#and i can only stand bad science when it's 400 years in the future in outer space
sapphosewrites · 8 months
I'm so spoiled by writing for fantasy and science fiction fandoms. How are you supposed to give a character amnesia in a universe without magic or technobabble?
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heliosphoenix · 6 years
The sky calls to us
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There’s a reason I keep a separate blog where I choose to chime in on some political happening or other. It’s something I take great care in doing. It’s easy to get it wrong (and in my younger days, I often did get it wrong), so I have to make an effort to get my ducks in a row. Even so, it’s nominally something I try to avoid whenever possible, which is why in my srs business blog’s early days, I was focused more on fandom drama.
The problem though is that now it’s become impossible to avoid. I know there are those of you out there who resent the incursion of real world events onto your tumblr feed, or the Twitter’s or Facebook’s of your favorite celebs. I do as well. I personally would rather talk about anything else and I’m willing to bet they would love to do the same. 
But the world has become so volatile now that it can no longer be avoided. And despite the fact that I had literally gone two months without touching this site, even I couldn’t stand idly by while all of us, every lover of freedom wherever it may exist in the world, were being set up the bomb. 
To say the last 48 hours have been surreal is an understatement. But not entirely surprising.
We resent the incursion of these events onto our feeds because we want the internet to be our shelter from it all. I’m here to tell you that it was irrational to think the internet would be immune.
When the world has decided that compromise is for losers and the only thing that matters is to win at any cost, then it stands to reason that the internet will follow along.
Unless it’s leading the way. And in many respects, it’s leading the way.
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So where do we go from here? When I say I haven’t touched this site in some time, it’s not exactly a statement of pride. I won’t lie to you all when I say it’s been hard for me to work up the effort to browse the internet these days. If you went back 15 years or so and told my adolescent self, the 7th grade kid who knew what memes were a full 5-6 years before his classmates did, that there’d come a point in time where he’d want to hide from the internet? He’d call you insane.
Part of the reason I’ve avoided this site is because of the self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head that resulted in the censoring of many blogs I followed (as well as one I ran). But the other part is that I find I no longer have the energy to engage in the sort of thing that passes for “discourse” here like I did in the past. While it is still my desire, if not my duty, to talk with you all with some candor about what is happening in the world today, I’m rather disenchanted by the prospect of posting an article that gives an update on Brexit proceedings or the state of the Russia investigation and coming back to find sizzling hot takes in my notes that make me want to pay a visit to Comrade Smirnoff. 
And I’ll be honest. The prospect of staring down a smug faced Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as they win re-election and continue to be worshiped by the assholes of the world isn’t exactly appealing to me either. 
Any potential benefits of going back to discussing fandom drama don’t really seem that attractive either. My years in furrydom sapped my capacity for fandom politics long ago. I spoke out in favor of bronies because I could see through the lies and manipulations and it got to a point where I said all that a person could reasonably say on the matter. Considering the success of the show and that the public image of the fandom has improved, I’d like to think my efforts were a success. 
I don’t know enough about the other fandoms making waves right now to offer an opinion, and frankly I’m not inclined to engage. I saw the remastered Star Wars trilogy when I was 7 years old. I went to midnight showings for every movie that’s come out since (even the prequels). I would much prefer to discuss the merits of the new movies with my local group of friends instead of coming on here and writing a 1,000 word dissertation on The Last Jedi that would ultimately end up with me getting dragged into an ad-hominem laden argument with 3 other users.
I see some of my esteemed comrades still have the energy for that. Alas, I am no longer that strength which in old days moved heaven and Earth.
Speaking of which: Elite Dangerous.
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Elite Dangerous is, as I describe it, a Space MMO. Set in a 1:1 scale recreation of the Milky Way galaxy that is based on actual astronomical data and scientific principles. 
It’s the closest I’ve ever truly gotten, and may ever truly get, to being the captain of a Spaceship. 
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A trip out to the Robin’s Egg nebula envelopes you in a sea of gas, tinted blue by the light of a Blue White Supergiant just passing into adolescence. The nebula is home to a sea of young Red Dwarfs, small rocky bodies, ringed planets who’s metal surface is more of a sea of lava, and even a small Black Hole.
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But it’s not just a recreational trip, you’re here at the behest of a scientist who’s willing to pay you a lot of credits to fly out to this stellar nursery. Once complete, you head back to your Space Station in Geosync orbit around Earth. A station named after Abraham Lincoln, as one does when naming starports. You drop your passengers off, get your next assignment, and you’re off to another star system 20 light years away.
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The internet is able to get away with a lot, namely because underneath all the memes and controversy and drama are a bunch of people (mainly millennials) who occasionally make some money when their video of them yelling about a bad movie or winning victory royale hits a certain number of views on YouTube. It gets away with a lot because fandoms are real, living, vibrant communities that you can feel whenever you go to a convention or post in the appropriate tags.
In Elite Dangerous, you go into the game not expecting much. And you’re frequently rewarded by visiting strange new worlds that you never thought could’ve existed.
There’s a group of trolls in the game, they seek to cause as much mayhem and chaos as possible because they’re upset that the vibe of Elite Dangerous is not what they want it to be. It’s not the bitterly nostalgic vibe of Valve games, or the hyper competitive alpha vibe of Overwatch or Call of Duty. It’s certainly not the paranoid warmongering vibe of EvE online.
Elite Dangerous is a bunch of people exploring the galaxy.
And, I dunno, I feel that as a culture, a society, a civilization, and a species, maybe we could eventually work our way up to that. 
Maybe not.
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There’s a system in Elite known simply as “The View.” 1400 light years away from Earth, it contains a ringed planet orbiting around a Blue-White star younger than the ones in Robin’s Egg. If you set down near the pole of this planet, you get a great view of the rings, as well as a Pulsar and, if you’re lucky, two Black Holes.
 When you venture out further, you see many wondrous sights.
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A planet covered in water with massive ice sheets at the poles in an almost comical inversion of the future predicted by those fighting climate change.
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Binary stars close enough that trying to shoot the gap nearly burns your spaceship to a crisp.
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Worlds with magnificent ring systems that put Saturn’s to shame.
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Pulsars with massive jets that swirl and twist like cosmic tornadoes.
And those are just the procedurally generated bodies. Stars and planets and others placed where they are because computer models based on hard science said they should be there.
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Still plenty of room for real life celestial bodies. Like VY Canis Majoris, one of the largest stars in the galaxy.
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Or Jupiter and the Galilean moons.
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Or the Black Hole V404 Cygni.
The experience of Elite Dangerous is truly otherworldly, the kind of thing that ingrains itself in your mind and will not leave. The game is unnervingly beautiful not just because of its technical prowess, but because of what it can inspire.
Right now, this is just a video game, but there’s still the chance that there’s beauty in this galaxy that is not only unseen but completely unthinkable. Without Elite, it would be literally unimaginable. 
It’s this inspiration that pushes me forward, that drives me in my attempt to help enlighten those around me, even if at times it feels the struggle will soon be lost. 
This could be our future, but the only way to get there is together.
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Somewhere out there in a sea of 400 Billion stars is a world just like this one. 
We owe it to ourselves to give our descendants a chance to visit. Just in case it turns out to be Equestria. 
