#and hera is like i want his kingdom. but she can't manipulate him with her EvIL MaGiC bc he's a cinnamon roll to good for this world
nevraeldarya 5 months
which PJO gods do the brothers hate most and the reason why? top 5
i wanna hear the brothers roast tf out of the gods 馃槑
Poseidonas :
1- Poseidon :
Do I even have to explain this one ?
Poseidonas like Zeus is also the King of the Gods in his own right, so seeing his counterpart being an irresponsible idiot who goes whoring around instead of doing his duty as the God of the Sea and seeing him listening to Zeus rules as if he isn't a king himself makes him want to kill Poseidon.
Also the fact that he didn't take responsibility of Rhea disgusts him. (He will never admit it out loud)
2- Zeus :
Poseidonas doesn't mind ROR Zeus because at least despite his stupid tendency he does his job.
This Zeus on the other hand is a spoiled toddler who doesn't even know how to run a kingdom or care for his people, on top of that he throws his responsibility on demigods and call it a day, prefers to blame other instead of himself when its HIS FAULT.
3- Athena :
Her existence for 1, the fact that his counterpart didn't take care of her for 2, and her way of talking is irritating for 3, he wants her to disappear.
4- Dionysus :
You call THAT a god ?
5- Hades :
This Hades existence is an insult to his brother.
Aidoneus :
1- Bianca : (despite not being a god)
Aidoneus cares a lot about his family he can't imagine himself abandoning them to get away from responsibility, Bianca wanted out and he hated her ever sense, it is also one of the reasons why he wants to keep Nico.
2- Zeus :
Why are you king when you don't know how to rule and make logical laws ?? An insult to any king on the throne honestly.
3- Hades :
He only noticed Nico when the boy did something impressive, in Aidoneus opinion that is NOT how a parent-child relationship should be and he won't let it happen once he gets a physical form, reason N掳2 why he will take Nico.
4- Hera :
What the fuck is wrong with that woman ? He is baffled because he is used to his sister (ROR Hera) loving children no matter their origin, sure ROR Zeus doesn't cheat and the lot of kids they have all came from ROR Hera, but still had ROR Zeus cheated on her ROR Hera would have cut his dick off make a smoothie out of it and made her husband drink it as a punishment.
Hence why he is surprised that is one is : 1- weak to make a stand for herself, 2- blame the kids and the mistresses (90% of them didn't even want anything to do with Zeus)
Also she isn't a good queen or a mother. Last he checked ROR Hera didn't throw Hephaestus on purpose from Olympus.
5- Chiron : (despite not being a god)
Surprisingly this one is just a grudge because when Thalia got resurrect/came back Chiron attention shifted to Thalia (He didn't teacher her to manipulate the mist but taught Thalia), Rhea didn't notice much cause she doesn't care.
Also in Aidoneus opinion Chiron isn't that good of a teacher, he keeps information for the stupid kind of reasons.
Aidoneus whole beef with Chiron mostly started when Thalia came back, it was clear to him that he kind of wanted for Thalia to be the child of the prophecy, maybe because children of Zeus always won and did great things.
