#and i STILL dont feel like i got the pothos right
miketownsends · 4 years
1 (because i didnt know what it was until you started talking about it and i still dont understand), 5, 15, 21, 28
1. i saw a tweet back in... mid-August? that was like “ok i’ll bite what’s blaseball” and i was like “hey... what IS blaseball?” and i Googled it and found the site and signed up immediately. i must’ve found it like, RIGHT after the s3 playoffs ended. and that was it, my soul was signed away. (also there’s some good intro to blaseball stuff in my blaseball tag! or you can always just ask i’m always happy to talk abt blaseball) (basically: it’s kinda fantasy football except baseball and for people that like TTRPGs.)
5. see a couple of days ago i might’ve said Firefighters but now i feel like i know quite a bit about their lore! so maybe the Jazz Hands, or some of the smaller teams like the Steaks or the Dale or the Wings? the Jazz Hands have one of my very favorite characters now (Wyatt Pothos) but i don’t know ANYTHING about them lmao
15. blaseball characters fall into one of two categories for me: 1) i don’t know anything about them except maybe their name and 2) i would die for them. i can’t think of anyone i actively dislike? i mean the Garages have a character named Homerun Eric who is the WORST but he is not an actual blaseball player and so i don’t think he counts for the purposes of this question.
21. Jaylen and Mike being best friends. this is a hill i will die on. (also, Jaylen and Tillman being those people who are only VERY BEGRUDGINGLY around each other because they both care about the same person [Mike] but they hate each other’s guts and then winding up in a sort of weird almost-friendship that they would absolutely die again rather than admit to) (also like, they’re the only ones who have come back from the dead so far, sorry but you two are cosmically linked whether you like it or not) (honestly i just really enjoy the dynamics of the Jaylen/Mike/Tillman trio i think the whole thing is fascinating)
28. i was gonna say i haven’t been actively upset about any plot points bc mostly i’m just vibin and having a great time but THE FALLOUT FROM THE PODS. look we got Pitching Machine and that’s cool and great but THE TACOS SNACKRIFICED THEMSELVES FOR US ALL and DIDNT EVEN GET ANY OF THEIR PLAYERS BACK. i’m still just so sad about that. i realize this mechanic was probably planned long before the Snackrifice but like. man. all their Wyatts are gone, NaN is gone (not due to the Snackrifice, but), and they even lost their Pitching Machine. that SUCKS.
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jestbee · 5 years
A chance to talk about my plant babies???
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I got carried away, but in the first picture are Fjord, my first ever large child who has been through a lot but is a champ and keeps pulling through, next to Claire the citronella I got as a single leaf cutting and keeps outgrowing her pots faster than I can keep up with. Then a haworthia and aloe I’ve had since college and have somehow survived like 10 moves across 1000s of miles, and a Mexican mint (Chris) who smells heavenly. More succulents and some ones I’m trying to root, some succenlents I stole from my greenhouse job and two jade pals (Gabby and Carla), a snake and pothos plants I grew from cuttings stolen from work and Vinny the little feathery bud who likes it much moister than it is here, and finally my new rubber tree, Brad, who is wonky cuz he was bought on sale but we still love him.
How are your new plants? Have they gotten names yet?
@butifyoujudgeafish these are AMAZING houseplants I love them all so much and they look so healthy and happy! I also find if v cool that you grew some from cuttings and I am going to attempt to do the same soon. You said it was from your job? If you're ans expert I'm going to hit you up for advice, you're clearly good at growing them lol at all these healthy wonderful plants!!
Here is a little update on my houseplants:
Noodle the spider plant is growing lots, he's a healthy happy boy. My eldest, so I expect the others to learn from his example
Cheddar my monstera obliqua is putting out two new leaves and I am keen to watch them unfurl, it's so cool how they grow
Plant Phil's new leaves are coming in great, he likes his spot in my bedroom and my cat Shadow (sweets) has finally stopped giving him the death glare
Plant Dan is actually thriving in his new spot in the bathroom where he has to move because he went through something traumatic and needed a time out (cat attack) It makes me sad not to see Plant dnp next to each other so often, but Sancis thriving in his new world, and he has a new leaf coming in above all the broken ones. (Yes, I'm aware of the parallels and the irony of my plant Dan situation and real Dan and I gotta say I'm not mad)
Beans my new Pilea haa 16 big leaves and 1 baby leaf coming in. I look at it every day to check his progress because I'm a sad plant mum.
And my two tiny baby Areca Palms are okay. Bangers is thick and green and healthy, whereas mash is a little beat up but I'm hoping with some light and water he'll perk right up. Stay tuned to my ig to find out...
I have two new rooted cuttings of peperomia glabella coming (maybe today or tomorrow) that need names. I name them all after food so maybe someone has an idea for me?
Ans I also have a Camellia and a potted Japanese Maple for my garden arriving in the next week. I have attempted to grow a Camellia on two separate occasions now, one I killed because squidge put it on top of a cabinet I could reach and had no light, and one was stolen when we moved house. I hope he's doing well. But I have good feelings about this one if it arrives in good shape. I am armed with a care plan and some camellia food.
Fun fact: I learned about camellias while writing a fic about Phil having loads of plants that I never posted but I've been in love with them ever since
Here are pictures of Beans, Plant Phil, Noodle and Cheddar. I dont have any of the others handy but there are highlights on my ig for each of them and the others if people want to see them.
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Anyway this post was long and I'm sorry but I will ramble on about my plant babies always
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