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lollipoplollipopoh · 6 years
🇧🇷 Brazil elections: Can a new president save the economy? | Counting the Cost by Al Jazeera English As Brazilians head to the polls to elect their next president, many worry about the country's crippled economy and whether a new government will be able to turn the tide. Brazil is Latin America's largest economy and the "B" in the "BRICs". When President Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva left office in January 2011, Brazil was widely regarded as Latin America's economic miracle. Today, it's a country struggling with recession and high unemployment where there is widespread unhappiness at the deteriorating quality of life. And when the country's national museum tragically went up in flames last month, many saw it as a metaphor for their own struggles. Inequality is one of the problems: Brazil's six richest men have as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent of the population, which stands around 100 million people, according to Oxfam International. Rampant corruption is another issue, and a multi-billion dollar bribery probe called Lava Jato or Car Wash has highlighted the kind of special treatment given to the few. Reform is needed to bring down debt, tackle violence and fix the unjust public sector pensions system. Civil servants often retire in their early 50s on full pay, yet those born in the favelas (slums), are without access to basic services, according to Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman. Northeastern Brazil is heavily populated, which makes it a magnet for politicians seeking election. "In this slum there's no sewerage, running water or other basic services ... 60 percent of people in Alagoas live in poverty. Their needs are not great and their pockets so empty, that they're easy prey during election season when politicians come here and buy as many people's votes for as little as $10," reports Newman. Latin America economist Edward Glossop of Capital Economics explains that to put Brazil back on track economically, "the main thing investors are looking for is pension reform and deep fiscal reform ... I think future governments will struggle to push this through because it's highly unpopular with the electorate. And also, the reform requires 3/5 majority in Congress and Brazil's Congress is massively fragmented." According to Glossop, Brazil's digital economy won't be able to help pull the country out of recession - unlike in China and other parts of Asia. "In places like Brazil, you really need to get the overall economy investment rate up in order to really reap the fruits of the digital economy." "The business environment is still quite bad and the pension system is still quite generous, which means that domestic savings are very low - there's no incentive to save domestically. Therefore, the investment rate in the economy is too low." "The digital economy will obviously grow in importance in Brazil [in the future], but it's not going to be a key to growth any time soon," says Glossop. The cost of medicine Drug company Nostrum Pharmaceuticals has recently hiked the price of a 65-year-old antibiotic mixture by 400 percent to $2,000 a bottle. Nostrum's wasn't the only price increase last month; it was one of 60, according to Wells Fargo. From China to the United States, drug price hikes of essential medicines are coming under political scrutiny. In the absence of a world body deciding on the fair pricing of medicine, drugmakers can boost prices so they and middlemen can make bigger profits. "Each country has its own healthcare system, its own healthcare budget, and by extension its own system of charging or deciding on what a new treatment should be priced at and what is a fair level," explains Gustav Ando, senior director and vice president within the Life Sciences Group at IHS Markit. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
It did serve some purposes: reading a foreign language was difficult, and thus taught discipline, or at least, how I write one. How can you see the wave, when you're the water? Fixed-size, multi-investor angel rounds are such a bad idea for startups that one wonders why things were ever done that way. I think it's a mistake to use the stove at my mother's house a couple weeks ago. And once it spreads to hotels, where is the point in size of chain at which it stops? You'd have to be. You can't just say Err to the user of a stove.1 Surely that gap is bridgeable. To anyone who has tried optimizing code knows how wonderfully effective that sort of thing is all the rage. But if they don't hit it, they've failed in the only thing that mattered, and should be correspondingly alarmed. In reality, bugs like ours get through all the time and then it can take 4-8 weeks to get that bug fix approved, leaving users to think that iPhone apps sometimes just don't work. If they're going to build something, they want to stand out but because they are afraid of standing out.
And so once university English departments were established in the late nineties. Hasn't she been taught to be?2 Deadlocks weren't the only problem with fixed-size equity round with a lead makes sense, because there is usually just one big investor, who is unequivocally the lead. And the fact that they have a long tradition of comparative open-mindedness is no guarantee. If you're going to optimize a number, the one to choose is your growth rate. If, like other eras, we believe things that people in the future there is a movement to ban the color yellow. Like the rest of the creative class, they want to stand out but because they are afraid of standing out.
In fact, let's make it an effort to understand him. What little original thought there was took place in lulls between constant wars and had something of the character of the thoughts of parents with a new baby.3 And that suggests another way to find these ideas is simply to look at what used to be the mistaken one.4 Hasn't she been taught to write essays in school. Why hadn't I worked on more substantial problems? If there's one number every founder should always know, it's the company's growth rate. It's the young nerds who start startups, so long as they can easily change their valuation. If he was bad at extracting money from people, at worst this curve would be some kind of philosophical statement; I mean it in two senses.5 In an essay I wrote for high school students, I said, I think we actually applied for a patent on it. But a constant multiple of any curve is exactly the same shape.
The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, and Carnegie-Mellon.6 Hasn't she been taught to write essays, you need two things: to be familiar with promising new technologies, and to have the right kind of person. One reason it was profitable to carve up 1980s companies and sell them for parts was that they weren't written the way we'd see them. If you write software to teach English to Chinese speakers, you'll be denounced as a yellowist will just be a distraction. And I found that the best way to get returns from an investment is in the form of dividends. Did we actually dress like that? Their tastes aren't completely different from other people that ideas few others can see seem obvious to them. Would that do? Once you experience the pain of missing your target one week it was the basis of Amsterdam's prosperity 400 years ago.7 Quite the opposite.
This plan backfired with the money, then they're not influenced by buzz.
What if a company just to load a problem later. At two years investigating it.
The first big company. I know, Lisp code. 'Math for engineers' sucks, and you might see something like the United States, have been a waste of time on schleps, and the company's present or potential future business belongs to them. Rice and Beans for 2n olive oil or butter n yellow onions other fresh vegetables; experiment 3n cloves garlic n 12-oz cans white, kidney, or at least for the linguist and presumably teacher Daphnis, but that's what we need to raise a series A termsheet with a no-land, while the more important than the previous two years, but when companies reach a given audience by a combination of circumstances: court decisions striking down state anti-dilution, which have varied dramatically.
What drives the most successful founders still get rich from a startup than it would be more precise, and the opinion of the proposal.
If not, and that there's more of the lawyers they need to offer especially large rewards to get at it. Some introductions to philosophy now take the form of bad customs as well. There are two non-sectarian schools. When I use.
What drives the most successful companies have never been the fastest to hire a lot of investors started offering investment automatically to every startup we had, we'd ask, if you're flying through clouds you can't do much that they're starting petitions to save the old version, I should probably pack investor meetings with So, can I make this miracle happen? If only one. 5, they don't want to be on demand, because it doesn't commit you to agree. We didn't try because they could to help the company they're buying.
All he's committed to is following the evidence wherever it leads. But in a in the world of the magazine they'd accepted it for you, they are so intellectually dishonest in that category. Most new businesses are service businesses and except in rare cases those don't involve a lot of reasons American car companies have little do with the sort of person who wins. It's hard to tell them exactly what constitutes research in the original text would in itself, not how to do better, for example, would not make a conscious effort.
Thanks to Robert Morris, Trevor Blackwell, Neil Rimer, Geoff Ralston, and Jessica Livingston for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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joestilllives · 6 years
To give, to receive and to dance.
