#and his like three lines were as cringy and stupid as id hope they were
yuichi-ro · 2 years
the second part to the hunter story;;; god its all he deserves all the love and happiness, pls baby boy. i cannot wait till the next episode i just wanna know whats up with him i hope he is getting the support he needs and deserves 😭
official tested for covid now and quarantined. throat hurts like hell, especially swallowing and coughing is the absolute worst ugh. but the rest is fine so i really shouldn’t complain. have a shit ton of throat stuff now so hopefully i can just pump myself full the next few days and survive.
nothing much else going on, need to find that creative flow again while i struggle w this shiet, in the meantime i just wanna say that kisaki was the cutest fugging kid ever and chubby cheek kisaki owns my entire heart.
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i have been spending too much time on pinterest and all these cute comics;;
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desperately need more simp kisaki
and bc i like u, have some dad! hanma
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hope u and ur fam have a pleasant day!
biting my nails knowing the next episode will fuck off in the other direction probably and we can all suffer and chew our nails down to literal stumps knowing Hunter is out there alone and freaking out bc Terrace wants us to suffer 😩 also rewatched last weeks episode at the gym today and really just...holy fucking hell we really said racism and genocide and repeated murder ffs
not me when I'm sick fucking slugging back cough medicine and doubling up on cold & flu meds way more often than I'm supposed to. I am not a good sick person I'd rather give birth than have a cold/flu/covid and I'm not even exaggerating. My thoughts are with you babe bc I'm a horrid sick person turned Sanzu level drug addict when I'm sick 😩
i'm sorry but kid Kisaki was so fucking adorable in like the ugliest puppy kinda way?? That's the only way I can explain it?? The middle part and the glasses and being so tiny I just wanted to pinch his cheeks?? Hinata was a fool to pick Takemichi just look at his smooshable face I wanna smoosh him 😤 also not slowly turning my wife into a kisaki fucker so hanma and I can get hitched no problem asdfghjkl
also that comic- HOW SHORT DO PEOPLE THINK OTHERS ARE?? KISAKI IS LIKE FUCKING 5'3" HE IS SO SHORT SO TO BE LEVEL WITH HIS TITTIES YOU'D HAVE TO BE LIKE- LIKE 4'5 CMON FFS LET PEOPLE BE TALL WEAK ASS FANARTS. I only accept shorter y/ns in like, Hanma art or Hakkai art or ig Draken and ish Ran. Fucking hell Kisaki is 5'3...besides that, it's cute I cannot lie
Hanma with a blue Ergo baby 🥺🥺🥺 My son had a blue Ergo baby too but it was light blue but identical to that in every other way 😭 I'm sorry but man owns my heart. This latest chapter he's such a pain in the ass, he's a fool, an utter idiot with a big mouth and barely anything to back it up. I love him. I'll give him a baby. He's a bastard and I love that bastard I'm gonna slap him so fucking hard how dare he just not exist
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - Lotte World
Previous Chapter: Happy Halloween Word Count: 4,498 Summary: It’s Melanie’s birthday and of course she finds a way to invite the boys to come celebrate it with her and her sister. Serena thinks it’s unwise, but then again, nothing could go wrong. Right?
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
i think at this point is where it gets kinda cringy... well i think so since now the relationship between the pairs have been exposed in a sense. lol anyways, i’ve never been to Lotte World so i dunno how things go about and such so yeah, just did a bit of research and from what i’ve seen when idols hae gone there. so yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
"It's weird." Serena commented as she and Melanie entered inside Lotte World. "Why?" Melanie asked with a puzzled look. "Because you would never go to an amusement park for your birthday." Serena reasoned. "You always do a dinner thing." "So? First time for anything." Melanie smirked at her as Serena rolled her eyes. "So, what you wanna do, birthday girl?" "I dunno. I've never been here." "Me, too. Chloe and Ana told me if I ever come is to check out the World Monorail, the live shows, and the stands that sell the cute hair accessory and what not." "Hmm, Ana did tell me that. You choose." 'I guess since there's a lot of people here."
