#and i have made so many mistakes that i didnt realize were mistakes
dumbkiwi · 2 years
4 am means it's time to clog up your dash with personal posts anyways looking at ppls embroidery and my own realizing both how far ive come and how much more i can still learn/do is very cool. no i dont want to write an email in japanese.
#sel speaks#i started in december of 2019!! which is very funny and conveniently RIGHT BEFORE THE PANDEMIC#which is like. when eveyrone got into it except i got a month of extra practice lol#and to be fair i did my first real piece once i got home#but i found those photos#and like!!! i did get better!!! my stitches are cleaner now! i have a better handle on how to make things look consistent!#and i have made so many mistakes that i didnt realize were mistakes#that made everything warped etc#but ive actually gotten better and thats like. tangible!!!!#at the same time there are so many cool styles that i have yet to try#and i have so much room to grow technically and like from a basic art perspective#(obvs from the art perspective like i'll probably never be able to do like Original Needlepainting which im fine with lol)#anyways this was prompted by me seeing a hoop with some of the cleanest split stitches ever#like at first glance i thought it was machine#but you can see the texture and it's GORGEOUS#and i always thought the fun of filling stitches like that was that it idnt matter what you did#but like. if you plan it out (maybe have direction lines? practice at having more even stitching? invest in a stand?)#it can look SO PRETTY. the design was also like not super flashy it was just so well made#and that's just like. a really good example of an extremely basic thing#like im trying something similar out with my satin stitch ofmd hoop#to copy the style of the landscape artists i see#and i think im doing okay at it?#but doing dense filling like that is definitely more my vibe#might try it out when i do more chainsaw man#although those are all gonna be black and red so it'll probably be hard to see for the all black stuff
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something angsty for paige where maybe yall are talking and then you see the live of her kissing azzi at the bar?? (make it gut wrenching pls)
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summary — paige makes drunken mistakes and you figure out where you both stand
pairings: paige bueckers x fem cheerleader!reader
word count: 418
warnings: cursing, angst
authors note: hii thanks for this request! i dont really know the full context of that live moment so i didnt really wanna write it without that much knowledge but heres something similar! i kinda wanna make a part 2 just lmk if u guys want me too 🫶 ill stop talking now rah hope u enjoy!
part 2
It was around 2 am, everyone in the room feeling buzzed and tipsy.
After another victory from the women’s basketball team, they had decided to invite the UConn dance team to go out and celebrate with them for the night.
“Yo, guys! We should play a game.” KK sat up and leaned forward.
“What game?” You spoke up, making eye contact with Paige.
For the past few weeks, you guys have been getting to know each other and spending time with each other. Paige was so sweet to you. She got you gifts, took you out on dates and even introduced you to her family. You were starting to question things since none of you made it official.
“Truth or dare. But!-” KK stood up and poured a shot. “If you don’t wanna answer or do the dare, you gotta take a shot.”
Everyone started to sit up, listening intently.
“Alright, let’s start with you Paige!” KK rubbed her hands together. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.”
She scoffs. “Easy.”
Your grin widened as you realized she was walking to your direction, quickly dropping once she leaned in to kiss your teammate next to you.
“Ooh!” Everyone around you raised their eyebrows and laughed.
You felt like your heart dropped to your stomach. Did all of the gifts, kisses and the time you spent with each other mean nothing to her?
You cleared your throat. “I think im gonna head out. You guys have fun though.” You put on the best smile you could before grabbing your things and walking out.
“Get home safe!” Nika smiled warmly at you before glaring at Paige. “You’re a fucking asshole.”
Paige rolled her eyes. “What’d I do now?!”
Nika snatched the can from her hand. “You’re wasted. You’ve had too many shots and now you’re making stupid decisions.”
“Stop being such a killjoy Nika!”
“She’s done nothing but be there for you for the past 4 weeks!” She fumed. “You aren’t even going after her! Is she just nothing to you?!”
Paige stood up, rolling her eyes for what seemed like the tenth time tonight. “Whatever.”
She ran after you. “Y/N!”
You walked towards the taxi faster, wiping your tear-stained cheeks.
Paige jogged over to you, grabbing your arm. “Hey!”
You turned around, removing your arm from her hand. “What?”
“I’m sorry okay?” She slurred.
“Paige, I just don’t get it.” You sniffled. “You can’t treat me like im your girlfriend then go off kissing other girls!”
“Come on Y/N!” She groaned. “I thought we were just having fun! Playing around and being casual.”
You felt your chest tightening as she said those words. “Nice to know where we stand.”
“Wait Y/N-“
“Get home safe Paige. You’re wasted.”
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nmakii · 2 months
Hi! I'm not the one that requested no one is better than I am.... BUT I loved it so much! I was wondering if you could make a part two say maybe the person we ran away with turns out to be abuse or something like that and we're kinda like 'I fucked up' and realize maybe running wasn't such a good idea.... Anyway you can add your own little twist and you can ignore this if you wish <3
- rose anon 🌹
— this relationship wasn’t meant to last long. all is forgiven though. alastor will forgive you.
— tangled reimagined 😮‍💨 didnt even realize it until i finished writing HAHAHAHAHA
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a month later, the honeymoon period had died out. to be fair, you hadn’t exactly made a plan…crashing at a motel on the edge of mississippi, not exactly what you had in mind.
living off the scraps of what you took, pawning off your belongings. oh, this was not ideal at all. and, how your lover got when he was angry; he’d bruise your arm from gripping way too tightly whenever you didn’t get enough money. how you started to miss alastor, it’s true what they say— you don’t know what you have until it’s gone.
if you were able to run once, perhaps you could just one more time? he is not as smart as alastor, you should be able to get away easily in the night.
yes, you should. after trading away many of your items, all you have left is but a satchel worth of dresses. new orleans is not particularly far with a car either.
and so, a familiar memory of running away at the dead of night. only now, it is you returning to alastor, just like he knew you would.
when you returned home, it was 2 AM. the house was just as it was when you left, albeit quite dusty now without your care.
you dropped your satchel on the dining table, just as you left it. it’s almost as if your home was abandoned when you left.
in the bedroom, your husband, sleeping peacefully— an arm clinging to your side of the bed, as if holding onto what little scent of you there was left.
when you opened the bathroom door, a silk nightgown was hung, simply waiting to be worn.
after you had changed, you sat back on your bed, the familiar smell of home coming back to you. as you laid in bed, you found yourself facing alastor.
your hands moved to bring him closer, the warm touch waking him scarily quick. “my love, you’ve returned.” he smiled, bringing you close.
your muscles tensed at the pet name, frightening reminders of the last month coming back. “hey, calm down, dear. i’m not mad.” he reassured you, awfully calmly at that. “running away; it was a mistake, wasn’t it?”
you nodded as you relaxed under his touch. “he was awful… im sorry, alastor…” you frowned. “oh, darling, i told you, didn’t i? no matter, all is forgiven.” he cooed, brushing your hair gently with his nimble fingers. “i’ll protect you from all that is bad in this world. no evil will meet you as long as i live. all i ask… is that you stay here, with me, forever— take care of our house, cook dinner, and perhaps even care for our little ones in the future?” he rambled on, a wide smile upon his face as he thinks of your future together. “ah, i’m rambling, we can discuss that in the future. in the meantime, could you do that, dear?” he asked, offering it to you as if you had a choice.
you nodded, not even looking at alastor. “good. i love you very much, don’t you know that, my dear? all i want is for you to be safe.” he told you. “…i” you started, thinking carefully of your words. “i love you too, alastor…” you said.
did you truly love him? of course you did. he took you back after you betrayed his trust, he’s a wonderful husband.
the moment the words fell from your sweet lips, a wide smile found its way onto alastor’s face. a kiss pressed upon your forehead.
his little doe finally returned his affections. it’s only a shame of his that he had to hurt your delicate heart first.
why would a single man be in a luxury store? oh, words cannot describe how thankful alastor is for your foolish naivety.
word on the street, that eugene was quite the heartbreaker. not to mention, that criminal record of his.
convincing him to go through with it wasn’t hard either. seeing a new toy that knows nothing of his record, he was more than eager to play with you. all it took was a bit of cash for him to keep up the sweetheart act.
and now that his doe was home, there’s no use for trash like that man in this world. the bruises on your arm, they were not what was intended.
all he asked was a simple grab, but it seems he got carried away, that piece of garbage.
as alastor forcefully swallowed his anger, he held you close, massaging the bruises on your wrist. “rest well, darling. you’ve been through a lot this past month.” he cooed, slowly lulling you to sleep.
oh, how excited he is that his little doe is home. to celebrate, we need a special meal, don’t we? say, there is a rare meat that alastor has been dying to try.
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AITA for not sharing clients with my coworker?
This submission is using fake names for privacy.
So I'm going to preface this by saying I'm very inexperienced in my line of work. I'm a dog bather, and unlike my other two coworkers Andrea (groomer) and Kelly (fellow bather), this is my first time in a job where I work with animals so I'm still trying to get in the groove on how to act with the dogs and how to do my job. My coworkers know I'm inexperienced and said they're willing to assist me in getting better, which I appreciate.
This whole thing started yesterday when I noticed I had 3 dogs scheduled under me, and none for Kelly, which is a rarity. I was excited to have so many clients under me in one day, since it would be plenty of experience for me. I didnt think anything of the difference in our clientele, since there have been days where i had none and she had plenty, and I never took it personally.
While i was drying my second dog of the day, I noticed my third client was coming in. I decided to ask Kelly if she could continue drying my dog while i checked in my next dog. She said she'd only dry my dog if she could put it under her name and I said no, because i was going to complete the rest of the groom; I just wanted her to dry the dog while i was away for like 5 minutes. She said i could do it myself. I brushed off the rude comment and checked in my next dog before continuing with dog #2.
Fast forward to today, i noticed a woman in the salon waiting to be served. Since Kelly and Andrea were chit-chatting in the tub room, I talked to her and she said she wanted a nail trim for her dog. Since i couldn't find the dog on our schedule, i realized it was a walk-in and decided to put the dog under my name since i had nothing going on.
While scheduling I misclicked and accidentally put the dog under Kelly, before realizing the mistake and put the dog under my name instead. Keep in mind that all changes made to a dog's appointment gets logged.
After that, I was putting the dog onto my table when Kelly walked in. She noted the breed of the dog (one of her favorites) and checked the notes, and saw that the dog had been "originally" put under her name. She immediately asked if I had stolen that dog from her and I told her no, it was a walk in, I had just misclicked when making the appointment.
Just then Andrea walks in, telling Kelly that the dog was supposed to be hers. Immediately, Kelly blows up at me and called me a liar, that i was a client thief, that I was selfish, etc. I tried to explain that it really was a walk-in and that i wasn't lying, and Andrea quickly realized what was up.
She explained that she had been on the phone with the client, realized what breed the dog was, and made a mental note that she wanted Kelly to do the dog since it was her favorite breed. However she told the client to treat it as a walk-in and come in whenever she wanted, which meant no appointment could be made until she showed up.
FINALLY Kelly believed me, but she didn't apologize for yelling at me. Instead she told me that she was annoyed with me because I never share clients with her even though she shares clients with me.
My gripe is that I have never asked her to share any of her dogs with me. The only thing ive asked of her is to let me clip her dogs nails on occasion so i could get more experience and become more comfortable. And that was ONLY when Andrea (salon manager) didn't have any dogs to let me practice on.
I can kinda see where shes coming from, it can be frustrating to have no clients while your coworkers have plenty. And I can see how she thinks im being selfish for not reciprocating her "generosity." And its not like we make commission on each dog yet, so it doesnt matter which dog goes to who.
But on the other hand, like i said, ive NEVER asked her for any of her dogs. She doesn't have to share them with me, and i dont expect her to. But she expects me to share mine with her, despite knowing that i need the extra practice.
Coworker is mad at me because I dont share clients with her like she does with me; but I've never asked her for any clients, and its well-known in the salon that i need the practice and experience
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atinyniki · 26 days
mistakes and apologies.
