#and how being part of kpop/tv makes other musicians look down on them
The Monkees walked so kpop bands could run
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youarejesting · 4 years
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Beta: N/A Rating: 16+ (I would say all but just to be safe) Genre: Angst, Action, Drama, suspense, thriller, horror Words: 2.5k
Summary: In a world where you feel cold. The world has ended and everyone is trying to stay alive. On a mission to save there friend from the monsters before it is too late.
Jungkook, Some rundown home, Seoul
Whoever said a zombie apocalypse was supposed to be fun was sadly mistaken, and while on the topic it wasn’t that scary either unless you were terrified of being bored. That’s what it was boring. There I was in a run-down house looking out at the shadowed figures running past, my name is Jungkook, and I hope people will remember me.
When the world was normal, I was an Idol, and now that it had become like this, I had to resort to killing those I once loved. It wasn’t just me everyone had to, you didn’t know if they were a mother, a grandfather, a wife, or a son. It was the only way because if you didn’t kill them they would kill you, they were vicious killing machines who hid around every corner, and when you think you're safe in the safety of your home.
There they were trying to break in and ruin your life.
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Jungkook wandered through the halls once more, shuffling quietly, he had little energy and was trying to be stealthy. thought about his friends and how they had all been split up, he wanted to be with them once more, mourn with them. Jimin was gone, they had lost him, the last thing he had seen was Jimin getting dragged away from them by those things he was screaming and crying desperately to break free of those monster’s grips.
It was the hardest thing he ever had to see and they each spent their time searching for Jimin, hopefully before he became one of those things. He didn’t need any more people trying to kill him let alone one of his closest friends.
Jungkook began moving, the walkie talkie his only company. He could hear the calls for help, as long as Jimin kept calling they had a chance to find him. Jungkook just wanted to reunite with everyone, hear their voices talk to them about stupid things. But he followed his instincts traveling slowly so as not to draw attention from any of the monsters. 
Yoongi, Another rundown home, Seoul
It is raining again. I am sitting waiting. Waiting for my end. All things come to an end. Some say you are born again, but I would prefer not to, I knew something better is out there calling for me. I can feel it. I was once a musician, a producer, an idol.
It was funny, I never wanted to be an idol, I never wanted fame. I wanted to be alone and live my life as a rock. But now as I sit in my chair unmoving, I long for company. My joints creak from the lack of movement. It really was a case of you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.
This place needs some work, the windows are smashed wallpaper is tarnished and plants have started growing in the floorboards.
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Yoongi thought he heard something, and when he pulled himself from the chair his legs almost gave out, he was hungry, it had been so long since he had eaten, he found no use in it when they were all doomed anyway.
He stepped out the front door and followed the weak calls, he knew this voice. Was Jimin free from the monsters at last? He had been searching for him ever since he got taken. When he got closer, he saw it wasn’t Jimin but Jungkook holding a busted radio. 
He shrugged moving closer, Yoongi went to open his mouth to talk when they heard those monsters closing in. The sound bounced around the street unsure of the direction they were coming from so the two continued on quickly hoping to get away from them before they attacked.They could catch up later, their safety came first.
It took them a while to find somewhere that wasn’t infested, it was an old hospital and as they walked in through the carpark, past the skit bins were a few elevators. They move closer and peer through the gap to see Namjoon sitting looking up at the light. 
Namjoon, Hospital elevator, Seoul
It was poetic. Sitting alone in the elevator, I find myself humming and listening to the echoes of my voice. It's deep and gravelly from the lack of use but it is mine. I got lucky slipping past the skit bins to find somewhere safe from the monsters. There was only one inside but I dealt with him. 
I am Kim Namjoon. Former leader and rapper in a kpop idol band and currently a lonely young man sitting in an elevator eating whatever I could find. The monster had left behind plenty of good food and I wouldn’t let it go to waste.
This was more food than I had seen in a while. It could only be made better by my friends.
HEY! My Friends!
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Namjoon looked up at the two and offered them something to eat, the two were quick to join him, they hadn’t eaten for so long and he could understand that. They were eating when the radio went off, Namjoon picked it up but noticed it was broken only able to receive messages and unable to send out any. 
The voice was Jimin, Namjoon knew that voice anywhere. He sounded weak, what had those monsters done to him. Once all the food was eaten the three moved on heading down the road, as they walked the signal got stronger and they could just feel they were going the right way.