Serena remembered something. "Let's ride The Conquistador." "Isn't that like the viking?" Melanie asked as she followed Serena who was heading towards the said ride. 'Yeah. We definitely have to sit on the ends to feel higher." "But aren't you afraid of heights." "Yeah, but I don't mind the thrill of it though." Melanie looked around not feeling the ride and suggested something else. "How about we just do something first before going on the The Conquistador?" The younger woman looked around again and grinned. "Let's go ice skating." "We've never ice skated before." "It shouldn't be that hard from roller skates. Right?" "If you've actually roller skate before. Have you?" "Yeah, but I'm not steady. You?" "Can't skate for shit. So still wanna do it?" "Not really."
Melanie backtracked. "Wait, what was the first thing Chloe suggested." "The World Monorail?" Serena asked. "Yeah. Let's do that first, but what is it again?" "It's a ride where it takes you around Lotte World within the inside called Adventure and later outside which is called Magic Island." "That's it?" "Yeah, Melanie. That's basically it. It's a scenic view and you can see everything as it takes you all around." Serena grinned. "We can do it twice. Once when it's still light out and twice when it's lit up by lamp light. Chloe said both views are lovely and give you different vibes." Melanie nodded in agreement. "Alright then, Serena. Let's ride the World Monorail." "Okay, cool." Serena smiled as the sisters headed to the third floor of Adventure.
"Was it yours or mine idea to do the whole Jungle Adventure again?" Serena asked her sister as the duo were in the restroom drying themselves off after going on the ride through rapids inside a dark cave a few minutes ago. "You." Melanie confirmed annoyed. "Seriously, this is the last time we're doing this." She shook her head while patting herself dry. "I can't believe we did it twice now and that one guy wouldn't stop screaming in my ear. A grown ass man, too." "At least you got a guy because I got a girl, Melanie. A teenager." Serena countered with with an annoyed looked while also patting herself dry. "I hope I don't go deaf." "Yeah, yeah." Melanie responded as the two sisters left the restroom and looked about the theme park.
Serena was about to suggest the The Conquistador again as her sister kept rejecting it when Melanie's phone went off and she answered it. "Hello?" Serena tuned her out as she made a face while walking over to the railing to look below as the duo were on the third floor. The older woman was casually people watching when her sister joined her. "Wanna try out ice skating?" Melanie asked. "Do we have to?" Serena whined as she leaned against the railing. "My ass is gonna fall all over the place." "Yeah." "But I don't want to." "Who's birthday is it again?" "Not mine." "Exactly. Now let's go." Melanie ordered as she grabbed Serena's arm and dragged away. "I hate you." Serena groaned as Melanie laughed. "Sure you do, but you'll see. 
"Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Serena and Melanie let out in excitement as the Gyro Drop dropped the duo along with the other riders before reaching the bottom several seconds later. "Whoo!" Serena gushed as she undid her seat-belt. "Should have told me we were going her instead of the ice rink." "Yeah, but you would've run away upon seeing GOT7." Melanie stated already unbuckling her seat-belt as Serena nodded. "True. Were they the ones that called?" "Yeah. BamBam called me to tell me that he and the others had arrived and wanted to meet up instead of wandering around like idiots." "That's cute they found time to come celebrate your birthday though." "I know right and tomorrow's Yugyeom's birthday too." "Oh, right, it is."
Serena looked about her and spotted the idols in their disguise off in the distance while casting her sister a look as they made their way towards the group. "You think they'll be sad if I ran away?" "Hella sad." Melanie answered as she narrowed her eyes at Serena. "You're gonna run, aren't you?" "Hell yeah!" Serena answered as she took off in another direction leaving Melanie to look after her diminishing figure. "This girl." She shook her head with a laugh. "Imagine this. Two random fangirls ditching GOT7 at Lotte World." "What?!" Jackson exclaimed from in front of Melanie as she diverted her attention to GOT7 upon arriving where they were standing.
"You're gonna ditch us?" The idol continued speaking. "You can't ditch us. That's messed up. We came to celebrate your birthday, noona" "I was just thinking out loud." Melanie explained with a small laugh. "Sorry, Jackson." "Actually, if given the chance, Jyongri noona would do it in a heartbeat." Mark interjected with a chuckle. "Don't you think?" He looked at the other members as Melanie nodded. "She did, Mark, just now." Melanie's phone went off and she looked at the caller's ID and then at GOT7 "It's unnie." She laughed before answering the call. "Hello?" But she had difficulty in hearing what Serena was saying.