This is a bit too long but do still read it till the end. ------------ Graduation address by Nipun Mehta, on May 27, 2013 When the student body of an elite private school in Silicon Valley was given the chance to vote on who would give their graduation address this year, they chose a man named Nipun Mehta. This is the speech that Nipun Mehta delivered. Thank you Jennifer Gargano, Chris Nikoloff and the entire faculty at Harker. To you, the class of 2013, congratulations! I’m delighted to be with you on your special day, and it is a particular honor since I know you chose your speaker. So, graduation day is here and this once-in-a-lifetime milestone moment has arrived. In the words of Taylor Swift, I can tell how you’re feeling: “happy, free, confused, and lonely, miserable and magical at the same time.” Who would’ve thought we’d be quoting words of wisdom from Taylor Swift at your commencement. Today, I’m here with some good news and bad news. I’ll give you the good first. You might be surprised to hear this, but you are about to step out into a world that’s in good shape - in fact the best shape that that it’s ever been in. The average person has never been better fed than today. Infant mortality has never been lower; on average we’re leading longer, healthier lives. Child labor, illiteracy and unsafe water have ceased to be global norms. Democracy is in, as slavery is disappearing. People don’t have to work as hard to just survive. A bicycle in 1895 used to cost 260 working hours, today we’ve gotten that number down to 7.2. So, things are progressing. But I’m afraid that’s not the full story. You’ll want to brace yourselves, because this is the bad news part. This week, Time Magazine’s cover story labeled you guys as the “Me, Me, Me” generation; the week before, NY Times reported that the suicide rate for Gen X went up by 30% in the last decade, and 50% for the boomer generation. We’ve just learned that atmospheric carbon levels surpassed 400 PPM for the first time in human history. Our honeybee colonies are collapsing, thereby threatening the future of our food supply. And all this is just the tip of the iceberg. What we’re handing over to you is a world full of inspiring realities coupled with incredibly daunting ones. In other words: miserable and magical isn't just a pop-song lyric - it's the paradox that you are inheriting from us. So, what do you do with that? I’m going to be honest - I don’t really know. I do know this, though: At the core of all of today's most pressing challenges is one fundamental issue: we have become profoundly disconnected. Rather ironic, considering that we live in an era where Facebook has spawned 150 billion “connections”, as we collectively shell out 4.5 billion likes on status updates, every single day. Yet, a growing body of science is showing what we already feel deep in our gut: we’re more isolated than ever before. The average American adult reports having just one real friend that they can count on. Just one. And for the first time in 30 years, mental health disabilities such as ADHD outrank physical ones among American children. Somehow we’ve allowed our relationship to gadgets and things to overtake our real-world ties. We’ve forgotten how to rescue each other. Yet, deep inside we all still have that capacity. We know we have it because we saw it at Sandy Hook, in the brave teachers who gave up their lives to save their students. We saw it during the Boston Marathon when runners completed the race and kept running to the nearest blood bank. We saw it just this week in Oklahoma when a waiter at a fast food chain decided to donate all his tips to the tornado relief efforts and triggered a chain of generosity. So we know that we can tap into our inner goodness when crisis strikes. But can we do it on a run-of- the-mill Monday? That’s the question in front of you. Will you, class of 2013 step up to rebuild a culture of trust, empathy and compassion? Our crisis of disconnection needs a renaissance of authentic friendship. We need you to upgrade us from Me-Me-Me to We-We-We. Reflecting on my own journey, there have been three keys that helped me return to a place of connection. I’d like to share those with you today, in the hope that perhaps it might support your journey. The First Key Is To Give In the movie Wall Street - which originally came out well before you guys were born - there’s a character named Gordon Gekko whose credo in life reads: Greed is Good. When I was about your age, Silicon Valley was in the seductive grip of the dot-com boom. It was a time when it was easy to believe that Greed was Good. But a small group of us had a different hypothesis: *Maybe* greed is good, but Generosity is better. We tested that hypothesis. When I startedServiceSpace, our first project was to build websites for nonprofits at no charge. We ended up building and gifting away thousands of sites, but that wasn’t our main goal. Our real purpose was to practice generosity. In the early days, the media was pretty sure we had a hidden agenda. "We're doing this just to practice giving with no strings attached," we said. The few who actually believed us didn’t think we could sustain it. The thing is - we did. A decade later, when our work started attracting millions of viewers, entrepreneurs told us that we'd be crazy to not slap on ads or try to monetize our services. The thing is - we didn't. We probably *were* a bit crazy. And when we started Karma Kitchen, people really thought "No way!" It was a restaurant where your check always read zero, with this note: "Your meal is paid for by someone before you, and now it’s your chance to pay it forward." The thing is - 25 thousand meals later, the chain continues in several cities around the globe. People consistently underestimate generosity, but human beings are simply wired to give. In one study at Harvard, scientists surprised a couple hundred volunteers with an unexpected monetary reward and gave them the choice of keeping it or giving it away. The only catch was that they had to make the decision spontaneously. Lo and behold, the majority chose - to give away the money! Greed, it turns out, is a calculated after-thought. Our natural instinct is, and always has been, to give. When you take Economics 101 in college, you will learn that all of economics is rooted in the assumption that people aim to maximize self-interest. I hope you don’t just take that for granted. I hope you challenge it. Consider the likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa, who have rocked the history of our planet with the exact opposite assumption, with the belief in the goodness of our human nature. Or consider Ruby Bridges: Six-year-old Ruby was the first African American girl to go to an all-white school on Nov 14, 1960. All the teachers refused to teach her, except for one Mrs. Henry. Ruby received constant death threats and on the way to class every day, people would line up to shout and throw things. Mrs. Henry instructed Ruby to not speak to anyone, as she crossed the jeering crowds every day. But one day, she saw Ruby saying something, so she said, “Ruby, I told you not to speak to anyone.” “No, Mrs. Henry, I didn’t say anything to them.” “Ruby, I saw you talking. I saw your lips moving.” “Oh, I was just praying. I was praying for them,” Ruby responded. Then she recited her prayer, and I quote “Please, God, try to forgive these people. Because even if they say those bad things, they don’t know what they’re doing.” A six year old! Wishing well for those who were wishing her harm. How generous is that? And what does it say about the power of the human heart? Our capacity to love is a currency that never runs out. May each of you tap into that generous ocean and discover every day, what it means to give. The Second Key Is To Receive When we give, we think we are helping others. That's true, but we are also helping ourselves. With any act of unconditional service, no matter how small, our biochemistry changes, our mind quietens, and we feel a sense of gratefulness. This inner transformation fundamentally shifts the direction of our lives. A couple summers ago, we had two 14-year-olds, Neil and Dillan, interning at ServiceSpace. One of their projects was a 30-day kindness challenge - they had to come up with and do a different act of kindness every day for a month. In the beginning they had to plan "kindness activities", but slowly they learned how to spontaneously turn their daily life into a canvas for giving. Doing the dishes for mom without her asking, stopping to help a stranger with a flat tire, standing up for a bullied kid, gifting all their winnings at the arcade to a child. Very quickly, kindness shifted from being an activity - to a way of life. It wasn't just about who they were helping; it was about who they themselves were becoming through the process. Last weekend, I happened to see Neil after a while, the day after Senior Prom, and he had a story to share, "Last night I noticed that the dance floor was too small and a few of the special needs students just couldn't get on. So I grabbed a bunch of my friends, and we started dancing in a little circle around them. Everyone had a great time." Then, he paused for a reflective moment, and asked me, "But I felt so good about doing that. Do you think I was being selfish?" What a profound question. What Neil experienced was the fact that when we give, we receive many times over. Or as the Dalai Lama once put it, "Be Selfish, Be Generous.” It is in giving that we receive. When we think of generosity, we typically think of it as a zero sum game. If I give you a dollar, that’s one less dollar for me. The inner world, though, operates with an entirely different set of rules. The boundaries aren’t so easy to decipher. Your state of being inherently affects my state of being. This isn’t feel-good talk. It’s actual science. Research shows that, in close proximity, when people feel connected, their individual heartbeats actually start to synchronize - even with zero physical contact. In neuroscience, the discovery of mirror neurons has shown us that we literally do feel each other’s pain - and joy. And joy is *definitely* not a zero-sum game. The law of abundance says that if I give you a smile, that's not one less smile for me. The more I smile, the more I *do* smile. The more I love, the more love I have to give. So, when you give externally, you receive internally. How do the two compare? That's a question only you can answer for yourself, and that answer will keep changing as your awareness deepens. Yet this much is clear: if you only focus on the externals, you’ll live your life in the deadening pursuit of power and products. But if you stay in touch with your inner truth, you will come alive with joy, purpose, and gratitude. You will tap into the law of abundance. May you discover that to be truly selfish, you must be generous. In giving, may you fully experience what it means to receive. The Third Key Is To Dance Our biggest problem with giving and receiving is that we try and track it. And when we do that, we lose the beat. The best dancers are never singularly focused on the mechanics of their movements. They know how to let go, tune into the rhythm and synchronize with their partners. It’s like that with giving too. It's a futile exercise to track who is getting what. We just have to dance. Take one of my friends for example, a very successful entrepreneur. Along his journey, he realized that it’s not just enough, as the cliché goes, to find your gifts. Gifts are actually meant to be *given.