#and i charged $20. for the supplies. not even any charge for the labour
softwater3452 · 2 years
4000 Litres Per Hour Industrial Reverse Osmosis System
After passing through this filter, the water may seem like clean. However, appears can be deceiving and most water contaminants are smaller than what our eyes can see. These contaminants is most likely not detachable by the only real use of a sediment filter. A micron is a unit of size whole house reverse osmosis systems that is equal to one millionth (10-6) of a meter. The commonest sediment filters out there are 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100um filters. The micron quantity refers to the largest filth particle that may pass by way of the filter.
The Ultra-Filtration system is a sort of membrane filtration just like Reverse Osmosis, utilizing hydrostatic pressure to drive water through a semi-permeable membrane. Ultra-Filtration is a pressure-driven membrane course of not essentially totally different from reverse osmosis , microfiltration or nanofiltration , except in terms of the size of the molecules it retains. I ideally wished the kitchen and possibly 2 other toilet taps to have consuming level water. It appeared cheaper to only filter whole house for drinking water instead of purchasing for a lesser quality whole house filter + individual drinking filters for each tap.
Yet you would drink from a brand new shiny chrome tap with out hesitation even though they are connected to the same old rusty water supply pipe. Yes there is a commonplace call-out and labour charge plus you will be required to pay for the replacement cartridges. The potential downside with plastic bottles is that they transfer too many chemical compounds into the water. The plastic bottles are additionally not thought of environmentally pleasant.
Water then passes to the Reverse Osmosis Membrane where very fantastic particles are extruded from the water and allotted via the wastewater pipe. It can be utilized in restaurants where you will need to fill up water for purchasers. But it isn't meant to be for continuous use, particularly when you have to refill big tanks.
Reverse Osmosis is the process of eradicating dissolved parts out of your water. A filter system won't take away the sugar that’s dissolved in the whole house reverse osmosis systems water. The solely way to remove what’s dissolved is the water is to put it through a reverse osmosis system.
It is crucial that, identical to any machine, the unit be serviced frequently and filters modified every three to months to a yr. UF is a type of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic stress forces a liquid against a semipermeable membrane. It does not differ fundamentally from reverse osmosis, microfiltration or nanofiltration, besides when it comes to the size of the molecules it retains. UF can be utilized whole house reverse osmosis systems as pretreatment for reverse osmosis systems or as a ultimate filtration stage for deionized water. It is a superb purification technique in areas the place the TDS is low or in drought-stricken areas, because it produces no waste. The system eliminates as much as ninety nine.8% of harmful contaminants in water such as micro organism, viruses, arsenic, radium, lead and chlorine due to the multi-stage filtration technology.
Reverse Osmosis purified water will give you and your family peace of thoughts in phrases of drinking and cooking. Situated in the coronary heart of Johannesburg, Yarn Home is southern Africa’s premier distributor of quality water treatment products for each home and commercial use. We provide a handy online store, supported by a large stock of some of the greatest global manufacturers in the water treatment business. Our huge product vary includes water filter cartridges, reverse osmosis systems, UV systems, membranes and housing, filter media, countertop units and extra.
All our workers are certified, skilled and our plumbing meets the standards of the South African National Standards. If you need further info on watering filtering systems then contact our workplaces to make an appointment and we are going to gladly take you through the method and all it entails. If you’d prefer to install your individual tank, please seek the assistance of our comprehensive, easy-to-use DIY-Installation Guide. AquaLiz will conduct home evaluation, checks the water and customise therapy according to your needs. AquaLiz Water Filters are simple to use and keep, AquaLiz may even present orientation.
FtN is your hyperlink to the natural world; in the content material we provide you with & the merchandise we give you access to. There are varied physical and chemical strategies that a filter system can use to purify your water. Using magnesium for example, in accordance with the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council within the USA, the beneficial day by day allowance for magnesium is 350 milligrams. US Drinking water incorporates 6.25 milligrams of magnesium per litre on average, so to get the full recommended daily allowance from water alone, one would wish to drink fifty six (fifty six!) litres of water per day.
0 notes
vergess · 3 years
@autismserenity​ said: Your tags are the most American thing I’ve ever read, we are truly so screwed here   
May I interest you in a more complete, and more excruciating, explanation of what I spent the last 18 months doing?
It is, I need to emphasize, fucking nasty. Don’t feel obligated, especiallly if you’ve already had A Day(tm).
There’s a lot of disease, a lot of worker abuse including sexual and racial abuse, a fine portion of letting people die for not being white enough for real medical care, all leading to homelessness.
For NDA reasons, because my former employer was just as vile as any tech company has ever been, I cannot be super specific about who I worked for. However, I can say that we handled the records and patient contact for all COVID testing for several states, as well as 2 of the 5 largest metros in the US, and several dozen smaller ones ranging from the approximate population of San Francisco, down to little towns, as well as the testing for several public school systems and at least two government agencies that I am not at liberty to disclose.
I tell you this for a sense of scale. When I say shit like, “my boss was more than happy to let thousands or hundreds of thousands die” I am not exagerrating for effect. We handled hundreds of thousands of tests a week.
Again, I need to emphasize, government agencies. Ones you would know if I named them. Ones everyone in the country knows.
And we were in charge of getting their test results from the already over swamped labs back to the patients, who often were not allowed to quarantine while awaiting results.
The fastest we got our turnaround time to on any consistent basis was about 30 hours. Often it ballooned well into weeks.
There were a number of factors for this, but the big one was always understaffing.
The staff we did have were treated like trash. One of the big selling points of this company is how “trans friendly” it is to work there. That is a lie. Every trans employee on payroll had their dead name displayed to all other staff, and until I personally changed the system setup on my arrival, patient facing trans people’s dead names were displayed to patients.
Remember that thing about “hundreds of thousands of tests a week”?
I was able to change the way patient-facing names were displayed. I was not allowed or able to alter the way internal systems displayed trans people’s names. But I was assured that it’s fine, because once you get a legal name change, you’ll be given new system accounts with your new name!
Your old accounts with your dead name would still be displayed and associated with the new ones though.
This is the “trans friendly” working environment. We were allowed to be out of the closet, as long as we were willing to put up with that. And any attempts to get it altered were the result of those nasty little transgender ingrates not being thankful enough.
Meaning that by asking to use our own fucking names we were already in the disciplinary shitter.
Another big selling point is the ~racial diversity~. The CEO was a man of colour, and so were like four other people on staff!! Wow!!!!!!!
This, too, was laughable.
Once numbers started coming in about the care gap for COVID between English and Spanish speakers, and our Southwestern US service area began to have a separate and brutal backlog just of Spanish speaking patients, my employer encouraged me to interview potential hires who speak spanish.
Fair enough! We all wanted to do our part to help close the already massive mortality gap.
So, I found candidates, did interviews, hired them, trained them, etc. But I don’t speak Spanish. As a result, I appointed 2 assistant managers who do speak Spanish to assist me in managing, you know, like the job name.
So when my super contacted them directly, completely skipping me on the chain of command, and told them to stop all of our Spanish speakers from translating helpful simple messages to send to patients, and instead start translating medical and legal documents, they very reasonably assumed I was in the know and went ahead with it.
TO BE CLEAR, that could have ended my life, theirs, basically everyone involved. Everyone in the company would have been completely fucked. At that point, my subordinates, the people for whom I am wholly responsible, were doing everything from practicing medicine without licenses, to encouraging spanish speaking patients to enter contracts that no one on the fucking executive tier could even read.
The moment I found that out, I and the A.M.s immediately started trying to get actual medical translation services to do our documents. We collected them in a neat folder. We queried translation services. We got quotes. We contacted my super and the CEO, about this over and over again for months. In the late autumn, we received approval for one of the translation services.
The CEO decided at the last minute that having people with no medical or legal training draft medical and legal forms was fine and good actually, and refused to sign the contract or send the documents for translation.
The excuse I received was that the COVID emergency HIPAA relaxations would protect us.
That’s not how that works.
Throughout all of this, Spanish speaking employees were told to either keep doing medical and legal translation work, or lose their jobs.
Oh, did I mention everyone was working between 30 and 80 hours a week, and all of us were marked as “contractors” so the employer could tax evade? Don’t worry, we filed complaints with the labour bureau.
So the entire department was let go, and “rehired” as temps through a temp agency, which because it was a temp agency could keep them marked as contractors regardless of the facts.
This change was presented to all of us, myself included, as the company getting a new accountant to handle payroll.
So if you’re keeping score, we’ve covered racism, queerphobia, medical negligence, fraud, and a frankly uncountable number of deaths.
Let’s talk about the sheer negligence towards employees ourselves. If you’ve worked in near-death medical care before, or any number of emergency services really, you know that the standard benefit suite includes either a dedicated therapist for your staff, or access to peer support groups with other emergency and medical servants through your employer’s benefits program.
Do you know what our mental health benefits were for this company?
The CEO got on a fucking zoom call with us all one (1) time, and said that if we were feeling suicidal or traumatized by the work, to talk to him about it, and he would be our therapist.
Do you know how many people per fucking day we had to contact only to be told they had already died because our understaffing delays killed them? He doesn’t. He never listened when we told him.
But let me put the cherry on the “Oh baby, you can talk to me, oooh” sundae.
Anyone who “looked” or “sounded” female, regardless of actual or assigned gender, was subject to constant flirtations and slimy, overly personal compliments about our appearances. Fortunately, at 3 levels removed from the CEO (Executives > Department heads > Managers > Employees), most of the people under my management had relatively little contact with him.
I was not nearly so lucky.
The CEO of this company has a watersports (urination) fetish. I know this, because he told me so and attempted to get me to join him in it. I have no idea how many other people in the company he did this to. I mean, what the fuck was I supposed to do, risk losing my job to find out? I have a fucking family to support, people.
Not that it mattered.
Eventually, all of these abuses became too much for my subordinates. Productivity fell off a cliff. Delays were getting worse and worse. In a medical emergency like this, delays=deaths.
So, like a fucking idiot, when the department heads reached out to me to ask what they could do to improve productivity, I shot down their frankly insulting suggestion of raffling a $20 amazon gift card to patient facing employees, and instead suggested a very simple, “enroll us with a peer support group, every single person in this department has PTSD from working in this pandemic.”
They were confused by my assertion of PTSD. I was asked to compile a document of complaints, concerns, and weaknesses in our patient facing services.
I and the A.M.s did so. It was roughly 40 pages long, with each page given a known problem, the reasons why it was a problem, and some potential solutions that might inspire further solutions or be able to be implemented. We submitted it. There was no response.