"What? Say that again? The outdoor? What? I can't really hear you. I dunno what you're saying." Melanie told Serena through the phone as she tried to interpret what her sister was trying to say. "Dance? Dan? Stage? Garden? Dude, sorry, but I really don't get what you're trying to tell me. I don't understand anything." Melanie didn't hear anything and looked down at her phone and saw that her sister had hung up on her. "She hung up." She felt her mobile vibrate and saw a text message notification pop up. "Oh, she texted instead." Melanie opened the message and read it out loud for all of them to hear although it was written in English.
"Ran into your three Seouldae buddies. Told me your other two Seouldae buddies ditched them at the last minute because they heard from a few fans that GOT7 is at Lotte World. Kinda stupid." "What does she mean by 'kinda stupid'?" Jackson asked interrupting Melanie as she explained and Mark translated for the others to understand. "She means that it was stupid of the two girls to ditch their three friends because of celebrities." The others nodded once understanding as Melanie continued reading and Mark continued to translate. "Come to the Garden Stage. Your friends will explain everything better. I'm still processing. See ya soon!"
Melanie reached the end of the message as her eyes fell onto GOT7. "What am I gonna do with you guys?" "You said you weren't going to ditch us!" Jackson whined like a child. "Don't be such a kid, Jackson." Jaebeom scolded his fellow member, but Jackson didn't care as he tried to reason with the others. "She said she wasn't gonna ditch us." "Can we come with you, noona?" Yugyeom asked. "Yeah, we promise we'll behave." Youngjae added with a soft smile. "If you want us to." Jinyoung added soon afterwards. "Please say yes!" BamBam pleaded. Mark didn't say anything, but he gave Melanie a reassuring smile who grinned at them all. "Let's go."
"Wonnie!" Seolbi, Dasol, and Haeryong exclaimed upon seeing Melanie walking up up to them with Serena standing off to the side. "Thanks, Jyongri unnie." The trio thanked her. "Yeah, thanks a lot." "You're welcome." Anyways, now that you're here, Chaewon unnie." Seolbi said while facing Melanie again. "We can fill you in since we still have less than two hours before the show." "What show?" Melanie asked as Dasol grinned. "We'll explained everything when we show you. C'mon." She and Seolbi dragged Melanie off somewhere while Haeryong smiled at Serena. "If you could find the head accessories, then that would be great, Jyongri unnie." "Will do." Serena chirped as Haeryong smiled. "Thanks! "Welcome and good luck!" "Thanks!"
Haeryong ran off to join the other three as Serena was left alone as she momentarily forgot about GOT7 being there as well until her eyes landed on the seven figures around her when she did become aware of their presence. "Oh, right. You guys are here, too." She muttered in English, but the English speakers heard her. "Wow, you forgot about us?" Jackson said in Korean as Serena laughed. "No." "Don't lie, noona." BamBam grinned as he came up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she rolled her eyes at his behavior. "There's like two hours or so to kill until the girls perform. What do you guys wanna do?"
"I guess it isn't as fun if none of them wanna do any of the rides because they're scared of heights or don't want to wait in line." Serena laughed sadly to herself as she continued to follow the boys around aimlessly as they were now in Magic Island. "At least it's nice out." "Are you okay?" A voice asked and Serena turned her head to see GOT7's visual walking beside her. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "I dunno. You just seemed quieter." Mark shrugged as Serena laughed. "Coming from the guy who's just as quiet." Touche." "It's nothing. There will be another time, I guess." Serena smiled at him before walking ahead to enjoy the scenery.
"Why don't you just lead noona to a random ride so she doesn't keep looking so sulky while pretending to hide it behind a smile, Mark hyung." Jinyoung suggested coming to walk alongside his fellow member a second later. "Or I can do it." Jinyoung added with a playful smile as Mark cast a look at his fellow member before returning his gaze back onto Serena. "You act like I haven't thought of that already." "You better decide fast. We should be heading back to the Garden Stage in less than half an hour." Jinyoung advised "I know. I've been thinking about it since an hour ago." "I guess you don't have to think since noona found something else to do."
Mark looked to where Jinyoung had pointed and saw Serena browsing around the Castle Cart with the other members and the duo joined a moment later hearing Serena and BamBam's conversation. "Ah, no, Bam. I want a toy. These headbands aren't my style." Serena rejected the small light pink bow headband that he tried to put on her. "Aww, c'mon. You'll look super cute." BamBam tried to convinced Serena in weaing it, but she took it off. "I don't do cute. That's your department." She countered as she placed the item onto his head instead that was still covered by the hood of his jacket. "There. That's where it should be. On your head, Bam."