* In his daily life, he started cultivating some beautiful practices of generosity. For instance, every time he walked into a fancy restaurant, he told the waiter to find a couple that is most madly in love. "Put their tab on my bill, and tell them a stranger paid for their meal, with the hope that they pay it forward somewhere somehow," he would say. Being a fan of Batman, he took his anonymity seriously: "If anyone finds out it was me, the deal is off." Many restaurants, and waiters, knew him for this. And as a food connoisseur, some of his favorite places were also quite pricey - upwards of a couple hundred bucks per person. On one such day, he walks into a nice restaurant and does his usual drill. The person serving him obliges. However, this time, the waiter comes back with a counter request. "Sir, I know you like to be anonymous, but when I told that couple about the tab being covered, the woman just started sobbing. In fact, it’s been ten minutes and she's still tearing up. I think it would make her feel better if you were to just introduce yourself, just this once." Seeing this, he agrees to break his own cardinal rule and walks over to introduce himself. "M'aam, I was only trying to make your day. If it has brought up something, I'm so sorry." The woman excitedly says, "Oh no, not at all. You’ve just made my year, maybe my life. My husband and I, well, we work at a small nonprofit with physically challenged kids, and we have been saving up all year to have this meal here. It is our one year marriage anniversary today.” After a pause, she continues, “We always serve others in small ways, but to receive a kind act like this on our special day, well, it’s just an overwhelming testimonial that what goes around comes around. It renews our faith in humanity. Thank you. Thank you *SO* much." All of them were in tears. They kept in touch, he joined their board and they are friends to this day. Now, in that scenario, who was the giver? Who was the receiver? And more importantly, does it even matter? Dancing tells us to stop keeping track. Sometimes you're giving and sometimes you're receiving, but it doesn't really matter because the real reward of that give and take doesn’t lie in the value of what’s being exchanged. The real reward lies in what flows between us – our connection. Conclusion So, my dear friends, there you have it. The bad news is that we're in the middle of a crisis of disconnection, and the good news is that each and every one of you has the capacity to repair the web - to give, to receive and to dance. Sometime last year, I spontaneously treated a homeless woman to something she really wanted - ice- cream. We walked into a nearby 7-11, she got her ice-cream and I paid for it. Along the way, though, we had a great 3-minute chat about generosity and as we’re leaving the store, she said something remarkable: "I'd like to buy you something. Can I buy you something?" She empties her pockets and holds up a nickel. The cashier looks on, as we all share a beautiful, awkward, empathy-filled moment of silence. Then I hear my voice responding, “That’s so kind of you. I would be delighted to receive your offering. What if we pay-it-forward by tipping this kind cashier who has just helped us?” Her face breaks into a huge smile. “Good idea,” she says while dropping the nickel into the tip-jar. No matter what you have, or don’t have, we can all give. The good news is that generosity is not a luxury sport. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said it best, when he said, "Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve." He didn't say, "You have to be smart to serve." Or "You have to be famous to serve." Or "You have to be rich to serve." No, he said, "*Everybody* can be great, because *everybody* can serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You don't need to know the second law of thermodynamics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love." Harker Class of 2013, may you ALL find greatness in service to life. May you all give, receive - and never, ever, stop dancing.
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sublimedeal · 7 years
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings
How’d You Like A Front Row Seat To What Attendees Are Calling “The Most Influential Event Of The Decade” All Without Paying A Dime For Travel?
Because the recordings of this SOLD OUT Team Capital event have just OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED for you! From: the sunny offices of Jason Capital.. Newport Coast, California
LISTEN UP BADASS, every single word on this page, totally relevant to you..
Because A LOT has changed in today’s success climate. Yet one thing remains the same:
If you want to succeed in this life, you have to do more of what’s PROVEN, and less of what isn’t.. And that’s the real reason why I got the brightest minds in the world together for you, revealing:
The step-by-step proven process we’re going to use to hockey stick your success past anything you’ve ever imagined. I’m talking ridding you of any extra work you’re wasting time on right now and putting your efforts on STEROIDS, leading to MORE MONEY for you).. The simple trick to having stronger business connections and overall relationships in your life for MORE admiration, respect, recognition, and of course, the unbeatable “life juice” that comes with feeling fulfilled, ready to take on anything that comes your way.. And my best attraction, persuasion, influence, and charisma secrets guaranteed to get you EARTH-SHATTERING SEX so loud the neighbors come knocking. I mean, how awesome would that be? And that’s just scratching the surface.
See, it’s one thing to read about success, it’s another thing SEEING and FEELING the transformation happen within minutes, with your Team Capital brothers cheering you on.
Because we’re unloading everything we have to ensure 2017 is the best year of your life.
And that’s why right now, I’m giving you a virtual front row seat to to over 18+ hours of HD footage, secrets, intel, tips, and tricks from The Elite Mentor Summit, all from the comfort of your own home, risk-free for a full 60 days:
The science behind these recordings: Harvard studies have proven that one of the biggest determinants of success is who you surround yourself with. That means by investing in your recordings to hang out with myself your new mentors, and + other like minded individuals — even virtually — it will skyrocket every area of your life in minutes.
LET’S TALK GETTING YOU THE BIG BUCKS! And no, I’m not just talking about actual money, although I’ll give you templates for that too.
I’m talking about LIFE CURRENCY, the big bucks that aren’t only in your bank account.
I’m talking about the feeling of certainty that floods your body as you realize I’m handing you everything you need in order to do what you’ve always wanted as a kid, and get PAID to do it.
Remember that hobby and passion you gave up because of your current job?
Yeah, getting back to that is exactly what these tapes are about.
I give you everything you need to drop your current job like a bad habit, attract higher quality of people into your life, and create a future filled with abundance and freedom. The same future you wanted for yourself as a kid.
Where you don’t have to worry about the bill at dinner, next month’s rent, or an annoying boss.
A future where you can have your cake AND eat it too.
With these recordings, I’m handing you a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN PLAN for freedom, wealth, success, and sex so loud the neighbors come knocking..
How am I going to do that?
It’s simple, by allowing you to borrow my mentors for as long as you’d like.
Mentors who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk, with MILLIONS every year to prove it.
Mentors who will mold your mind and actions for you, so that regardless if you can’t afford one now or can’t find one willing, I’ve called in a few favors for you and made it easier than ever to have them come to YOU.
Quite an impressive bunch, right?
What’s even more impressive is that..
We’re relieving secrets, tips, and tricks to life they should’ve taught you in school, but didn’t because they didn’t know any better.. Your parents and teachers had the best intentions, but they didn’t know any of this stuff..
How could you? So if any of this comes as new to you, understand it’s not your fault.
Luckily for you, your new mentors and myself DO know better, and that’s why we’re giving you every secret we have to guarantee 2017 is the best year of your life, or your money back.
And that’s also why 400+ guys eagerly soaked in every word at the event (and the past ones for that matter) leaving with a transformation that will last them a lifetime, and then some.
