#and hey look it’s Morton Sr
bowserphobia · 5 months
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sketches from the Koopa household
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ask-the-koopa-family · 9 months
Hey, miss Natsuko, I wanted to tell you something personal, if you want you can keep this private, so that only you read it
You see, on more than one occasion I have told you that your drawings have inspired me to create my own story and that continues to this day. Bowser's past has always been a mystery, which has caught my attention a lot. Seeing what a good father he has been in your au has inspired me to tell my own version but for reasons of time I have not been able to capture it yet, so I want to tell you a little about it, with you being the first person who would know.
"Bowser, being a prince of only 12 years old, attends a party in the neighboring kingdom with his father, King Morton Sr., where he meets the prince of that kingdom, whose name is Erdrick. There they become good friends, being the only children at that ceremony. Both being princes, they usually go to meetings with their respective parents, so they share more and more, becoming very close, often not being so formal and sharing like normal children. That's how time goes by and they grow together.
However, Bowser begins to feel that his friendship with Erdrick is more than a great friendship and becomes confused. Bowser didn't know it but his friend also felt the same way. When Bowser is 15 years old, he tries to confess his feelings to his friend, with a lot of fear in his body. Fortunately, his friend tells him that he feels the same and they hold hands. Unfortunately, someone discovers them and tells them to their parents, who disapprove and decide to separate them. Bowser is forbidden to speak to his friend and is severely punished by his father.
The following year, he meets Erdrick at a meeting between both kingdoms. There, Bowser is happy to see him again, but he finds out that his friend is getting married and that he plans to have children to inherit the throne. That destroys Bowser's heart, and he angrily demands explanations from Erdrick, reproaching him for having 'abandoned' him for someone else. There Bowser retreats and cuts off all friendship with Erdrick, who wanted to tell him the truth but didn't have the chance.
From that moment on, Bowser became more bitter, not wanting to know anything more about anything, he was really depressed. He even cut off communication with his father beyond the formal matters of royalty, always serious and with a face of few friends. Kamek notices this and speaks to King Morton, but fails to convince him otherwise. One day, he receives an invitation to Erdrick's wedding, since although they had fought, Erdrick wanted Bowser to be with him. However, with much resentment, Bowser burns the invitation with his fire breath. Thus, four years pass, Bowser being an 20-year-old young man.
When Erdrick's 19th birthday arrives and he decides to invite Bowser again. He, resigned by the insistence, decides to go, although not in the best of spirits, since the atmosphere would feel tense with just his presence and he thought that Erdrick would be indignant. Contrary to what Bowser thought, Erdrick greets him with a warm welcome, and Bowser asks for a moment to talk to him. At that moment, they look into each other's eyes and Bowser apologizes for his attitude. They both reconcile and give each other a big hug as friends, treating each other almost like brothers. After that, Erdrick introduces him to his firstborn, Mykey. Seeing him, Bowser is moved and carefully takes him into his arms. Erdrick asks him to be the godfather of his son, to which Bowser gladly accepts, smiling again. From that moment on, Bowser wants to have children of his own.
Time passes and they share again like old friends, even in the company of their own older children. However, tragedy returns to the life of Bowser, who witnesses an attack on the neighboring kingdom, seeing Erdrick and his wife die, leaving his two children orphaned. From there Bowser sponsors them and promises to take care of them, in honor of his best friend."
I'm sorry if it's been a lot of text, but I've had this idea for a long time and seeing your drawings always reminds me of that idea, especially Bowser with Cherry, who make a cute couple
Please continue with your story !! dont give up!!
You should do a fanfiction !!
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spookymartian · 2 years
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#puff puff yfm - 29 posts
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#deejay yfm - 12 posts
#squidkidava - 11 posts
#axel chains yfm - 9 posts
#yfm oc - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#istg nintedo u better give iggy and morton atleast a minute of being on screen or splatoon 3 is gonna be the last game i ever get from u
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Cannon cuz I said so
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90 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
136 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Made a meme lol
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141 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
I could go on for hours and hours about how much a little penguin medic who has anxiety has made me feel better when I'm sad :)
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Just look at him :)
But srsly, Peso is such a great comfort character like if he was real I'd protect him with my life/srs
208 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey guys rate my new hyperfixation out of 10
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jenna347-blog · 4 years
Ludwig Von Koopa Chapter 2(Fanfiction)
Sorry it took so dang long but going to post chapter 2-4 working on chapter 5 and 6.