"Maybe noona will like this color instead?" Yugyeom suggested as he placed a blue with white polka dots bow on her head. "Don't think so, Yugi." Serena laughed as she took it off and placed it onto the youngster's head instead. "That looks way better on you than it did on me." "Bunny noona!" Youngjae exclaimed with laughter as he placed a red sequin and white bunny ears one onto her head afterwards. "I like bunnies, but no thanks, Youngjae." Serena rejected as she removed the bunny ears and put the item onto Youngjae's head. "Choi Bunny. Cute." "Noona as a cute puppy!" Jackson beamed once he placed the said item onto her head.
Serena laughed. "That's the fourth one already." She was feeling overwhelmed by their behavior, but continued to go along with it as she didn't want to ruin their fun. "I don't think a puppy fits me, Jackson." Serena removed the head accessory and placed it onto Jackson's head with a smile. "Wang Puppy. How cute." "How about a tiger, noona?" Jinyoung suggested as he gently placed the item on top of Serena's head with his signature smile. "Haha, no thanks, Jinyoung, but it works for you." Serena declined with a laugh as she took off the accessory and placed it onto Jinyoung's head afterwards. "Oh yeah, that's better."
"Mama tiger." She cooed as she felt another headband being placed onto her head a moment later. "How about a small feline like a cat this time?" Jaebeom said with his eye-smile as Serena chuckled upon taking off the item. "Just because I wore two cat outfits last month, Jaebeom, doesn't mean anything." She placed the white cat ear accessory onto the leader's head. "It fits you so much better. Cat Lover Im." She giggled before feeling the same feeling she's been experiencing for six times already. "I got it. You can be a giraffe." Mark laughed upon placing the head piece onto her head. "Uh, no, I don't think a giraffe fits me either." Serena chuckled as she took off the item and put it on Mark.
"Now you're the giraffe." She smiled at him, but felt her chest acting weird and dismissed it by looking at all of them with a bright smile despite being sulky a moment ago. "Ha, this is kind of fun. Y'all look cute." Serena remembered something when she spotted GOT7 all wearing headbands. "Oh, right. I need to get headbands for the girls. Duh." She then walked over to scan the other headbands as she muttered to herself like she was doing a checklist of sort as she went. "A sparkly purple one for Dasol. A sparkly green one for Haeryong. A sparkly pink one for Seolbi. And yup, the last one. A sparkly blue one for Chaewon. Lucky, lucky, this girl is."
Just as she was about to walk to the cashier to make her purchase there was something that instantly caught her eye. "Ooh, what's this?" She let out amusingly as she reached out to take the frog-like headband with her free hand. "What's this switch for?" She asked to no one in particular just as the frog's eyes began to light up upon messing with the button. "Oh, cool. Buying this so they can spot me afterwards." She chuckled as she continued to make her way to the register while GOT7 talked among themselves upon seeing Serena grabbing the frog headband.
"So, in the end she chose a frog that lit up?" Jackson deadpanned. "Yeah, seems like it." Jinyoung replied with a smile. "At least she didn't get mad at us for trying them on her." Yugyeom stated with a small smile. "I thought she would get angry." Youngjae admitted with a nervous laugh. "Angry about what?" Serena asked once she joined them again "About the whole headband situation." BamBam told her and Serena nodded. "Let's get back to the Garden Stage. It should be starting soon." She saw the boys removing their head accessories and stopped them. "Don't take them off. I bought them so you guys can still wear it." She smiled at them with her headband still lit. "Let's go."
Serena turned away and began to head towards the direction of the Garden Stage. "Maybe I should have chosen a different headband." Jaebeom remarked to no one in particular while petting the cat ears. "You're telling me." Mark said as he re-adjusted his giraffe headband while Serena came back to check up on them when none of them followed after her. "C'mon before I leave y'all here." She laughed before speaking again. "I need to make sure the girls get the headbands before they perform and I don't know when it's their turn. So let's go." Serena urged them as she turned around once more and walked ahead of them again. "Hurry up." She called behind her which prompted the boys to hurry after her.