The monsters were closing in and Namjoon and they almost tried killing the monsters to stop them following but there was a noise from within an abandoned house. The group ducked inside. Namjoon bumped the door and it swung closed leaving the shut inside. 
Hopefully there were no monsters inside and they didn’t hear the loud bang. The group heard the monsters passing by, Namjoon and the others were all standing by the window watching them as they passed. Yoongi started banging on the window frustrated, it was all their fault, they just wanted to live peacefully. There was a killing intent in their eyes as we all started beating at the window daring them to try to kill us.
Taehyung, another rundown home unlike the others, Seoul
There are so many books, but I am too tired to read, it is cold and the thought of a fire sounds nice. But a fire might alert the monsters that I am here. There senses are already dulled by the fog and the rain so it is likely they wouldn’t notice. Curling up I can just imagine striking the match.
The flame would be so pretty and when I dropped it into the fireplace the fire would come to life, making the whole place glow red with warmth. I close my eyes to further my fantasy. It wasn’t the first time I lost myself in my fantasies, they used to call me odd all the time. 
I was a singer who everyone wanted to take a bite of but these days a bite meant something different. What am I now?
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The sound of the door took Taehyung's attention, he wondered how the monsters had found him. When he turned, he stared up at them, they weren’t monsters, they were his friends. He felt like parts of him had returned, it was good to see their faces again. 
They each watched the Monsters walk slowly through the streets, they were heading for something. Perhaps it was better to let them go ahead and they can walk behind them, instead of constantly being followed and trying to hide from them.
It took a moment for them to escape through the open back door and follow the monsters in the distance. Taehyung heard Jimin’s voice call through the radio and looked at the device, he understood where they were going now. He gestured to a home down the road and the group followed Taehyung's instincts. It was like they were back to normal. Like they had gone back to before this all began. When monsters didn’t walk the earth killing the innocent. When their only worries were learning choreography.
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The heat was so extreme and the airconditioning had stopped working, resulting in them all sitting outside. Yoongi was sunbaking and listening to his music, he liked when the sun warmed him, seeping through his clothes and flesh and warming his bones. Namjoon was watching TV that they had moved onto the porch so he could be with the others.
Taehyung was playing a game with Jimin, they didn’t know who was winning but they both couldn’t help laughing at their own jokes. Seokjin was invested in a book full of adventure, he enjoyed that every few pages there were pictures. Jungkook was playing in the water Hoseok splashed towards him. The two tease one another and play fighting.
Hoseok, Broken down kitchen, Seoul
I don’t know how long I have been waiting. Sitting on the bench surrounded by empty cans, it had been a while since I had food. I tried to ration the food but I ran out at some point. I was hungry and alone watching the rain out the window, getting down off the counter seemed more work than it was worth.
It was strange that I had lost my energy. I was a dancer who prided myself on my endurance. I was tired, beyond tired, barely able to move from exhaustion. Dancing was my life, there was nothing I liked more than being with my friends and dancing until we collapsed. The choreography would come alive and it felt like you were swimming through the music that every move matched the sound and you were playing the song with your body. It was euphoric
The monsters walked past in a group and I watched them through the window, I tried to move closer and see where they were going. But, I ended up knocking some of the cans onto the floor.
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Hoseok watched the can roll across the kitchen and bump into a pair of dirty shoes. Looking up he saw Jungkook leading the group walkie talkie in his hand. The group were looking at him determined, Hoseok knew it was time to move, he heard the quiet pleas through the walkie talkie.
The others didn’t have to say a thing for Hoseok to join them on the rescue mission, Jimin was probably the one he was closest to as they used to share a room. Perhaps that’s why he made it this far out trying to find him, because their bond was so strong. He felt like he couldn’t give up on Jimin. 
He would have had him if the monsters hadn’t stopped him, the last he saw as he took another one down was Jimin’s face full of tears calling for him and Seokjin. Seokjin went on ahead. The older man had a protective nature over the younger ones. After that Hoseok was alone, with nothing but the thoughts of how he failed his friends.
Seokjin, Atop a mattress, Seoul
I was beautiful. I was an idol. I was the oldest. I was a protector. What am I now? I am dirty and injured and laying on a mattress. If it wasn’t for those monsters I would have had him. I would have brought him back. I can’t return not empty handed. I couldn’t just stroll back into the group and tell them I let the monsters take him from me.
I was ashamed, I didn’t deserve to call them my friends, not after I let him go to save myself. I mean that’s if there was anyone left to go back to, the monsters had scattered us all across the city.
Drip. Drip.