High Status Vocal Tonality EXPLAINED. I’m revealing the secret to connecting with women, business associates, and friends to skyrocket attraction, admiration, and respect (even if you’re an introvert right now).. How to instantly zero in on your grand purpose in seconds with my famous “Onion method”.. My 30-second exercise you can use to gain clarity on every aspect of your life, never again will you have to feel anxiety creep up on you about the future.. Vocal Tonality Secrets from Ryan Gosling and George Clooney and how you can copy them for the same kind of respect that they get in your own life with women and business.. How I scheduled my entire 2017 to make sure I’m held accountable, and how you can copy and my methods for similar success in all areas of your life (pay CLOSE attention to this).. My STATUS Shock TRICK. How to skyrocket attraction using nothing more than the tonality of your voice and a couple of words. With this, she’ll be eating out of your palm instantly.. The sneaky key you can use to stop comparing yourself to other people and instead LEARN from them, ensuring you’re constantly dominating your path the Team Capital way with us.. How to cure “FOMO” within 5 second flat to get more done throughout the day, even if you’re constantly feeling left out by your friends going out without you (this will solve all of that, and MORE, trust me).. My Famous 20% VT Rule. The simple key to getting people to admire you instantly, infusing your voice with power, persuasion, and purpose for the first time, translating to healthier relationships and more money for you.. The 5 valuable traits of the world’s most effective and admired voices. This alone is worth the investment by far, and the standing ovation given afterward, I know you’ll love this.. How we can leverage brand-new research out of Kent State University to become unmoved, unaffected, and nonreactive to anything and everything that life throws your way.. My favorite 2-min exercise you use every morning to train your High Status Voice.. My Straight Line Success System. Here’s the key to ensuring that you’re getting everything out of your efforts, regardless if success, wealth, and freedom has escaped you in the past.. How to spark sexual tension while talking to women with perfectly timed pauses. I’m talking giving you the chemical key to draw her in, open her mind, heart, and legs while you talk to her.. My Sunday Ritual REVEALED. Here’s what I do every single Sunday in order to make sure that the following week is flawless, without stress, and as profitable as ever.. My social media secret to getting more followers, all without having to waste your precious time on sites that are currently draining you of your money, influence, and status..
How to get your significant other to have a threesome with you, even if it’s her first time (fling, girlfriend, or wife, follow this step by step process and voila! Just promise me you’ll send in a success story afterward).. The shocking information discovered by researchers out of UCLA about exactly what we can do about your happiness and health, as proven by science.. The 7 lessons of Social Proof and how we can leverage them for more money, effortless attraction, and commanded respect from others.. (Translation? More money for your time).. My personal 5 guidelines for living a happy, healthy, and wealth life. Copy these for as long as you’d like, you’re welcome.. The 2 quick and easy amplifiers that all my $75,000/year clients use to increase their Status instantly. And now they’re yours to play around with whenever.. The ONLY 3 things I focus on in my business and why everything else is irrelevant to both myself and you in your own business (pay close attention to this).. My famous rule of 3 when it comes to creating momentum for yourself so fast your friends are scratching their heads wondering how you’re accomplishing everything so fast.. My EXACT Morning Routine Explained. I’m talking allowing you to copy mine, step by step, and how it’ll lead you to getting where you need to be that much faster.. And much, MUCH more.. The 7 key pillars of sexual mating. These determine how successful you’ll be on the dating market (and the good news is, you can change most of them instantly with our help).. The 5 components to human mating as proven by modern science. I’m talking infusing your entire life with proven methods to increase your value in front of the hottest women in your city or town.. The MOST important thing women look for (and no, it’s NOT what you think).. The 7 UNIVERSAL desires that ALL women share, no matter their age of looks, because something things never change. Once you have these, you’re UNSTOPPABLE with women.. What scientists are calling “The Closing Time Effect” and how to use it to your advantage the next time you’re out with friends at a bar, club, or just having dinner to effortlessly attract the women around you.. The 3 standards of attractiveness to women (do you have at least one of these?).. Do women care about age? If so, how much? Here’s what the cold hard science has to say about women’s mating strategies when it comes to sleeping with older men.. WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? The TRUE science behind what some of the hottest women on the planet want, what drives them to go home with you, and how you can use it to your advantage starting as soon as tonight.. The hidden side of female sexuality and what it means for you when it comes to hook ups, one night stands, and seasonal flings (Dr. Buss is giving you exactly what most women are afraid to you tell because of the power it’ll give you).. Masculinity secrets that women DROOL over.. (pay close attention to these).. What scientists are calling the “8 windows of desire”. Use these for more sex in less time.. The 5 key conclusions of human mating strategies that you can use starting right away in order to attract the women you want into your life, and best of all, KEEP them too.. And much, MUCH more.. The sneaky trick to negotiating your own book deal to ensure best-seller status.. The TRUTH about where the money is in YOUR business, and even if you’re starting out, here’s the ONLY thing you should mostly focus on (and no, it’s NOT what you think).. How to supercharge the revenue out of any business idea that you have right now. I’m talking time collapsing right away, cutting the time it takes you to achieve it in half.. The 4 secrets to eternal happiness. What they are, how to get them, and more importantly, how to KEEP them, so that they continue to push you forward every single day.. How you can crack the code on true happiness, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships with the people around you in just days from now.. The 2 MAIN things you must do right now if you want a life you’ve always dreamt of filled with freedom, wealth, and success. Without these, you’re largely wasting your time.. How to distance yourself from family members who aren’t on board with your mission without being an asshole about it (this also works for old friends who can’t seem to keep up and give you shit for going to events and investing in yourself).. The 7 Edge Success Pillars. How you can easily infuse your life with success, connection, and true riches beyond what’s just in your bank account (but don’t worry, he’ll show you how to do that too).. What you can take from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Vaynerchuk, and A-list actress Mila Kunis in order to live a life where we’re admired and respected for what you do.. The Napoleon Hill trick to reframing all of your problems, anxieties, and faults to produce results FOR YOU.. Why you don’t always have to hustle your way to the top, and what some of the SMARTEST worked out there have to say about using strategy and scaling tactics rather than pure elbow grease.. How to FIND and take the right opportunities. Gone are the days you scratch your head curious if you should do it or not, Bedros breaks it all down for you, step by step.. And much, MUCH more..
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings published first on http://ift.tt/2qxBbOD
0 notes
endorsereviews · 7 years
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings
How’d You Like A Front Row Seat To What Attendees Are Calling “The Most Influential Event Of The Decade” All Without Paying A Dime For Travel?
Because the recordings of this SOLD OUT Team Capital event have just OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED for you! From: the sunny offices of Jason Capital.. Newport Coast, California
LISTEN UP BADASS, every single word on this page, totally relevant to you..
Because A LOT has changed in today’s success climate. Yet one thing remains the same:
If you want to succeed in this life, you have to do more of what’s PROVEN, and less of what isn’t.. And that’s the real reason why I got the brightest minds in the world together for you, revealing:
The step-by-step proven process we’re going to use to hockey stick your success past anything you’ve ever imagined. I’m talking ridding you of any extra work you’re wasting time on right now and putting your efforts on STEROIDS, leading to MORE MONEY for you).. The simple trick to having stronger business connections and overall relationships in your life for MORE admiration, respect, recognition, and of course, the unbeatable “life juice” that comes with feeling fulfilled, ready to take on anything that comes your way.. And my best attraction, persuasion, influence, and charisma secrets guaranteed to get you EARTH-SHATTERING SEX so loud the neighbors come knocking. I mean, how awesome would that be? And that’s just scratching the surface.
See, it’s one thing to read about success, it’s another thing SEEING and FEELING the transformation happen within minutes, with your Team Capital brothers cheering you on.
Because we’re unloading everything we have to ensure 2017 is the best year of your life.