"This kid." Melanie commented in English upon spotting her sister with the litted headband as Serena grinned proudly. "Thank you, Jyongri unnie." Haeryong thanked the older woman as Seolbi shot her an apologetic expression. "Yes, thank you so much, unnie. I thought I had them with me, but I guess Yerim and Dayoon took the bag that they were in when they left together." "It's all good." Serena dismissed them as she handed the extra headbands to four of the GOT7 members. "Sorry, but I need to use the toilet. So I'll have the boys put it on for you girls instead." "The boys?" Dasol asked confused. "What do you mean, unnie?"
Serena pointed a thumb behind her. "They're friends." She introduced them from left to right like it was nothing while keeping a straight face. "Girls meet Chris, Justin, Elliot, Michael, Ian, Barney, and Jeffrey." The boys were about to say something, but Serena spoke again so that she could divert the attention elsewhere. "I believe you all met Jeffrey before during that one group date." "Yeah." The trio said as they eyed Melanie knowingly to which she rolled her eyes at them before looking pass Serena and the trio waved at the seven figures. "Hi." "Hi." The boys waved back politely after getting over the way they were introduced despite some curiosity.
"Need to use the toilet." Serena said to the girls before facing the idols. "I'll be back. I'm not ditching y'all." She faced the female quartet and did a fighting pose. "Hwaiting! I'll be bac, but text me how many acts are before you guys." Serena dashed away leaving the group of eleven to handle the current situation and the quartet announced their colors. "Seolbi, pink," Seolbi announced happily with a raised hand followed by a smiling Dasol, "Dasol, purple," with Haeryong slightly jumping in excitement, "Haeryong, green," and lastly with Melanie chuckling, "Chaewon, blue," as the quartet watched to see which boy had their respective headband.
Youngjae slowly made his way to Seolbi while Jackson confidently walked to Dasol with a friendly smile. Yugyeom shyly took tentative steps towards Haeryong compare to Jaebeom who casually stepped towards Melanie without hesitation. "Thank you, Elliot-ssi." Seolbi thanked Youngjae once he placed the pink bow head accessory onto her head. "Do I look cute?" She asked playfully while puffing her cheeks and doing the double peace signs while she was at it causing Youngjae to laughed nervously out of habit, but he nodded his head a few times at her question a few seconds later before spinning around and walking back to the others.
Jackson placed the item onto Dasol's head as she re-adjusted it to her liking afterwards. "Thanks, Michael-ssi." "Welcome. It fits you." Jackson told her as Dasol smiled widely. "I think so, too." Jackson shot Dasol a thumbs up as she did the same before he turned away to stand with his members. Yugyeom grew flustered as he tried to put the headband onto Haeryong as he was feeling extremely shy. "It's okay, Chris-ssi. I can do it myself if it makes you feel better." Haeryong assured the male as she took a hold of the head piece and put it on herself. "Thank you though." "Ah, yeah, you're welcome. It looks really nice on you." Yugyeom responded as he shuffled away to join the others.
Jaebeom took quite a while compare to the other three as he was spending time in fixing Melanie's hair from out of her face before tenderly placing the headband onto her head. "There we go." He smiled proudly. "Thank you, Jay-Jeffrey." Melanie laughed at her close mistake in calling the idol by his real name as she smiled at Jaebeom a second later. "Haha, thanks." "You're welcome. Oh, wait." Jaebeom said as he once again swept a few strands of her hair out of the way and re-adjusted the headband to his liking. "Okay, now that's much better." "Alright, Jeffrey I'm sure it's fine the way it is, really, but thank you." He cast her his signature smile. "You're welcome, noona." He returned to the others a moment later.
"OK!" Seolbi announced as she linked arms with the other three. "We need to be on standby. We'll be the final contestant and there's like a total of eleven acts altogether. Cheer for us, okay. We're Seouldae Beauties." Seolbi informed them as she ushered them away. "Good luck!" The boys called out to the girls as they watched them climb up onto the Garden Stage and disappearing behind it later. Soon enough an older guy appeared on the stage who must have been the MC for the segment. "Let's go a spot to watch the performances." Jinyoung said as the group made their way to the area to get good spots so they could see the acts better.
Later Serena found the boys thanks to Mark messaging her. "Thanks." "Welcome." "How many has passed?" She asked as BamBam answered her. "This is the fifth act. There's eleven altogether and they're the last one." "Alright, cool. I got time." She pulled out her phone and began messing with the setting so she could record the girls' performance. "Are you gonna record?" Jackson asked Serena as she nodded. "Yeah. Seolbi needs proof to get the extra credit to count or the teacher won't accept it. That's why she asked for Chaewon's help along with the other two, too, when the others ditched her."
