Explore My Bookshelf!
@glorf1ndel :)
An estimate of how many physical books I own: probably like 80? 85?
Favorite author: probably Austen, Christie, or Tolkein
A popular book I’ve never read and never intend to read: the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer.
A popular book I thought was just meh: Pretty much any popular booktok smut. It's like they think the smut makes up for bland characters and lack of a good plot. I could rant all day about this kind of book.
Longest book I own: Shakespeare's complete works anthology.
Longest series I own all the books to: the Sister's Grimm by Michael Buckley. I was totally obsessed when I was little.
Prettiest book I own: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. One of my favorite pieces of children's lit. <3
A book or series I wish more people knew about: Chaos Walking Trilogy. These are second only to LotR for me.
Book I’m reading now: HOO: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
Book that’s been on my TBR list for a while but still haven’t gotten around to it: Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins. I thought Tom Blythe killed it in the movie, but that's a whole different post.
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook?: Not ebooks. I can go between hardcover and paperback depending on the situation.
Explore My Bookshelf!
Saw this going around the dash, and I want to participate!
An estimate of how many physical books I own: There isn’t a lot of space in my apartment, but I’d guess around 40 regardless. 😆 I go to the library a lot.
Favorite author: It’s hard to choose only one, but a current fave is Ursula Vernon/ T. Kingfisher! Her books blend the weird and the whimsical in imaginative ways. My favorites by her are Digger, a graphic novel fantasy adventure starring a no-nonsense wombat, and The Hollow Places, a fantasy horror novel with a good dose of humor. I’m also making my way through Nettle and Bone, which is a delightful fairy tale-inspired read.
A popular book I’ve never read and never intend to read: This makes me think about how I told myself I wasn’t going to read The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (the Hunger Games prequel) before the movie comes out. And then I read the book anyway. And I loved it. So who knows?
A popular book I thought was just meh: The Witcher full-length novels. The short stories were way better, imo.
Longest book I own: Foucault’s Pendulum by Umberto Eco.
Longest series I own all the books to: I don’t currently have any full series.
Prettiest book I own: The hardcover of The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler is pretty beautiful.
A book or series I wish more people knew about: An Immense World by Ed Yong, about how animals sense the world around them. It has gotten great reviews, and I’m sure many people know about it, but I still leap at the chance to recommend it.
Book I’m reading now: Making It So by Sir Patrick Stewart! I’m really glad he wrote a memoir. He’s one of my heroes, and it’s very interesting to read about how he got into acting and about his journey to Star Trek.
Book that’s been on my TBR list for a while but still haven’t gotten around to it: The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern!
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook? Usually paperback, though I also like hardcover. Very occasionally ebook.
Feel free to tag me if you do this! 😄
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This is so wholesome
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I love you ao3 comments that are an analysis.
I love you ao3 comments that are just a line you liked and a little commentary.
I love you ao3 comments that are 'good story' or 'I enjoyed this'.
I love you ao3 comments that are a single emoji.
I love you ao3 comments that are made shortly after I post.
I love you ao3 comments that are made weeks, months, or years after I post.
Comments make an authors heart sing. Don't be afraid, it doesn't have to be an essay. We just need to know you're there.
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My mum says we can geographically map out every scene in the Odyssey starting from Ithaca and working our way outwards then raise enough funds to reenact the best moments from both the original saga and EPIC the musical at the same places where they actually would have happened, if it’s okay with your mum
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hi I've had a fever for 8 days in a row and i'm bored out of my mind (apart from being abjectly miserable to boot)
so i made a ➡️➡️➡️uquiz!!!!⬅️⬅️⬅️ go take it please.
thank you for providing life to the ill and infirm
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rb to make a trans person feel loved 💕
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Chief Jim Hopper is my dad.
No, I don’t take constructive criticism.
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"I used to be a horse girl. Then I found the Lord."
join us here same time next week for "weird things my friends have said to me that bounce around my brain and sound like clickbait for some bizarre religious article"
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"oh you have an allergy? sorry I harassed you for being a picky eater, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a picky eater, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you have chronic pain? sorry I harassed you for being lazy, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a lazy person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're autistic? sorry I harassed you for being weird, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. it's good to know you're not actually a weird person, I still get to harass those people"
"oh you're deaf? sorry I harassed you for ignoring me, I didn't realize you had a valid reason. you're just not actually a rude person, I still get to harass those people"
"man why does everything have to be a disorder now? I miss the old days when people would TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for being failures and it was socially exceptable for me to harass them, now I look like a jerk when I bully people for annoying me."
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Tilda Swinton risked arrest waving a rainbow flag in front of the Kremlin in violation of Russia’s new homosexual propaganda bill. And she wants everyone who can to reblog it in solidarity.
Guys please reblog this, it won’t ruin your blog, this is important
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theatre is awesome, onstage or not, but I need to talk about what's probably my favorite moment as an audience member, and one I enjoy as an actor
Before a show, the audience is active; on their phones, talking to each other, getting up and sitting down and walking down to the orchestra pit and back to their seats
During the show the audience is mostly silent, taking it in and watching, save for intermission and any coughs, sniffles, or laughter
But my favorite moment isn't either of those, or even after the show.
It's the moment just after the house lights turn off.
That scramble to turn off phones, that moment of anticipation, when you don't know how the show will start, what the costumes will look like, what the music is
You don't know if anything will go wrong, if you'll love it or hate it
The audience is silent then, but the energy and anticipation is high.
As an actor, it's similar but in a different way. Everyone is nervous, and is rushing to their places or reviewing last-minute lines for future scenes. It's the moment before the muscle memory, before things can go wrong, before the hot lights and eyes are on you. The last moment backstage before the show starts. The last moment for preparation, the last moment before what you've been preparing for starts and ends.
And it has the exact same amount of energy and anticipation
And it is wonderful.
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hey friend
dont kill yourself tonight ok
you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again
youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep
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get loved loser, get absolutely fucking treasured
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Terfs leaving twitter (or X, whatever) and coming to tumblr thinking they'll be welcomed like
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This is the homeland of anarchists, witches, gender fuckers, renaissance level artists, depressed queers with the will to fight both god and satan, Liberal literature analysts capable of writing 30000 word essays in a single night, fanfic writers, and the good omens fandom. You will be eaten alive
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still thinking about this youtube comment i screenshotted ages ago
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you can always hang out here!
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Reblog if your blog is a safe space for these identities: agender, demiboy, demigirl, genderfluid, non-binary, and transgender!
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you know what, shoutout to the neurodivergent people with "scary" symptoms.
the ones who:
-say dark things without realizing
-talk to themselves
-have homicidal thoughts
-get really, really angry
-make others uncomfortable on accident
-don't tolerate bullshit
-can't/won't mask
-have dark interests
-have genuinely hurt others before
-have been in a psych ward before
-obsess over people
-have intrusive thoughts about hurting people
-have sexual intrusive thoughts
-don't really care about others much
-always choose themselves first
-have low/no empathy
-are seen as creepy or scary by others
this goes out to my folks with autism that isn't "uwu cute". personality disorder havers. schizospec people. ocders. odd and ied havers. and anyone and everyone else.
this post does not support intentionally hurting people. but people who have hurt others in the past and have changed or are trying to change/in the process of changing are more than welcome here.
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