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group: stray kids !
pairing: ex-cupid!hwang hyunjin x human f!reader
genre: angst, fluff, suggestive
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, hyunjin is referred to as jin, jinnie, hyune, blood (ish?), reader kinda is a dumbass, intimacy, mentions of sex (no smut), ANGSTTT, taehyun is readers ex-boyfriend, harin is taehyuns girlfriend, pregnancy, mentions of cheating, new relationships and the pain thata goes along with it, hyunjin starting his life as a human being, hyun = taehyun hyunjin = hyune (its meant to sound similar so jinnie gets jelly >:)) ), crying, drinking and alcohol.
authors note: (pt. 2 of cupid's arrow) repost of an old fic but took out the smut part of this bc... it didnt seem important. there are still sexual parts in this fic !!! remember that before reading please :) this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 5892
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“y/n! i’m home!”
you walk over to the door, excited to see your boyfriend after he went out for groceries. he took a lot longer than you usually would, but you guess it’s because he’s never been grocery shopping before.
the second you saw him though, you realized you were completely wrong. your heart felt like it was going to explode again.
“how do i look?”
you walk over to him, twirling a couple strands of his now black hair around your finger. you beam at him, “it looks so pretty, jinnie...”
hyunjin’s heart swells in his chest. you’ve done this so many times before. when in bed, doing his makeup, while you’re reading, you always have your hands in his hair, but you’ve never done it simply just to admire it.
the look in your eyes slowly has him shying away, averting your gaze and settling his eyes onto your shoulder instead. “thank you…”
you grab some of the bags from his hand, bringing them to the kitchen and putting some things in the fridge. “i’m sorry, i wanted to look more… you know… human i guess? the pink stood out a little.”
you walk over to him and smile, tucking some of the black wisps of hair behind his ear. “why are you apologizing jinnie? i said it looks pretty on you! i love it.”
“oh. i dunno, i just- i know how much you loved my pink hair.”
he sets down the bags onto the counter, eyeing you as you approach him. you cup his face in your hands, smiling at him. 
his cheeks burn red at the proximity of your faces, and you finally give him a quick peck on his lips. “i love you hyune, you know that right? a hair color isn’t going to change how i feel about you, dummy”, you giggle.
he hasn’t gotten used to the whole relationship thing, but it’s safe to say he’s loving it so far.
“thank you, i love you too”
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“i got the job!”
you jump up, walking over to hug him. “i’m glad, you deserve it. you’re really talented hyune” 
though it’s happened many times, he’ll never get used to your praise. it seems like you always know what to say in the moment, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
he holds onto you tight, pulling away a little to kiss your cheek. he giggles, “thanks y/n…”
after a moment of comfortable silence, you pull away and take his hand in yours. “come eat, i made dinner”
you both sit down at the table, talking more about his new job as a dance instructor. “when do you start working?”
“monday, and i only work weekdays”
you hum in acknowledgement, taking another bite of the jjajangmyeon you made. “how long do you work? just so i know in case we have to schedule things.”
“four hours a day, i start at four”
“hmm… okay”
he continues eating, surprised he’s never had this dish before, but then again, food was different up there. you grab onto his hand, smiling at him while you wait for him to finish eating.
he finishes his bowl not too long after, only to turn and see you staring right at him. you giggle, trying not to sputter out a laugh. “is something wrong?”
you smile at him, “you have a little sauce on your face”
“what? where?”
you point to where it is, but he misses. “here, let me”
you swipe the sauce away from his lip, and look back up into his eyes. he stares back with wide eyes, inevitably getting flustered at the little action. you pull him down by his shirt to kiss him once, pulling away not long after and bringing the bowls to the sink.
he stays sat at the table in surprise, is it normal to be so flustered all the time?
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“hyune? are you in- oh…”
the pale yellow glow of his wings lit up the room just enough to see what was in front of him. he quickly shuts off his phone, where he has the reference photo, and almost knocks over the canvas in the process.
“don’t look…”
you giggle, walking over him and hugging him from behind. “awh… jinnie”
you watch as his cheeks flush red, and he brings his hands up to cover his face. “shut up…”
you pry his hands off his face and kiss him on the cheek, exaggerating it with a loud ‘mwah’. you see the smile erupt on his face, and you couldn’t stop anymore. you begin peppering kisses all over his face, sitting down on his lap somewhere in between.
he finally pulls away, only to finally kiss your lips. you deepen it, running your tongue along his bottom lip, silently asking for permission. of course, it’s not like he can resist anyways.
you tug some of his hair, earning a groan from him, and your heart feels like it’s going to explode. “hyune…”, you whisper.
he doesn’t let you continue, kissing you again and standing up, holding you against him. you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to the bedroom, the painting long forgotten. 
he climbs onto you, tugging on your shirt with his hands. you quickly throw it off, taking his off next.
“need you…”
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“are you okay? do you need anything?”
“hyune, you’ve asked me that like… six times”
“oh… sorry”
you giggle at him, grabbing his arms and pulling him back down onto the bed. “come here”
hyunjin has put on a shirt already, but you’re still completely bare. you hold him close to you, giving him little kisses on his face and watching him giggle. 
his eyes are fixed onto your face, practically unable to wander anywhere else when he has this gorgeous sight in front of him. “you’re so beautiful”, me mutters as he kisses your cheek.
“i love you hyune”
his eyes widen again, it seems like he hasn’t gotten used to you saying it yet. he nuzzles into your chest, looking up at you again and kissing over your collarbone. “i love you too”
he wraps his arms around you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “you know, i look forward to this everyday.”
you giggle, “what, sex?”
he smiles, “no, just to hold you.”
you blush, “oh, i-“
“shh… just rest now. need you close to me…”
your fingers graze his wings a little, and he immediately relaxes into your hold. yeah, you can definitely get used to this.
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“open it!”
“i’m scared, is a spider going to jump out of it or something?”
“what?! no! just… just open it.”
you slowly take off the lid, spotting what looks like a mini photo book inside. “what’s this?”
“my sketchbook.”
you look back up at him, “don’t you need this?”
“it’s my old one, look inside”
you hold the book, admiring the work done at the front. pretty flowers are scribbled onto the cover, and you run your fingers along the grooves. you open the book, and your jaw drops instantly. 
you flip through the countless photos he’s drawn of you, even one of you on your first “date” at the cafe. you still remember how your nose bled so bad that day, and you smile to yourself.
“well, do you-“
before he can get his question out, you pull him into a soft kiss, smiling when you hear his surprised yelp. 
“i love it. its beautiful, hyune…”
his heart swells in his chest again, something about these moments felt so special to him. he hopes he’ll remember these moments forever. 
the honeymoon phase can only last so long, right?
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you walk over to the snacks section, trying to find those chips that hyunjin really likes, but you can’t remember what they’re called. you stroll through the aisle, looking for the packaging.
you spot the light purple bag, picking it up until you hear a voice from beside you. “y/n?”
you turn your head to where you heard it come from, “hyun? hey!”
he walks over to you, it’s been a while since you’ve seen him last, only ever seeing his posts with his girlfriend. “how are you?”
he giggles at the question, but you’re not sure why. “good, i see you’ve been doing well.”
you give him a questioning look, until he begins playfully nudging your shoulder. “so thankful for my hyunnie”, he says in a mocking voice.
you quickly push him off of you, “shut up, taehyun”
“awhh, but you love him don’t you?”, he asks with pleading eyes. “yes, i do, now shut up about him.”
he giggles again, “is someone getting flustered?”
you finally turn towards him, rolling your eyes, “fine then, how’s your girlfriend hyun? don’t you love her so much?”, you giggle.
you watch as he flushes red, god you’re both in deep shit. after laughing at him for a little, he speaks up. “i actually came here to um… get a pregnancy test”
your eyes go wide, and your head shoots up to look at him. “wait… really?!”
he smiles, nodding at you. “we’ve been trying for a while”
“that’s great! you should probably get going now then, i don’t want you to worry her.”
he hums in agreement, smiling and bidding his goodbyes. you remind yourself to text him later to ask about it. 
you’re glad you stayed on good terms.
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“what? really?! she’s really pregnant?”
“oh my gosh! i’m so happy for you guys!”
“how are you and hyunjin?”
the conversation went on for hours, it’s been a long time since you’ve really talked. you missed taehyun. not as a lover of course, but as a friend. he always knew how to listen to you and help you.
you try to block out the bad memories, the rejection and heartbreak. you wished you stayed friends, maybe it would be a lot easier to talk to him without all that history.
you start making the jjajangmyeon, hyunjin’s new favorite dish, with the phone at your side. “yeah he’s really come to like my jjajangmyeon so i make it a bunch”
“ah i see, harin loves jjajangmyeon too! maybe we should plan a double date”, he giggles.
you were so lost in the conversation that you didn’t even hear him coming through the door. he hugs you from behind, almost causing you to drop the pot you were holding. 
“god! you scared me…”
you pick up your phone, “sorry hyun, hyunjin just got home. i’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
“of course! enjoy the food”
“thanks, bye hyun!”
“bye byeee”
you end the call, turning around to hug hyunjin properly. “dinners ready, i made you your favorite”
he gives you a tired smile, and you both sit down at the table with your plates. “who were you talking to earlier?”
you know he wasn’t being suspicious, and it was just out of pure curiosity, but the way he said it made you giggle. “oh, that was taehyun”
he hummed in acknowledgement. “never heard of them before”, he smiled. “yeah, he’s an old friend”
“ah… i see”, he takes another bite of his food, almost deep in thought. he knows very well who taehyun is, hyunjin was your cupid after all. but it seemed to fly over your head, you thought of hyunjin as a normal person now, your lover. 
“hyune? you okay?”
he looks up at you, smiling again and kissing your cheek. “just tired. missed you…”
you giggle again, hyunjin never fails to make you smile. “i missed you too hon.”
the silence felt truly comfortable with hyunjin. not too long after, you bring him to the bedroom, running a bath for him and slowly undressing him. 
“thank you…”
you give him a little kiss, “don’t thank me. this should be the bare minimum.”
after a moment of silence, you wonder why he hasn’t gone in yet. “is something wrong?”
he quickly undresses you, and you let him of course, although you’re a little confused. you expected him to be tired, not wanting any intimacy right now. 
instead of sitting on the bed, he picks you up and sets you down in the bathtub, settling in with you not long after. 
“need to be close to you…”
you massage his aching limbs with the foamy bubbles, smiling and kissing his face every so often. you know he’s working hard, and you just want to take care of him for now. “sorry for being so clingy.”
“don’t apologize, i need you just as much.”
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you’ve finished the movie you were watching with hyunjin, finally grabbing the new book you bought to read. hyunjin stays put in your lap, enveloping himself in your warmth.
you start to read, the room completely silence aside from your breathing. “y/n?”
you were a little startled by his voice, but answered him. “yes jinnie?”
“can you… um- read to me?”
you giggle at him, poking his nose. “of course darling.”
you continue to read the romance novel, reading most of the soft scenes. hyunjin can’t help but imagine the both of you two in the book instead of the characters. 
his breathing stills, but he’s still awake. you don’t know that though. you continue to read, until you get a phone call. “hello? taehyun?”
hyunjin continues to act like hes asleep, scared that you’ll get mad if he interrupts. “hey y/n! how are you?”
“oh i’m pretty good, just reading a book right now. why what’s up?”
“well, harin wanted me to invite you over! i think she’s crazy but she really wants to meet you. says you remind her of her sister.”
you giggle, “oh yeah of course! when?”
“when are you free?”
“well, i can come over right now if that’s okay with you”
“of course! will you be bringing hyunjin?”
“no i don’t think so, he’s sleeping right now”
you both say your goodbyes, and you carefully slip off the couch, setting hyunjin’s head down into a pillow and covering him with a blanket.
you quickly get ready, leaving hyunjin a note on the table and giving him a peck on the forehead. you enter your car not long after, driving over to taehyuns.
hyunjin quickly got off the couch to check the note. 
‘going to taehyuns! he wanted to see me. i’ll be back soon love, make sure to eat!’
of course, hyunjin couldn’t hear the other end of h the phone call. he didn’t really know that taehyun had a girlfriend, or that you were going more to meet her rather than see taehyun. 
maybe you should’ve worded it better…
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it’s been happening a lot now, you’ve been leaving the house to talk to harin and taehyun almost everyday. 
of course, hyunjin didn’t want to talk to you about it though, he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. he didn’t want to be jealous, he really did trust you but… he just couldn’t help himself.
he didn’t know how to approach you about it, so he planned on telling you when he got home. he just wanted to talk to you for a little bit, because truthfully, he just missed you.
