’s only because Jen has blue eyes.
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girlbossdennnis · 4 years
ok tell me abt the gangs fav horror movies then i would like to know
hell yeah! ok so, horror movies i think each member would like:
charlie - he would like the fun, bright and colorful comedy horror movies over the serious ones so movies like Killer Klowns From Outer Space, Evil Dead 2, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Zombieland, Sleepaway Camp 2 (lotta sequels huh)
and for fun i think he would like Little Shop of Horrors for it's musical aspect and most definitely tried to have his own audrey II by making frank buy this ridiculously expensive plant that he's sure is legit and names waitress II only to kill it within the week by watering it with the blood bucket
dee - i switch back and forth between what kind she likes cause her character seems to flip flop on being a pick me and hating all men a lot but regardless i do think she'd like more female killer movies like Urban Legend, April Fool's Day, Bride of Chucky, Tragedy Girls. I think she resonates with the movie Carrie a lot but wouldn't admit it. I also think she would like Midsommar and firmly would believe it's a girlboss type movie
dennis - like i've mentioned i don't actually think he'd like American Psycho or House That Jack Built type of movies cause i don't think he's that guy or trying to be that guy at all. I do think he'd like "smart horror" like Scream and Behind the Mask for it's horror homages. He'd also probably like more 80s horror in general like Prom Night, Poltergeist, and certainly Fright Night for it's vampirism and having two vampire (or vampire and his familiar i don't remember) dudes living together for years in solitude..
same with dee he also likes midsommar a lot but views it as a cult cautionary tale movie. this leads to many hours of fighting and arguing and finally having another in house trial to settle it once and for all
mac - DEFINITELY action horror no doubt about it. we know he already likes Predator but I'm adding Alien Vs. Predator as well cause it's monster fighting. I don't think he digs traditional slashers but would enjoy Freddy vs Jason for it's comedy and once again monsters fighting. Following the action horror line he probably would like Tremors and Army of Darkness and possibly Jaws but just cause he thinks he could take down the shark on his own
bonus: yes i said he hates slashers but i think he would watch the first Sleepaway Camp a lot cause all the male counselors are in literal booty shorts the whole movie and he's a man with taste and eyes
bonus bonus: the saw movies purely because they always explain everything at the end which helps mac cause he doesn't understand movie plots at all
frank - i think he's the wildcard in terms of horror and likes a bit of everything. Saw 6 specifically cause it has a lot of gruesome kills but on the other hand would love Scary Movie and it's sequels. Also Creepshow 2 and Eight-legged Freaks cause they're just fun watches for him with the anthology style and comedy monster movie. Definitely Jason Takes Manhattan and more specifically the scene where Jason takes his mask off in from of the kids like that's right up his alley man.
basically whenever they get together to watch a horror movie it's a constant fight cause they all have differing tastes in what they like in horror
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immortalpen · 8 years
Beauty and the Beast
I love love love Dan Stevens, and can’t wait to see the new Beauty and the Beast... also my fav animation. In celebration... a little Karoline take on the tale... to be serialised here
Caroline Forbes hated her job. It sucked. There was no denying it. But, it wouldn’t be forever, she told herself as she loaded the deliveries in the van and pulled out her checklist and addresses, all carefully sorted in route order on her tablet. She slammed the door to her battered ride and slid into the driver’s seat. Some way to spend your 21st birthday, she though sourly, as she slid on her sunglasses and flipped the radio station on.
At least there’d be dinner and drinks, lots of them, legal drinks, for once, later this evening. She pulled out of the depot parking lot and started to make her way to the highway, along mains street, peeping the horn at her friend Matt, who was outside his bar, unloading kegs, his tight shirt clinging in all the right places. She rolled down the window and whistled as she drove past, giving him a wave as she sped down the same street she had driven a million times. Yep, it was pretty depressing to still be stuck in the same small town she’d grown up in at 21 years of age, but hey, she had a plan. She was getting out of here, it was just taking a little longer than she’d planned.
Hitting the highway, she accelerated, winding down the window as she went, letting the hot dusty Virginia air stream up her arm and ruffle the curls that lay around her shoulders. Feet tapping to the music, she followed her route on autopilot. Yep, Matt had looked GOOD, she mused, but been there down that, and a birthday backslide didn’t seem the best idea.
The morning passed into afternoon as she wound down an endless procession of familiar streets, avoided all too familiar dogs, shut countless screen doors, gates and parked up on countless curbs, no wonder her suspension was shot. She ate lunch in the truck, quickly downing the chicken salad sandwich she’d brought with her and then enjoying the sharp bubbles of the bottle of coke. She’d parked at her favorite layby, where she had an uninterrupted view of the local waterfalls, really rather beautiful, she thought sentimentally, already imaging the day when shed think about them nostalgically from some distant and no doubt exotic local she would call home in the future.
