#and here we see the authors thinly veiled beef with current teaching methods being absolute nonsense
“So wait a second, why don’t you have a wand? Aren’t you doing way more complicated magic stuff?”
“Well, yes,” Professor Argus replied, “but I’ve also had the experience and training to simply manifest by gesture. The wand is to help you channel your will while you’re still learning to control your power.” Getting only blank stares in response, he sighed and leaned back against the desk.
“Did your first-year teachers not explain the Hierarchy of Manifestation?”
“The what?”
“Oh dear,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose, “no wonder these poor kids are struggling.” He knew those new standards were fairy-farts, but this was far worse than expected. “Magic is led by the will of the caster and the inclination of their power. No matter how much I might want to, I cannot cast any kind of Divination spell because my power lies in metallicraft sorcery. The more confidence and control you have, the more complex your magic can be. Control, however, is the hard part for most young mages. Was it not you, Malken, who was scouted after your wild, untrained magic manifested as shrinking your neighbor’s sheep?”
“…yes, sir.”
“No shame in it, young man, it’s happened to all of us in our early days. Try explaining why your house stood up and walked away with your family still in it!” The student smiled awkwardly, but the reassurance did its job. “The wands you now hold are carved from Elfwood, which retains its ability to harness and absorb magical energy. They will channel your desire and direct it, allowing you to manifest without any unwanted side effects.”
He untied a small pouch from his belt and dumped the contents into his hand, an assortment of metal scraps and gears. Closing his fingers around it, he continued, “Once your control has been improved and your confidence heightened, you should be able to manifest by gesture — for instance, I believe that a flick of my hand will assemble these parts into a mechanical bug, and so they shall.” Indeed, a moment later the beetle twitched its wire antennae, gears whirring as it shifted about. He placed it on his desk to be set to work later.
“The most powerful mages can manifest their desires by sheer will alone — they think it will be, and it is so. It will be quite some time before you reach such a point; even I often struggle with it. Professor Vin can provide a suitable demonstration if you are so interested. Now! It does appear we’ve reached the end of our time together. Thank you for your attention today, and be ready to present your manifestation when we meet again in three days. Class dismissed.”
One of the students stayed behind — an inquisitive one. He liked them. “Will you be available later today? I have a question about how to do a Beasttongue manifestation in a, uh… small classroom.”
“We may discuss that whenever you like, my friend. I shall be here for quite some time, I believe; I will, of course, be sharing my thoughts with the Education Council on their new plan.” His voice dipped into a growl as he finished, the other half of his heritage not so easy to suppress this time.
“Thank you, professor!” they said, rushing out to rejoin their friends. Argus sighed, taking a few deep breaths until his teeth stopped feeling pointy.
“Well, little friend,” he said, turning to the metal beetle, “how would you like to deliver a message for me?”
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