“y/n? i’m home!”
he continues looking for you, but you’re nowhere to be found. he lets his wings out, wanting to relax for a bit. he looks for the note you’ve probably left on the counter. 
picking it up, he reads it, but it’s no surprise you’re at taehyuns. at least you leave a note, right? he walks over to the kitchen. maybe it’ll be better to talk about this over dinner?
it probably would be, if his wing didn’t get stuck between the door to the pantry. “fuck-“
he tries opening the door, but only folds the part of the wing. he screams in pain, trying to get it out carefully. it doesn’t budge. tears start leaving his eyes, he can’t escape. he does the only thing he can, and grabs his phone out of his pocket.
he calls you. no answer. he calls you again. no answer. fuck it.
hyunjin: y/n i need your help.
hyunjin: it’s urgent, come home please
hyunjin: y/n please?
no. answer.
shit. what now?
he tries prying himself out, but he pulls too hard. a loud scream echos through the empty house, hyunjin falling onto the floor. the half of the wing that’s been torn off has completely disintegrated into various colors of glitter.
a pink liquid drips from the inside of his torn wing, and he quickly grabs a tissue to stop it. he waits for it all to dry, and puts away his wings. 
maybe it’s better to rest for now. all of a sudden, he gets a phone call from an unknown number.
“hi! is this hyunjin?”
“yes it is, what can i help you with?”
“oh! im taehyun, im sure y/n has told you about me. long story short, we went clubbing for some fun and she got incredibly drunk… i don’t think she’s in proper condition to drive. is it okay if she stays over for the night?”
his heart sinks into his chest, he prays taehyun won’t take advantage of your vulnerable state right now. 
“oh yeah, of course. thanks for taking care of her.”
taehyun can hear the pain in his voice. “hyunjin, are you okay? i can drop her off and pick her up later to get her car if you’re more comfortable with that?”
“oh i’m okay! sorry… just hurt myself a little earlier and im a bit tired”
“ah i see, hope you feel better soon!”
“thanks taehyun. have a good night, text me if you need me”
he couldn’t stand waiting for a goodbye from taehyun, only hanging up and opening his messages again.
he unsends all the messages he sent you, scared you’ll feel bad for not being there. it’s okay, you were just drunk right? you wouldnt ignore him.
at least he hopes so.
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“hyune? i’m home!”
“hey baby”, you hear from the couch behind you.
“oh gosh! you scared me”
he lets out a giggle, but you heard a different emotion laced into the sound. “sorry, just wanted to relax here for a bit.
“is something wrong? you texted me yesterday but it said you unsent the messages.”
“oh, no nothing happened. i was just asking about if you were coming home, but taehyun called me”
“oh okay! do we have any juice?”
“yeah, i bought some for your hangover. check the fridge.”, he replied a little coldly.
your heart clenched a little, confused as to why he was acting like this. you grab the juice and pour yourself a glass. 
you notice traces of glitter on the floor outside of the pantry. “hyune, why is there glitter on the floor?”
“oh, just residue from my wings.”
it’s quiet once again, and you walk towards the couch.
“are you okay?”, you ask a little quietly.
“just tired”
“oh… okay”
a moment of silence passes. normally it’s comfortable in eachothers presence, but this time it felt suffocating.
“i love you hyune”
he doesn’t say anything for a moment, clenching his fists to ease the pain coursing through his veins.
“i love you too”, he answers, a little slower than usual.
you sit down next to him, nuzzling into his warmth. he has every right to be mad, but he wraps his arms around you anyways. he’s still upset, but he’ll talk to you when you’re in the right mind.
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that time never came. you went over to harin’s every day since then, normally coming home to see hyunjin already asleep. 
this time though, you don’t expect him to be standing right at the door waiting for you.
“where were you?”
“what? you know where i was. i was at hyuns”
he didn’t mean for the next question to come out so harsh, but he couldn’t help it. “are you cheating?”
your eyes go wide, “w-what?”
“are you cheating on me with taehyun?”, he asks again sternly.
“hyunjin that’s crazy, why would you even ask that?”
“you’re really gonna say “thats crazy” instead of denying it?”
you scoff incredulously, “no, i’m not cheating on you.”
“i- i don’t know if i can believe you anymore.”
“then why would you even ask if you’re so certain?”
he goes silent. a tear leaves his eye, his entire façade cracking. your heart felt like it was going to explode… not in the good way.
“i… i wanted to trust you. i wanted to believe you- but you… i don’t know anymore.”
“fine. text me when you realize you’re wrong. i’m sleeping over at harins.”
“who’s harin?”
“taehyuns fiancé.”
his heart stops.
“what? why didn’t you say he had one?”
“because, i thought you’d trust me to begin with.”
hyunjin’s eyes go wide, but before he can say anything, you turn around and leave. his heart feels like it’s been torn into a million pieces.
was it his fault then…? no… surely not…
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life felt empty without you. hyunjin didn’t even have a life before he turned human, but it felt even worse without you. the person he’s been with since birth. the person he’s been through everything with, even if you weren’t aware of it.
his life was basically ruined without you. he doesn’t know when you’re coming back. it’s been two days already. the house is cleaned, he makes your favorite foods for dinner just hoping you’ll come back, but you don’t.
he spends his time painting, but he’s painted all he can. he has no reference photos of you anymore, he’s run out.
days pass… he’s forgetting the sound of your voice. he doesn’t want to. he sends you apologetic voicemails everyday praying you’ll send one back. you don’t.
taehyun has been calling him a lot too, assuring him that you just need time. he didn’t say it, but he knows you should’ve told hyunjin about his fiance first. maybe this could have all been avoided.
hyunjin can’t help but think it’s all his fault. he let his insecurities get in the way of rational thinking. of course you would never cheat! but… was the love you had even real?
it was all because of that stupid arrow, right? what if the spark you had was finally gone? he doesn’t want to think about it.
he quickly picks up another small painting, laying in bed and holding it in his hands. he doesn’t know if it’s right, or if it’s obsessive. all he knows is that he misses you. it’s been almost two weeks.
he’s been off at work, not as great as he used to be. he’s not the same without you, and it’s eating him alive.
“hey y/n… it’s been almost two weeks now. i miss you a lot. i’m sorry for not trusting you even though ive said it so many times, im just scared you’re going to fall out of love with me. maybe you already have… im sorry i have no way to get these feelings out other than to talk to a photo. i’m sorry i ever summoned that arrow, and im sorry i tore my wing. i wish i was good enough for you, i really do, and im sorry im not. i love you, and i miss you. please, come home soon. i just want to see you again. goodnight”
it’s become a regular routine after you didn’t answer his text or voicemails at night. he couldn’t call you, he couldn’t reach you in any way, but talking to you, or something that resembles you, helped him get those feelings out.
he drifts off to sleep almost and hour and a half later, he’s been having a lot of trouble with that lately.
you walk up to the house and unlock the door, trying to be as quiet as possible in case hyunjin was sleeping. 
you almost cry at the sight of him again, various paintings piled up onto the dresser on your side of the bed. you take off your clothes and change into more comfortable ones, sliding into bed and being careful not to wake him up. you don’t succeed though.
hyunjin notices you in bed, but waits till you’re asleep to say anything. he knows you need rest, and you need a lot of time too.
you fall asleep not too long after, your breathing becoming even. should he really do this right now? it’s not like he had a choice, anyways.
he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest and burying his face in your shoulder. he whispers to you, afraid you’ll be mad again if he wakes you.
“hey y/n… i missed you a lot. im so sorry for pushing you away from me. i shouldn’t have done it, and ill take the blame for what happened. i know i should’ve trusted you, and im sorry i didnt. i also really regret summoning that arrow when we met. why did you have to stab yourself with it? you know you’d be much better off without me, right?”
you feel a teardrop fall onto your neck, but you don’t dare make a noise. you need to hear all of this and plan out your apology.
“i’m glad you’re back. i was scared i’d forget your voice. ive learned how to cook just for you, and i made your favorite foods in case you came home. i made so many paintings of you. i even… i even read that book. the one you read to me that night before you went to taehyuns house for the first time. i read over the paragraphs that you read to me, trying to hear your voice say the words again. it didn’t work.”
you turn around finally, almost sobbing when you see him again. his eyes go wide, scared that he’s hurting you even more, and he backs away. “no! hyune… don’t go. tell me how you feel, please.”
he hesitates for a moment, but when you hold his hand in yours it all comes crashing down. 
“i love you so much y/n, but i can’t help but think you’d be better with someone else. im trying my hardest, but i always let insecurities get in the way of us. i should’ve trusted you. i don’t know why, but i just can’t see myself with you anymore because i know you don’t deserve it. you don’t deserve someone like me. you were forced to love me. you didn’t have a choice… but now you do. now you can get over me and fall in love with someone else, now that you know what it feels like. and… i can go back to being your cupid again. is that… okay with you?”
your heart stops. “what? no! no that’s not okay with me?! how could you even ask that hyune? i… i love you… i needed time to figure out how to apologize because… hyunjin- none of this is even your fault! it’s mine. i always went out with taehyun and never invited you, and i never even mentioned his fiancé! no wonder you got jealous… and even then i- i didn’t even give you any time. i always came home when you were asleep and that… that’s not okay. that’s on me. this is my fault hyune… please don’t blame yourself.”
“i’m sorry im asking you this again, and i really don’t want you to say anything to just sugarcoat it. promise you’ll be honest?”
“i promise. whats going on hyunjin?”
“do you really love me? it’s okay if you say no! i’ll understand, i promise… it’s just because of the arrow, right? i’m sorry i-“
you cut him off with a kiss, you couldn’t stand it anymore. teardrops dripped everywhere, collecting at the bottom of your chins as you began to sit up. “no… you’ve got it all wrong. i love you hyunjin. i promise”
more tears leave his eyes, small whimpers leaving his lips too. your heart cracked at every noise he made, but you hugged him tight while straddling him, splaying a hand across his cheek to soothe him.
“i’m so sorry hyunjin… this is all my fault, really. don’t blame yourself for anything. i’m sorry you had to deal with all these thoughts alone. i should’ve been there for you.”
“it’s okay… i just need you close now. can we talk tomorrow? please?”
you nod, kissing him again and laying down with him. you held him close to you, wrapping yourself around him to provide comfort. light sobs from him filled the room. you chose not to comment on it… it would only make you more upset.
you’ll make it up to him. you know you will.
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“good morning, hyune”
his eyes flutter open, tears instantly run down his face as he looks at you, taking in your features in the light again.
“woah woah woah, what’s wrong?”
“nothing… i missed you”
your heart cracking more and more, this had to have been worse than the pain of rejection.
“i’m sorry. i should have come back earlier… i just wasn’t in the right mind.”
“it’s okay, love… just stay for now.”
you pull him closer to you, burying his face in your chest. “you know… my mom asked about you. i didn’t know how to tell her what i did, but it just all poured out. she told me to come here.”
“coming back into the house felt like a dream. i haven’t been here in so long, but i think what scared me was the paintings.”
“what… like my ‘shrine’?”
you giggle, “no hyune, not your little ‘shrine’, the ones outside. there were paintings in our house, and i had each stroke memorized by heart. our first picnic date, and the coffee date we had… i remember everything. but when i came home… they were all replaced with paintings of just me. i thought you left…”
you could feel your sleep shirt getting wetter and wetter from his tears, but you just pull him closer. “im sorry for hurting such a pure heart like yours, hyune. you didn’t deserve it.”
“i love you.”, he mumbles.
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
he leans up to kiss your cheek. you know you have to make everything up to him, but for now you just wanted to enjoy this moment with him. 
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it’s been a couple days since then. you’re getting settled again with him, and it’s not going too terribly. he’s been opening up about his feelings more, and you’ve been listening to the voicemails he sent you while you were away.
you walk back into his art studio, rushing to him when you see his wings out. “hyune? what happened?”
he turns to you, “hm?”
he quickly traces your eyes, realizing that you’re looking at his wings, and he immediately hides them. “take them out again… please? i want to see…”
he sighs, taking them out again. “oh baby… how did this happen?”
“it got stuck in the middle of the door hinge. i tried to get it out but it tore.”
“oh… why didn’t you call me?”
he stays silent. you think back to the day you came home, and the glitter you found on the floor near the pantry.
“shit… it was- you did call me… but i was drunk, wasn’t i?”