 Lunch over too fast, she dusted off her denim cut offs and tank that displayed her toned stomach and slim shoulders, just enough. She had a great tan this year, from dedicated lake time, and she was going to show it, while she was still young enough to enjoy it.
 She had planned to wrap up the working day early, so she could get home and pamper a bit before the big night. She tried not to say it sarcastically in her head. The Grill was the best that Mystic Falls had to offer, and she should appreciate that her friends were all going to be making an effort to come, just for her.
 Taping her tablet, she saw that she had reached the end of the list, and felt a surge of anticipation for being done, as she hastily tapped the address in, and started to follow the route. The radio played on, a more melancholy tune, and she felt it in her soul as she drove along a long, winding road, with wisteria brushing the top of the car as she went, the late afternoon sun slanting in trough the windscreen, dazzling and warm, its last hurrah before the night. The trees around the road started to drop into shade, as the sun dipped below the horizon, and Caroline glanced back at the route, wondering how far this parcel was going, her elation at almost being finished dimming as she realized how far she’d have to drive back.
 “In 200 yards, turn left” the satnav instructed, and she slowed to follow. She hadn’t seen another car on this road at all, ever since she had turned off the highway some 15 miles back, and the forest was thick around her now, the failing sunlight barely penetrating the dense evergreen foliage on either side of her.
 She braked as she reached the turn, and blinked at the address. There were 2 stone pillars marking the driveway of a property, on the left side, that looked like they had stepped out of a gothic novel. She wondered how she had never managed to drive this road before, never mind seen this particular driveway before, as she indicated and turned onto the small dusty road.
Slowly driving up, she carefully followed the curves of the driveway, seeing a grand garden unfold before her. As she crested a hill, she glimpsed the house. Eyes wide, she took in the grand and sweeping architecture. It wasn’t a house, it was a mansion, or maybe even a castle. There were turrets and stone balconies ringing the top floors, and a massive, steel bound front door took up half the front. She could see endless windows, glistening in the twilight as she pulled to a stop, half wondering if this was the type of situation where she should use the back entrance or something. She hadn’t spied a mailbox anywhere, and anyway, the parcel was signed for delivery. Catching herself gawking up at the impressive structure before her, she pulled herself together and grabbed the oblong box beside her and opened the door, grimacing as the rusted hinges let out a loud squeak.
 Her boots crunching in the gravel as she approached the front door, wondering for a moment if anyone was home, as most of the windows were dark. A crow called out overhead, a sudden caw in the the darkness of the forest to her right, and left, come to think of it, it seemed this place was completely surrounded by forest. That’s not creepy, she told herself as she climbed the stone stepped, and was confronted with a brass door knocker bigger than her head. It was oddly shaped, she thought as she grasped it, lifting it, with a little difficulty, and dropping it, hearing the loud thud ring through out. It was like a wolf, well, it had a muzzle, and fangs, except the front canines were way longer than necessary for a wolf, totally out of proportion. Another strange thing was the eyes and forehead, they weren’t even vaguely dog like, but human. A man’s eyes stared out above the snarling muzzle. Shifted her eyes away from the weird door knocker, she listened carefully for sounds of life inside the mansion.
As she stood there, she became aware of the absolute silence, even as her skin prickled all over, with that curious sensation of being watched. The nape of her neck buzzed, the tingling feeling spreading down her back, as she turned around to look behind her. Her truck sat quietly, reflecting the last of the light from the day in its windscreen. The garden was empty as far as she could see, and then the woods began, dark and deep, they were too far away for anything to be watching her from there. Even as she thought it, she felt that feeling of being watched intensify as she gazed into the dark space beneath the trees, almost as though her eyes were being pulled to it, as though it were calling her name…_ _
 The bolt of the door being slid back jolted her out her reverie, and sending her heartbeat crashing. Turning around, her cheeks flushing with fright, she found herself staring into space. The door was ajar, but there was no one there, and she looked around puzzled. Surely someone had opened the door, but there was no one in sight, and she peered into the limited view of the hall.
 It was huge, and cold looking, decorated in exactly the old worldly opulent style she had imagined from the outside. Her phone chirped in her pocket, and she pulled it out instinctively, glancing quickly at the screen.
 “Can’t wait for tonight, cocktail Caroline already created” the message from her best friend Elena read. She smiled, quickly texting back several emoji’s, before stuffing her phone back into her pocket and shifting the box under her arm.
She looked up sharply.