Once entering the Koopa Kingdom, I can see that both Trevin and Gwen were still speechless, and jaws were almost on the floor. And I whispered to them. “You guys may want to close your mouths, or flies could make themselves at home.  And I’m also guessing now you two believe me now. They nod their heads yes. To be honest with you guys I couldn’t believe it either when my mom came through.” “This place is beyond beautiful Jen; this stuff has to be from the 14-16 century.” Gwen said while touching the statue. “True that this is the type of place that I could only dream of living, and don’t want to leave.” “But you two must promise me that you won’t tell a soul, even though no one won’t believe us probably. I told them with a concerned look on my face, and they both agreed with me. If we’re going to explore the castle better stick with me, just make sure not to make any noise.” But Gwen stops us halfway. “Don’t you guys hear that? Crap we need to hide.” There was a dark little area, the voices sounded familiar, then they stopped walking. “Wait Kamek don’t you smell that?” Bowser asked while a sniffing sound came from his nose. “I sure do Lord Bowser, smells like humans to me, 3 of them to be specific. Maybe they could be working for those Mario bros and Princess Peach. Do you think we should call the Koopa Troop?” “No, that won’t be necessary Kamek, you already know they may not make it out alive if they go towards the Roy or Morton rooms.” Bowser replies then have a very loud evil laugh. I knew we had to act quickly, motion them to follow me towards hopefully a safe room. “Dammit Jen, I can’t believe this is happening to us.” “Gwen, you think I knew this was going to happen to any of us.” “All I care about is not becoming Bowsers' next damn meal.” Trevin had a point, but before I could get one word in some type of force that brought us into this dark blue room, almost knocking us out. After coming too felt like I been hit with a brick, but I hear a familiar voice looking around trying to figure out where it was coming from. “Who are you three, and who sent you?” Asking with an angrily growl. “I’m so sorry my Lordship, it was my idea to come across your kingdom. You must Prince Ludwig Von Koopa the leader of the Koopalings, and Bowser’s eldest adopted children, if I’m correct.” Explaining while bowing and letting them know to also bow as well. Then he came out of the darkness, and I have to say I was very speechless. Because he looked like a 5’09” handsome god with those beautiful glowing bright blue eyes, not a hair out of place, his beautiful 16th-century German-style outfit. And that deep German accent was so dreamy, I didn’t what he was saying, because his perfect looks and voice were getting in the way of everything else. Then I felt Ludwig nudge my shoulder trying to bring me back to earth. “What I was paying attention to.” “Oh really, but I think you were daydreaming. I hope you like what you see my beautiful lady. While kissing my hand giving me that sexy smirk. Oh yes, how rude of me do you guys would like to have a seat with me and have some tea and German biscuits.” Before we could say anything, we heard somebody coming this way sounds like Bowser and Kamek, but I could be wrong though. “Bowser, I tried to ask Roy, Lemmy, Larry, and Wendy, if they had known anything about those mystery humans. But none of them knew what I was talking about, all there’s left is Ludwig, Iggy Roy, Bowser Junior, and Morton. The only thing is I’m afraid to ask Morton, no offense, but he’s not the sharpest crayon in the box.” “No, you’re right, Kamek. Gives a heavy sigh. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with that boy you know; just wish he was like Iggy or at least Ludwig.” “I know Lord Bowser, but I know with a lot of more training and schooling we could get him in the right path, but back to the humans part, Lord Bowser, if we’re going to get to the bottom of this we need to ask the 2nd-3rd command which your sons Junior and Ludwig. Our best luck is with Ludwig, the only reason why I’m saying this is because how old Junior is no disrespect in any means.” Kamek explains and the tone of his voice he was hoping that he didn’t offend King Koopa (Bowser Sr.). “I know what you mean, and you know I always wanted your opinion with anything that goes right or wrong with the kingdom. And you’re right, but we’ll have more luck getting information with Ludwig, but also with Iggy the only ones that’ll give us the right information.” Ludwig had to act fast, so he took his wand from his hair, made us invisible, and whispered to us that he’ll make us harder for them to smell us as well. (Knocking) “Hey son is it okay for us to come in, we need to talk about something just important.” “Yes sure, come on in, and have a seat. So, what’s the problem Bowser and Kamek?” “Well, we believe there are some humans that came here that could be spies from Princess Peach and the Mario Bros., and hopefully you’ll know anything about these “spies”. But if you don’t know we were going to ask Iggy.” Kamek explained. “What about the rest of the Koopalings and Junior?” “Well, I and Kamek already asked most of them, just not you, Iggy, Junior, Morton, and Roy. The ones we did ask including the Koopa troops, didn’t know anything about these humans.” Bowser replied while sipping some of Ludwig tea. “Well, maybe