“don’t feel bad about it please, it wasn’t your fault. you were just drunk”
you kneel down next to him, grabbing his legs and pulling so he’s staring at you. he drops his paintbrush onto the easel. “what are you doing?”
you quickly pull his shirt off, earning a questioning look from him. “y/n, is this really the time to be-“
you cut him off when you gently touch his wing over the tear, finally reaching up to kiss it. you kiss all over the edge, earning giggles from him. “stop! it tickles”
you look at him, hugging him at his waist again, then leaning over to kiss his chest. “my mom always used to kiss my scars. i’m sorry i can’t kiss the ones ive left on your heart.”
his eyes widen, tears flowing down his cheeks, and you bring your hand up to swipe them away. 
“don’t cry baby… you don’t deserve it. i’m so sorry i hurt you.”
he kicks his chair to the side, kneeling so that he’s level with you. “thank you… but that’s not your job. you know that. you’ve apologized, i forgive you.”
tears leave your eyes again, he sounds so sincere, even though you’ve broken his heart already. “i love you… im so sorry.”
“i love you too. please don’t apologize.”
you pull him into another hug, still sniffling from your tears. “i’ll be better. i promise, hyune.”
“you’re okay… calm down, my love”
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“wow… hes so beautiful…”
hyunjin cradles little minjoon in his arms, watching him thrash and blubber. 
“thank you, hyunjin”, harin smiles at him. taehyun is right at his side, watching hyunjin play with minjoon.
your heart swells in your chest, he looks so cute with him, you can’t wait to have one of your own.
not long after, the two of you leave, walking into your home together and discussing your little trip. “thank you for letting me meet them… you didn’t have to.”
“of course i did! they’re my best friends now, it’s kind of required”
he giggles, picking you up and setting you down on the counter. “i really do love you, y/n.”
“i know… i love you too”
he lets his wings out, a purple glow filling the room. “baby?”
he picks you up, bringing you to the bedroom. “let’s have a baby.”
he sighs, “fuck… seeing minjoon…”
“oh my god… because of minjoon?!”
you pull him closer, “fine… but you’re doing all the work this time.”
“i’ll do anything for you, darling”
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he rushes to the bathroom, a big smile on his face. “yes?”
“i’m pregnant!”
he picks you up, spinning you around and kissing your face repeatedly.
“really? are you sure?”
“im sure! i took three to check!”
“agghhhh! i love you so much!”
“i love you too, hyune.”
he looks at you again, a lovesick look in his eyes, and he promptly sinks to his knees. he pulls your shirt up, kissing over your tummy and hugging you close. 
“can’t wait to see you all swollen with my baby…”
“god hyune, you’re so whipped”
“i know i am, but only for you, dear”
you pull him back up from the ground, bringing him to the bedroom and laying down with him. “you’re so cheesy.”
“and you love me”
“so much, hyune. you don’t even know.”
“you’re the light of my life.”
you nuzzle back into his shoulder, smiling until you feel a teardrop hit your cheek. you look up at him, slightly confused. 
“you’re so pretty my love…”
“why are you crying?”, you giggle. “i can’t believe you’re really mine…” you hug him tight, kissing his shoulder.
“always yours. only yours.”
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125 notes · View notes
goodomensjail · 11 months
We open in a dark space before creation. There is a pre-fall “Crowley” with white robes, white wings, and short curly red hair (no snake eyes). He is struggling to hold his plans straight so he shouts to the void for some help from what appears to be a falling star, which then takes shape into an equally white robed and winged Aziraphale.
Angel Crowley asks for this (apparently lesser) angel to help him create a nebula by holding his plans for him. Angel Crowley then uses a hand crank a la Bentley from season 1 to spin into existence a beautiful nebula. Angel Crowley explains eagerly and delightedly that it is a star factory; Aziraphale is delighted and compliments him and tries to introduce himself by name, obviously hoping Angel Crowley will do the same. But Angel Crowley actually is barely paying attention and misses the opportunity to introduce himself and we do not get his name (which is either a. important because when we DO get his real angel name it will be a MOMENT [Raphael?] or b. this provides the explanation for WHY in the garden of eden Anzirphale didnt know Demon Crowley's name).
Aziraphale then tells Crowley that though this nebula is beautiful, it apparently is planned to be destroyed in 6000 years, which upsets Crowley. Azirpahale also says Earth and “people” are about to be made and that the purpose of the stars and nebulas is for humans to gaze up at them in wonder. This also upsets Crowley who feels these star systems should exist for some greater purpose than humans to just look at.
Angel Crowley decides he may need to give some suggestions to God, to which Aziraphale cautions him to be very careful about giving too many suggestions to the almighty ("its not like she has a suggestion box or anything") or asking too many questions of the great plan. “How much trouble can I get in for a few suggestions anyway” says Crowley, as a shower of stars begins. Angel Crowley opens his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars of his new nebula.
**Note EDIT: I have been told by others directly in messages who were at the screening that YES Crowley says something to the effect of "arent you gorgeous" and Aziraphale thinks he is speaking to him for a beat before realizing its about the stars I do not recall the spoiler going around that Crowley says “aren’t you gorgeous” to a star and Aziraphale mistakes it for complimenting him. Though it fits with the general shy and adoring vibe from Aziraphale in the scene and the Doctor Who-ish wonder of Crowley for his nebula. Me not noting it or remembering it now doesn’t make it not true tho I coulda missed it cuz I was happily giggling to much
***Note 2: I thought Crowley had David Tennant’s normal eye color NO SNAKE EYES for sure, but I have seen some from the screening say his eyes were purple. I didn’t note that but I don’t want to go as far as say they are wrong
***NOTE 3: apparently im still in tumblr jail and cannot respond to comments even on this added blog.... The falling stars/meteor shower is NOT the fall from grace of the angels, it appears to be a normal star shower caused by the Nebula and it mirrors the rain scene; Crowley uses his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars.
637 notes · View notes
miuszn · 1 year
HII!! i love your writing sm, so i wanted to send in a request. I KNOW THIS IS SO CLICHÉ AND OVERDONE 😭😭 BUT could you possibly write a seven minutes in heaven scenario with ellie or abby. maybe reader n ellie/abby don’t really like each other, or they have tension ?? idk
seven minutes
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SETTING : college / modern au
WC : 3120
WARNINGS : not beta read , fingering , cunnilingus ( r!recieving both ) , kinda vanilla again ( sorry ) , top!ellie , one-sided rivalry , intentional lowercase , this might kinda seem like dubcon but it’s not reader is just shy , english isn’t my first language and i’m not perfectly fluent so there might be mistakes ( lmk if there’s any )
A / N : hii everyone !! aaa im so glad i finally finished this 😭😭 i love these corny cliche scenarios soooo much but only when it’s w women otherwise it’s just so bleh . women do everything better so true !! anywhooo i hope u guys enjoy this and tysm for requesting this bc i wanted to write something like this but didnt think anyone would want it .. ALSO IM SO SORRY I FORGOT TO INCLUDE ABBY WHEN I STARTED WRITING BC I SAVED THE ASK TO DRAFTS TO KEEP IT THERE N ONLY NOTICED NOW JFJDHDKDJ pls forgive me .. ill include ellie & abby tension over reader in the future i promise 🙏🙏
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“dina, i’m not going.”
you had no idea how many times you told her this, but you weren’t planning on changing your mind. you had gone to a few parties here and there, sure, but it wasn’t really your thing. you enjoyed going to them every once in a while to go out and loosen up, get your mind off of stress, but that was it. you weren't particularly crazy about it at the same level of other people your age, not even as much as dina, who’s considered a more casual partygoer. you had given her some excuse about having a project to work on, but the truth was, that wasn’t your concern. in fact, you didn’t have a project to work on at all. you made it all up. you even considered going to that party when dina first told you about it, but a few days later you overheard some classmates talk about how ellie williams out of all people would be going.
ellie ellie ellie. she drive you nuts for all the wrong reasons. you could tell she disliked you from the start, which that in itself made you dislike her as well. you wondered what you could’ve possibly done to anger her. but your dislike for her only grew when you realized just how irresponsible she was. she slept in, often came hungover to class, and yet she still scored the highest. even higher than you. and that really set you off. you had been an overachiever all your life, and all of a sudden some loser who doesn’t even put any effort into anything is beating you at everything. but most of all, it intrigued you a little more than it did anger you. you wished you could take a peek into her brain and see how the hell she managed to do it. your first thought was she copied answers off of people. seemed the most logical, right? but she was scoring the highest. how the hell could she score higher than anyone that she could even copy off of? hell, she even answered open-ended questions more detailed and well-written than you did. it didn’t make any sense. that’s the worst part of it all. you couldn’t even come up with a logical explanation as to how she could even do this.
little did you know, though, she was completely aware of your one-sided rivalry, and she found it adorable. she never tried to compete with you, but she thought it was hilarious watching you try so hard to compete with her. the first time she saw you, she was immediately drawn to you. your spotless image, valedictorian from your high school who had a perfect gpa and perfect test scores. you were perfect. but she wanted to see you crack. she wanted to see what was under all those layers (both figuratively and literally) and see what you were truly like. she knew you seeing her put in no effort into school yet still doing better than you would anger you. that’s exactly what she wanted. sure, she was in a way getting you to hate her, but it was a risk she was willing to take just to get a reaction out of you. and little did you know, you were attracted to her. and she was aware.
“come on, i don’t know why you’re acting like this all of a sudden,” dina whined. “you said you’d come along when i first told you about it.”
“i said i’d think about it,” you corrected her. “i’m just not really feeling it. besides i already told you i have this project to work on.”
“what’s it for?”
“it’s, uh..” you tried to come up with a lie on the spot. “it’s for calculus.”
“no way, we have a project in that class?” she asked, surprised, “i can’t believe i had no idea! when is it due?”
shit. you forgot you had that class with her.
“it’s for tomorrow, i think..” you kept going along with your lie.
“bullshit,” she laughed, “if we really had a project due tomorrow you would already have it done. and there’s no way i’d miss a project for that class!”
“fine,” you sighed, “i just needed an excuse so you’d leave me alone. but i really don’t want to go.”
“nope, because you lied you have to come.”
“because it’s fair!” she said, “besides, you definitely owe me one for going to that stupid concert with you the other day.”
you rolled your eyes. “you said you enjoyed it.”
“yeah, well, i lied. do you seriously think i’d ever like-“
“alright that’s enough!” you sighed. “i’ll go. but we are leaving early that night”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
“dinaaa, hurry up!” you knocked on the bathroom door. the main downside of sharing an apartment with your best friend was the fact she took forever to get out of the bathroom. you both decided it would be a good idea, you found a nice complex near campus and the rent was almost the same as a dorm room, so it was a no-brainer.
“five minutes!” she yelled back. five minutes my ass, you thought. at least this time you thought ahead of time and got in there before her. your outfit wasn’t anything fancy, of course, but you still wanted to dress cute. you had a black tube mini-skirt and white baby tee, just something you threw on that was comfortable but still looked alright. you had struggled a little to decide what to wear, you didn’t want to stand out too much but you still for some reason wanted to impress ellie deep down. you just brushed this off as an unwanted thought and ignored it, but it continued to linger in your mind. why do i even care what she thinks of me? you asked yourself.
about fifteen minutes later, dina finally came out of the bathroom.
“you said five”
“well, i still look good, don’t i?” she jokingly posed.
“yeah, yeah, whatever. let’s get going.”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
if there was one thing you could absolutely not stand about house parties, it was the stench inside the house. god was it awful. half of these people were frat boys who didn’t know what deodorant was and had been sweaty all night, and all this mixed with the smell of alcohol just made matters worse. most of the people were inside the house enjoying the music and the drinks, but you simply hung outside with dina chatting while drinking out of those cliche red cups you see in movies. you really couldn’t wait to get out of there, but yet again, that little voice in the back of your head made you think about ellie. you thought it was good you didn’t see her, but at the same time, you wanted to see her. it was a strange feeling. you couldn’t tell if it was curiosity, intrusive thoughts, or attraction. whatever it was, there was no way it was the last option.
about an hour passed and you were starting to get bored. just as you were about to suggest to dina you leave, a group of 8-ish people came out of the house to the backyard. among them was ellie. the moment you saw her you realized just how attractive she is. you had never looked at her enough to tell, but now it was evident. now you were even more confused. but you simply told yourself you can think she’s attractive and not be attracted to her.
you were so lost in thought you didn’t even realize one of the guys was talking to you and dina had to hit you on the shoulder to get your attention.