A week passed.
I had been working 80 hour weeks for most of a year. I hadn’t even been able to take weekends. I took my first sick day, in a company with “unlimited vacation days.”
I received a call at 3PM.
I had been fired for “differences in communitcation.” If you’ve ever seen that “Problem Women of Color in the workplace” chart? Yeah.
So had most of my department, including every transgender member of the department, and several of our extremely limited in supply Spanish speakers, who were presumed to be “on my side.”
Some of them, I barely even knew beyond the formalities of the job, and they were punished anyway.
I lost my insurance, and as a result I lost access to my medications.
But the real problem? I lost my house. And not due to lack of payment.
I lost my house, because when I got the job we waited 6 months for stability’s sake, and then readied to move out of the area. I got a mortgage on the basis of my employer’s written guarantee to the bank that I would continue to be employed for the next year at a minimum.
With the mortgage approval in hand, we entered a sales contract on our existing home.
We got and accepted an offer just days before I was fired. To keep our house meant paying a 25,000 dollar broken contract fine. We didn’t have that. We had a 10% down payment for a modest fucking place in a cheaper area, which is less than half that.
But without a job, my mortgage approval was also voided, meaning we couldn’t buy a house either.
All of a sudden, we were homeless during the plague, because my employer wrote and signed a letter to a bank guaranteeing my future employ, and then changed his mind when too many people died due to his own negligence.
Oh yeah, one last thing: the job paid less than Pandemic unemployment Assistance.
...After that, well, it’s homelessness until just last month. I... if you’ve never been homeless it’s.
It blurs. Everything is happening constantly, except for all the ways in which you are endlessly, mind breakingly bored. Bored, overloaded, and always uncomfortable.
Obviously my health would have declined regardless. Malnutrition, stress, everything.
But I was also unmedicated.
It was hell. I was in hell. I don’t know if I can recover from it, to be honest.
I bounced back from being homeless as a child. Children are as resilient as they are stupid, and the monstrosity of homelessness was little more than a vaguely remembered loathing and a panicky fear that it would ever happen again.
A child who is dying is worthy of sympathy, even if it is meaningless coos from passers by. If they have family, they may be able to rely on them too.
An adult with the indignity to die homeless and crippled, according to the average passer by, is worthy only of disgust and perhaps even punishment for being such a worthless waste.
My reward for nearly killing myself in a desperate bid to help stem the tide of COVID was the destruction of not only my life, not only my entire family’s lives, but the lives of every single family of every single employee who worked with me.
And you know what’s worse?
Each one of us still did more to limit the lethal impact of COVID than the entire united states government.
It breaks something in you, going through that.
It makes you realize that hope is a fool’s game.
But, I have ever been a fool, and so, I continue to play.
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youarejesting · 4 years
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[Masterlist]  Pairing: BTS x reader Friends2Lovers But as slow as you can go until the anticipation kills us all… Genres: friendship, drama, romance SLOWEST OF BURNS BUT IT WILL BE BURNING AN ETERNAL FLAME!!! Rating: PG-13 and above Summary: Your brother works with a few BigHit dance teams and whilst having permission to accompany him at work the city shuts down banning anyone from stepping outside for a whole WEEK while they disinfect the streets. If you step outside you might get arrested, shot or poisoned by the chemicals they are emitting through the city. Words: 1.1k Announcement: This chapter made me very happy we are finding a little more about Y/N’s personality. So far we know she is Adaptable, Stubborn, Emotional, a real Chaotic Good. She makes her own way a free spirit and a good heart. She won’t sit around if there is something she can do. Giving Y/N depth and character and own personal struggles besides that with the love interest. 
The boys will be learning valuable lessons in the next chapter. So stay tuned.
[Part 1]  [Part 19] [Part 21] [Tag Yourself Here]
“You can’t just abandon the people when they need help!” The tired doctor hissed into the phone, his hair disheveled and the bags under his eyes extremely noticeable. You had just returned from delivering supplies. “Too many safety hazards, what about the safety of the people?”
“What’s going on?” You asked the young woman who was in charge of logging each supply run while watching the doctor pace the room. Pulling yourself to sit onto the health center's desk and Casually juggling three mandarins much to the young children’s amusement, there was a boy who had a broken leg, a teen in all black trying to look indifferent after an appendicitis and a young girl with a chemical burn. 
“The hospital has stopped sending out the paramedics when the sun goes down, the drivers have almost resulted in a few crashes and then with the number of gangs out there taking supplies and such. It’s too risky” the woman said, the doctor looked so angry you could almost see smoke coming from his ears. 
“What about if people are dying?”  She looked up at you surprised no one really got to hear you speak more than one sentence at a time, “They say they can't do anything about it” “If that’s the case I will go to them, and perform in-home care, until morning. Or if they are safe to move then I will do so to wherever is closest otherwise, I will wait with them until morning”
The Doctor turned to you hearing your words and started talking rapidly into the phone. After several minutes he put his hand to the receiver “Are you seriously willing to do this? you will be required to learn first aid and CPR” You nodded, having until the sun was down to learn all the basics. Lucky for you, you passed the advanced day course and were given instructions. 
The moment night fell you would be directed to any call outs, the first was a child who split their head open by a falling snow globe, they sent a photo of the severity. The doctor at the clinic explained it could easily be glued shut as it wasn’t too big and to deliver some paracetamol elixir. You took the motorized scooter which you had attached one of the wagons on the back and hurried down the streets. Something about this felt different, the numbness seemed to ease and you were able to feel the weight of your decision. 
Yes, leaving the BigHit building had initially been a reckless decision made to spite others, then it was taken from your hands and you were practically forced to go. But this was your decision, this wasn’t to impress anyone or to show off, this was doing what you wanted and what you thought was right by your morals. You couldn’t sit around while people were in need of help. With your bag in the front basket and gun over your shoulder, you moved quickly through the streets.
Arriving at the house you followed the instructions of the doctor. Sealing the wound and checked for any concussion or swelling from the trauma. Smiling at the boy you gave him a sticker of a dinosaur. You told the parents what to do and to call if they had any issues, they thanked you. 
Before you had left there was another emergency, across town an older man was having chest pain. You went straight over, helping him into the Hazard suit with a working breather, placed him in the wagon and rode back to the clinic. The doctor immediately conducted an ECG and determined he was having a heart attack and had been for a while. He was stabilized and you felt your body relax with the relief, he had been such a kind, old man. This was definitely a tough job, but you felt tiny flecks of warmth in your chest.  
Unable to identify the feeling but it wasn’t bad, you were sitting beside the man. He spoke of his wife who was in the hospital and how he wanted to see her. You comforted him and as he relaxed he asked you about your life. When and why you came to Korea, and about the man you were in love with. You winced. 
“What happened?” “Uh it’s complicated” Taking your leave going to the vending machine for a coffee and something to eat, you were still using Mister Lee’s card the IOU list was gradually getting bigger. As you walked past the room you hear the nurse telling the older gentleman about what had happened to you. Calling it a night you shuffled to the clinic’s staff room, it was almost morning and it had gotten quiet. But before you made it to the door, the radio went off again a woman had gone into labour. 
Turning around you headed to the doctor who helped you pack a bag with everything you would need; clamps, sterile instruments and even a pair of Air Pods. Telling you, he would talk to you the whole time and guide you through it. With the address in the GPS, you stepped out wasting no time to cross the town. The doctor was telling you everything you needed to know as you headed over. 
Arriving at the woman’s house, she unlocked the door and you told her to step back. Ducking inside quickly so as to not bring too much poisonous gas into the house, you shut the door behind you. Stripping off the suit and hanging it up you put on your protective gear. 
She was pacing, breathing heavily and rubbing her stomach. You spoke to her in Korean and she looked at you so scared her husband was stuck across town in his company face-timing her. 
You set up an area on the ground laying out a plastic tarp, you were wearing goggles and a medical mask, you washed your hands slipping on gloves. You had acquired all of these from the store. Asking the woman to let you check how far along you were, not wanting to reveal you didn’t know what you were doing. 
Feeling extremely unprepared, but knowing help wouldn’t come until the next morning you squared your shoulders ready to take on this challenge. You were the only help this woman had. She was stressed enough as it was, you would do your best to pretend you knew what you were doing. This was just like going on stage and playing a role while dancing, you would play this role until you felt that it was truly who you were.
“My name is Y/N, What is yours?”  “My name is Myunghee,” she said, “have you delivered babies before?” “Six” you smiled not wanting to tell you it was your pet cat who had given birth in the kitchen and you just sat around while she did all the work. 
Hiding your fear, the doctor was in your ear guiding you through the steps, you checked how far along she was and hummed she wasn’t quite ready to push yet, at least not to how the doctor explained. Telling her there was still some time. Not enough that you would make it to the hospital but enough time to try to relax.
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[Part 1]  [Part 19] [Part 21] [Tag Yourself Here]
Tags:  @bubbletae7​ @lovemusicandotps​ @taetaebq​ @seveniefive​ @w0lfqu33n​ @anaiss97​ @moccahobi​ @maddymal​ @lilacdreams-00​ @lethargicalyssa​ @knjkitten​ @pieislife​ @bunnyboyenthusiast​
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gstqaobc · 5 years
STEPHEN GLOVER: How cynical of MPs to claim sisterly solidarity with Meghan Markle in a bid to stifle a free Press By STEPHEN GLOVER FOR THE DAILY MAIL PUBLISHED: 18:26 EDT, 30 October 2019 | UPDATED: 20:04 EDT, 30 October 2019
STEPHEN GLOVER: How cynical of MPs to claim sisterly solidarity with Meghan Markle
What’s this? On Tuesday, a group of 72 female MPs, the great majority of them Labour, issued an open letter of solidarity with a leading member of the Royal Family.
In normal circumstances, no one would be more delighted than me, since the signatories include hard-Left Labour frontbenchers such as Diane Abbott and Angela Rayner. Not the sort of people you would expect to have a picture of the Queen hanging on their wall.
But it turns out the letter is not a welcome airing of monarchist sentiment from women who might not usually be the first to jump to the aid of a member of the Royal Family.
No, it is an expression of support for the Duchess of Sussex. The MPs assert that some very beastly things have been done to her by the wicked Press.