And that’s why right now, I’m giving you a virtual front row seat to to over 18+ hours of HD footage, secrets, intel, tips, and tricks from The Elite Mentor Summit, all from the comfort of your own home, risk-free for a full 60 days:
The science behind these recordings: Harvard studies have proven that one of the biggest determinants of success is who you surround yourself with. That means by investing in your recordings to hang out with myself your new mentors, and + other like minded individuals — even virtually — it will skyrocket every area of your life in minutes.
LET’S TALK GETTING YOU THE BIG BUCKS! And no, I’m not just talking about actual money, although I’ll give you templates for that too.
I’m talking about LIFE CURRENCY, the big bucks that aren’t only in your bank account.
I’m talking about the feeling of certainty that floods your body as you realize I’m handing you everything you need in order to do what you’ve always wanted as a kid, and get PAID to do it.
Remember that hobby and passion you gave up because of your current job?
Yeah, getting back to that is exactly what these tapes are about.
I give you everything you need to drop your current job like a bad habit, attract higher quality of people into your life, and create a future filled with abundance and freedom. The same future you wanted for yourself as a kid.
Where you don’t have to worry about the bill at dinner, next month’s rent, or an annoying boss.
A future where you can have your cake AND eat it too.
With these recordings, I’m handing you a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN PLAN for freedom, wealth, success, and sex so loud the neighbors come knocking..
How am I going to do that?
It’s simple, by allowing you to borrow my mentors for as long as you’d like.
Mentors who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk, with MILLIONS every year to prove it.
Mentors who will mold your mind and actions for you, so that regardless if you can’t afford one now or can’t find one willing, I’ve called in a few favors for you and made it easier than ever to have them come to YOU.
Quite an impressive bunch, right?
What’s even more impressive is that..
We’re relieving secrets, tips, and tricks to life they should’ve taught you in school, but didn’t because they didn’t know any better.. Your parents and teachers had the best intentions, but they didn’t know any of this stuff..
How could you? So if any of this comes as new to you, understand it’s not your fault.
Luckily for you, your new mentors and myself DO know better, and that’s why we’re giving you every secret we have to guarantee 2017 is the best year of your life, or your money back.
And that’s also why 400+ guys eagerly soaked in every word at the event (and the past ones for that matter) leaving with a transformation that will last them a lifetime, and then some.
High Status Vocal Tonality EXPLAINED. I’m revealing the secret to connecting with women, business associates, and friends to skyrocket attraction, admiration, and respect (even if you’re an introvert right now).. How to instantly zero in on your grand purpose in seconds with my famous “Onion method”.. My 30-second exercise you can use to gain clarity on every aspect of your life, never again will you have to feel anxiety creep up on you about the future.. Vocal Tonality Secrets from Ryan Gosling and George Clooney and how you can copy them for the same kind of respect that they get in your own life with women and business.. How I scheduled my entire 2017 to make sure I’m held accountable, and how you can copy and my methods for similar success in all areas of your life (pay CLOSE attention to this).. My STATUS Shock TRICK. How to skyrocket attraction using nothing more than the tonality of your voice and a couple of words. With this, she’ll be eating out of your palm instantly.. The sneaky key you can use to stop comparing yourself to other people and instead LEARN from them, ensuring you’re constantly dominating your path the Team Capital way with us.. How to cure “FOMO” within 5 second flat to get more done throughout the day, even if you’re constantly feeling left out by your friends going out without you (this will solve all of that, and MORE, trust me).. My Famous 20% VT Rule. The simple key to getting people to admire you instantly, infusing your voice with power, persuasion, and purpose for the first time, translating to healthier relationships and more money for you.. The 5 valuable traits of the world’s most effective and admired voices. This alone is worth the investment by far, and the standing ovation given afterward, I know you’ll love this.. How we can leverage brand-new research out of Kent State University to become unmoved, unaffected, and nonreactive to anything and everything that life throws your way.. My favorite 2-min exercise you use every morning to train your High Status Voice.. My Straight Line Success System. Here’s the key to ensuring that you’re getting everything out of your efforts, regardless if success, wealth, and freedom has escaped you in the past.. How to spark sexual tension while talking to women with perfectly timed pauses. I’m talking giving you the chemical key to draw her in, open her mind, heart, and legs while you talk to her.. My Sunday Ritual REVEALED. Here’s what I do every single Sunday in order to make sure that the following week is flawless, without stress, and as profitable as ever.. My social media secret to getting more followers, all without having to waste your precious time on sites that are currently draining you of your money, influence, and status..
How to get your significant other to have a threesome with you, even if it’s her first time (fling, girlfriend, or wife, follow this step by step process and voila! Just promise me you’ll send in a success story afterward).. The shocking information discovered by researchers out of UCLA about exactly what we can do about your happiness and health, as proven by science.. The 7 lessons of Social Proof and how we can leverage them for more money, effortless attraction, and commanded respect from others.. (Translation? More money for your time).. My personal 5 guidelines for living a happy, healthy, and wealth life. Copy these for as long as you’d like, you’re welcome.. The 2 quick and easy amplifiers that all my $75,000/year clients use to increase their Status instantly. And now they’re yours to play around with whenever.. The ONLY 3 things I focus on in my business and why everything else is irrelevant to both myself and you in your own business (pay close attention to this).. My famous rule of 3 when it comes to creating momentum for yourself so fast your friends are scratching their heads wondering how you’re accomplishing everything so fast.. My EXACT Morning Routine Explained. I’m talking allowing you to copy mine, step by step, and how it’ll lead you to getting where you need to be that much faster.. And much, MUCH more.. The 7 key pillars of sexual mating. These determine how successful you’ll be on the dating market (and the good news is, you can change most of them instantly with our help).. The 5 components to human mating as proven by modern science. I’m talking infusing your entire life with proven methods to increase your value in front of the hottest women in your city or town.. The MOST important thing women look for (and no, it’s NOT what you think).. The 7 UNIVERSAL desires that ALL women share, no matter their age of looks, because something things never change. Once you have these, you’re UNSTOPPABLE with women.. What scientists are calling “The Closing Time Effect” and how to use it to your advantage the next time you’re out with friends at a bar, club, or just having dinner to effortlessly attract the women around you.. The 3 standards of attractiveness to women (do you have at least one of these?).. Do women care about age? If so, how much? Here’s what the cold hard science has to say about women’s mating strategies when it comes to sleeping with older men.. WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? The TRUE science behind what some of the hottest women on the planet want, what drives them to go home with you, and how you can use it to your advantage starting as soon as tonight.. The hidden side of female sexuality and what it means for you when it comes to hook ups, one night stands, and seasonal flings (Dr. Buss is giving you exactly what most women are afraid to you tell because of the power it’ll give you).. Masculinity secrets that women DROOL over.. (pay close attention to these).. What scientists are calling the “8 windows of desire”. Use these for more sex in less time.. The 5 key conclusions of human mating strategies that you can use starting right away in order to attract the women you want into your life, and best of all, KEEP them too.. And much, MUCH more.. The sneaky trick to negotiating your own book deal to ensure best-seller status.. The TRUTH about where the money is in YOUR business, and even if you’re starting out, here’s the ONLY thing you should mostly focus on (and no, it’s NOT what you think).. How to supercharge the revenue out of any business idea that you have right now. I’m talking time collapsing right away, cutting the time it takes you to achieve it in half.. The 4 secrets to eternal happiness. What they are, how to get them, and more importantly, how to KEEP them, so that they continue to push you forward every single day.. How you can crack the code on true happiness, fulfillment, and meaningful relationships with the people around you in just days from now.. The 2 MAIN things you must do right now if you want a life you’ve always dreamt of filled with freedom, wealth, and success. Without these, you’re largely wasting your time.. How to distance yourself from family members who aren’t on board with your mission without being an asshole about it (this also works for old friends who can’t seem to keep up and give you shit for going to events and investing in yourself).. The 7 Edge Success Pillars. How you can easily infuse your life with success, connection, and true riches beyond what’s just in your bank account (but don’t worry, he’ll show you how to do that too).. What you can take from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Vaynerchuk, and A-list actress Mila Kunis in order to live a life where we’re admired and respected for what you do.. The Napoleon Hill trick to reframing all of your problems, anxieties, and faults to produce results FOR YOU.. Why you don’t always have to hustle your way to the top, and what some of the SMARTEST worked out there have to say about using strategy and scaling tactics rather than pure elbow grease.. How to FIND and take the right opportunities. Gone are the days you scratch your head curious if you should do it or not, Bedros breaks it all down for you, step by step.. And much, MUCH more..