we could do PSA at the Koopa tower. Letting them know that they need to watch out and be a ready charge if needed.” “That’s my boy, you know what I may put you back into the 2nd command after all of this issue is dealt with. I know that you were upset that Junior took your position, but I was thinking about this for an awhile, and maybe you should be the next king of Koopa Kingdom.” “I’m very honored about this, but I do need to get back to writing, have to finish a musical script. Maybe we could talk about all of this after the PSA?” “I like the sound of that Ludwig, but we’ll let you go back to your music writing, don’t want to hold you up further. Let’s do the PSA maybe 2 days from now, sounds good to you?” Ludwig agreed with the idea while showing them the door. Taking out his wand doing a one-way mirror only he’ll see them, but they couldn’t see in, as soon they were too far away from his room and hallway. He turned us back to normal. “Are you okay my dear new beautiful Jennifer?” Ludwig asked while kissed me on my hand like a gentleman. “Yes, I’m doing fine.” “Maybe you two would like to be alone.” Gwen said while start laughing. “Well, I can always send you and Tevin back home, I and Ludwig could get to know each other better.” They all agreed on that idea, I returned them to our universe, and good thing nobody heard my device. “Forgot to mention, you won’t have to worry about me mentioning you are your friends. I maybe Bowsers adopted son, but nothing like him, don’t even think the rest of the koopalings are like him either. Plus, I can’t stand his biological son Junior either, none of us can besides his father.” “Maybe it’ll get better after you get your position back. Don’t let them get to you my dear Ludwig, everything would be okay.” “Maybe you’re right but other than that I would love to get to know you better my dear. Something about you makes me want you more, even though I just met you it feels like I knew you for a very long time my beautiful princess. Would you love to go on a dinner date, maybe tonight?” “Oh my god yes. I felt the same way with you, my handsome prince, I tried to keep my composer but some reason I felt this feeling that I never had before.” “I’ll set up a reservation to a restaurant that I know you’ll love, and not just that I’ll treat you like a princess that you deserved to be treated. But before we head to the restaurant, I need to make sure to treat your nails done, hair done, and a perfect dress.” Takes his wand out again, and got me all doll up, feeling like a true princess. “Oh my gosh, Ludwig, I look amazing.” “I’m so glad that you love it like I mention before I want to treat you like a princess, not just that spoil you like one too.” He explains while holding my chin towards his handsome face. Then he gives me a deep kiss, it was like heaven, never had a guy kiss me this passionate before. Then he made the call to the restaurant to make the reservation and trying to get a limo to take us to the restaurant in style. (phone hangs). “Ludwig, what about your family, would they expect something wasn’t right because they think you’re supposed to write your musical screenplay? Not just that what about the other Koopas see me with you.” “Don’t you worry about a thing my princess, I’ll take care of all of that, and to make sure that you've taken care of. Forgot to mention that the limo will pick us up in a couple of minutes, they’ll let me know when they’re on the way here then zap us. He explains while getting ready for our date, he still couldn’t believe this was going to happen. Like a dream come true, and then he received a text saying they were on their way to the castle. “Just have to make some changes to the room so they wouldn’t suspect anything.” Magically makes a doubleganger telling him that we’ll be back hopefully in an hour and pretend to write most of his plays. We were in the limo faster than I could blink, and this limo is something out of a fairy tales, feeling like a celebrity. “Would you like something to drink my dear?” “Sounds great, I’ll have some red wine, please. Pours both of us some wine. Mm, the best-tasting wine I ever head my dear Ludwig.” “I’m glad you enjoy it, my dear Jennifer.” “I wish met you sooner Ludwig, just never met a perfect gentleman like you in my life.” He kisses my hand. “I’m one of a kind, my dear. I’ll make sure that I would never leave your side no matter what, to me you’re more than gorgeous but more of perfection my love. Everything that a man like me needs, a woman in your caliber needs to be treated like a princess.” The driver had rolled down the back window. “Dear sir, we have arrived.” “Thank you, kind sir, and here’s your tip.” He gives the driver 50 golden coins. Ludwig goes to my side waits for the drive to open the door for me holding his arm, so he could escort me to the front door. “Welcome Lord Ludwig and milady. We hope you have a lovely night.” We both nod our heads, and when we once entered it was something only kings and queens could only dream of. “I could see you already love it, just the beginning. I come here plenty of times the food is top of the line, not just that, I normally come here to play some of my classical music always a hit my love.” When we went to our table, Ludwig pulls out my chair. Then snaps his finger, about 2 or 3 waiters came in a wink of a dime.