The letter, addressed to Meghan Markle (above) claimed that the MPs stood with her on her stance against the media The letter was sent by Holly Lynch and claimed that the MPs 'shared an understanding' with the Duchess For example, newspapers have ‘cast aspersions on her character’ and published ‘distasteful and misleading’ stories ‘concerning you [that’s Meghan], your character and your family’.Unfortunately, in what is admittedly a short letter whose leading signatory is the Labour MP Holly Lynch, not a single instance of the media’s alleged persecution of the Duchess is produced.Wouldn’t it have been helpful if the missive had at least hinted at what is meant by the charge that newspapers are ‘seeking to tear down a woman for no apparent reason’?If only one illustration of what sounds like bullying bordering on intimidation had been cited, we would at least have the basis for a sensible debate. But nothing whatsoever is offered.
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For example, newspapers have ‘cast aspersions on her character’ and published ‘distasteful and misleading’ stories ‘concerning you [that’s Meghan], your character and your family’.
Unfortunately, in what is admittedly a short letter whose leading signatory is the Labour MP Holly Lynch, not a single instance of the media’s alleged persecution of the Duchess is produced.
Wouldn’t it have been helpful if the missive had at least hinted at what is meant by the charge that newspapers are ‘seeking to tear down a woman for no apparent reason’?
If only one illustration of what sounds like bullying bordering on intimidation had been cited, we would at least have the basis for a sensible debate. But nothing whatsoever is offered. The letter was spearheaded by Halifax MP Holly Lynch (pictured above) who said the MPs would 'stand with' the DuchessThis did not prevent Meghan from telephoning Ms Lynch yesterday to thank her for her support. According to the MP, she was ‘pleased to have seen that letter’.There is one wild and unsubstantiated accusation in it which tops all the others. It is that ‘some of these stories’ — naturally, no examples are given — have ‘outdated, colonial undertones’.Is this a suggestion that there is an element of anti-Americanism in the supposed hounding of Meghan by the vicious media? After all, the country of her birth, the United States, was once a colony.It’s possible, I suppose, but I think the MPs are getting at something else. They are implying, without quite daring to say as much, that news-papers’ criticisms of the Duchess of Sussex are partly motivated by racism.Of all the smears in this ill-conceived epistle of nonsense, this is easily the most outrageous — and also potentially the most damaging. What could lower the Press more in public esteem than the insinuation that it has a secret racist agenda against Meghan?It’s rot. And dangerous, politically driven rot at that. I have read countless articles about the Duchess in the mainstream media, and I haven’t come across a single example of anything remotely resembling racism in the faintest sense.If the MPs can dig up one shred of evidence to support their disgraceful innuendo, they should produce it forthwith. But, of course, they can’t — because it doesn’t exist.What they would very probably do, if forced to defend their idiocy, is to say that while there are no instances of racism to be found in Press coverage, it nonetheless underlies all the criticisms that are made of Meghan.In other words, if newspapers grumble about the hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on Meghan’s six-day ‘baby shower’ trip to New York earlier in the year (flying there and back by private jet), that is a clear case of racism.When some in the media express surprise that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should conceal the names of the godparents of Archie, who is seventh in line to the throne, that is another appalling manifestation of racism.
And if columnists harrumphed after Harry delivered a lecture about the perils of global warming before he and Meghan took four journeys by private jet in 11 days, it was, of course, another expression of sublimated racism.
Could anything be madder? Harry and Meghan are immensely privileged people in receipt of considerable public funds. For example, their home, Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, was refurbished at a cost of more than £2.4 million of taxpayers’ money.
But it would appear that whatever inconsistencies the Duke and Duchess may display, the Press is enjoined to stay schtum for fear of being accused of the worst form of bigotry.
Such is the debased level of public debate in modern Britain. We are not talking about louts name-calling on a street corner but Members of Parliament (four of them in the Shadow Cabinet) who might be expected to show discrimination, intelligence and discernment.
Let me add that I wish Harry himself would supply chapter and verse when lashing newspapers. He recently accused them of running ‘knowingly false and malicious stories’ and other such excesses without offering a single example. But he hasn’t — at least, not yet — accused them of racism.
So what we have here are insidious and baseless accusations circulated by a group of female MPs. I don’t doubt that there is at least a smidgen of sisterly affection for the Duchess.
Jeremy Corbyn (pictured above) is thought to want to bring newspapers under a measure state control
But the deeper motivation behind the letter is, of course, political. As I say, most signatories are Labour. And it is Jeremy Corbyn’s intention to bring newspapers under a measure of state control.
Although details have not yet been revealed, the Labour leader spoke four years ago of the need for a ‘multiplicity of ownership’ in the Press. That might imply confiscation.
Last year he warned news-papers that ‘change is coming’. A Labour administration could set in train a second Leveson Inquiry into newspapers. He has questioned Press freedom by claiming titles are ‘controlled by billionaire tax exiles’.
The motives of many of the signatories of Holly Lynch’s letter should be partly interpreted in this light. If the Press is to be curbed, it is necessary to demonstrate that it has overstepped the bounds of decency and ignored people’s privacy.
But, as I’ve argued, the women MPs have shown no such thing. They have made charges without foundation — without, indeed, bothering to adduce any evidence at all. Their cunning purpose is to disseminate the idea that newspapers are not to be trusted, and so should be regulated.
How a handful of female Tory MPs could have been caught up in such a devious plot is bewildering, though it seems that some were astute enough to smell a rat, and refused to sign.
It is even more regrettable that Meghan should have thanked Holly Lynch for her support. She has done what no member of the Royal Family should ever do by entering the political arena — whether deliberately or inadvertently I can’t say — and given comfort to the enemies of a free Press.
Prince Harry is taking legal action against two national newspapers, and Meghan is suing the Daily Mail’s sister paper, the Mail on Sunday. The rights and wrongs of these cases need not concern us here.
What should concern us, though, is the possibility that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex might foolishly broaden their battle with the Press and line up with Labour MPs intent on undermining its freedoms.
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eggsex76 · 4 years
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Our cost list likewise has questions to ask the locksmith, so you don't get overcharged. A locksmith's solutions are generally likewise available 24-hour a day. From having a key break inside the lock to replacing the entire door, a locksmith will be able to aid you out. Whether you're shut out of a home or a car, your Do It Yourself locksmithing alternatives are limited. Additionally, DIY alternatives might trigger damages to your vehicle or door structure.
Security enhancements such as a deadbolt to new door locks can include $20 to your final cost. Electronic or wise door locks typically set you back $80 to $400 to install depending on the kind of locking device. The expense to transform locks on a house front door sets you back $50 to $130, or $20 to $30 per lock.
On Conclusion Of Our Auto Locksmith Training Training Course, Pupils Will Certainly Gain A Recognizing Of The Complying With Subjects.
The average rate of a new vehicle key supplied from a main dealership in the UK is ₤ 252. The table below programs the major dealerships cost of a new vehicle key for the leading 10 finest marketing vehicles in the UK. The least expensive automobile key is ₤ 216 for a Volkswagen Polo, whilst one of the most costly mores than ₤ 330 for a Mercedes A-Class key. Replacing shed vehicle keys with an auto locksmith will considerably minimize the general expense. Not all locksmiths can make use of a jiggler to open up an auto door, as it calls for a lot of skill to do so.
They will begin by using a selection of demo keys to discover the key that fits your vehicle. They only require to find a key that is close to the initial, but not an identical suit. Slim jims do not constantly operate at opening a cars and truck door, which is why locksmiths additionally use the wedge technique. It includes inserting a wedge right into your car's home window at the top that looks extremely similar to a long and also thin doorstop, yet constructed out of metal, vinyl, or plastic. The wedge will somewhat open up the window, creating an opening simply huge sufficient to turn on the automobile's unlock switch.
Nevertheless, you will only discover the precise rate of the work when a specialist gets here to examine the trouble. With these locks, the key for a little while withdraws the latch to enable access. Changing the cylinder of this lock for the sake of security is relatively economical. However, expect to pay more if the entire lock needs to be transformed. Locksmith prices in emergency situations will certainly also be influenced by the precise hour when you are calling.
You're finest as well as most safe method is to consult with a locksmith directly to learn which type of lock will fit your demands best. The cost of a locksmith in 2020 can vary substantially depending on the locksmith you choose, the solutions you call for, the moment that's required to complete the job and also the locks or tools that are required. To make points less complicated, we've approximated the costs of the most typical sorts of locksmith work, based on research study released online by Which? We provide lock modification as well as rekey service all across the US, 24 hr a day. Offer us a telephone call and also we'll send out among our specialist locksmiths your means.
Note that on premium, high security safes, there is usually a key that has to be made use of WITH the mix. These are not bypass keys and also can't be utilized to enter the safe on their own. If there is a key over trip, your risk-free manufacture will usually mail you the override key so you can enter into your safe. Once in, you can typically reset the electronic lock yourself.
Because of the incredibly small cost of the key pins in the locks, rekeying is usually more affordable than obtaining your locks changed. When rekeying your locks, you are only being charged for the labor, whereas when you get your locks changed, you're paying both for labor and components. Normally it a pilot hole will certainly be pierced and the safe scoped to establish where the drill factor is. Without a drill factor, sometimes a security feature will certainly be activated on the secure, such as a re-locker, as well as much more boring will be needed. If there is a number stamped near the keyhole of the key override, a locksmith should have the ability to get into the safe quickly, without damages.
If you require help in the middle of the night, it is all-natural to assume that the locksmith will certainly bill more for their service. The upside to that is the reality that lots of locksmiths are available 24/7 as well as will certainly waste no time in overcoming and aiding you out. If you are asking this inquiry, possibilities are that you are either taking care of a lock-related emergency situation or simply relocating residence and also wanting to change the locks. On the other side, rekeying a lock does not only call for understanding and also technique, but also needs you to have the right tools, which are rather pricey. A professional pinning package to rekey most locks costs around $250, which is more than the costs of 10 brand-new fundamental locks.
How do I pick a deadbolt?
How to Pick a Deadbolt 1. Put the tension wrench in the bottom of the deadbolt keyhole. 2. Turn the tension wrench, using steady pressure and keeping pins from falling back. 3. Put the pick into the top of the deadbolt keyhole and push the pins up, making sure to keep them up with the tension wrench. More items
Some factors which can affect this cost include the number of locks you will certainly need, the kind of installment, and also the length of time the locksmith will certainly need. Still, your home is your castle, so you'll intend to keep it protect with an appropriate lock, and also a locksmith can help. They can assist you set up a brand-new lock or repair an old one. A neighborhood locksmith can also make duplicates of your keys or aid rekey your locks. The costs you will spend for an emergency situation locksmith will be their labour expense & price of parts.
Cyndrical Tube Rim Locks (Yale Locks).
