#and ho boy rory was suuuuuuper defensive about being wealthy in this episode too
spainkitty · 2 years
After "Wedding Bell Blues" when Luke calls off his relationship, I saw someone(s?) get annoyed at him. Like, "he already knew what he was getting into, why is he being so dramatic NOW"?
But DID HE? I don't think he really truly knew what he was getting into, but he was trying anyway. After all the weird and judgemental crap they'd already put him through, he still stuck it out. They made him feel small, incompetent, and stupid, but he still stuck it out.
Then, Emily Gilmore actively sabotaged their relationship. She went to Christopher, someone Luke already felt lacking to in comparison, who already pushed his jealousy buttons. Speaking of which, Luke confronted his jealousy while dating her. It brought out the worst in him, it was a part of himself he DIDN'T LIKE, and Emily chose the exact person that would play into one of his deepest insecurities. Even if you could argue (rightly) that Emily couldn't know that, it doesn't take a genius to think Luke has already been judged and found wanting in all the ways Christopher isn’t "lacking", that he knows Christopher and Lorelai already have complicated history, that he's Rory's bio-dad and Luke would always be a very late in coming step-dad (COUGHbullshitCOUGH), and then realize that using Christopher to drive a wedge could be the easiest solution.
After that, him wanting to cool off, to think about it, to realize he'd have to do this song and dance perhaps for years, that he'd have to confront his worst insecurities and fatal flaw REPEATEDLY, um yeah. It's no surprise at all that he decided to call it off, especially when Lorelai cornered him and (unintentionally cruelly) used his romantic confession ("I'm all in") against him to convince him.
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