 “Hello? Is someone home? I have a delivery that needs signed for” she called, feeling the hair on her arms prickle. There was something definitely creepy about this place, she thought as she rubbed her pimpled flesh on one arm, and jangled her keys as she wondered what to do. Yeah, so she was supposed to get a signature, but hey, one out of 19 wasn’t bad for a day’s work. The perfectionist in her cringed at the thought of leaving without finishing up properly, but the other part, the gut instinct part, told her to forget it and get going.
 Deciding, she spun on her heel, heading back to the truck. The gravel again crunching in the unnatural silence surrounding her. She suddenly noticed how dark it seemed to have gotten. She pressed the button to unlock her car, and frowned as it failed to work, hardly surprising as it failed to work about half the time.
 “Excuse me?” a voice called, and Caroline froze, a cold sweat breaking out in her palms. Her heart in her mouth, she turned slowly around, unsure what she would see.
 “Is that package for us?” the voice continued, and Caroline felt heat rise to her cheeks. Standing in the door way was a tall, terribly well presented lady, wearing a white skirt suit and pearls. She looked regally down on Caroline and her shorts and tank top combo. Caroline felt her face redden as she realized how carried away she had gotten, how freaked out she’d let herself become, over nothing. No more horror movie marathons she told herself sternly as she climbed back up the stone steps.
 “Yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was home”
 “I do apologies, I’m sure one of my sons must have opened the door and then wandered off distracted, young people can be so easily distracted, nowadays.” The lady said, as Caroline nodded vaguely, wondering how young the son was. She hefted the box and held it toward the lady.
 “Here you go, this is all, and if I could just get a signature that would be great” she looked up in surprise as she saw the woman before her step back instead of taking the parcel.
“Shall I… just put it here?” Caroline asked, feeling awkward as she held the box in her hands, wondering why the woman didn’t take it.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I can see its for my son. If you could just give it to him, that would be best” she was saying, as Caroline frowned.
“It doesn’t really matter, I trust you to give it to him, I just need someone to sign for it” She explained, as she bent at the knee to prop the package beside the door.
“Please, it might be fragile, I can sign, if you can just give me a moment to find a pen”
“Oh! I have one right here” Caroline said, as she patted her pocket for her trusted signing pen.
“Yes dear?” the lady asked, as Caroline frowned and patted her other pocket. It was empty, they both were. She never forgot her pen, she thought as she shrugged apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I seem to have left it in the truck, I’ll just run and get it” she said, stopped as the lady before her let out a tinkly laugh, as pure as silver bells.
“No need child, I am sure my handbag is just inside, if you can just bring the parcel, for my son, I will fetch a pen” Before she realized it, the woman was ushering her forward, her hand on her elbow, pulling her toward the threshold of the house. Caroline hesitated, before her foot crossed the thick silvery looking beam embedded in the floor, that strange nervousness taking over again.
“Come on dear, we don’t have all day” the voice was right by her ear now, and Caroline stepped forward, her boot connecting with the marble on the other side. A cold feeling slid over her as she stepped fully into the impressive entrance hall, turning to watch the lady enter beside her.
 She blinked.
 The lady was gone.
 She wasn’t behind her, or beside her anymore. That prickling returned, licking up her neck and back in flames of fear. The door was shut. She almost did a double take as she stared at it.
“Hello? Erm, Mrs…. Mikaelson?” she called, as she glanced down at the parcel in her hands. Nothing, no response, and a deep silence seemed to have fallen, broken only by the loud ticking of a grandfather clock at the end of the hallway. She swallowed, her heartbeat was jumping all over the place.
 “I’m just going to leave the parcel here… it’s fine” she called, her voice sounding fearful and small in the huge space.
 She spun around again, expecting to see someone behind her, the voice almost seemed to have whispered in her ear.
“Who’s there?” she whispered back, and felt something like panic close up her throat. Get a grip Forbes, she told herself, as she turned back to the door. I’ll just open the door, and leave, no need to make a drama about it, she told herself, and was almost able to keep that determined calmness until she reached out to the door.
 Smooth unblemished wood met her fingers. No handle. No lock, nothing that indicated how it opened. She felt the panic succeed in closing her throat and she coughed hard, her chest feeling like it was on fire for a few moments.
 “Caroline… come to me”
 She spun around, clutching the parcel against her chest, for what meager protection it offered. Her heartbeat was clanging in her ears now, and every breath seemed deafening in the silence.
 “Who’s there?” she called. Suddenly, she felt a vibration against her hip, and almost sobbing with relief, she remembered her cell. Pulling it out, she saw the colorful display, her friends having a picnic in the park 2 weeks ago, glowing bright against the rising dark of this house, then her heart dropped. Low battery. She quickly pulled up her recent calls and rang Matt. Waiting in silence, she heard the phone start to ring on the other end.
