#and honestly?????? i still think you're way too cool to listen to me wax poetic about weird old men 24/7 😎 but i'm so glad you DO
queenofbaws · 22 days
hey queenie, just want you to know that you are severely appreciated. not only are you just a great friend–your comments make me laugh and i always look forward to what you have to say–but you're an incredibly talented writer and i am always so grateful i stumbled across you and your writing. genuinely your writing evokes such emotion, and no matter whether it's fluff, angst, or character study, i always feel at home reading your fics. thank you for being you 💕
jdksdhajksdhsAJKDHJKASD QUILLLLLLLLLL-UH you can't do this to me!!! i have a spooky image to uphold over here, and you're making me all wibbly wobbly omgggggg!!! the internet is going to think i'm like, a sap or something if they catch me CRYING IN THE CLUB LIKE THIS!!!!!!!
you are too, too, tootootootootoooooo kind (pretend that doesn't read 'toot' over and over, ok? thanks), and coming from YOU??? someone whose stories have had me on the edge of my seat, gnawing my nails, guffawing like a fool, gasping like a soap opera star, and pacing around my room tearing at my hair to walk off some of the tension???????? genuinely this is the highest praise. genuinely!!! thank YOU for being YOU - all your support, your kindness, the JOY you spread, for bullying all the same characters i do, all of it!!!!!! you truly have nooooooooo idea how much your kindness means to me, OR how much stupid irl crap your stories have gotten me through!!! <3
now if you'll excuse me, i believe there's somethING IN MY EYE 😭 WHERE IS MY HANDKERCHIEF
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sleepy82louih · 2 years
My first thoughts on Harry's House
Please note that this is my personal opinion and my personal interpretation of the album, which obviously includes Larry.
Favourite songs of the first listen are marked violet.
As It Was: Harry being afraid of changes once again for our viewing pleasure. Also called Character Development, because he comes to accept it, in a way.
Boyfriends: As a girl, I know he speaks the truth. Good job, Harry, you seem to be experienced in dating boys– Oh wait. You only ever dated one. Oh, and it also doesn't help your case that this song is probably about him and you both being the 'boyfriend'.
Cinema: I present you with yet another song version of "Louis is a great person to just... sit and admire what he's like."
Daydream: Listen. Touring and working is hard on the Lover Boy. He loves his spouse to bones, he loves to love him. You gotta give it to him, he misses him. I don't see y'all dealing any better with missing Harry's spouse. Honestly.
Daylight: We hate it when they fight, or are far from each other. Harry still loves him through and through. He's a sweet blue bird, after all. And also a drama queen. While Louis is the honey. But what's new.
Grape juice: I love how it feels like he's on the phone. My God, this feels like a lazy evening of them just being them, to me. How Harry creates the atmosphere is beyond me. Also, 1982. Lol, Hazza, L fucking OL.
Keep Driving: Someone's been reminiscing. He feels so... fetus in this song. I just... I can't. This song makes me feel so nostalgic. He has no right to do this. I can see 1D days flashing in front of my eyes. I can see his love life flashing in front of my eyes. This song is too personal. Oh my God.
Late Night Talking: Huh. Okay. So, Louis stubs his toe on the regular, Harry once broke his camera, they have sleeping issues, Harry knows he's a goner, he knows we know he doesn't like change, and Louis lives in his head rent free 24/7, apparently. Good to know. Wbk
Little Freak: Sweet Creature 2.0 in the flesh. Harry's so in love it's embarrassing, y'all. I just... What the hell, Harry. Waxing poetics is one thing, but this? This is plain romance. This is them, from Harry's point of view. No no, not just Louis, them. He's talking about them as seperate and also a pair. Makes you wonder, really. It's so pure it makes you wanna cry. Just... Stop. Too much. I can go on forever.
Love of My Life: As if we didn't know. Yeah, wax more poetics, it's for free. Who's keeping track anyway. Talk relationships in the most romantic way possible and just straight up confess your love. Who's the wiser? It's not like you're gonna leave a fandom bleeding or anything. It's all cool.
Matilda: MY COMFORT SONG. This is a masterpiece. Matilda deserves all the love in the world. Take all I have. Everything. Just stay with me. This work of painful beauty. I will NOT take criticism on this song. I'm way too biased for it. (Also, hail to 1D tradition to use random girl names for God knows why)
MFASR: Long name for a song, Harry, my God. He has a knack for ba-ba-ba's this time around. I'd say he's been drunk while writing this, but... This is Harry. He's always like this. I have no bloody idea what this song is (I mean he is trying to eat stars), so I'm gonna label it as 'Drunk Holiday Love Confessions Somewhere in Tokyo' or something.
Satellite: Harry Styles agreeing with this fandom on Louis being the sun and all of us being satellites. I approve. Communication issues. Harry hopelessly adoring Louis. Louis being the sun– I mean, Louis.
Conclusion: Harry Styles loves Louis Tomlinson. He's been reminiscing. He's been doing some deep thinking and light drinking. Fights and tours been happening. The kids aren't alright, yeah. Harry is reflecting on it all, in a spectacular way. I love this album.
This my instantaneous reaction to the album, I wrote as I listened. This is, in no way, a deep analysis.
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