I will just lay here and let the rain water fill the room, I will die a coward's death. The cold water around me stirred.
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Seokjin was interrupted from his musing by the sound of water moving, someone was walking through his hideout. He didn’t move thinking perhaps if they were monsters they would kill him and it would all be over.
But something nudged into his bed and opened his eyes, he saw all the boys. Moving to his feet took some effort and the group were patient. Once upright Seokjin opened his mouth to apologise but they had all turned and walked away.
Were they disappointed with him? Did they see he had not found Jimin and left him to his cowardly death. They all stopped and looked back and the radio in Jungkook’s hand began speaking once more.
“This is Jimin, is anyone out there? it’s cold. I am so cold” They heard coughing over the walkie talkie and a weak. “I don’t want to be alone.” Seokjin began moving through the streets, the group was back together and they were going to find Jimin. Everything was going to work out.
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Namjoon and Jungkook were in a foosball deathmatch, they were shouting loudly. Behind them Seokjin was talking big game about how he was a catch champion as he and Taehyung through the ball back and forth. Taehyung kept delivering really intense one-liners from movies about baseball. 
It made Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin laugh as they sat around the room watching the two battles rage on each as fun as the other. It was wholesome being together, their souls were entwined and it felt they couldn’t really live or die without being together.
Jimin, A bus, Seoul
I couldn’t shake the cold. It was everywhere. I wrapped myself in the small blanket I had and laid on the backseat of the bus I had found. There was red smoke outside and within it walked the shadows. There were monsters out there and they were eating people. 
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Jimin hadn’t seen his friends in weeks, and he got upset when he thought about being separated with them. They were all together one week ago and everyone was told to run. Jimin turned and saw Jungkook had been bitten by one of those monsters and he struggled to go back and help his friend fight. 
Along the way Yoongi gave up his food to the others and grew weaker, he had given up and sat down refusing to continue on. Namjoon was turned in the streets by a group of those monsters, Hoseok went out searching for food and never returned. Seokjin had gotten sick and died. They left him lying peacefully on a mattress. It was some of the hardest things Jimin had to experience, losing his friends along the way. Being the last one alive, being alone. Waiting and not having them around.
There was talking in the fog but Jimin felt himself falling asleep. His eyes opened and he saw someone in front of him. He was so hungry and he couldn’t help it. He bit the guy and it seemed his friends were there after all. They were eating and attacking this whole group. They tried to shoot his best friends, these people were monsters.
Jimin was glad when all the monsters had died and as he walked over to his friends it was like something happened. Jimin was no longer on the street outside the bus amidst a massacre. No he was standing at the bottom of a hill looking up his friends looked at him waving him to climb up. He raced after them and they each stepped foot into paradise.
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Authors note: When I first watched the Stay Gold MV my first thought was zombie apocalypse and then I was trying to figure out who was alive and who were dead. Did the Blue or the Red represent death? All the blue seemed sadder but they were all ‘safe’ indoors and the red looked to be struggling in the bus. Was Jimin the only one alive or the only one dead? It was decided that no one could move on to paradise until they were all dead.
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blogtrax905 · 3 years
Unturned - Permanent Gold Upgrade Crack
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Unturned Permanent Gold Account Upgrade Steam Gift GLOBAL Can activate in: United States Check country restrictions. Unturned is a sandbox game in the emerging multiplayer apocalypse survival genre. Rather than focusing on being an MMO it provides players with easy systems to sit down and survive the zombie infestation with their frien. Unturned Permanent Gold Upgrade is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Smartly Dressed Games.
Unturned - Permanent Gold Upgrade Cracked
Unturned Permanent Gold Upgrade
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Unturned game will launch and you will be put in his server. There are survival, roleplay, creative, battle royale and other types of gameplay for you to chose. Just start playing Unturned game on Vortex where we take care of updates and connection.
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And now you can play Unturned online with no download on Vortex! Play Unturned Free to Play Play Game. Browse through and customise the game to your preferences.
$4.99 Focusing on the zombie survival game genre, this one comes with various action-packed sequences and tasks.While the blocky style makes the game look similar to other sandbox adventures, it features several new items, tasks, and skills. Unturned online is a free-to-play survival game that offers you several different game modes.