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S2;E20 ~ February 2, 1970
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Directed by Herbert Kenwith ~ Choreography by Jack Baker ~ Written by Milt Josefsberg and Ray Singer
A chance meeting with Ann-Margret leads to songwriter Craig performing with her on television.
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter)
Guest Cast
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Ann-Margret (Herself) is one of Hollywood's most enduring sex symbols, singers, and actors. She made her screen debut in 1961's A Pocketful of Miracles and followed up with the critically acclaimed film musicals State Fair and Bye Bye Birdie. After this episode of “Here's Lucy” she was nominated for Oscars for Carnal Knowledge (1971) and Tommy (1975). In February 1969, she appeared on “The Jack Benny Birthday Special”, which also featured Lucille Ball, although the two did not share  screen time. At the end of 1969, Lucille Ball guested on her special “From Hollywood With Love.”  In 2010, Ann-Margret won her first Emmy Award for her guest appearance on “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” 
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John O'Neill (Walter, Ann-Margret's Pianist)
Although billed as ‘Walter’ in the final credits, Ann-Margret calls him ‘Wally’ in the dialogue.
Gary Morton (Voice Introducing Ann-Margret) was a comedian who worked the famed ‘Borscht Belt’ in the Catskills Mountains. He met Lucille Ball shortly after her divorce from Desi Arnaz and they married in November 1961. At her request, Morton gave up his nightclub career and became a producer of “The Lucy Show.” Morton also served as a warm-up comic for the show’s studio audience. He played the Emcee in “Lucy and the Andrews Sisters” (S2;E6) and will make two more on-camera appearances on “Here’s Lucy.” Morton passed away in 1999.
Throughout the episode, Morton’s loud guffaw can be heard on the soundtrack. 
Ann-Margret's back-up dancers (3 men and 3 women) perform uncredited.
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The much anticipated episode was the subject of a TV Guide "Close Up”. It mentions that the singer was repaying Ball for appearing on her earlier special...
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“Ann-Margret: From Hollywood With Love” in December 1969. In it, Ball played herself and an autograph hound named ‘Celebrity Lu’ (above). 
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The date this episode first aired (February 2, 1970) the 27th Annual Golden Globe Awards was held. Lucille Ball was nominated for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy Series, but lost to a tie between Carol Burnett and Julie Sommars in “The Governor and J.J.” John Wayne also won for True Grit. Both Burnett and Wayne were guest stars of Lucille Ball’s on her sitcoms. Joan Crawford (who guest-starred on “The Lucy Show”) received a life-time achievement award. 
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Two days later, on February 4, 1970, Lucie and Desi Jr. appeared with their father on NBC’s “Kraft Music Hall”. Vivian Vance and Bernadette Peters were also part of the cast. Desi Sr. performed "Babalu" and "Cuban Pete" and teamed with his children on "The Straw Hat Song”.  Lucille Ball does not appear. 