There are numerous kinds of locks for various doors and you may not understand excatly what you need before calling a locksmith. That's why there are some helpful overviews that can aid you to understand what lock you have.
The ordinary expense to hire a locksmith is $85 to $175 with a lot of investing $129. The minimum call out cost is $30 to $85, and also from $100 to $250 for after-hours solution. Regular rates to open an auto is $60 to $85, and also in between $65 and $185 if you're locked out of your home. Take the lock to the locksmith, regional lumberyard, or equipment store. You'll have to remove the lock from the door for this alternative as well as bring the key that currently opens the lock, however getting rid of the house phone call makes this an inexpensive alternative.
There are numerous benefits to using a car locksmith for replacing shed vehicle keys. We are able to supply new vehicle keys for a lot less than the majority of primary dealers. This is because of a number of elements such a capability to purchase empty vehicle keys in bulk at a much lower price, as well as lower operating expense than major supplier franchise business. Emergency situation locksmith professionals are commonly available at all times as well as skilled in many different methods their clients may require assist with.
We consider it clever as well as conscientious to change every lock whenever you move into a brand-new property. In addition to taking care of locks, locksmiths can additionally assist you quickly board up your home if intruders have harmed your windows and doors beyond repair. Sadly, this process is somewhat a lot more pricey for you considering that you will certainly need to both pay for the boarding up and afterwards changing your doors and windows. The ordinary cost of emergency situation boarding up is ₤ 200, although that relies on the time of day, the amount of boarding up essential, and also your locksmith's charges. In addition to that, this sort of work normally lasts for greater than an hour, so you ought to prepare the appropriate allocate that.
Nonetheless, also if you do end up in trouble, any type of trusted emergency locksmith will certainly prepare to assist you 24/7. Usually, locksmith professionals are effective and also fast at fixing your locks. With any luck, now you understand sufficient concerning locksmith professionals as well as locksmith rates to transform locks without a hitch if the need develops. Not everybody is trying to find out emergency locksmith costs. Some individuals are just moving right into a new home and aiming to change the locks there.
You might lock your type in your home or your key can break in the lock. One of the most unfavorable cause for emergency locksmith job would be experiencing a burglary.
Only in situations where picking the lock and rekeying it is a lot more expensive than the cost of a brand-new lock, you should change it. If you ever relocated into a new place, lost your residence keys or had to terminate an upset employee, you have actually possibly remained in a situation where you considered transforming your locks. Lots of people are not conscious that instead of transforming their locks, there is a better, and often cheaper remedy-- re-keying them. In this short article I'm going to discuss what does it mean to "re-key" a lock, and a lot more importantly-- when must you rekey your locks as opposed to transforming them. The expense to change keys all relies on the number of locks will certainly need to be replaced in the residence.
If you're rekeying your locks or seeking to obtain duplicates made, you can establish a time that collaborates with your schedule. This is likewise true if you're planning a door installation or door repair work.
We can visit you each time that is practical to update your locks at remarkably affordable.
Allow Locksmith Manchester upgrade your locks to ensure you have the best security possible for your house, business and business facilities.
If you wish to call as well as ask us concerning the security evaluations we perform in detail, do not hesitate to do so at any time, as well as if you simply intend to call and publication in, of course you can do that also.
We offer our security services for companies of all sizes as well as we are always greater than happy to provide complimentary suggestions, as well as servicing upgrades and also brand-new installments for affordable costs.
That isn't an overestimation-- our services are 1 day a day, on a daily basis of the week, every day of the year.
Security and also lock checks are promptly executed by those that have actually remained in the market for as lengthy as we have.
While it is essential to protect your properties from people on the outside, it's likewise essential to safeguard your property that's on the inside.
There's no demand to alter your doors, allow Locksmith Manchester mount the most up to date anti-snap locks to bring your residential property up to the security degrees you deserve.
If you're shut out of your house, employing a locksmith costs $65 to $185 to have it unlocked, which can consist of the cost of replacing the lock. Replacing a lost residence key can set you back $50 to $100 if you select not to change your locks.
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Expert Auto Locksmith Covering York And Also Surrounding Areas.
Rates depend upon the sort of modern technology selected, like a keypad entry or a key with a chip. The typical expense for a locksmith to open a door is $90 with after-hour calls costing concerning $20 to $50 extra. The older or more vintage a lock, the more expensive it will be to take care of or find a reproduction to set up. A car lockout solution expenses regarding $60 to $85 for a locksmith to open a vehicle. Popping the trunk costs $85, whereas unlocking an auto door standards $75.
Generally, the cost of calling an emergency locksmith is around ₤ 89 for the labour, not including the prices of any kind of additional parts which may be required, in addition to the BARREL. A lot of top quality locksmiths do not have a call-out fee and also rather only charge for the labour and the parts.
How do you pick a lock with a lock picking kit?
Lock Picking Technique 1. Insert Tension Wrench into the Bottom of Key Hole and Apply Slight Pressure. 2. Insert Pick at Top of Lock. 3. While Applying Slight Torque to Your Wrench, Scrub Your Pick Back and Forth in the Key Hole. 4. Repeat Until All the Pins Set.
The Key Locksmith.
Service charges are expected if drilling is required, if a handle set requires to be set up, or if it's a garage door. It's a great idea to alter locks when moving right into a new residence, or after a burglary. A car lock replacement by a locksmith sets you back $75 to $220 generally.
The pins in a lock cyndrical tube require to be rectified so the old key will not open it. Sets are likewise readily available to rekey a door lock at hardware shops for a Do It Yourself mount. This solution will be far more economical than altering the locks.
How do I become a certified locksmith in California?
To apply for a Locksmith Company license you must: 1. Submit the application for license along with the application and license fee. 2. Submit two recent passport-quality photographs. 3. Submit a Locksmith Company Live Scan form signed by the Live Scan Operator, including the ATI number. More items
Replacing a residence key expenses $50 to $100 depending upon if it's digital or not. If you lost your house key, most locksmith professionals suggest getting your locks replaced-- just in situation an unfamiliar person grabbed your lost or swiped key. If you know you left the key inside your home or in a protected area as well as can get it later on, after that having it changed is perfectly great.
Making a new auto key runs from $65 to $145 and taking care of an ignition is in between $120 as well as $250. However, rekeying a lock can also improve a structure's security actions. Similarly, it's likewise a typical technique for proprietors and also property managers to have door locks rekeyed every single time a brand-new resident relocate. You can get a brand-new TV for ₤ 70 however it wont have the very same image top quality as a somewhat much more costly relied on brand name choice. The exact same holds true with automobile locksmiths-- If you spend enough time calling about you can possibly discover a reduced cost, but trying to save ₤ 10 on a brand-new key can wind up costing you up to ₤ 1000.
If you have it changed at the car dealership, it will certainly set you back approximately $200 to $600, and if you replace it yourself, it will set you back $15 to $350 relying on the kind of lock you have. Their rates will certainly go up relying on the security includes you pick. A very competent as well as knowledgeable pro will certainly constantly be geared up with the best kind of rekeying devices for a main or garage door. Your entrance and also deadbolt locks will certainly be rekeyed instantly without damages to your residential property. If you're calling during off hours, then expect to pay an extra $20 on top of the costs for the kind of lockout solution you require, although some locksmith professionals never ever bill additional.
It's very simple for an inexperienced locksmith to corrupt a body control module using inexpensive non genuine tools". As already explained the empty key can be pricey to purchase for the dealer or locksmith, meaning the end price to the consumer is already more than anticipated. An empty automobile key is cut utilizing modern automated key cutting devices, which set you back thousands of extra pounds to acquire and preserve. In order to earn a profit the dealership or automobile locksmith will factor in the expense of of reducing the key.
Do locksmiths make a lot of money?
An average locksmith salary, it's probably anywhere between $40,000 to $60,000 a year. Then, you have people that provide emergency services, technicians that work at night will make a substantial amount more — probably double if the company has enough work to provide.
A locksmith can make security enhancements, like a deadbolt, which costs between $90 and $190 set up. Setup includes having to drill out an opening in the door for a fresh deadbolt mount.
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These experts can help you unlock a door if you're shut out or shed your keys, remove a busted key from a lock, or anything else you might need. In addition to that, they commonly supply these solutions rapidly and efficiently. Naturally, emergency locksmith rates will certainly rely on numerous factors. Those include the kind of emergency situation you're dealing with, the kind of locks involved, and also the time of day when the trouble takes place. An unexpected variety of various incidents can leave you looking for an emergency situation locksmith.
Changing an automobile key expenses a minimum of $50 with most paying between $125 and also $250 for a transponder chip key. Car key replacement will largely rely on the sort of cars and truck you have, with international auto keys setting you back somewhat greater than the US makes. A very proficient locksmith will certainly have experience reducing a large range of keys. The typical price to change exterior door locks is $70 to $170 each.
Can you unlock a deadbolt with a credit card?
Credit Card You need to wiggle the card around the latch to unlock the door. Put slight pressure on the door which will help to open up the door more easily. It might get a while to get a grasp on it. You need to try it for a while to find the right ways to master the art.
The price to change locks ranges from $75 to $220 for a cars and truck, and between $80 and $200 for a house. Smart locks and also high-tech locking gadgets will certainly set you back more to change.
If your automobile is broken down in a negative area, or you can not enter into your residence in the center of the night, constantly call an emergency service that is offered 24/7. If you're dealing with an emergency, such as an infant secured an automobile, after that call 9-1-1.
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A lot of locksmiths advise replacing the lock if you shed your key for security issues. locksmith catalogs consist of the typical expense of tasks such as expense to alter locks & rates of locks.
Or take the door to a locksmith store and they can reset the electronic lock or risk-free dial for you. Various other services may not call for the speed of an emergency situation locksmith.
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paliwalrishika34 · 3 years
Register free on SKILLED LABOUR and fulfill your candidate requirement!!
What's the best and quickest way to find a job? Covid-19/Pandemic situation affected the job sector drastically. Many lost their jobs; others got laid off. People suffered a lot & even companies found it difficult to search for the desired candidates.
Here are the facts & figures!
Over 122 million people in India lost their jobs in April, according to estimates from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. Around 75% of them were small traders and wage-labourers. (source: BBC - Homepage)
The average employment reduced from an estimated 404 million during 2019-20 to 396 million in March 2020. In April it came down to 282 million (122 million estimated job losses).