Configure your options. The zombie apocalypse has finally come and you are one of the survivals. Play Unturned online now! When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. If you have just a modest PC, it is recomm… In Unturned everyone will find great entertainment and will not be bored, as the game has many difficulty settings.If you choose the survival game mode you will be spawned on the map with clothes and equipment that will depend on your experience and skills. $0.99. Find weapons, supplies and don’t let the zombies eat you! Sounds like fun?If you want to increase your chances to win find a team and play together. Then you have to right click his name and the button that says “ join the game”.
You will have to find weapons and supplies in order to survive. Unturned is a popular retro-style game in the sandbox category.Considering the graphics and features, it has the perfect blend of Minecraft and Day-Z. You can also buy selected skin, but that will cost you more.There is a story in Unturned online and it is spread across all the maps in the game.
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Unturned - Permanent Gold Upgrade Cracked
Unturned is a free to play survival game for PCs that has steadily become popular. This defaults to your Review Score Setting. - 91% of the 399,162 user reviews for this game are positive. $0.99.
Especially the health items are very important because the game has intense bleeding out mechanics.
If you don’t want to wait you can buy cases in Steam market and get a random skin. You will be able to buy upgrades and become better zombie killer!The survival mode is available as a multiplayer, so if you would like to kill zombies with your friends there is nothing stopping you!
Unturned Permanent Gold Upgrade
Unturned was designed by Nelson Sexton, and …
You're a survivor in the zombie infested ruins of society, and must work with your friends and forge alliances to remain among the living. You will be spawned in the middle of the map and will have to find the supplies and survive.Remember that not only zombies but also other players may be a threat! Remain among the living in Unturned. $0.99. $0.99.
It also supports multiplayer, and there are cooperative, player versus player, and team versus team servers available. Content For This Game Browse all .
Be prepared and don’t forget to have the best gun you can find!The longer you manage to stay alive and progress through the game the more experience points you will earn. Be the last person or the last team standing on this battle royale against zombies and other players!To be a successful player you need to remember about collecting loot. Shop available items . The parts of the whole story and all the locations that will give you the information about where the zombies came from are all over the maps. The higher the graphics are, the slower your computer will run the game. Be sure to play them all and explore!
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Total war: attila - blood & burning crack. You can also play with your team. Hosted on premium servers Our servers are hosted on only the best hardware with our server machines rockin' Intel Xeon CPU's, 32GB RAM & High-speed SSD's.
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For example, you can select your preferred hand, hit marker colors and graphical options. But if you want to fight other players go for it!. All rights reserved. We focus on the survival roleplay aspect of Unturned. You just have to have Internet and a mobile device, Pc or smart TV.
Quests Play through the NPC quest storyline! Items available for this game. $0.99. Read more about it in the There are no more reviews that match the filters set above© 2020 Valve Corporation.
3,195 Curators have reviewed this product. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Unturned has no separate solo/ squad mode so if you play alone you will have to fight with teams of players. Be sure to play them all and explore! $4.99 Unturned - Permanent Gold Upgrade $4.99 Add all DLC to Cart.
Click Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written: Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, friends, and curators you follow. Remember that arena is for multiplayer only! - 92% of the 4,769 user reviews in the last 30 days are positive. Survive the zombies and win!It doesn't matter if you are an experienced player or a beginner. After the game, you will have a chance to get a cosmetic item. Unturned can be played in an isolated, single-player environment. You may also ask: All of them will bring you to a word after zombies apocalypse.
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The Player is the character the user controls in Unturned 3.
Coloring Pixels - Spring Pack This content requires the base game Coloring Pixels on Steam in order to play. Coloring pixels - spring pack for mac.
The Player has a randomized starting look, which can be customized. Purchasing the Permanent Gold Upgrade DLC will allow for more customization options.
There is a multitude of actions The Player may perform, usable depending on your set Controls. They include several Stances, Leaning, Interacting, and more.
The Player is affected by multiple Statuses. These generally include Health, Food, Water, Immunity (Status), Stamina, and Oxygen; meanwhile, they can sometimes also be affected by Temperature, Broken Leg, and Bleeding.
User Interface
The Player has multiple user interfaces available to them. This includes the Inventory, Crafting, Skills, and Map menus.
Cosmetics and Skins may be equipped on The Player, and only have aesthetic values.
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Cosmetics appear over any ClothingThe Player has equipped unless toggled off. Skins will replace the default texture of an item, if it is in your Inventory, or you place it on any Storage Containers that display the contents of what is inside.
In Antique, The Player had no face, no punching ability and spawns with a Torch.
One of the Player character's arms seems bigger than the other, depending on the user's chosen dominant hand. Oddly enough, the larger arm is not the one that the Player chooses.
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