Jason Capital – Elite Mentor Summit 2017 + Audio Recordings posted first on premiumwarezstore.blogspot.com
0 notes
runningaddiction · 8 years
My "Normal" Running Conversations
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This evening I am writing about two different running topics that I normally talk to other runners and friends that are willing to talk about nerdy running stuff with me. I usually only bring these two up when they are interested in a brain dump of running knowledge that has worked for me  
The two topics this evening are MAF training (Maximum Aerobic Function) or the Maffetone Method, which is really just heart rate training. The second topic is cadence, really it’s my take on cadence versus foot strike. I am going to be writing about what I think a runner should focus on; a heel strike versus a forefoot strike and how neither is bad for runners. I argue that cadence, not foot strike is what helps runners stay injury free, have more efficient running form, and train more effectively in the long run.  
The first nerdy running topic is MAF training. MAF stands for maximum aerobic function. The foundational principle that needs to understood here is that there is ANAErobic training, such as sprinting, lifting weights, events where the heart rate shoots up very quickly and AErobic training which is “cardio,” basically. The problem that I and many other coaches have is with how a lot of runners train cardio (or their AErobic capacity).  Many runners, including myself when I first started running, train in the “grey” zone. It is zone 4 on scale of 1 to 5. The problem with the “grey” zone is that your heart rate is elevated but it is trying to do both some AErobic training and some ANAErobic training.
The issue is that they are not getting that much better at either. They are probably making some fitness improvements, but when it comes to cardio training, especially the way I train, there should be an 80/20 rule, where 80% of training runs should be at a MAF heart rate (HR) (I’ll explain what that is in a bit) and then doing 20% of training should at zone 5, which is very hard sprints with recovery throw in the middle. The key to training like this is specificity, our bodies will increase separately at both functions.  
MAF heart rate is a simple calculation, it is 180 minus age. For me, I’m 28, 180 minus 28 is 152, so my MAF zone is 142 to 152. My goal for all my MAF runs is to keep my heart rate around 147, right in the middle of my zone. The issue that most runners have when they start MAF training is that they have to slow down. They have to run at what feels like a really slow pace because they have been training in the grey zone. Yes, when they train in the grey zone they can get faster paces and show off more on Strava, Facebook, or any other social media sites. Yes, they look better at running because they are going faster, but they are not getting the fat burning affect and increasing their aerobic capacity as much as they could be.
I tell most runners or soldiers that if their running 4 times as week, than 3 or 75% should be MAF runs, staying in that MAF zone. The other run can be a speed workout. That will help their overall aerobic capacity. The speed workout can be any type of intervals; 200s, 400s, or whatever they feel like. I personally recommend following the speedwork portion of a training plan in a book or online.
The last key thing on MAF is the MAF test. The best way for a runner to see how their MAF is increasing is to do a MAF test. They should warm up for about .5 to 1mi. Then do 3-5 miles at exactly that MAF heart rate on a flat course. A month later they can come back and check how much they have improved the pace at MAF heart rate.
The second topic I wanted to write about this evening is cadence / foot strike. A lot of books and other writings have come out in the last few years saying that runners should transition to a forefoot strike. I say that if it gets people outside running then go do it, transitioning to a forefoot strike is not going to be bad; but honestly, most science that I’ve read and come to believe is that foot strike really doesn’t matter. The thing that does matter is cadence. When a runner finally gets the right steps per minute, their foot strike is going to change to what feels good, which for most people is more of a forefoot strike, like when they are running in place.
Instead of focusing on running on their toes, which is what most people do when they try to forefoot strike, I recommend working on cadence, trying to get near 180 steps per minute (SPM). I tell most soldiers that I run with, when we sing cadences we run at about 160 SPM, which has been shown to hurt a runner's ankles, knees, hips, and back. That is what most soldiers complain about when we do cadence runs.  
Instead of 160, I recommend trying to get up to 180 SPM. Personally, I am comfortable at 186.  Even if I don’t have a metronome or music set to a specific beat I naturally run at 180 SPM. I recommend that if runners that have a smart phone download a metronome app and do some drills at the beginning of runs, it will be annoying for a bit, but that will help them practice their form with the higher cadence.  
If they want to take it a step farther, I recommend getting Pace DJ for the iPhone (not sponsored). It takes all the music on the phone that is within a 10 beat range of the preferred cadence and puts it too the specified cadence. The conversion actually works really well.
It’s nice with the app because a runner can set  at 176 or 180 depending how fast of a cadence they want to run at. One of my friends I was talking to about this topic brought up the concern that a 180 cadence fights the MAF heart rate training. That’s a misunderstanding, we normally think of higher cadence with only sprinting, but thats just because of how we train. Runners can run a 180 cadence with a 10 min or 9 min mile.
That’s just my take on two of my favorites aspects of running to talk about with other runners that haven’t done that much research or runners who just go out and run without any specific focus. I believe that those two aspects will help them improve more and I think that will help them to run more because they will see the improvement.
Call for Comments: What are your thoughts on both topics? What are some of your favorite topics to talk about when running?
- Alex
If you like the post; like or reblog it on Tumblr, pass it around on Facebook, or Tweet it on Twitter.
PS: Thanks for reading hope you stick around for new posts in the future
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lenfantdetonnerre · 8 years
Why I believe the science of climate change -or- a common sense view of science
  Take a sphere about the size of your fist, maybe a pool ball or a Christmas ornament, and put it in the fridge for about ten minutes. Now take it out and while it’s still cold, breath once on it. If this ball were a scale model of earth, that impossibly thin haze of condensation would be the approximate thickness of our atmosphere. That’s it. about five scale miles thick. Above about 26,000 feet or so, the atmosphere is too thin to breath unassisted, and above it is known as the ‘death zone’. Now there’s some debate over where the atmosphere actually ends and space begins, and it gradually gets thinner the higher you go, but for my point, I’ll assume it stops where it’s no longer breathable.
    The sky is very deceptive. If you look up, it seems like it goes on and out  forever, but as I said, the habitable sky is only about five miles thick. The average adult standing up can see about ten miles on flat ground. Half as far as you can see, straight up, is all the air that is surrounding us. Now scientists say it only takes about 350 parts per million of CO2 to tip the scale into a greenhouse effect. We know CO2 is a greenhouse gas, you can even run the test yourself with two large clear containers. One filled with air, the other CO2, two heat lamps and thermometers and lo and behold! The carbon dioxide filled one is warmer. Scientists also say the atmosphere already has 400 parts per million CO2, and that number is still going up. 400ppm doesn’t sound like much, because it isn’t. But it’s all you need to offset the balance. You may say it would still take billions of tons of CO2 to do that, and you’d be right. Let’s bring it back to practical terms. One gallon of gasoline when burned, produces about 19.6 pounds of carbon dioxide. It takes 14.7 pounds of air to burn one pound of gas. The oxygen reacts with the hydrocarbon, and produces H2O and CO2. 6.2 pounds per gallon= 19.6 pounds of CO2 per gallon. How many gallons of gasoline have you burned in your car this year? How many gallons have you burned since you learned to drive? How many cars were burning gas where you live today? Hundreds of millions of cars burned hundreds of millions of gallons today. This year? The last hundred years? If you do the math, you get your billions of tons you seek. And cars make up less than a third of our total CO2 production. Worse, CO2 production is only two-thirds of the problem. You can argue that plants absorb CO2, and you’d be correct, too bad deforestation makes up some of the other third of the problem. But the biggest absorber of CO2 is the ocean. Carbon dioxide is very water soluble, just ask any soda. If you drink a soda quickly, then burp through your nose, you’ve probably felt quite a burn. That’s because CO2 is also acidic. The PH balance of the ocean is noticeably, measurably dropping. The acidification of the ocean is negatively affecting sea life, further compounding the problem. Scientists who measure the CO2 levels in the ocean also say we’re approaching saturation, where the ocean will soak up less and less in the near future, leaving more and more in the air. And then it gets worse! All I’ve stated ignores increased methane production, which traps heat five times better than CO2!
