#oh god theyre all dumb v.v
yuichi-ro · 2 years
the second part to the hunter story;;; god its all he deserves all the love and happiness, pls baby boy. i cannot wait till the next episode i just wanna know whats up with him i hope he is getting the support he needs and deserves 😭
official tested for covid now and quarantined. throat hurts like hell, especially swallowing and coughing is the absolute worst ugh. but the rest is fine so i really shouldn’t complain. have a shit ton of throat stuff now so hopefully i can just pump myself full the next few days and survive.
nothing much else going on, need to find that creative flow again while i struggle w this shiet, in the meantime i just wanna say that kisaki was the cutest fugging kid ever and chubby cheek kisaki owns my entire heart.
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i have been spending too much time on pinterest and all these cute comics;;
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desperately need more simp kisaki
and bc i like u, have some dad! hanma
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hope u and ur fam have a pleasant day!
biting my nails knowing the next episode will fuck off in the other direction probably and we can all suffer and chew our nails down to literal stumps knowing Hunter is out there alone and freaking out bc Terrace wants us to suffer 😩 also rewatched last weeks episode at the gym today and really just...holy fucking hell we really said racism and genocide and repeated murder ffs
not me when I'm sick fucking slugging back cough medicine and doubling up on cold & flu meds way more often than I'm supposed to. I am not a good sick person I'd rather give birth than have a cold/flu/covid and I'm not even exaggerating. My thoughts are with you babe bc I'm a horrid sick person turned Sanzu level drug addict when I'm sick 😩
i'm sorry but kid Kisaki was so fucking adorable in like the ugliest puppy kinda way?? That's the only way I can explain it?? The middle part and the glasses and being so tiny I just wanted to pinch his cheeks?? Hinata was a fool to pick Takemichi just look at his smooshable face I wanna smoosh him 😤 also not slowly turning my wife into a kisaki fucker so hanma and I can get hitched no problem asdfghjkl
also that comic- HOW SHORT DO PEOPLE THINK OTHERS ARE?? KISAKI IS LIKE FUCKING 5'3" HE IS SO SHORT SO TO BE LEVEL WITH HIS TITTIES YOU'D HAVE TO BE LIKE- LIKE 4'5 CMON FFS LET PEOPLE BE TALL WEAK ASS FANARTS. I only accept shorter y/ns in like, Hanma art or Hakkai art or ig Draken and ish Ran. Fucking hell Kisaki is 5'3...besides that, it's cute I cannot lie
Hanma with a blue Ergo baby 🥺🥺🥺 My son had a blue Ergo baby too but it was light blue but identical to that in every other way 😭 I'm sorry but man owns my heart. This latest chapter he's such a pain in the ass, he's a fool, an utter idiot with a big mouth and barely anything to back it up. I love him. I'll give him a baby. He's a bastard and I love that bastard I'm gonna slap him so fucking hard how dare he just not exist
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