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In the DVD introduction to the episode, Desi Arnaz Jr. says that he had a crush on Ann-Margret since he was ten years old.  At the beginning of the episode, Kim says her brother is “barely seventeen.”  This was true for Desi Jr. when the show was being filmed, but he celebrated his 17th birthday two weeks before the show first aired. 
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Lucy Carter describes her aspirations for her children:
KIM: “Mom wants me to be a wife and a mother.” LUCY: “Yes. And in that order.”
Lucy wants Craig to be a doctor, while he wants to be a songwriter. 
LUCY: “We’ll compromise. You’ll be the only songwriter in the world to make house calls.” 
In the early part of the 20th century, physicians often visited the home to treat patients, a practice that is virtually unheard of in most parts of the country today. 
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The ad soliciting new songs Craig finds in the newspaper gives an address of 718 North Gower. In reality, this is the address of Paramount Studios (formerly Desilu) where the show was filmed.
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Lucy hopes Craig becomes as famous as Simon & Carbunkle. Kim corrects her: Simon & Garfunkle. In 1970 Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle released the album “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Lucy later says Craig sings as well as Engelbert Pumpernickle. Craig corrects her: Engelbert Humperdinck. In a previous episode, Lucy pronounced the English pop singer's name “Englebert Dumperhinck.” Lucy is turning into a regular Mrs. Malaprop!  
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Craig calls himself “this generation's Cole Porter.”  Cole Porter (1891-1964) was a songwriter who wrote both lyrics and music. He was responsible for the score of DuBarry Was A Lady, a Broadway musical that was filmed in 1943 with Lucille Ball. The show included the Cole Porter song “Friendship,” which Lucy Ricardo later sang with Ethel Mertz in “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” (ILL S3;E3, above).  
When Craig needs $100 for his song to be published, he wants to ask his Uncle Harry. 
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LUCY: “Uncle Harry wouldn't have given Francis Scott Key $100 for 'The Star Spangled Banner.'”
“The Star Spangled Banner” is the national anthem of the United States. On September 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key (1779-1843) wrote a poem which was eventually set to music by John Stafford Smith. It was adopted as the anthem in 1931. 
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Wally, Ann-Margret’s arranger, suggest she sing Craig’s song as a duet - perhaps with Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin. Frank Sinatra’s hit single from 1969 called “My Way” re-entered the charts in 1970, spending nearly a hundred weeks in the top forty. In 1970 singer Dean Martin, who was one of Lucille Ball’s favorite performers, was still producing new episodes of “The Dean Martin Show” (above) as well as starring in the feature film Airport. 
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On her coffee table is a copy of the December 1966 issue of House & Garden Magazine. Ann-Margret obviously doesn’t have much time for reading! 
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Lucy Carter seems to have no qualms about leaving her 16 year-old son alone in the apartment of a 28 year-old woman known to the world as a ‘the original sex kitten’!  Offstage, however, Lucille Ball was not quite as understanding when Desi Jr. took up with 23 year-old divorcee Patti Duke, whose onscreen reputation was considerably more wholesome. In tabloid press, Lucille Ball was quoted as saying “Leave My Son Alone...He’s Only 17″ and “Patti Duke Used My Son and Victimized Us”. 
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When Ann-Margret is slipping into “something more comfortable” (an age old film and TV trope intimating seduction), Craig practices his dancing alone to the strains of “I'm in the Mood for Love” written by Jimmy McHugh in 1935. Ann-Margret covered the song in 1962 on her album “On the Way Up.” While Ann-Margret’s version of the song was on RCA Records and had lyrics, the LP Craig selects has the Capital Records label (the rainbow ring) and is instrumental only. Coincidentally, Guy Lombardo included the song on his 1958 release on Capitol Records, although the version heard is not that cover.  
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While Ann-Margret is off changing, Craig has three wordless minutes on screen alone to imagine his evening with the noted sex symbol. Here, Desi Jr. does some very funny and charming silent acting depicting the nerves of a first romantic encounter. Until she breaks the spell by appearing in a chenille robe, fuzzy slippers, and curlers! 
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Craig and Ann-Margret perform the song "Country Magic" which in reality was not by Craig or Desi Arnaz Jr. but by Steve March, the son of Mel Torme and adopted son of Arnaz family friend, Hal March. 