As many as 41 lakh youth in the country lost jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic while construction and farm sector workers account for the majority of job losses. (source: Business Financial, Economy, Market, Stock - News & Updates)
Higher job losses among those below the age of 40 years has resulted in an ageing workforce, which is not favourable for a strong recovery of the Indian economy, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). (source: National Herald: Live News Today, India News, Top Headlines, Political and World News)
But this is not all! People are still finding it difficult to get the desired jobs. Infact, few have to switch their career due to the shortage of jobs in their desired field. Even the talented professionals are ideal.
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emunenen · 4 years
Makao Bora
New Post has been published on https://wp.me/paK8na-3TJ
How a Mkokoteni gift from 'Safaricom Nawe Kila Wakati' saved this man’s life and gave him hope for the future
Have you ever taken a ride on a mkokoteni? It’s the most thrilling adventure on earth.
My mum had a stall in Ngara market. She’d wake up early every day and get the older siblings up and ready. My dad, too, would be up banging away on his typewriter, At exactly 5:30 am on most days, save for weekends she’d be out of the door heading to Gikomba Market, which was about 20 minutes walk from our house. She’d buy as many supplies, as she needed, for her stall in Ngara Market. She would also buy a shirt here, a trouser there, and a skirt over there, for her precious children. She would then have her packages rolled neatly or stacked in a gunia. Then she would get a guy to carry them to Aunt Monica’s kibanda café right next to St. John’s Church, Pumwani. Because she also bought house groceries when needed, she would carry those to the house herself. Usually, she would bring in hot mandazi’s or freshly baked hot bread.
  She would be at the house at exactly 6:30 am and then make sure we are good to go to school. She would do a final check on books and bags, pens, uniforms, anything needed for school, and of course, find out if I had given the teachers any reason to summon her. At exactly 7, we were out. She would be in the house until about 9 am to make sure everything was sorted before she left the house. It had to be 9 am, mostly, or nothing later than 9:30 am.
Why? Robba.
Robba was one of the coolest guys I knew growing up. Robba was my mother’s movement guy. A cargo and courier expert. He initially had to hire an available mkokoteni, which he would use for his work. Until my dad had a brand new cart made for him.
Most mkokotenis, I would later find out, were owned by people who were not even pullers themselves. Getting one was on a first come first serve basis. You had to go in early, and with cash at hand. Whether you got any business or not, that was up to you. The mkokoteni had to be back with the owner before he fell asleep. If anything happened to the mkokoteni: a puncture, broken rims, accidents, you were liable. If city council askaris pounced on you and either broke it, impounded it or arrested you, it was on you. If your customers’ luggage went missing, you’d have to answer for it. The owners didn’t care, just bring the mkokoteni back, and go deal with your problems.
      Man pushing a mkokoteni. Image from https://www.dhahabu.co.ke/2016/08/23/mkokoteni-owner-earn-sh5-million-per-year-nairobi/
My mother loved Robba because she could count on him. As she left the house for Ngara Market at 9:00 am, Robba had already left his house in Biafra, Nairobi, and headed down to City Stadium to hire his mkokoteni for the day. He needed to be very early there because it was a daily hire and it was on a first come first serve basis. By 9 am he needed to have left Aunt Monica’s kiosk. The agreement between my mum and Aunt Monica’s was that Robba could always have a cup of tea, and mandazi or chapo. Later now he would just have Chapo Ndondo straight, which he loved.  Mostly it meant he had slept with little or nothing in his stomach. Or he had drunk chang’aa early in the morning already, and tea was not favourable, then.
    After breakfast, Robba would load my mum’s cargo and head straight to Ngara. And nothing would go missing. He would hurry up also so that he could go and get other business from his valued clients or anyone available. Pulling a mkokoteni is a fully manual job.  It is terrible on knees and joints, as well as giving you fatigue. It also demanded you know the fast routes and the back routes, as well as trying to stay on the right side of the law.
One day he got into trouble with Kanjo for not being able to pay market fees, and they impounded his mkokoteni. He was fined some Ksh. 1,500.00, which he did not have then. He had to hustle for three days to be able to get the mkokoteni back. Meanwhile, the owner charged him the 500 daily fee. He was distraught. He made a deal with one of his friends, to pick my mum’s luggage and deliver it, and he could keep part of the cash.
Then his troubles began. For the handcart pullers, who do not have their own mkokotenis, life can be daunting. You are almost extremely vulnerable to drugs, alcohol, hunger and poverty.
    Nanyuki Self Help Group did well to realize this damning circle that the handcart pullers in the Nanyuki Old Market experienced. Especially so because they realized that the handcart pullers were more vulnerable because of living on the streets.
They sought out to help the handcart pullers and the street children in general. Because of dependence on drugs and alcohol, more than 60% of the market cart labourers and street kids are prone to taking part in criminal activities in order to sustain the habit. This was the life of Robba, after the Kanjo incident. He slumped into drugs and alcohol. He missed the occasional pick-ups for my mum. Soon it became a concern and she sought an alternative cart puller since she could not trace Robba.
    Nanyuki Self Help Group decided to offer programs like counselling and mentorship to the handcart pullers. But they could only do so much. They needed a much more sustainable way to follow through the counselling and mentorship.
Gladys and Edward who lead the self-help group applied for the Safaricom Ndoto Zetu Wish Fulfilment. And help came.
Safaricom offered the community Ksh. 100,000 with which they bought 5 market carts to support the 50 members. The carts will bring in an estimated income of 200- 500/= per cart on peak days (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) equating it to over to 300,000 annually.
This will alleviate income stress and provide a great opportunity to have a better-focused mentorship, and drug and alcohol programs for the community.
One day Robba showed up at my mother’s stall in Ngara to ask for money for food. When my mother found out what was up, she asked my dad to talk to a welder relative, Onyango in Kariobangi to fix Robba his own mkokoteni, which would be paid off in installments. It took about a week to get it but when it came out, yooo. It was dope. That day I got a ride and it was the first of many times I rode on that mkokoteni. It was such a thrilling ride. And Robba was so good at it. His friends already used to call him Shaka Mehta.
    The brand new mkokoteni was painted blue. It had freshly worn out tyres and some grey rims. At the bottom back, instead of the usual old tyres breaking system, he fastened a whole spread of thick rubber layering. He rolled ‘bladda’ from burst tyre tubes all the way on the front for good firm gripping whatever the weather condition. And then to crown it all, at the back, he had two yellow and red reflectors. Then the bottom mudguard rubber was written ‘AIR CONDITION WORKING. DON’T OPEN WINDOWS.’
That Mkokoteni saved Robba’s life. In a few months, he was able to pay it off. Then he asked Onyango to fix him another. It got him off the streets and he joined a Sacco in Gikomba where they paid a daily deposit of Ksh. 50 as savings. Meaningful and dignifying work got him off drugs and alcohol. it also gave him hope for life. In a short time, they were able to buy a large parcel of land in Ruai where he now lives with his family. He met his wife in the Sacco.
He is still as jovial as the first day he got the cart.
    That is the hope the mkokoteni pullers of Nanyuki’s Old Market can cling on to, with their brand new mkokoteni. Thanks to the Safaricom Ndoto Zetu Wish Fulfilment.
    Read the original article on Potentash
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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THE FIRST BOOK OF MACHABEES. - From The Latin Vulgate Bible
Chapter 10
These Books are so called, because they contain the history of the people of God under the command of Judas Machabeus and his brethren; and he, as some will have it, was surnamed Machabeus from carrying on his ensigns, or standards, those words of Exodus xv. 11., "Who is like to thee among the strong, O Lord;" in which the initial letters, in the Hebrew, are M. C. B. E. I. It is not known who was the author of these books. But as to their authority, though they are not received by the Jews, saith St. Augustine, (liber[book] xviii., City of God, chap. xxxvi.) they are received by the Church; who, in settling her canon of the Scriptures, chose rather to be directed by the tradition she had received from the apostles of Christ, than by that of the Scribes and Pharisees. And as the Church has declared these two books canonical, even in two general councils, viz., Florence and Trent, there can be no doubt of their authenticity. (Challoner)
Chapter 10
Alexander Bales sets himself up for king: both he and Demetrius seek to make Jonathan their friend. Alexander kills Demetrius in battle, and honours Jonathan. His victory over Apollonius.
1 Now *(Year of the World 3851, Year before Christ 153) in the hundred and sixtieth year, Alexander, the son of Antiochus, surnamed the Illustrious, came up and took Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Illustrious. He falsely asserted that he was the son of Epiphanes, being of very mean birth. (Just. xxxv.) (Worthington) --- Others say that he was illegitimate, and styled Ballas after his mother Bala, though the name in Syriac may denote "a worthless person." In his medals he styles himself Deopator Eúergetes, as if "God were his father," and himself "beneficent." (Calmet) (Usher, the year [of the world] 3851.) --- At any rate the Romans and Egyptians acknowledged him, being glad to find a rival for Demetrius, who was become odious likewise to the Jews and Syrians. Heraclides had been deprived of his government (Calmet) by the king, (chap. vii. 8.) and in revenge (Haydock) took Alexander, and Laodicea, daughter of Epiphanes, to Rome, where he gained over many of the senators, who agreed to help them to recover the kingdom. Heraclides then levied forces at Ephesus, and Ptolemais was delivered up to Alexander, whence he wrote to Jonathan. Nothing contributed more than these divisions to secure the liberty of the Jews.
2 And king Demetrius heard of it, and gathered together an exceeding great army, and went forth against him to fight.
Ver. 2. No explanation given.
3 And Demetrius sent a letter to Jonathan, with peaceable words, to magnify him.
Ver. 3. Magnify, "extol," or grant him fresh dignities. Soter wished to gain over Janathas, to prevent his rival from receiving supplies from Egypt. (Calmet)
4 For he said: Let us first make a peace with him, before he make one with Alexander against us.
Ver. 4. No explanation given.
5 For he will remember all the evils that we have done against him, and against his brother, and against his nation.
Ver. 5. No explanation given.
6 And he gave him authority to gather together an army, and to make arms, and that he should be his confederate: and the hostages that were in the castle, he commanded to be delivered to him.
Ver. 6. No explanation given.
7 And Jonathan came to Jerusalem, and read the letters in the hearing of all the people, and of them that were in the castle.
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 And they were struck with great fear, because they heard that the king had given him authority to gather together an army.
Ver. 8. Fear. The Syrians in the castle would fear, while the Jews would rejoice, and particularly the hostages, chap. ix. 53. (Haydock)
9 And the hostages were delivered to Jonathan, and he restored them to their parents.
Ver. 9. No explanation given.
