#and i always thought the fun of filling stitches like that was that it idnt matter what you did
dumbkiwi · 2 years
4 am means it's time to clog up your dash with personal posts anyways looking at ppls embroidery and my own realizing both how far ive come and how much more i can still learn/do is very cool. no i dont want to write an email in japanese.
#sel speaks#i started in december of 2019!! which is very funny and conveniently RIGHT BEFORE THE PANDEMIC#which is like. when eveyrone got into it except i got a month of extra practice lol#and to be fair i did my first real piece once i got home#but i found those photos#and like!!! i did get better!!! my stitches are cleaner now! i have a better handle on how to make things look consistent!#and i have made so many mistakes that i didnt realize were mistakes#that made everything warped etc#but ive actually gotten better and thats like. tangible!!!!#at the same time there are so many cool styles that i have yet to try#and i have so much room to grow technically and like from a basic art perspective#(obvs from the art perspective like i'll probably never be able to do like Original Needlepainting which im fine with lol)#anyways this was prompted by me seeing a hoop with some of the cleanest split stitches ever#like at first glance i thought it was machine#but you can see the texture and it's GORGEOUS#and i always thought the fun of filling stitches like that was that it idnt matter what you did#but like. if you plan it out (maybe have direction lines? practice at having more even stitching? invest in a stand?)#it can look SO PRETTY. the design was also like not super flashy it was just so well made#and that's just like. a really good example of an extremely basic thing#like im trying something similar out with my satin stitch ofmd hoop#to copy the style of the landscape artists i see#and i think im doing okay at it?#but doing dense filling like that is definitely more my vibe#might try it out when i do more chainsaw man#although those are all gonna be black and red so it'll probably be hard to see for the all black stuff
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