#and i can't retreat anywhere when i'm overwhelmed so i just get more overstimulated
camellia-thea · 1 year
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Once at the Comodeen Tim finds themselves in a strange spot.
Now at first they hold little desire to go much of anywhere as they stick to the safety of Kain's room/ under his bed but as they slowly adapt and learn the rest is / can also be a safe place they start to find themselves strangely restless.
They've spent their whole life inside, this is what they know best after all. This is where they feel safest and while the Comodeen holds much unknown but differs from that of the outside world and yet.. the longer they're kept cooped up inside even with near free roam of the place- with exceptions obviously - it honestly starts to feel uncomfortable.
One would assume that having lived such a captive life he'd only be all to happy to be inside, and to an extent it's true. Having found and created a new space to feel safe, a place they can retreat to and is their own similar to his cage. But only for a short while, as too much time can feel stifling, restrictive.
Sure the outside is in many ways terrifying but they've also in that time spent out there experienced many wonderful things from it, new feelings.
They were Free.
True they still followed others around and did as was told, but it was different then how it had been before. The once hard ground replaced with soft grass, and while overwhelming at first he'd come to appreciate all the differing smells compared to cold and clinical of the lab.
The Comodeen while not an unpleasant place, to him at least sometimes feels like nothing more then just a bigger cage. Locking him up away from the outside- even if there isn't necessarily a rule stating he can't go out- he gets a feeling they probably don't want him to, or something.
Add on to him just being bored, basically going from overstimulated to under stimulated, and he wants out.
He's not so naive or stupid as to believe the outside is safe, he's seen his own share of danger but he also fails to see why anyone would spend so much time inside when outside is so nice.
Wind, Sun. Stars. Even rain is nice to him (so long as it's not a storm)
Thus what starts his adventures to slipping outside (and his secret meet ups with Sielu). He's no rule breaker but he's a clever Chimera that could probably figure out how to bend them or loop holes using their logic.
e.g. If nothing was said before they'd argue they weren't told they couldn't leave.
Or using their words against him of; well he was told to make his own choices.. and he made a choice.
In part this is just me better exploring and giving reason to why he might be out and about out side the Comodeen even after arriving, and help broaden the plotting sphere of things to be done.
I love him at the Comodeen and all the growth that will happen just from being there and among people but also, damn, can't help but imagine how that would effect to experience freedom and the outside world only to just be taken somewhere else once again closed off.
This time maybe with some windows at least to see the outside but in some ways that's worse, being able to see it but not touch it. To actually go outside
And I also want to make it clear I'm not saying that he actively is being forced to stay inside, unless at any point someone were to expressly state he's not to leave / go outside. From their perspective however anyway it just kinda feels like that, especially before they truly start making choices and doing things of their own accord and not following what others want.
(Also just probably the fact that many people are often busy, and well they don't want to go out alone but no one is available to)
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