10 And Jonathan dwelt in Jerusalem, and began to build, and to repair the city.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 And he ordered workmen to build the walls, and Mount Sion round about with square stones for fortification: and so they did.
Ver. 11. Did. The wall built by Judas had been demolished, chap. iv. 60., and vi. 62.
12 And the strangers that were in the strong holds, which Bacchides had built, fled away.
Ver. 12. No explanation given.
13 And every man left his place, and departed into his own country:
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 Only in Bethsura there remained some of them, that had forsaken the law, and the commandments of God: for this was a place of refuge for them.
Ver. 14. No explanation given.
15 And king Alexander heard of the promises that Demetrius had made Jonathan: and they told him of the battles, and the worthy acts that he and his brethren had done, and the labours that they had endured.
Ver. 15. No explanation given.
16 And he said: Shall we find such another man? now, therefore, we will make him our friend and our confederate.
Ver. 16. No explanation given.
17 So he wrote a letter, and sent it to him according to these words, saying:
Ver. 17. No explanation given.
18 King Alexander to his brother, Jonathan, greeting.
Ver. 18. Brother; the style used between kings, (3 Kings ix. 13.) governors, (2 Machabees xi. 1.) and friends. (Calmet)
19 We have heard of thee, that thou art a man of great power, and fit to be our friend:
Ver. 19. No explanation given.
20 Now, therefore, we make thee this day high priest of thy nation, and that thou be called the king's friend, (and he sent him a purple robe, and a crown of gold) and that thou be of one mind with us in our affairs, and keep friendship with us.
Ver. 20. Make. The king could not make him high priest, as he was that already: but he acknowledges the title. (Worthington) --- Crown: both the badges of kings, or granted by them, ver. 62., and Daniel v. 29.
21 Then Jonathan put on the holy vestment in the seventh month, in the year one hundred and threescore, at the feast day of the tabernacles: and he gathered together an army, and made a great number of arms.
Ver. 21. Vestment, at the feast of tabernacles, the year [of the world] 3852, seven years after the death of Alcimus, and nine since Judas fell. It is not clear from Josephus, ([Antiquities?] xiii. 5., and xx. 7.) whether the people chose him high priest, or they rather pressed him to accept the king's offer. (Calmet)
22 And Demetrius heard these words, and was exceeding sorry, and said:
Ver. 22. No explanation given.
23 What is this that we have done, that Alexander hath prevented us to gain the friendship of the Jews, to strengthen himself?
Ver. 23. Prevented, by sending presents. Demetrius had sent a letter and liberated the hostages, whom Jonathas might justly receive without declaring for the king. (Menochius)
24 I also will write to them words of request, and offer dignities, and gifts: that they may be with me to aid me.
Ver. 24. No explanation given.
25 And he wrote to them in these words: King Demetrius to the nation of the Jews, greeting.
Ver. 25. Jews. He perhaps wished to set them at variance with Jonathan, to whom alone Alexander had addressed his letter. (Haydock)
26 Whereas you have kept covenant with us, and have continued in our friendship, and have not joined with our enemies, we have heard of it, and are glad.
Ver. 26. Heard. He scruples not to tell a lie, for he had been informed of the contrary, ver. 22. (Worthington) --- "He prudently chose rather to appear to find them innocent, than to make them so," (Grotius) by granting them pardon.
27 Wherefore now continue still to keep fidelity towards us, and we will reward you with good things, for what you have done in our behalf.
Ver. 27. No explanation given.
28 And we will remit to you many charges, and will give you gifts.
Ver. 28. No explanation given.
29 And now I free you, and all the Jews, from tributes, and I release you from the customs of salt, and remit the crowns, and the thirds of the seed:
Ver. 29. Salt, of which there were pits in the country, chap. xi. 35. --- Crowns. Antiochus the great had before granted this exemption to the ministers of the temple. (Josephus, Antiquities xii. 3.) (Calmet) --- The Jews, after its ruin, used to present such to their patriarchs. But the Roman emperors claimed them. (Grotius)
30 And the half of the fruit of trees, which is my share, I leave to you from this day forward, so that it shall not be taken of the land of Juda, and of the three cities that are added thereto out of Samaria and Galilee, from this day forth, and for ever:
Ver. 30. Cities, or cantons. Greek, "nomes," specified [in] chap. xi. 34.
31 And let Jerusalem be holy and free, with the borders thereof: and let the tenths, and tributes be for itself.
Ver. 31. Free; "an asylum" (Josephus) without any foreign troops, like Delphi. (Grotius) --- Tyre was also "a sacred asylum." (Vaillant, the year [of the kingdom of the Greeks] 174.)
32 I yield up also the power of the castle that is in Jerusalem, and I give it to the high priest, to place therein such men as he shall choose, to keep it.
Ver. 32. Castle. Yet Jonathas was afterwards forced to besiege it. (Calmet)
33 And every soul of the Jews that hath been carried captive from the land of Juda in all my kingdom, I set at liberty freely, that all be discharged from tributes, even of their cattle.
Ver. 33. Cattle, so that they shall not be forced to work for the public. (Josephus)
34 And I will that all the feasts, and the sabbaths, and the new moons, and the days appointed, and three days before the solemn day, and three days after the solemn day, be all days of immunity and freedom, for all the Jews that are in my kingdom:
Ver. 34. Appointed "of lots," Judith, the dedication, &c. These days were privileged, that the people might go to the temple without being molested, and carry what they would free of all taxes.
35 And no man shall have power to do any thing against them, or to molest any of them, in any cause.
Ver. 35. No explanation given.
36 And let there be enrolled in the king's army to the number of thirty thousand of the Jews: and allowance shall be made them, as is due to all the king's forces, and certain of them shall be appointed to be in the fortresses of the great king:
Ver. 36. Let. This is not required, but a proof of confidence. (Calmet) --- Great king. He assumes the titles of the Persian monarchs. (Haydock)
37 And some of them shall be set over the affairs of the kingdom, that are of trust, and let the governors be taken from among themselves, and let them walk in their own laws, as the king hath commanded in the land of Juda.
Ver. 37. Trust, to guard the king, (Josephus) or be in the treasury. (Tirinus) --- Laws. He revokes the impious edicts of Epiphanes.
38 And the three cities that are added to Judea, out of the country of Samaria, let them be accounted with Judea: that they may be under one, and obey no other authority but that of the high priest:
Ver. 38. No explanation given.
39 Ptolemais, and the confines thereof, I give as a free gift to the holy places, that are in Jerusalem, for the necessary charges of the holy things.
Ver. 39. Ptolemais. This was not a great present, as it was in the hands of his rival. But he wished the Jews to retake it.
40 And I give every year fifteen thousand sickles of silver out of the king's accounts, of what belongs to me:
Ver. 40. No explanation given.
41 And all that is above, which they that were over the affairs the years before, had not paid, from this time they shall give it to the works of the house.
Ver. 41. Above. He was not in a condition to force the payment of these arrears, and is liberal of what he does not possess. (Calmet)
42 Moreover, the five thousand sickles of silver, which they received from the account of the holy places, every year, shall also belong to the priests that execute the ministry.
Ver. 42. They: former kings. (Haydock) --- Bagoses exacted fifty drachmas for every lamb, before the daily sacrifice could be offered. (Josephus, Antiquities xi. 7.)
43 And whosoever shall flee into the temple that is in Jerusalem, and in all the borders thereof, being indebted to the king for any matter, let them be set at liberty, and all that they have in my kingdom, let them have it free.
Ver. 43. Free. Their persons and goods are protected in this asylum. Even the king's debtors are not excluded. (Calmet)
44 For the building also, or repairing the works of the holy places, the charges shall be given out of the king's revenues:
Ver. 44. No explanation given.
45 For the building also of the walls of Jerusalem, and the fortifying thereof round about, the charges shall be given out of the king's account, as also for the building of the walls in Judea.
Ver. 45. No explanation given.
46 Now when Jonathan and the people heard these words, they gave no credit to them, nor received them: because they remembered the great evil that he had done in Israel, for he had afflicted them exceedingly.
Ver. 46. No credit. Thus would all prudent people judge. (Worthington) --- Alexander had moreover made the first offers, and was supported by the Romans. The Jews had not to examine his title, which was admitted by many in Syria.
47 And their inclinations were towards Alexander, because he had been the chief promoter of peace in their regard, and him they always helped.
Ver. 47. No explanation given.
48 *(Year of the World 3854, Year before Christ 150) And king Alexander gathered together a great army, and moved his camp near to Demetrius.
Ver. 48. No explanation given.
49 And the two kings joined battle, and the army of Demetrius fled away, and Alexander pursued after him, and pressed them close.
Ver. 49. No explanation given.
50 And the battle was hard fought, till the sun went down: and Demetrius was slain that day.
Ver. 50. Day. The year [of the world] 3853. (Calmet) --- The left wing proved stronger. But the right, where Demetrius fought in person, was forced to yield; and the king plunging with horse into a bog, was pierced with arrows, fighting bravely. He had reigned twelve years, and fell a victim to the surrounding kings, whom he had not conciliated. (Josephus, Antiquities xxxv., &c.)
51 And Alexander sent ambassadors to Ptolemee, king of Egypt, with words to this effect, saying:
Ver. 51. Ptolemee, surnamed Philometor, (Challoner) by whose aid Alexander had obtained the victory. (Calmet) --- This Philometor decided in favour of the Jews against the Samaritans, because the succession of priests was preserved among the former. (Josephus, Antiquities xiii. 6.) --- Our Saviour also judged their cause preferable, John iv. 22. (Worthington)
52 Forasmuch as I am returned into my kingdom, and am set in the throne of my ancestors, and have gotten the dominion, and have overthrown Demetrius, and possessed our country,
Ver. 52. No explanation given.
53 And have joined battle with him, and both he and his army have been destroyed by us, and we are placed in the throne of his kingdom:
Ver. 53. No explanation given.
54 Now, therefore, let us make friendship one with another: and give me now thy daughter to wife, and I will be thy son-in-law, and I will give both thee and her gifts worthy of thee.
Ver. 54. No explanation given.
55 And king Ptolemee answered, saying: Happy is the day wherein thou didst return to the land of thy fathers, and sattest in the throne of their kingdom.
Ver. 55. No explanation given.
56 And now I will do to thee as thou hast written: but meet me at Ptolemais, that we may see one another, and I may give her to thee as thou hast said.
Ver. 56. No explanation given.
57 So Ptolemee went out of Egypt, with Cleopatra, his daughter, and he came to Ptolemais, in the hundred and sixty-second year.*(Year of the World 3854, Year before Christ 150)
Ver. 57. No explanation given.