“is this chick high or something?” one of them laughed.
“uh- no- sorry. just kinda pensive.” you tried your hardest to avoid eye contact with ellie, and luckily this time you managed to do so. it just would’ve made things way more awkward.
“anyway-“ one of the guys started. “we were thinking since none of us wanna be with those people inside the house, we could just do something else to have fun.”
“what’re you thinking?” dina asked.
“7 minutes in heaven.”
you and dina were both a little stunned. you would’ve thought about some other thing, but you decided to go along with it anyway. not like anything could go wrong.
you all sat in a circle, and one of them began explaining the rules.
“simple, you spin the bottle, whoever it lands on, you have to go in the shed for 7 minutes and do any romantic or sexual act. kissing, making out, having sex even. but there has to be some proof you did something. if you didn’t do anything in the 7 minutes or refused to do anything in the first place, you take a shot. everyone got it?”
everyone nodded, and the game began. most people took a shot, about half an hour of the game went by and not a single person had gone into the shed. you landed on a few of the guys and vice versa, and while most of them were totally down to go in the shed with you, you most definitely weren’t. you weren’t sure if it was just you imagining things, but you felt you saw the slightest bit of anger and jealousy in ellie’s eyes anytime the bottle landed on you and the guys wanted to go in the shed with you, and she was relieved any time you took a shot. you found it strange. why did it matter to her? but you were sure you were just making things up.
you were starting to feel more and more tipsy from the drinks, standing on the line between drunk and sober. you were self-aware enough to tell yourself to not have any more drinks. one more spin, you told yourself. that was it. you spun the bottle, and surprise surprise, it landed on none other than ellie herself.
there was an awkward silence for a moment. you didn’t know what to do. it would be super awkward if either one of you accepted and the other declined.
one of the guys broke the silence first. “sooo.. are y’all going in the shed or not?”
“depends on her.” ellie smirked.
your face got a little hot. a soft red tinted your cheeks and you nodded, accepting in the heat of the moment. you were sure it was just your drunk mind making the decisions for you, but it wasn’t. you were very aware of the decision you had just made. but it hadn’t hit you yet. not until she walked behind you into the shed and shut the door.
“didn’t think you were into me like that,” ellie broke the silence. “i always thought you hated me or somethin’.”
you didn’t really know what to say. you mumbled some nonsense trying to come up with something fast.
“do i make you nervous?” she asked.
“sort of..” you were able to respond.
“ohh, i see,” she interrupted. “you just pretended to hate me for whatever reason.”
“no!” you protested. “i wasn’t pretending- i mean, i don’t hate you, it’s just. ugh.”
you gave up on trying to explain yourself when you realized just how childish and irrational you acted. seriously, disliking someone for outperforming you at your big age? the more you thought about it, the more embarassed you were about it. was it the alcohol doing this to you? it was all so confusing.
“why’d you accept to come into the shed with me?”
you didn’t respond, just shrugged. you didn’t know. you must’ve woken up on the wrong side of bed or something. you were acting very irrational today, and it’s like someone else was making decisions for you.
you didn’t realize she had pretty much backed you against one of the walls of the small room until now. this feeling, that you couldn’t quite put a name on, was so sudden and so foreign. did you have feelings for her that you had just been pushing away all this time because of jealousy? if not, what the hell was it?
her hand wandered up your skirt, stopping right before reaching your cunt. she looked up at you as if asking for approval, and although you hesitated for a moment, it’s as if your body made the decision for you and you nodded.
she didn’t waste any time and dipped her hand in your panties, rubbing circles on your clit to tease you, causing you to whimper and moan softly.
“so classy and put together whenever i see you, but look at you right now,” she teased. “no one would ever think you’d be whimpering for me like this.”
you blushed and looked away in embarrassment. you didn’t get why that made you blush. so many thoughts were racing through your head, so many conflicting feelings. yet you didn’t try to pull away, even though you had many opportunities to do so.
her touches weren’t enough and you were starting to get desperate, causing you to lightly buck your hips back and forth trying to feel her more.
“oh? someone’s desperate,” she chuckled. “alright, princess, i’ll give you what you want.”
you weren’t sure what she meant by that or what she was planning to do, but, for whatever reason, you trusted her.
she pulled her hand out of your panties, making you whine at the lack of contact.
“don’t worry, baby,” she said, getting down on her knees, her face at the level of your cunt. “i’ll take care of you real good.”
she started pulling down your panties and threw them somewhere on the floor, motioning you to put your leg on her shoulder. you seemed hesitant, thinking your leg might be kind of heavy for her to support on her shoulder. but she assured you it’d be fine.
her mouth was now millimeters away from your cunt. “if it’s too much, tell me to stop.” she looked up at you. you nodded, a little scared, but you still wanted to trust her.
she gave a long lick along your slit to tease you, making you gasp from the contact. she started mercilessly licking and sucking on your clit a little more intensely than you’d like her to, but at the same time, you liked it. you couldn’t tell her to stop. whimpers and moans came out of your mouth, being all that could be heard inside the small room aside from the wet sounds of ellie’s mouth on your cunt. you struggled more and more each second to stand as your legs wobbled and trembled from the sensation. she slid a finger inside you with ease, thrusting it in and out of you at a rapid pace which made you struggle to contain your moans that you started trying so hard to conceal since they only kept getting louder and louder. you had only been in that shed for about 6 minutes, but you were already about to reach your climax. and ellie was aware of this. she sped up her pace a little more, slurping up your juices like it was nothing.
after a moment, she lifted your leg from her shoulder and held your arm while getting up to make sure you could stabilize your footing.
“you okay?”
you nodded, and suddenly you realized what had just happened. ellie williams ate you out. you let the girl you swore you hated so bad eat you out, and you enjoyed it. you didn’t know what was the most shocking; that she didn’t hate you too, that she was even attracted to you, that she wanted to eat you out, or that you just let her. you weren’t sure wether you regretted it or not.
“what, you’re surprised you liked it or something?” she laughed, as if she had read your mind.
you felt your cheeks tint a slight red, and looked away in embarrassment, confirming she was right.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, turning to leave, but she grabbed your arm and stopped you.
“listen,” she looked into your eyes. “if you want, we can just forget about this. we don’t have to tell ‘em what happened.”
you nodded, and you both awkwardly walked back to the circle.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
when you sat back down, dina looked you up and down and giggled.
“why’re you looking at me like that?” you whispered to her.
“you think we’re dumb?” she giggled. “there’s a reason neither of you had to take a shot. like for example, your messy hair.”
you realized it was obvious, and you wanted the ground to swallow you whole right there. you had a lot of different feelings about what just happened, but the main one was embarrassment. it would’ve been one thing if it happened and you didn’t like it, but the fact that you enjoyed it was humiliating. not only did you like it, but you wanted more. you started to take a liking to her, and you hated that.
after about 15 more minutes, everyone got tired of the game and decided to end it. you and dina decided to just go home now, although it was a little early, since you hadn’t been enjoying yourselves much.
as you waited on the front lawn of the house for your uber to get there, you heard a voice calling from behind.
you both turned around and surprise surprise, it was ellie.
“what is it?”
“can i talk to your friend real quick?”
you and dina looked at each other, and you sighed and decided to talk to her. you thought it’ll be quick, and if anything, when the uber arrives you can use it as your get out of jail free card.
you walked over to her and she seemed to be abnormally tense.
“i just, uh. i wanted to ask if you were fine after all that.” she mumbled with a genuine expression on her face.
“ellie, it’s fine.” you sighed.
“are you sure?”
“yes, don’t worry about it. seriously.”
you thought that was it, but she clearly had something else on her mind.
“ellie, spit it out.”
“well, also,” she looked up at you, “i wanted to ask you for your number. i don’t think i’ve ever actually talked to you aside from today.”
you chuckled in disbelief at the audacity this girl had. clearly she knew you’d say no, and just wanted to rile you up. but you wouldn't give her that satisfaction, so you dropped the expression immediately and instead had a calm look on your face.
“maybe some other time, babe”
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
A / N : u guys know i don’t rlly like adding notes at the end of my fics but i felt i must clarify the last sentence isn’t reader having a complete 180 change of personality all of a sudden rather just acting different than she was right before leaving to sort of leave ellie stunned if that makes sense but i didn’t know how to end it and clarify that eheh also i might make a part 2 of this after i finish my next fic and the part 2 to my other fic if u guys want it <3 also ONCE AGAIN english is not my first language i’m not completely fluent yet and i write as a way to practice ++ i don’t have a beta reader sooo if u guys find mistakes PLEASE let me know !! thx for reading <33
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t0rturedangel · 4 months
hiii!!! i'm the same person who sent the ask regarding jekyll and i LOVED it! im honored to be the first asker and i might fill more - so if it's alright, may i request jekyll and/or hyde with an innocent yet motherly!darling who worries for their wellbeing, even going as far as gently scolding them and making them feel relaxed every once in a while.
take your time and take care!! xoxo
╭ . . . 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 ੭
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𝐃𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐘 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋 / 𝐌𝐑. 𝐄𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ♰ ৎ﹕𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘯 (𝘩𝘤𝘴)
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YAYYY ANOTHER JEKYLL & HYDE REQUEST, I'm honestly in love with the book and game so I'm sooooo happy you came and requested more!! :D I hope you like this
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𝘩𝘤𝘴 ~ 𝐉𝐄𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐋
✧⠀⨾ Despite never saying it, Jekyll adores you and values you a lot- like more than he cares for Utterson and Lanyon- and thats saying a lot since he knows the two very close
✧⠀⨾ he loves it whenever you visit, because you take the time out of your day to make sure he is doing well, even helping the servants make some tea for him and clean up a bit after- for some reason Jekyll loves your tea more than anyone else's, you make it so perfectly
✧⠀⨾ he also tends to try and not cause as many mistakes as he usually would while you're there- whether it be via experiments that he maybe burnt himself with or just casually bumping into things, you'll always be at his side right after and be scolding him while patching him up as well
Currently, you were sitting by the side of Jekyll- who has managed to mix up the wrong amount of chemicals needed for one of his recent experiments which caused it to overflow and accidently got on his hand- which burned... a lot. ❝ how could you be so careless Jekyll? look you've hurt yourself again.... Please be more careful around your chemicals, you know first hand how dangerous they can be! ❞ you patched Jekyll's hand up, holding with with delicacy which made it seem as if he'd break if you were careful enough which was true to an extent, Jekyll was feeling weaker lately- he's been more careless with himself and how he acted leading to this mess. However, he couldn't help himself from smiling at you with a fondness- you were always there for him, out of the kindness of your heart and that made him adore you more than anyone else could. You were truly a miracle to him
✧⠀⨾ Jekyll doesnt understand how he managed to meet you and befriend you, but he thanks god everyday for it.
✧⠀⨾ As a thank you, he always buys you gifts that he knows will make you overjoyed, he pays attention to what you like and dont like so when it comes to thank you's, you're never disappointed or sad
✧⠀⨾ All of his servants, cooks and Poole love you since you're sort of keeping their master together while also keeping them happy- whenever you visit they're always chatting with you about anything but this isnt about them
✧⠀⨾ Jekyll find your innocence adorable, and questions on if you are the completely moral person you make yourself out to be- or do you also indulge in your vices? do you have your own Hyde? though he'll never ask, no never, he just loves this perfect image of you- sweet moral you who wouldn't hurt anyone ever
𝘩𝘤𝘴 ~ 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄
✧⠀⨾ the first time you met Hyde, it was probably an accident- Jekyll has though of something so horrid that Hyde couldn't help but take over, it was never Infront of you (Jekyll is so grateful for that you don't even realize)
✧⠀⨾ Though when Hyde did see you, all of his rage and anger suddenly just went away?? it left him so confused and almost made him angry and vicious again until you began to talk to him- normally??