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lizzibennet 5 years
fics i鈥檝e written that you all should be sad over the fact you鈥檙e never reading
percabeth royalty/magic au (started out inspired by historical fiction as a royalty au only but really, the only way to make it work was to add magic, so it became kinda high fantasy? there鈥檚 balls and pretty dresses and fake dating (yes, i did) and people controlling elements and pining over each other and it鈥檚 gr8)
reynabeth royalty au (kinda same concept as the last one, except it鈥檚 set in a world where the magic aspect is more prevalent, and it鈥檚 more focused on a political story (cause the percabeth one is totally self indulgent romance, lol). LOTS OF PINING i love this one sm it鈥檚 like the older sister of the first one. it鈥檚 also the first multi chaptered fic i ever finished so like. yeah)
percabeth new girl au BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD WRITE IT? LIKE??? THE CONCEPT IS THERE!!!!!!! IT鈥橲 SO OBVIOUS JUST PUT THEM IN A ROMCOM SITUATION IT鈥橲 NOT THAT FREAKING HARD. anyway human au, annabeth, percy, grover and juniper all live together basically when i started this i just really wanted to give juniper a personality and kinda started revolving around that and evolving into this MONSTER, it has like 50 chapters, i have a problem, i鈥檝e been writing this for like 5 years)
jasiper/percabeth pride and prejudice au because SERIOUSLY! IT! IS! RIGHT! THERE! DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE I JUST WANTED TO READ SOME P&P PERCABETH AM I ASKING FOR TOO MUCH NO I REALLY AM NOT. also it鈥檚 jasiper/percabeth because i鈥檝e written two versions (please stop looking at me weird) jasiper is classic and percabeth is modern times. yh babey
#for more context if you're interested#first one: annabeth has a life debt to hera which means sometimes hera is like 'yo m8 gotta do this favor 4 me' annabeth is the stranged#daughter of athena which means she is ANGERY all the time. percy is the prince of pposeidon's land (which surprise is rivals with athena's)#and hera is like i want his kingdom. but she can't manipulate him with her EvIL MaGiC bc he's a cinnamon roll to good for this world#so she's like annabeth! distract him! make him fall in love w/ you so you weaken his mind! and annabeth's done worse things for hera so#she's like yh whatever i'll do it#you know what happens next lmao i love fake relationship So Much#why does annabeth have a life debt to hera??? why can't hera influence percy (or thalia...)??? why does athena hate annabeth???#GUESS U ALL WILL NEVER KNOW!#second one: reyna and annabeth are queens of kingdoms that have been at war for like eons and only recently became at peace w each other so#they try to navigate that#i did so much research for this one because i had no actual idea of what monarchies are like#anyway it's the slowest burn of slow burns. it's gr8 and it's kinda game of thronesy#which i didnt know cause i wrote it before i ever watched got#third one: ugh this one is too funny i loved writing it#i steal my friend's jokes for it all the time lmaoooo#basically: theyre all childhood friends who have to share a flat for reASONS (there are reasons but they're MSTERIOUS)#annabeth's a photographer percy and jason are part time models (i swear this has an explanation) grover is a teacher and juniper is reach#i lied this might be the slowest burn of all slow burns#AND THEY WERE ROOMATES! OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMATES#p&p au is pretty self explanatory#pjo
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the-firebird69 2 years
'The Sopranos' intro vs 'New Generation' Chevrolet commercial
The assholes all plan to make bombs these electric vehicles and collecting tons of them and they keep making them and they keep trying and I keep saying why not just get rid of these idiots and it'll make it a lot safer for my people and nobody's listening it's falling on deaf ears all the time said once they are gonw i find out they're gone. That's very simple they're nasty they're ornery they take a lot of time blaming about nothing they're distracting us and really they're not really worth it we can't manipulate them at all they just say no and they play the wrong and they start us arguing and start issuing orders left and right but I'm gone they're younger ones move in and they're not as cantankerous at least.
Somebody for my maneuver to go ahead right now and Hera is she says but she's voting separate I'm sending it
We have a huge amount of time here no we don't and I'm sending my vote
Living Army that goes with us and I'm sending my vote cuz I keep using stuff to get in the way all over the place and putting in a base here
Galactica Galacticius
I've had enough of these people and I'm putting my vote in
Nuada Arrianna
I've heard enough here for a lifetime I'm going to put on hold and I start to think what's he saying you said I'm in pain you have to hold on a minute it's still hurts and there's bothered him all the time with this old injury and tons of other stupid things I got to find some reason to help him no I've got plenty I'm putting my vote in
Frank Castle Hardcastle
We have time for the stupid vote but we have to do it so I'm turning mine in and of course we have to do this
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
We need to vote on everything because otherwise we won't do anything and he said that too so putting my vote in
Rah Isis
We need to turn the other cheek but I can't do that I'm putting my vote in and I'm going to join him in the attack and I'm so sick of this and I can get the worm in there and do the job to get everything out of the way he's been asking for me to do it for 2 weeks now I got to do it now and if anybody starts saying stuff you better watch the f*** out
Allah and Goddess Wife
