#and how owens came to be so involved with them as well as brenner
wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
Can you summarize the Peter stuff from last night?
I can try, but it’s definitely still a work in progress theory that @aemiron-main and i just went absolutely nuts over lmao
essentially, there are 4 different mentioned peters in the show; the unidentified peter that works at the lab, owens’ unidentified son, peter bingham, and petey mchew. there’s also a 5th peter who wasn’t mentioned in the show, peter ballard. that was the cover name used for jamie’s audition for henry creel
when trying to make connections between each of the different peters, there was only one connecting force; henry. the problem was that the qualities of this mysterious peter character didn’t completely match up with henry himself. things like being scared of victor and having curse symptoms didn’t align, and the loose connections suggesting henry might be peter fell apart pretty quickly. peter is a character who is intrinsic to henry’s story but couldn’t be henry himself
one of my anons suggested that peter could’ve been a boy from henry’s past, specifically one he was romantically involved in. things started making more sense like the fear of victor as well as the possibility that peter was owens’ son which is could be why owens is so heavily connected to the creel family. there ended up being a lot of evidence suggesting henry and peter may have met at a “summer camp” run by brenner, possibly having tried to escape together
we also found that peter is likely to be mike’s parallel, or an antithesis, similar to how henry is will’s antithesis. both peter and michael are saints, and we see a painting of saint michael in the russian church. saint peter is said to have had a vision in which he saw an apocalypse where blasphemers and liars were punished for their false words and those given power above others, like rich people, were made to be forced to live the lives of the people below them. this is something we see in henry’s goals, having killed many people who were considered normal/privileged by society and targeting those who lie about themselves. saint peter also saw a heavenly bliss for those who deserved to be saved, and we see henry trying to have will and el join him because they are above other people in his eyes, they deserve to have power. as for saint michael, it’s important to note that he was said to battle with satan and the religious imagery in s4 turns henry into a metaphorical satan and all the sword hints towards mike and saint michael having a sword really connects the two
this is more of a concept, but it’s also possible that when henry takes mike he’ll hold him captive in a crucifixion, as is suggested with the cross imagery associated with mike in s4. that’s important because saint peter was killed via crucifixion and because of the connections between peter and henry as well as henry’s constant eye over mike, carefully watching him since the start of the show, henry may project his own grief and rage onto mike and will’s relationship. henry has become the very monster he hated, and as such he may be seeking to use mike and his life against will to make will see how unfair the world is and how it needs to be changed as a way to convince him to join him
em also found some major tommy parallels that you should ask him about!!
there are some other details, but i think that sums up the majority of it!! i’ve been posting peter stuff under ‘#peter owens’ and stuff specific to discoveries under ‘#petergate’
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neonponders · 3 years
Head canon time:
Okay okay okay okayokayokay so this post has super cute art, but the reblog comment on it aligned with something that’s been percolating in my brain for a ~while~ now:
Eleven as Steve’s sister.
Obviously neither Steve nor Eleven have any idea. From the time El escapes the lab, they don’t interact much. Even if they’re in the same room, they kind of bounce around each other, because...why else would they? Steve’s at least five years older and she’s still building her social skills/confidence, especially around men.
But then Steve gets his hair cut short, and the back likes to curl very similarly to how El’s did when hers was short. Their hair needs its own weight to pull it straight.
And it’s dark brown. Followed by clear brown eyes.
It’s not enough for anyone to connect the dots, of course, but then El’s “mother” dies. Her mind had been a flickering light for a long time, eventually her heart began to match. But when a heart stops, it stops.
Her sister calls Hopper, in case El wants to know, and they show up, at the very least, to attend the funeral and to help the sister go through dusty boxes. Maybe there’s a picture of El’s mother that she wants...
Instead they find surrogacy papers.
Old bank statements.
Apparently at the time of her involvement with government conspiracy, she had been very down on her luck. She made the mistake of doubling up on volunteering to be a surrogate mother, as well as whatever the hell the Hawkins Library did to her.
But the names on the papers are John and Eliza Harrington.
“Like...Steve?” El asks when he finally has gaped at the papers for too long.
Hopper inhales because he isn’t sure when he did that last and scratches his face. “Yeah...like Steve.”
He has mixed emotions: the empathetic devastation at losing a kid, but also the relief that this involves someone already in the know.
They go over to Steve’s house.
The guy answers the door with a slice of pizza in his hand, still chewing. “Hi, Hop. Ellie.”
She offers a small smile. “Steve.”
“Are your parents home, kid?”
He shook his head and swallowed. “Just left this morning. They have a time-share condo in Mexico.”
“You didn’t go with them?”
Steve scoffs while turning around back into the house. “My idea of a good time isn’t with my parents. What d’you need?”
“Well,” Hopper sighs, feeling too big in the foyer. Eleven stabs his hip with a finger and he begins the tedious process of unlacing his boots. “I need to go through your parents’ papers. You got an attic, a cellar, an office?”
Steve, bless him, looks genuinely clueless. “Uh. Yeah...are we in trouble for something?”