“Pick up Matt. Please please pick up” she muttered as she looked anxious around. There seemed to be a million shadowy corners in this tomb, she thought as her eyes glanced from one floor to the next.
“Hey, this is Matt, you know what to do” his voice, initially filling her with relief, was short lived as she realized it was his voicemail.
 “Good evening. You look a little lost”
 The new voice, male, English, seemed incredibly familiar to her for a moment, as she dropped her phone to her side and spun around.
 He stood in the doorway of a room just to the right of her. He was outlined by a soft red glow, alive and flickering, behind him, the only light she’d seen in the while place.
 “I… I’m delivering a package” she said, her voice sounding strange in her ears.
 “There was… a woman, she let me in, and then she… she left” Caroline explained, as the man in the door way shifted forward, and a shaft of the rising moonlight fell through the window and over the hard panes of his face. And what a face, Caroline found herself thinking. It was all artistic hollows and chiseled lines. The darkness seemed to paint his features, a strong brow, strong chin, a full mouth, and eyes that seemed to stare right through her.
“How rude of her, can I help?” he asked, his culture voice snaking around her feet, tugging them into motion, before she was quite sure she was moving.
“I, I just need a signature” she whispered as she drew closer. He stepped back, gesturing to the fire lit study behind him.
“I’ll just fetch a pen” he said, and turned, striding confidently into the room, and going over to the huge wood and leather desk that dominated one wall. Another was taken up with a huge fireplace, so massive she could have stood in it without bending, and the rest were books, shelves upon shelves of them.
She turned on the spot, looking at the leather bound spines around her. She felt suddenly so tired, as though she had run a marathon.
“Where can I sign” he asked, as he approached her her. Seeing him in full light, she took in his azure eyes and burnished golden hair, slightly curled, and his lips, pink, full. She tore her eyes away, as that same mouth turned up in a smirk. She was staring at the poor guy like he was a steak and she’d been on a juice cleanse. Yes, he was ridiculously attractive, but don’t drool, she told herself strictly, as she held out the parcel. His smirk deepened for a moment, almost as though he knew what she was thinking, before he reached out and took the box from her, using it to lean on to sign the paper slip.
“Is that all?” he asked, his long fingers passing over the delivery slip. She nodded, as she took it, biting her lip as his finger tip touched her wrist and a bolt of electricity went up her arm.
“Are you sure?” he asked, and she found herself looking up into his face, and then, meeting his stormy blue eyes, unable to look away.
“Yes, that’s all. Sorry for the delay”
“It is I who should apologies” he said, and for a moment, a look a lot like compassion passed across his aristocratic features.
“Well, thanks then” she said lamely, as he turned his head toward the fire, and took the box over to the desk. He stared down at it, and she realized she was about to embarrass herself again. Gathering her wits, she turned and started toward the door. She really needed a birthday drink now, she thought, as she resisted the urge to look back and see what he was doing.
‘Oh, do you think you can show me how to open then door, I’m having a bit of a blonde moment, and can’t seem to figure it out” she said, with a laugh, looking back and seeing him standing leaning against his desk, the box laid out before him.
“I’m afraid not Caroline.” He said, and she felt all those fearful instincts from before some slamming back into her, her adrenaline spiking.
“How do you know my name?” she asked, clenching her fists tightly.
He watched her a moment, making a leisurely survey, his smile deepening as he surveyed her from head to toe, an almost predatory gleam brightening his eyes. He gestured causally to the parcel.
“Its on this box” he said pleasantly, even as she frowned, that sleepy feeling, heavier than ever.
“What do you mean?” she asked, stepping forward, feeling the lightest sway in her step. He picked up the box and started toward her, and she stepped back automatically. He watched without feeling.
“You’re afraid of me. That’s good. It’s smart Caroline. I’m impressed” he said, as she felt hope slid away, her mind suddenly calculating the improbability that she’d be able to get to the door before him, never mind open it.
“What are you talking about??” she cried, feeling tears start to sting her eyes.
“All in good time, sweetheart. Now, aren’t you going to say thank you?” he asked, arriving before her, the box in his hand, the other reaching up to cup her cheek, as she felt as though her body was frozen to the spot, unable to react, unable to believe what was happening.
“Thank you for what??” she asked, as her eyes dropped to the box.
“Your birthday present of course. Happy 21st birthday Caroline.” He murmured, as he placed the box in her hands and she stared dumbly at the label, where her name and address was written out in spidery script.
“I’ve been waiting for you Caroline. Welcome home.”
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