I started thinking about his mom in Worcester picking up her jacket and she's going off to this cold place alone cuz that's what she was doing just thinking of it going to Utah alone leaving alone and she started to cry and she said what else can you do I said well he's sitting up there and they won't revive him he goes at this point is tell us how old are you let's just started laughing and all sudden she says this what's the matter with it well they're fighting hard it's rifles and she said oh kind of give her some encouragement and later on that day she said I can't stand anymore and fighting too slow is it that's true I started working on it if she was out Jesus Christ was out people thought he was in Florida and he's already in the United Kingdom and they can't get to him and he's in the same place Windsor Castle and I'm trying to get there and say it was George they figured it out right now some casting my boat to go ahead with this program here
Thor Freya
That's huge that announcement we're all casting our votes and we're all going to go ahead with this project we want to hit these stupid sons of pictures that's such jerks
We're going to go ahead and get rid of that dumb a****** and a whole bunch of times so stupid character doesn't come back I'm sick of seeing this ugly face and there's a bunch of them too bja the s*** head unless you're going to attack now the guy's a stupid idiot I'm watching over almost all of them and he's like oh don't forget me over here you want some out of there sending tons of people in take care of this problem here I do it anyways I did all over the world anyways we all voted we all voted to proceed I'm going to feed those kids you the whole time and feed them from the nights away satin when they feed them from these people and we need to feed them from the ocean battle and it's getting colder because we're pulling out some and he says please find a way to get here you really need to as part of your job and duty and Thor has everything you need to know on why and the proof and Fred does too if you're a lady Goddess who wants to know
0 notes
the-firebird69 2 years
'The Sopranos' intro vs 'New Generation' Chevrolet commercial
The assholes all plan to make bombs these electric vehicles and collecting tons of them and they keep making them and they keep trying and I keep saying why not just get rid of these idiots and it'll make it a lot safer for my people and nobody's listening it's falling on deaf ears all the time said once they are gonw i find out they're gone. That's very simple they're nasty they're ornery they take a lot of time blaming about nothing they're distracting us and really they're not really worth it we can't manipulate them at all they just say no and they play the wrong and they start us arguing and start issuing orders left and right but I'm gone they're younger ones move in and they're not as cantankerous at least.
Somebody for my maneuver to go ahead right now and Hera is she says but she's voting separate I'm sending it
We have a huge amount of time here no we don't and I'm sending my vote
Living Army that goes with us and I'm sending my vote cuz I keep using stuff to get in the way all over the place and putting in a base here
Galactica Galacticius
I've had enough of these people and I'm putting my vote in
Nuada Arrianna
I've heard enough here for a lifetime I'm going to put on hold and I start to think what's he saying you said I'm in pain you have to hold on a minute it's still hurts and there's bothered him all the time with this old injury and tons of other stupid things I got to find some reason to help him no I've got plenty I'm putting my vote in
Frank Castle Hardcastle
We have time for the stupid vote but we have to do it so I'm turning mine in and of course we have to do this
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
We need to vote on everything because otherwise we won't do anything and he said that too so putting my vote in
Rah Isis
We need to turn the other cheek but I can't do that I'm putting my vote in and I'm going to join him in the attack and I'm so sick of this and I can get the worm in there and do the job to get everything out of the way he's been asking for me to do it for 2 weeks now I got to do it now and if anybody starts saying stuff you better watch the f*** out
Allah and Goddess Wife
I started thinking about his mom in Worcester picking up her jacket and she's going off to this cold place alone cuz that's what she was doing just thinking of it going to Utah alone leaving alone and she started to cry and she said what else can you do I said well he's sitting up there and they won't revive him he goes at this point is tell us how old are you let's just started laughing and all sudden she says this what's the matter with it well they're fighting hard it's rifles and she said oh kind of give her some encouragement and later on that day she said I can't stand anymore and fighting too slow is it that's true I started working on it if she was out Jesus Christ was out people thought he was in Florida and he's already in the United Kingdom and they can't get to him and he's in the same place Windsor Castle and I'm trying to get there and say it was George they figured it out right now some casting my boat to go ahead with this program here
Thor Freya
That's huge that announcement we're all casting our votes and we're all going to go ahead with this project we want to hit these stupid sons of pictures that's such jerks
We're going to go ahead and get rid of that dumb a****** and a whole bunch of times so stupid character doesn't come back I'm sick of seeing this ugly face and there's a bunch of them too bja the s*** head unless you're going to attack now the guy's a stupid idiot I'm watching over almost all of them and he's like oh don't forget me over here you want some out of there sending tons of people in take care of this problem here I do it anyways I did all over the world anyways we all voted we all voted to proceed I'm going to feed those kids you the whole time and feed them from the nights away satin when they feed them from these people and we need to feed them from the ocean battle and it's getting colder because we're pulling out some and he says please find a way to get here you really need to as part of your job and duty and Thor has everything you need to know on why and the proof and Fred does too if you're a lady Goddess who wants to know
0 notes