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Steve March appeared onscreen as one of Craig's high school friends in “Lucy and the Bogie Affair” (S2;E13) and will appear in a future episode guest starring Sammy Davis Jr. When Craig referred to his friend Steve in past episodes, this is likely who he has in mind.  
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The pink paisley Fender telecaster guitar Craig plays during his number with Ann-Margret belonged to Jimmy Burton (below), Elvis Presley's number one guitar player. 
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Burton actually played the guitar solo on the soundtrack. 
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Unusually, after leaving Craig with Ann-Margret, the Lucy character is not seen again until the final fade-out. Lucille Ball is off-screen for 10 minutes of her own 24-minute show!  
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In December 1968, just as “Here’s Lucy” was starting, Lucille Ball and Ann-Margret shared the cover of Coronet Magazine. Lucy wrote about her teenagers while Ann-Margret modeled see-through fashions. 
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Lucy Carter wants Craig to be a doctor, not a musician. On “I Love Lucy” Lucy Ricardo wanted Little Ricky (Keith Thibodeaux, above) to be a doctor, not a musician!  
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When Ann-Margret changes into “something more comfortable” she comes out wearing the same blue chenille bathrobe that Lucy wore in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie's Fun Farm” (S1;E23, left). It looks very similar to the one that Vivian Vance wore in 1952’s “Breaking the Lease” (ILL S1;E18, center) and other episodes. It is likely that it is the same robe from the Desilu wardrobe racks!  
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A year later, Ann-Margret is mentioned as one of the wishes Craig would ask of a magic lamp in “Lucy and Aladdin’s Lamp” (S3;E21). Craig must have forgotten this lengthy encounter when he mentioned his wish. 
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Both Lucille Ball and Ann-Margret were on hand for “America’s Tribute to Bob Hope” on January 2, 1988. 
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In 2000, Lucie Arnaz and Steve March-Torme (author of “Country Magic”), both children of megastars, did a cabaret act together. This was March’s cabaret debut. As of this writing, two decades later, they are both still performing in cabaret - just not together. 
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Memory Lapse! Lucy tells Ann-Margret that the last time Craig sang in public it was “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Actually, Craig sang in his school musical in “Lucy and Carol Burnett” (S1;E17, above), in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie's Fun Farm” (S1;E23), as Bing Crosby in “Lucy and the Andrews Sisters” (S2;E6), and in “Lucy and the Generation Gap” (S2;E12) – all in front of audiences!  
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Hey Lady! At the end of “Country Magic,” Lucy bursts from the wings and shouts to the studio audience “My son the songwriter!”  If this was one of Ann-Margret’s television specials (as was earlier mentioned), a random mother bragging about her son is not something you’d expect to see!
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Can I Have a Drum Roll... Please? Oddly, there is absolutely no mention of Craig’s former musical obsession - the drums! A skilled percussionist in real life, there were many episodes in which played drums and even a couple that revolved around it. 
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This episode is a terrific showcase for Desi Arnaz Jr. He does his best with the comedy, but really shines in the musical number, where his dancing is as his sharp as his musicianship. Ann-Margret seems to be enjoying herself and the episode is fun to watch, although not particularly funny.
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spookymartian · 2 years
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#axel chains yfm - 9 posts
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Longest Tag: 136 characters
#istg nintedo u better give iggy and morton atleast a minute of being on screen or splatoon 3 is gonna be the last game i ever get from u
My Top Posts in 2022:
Cannon cuz I said so
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90 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
136 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Made a meme lol
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141 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
I could go on for hours and hours about how much a little penguin medic who has anxiety has made me feel better when I'm sad :)
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Just look at him :)
But srsly, Peso is such a great comfort character like if he was real I'd protect him with my life/srs
208 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey guys rate my new hyperfixation out of 10
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304 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
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Hey bowser we've seen what your father looks like Morton Sr well whats your Mother look like and whats her name?
(( well here’s a pic of Bowser and his family when he was young ! his mom is at the left !))  https://ask-the-koopa-family.tumblr.com/post/163133005020/bonjour-natsuko-tu-peux-me-dessiner-une-photo-de
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