✧⠀⨾ you weren't disgusted with him? you didn't find him hideous? you didnt run away, screaming in horror? no, you didnt do that, oddly enough you walked over to him- smiling happily, and introduced yourself leaving the creature so confused and baffled he almost completely ignored you (he didnt though- you were too intruging to him)
You smiled at Hyde, grinning from ear to ear as you held out a hand for him to take and shake. ❝ hello! I'm [name] it's so lovely to meet you ❞ you didnt run away, or looked at him grossed out which almost irked the monster but he stayed out of pure curiosity. ❝ I'm Hyde.❞ he replied almost coldly, though you didnt get angry with him- instead fascinated ❝ oh! yes i have heard of you- you're a good friend of my dear Jekyll's! i dont understand why everyone is so sacred of you ❞ you smiled even more- leaving Hyde to question you and your intentions, yet he made no move to hurt you. Everyone was shocked, sorry- correction- everyone outside, in the beauty of the moon was shocked to see Hyde, the murderer, the man who trampled a girl to near death, the one who smites women down for simply looking his way- walking down the street with the sweet little thing like you latched by his side, smiling from ear to ear as you chatted about something while Hyde listened. You has done the impossible, yet only you could do it
✧⠀⨾ he secretly love having you around, you're the only person who gives him the light of day at the minimum and at the maximum you care for him.
✧⠀⨾ once he returned to his home after getting into a fight with a man who was capable of fighting back- the man obviously was killed as Hyde had overpowered him with sheer brutality and died bleeding out, though he did manage to get a few hits on the deformed man (Hyde) leaving him bruised.
✧⠀⨾ you were waiting for him- happily with a knitted scarf for him (you felt bad for him as it was always cold in the night time of London and Hyde barely wore anything warm) but when you saw him, bruised and beaten you didnt even care about the scarf or how he even got hurt
✧⠀⨾ you sat there, much like how you were with jekyll, scolding him and patching him up carefully- despite him stating MULTIPLE times he can handle it and wont die.
✧⠀⨾ Much like Jekyll- Hyde questions your innocence but enjoys it none the less- the two of you acting as the opposites attract trope
✧⠀⨾ Overall, the two of them adore you so much- you're the sweetest and kindest person to the two of them and they're grateful, in their own ways (Jekyll buys you stuff and Hydes beats people up for you)
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bingusbongu · 6 months
A/n: goodness im on a role tonight! Ive actuslly felt like writing! Here is my absolute favorite comfirt nerd, and his dating headcanons, goodness dont we just love our nerds<3333 i know i do! May rewrite tomorrow! I wrote this as midnight lmao, prolly many mistakes!
Dr. Flug relationship headcanons!
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• honestly, Flug still dosnt understand how he managed to het together with you
• he figured out he liked you awhile back, but thought he didnt have any time for love at first, until you waltzed in and made his heart spin in his own chest
• regardless, he still gets so incredibly nervous around you, he cant help it! He has this overwhelming sense to impress you in every way possible, whether that be showing you his latest invention, or just him doing something incredibly dangerous infront of you, nearly giving yourself a heart attack
• when he did that and it came out successful, you ran up to him to make sure he was okay, blabbing about how he could have hurt himself.
• flug was confused, until his heart skipped a beat in realizing that you were worried
• you were worried about him
• no one had ever cared if he got hurt, neither did he, he just took care of it himself. But you, you were the first person to actually care for him, to look over him in panic that he was harmed
• if he wasnt in love to begin with, he was sure as hell in love now
• you cared, geniunly cared about him, and you were so nice to him
• whenever Blackhat would use Flug as his own personal punching bag, you were always by Flugs side instantaneously after, already taking care of him and patching up his wounds. No matter the amount of blood, you did everything you could to help him, in any way you could
• You were helping him, a insane maniac, a killer, and yet, you showed not a hint of fear
• he was completely head over heels
• Sometimes (alot), Flug would end up working himself down to thd bone, to where he was on like his 9th cup of caffine just to finish a project
• and you would try to persuade him to go to bed, snd when that dosent work, you take the initiative
• you pick him up, and drag him away from his work
• he was hardly much weight at all, so you could easily lift the frail scientist into your arms and take him to bed.
• he would try to struggle, but he was obviously way to tired to protest, and just let himself sink into your arms and rest his head on yoir chest. If he wasnt so tired, he woukd be a flusterd mess, but he was exhausted
• you thought Flugs bed would be way to uncomfortably for him, so instead, you took him to your own. Laying him down on your comfy bed and tucking the poor guy in, and as soon as he hit the pillows, he was out.
• and when i say out, he was completely and utterly knocked out, dead asleep
• when he woke up, he nearly paniced, but realized it was your room, only for him to go into even more panic when he found you laying in bed with him reading a book
• he frantically tried to say sorry and get up, but you were quick to grab him and pull him back to your bed, soothing him and telling him to go back to sleep
• he would protest, but... he felt oddly safe, something he hadnt felt in a long time, and with you there, it felt... nice. As soon as he layed back down, he passed out once more
• from then on, he would occasionally ask to sleep in your room, because he found it more comfortable, and it was a safe place for him to go
• Flug is ever so greatful for you and your kidness to him, he was so... lovesick he couldnt help it. Youre the first person to treat him with kidness, what do you expect?
• when you two get together, Flug woukd be very clumsy. He dosnt know hardly anything about love, he just gets so nervous
• Your going to have to reasure him and make sure he dosnt overwhelm himself
• he is alittle hesitant with affection, despite how much he craves it, he is still unsure, sincecso far all the touches he has gotten fron people were bad
• so you were determined to show him you werent gonna harm him in any way
• your first act of affection was slipping your hand into his while you were walking together. He sputtered incoherently, and nearly bluescreened. But instantly, your warmth soothed him, and he found himself softly holding your hand back
• kisses are a different thing, he gets so nervous when it comes to that. The thought of kissing you makes his heart thump so hard it makes his body shake. He is way to flustered to actually do it, especially a kiss on the lips, he wasnt ready to show you, yet
• and of course, you did the first move, and after a mission, you lightly kissed the top of his bag before bording the ship
• he stopped working, and nearly passed out
• he was a completely flustered mess around you after that, he lovedthe contact, but was so afraid to ask you for more, so he just clamped his mouth shut
• you only realized ome day when he had stopped talking about his day and his gaze landing on your lips. So, you leaned over and kissed him on his bag where his mouth would be
• god he was over the moon
• he feels so safe around you, its the first time he had evr felt that way, he appreciates how being in your presence just makes him calm, or when he is paniced, how you calm him down with loving and gentle words.
• geniunly adores you and everything you do, though he always wants to make sure youre safe, if youre going to be his safe haven, je needed to make sure you were safe, aswell.
* always has a hatbot watching after you to make sure you are okay
• dong blame him! He is worried!
• the first time yall cuddled, Flug was so confused, he had came to your bed to sleep for the night, and you invited him closer
• he obliged, but almost instantly, you carefully wapped your arms around his back and pulled him close
• he was blushing maddly, unsure of what to do, as he tried to pull away but couldnt. He body instantly sank into the comfort of your own warmth, trapping him andhis touch starved self into a hug
• maybe it was fine for one night...
•it happend almost evry night, and Flug loved it. Secretly, ofc
• thr first timd he verbally asked was when he was do exhausted, and wanted nothing more thsn to go lsy down with you and cuddle, (as in cuddle, i mean snuggle his head into your chest and pass out)
• Flug trusts you, youre tge main person he has actuslly ever trusted. You help him in so msny ways
•not to mention you let him ramble about his inventions and plains to you, he liked impressing you, he loves how yoi would sit and listen to him talk and rant, even allowing him comfort and a shoulder to cry on
• you would hold him as he cried and rocked him tell he calmed down and fell aslesp
• He didnt know how much he truly needed you, someone to love him
• geniunly, he feels so lucky to have you in his life, someone who loves and cares for him instead of breaking him into further pieces, you actually tried to glue Flugs pieces back together yourself and it was working
• Flug adores you in every way possible, he is so in love with you, he felt wanted
• especially when something happened to you, and you immediate came to him of all people, to him
• it made Flug feel special, that you chose him, not someone else, he dosnt feel like he deserves it, or deserves you
• but you are bound to do everything in your power to show him how much you loved him
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muzanswaifu · 8 months
Ive seen a lot of people confuse me leaving for “people being mean to writers” or getting hate for the things i write of how i write them but its not
But Im not leaving just bc of the audience, i can handle some hate and honestly it was kinda fun from them bc ik that hate comes from jealousy and trolling
Im leaving because of other writers and my “friends”
Ik i said i would get into it and i really dont want to all that much bcuz im tired and just wanna be done with this but it feels wrong to leave under a false assumption and let people think their actions dont have consequences
Ive dealt with a lot from my peers on here, back talking, hating, straight up bullying, and i just cant anymore
I cant deal with drama irl AND on the internet, bcuz at the end of the day i can just delete everything on here and be done with it all so thats wat im gonna do
Tbh this has been building up for a while, i can only handle so much from “friends” and irl i cut people off pretty quick and on here should be no exception but ive fucked up and let people do watever too long and its bitten me in the ass
Yes ik im dramatic lol, ive gotten that a lot and a lot of people hate me for, a lot of people love me for it, its how i am and it keeps things interesting. I get it, i like to make a lot of call out posts. Y? Bc people deserve to be called out and idgaf ab appearances on here. If someone did something bad, im gonna call them out bc last i checked its my blog and i can do wat i want. If u wouldnt do it, thats fine, its ur decision, and this is mine
Yes, i dont post a lot, I. Am. Busy. I have work. I have school. I have a social life. I cant write smut all the time even tho i want to, and at the end of the day, its not my job to write smut all day so people can read it and move on. I like to interact with yall, its fun, i like to talk to a lot of different people on her since my irl friends arent really into anime. Apparently people think im a loser for that? Ok? Sorry i like to talk to people on the internet when im bored instead of producing smut all day for people to read, ig i shouldve remembered im only on here to provide content since i dont deserve to have some fun, my mistake
Requests? Requests r a generosity. So many of my requesters have been absolute angels with being patient in receiving their requests, happy to just see me writing or interacting at all. Others have hounded me regularly telling me im lazy and selfish for not completing my requests, saying im an asshole for not completing them over my own projects bc “they asked first”. LMAO, U WRITE IT THEN???? i dont owe anything to anyone, certainly not someone who comes here solely to read my fics, not even leaving any interaction or encouragement whatsoever, then leave.
The icing on the cake? The tip of the iceburg? Discord of all places. Im sorry some of u didnt enjoy my server, i really am. Ive never used discord before and me and the mods did the best we could and im sorry i couldnt be as attentive to it due to my busy schedule
Im sorry i couldnt get there in time to stop conflicts or just straight up call people out, and im sorry someone had to make another server since they didnt like how i was handling mine bc i didnt take their side in a fight that THEY WERE WRONG IN? But i tried to be nice, tried to defend her and nicely explain y she was she cant say anything they want in any situation bc people get hurt. but it didnt matter. Y? Bc apparently i cant tell people what they can and cant say…
And that made me realize something! Theyre right! Theyre absolutely right and im so stupid for not seeing it until now! I cant stop people from saying things to me. I cant stop people from talking shit ab me. I cant stop people from even saying things on my own blog and server! I just cant. Bcuz in the end, people r gonna say what they want and do what they want bc people dont wanna learn. They dont wanna talk. They dont wanna hear ab how what they do or say affects others. They just wanna do what the want when the want, and they wanna be allowed to, bc fuck everybody else. Everybody is the victim in their own story, and i deserve to be the victim in mine.
And what would a victim do in this situation?
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burnedwriter · 1 year
"Moonlight shower"
Warnings:collegues to lovers,mention of argument,afab!reader but no specific pronounce,teasing,kissing,riding,eating out
A/n:18 and under do not interact,im not responsible for what people read
A/n:im finally back from writing hiatus,so expect many more things to come😏
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‘‘Al haitham we keep getting the same informations!’‘you said tired of searching  and reading books nonstop,only to come back full circle.
‘‘i think we should look at it again from a different approach,there has to be something we are missing’‘al haitham commanded,trying to find a rational solution to this problem as he always does,but this time there was no different approach,the reasearch failed and both of you wasted your time.
with a sign you closed the book that you were reading,getting up from your chair,you started marching away from the desk,capturing al haitham’s attention with your actions.
‘‘where are you going ?we still have have a lot of things to do’‘he said now midly frustrated,that you gave up.
‘‘i’m tired Al haitham,we have been in the desert for archons know how long and we still havent found anything new,im going home’‘anger started to take over your body with his response,you havent slept for day to the point were you started falling asleep on your desk and other random places.only to be found by al haitham and be brought back to safety.
The tension rise between the two of you,you have told him many times that this research was going nowhere,though he was rational,he was also hardheaded and didnt want to admit it and now that it was over,both of you had to go home.