58 And king Alexander met him, and he gave him his daughter, Cleopatra: and he celebrated her marriage at Ptolemais with great glory, after the manner of kings.
Ver. 58. No explanation given.
59 And king Alexander wrote to Jonathan, that he should come and meet him.
Ver. 59. No explanation given.
60 And he went honourably to Ptolemais, and he met there the two kings, and he gave them much silver, and gold, and presents: and he found favour in their sight.
Ver. 60. No explanation given.
61 And some pestilent men of Israel, men of a wicked life, assembled themselves against him, to accuse him: and the king gave no heed to them.
Ver. 61. Pestilent. So the impious are styled, Psalm i. 1., &c. (Calmet)
62 And he commanded that Jonathan's garments should be taken off, and that he should be clothed with purple: and they did so. And the king made him sit by himself.
Ver. 62. No explanation given.
63 And he said to his princes: Go out with him into the midst of the city, and make proclamation, that no man complain against him of any matter, and that no man trouble him for any manner of cause.
Ver. 63. No explanation given.
64 So when his accusers saw his glory proclaimed, and him clothed with purple, they all fled away.
Ver. 64. Away. When calumniators see the innocent honoured, they are afraid to persecute them. (Worthington)
65 And the king magnified him, and enrolled him amongst his chief friends, and made him governor, and partaker of his dominion.
Ver. 65. Dominion. General of his armies, (Vatable) or in Judea. (Sacy.) (Menochius)
66 And Jonathan returned into Jerusalem with peace and joy.
Ver. 66. No explanation given.
67 In the year one hundred and sixty-five, *(Year of the World 3856, Year before Christ 148) Demetrius, the son of Demetrius, came from Crete into the land of his fathers.
Ver. 67. Son. The king had sent his two sons, this Nicator and Sidetes, to Cnidus, that they might be out of danger. The eldest being informed that Alexander had given himself up to debauchery, put himself at the head of an army which Lasthenes of Crete had raised.
68 And king Alexander heard of it, and was much troubled, and returned to Antioch.
Ver. 68. No explanation given.
69 And king Demetrius made Apollonius his general, who was governor of Cœlosyria: and he gathered together a great army, and came to Jamnia: and he sent to Jonathan, the high priest,
Ver. 69. Apollonius, who had deserted Alexander, the year [of the world] 3856, though appointed governor of Cœlosyria by him.
70 Saying: Thou alone standest against us, and I am laughed at and reproached, because thou shewest thy power against us in the mountains.
Ver. 70. Mountains. I seem to be fighting with them. Come out, and shew your valour.
71 Now, therefore, if thou trustest in thy forces, come down to us into the plain, and there let us try one another: for with me is the strength of war.
Ver. 71. No explanation given.
72 Ask, and learn who I am, and the rest that help me, who also say that your foot cannot stand before our face, for thy fathers have twice been put to flight in their own land:
Ver. 72. Twice. He alludes perhaps to the defeat of Azarias, and to that where Judas was slain. (Calmet) --- This captain had also twice thought proper to retreat, chap. vi. 47., and vii. 32. (Haydock)
73 And now how wilt thou be able to abide the horsemen, and so great an army in the plain, where there is no stone, nor rock, nor place to flee to?
Ver. 73. No explanation given.
74 Now when Jonathan heard the words of Apollonius, he was moved in his mind: and he chose ten thousand men, and went out of Jerusalem, and Simon, his brother, met him to help him.
Ver. 74. No explanation given.
75 And they pitched their tents near Joppe, but they shut him out of the city: because a garrison of Apollonius was in Joppe, and he laid siege to it.
Ver. 75. No explanation given.
76 And they that were in the city being affrighted, opened the gates to him: so Jonathan took Joppe.
Ver. 76. No explanation given.
77 And Apollonius heard of it, and he took three thousand horsemen, and a great army.
Ver. 77. Army. Josephus says eight thousand foot, &c.
78 And he went to Azotus, as one that was making a journey, and immediately he went forth into the plain: because he had a great number of horsemen, and he trusted in them. And Jonathan followed after him to Azotus, and they joined battle.
Ver. 78. No explanation given.
79 And Apollonius left privately in the camp a thousand horsemen behind them.
Ver. 79. No explanation given.
80 And Jonathan knew that there was an ambush behind him, and they surrounded his army, and cast darts at the people from morning till evening.
Ver. 80. Army. Literally, "camp," which the Vulgate puts for an army chiefly of foot. Josephus intimates that Jonathas drew up his forces in the shape "of a tile," or phalanx, and ordered them to face about on every side. (Calmet) the enemy could only throw darts, but could not penetrate. (Worthington)
81 But the people stood still, as Jonathan had commanded them: and so their horses were fatigued.
Ver. 81. Fatigued. In the evening, Simon seeing the enemy's cavalry tired, fell upon the infantry.
82 Then Simon drew forth his army, and attacked the legion: for the horsemen were wearied: and they were discomfited by him, and fled.
Ver. 82. No explanation given.
83 And they that were scattered about the plain, fled into Azotus, and went into Bethdagon, their idol's temple, there to save themselves.
Ver. 83. And. Et qui seems to be mistaken for equi, "the horsemen," as the Greek, Syriac, and Josephus read. --- Bethdagon, "the house of Dagon." --- Temple. This is the sense of the Greek. (Calmet) --- Vulgate has literally, "their idols." See Judges xvi. 23. (Haydock)
84 But Jonathan set fire to Azotus, and the cities that were around it, and took the spoils of them, and the temple of Dagon: and all them that were fled into it, he burnt with fire.
Ver. 84. No explanation given.
85 So they that were slain by the sword, with them that were burnt, were almost eight thousand men.
Ver. 85. No explanation given.
86 And Jonathan removed his army from thence, and camped against Ascalon: and they went out of the city to meet him with great honour.
Ver. 86. No explanation given.
87 And Jonathan returned into Jerusalem with his people, having many spoils.
Ver. 87. No explanation given.
88 And it came to pass, when Alexander, the king, heard these words, that he honoured Jonathan yet more.
Ver. 88. No explanation given.
89 And he sent him a buckle of gold, as the custom is, to be given to such as are of the royal blood. And he gave him Accaron, and all the borders thereof, in possession.
Ver. 89. Buckle, to be worn on the shoulder. (St. Isidore) --- This honour was very extraordinary, 2 Machabees xi. 35. (Alex. Genial. ii. 29.) --- Blood. Literally, "relations of kings." (Haydock) --- The highest officers of the court of Persia bore this title, chap. xi. 31., Esther xvi. 11. (Xenophon, Cyr. viii.)
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
PDS beneficiaries struggle in coronavirus lockdown, many deprive of ration - ranchi
New Post has been published on https://www.liveindiatimes.com/pds-beneficiaries-struggle-in-coronavirus-lockdown-many-deprive-of-ration-ranchi/
PDS beneficiaries struggle in coronavirus lockdown, many deprive of ration - ranchi
Sita Kumari, 26, a PDS beneficiary, is in distress, as she has no ration at home and her husband, who works as a driver, is jobless due to the ongoing lockdown.
“The government has announced distribution of subsidised ration for April and May in view of the hardship in lockdown. But I have not received the ration of even March. My family of six members is surviving anyhow on borrowed ration from neighbours,” said Kumari, a resident of Sukurhuttu village in Ranchi’s Kanke block.
She is not alone but hundreds of beneficiaries are struggling due to alleged improper distribution of subsidised ration, especially in the time of lockdown where majority of poor and underprivileged families is facing job crisis, including in MGNREGA.
“I have not got any job under MGNREGA this year. Now, all work under the scheme has come to a standstill due to lockdown. I am a widow and only bread earner for my three children. I have no money to even buy subsidised ration,” said Sukhmani Devi, an MGNRGA labourer from Kutte village in Latehar’s Manika block.
She said the government had said the ration would be given free for two months but ₹1 per kg is taken by PDS dealer here.
Similarly, Babita Devi, 25, a resident of Manjholi village in Palamu’s Chhatarpur block, is also struggling for the subsidised ration for last couple of months. “My husband is differently abled. I used to work in a crusher unit, which is shut due to lockdown. I am struggling to eke out two square meals for my two children and husband,” she said.
The PDS dealers blamed the poor-supply system for the delay, while the food, public distribution and consumer affairs department alleged non-cooperation from some PDS dealers in proper distribution of ration.
“The supply chain is affected due to shortage of labourers in godowns. There are 530 PDS shops only in Ranchi. But ration has reached to only 20% shops by now, while we had to begin distribution from April 1,” said Sanjay Kundu, general secretary of Fair Price Dealers Association (FPDA). He said few shops have received ration but only for a month.
“There was an issue of labourer but that has been sorted out. We are receiving reports that some dealers are not distributing ration, despite its availability,” said Sanjay Kumar, food and public distribution director. “We have lifted the ration for April by 98.7% from the godown and it has already reached to dealers, while the lifting for May is 35% by now. The May’s ration will completed be lifted from godown in a week,” Kumar added.
He said the department on Friday asked all the vigilance committees across the state to report against the dealers, who are not distributing ration to beneficiaries or practising unfair means. “The vigilance committee will face action if they fail on it,” he said.
Over free ration distribution, he said consumers would have to pay nominal charge of ₹1 per kg for the ration they will receive in April. “But the two months ration, which will be allotted in May, will be free, as the Centre is providing it free,” he said.
The state government has announced to offer two months’ ration to the beneficiaries enrolled under National Food Security Act (NFSA) and the people who are eligible for subsidised ratio but they do not have the ration cards.
Around 2.64 crore people from 57 lakh households are covered under NFSA in Jharkhand. However, there are many who are still deprived of ration cards. More than 6.97 lakh applications for ration cards are pending with the department.
The food, public and consumer affairs department has also allotted ₹30 lakh to each district to take care of the poor people. Besides, it has also directed the district authorities to provide 10kg rice to needy families, if they are lacking ration cards.
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eggsex76 · 4 years
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How To Replace Cars And Truck Keys With Chips.
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I fitted locking home window manages and also restrictors to all the windows to give the moms and dads satisfaction. For even more guidance concerning how to finest protect your building from lock snapping, call me today on. Locks that are a suit for also the most-hardy of lock pickers. These locks are sourced from a number of choose suppliers and audited by the nationwide brand name I represent. The huge bulk deploy anti-snap and snap-safe modern technology to guarantee that you're shielded from this worryingly simple lock damaging strategy acquiring currency throughout the criminal underworld.