    Part of the problem we face is facing the problem. It’s easy to think of science as just something to get kids excited about, and not something that can influence your own life. The futuristic, “Better living through science!” promotions are long gone, and science in general does a poor job of being presented and digestible to the general public, and so is easily ignored, or worse, disbelieved. I understand why people deny climate change, most of the data is inaccessible or indecipherable for most people, and it’s not what we want to believe. We like to think we have things figured out, that our world view is the right one. If anything comes along that may threaten our preconceived ideology, we are likely to reject it. Realigning our perceptions is hard work. Science is wonderful if it changes the way we live, but becomes objectionable if it changes the way we think. We don’t willingly change the way we think unless we have to, and if scientific facts conflict with our beliefs, we are more likely to throw the facts out, because that’s easier. It comes as no surprise that many of the same people who disbelieve climate change also disbelieve evolution, but that’s a topic for another day. But I hope I’ve maybe given you some easy ways to comprehend the issue. Just remember, science ALWAYS beats pseudoscience. Always! The score is incredible!
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
92% off #Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code – $10
Increase your chance of success learning to code and communicating with other developers
Beginner Level,  – 6.5 hours,  85 lectures 
Average rating 4.8/5 (4.8 (408 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
Access to the internet A sense of humor
Course description:
60%+ of people who try to learn how to program end up quitting.
Is it because “programming just isn’t for everyone”?
Or is it because only those with experience in hard sciences can learn it?
No, neither of those are true. It’s simply due to the fact that the vast majority of people who try don’t have a basic understanding of the technology they’re going to use. 
How exactly can you tackle responsive design if you don’t now how a browser works?
How are you going to create a desktop application if you don’t know what makes your computer freeze constantly (besides porn, obviously)?
How are you going to hide your confused facial expression the next time your site’s server crashes because of a “node socket problem” in your full stack Javascript?
If you’ve ever taken your computer to a technician and said “Make it work” or “It don’t work good. Me cry” then you’re exactly who needs this course.
Over the next 10 years the United States is expected to add over 2 million programming jobs. Jobs that pay well over $100,000 a year. And that’s just the United States (Merica’).
So if you’re trying to jump on the coding gravy train, put down your bronze statuette of Elon Musk standing on Mars, and start filling in the gaps in your “tech literacy”. Even if you yourself do not become a “coding ninja” yourself all the future coding ninjas you work with with thank you (and tell you to stop calling them coding ninjas).
About your instructor:
Hi, I’m Evan Kimbrell. I too struggled to learn the basics of programming. If failing to program were a sport, I’d be on the Dream Team. 
Today, I run a web and mobile development agency called Sprintkick and over the last 4 years we’ve built and managed over 100+ web & mobile applications. 
How does one so technologically challenged manage to pull this off? Well, first off I would disagree with “technologically challenged” (come on) and second it was actually straight forward. I just had to spend a concerted amount of time learning what I needed to know about basic computer, web, and programming technology as well as modern technology trends and advanced concepts. 
This course is an accelerated path designed to get you to “I get it” and finally start communicating correctly & effectively about technology.
Full details Better understand the fundamentals of how programming works Understand the fundamentals of how computers work and how that relates to modern web technology Choose what programming language and path they want to pursue in their career Understand and apply the 8 basic concepts of programming Evaluate, install, and modify any content management system Understand world technology trends like responsive design, pair programming, PaaS systems, and the growth of APIs Make a decision about what technology and ecosystem interests you Correctly understand and apply the concept of a programming framework Call out your friends for not knowing the difference between a framework, library, and IDE (they’ll love you) Communicate with others about technology in a way that doesn’t immediately give away your inexperience Impress your friends during drinks with random factoids about Bill Gates & Steve Jobs Finally understand the reason Comcast keeps billing you $29.99
Full details Anyone interested in learning how to program that is already struggling or intimidated by the process Anyone who wants to better communicate with development teams they work with Anyone who wants to hire, vet, & manage developers more effectively Anyone who is simply interested in getting an in depth understanding of modern web & mobile technology trends
Full details
“So good! I’ve absolutely tried to quit programming before and quit many many times. Go through this course! Evan’s fantastic dead-pan humor and bite-sized videos are perfect for understanding coding before diving in.” (Akash Thakkar)
“It covers lots of important concept in this course! But Evan, it’s fine you try to re-use all the previous content you have made, just please organize them better and show those content you mentioned you would show in the next lecture and also make the quiz’s questions consistent with the lecture you talked in the section? Thanks.” (Steffi Li)
“I learned a little BASIC on my TRS-80 decades ago and then life got in the way of learning programming. 40+ years later, trying to learn programming again, I was totally lost, perhaps worse off than a total newbie. Evan’s course organized my thinking much like my financial planner did and now I have an idea of how to plot a path through the forest of all these different aspects of using a computer. I can now avoid totally wasting my time when I look at a catalog of courses because I now know kind of what the end game of learning development skills looks like. Just learning some of the nomenclature was extremely helpful.” (Larry Shepkowski)
  About Instructor:
Evan Kimbrell
Hi, I’m Evan Kimbrell. Thanks for checking out my course. Currently, I’m the Founder and Director of Sprintkick, a full-service, referral-based digital agency based out of San Francisco. Over the past four years I’ve overseen the development and launch of over 100 web and mobile apps. Clients range from two-man bootstrapping startups to multibillion dollar Fortune 100s like Wal-Mart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and GNC. Prior to Sprintkick I worked as a VC for a new firm called Juvo Capital, based out of L.A. I spearheaded the firm’s expansion into Silicon Valley and into the Consumer Web tech category. In the long long ago, I was a co-founder for an educational software startup called ScholarPRO that raised a ton of money and then spectacularly blew up (in the bad way). Before it exploded like the Death Star, I went through five tech incubators (yes, five): Tech Stars, Excelerate Labs, MassChallenge, Babson Venture Program, and Sparkseed. I’m an avid Airbnb host for the Fisherman’s Wharf district of San Francisco. My space has the #1 search ranking for my area, has hosted over 200+ people, and is currently booking out 18 months in advance. I’ve helped multiple hosts get their properties listed and their prices per night maximized. Results range from an extra +50% in price for established hosts and +400% for brand new hosts. Hope you enjoy my courses!
Instructor Other Courses:
Become a Growth Marketer: Learn Growth Marketing & Get a Job Evan Kimbrell, Founder of Sprintkick | Ex-VC | Ex-startup founder (293) $10 $195 Become a Product Manager | Learn the Skills & Get the Job Intro to Entrepreneurship: Get started as an Entrepreneur …………………………………………………………… Evan Kimbrell coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Programming Languages course coupon Udemy Programming Languages course coupon Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code course coupon Pre-Programming: Everything you need to know before you code coupon coupons
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