‘‘you can go if you dont want to be here,just dont ask to be created if it turns out to be successfull’‘coming closer to you,as he towered over you with his arms crossed
Looking up at him,even angrier that before,the distance between the two of you was gone,your relationship has grown these couple of months you spend in the desert and it was then that al haitham realized that he could count on you to help him but now you were leaving him.
‘‘dont leave’‘ his voice changed,desperate unlike his usual confident tone,realizing his mistake as he saw you starting trotting away from your small camp,holding into your wrist tightly,your hand now was touching his chest.you must admit at this moment you werent collegues anymore and it showed,the fire in his eyes started to grow looking down at you.catching you off guard he leaned down,  his lips connected with yours into a passionate kiss.biting your buttom lip asking you if he can enter your mouth.Wrapping your arms around his neck while his hands were wrapped around your waist making the kiss all too intimate.
Pulling away for air a trail of saliva connected your tongues,al haitham quickly laid you on one of the makeshift beds that you two made so you wouldnt lay on the sand that was stationed nearby,as he got down on your level,while taking off your undergarment,his face inches away from your cunt,feeling his breath teasing you a bit,feeling eager for what is yet to come.
‘‘i want to hear you say it’‘he commanded you seeing how desperate you were,trembling with the littles touch he gave you.
‘‘please....al haitham...’‘you said,whining for contact other than his breathing but too shy to say what you really wanted
‘‘please what?,i want to hear you say it before i continue sweetheart’‘
‘‘fine~i want you to eat me out....stop teasing me already!’‘you whimpered earning a breathy laugh from al haitham seeing you being a mess for him without even touching you.He really wandered did you dreamed of planning to do this,was that the reason why he caught you so many times staring at him as pretended to read your book.
Giving you a long lick from your entrance to your clit,upon seeing you squirm from his actions,al haitham wrapped his strong arms around your thights keeping them open so you dont squeez his head.he started drawing circles on your clit making you moan softly before starting to suck on it while looking up at you his eyes filled with lust just lke yours,he started going up and down your slit again coating his tongue with your juices,tasting you,your taste was intoxicating.Pushing his tongue enter you ,making you arch your back as you felt the hot muscle inside you,twisting and twirling making your back arch at the new feeling.Al haitham started going in and out of you slowly before gradualy picking up his speed,as he fucked you with his tongue.One of his hands snaked on your neglected clit and with his thumb started rubbing circles,making the pleasurable feeling more accelerating.
‘‘ngh~fuck,im so close’‘feeling the knot in your lower abdomen started to grow stronger,as you came closer to finishing
placing your hand through his hair,grabbing into it pushing him closer to your cunt as you came all over his tongue.
‘‘you taste so sweet,you know that’‘al haitham said,his voice low and raspy,wiping your juices off of his chin,he pulled you closer to him,connecting his lips with yours,making you taste yourself as he helped you get up from where you were laying,changing your positions.Now Al haitham layed naked on the rag as you were on top of him,even though you were on top,it was obvious who was in charge,he placed his hands on your hips holding them softly.
‘‘if you want to stop tap on my chest ok’‘he reassured you making sure you were ok before you continued
‘‘ok’‘you nodded in agreement.
‘’ah~fuck~’’placing your hands on his chest to balance yourself while you lowered yourself on his cock slowly,struggling to take up all his size as you felt your wall being parted unlike before.Coming down fully filling you up,the tip of his cock touching your cervix,made you jolt forward at the sensation,you waited for a bit to adjust to his size before you started to bounce up and down his cock at a lazy pace.
al haitham’s eyes locked with yours taking in your features as his gaze started to wander over your body,the night sky illuminating on your skin,he was mesmerized by this beautiful scene,he felt like you casted a spell on him since the two of you decided to work together on this research.he is grateful he didnt choose anyone else.
Getting impatient by your lazy pace,al haitham guided your pace into a brutal one as you bounced up and down his cock hitting your sweetspot over and over again.The sound of skin starting to eco combine with your moans filled the surrounding area.
‘‘moan all you want,i want to hear your voice we are alone in the desert afterall’‘he groaned,his breathing becoming heavier and more cut out as you bounced up and down his cock.his words pushing you closer to your orgasm.
‘‘im cumming~’‘you moan loudly throwing your head back,as your mind felt hazy from the pleasure,you could feel al haitham that he was close,his hard cock pulsing inside you and with one last bounce,both of you came undone,feeling you up with his cum before getting up slipping out of you.The both of you trying to catch your breaths,alhaitham pulled you off of him and held you close to him,lying your head on his mascular chest as you came down from your high,looking up at the night sky as deep slamber took over you,in eachothers arms
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alicentsgf · 1 year
I want to like Rhaenicent but I feel like Alicent protects Rhaenyra and cares for her way more than Rhaenyra does for her. Adult Rhaenicent seems rather one sided to me ngl. One way Rhaenyra betrayed Alicent was by marrying Daemon, a man who absolutely despises the Hightowers and who wouldn’t hesitate to slaughter Alicent’s children. Does Rhaenyra really not realize how ruthless Daemon is? Daemon is arguably the biggest threat to the Green kids who are Rhaenyra’s own siblings. It just kills me that Alicent stood up to her abuser for Rhaenyra’s life in 1x09 and Rhaenyra has never done anything of that severity for Alicent. And Rhaenyra will likely never know how much Alicent fought to save her. Idk, I just feel like Alicent deserves someone who will love her completely. I can’t see Rhaenyra being that person with the way she’s disregarded Alicent’s worries and feelings.
I'm going to be totally honest and I say this with love... a lot of it becomes easily justifiable for me when i acknowledge that Rhaenyra is just a bit dense. like shes always been sheltered and naive, to the point of genuine stupidity sometimes. she isnt inherently so but her father stomped all over her developing any kind of critical mind early on and she did nothing to overcome that mistake. she became far too comfortable with Viserys waving his crown and magic-ing her problems away and its just a fact shes never managed to see things from alicents perspective... but that doesnt mean alicent isnt as equally important to her as she is to alicent. please bear with me because i promise i will explain this fully.
but first of all, to answer your question 'does rhaenyra not realise how ruthless daemon is?' I mean, giving her the benefit of the doubt ...maybe not? shes pretty much always always seen the best side of daemon. with viserys. with her. with their children. what does she know of daemons genuine ruthlessness? we cant say for sure. once again, giving her the full benefit of the doubt, we dont even know if rhaenyras aware that daemon murdered rhea. like daemons not exactly gonna bring it up and who else would dare suggest that to her of all people? sure shes seen him fight at tourneys she knows hes capable of killing but thats a controlled enviroment where its expected. and she clearly feels safe enough with him personally otherwise she wouldnt have laughed in his face after her grabbed her neck.
its going to be very interesting to see what they do with B&C for this reason. because if rhaenyra isnt involved, at least in the Details... will she be shocked by what daemon is capable of? depends on what version of rhaenyra we get post-luke i suppose. but i dont know if i believe they're likely to have her go That dark so quickly that she'd agree to B&C. (sorry. tangent.)
imo you have to try and see her perspective - rhaenyra is deeply Confused. she thought for many years alicent just suddenly Hated her on the basis of her /loose morals/, like purely hated her, the girl she loved is Gone overnight right when they'd begun to reconcile, and she couldnt really understand why. she just does not understand alicents perspective and she cant begin to fathom alicents situation. and in a way, how could she? shes never faced similar limitations theres an argument to be made she wouldnt be able to even conceptualise it without alicent taking her by the hand and walking her through it. even when they were friends i doubt rhaenyra thought about the privileges she held over alicent (after all, she was a child, it was just what she knew and as far as she could see alicent got to do everything she did so there was no visual imbalance). from rhaenyras point of view, all those years alicent was being unnecessarily antagonistic over something that didnt effect her. this girl she loved and in rhaenyras eyes she is betraying her again and again and again. and rhaenyra thought all that because she couldnt see the bigger picture. how could she begin to understand 'alicent fears what my reign could mean for her children' when viserys actively disencouraged her political interest - her opinion on that point would likely only be 'well obviously i would make sure nothing happened to them', not understanding that That isnt the reassurance she thinks it is.
so yeah. rhaenyra truly doesnt understand what went on or whats going on. but alicent Does (and this imbalance is perfectly demonstrated by the dialogue in the knife scene because, lets be honest, alicent pins down the situation and how rhaenyra fits into it kind of perfectly... whereas rhaenyra incorrectly attributes alicents rage to 'righteousness', not fear.). and personally i think thats why it seems unbalanced or one sided, especially in episode 8. alicent could afford to be genuine, rhaenyra isnt hard to read, whereas rhaenyra still had her guard up because she was just so fucking confused lmao. she briefly saw the gentle, beautiful, kind girl she was in love with in alicents treatment of a dying viserys at the dinner table - and upon realising alicent actually Does still have that side to her rhaenyra doesnt know what to do except subtlety apologise for perhaps not truly Seeing alicent and for accusing her of trying to harm viserys. she thought the alicent she knew was long dead until that moment - the girl has got emotional whiplash. so its not that rhaenyra loves alicent less. her reactions in episode 10 make it very clear there is still A Lot going on there for her (and we know emma d'arcy's pov on it was that rhaenyra genuinely considers conceding the throne with the hope of alicent 'taking her back'). shes just very very Very muddled about whether the current version of alicent is Still the person she loves...
and i think maybe 'love' is the wrong word for what they have when theres so much piled on top but its definitely a devotion. its this constant need to reconcile and be close that they just cant shake because a part of them will always desire the other.
tl;dr rhaenyra is just... kinda dumb god bless. and their imbalance is in their ability to understand the situation, not in the amount of love thats held.
(besides they were never exactly going to be a healthy equal deserving love thats not the point of them imo. they are a missed opportunity. a greek tragedy. starcrossed lovers. etc)
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dopororo · 11 months
•Alarm clock•
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pairing: Haechan x afab!reader
prologue:Just you and your boyfriend having a normal morning for the first time after his exhausting career as a kpop idol
genre: fluff !!
wordcount: about 1,1k
warnings: none !!
Your boyfriends sleep schedule is horribly messed up because of his former life, and it’s been really exhausting for both of you, so now you are pretty relieved that you won’t be woken up by him everyday at random times barely getting any sleep, at the same time, you’re also happy that your boyfriend won’t be so stressed anymore.
I mean, it’s not like he has to wake up at 12pm, he has to wake up at 7am, but it’s definitely an upgrade for both of you. Even though Haechan should be used to waking up early or at random, spontaneous times, he’s still scared to miss his first official day at work , so he put the timer two hours early at 5am.
Right when the bed started getting softer and the air started blowing some hairstrands off your face through the tilted window of your apartment, you hear Haechans obnoxiously loud default IPhone alarm clock. Not only is it nonetheless terribly early, he also hasn’t even changed his horrible alarm.
You listen to the terribly loud alarm for more than 5 minutes, hoping he would wake up from it, but no. While you were now wide awake because of his alarm clock he is still sound asleep, not even moving. Enough. You slip out underneath your soft, light pink blanket and lean over to turn off the horrible sound.
As you’re about to pull back, you feel your boyfriends arms around you pulling you onto him.
“Gotcha” he says with sleepy eyes and messy dark brown hair.
You whine.
“I wanted to cuddle with you so I made a little plan~” he states, showering you in kisses on your whole face while you’re trying to pull away. It was a quite good plan with poor execution in your opinion, because now you were mad.
“Haebae you should get ready for work, you want to look presentable on your first day don’t you” you say to trying to get away from him using one of the many nicknames you gave him as bait, but your plan backfires as he now gently grabs your legs and positions you ontop of him, holding you down by your things, rubbing comforting circles on your thighs with his thumb. He admires your body and your bare face with that messy hair that he adores so much, he always jokes about how you look like a little chicken that felt out of its Nest, but today he admired you in silence, knowing he did a mistake by leaving his alarm on for so long.
And he’s right, you’re even more pissed now that you’ve lost to him once again, being trapped in his grip.
He breaks the silence, ,,I don’t want to wake up yet~ It’s so early” taking off one of his hands from your thigh to wipe his tired eyes.”Oh so you lied about the plan? You actually slept through you filthy liar” you say ironically in an annoyed tone. You decide that this is your chance and you try to quickly roll off to the side while his one hand is occupied,you say “you got things to d-“ but just then you feel his
large hand on your waist, guiding you back ontop of him before you could even finish your sentence.