Just then a familiar song began to play and Serena did the fan-chant unconsciously while still adjusting the setting on her phone's camera. "JB~ Markeu~ Jackson~ Park Jinyoung~ Choi Youngjae~ BamBam~ Kim Yugyeom~ GOT7~" GOT7 turned to look at Serena surprised that she was singing along to their latest song, Hard Carry, while also doing the fan-chant despite being around them. The song came to an abrupt stop and this caught Serena's attention as she focused her eyes onto the male contestant who stopped dancing in the middle of his performance. "What happened?" She asked as the crowd began to whisper among one another and she noticed that the younger male was holding back tears.
The MC urged the boy to continue on as the song came back on, but the pre-teen stopped once he started as he forgot a dance step once again. The song was cut off again shortly after. "It's okay!" Serena screamed at the boy. "You can do it!" She gave the boy two thumbs up as the boy wiped away his tears and smiled brightly at her. "Thank you!" He shouted back as she yelled back in response. "You're welcome!" The little boy told the MC for one more chance and the MC reluctantly complied as Hard Carry began playing again and the boy danced to it confidently than he did before with Serena cheering for him excitedly as GOT7 laughed at her behavior and she clapped when his act was over.
The next act was a group of teenage boys and when the song started Serena grinned upon recognizing it instantly as she began doing the fan-chant louder than she had done GOT7 and sang the song with more animation than she did earlier. Several of the boys judged her silently at how she was more excited this time around hearing MONSTA X's Fighter compare to their song a moment ago. "Nal jikyeobwa~ I can make it~ I CAN MAKE IT~" Serena continued to sing and chant loudly despite one particular member being a bit jealous of her behavior towards another group that wasn't currently his own. "Nan modeun geol jeonbu naeryeonasseo~ Ilheul ge eopneun naya~"
Soon enough Seouldae Beauties finally came onto the stage and they began dancing to BLACKPINK's Playing With Fire. Serena made sure to get them as a group and zoomed in enough to do so without cutting out one of them from the frame. The group of eight cheered loudly for them before the MC came back on stage and thanked the girls for their performance while they walked off. A moment later everyone was called back onto the stage to announce the winner which was a female singer who sang IU's Good Day and did the three octaves pretty well. The group of twelve reunited as the boys mentioned that they should have won and such before separating from the trio who actually had to attend a group date.
"Let's do one more thing before going home." Youngjae suggested. "How about the Camelot Carousel?" Melanie suggested as her eyes lit up. "That would end this night off perfectly, especially for my birthday!" GOT7 agreed as Serena muttered to herself. "Ah, still no viking, huh?" She sighed while looking at the ground. "I guess another time since it is her birthday." "Jyongri noona are you okay?" Jackson asked upon noticing the older woman looking sad again. "It's been a long day. I'm just really tired." She partially told the truth which wasn't technically a lie as it had really been a long day.
"We can go home once we ride the carousel." Mark told her with a small smile as Serena returned one of her own. "Okay." "Let's go!" BamBam cheered as the group of nine were halfway to the Camelot Carousel while passing by the ice rink when one of the boys accidentally got bumped by another passerby. Unfortunately, the two ended up falling all over one another with the passerby freaking out. "OMG, it's Jay Are." The girl squeaked and began to fan herself while the other person she was with suddenly came over. "Yerim unnie! It's Jay Are!!" Dayoon began spazzing as Yerim began to squeal crazily, too. "That must mean JB's here, too, Dayoon!"
"We need to go now." The sisters said while facing one another as the duo tried to rushed the boys away from the still hyperventilating cousins who were making a scene. It was almost successful until they heard Dayoon screaming a few seconds later. "Where'd you go, My Love?!" "Split up!" The girls spoke loud enough for the boys to hear as the girls already had this planned since forever. "Run in different directions and meet at the front exit!" Just as the duo were about to run off in different directions from one another they felt a hand grab a hold of theirs while pulling them in the opposite direction. The sister each turned around and before they could say anything they heard him say, 'I got you', and with that the girls trusted him as they let him lead the way with their hearts thumping hard against their chests.
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