“Not in trouble, no. I just wanna cross reference something.”
Bless him twice, because he actually lets Hopper into his attic. His father’s office. Then his mother’s.
He finds it in his mother’s bedroom. It was just a shot in the dark to try the safe in the closet, but so many people actually keep their safes unlocked for easy access.
Hospital documents. Even ultrasound photos.
“Jane Elizabeth...Harrington?” Steve chirps over his shoulder.
He looks up at the chief, who’s rubbing his beard again. Their heads turn to Eleven sitting on Mrs. Harrington’s bed. “My name’s Jane.”
Those big brown eyes blink between her and Hopper. “How do you know that? I thought you came from a lab?”
Hopper intercepted, “She used her,” he gestured vaguely to his own head, “to find her mother. Or...the surrogate your parents paid for.”
“And where’s she?”
“Dead,” said Eleven.
Hopper reiterated, “She passed about two weeks ago. We found your parents’ names in her paperwork.”
“But - what happened? How does a baby just go missing? Better question: why don’t I have super powers?”
Hopper had already read the hospital’s apology and refund of the Harrington’s funds, insurance, the works. “I think that asshole...Brenner...claimed the baby for his work, early enough that it could be written off as a miscarriage. Whatever they did to El’s mother, whatever went on in that lab, landed her with her abilities. It’s nothing to covet, all right.”
Steve looked winded. He crossed his arms and let himself collapse against the wall. “So...what do we do?”
“Uh...” Hopper fanned his face with the ultrasound pictures. “There isn’t a lot we can do. Telling your parents would open up a lot of closed doors that we can’t really afford to open. Dr. Owens, being the swell guy he is, provided me paperwork that grants El as my kid.
“You already know each other. You already contributed to saving the world together. So...I think that’s up to the two of you.”
Both of them, for all they’d been through, just looked like kids. They were kids, even if Steve now stood in his twenties. And he stood off the wall, now, to approach his sister.
“Can I, uhm...can I hug you?”
El slid off the high bed, easily falling against his body for arms to wrap tightly around her. They stayed like that for a long moment, then Hopper joined them to rub between their shoulder blades.
“Oh god. You’re dating Mike Wheeler.” El hummed a curious sound and he elaborated, “Am I gonna have to pound on him if he pisses you off?”
“I wish you would,” Hopper confirmed.
Fast forward to Mike being extremely confused at his girlfriend suddenly spending a lot of time with Steve Harrington, of all people.
“Maybe she’s gotten a taste for older men?” Lucas teased, and got punched in the shoulder for it.
Max’s eyes rolled but she didn’t grace that with an answer.
Mike fumed, “She was supposed to be with me today! Then she called and said she had other plans - ”
Max chimed, “Are you sure you had plans? Or that you had a plan but she beat you to it?”
“It doesn’t matter! I see her walking around with Steve Harrington all the time and it’s weird!”
Will said for nobody in particular, “We’re not the ones to judge weird anymore.”
Lucas countered, “Or we’re the experts on weird. Speaking of, where the hell is Dustin?”
“With Steve,” Max grinned right at Mike, and stood up. “Speaking of, my ride’s probably here.”
“Where are you going?” Lucas asked.
“Over to Steve’s.”
The boys looked at each other and ran for their shoes. Sure enough, they left the Wheelers’ basement, circled around the house, and found the blue Camaro waiting in the cul-de-sac. 
“Woah woah woah, what the hell is this?” Billy said hoarsely. He peered over his sunglasses at the teenagers filing into his backseat.
Max shoved a bottle of water towards him. “You’re not drinking enough, again.”
“Don’t bitch at me. Tell your friends to scram.”
“Are you really going over to Steve’s?” Will began.
“What do you know about Steve hanging out with my girlfriend?” Mike joined.
“Steve’s got a pool, right?” Lucas directed at Max.
Billy revved his engine with a sharp right turn, throwing all of them to one side of the car. Max held her head from where it had hit the window. “Cool it, you shouldn’t even be driving in the first place.”
“My blood did not turn black for this bullshit.”
The kids in the back stared out of the windows like Loch Nora was a safari tour. At the sound of the Camaro’s engine, Steve trotted down the slope of the lawn in swimming trunks with a towel around his shoulders, waving them through the gate.
Will and Lucas sprinted after him. Mike followed at a skeptical pace while Max lingered for Billy’s sake. No one noticed that Billy wore pink and turquoise swimming trunks that fit more to Steve’s taste.
Mike sure as hell noticed the red and purple, woven friendship bracelets that El and Steve wore, though. The pale, skinny nerd just stared, dumbfounded between Hopper floating contently over the pool, El laughing in a one-piece covered in hibiscus flowers, and Steve sitting at the foot of Billy’s lounge chair.
Then Robin strolled through the gate with a stack of pizza and chicken wing boxes. “All right, we ready? What are you doing, dweeb? It’s a 101 degrees out. Get wet.”
And shoved Mike Wheeler right into the pool.
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