“Said things can wait.”
He states and playfully raises his one eyebrow, his eyes now completely awake (atleast you thought so) focusing just on you . He quickly wraps his arms around you, you being completely trapped and embraced , pulling your upper body down onto his til the point where you can feel his rhythmic heartbeat against your chest.
“You’re not going anywhere princess” he says into your neck. You feel every single breath on your skin.
Finally realizing that you’re trapped and won’t get out anytime soon, you relax your body and just give up, just letting one hand fall down next to you, the other one grabbing Haechans hand which was laying on your back and holding it, pinning it to the bed, you don’t want him to feel guilty the whole day on his first day ag work do you.
“Just like that” he whispers into your ear, giving you a quick peck onto your neck, his words and actions sending shivers down your spine.
You’re just weak for him and can’t do anything about it.
“I can’t stand up with such a beautiful girl in my bed, it’s impossible” he whispers just enough for you to hear. You lay there in silence, enjoying eachothers presence. But obviously that silence didn’t last long as you again hear his alarm, apparently he set up another one in case the plan doesn’t work the first time.
Now even more pissed off you try to quickly pull back “HAECHAN I SW-“ but you’re getting held back by his other free hand as if he already knew that would happen. “Calm down” he lets out a small chuckle and completely turns off his phone.
“But how will you look at the time now” You asked, kind of confused about his choices even though you’re glad that you won’t hear that horrible sound anymore, but you’re still concerned for your boyfriend, coming in late would leave a bad impression.
“Time doesn’t matter, I’ll pause the whole world for you”
You can’t help but smile at his comment , even though a few of his comments might be quite cringeworthy sometimes, you know how much he appreciates you.
You are torn out of your lovey dovey thoughts because you hear somebody quietly snoring into your ear, not even a minute after turning off his phone so the alarms won’t bug you.
“Hey sleeping beauty, you still have to go to work though” you chuckle, talking louder than usual to make sure he wakes up.You lift your head and slowly lean forward, eyes captivated on a half sleeping Haechan. You pause an inch apart from his lips, looking down at the plump, pinkish, soft lips of his, you whisper “I hope every morning will be just like this one, I will never forget this moment” Haechan flashes a small smile, he leans forward to meet your lips even if they were only an inch apart , he needed them as a source of energy as fast as possible.
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princess-pray-a · 9 months
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I love and need you
Multifandom fanfic senario : comfort
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choose your character : gojo, geto , toji, silvio, clavis, shoto, chevaliar, Gilbert, vlad, comet, faust, killua ( aged up), mereum, shipouf , hisoka , leorio, mitsuhide, lou, zoro, sanji, law, tengen, bakugo, shigarakhi, aizawa, jotaro, victor, alfons, Roger barrel, kakashi, obanai
Genre: Comfort fic ! reader is insecure, gender neutral( maybe), established relationship, imagination, kisses , hugs, assurance , sfw, mention of anxiety
This may contains a lot of gramatical errors as it is not re read
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My chest constricted as I felt my body tingle! Why on earth do people reach to conclusions about me so quick. Does words and rumors hold so much power that the authenticity I show in my conduct and behavior just gets washed away. Is the jealousy and hatred directed towards me so powerful that people get blinded to even consider my honesty. Tears pricked my eyes I felt powerless. I had lost everything, in a blink of an eye my dreams were shattered my heart was broken, my own lack of consistency and enough strength made me lose even the things I had.
Even if u went back in time I would have probably did the same mistake as the burden was too much for me to bear but! This lonely heart of mine craves to be seen for real! To be understood to be loved! Why oh why do I have to be dragged into the drama and hatred when I am gone, lost hiding somewhere under a shell to protect this fragile heart! Taking deep breath I close my eyes. There I feel an embrace that answers all.
It was non other than him who's strong arms held me tightly around my waist his breath warming my neck as he peppered kisses all over. “ no matter what I love you! I am here and I will not let them near you ever again “ he whispers. I turn around to face him and he instantly cradles my face in his palms. “ aww my little cute baby don't worry I am never going to leave you ok? It's a promise “ he kisses my forehead my eye lids my tip of nose and my lips. A wave of goosebumps hit me to stop myself form bailing my eyes out. His arms tug me to the bed and he cuddles me directly into his solid chest.
I am still trembling, I know he does love me a lot but I am scared, scared to be left alone, scared to be used, scared to be hated and sacred to hand over my heart to him, many came saying the same thing “I ain't gonna leave you, you are beautiful, I like you, I lovevyou, but it was only a matter of time, a single rumor, a single perspective away for them to completely go back on their words. Also to the fact I didn't want to be the one doting over an emotion less block either, someone who didn't value me at all who didn't harbour feelings for me and simply bask under the love I poured until i was drained dry while i was constantly made realize how pathetic ugly and worthless i was . Life didn't only throw stones at me it literally plunged me into the sea of decite, lies, back luck, despair and heartbreak. This made me trust no other soul but myself which was burdening. Finally nw that he was here, I.. Know now he will always.. always love me.
Tear that I had been holding soo much now trickle down from my face he kisses those tears away running his fingers through my hair he says “ shhh, it's ok love, I know you are great you always work hard to be better, you have not said bad about others don't even harbor dark emotions for others, though you don't deserve hate, I don't know myself why they do it, but no matter what I am always going to be by your side loving you ,protecting you like your shield, I won't leave and I will not even let you leave, I need you babe, because you are my world !” those words those words were what I needed! I didnt want to be a burden to anyone but I was desperately looking out for a person at least a single person whom I could confine to. I burts into a stream of tears while he wipes them ever so softly. “ I love you I love you so so much so please don't ever leaveme ok? Please I beg you, if you ever leave my heart wont survive !” finally letting those pathetic words leave my mouth I gaze at the expectantly.
He chuckled, “ haha yes yes definitely even if you fight or push me I will pull you soo tight and shower you will so much love that you can't ever leave me “ . I giggled a little “ well I ain't that pretty and all nor I have a good body! I ain't that great in brains depart either! Do you regret?” still not so confident in myself I ask him “what are you talking about! I love you with all my heart and you are so so beautiful in my eyes you are multi talented and that perfect for me no body I have seen is as bright and lovely as you! You are my cute little baby how can I leave you or even regret! You are the best thing in my life, your presence gives me strength and you have always helped me taken care of me loved me no matter what world said me and accepted and understood me you stood up for me so I can't ask for anything more love! I love you and only you !”
Finally the heavy feeling , wave of anxious thoughts and emotions leave my body as his warmth and kisses lulls me to sleep while he pulls a blanket over our bodies! Forever and always will I bask in the imaginary warmth of my comfort character unless one day it becomes real if i meet the one i could trust, until then I will cherish this warmth even if it's only made up in my head !
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The end!..
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jeffsfavoriteknife · 1 year
Jeff x Male reader
Tw: alcohol
You sat nervously at the table, with the food you had made ahead of time slowly getting cold, you were supposed to have a date set up tonight by your friend toby with someone he thought you might like but it was nearing 10 pm. You checked your phone anxiously before putting it back face down on the table. You dont know why you thought anyone would be interested in a date with you, you knew toby was trying to be nice and help you out but you should have said no. Tears started welling in your eyes a bit as you stood up with the plate of food in hand, getting ready to throw it away before you heard the front door open and then close shortly after, causing you to freeze. You knew you were an idiot but you didnt know you were dumb enough to leave your front door unlocked, you slowly put the plate down on the counter before peeking from the wall, coming face to face with a jet black haired man causing you to jump. “Hey its okay! Its just me, im jeff. Toby sent me here for a date, guy says that i dont get out enough apart from,,,the usual shit so here i am” his smile faltered as he noticed your saddened gaze “shit im sorry, i didnt mean to come so late, i had shit to do tho yknow? But im here now so thats good enough right? His gaze turned over to look at the plate of food you had made, eyes sparkling “well fuck me you even made me some food, how cute” you barely noticed what he had said before he snatched the plate and headed towards the livingroom to sit on your couch, you sighed, you didnt know if you liked this guys attitude, that and he didnt really seem that interested in you, just the food.
You walked over to him and sat next to him, he pulled a bottle of vodka out of his pocket and took a swig before offering it to you, you hesitated, not really being huge on drinking. “Go on princess, take a few sips” you huffed and snatched the bottle from his hand “dont call me that” you snapped before downing half the bottle, soon realizing your mistake as you got tipsy fast. He snorted and laughed at you, downing the rest of the vodka before gently lifting you up and placing you on his lap, chuckling as your body slumped onto him. “I hate you” you muttered to him, causing him to gently pull on your hair, causing you to whine. “You took too d-damn long to get here i thought y-you wouldnt show up” he huffed and pressed him against you “i told you i was busy with shit, im here tho i wasnt gonna ditch ya” he gripped your ass and grinded himself a bit against you, causing you to moan making him do it again but rougher. He lifted your head up and smashed his lips into yours, shoving his tongue into your mouth, gripping your ass again and hastily yanking down your shorts. You whined and put your fingers through his pantloop holes gently pulling as he moved you so you were slightly above him, giving him room to yank his pants down before he grabbed your hips and slammed you down, entering you and fully bottoming out and ramming hard into your prostate, causing your cock to twitch violently and drool to drip from your mouth. He started bouncing you on his cock harshly causing moans to rip from your throat which was like music to his ears, he growled and wraps his arms around you hugging you tightly to him as he deadeyes your prostate, hitting it over and over wanting to hear so many more noises from you. Your thighs twitched as you gripped onto him like your life depended on it, cumming onto his chest and hips as he continued pounding into you, only stopping to spray your insides white while biting hard into your shoulder, leaving a bright mark for all to see who owns you
(Im so tired im sorry its not good 😭)
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addystuffs · 10 months
let me tell you all a story. (it is a tragic one) one day, my lovely friend introduced me to the game clangen. i had a lot of fun playing it and streaming it to my friends over discord. one fateful day this cat walked into my clan.
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rizz. he was a trans male kittypet that walked into my clan, timberclan.
the rest of the story under the cut cuz this is a long story (but i promise it will be worth your time)
it was great. rizz sat in the background for a while, before eventually retiring and finding a mate.
then, one day, rizz became pregnant. i was elated. but when i went on with the moons, rizz died giving birth to 2 kits. both male. i was devastated. i hated those children. but then, i realized, no, thats silly, and named his children after him. rizzkit (to become rizz jr) and wkit (to becom w rizz)
and thus, the rizz bloodline was born. it was awesome. unfortunately, wpaw died before becoming a warrior, but i gave him his full warrior name, w rizz, in starclan.
soon, rizz jr found a mate and had more kits, rizzkit, (to become rizz the third) wkit, (to honor his lost brother) and also 2 female kits, named supporting and aiding kit respectively (to become supporting and aiding the rizz bloodline)
soon, my original leader, whirlstar, died of old age, and was replaced by waspflood. and who did i make deputy you ask?
rizz jr.
i made up my mind that day. from now on, this clan would be a monarchy of the rizz bloodline. i killed off waspstar after a while, to make way for rizz jr, and he became rizz jr star.
and so it went for a long time. rizz the third had rizz the fourth, and rizz the fourth had rizz the fifth. the rizz bloodline spanned the whole clan, with all distant relatives having the suffix of rizz. there was actually also up to w rizz the fourth. we lost many along the way but we were happy.
then i made the gravest mistake i could have made.
my clan was growing to huge numbers, around 140 cats in the clan. so, i decided to turn on mass extinction events for the heck of it. that was the gravest mistake i ever made in my entire life.
within moons, almost half my cats got taken by twolegs, including rizz the third, who was deputy. i definitely freaked out, but i wasnt entirely distraught yet. i made rizz the fourth deputy, and moved on with clan life.
but soon, another mass extinction event happened, this time killing the cats instead of just taking them away.
rizz the fourth and rizz the fifth died. rizz the fifth had not yet bore children either. the only direct descendant remaining was rizz jr star.
i desperately hit the timeskip button, hoping that rizz the third would come back to me.
but in my haste, i didnt notice that rizz jr star died until i got the message "timberclan has no leader"
at that point, i gave up.
i had vowed a while ago that, and i quote, "if the rizz bloodline ends i am deleting this clan"
so i did.
timberclan was no more.
the rizz bloodline was over.
there was nothing left.
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i failed him.
i will never forget my journey with the rizz bloodline.
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