We aim to reply to phone calls within 2 hours and do the job in under 1 hr, which suggests minimal disruption to your day and additionally obtains you back to safety and security in a snap.
Our services are fully comprehensive locksmith services covering security updates as well as setups as well.
Whether you possess a home or a business, we want it to be shielded one of the most that it can be.
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We provide a variety of security options that can be customized to the weak points of your building and also your budget plan.
We react quickly to emergency phone call outs with our 24 hr locksmith solution so we can be there day or evening.
I had a call from a Company who had actually a key snapped in a Fire Exit Door and quickly needed it eliminated. Lockforce Locksmiths Middlesbrough responded swiftly as well as were able to draw out the key making use of expert tools. I checked as well as proved the door and offered advice on keys and also basic Security of their facilities. Lockforce Locksmiths Middlesbrough was gotten in touch with by moms and dads that were concerned that their little ones went to risk upstairs as the home windows can be opened fully as well as they could befall.
The work will after that be phoned via to an independent handyman who might be unqualified and might not also speak English. At Lockforce Locksmith Manchester we frequently adjust our solution to maintain our security one action in advance of the lawbreakers, so as their methods change, so do ours.
We run 1 day a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with no call-out charge. I was not able to open my patio area door as well as was expecting business round for a BARBEQUE.
On the within the door will be the covering which will certainly have a Catch which suits the keep on the door structure holding the door closed. As a Locksmith in Manchester I see these Locks assaulted the most by Burglars making use of a technique called "Lock snapping".
The issue is in some cases that the pin comes to be removed from the Window device or snaps. A straightforward treatment is to reattach the spindle or have a brand-new manage fitted.
I got a phone conversation from one of these Manchester Allowing companies when the trainees door came to be unlock-able as well as they were fretted about protecting the door for the evening. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester participated in as well as identified a damaged Yale lock which was eliminated as well as replaced with a new car deadlocking nightlatch. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester went to a flat in Ancoates near Jersey Street M4 following a couple of break ins around the location. The level door itself had a simple Euro Sashlock with a Thumbturn which unfortunately doesn't hold up well to people requiring the door. After some discussion Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester fitted a brand-new euro Deadbolt to the top component of the door and also fitted longer screws to the existing Sashlock keep in the door structure.
We suggest a movement sensing unit light if you're functioning to a. spending plan, you can discover an exterior light with a movement sensing unit in your neighborhood equipment shop for fairly cheap. Locksmith Manchester are likewise open all days of the year and also are offered right now or at a later time to suit you. We'll get to throughout London in less than 35 mins of your call. The video reveals a criminal activity avoidance policeman from West Midlands Cops checking out someones home.
Many decent Locksmith professionals will certainly not have a telephone call out fee and will just bill you for the work and also parts. This is just a price quote, and until the Locksmith is actually stood at your door and also can see the trouble after that the cost can differ from this. You might be tempted to do the job on your own, nonetheless this is something we do not recommend this. You can invalidate your insurance coverage if the job is not carried out by an expert. uPVC locks are all various and also some might also be outdated, so you would certainly require to call a Locksmith to entirely change the part.
Locking on your own out on Xmas day will be more expensive than a regular weekday. As an example 10 am on a Monday will be cheaper that 10pm on a Saturday.
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Any type of opportunist robber can break your lock and gain entry to your house in a matter of seconds. Make his task more difficult and also ask Lockman 247 to fit Anti Snap locks to your home today. Over the last 11-years, I've basically seen most lock issues residential & business in Newport and area's. I cover all cities including Newport, Gwent, Cwmbran, Risca, Rogerstone, Usk, Duffryn. The Shop on Mill Road in Cambridge offers while you wait Key Cutting for Doors, Windows as well as other locks.
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If you involve a Locksmith during job hours on a work day, after that the cost is most likely to be lower than if you called them out late night on a weekend. Relying on the dimension of the work, for instance; the amount of locks you need changing, will certainly factor in to the overall price of the job. We are open 24-hour, 7 days a week, so call us now as well as we'll get you back within.
There are frequently extremely different security solutions at companies but we can assist you with every one of the adhering to devices and more. We will offer you a cost-free security survey for your home or office. Our purpose is to offer you with a superior service, as well as this is just one of the lots of methods which we do this.
Damaged Or Faulty Locks Damaged as well as faulty locks can be opened, repaired or replaced on site. We seek to repair your lock where feasible rather than change.
If your door is uPVC and also just the cyndrical tube needs replacing then it will certainly be cheaper than changing the entire device as this only demands to be done if there is a trouble. An average Euro cylinder will certainly cost around ₤ 45 and also might differ depending upon make/model as well as security criterion.
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We cover every square inch of Birmingham and also additional afield. If you're locked out as well as uncertain if we cover you then the quickest thing to do is contact us. You might also take a look at our areas covered page for more details.
Just How Do You Obtain A Locksmith Permit?
https://pbase.com/topics/voyagecereal86/bump_keys_and_what_inspector provides recommendations on their house security; covering gain access to paths, open windows, door security, techniques for appearing to be house. Plus many more security ideas and also suggestions for ensuring your residence is secure. It is estimated that there are 6 million empty residences in jeopardy of burglary this Easter bank holiday.
Can a locksmith open any lock?
How does a locksmith unlock a locked door? The lock will most likely need picking if you have locked out yourself out or lost your keys and need your door opening. This is a simple job for any well trained and experienced locksmith, some locksmiths can even unlock locked combination safes and vehicles.
What Is A Locksmith Solution?
What is rekeying a lock?
When you rekey your locks, you're altering the lock mechanism so that the old key will no longer open it. Instead, a new key will be necessary. In many circumstances, rekeying your locks makes more sense than changing your locks.
Then for good procedure I readjusted the UPVC door absolutely free as it was catching when closing. Lockforce Locksmiths Manchester collaborates with a variety of allowing company's, commercial business as well as the NHS as were a trusted Locksmith business.
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ebenvt · 4 years
Introduction to Bacon & the Art of Living
The quest to understand how great bacon is made takes me around the world and through epic adventures. I tell the story by changing the setting from the 2000s to the late 1800s when much of the technology behind bacon curing was unraveled. I weave into the mix beautiful stories of Cape Town and use mostly my family as the other characters besides me and Oscar and Uncle Jeppe from Denmark, a good friend and someone to whom I owe much gratitude! A man who knows bacon! Most other characters have a real basis in history and I describe actual events and personal experiences set in a different historical context.
The cast I use to mould the story into is letters I wrote home during my travels.
Ice Cold Revolution
April 1892
Dear Children and Minette,
It is the third day in a row that I am writing to you about ice.  I can not get it out of my mind.  For refrigeration to work, we need electricity.  In Cape Town, David de Villiers Graaff has a vision for Cape Town to turn it into a world-class city and I heard that he is planning to bring electricity to our city.  The plan is to construct the first power station at the Molteno dam.  The dam is named after the country’s first Prime Minister John Molteno.  (1)
The Graaff Electrical lighting works at the Molteno Dam.
Electricity from Platteklip Stream
There is a river from Platteklip Gorge on Table Mountain, that used to flow above ground, all the way to the sea.  Jan van Riebeek built the VOC Castle right next to the mountain river due to the strategic importance of the water.  The reason for the creation of the VOC post at the Cape of Good Hope was to sell water and food to passing ships.
I remember that construction started on the dam in 1877 since the city fathers saw the water running into the sea from the mountain as a waste.   Construction was completed in 1881.  Ten years ago.  (1)  Both Minette and I have always disagreed with our city fathers on how they altered the landscape.  We would prefer for things to have staid natural and wild.  Recently they forced the glorious river underground.  It would have been a much better plan to keep the river intact and undisturbed.  I fear we have lost an important feature of the land forever.  Then again, how is that different from loosing countless wild animals to mindless hunting.  I long to see the unspoiled parts of Africa which were my home for all the years when I rode transport between Cape Town and Johannesburg.
I will bring up the matter of conserving our land for future generations with David when we meet again.  I sent a letter to Oscar yesterday asking him to go out of his way to meet with David to discuss refrigeration for our bacon plant in Cape Town.
Waterfall that became the mountain stream that ran from Platteklip Gorge to the sea. Now, into the Malteno Dam.
I am glad that they will be discussing refrigeration since this single invention has the most profound impact on curing bacon as it has on all meat production, processing and trade.
The fact that meat can be frozen or chilled is of huge importance to the curing of bacon. The fact that we presently do not have electricity in Cape Town and therefore do not have refrigeration plants explains to me, on the one hand, the heavy salting that David has practiced at Combrink & Co and gives a time frame for the start of our own curing plant.  We can not do it before David has constructed the electricity plant at the Molteno dam. That is, of course, if we can use some of its electricity.  I have read that there is the possibility that he intends using it exclusively to power streetlights for Cape Town.
Refrigeration, as Oscar and I discovered,  will allow us to cure bacon in warm climates such as we have at home of the same quality as it is done here in England, Denmark, in Germany, and Holland.  The colder the meat and the brine, the better we will be able to control the growth of bacteria and the meat will not spoil before it has cured through.
Recent Scientific Discoveries
Scientists are identifying the effect on bacteria of not just temperature, but also of light rays from the violet range of the spectrum, food, oxygen, dilution, and antiseptic substances.  These discoveries will impact on how meat is packaged and sold in the future.
It has been known since time immemorial that meat in a frozen state lasts a long time. At low temperatures, there is little bacterial growth.  Scientists have identified three distinct phases in bacterial growth generally speaking. Slow acceleration, maximum acceleration, and reduced acceleration.  (Winslow, CEA and Walker, HH. 1939) (2)
The fact that there is a lag time in bacterial action (slow acceleration) has by itself an important lesson for bacon processing apart from the consideration of temperature on bacterial activity. It means that meat must be progressed through the various stages of production at a well-controlled and pre-defined rate which will ensure that no stage takes any longer than it should in order to prevent bacteria from “settling in.”  Any step must utilize the “lag time” fully and be progressed before maximum acceleration takes place.
From The Times (London), Thursday, 20 May 1920
The Harris family’s bacon empire from Great Britain saw the benefits of refrigeration even before refrigeration plants existed.  They applied the principles and benefits of cold to bacon production since the time when ice houses existed.
From Cook County Herald, Friday, 29 Nov 1907.
The development of refrigeration and the subsequent revolution it brought about in the meat industry was in the air well before the end of the 1880s.  In fact, so many experiments were being done in the 1870s and early ‘80s (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4) that it will take a long and cumbersome book to try and chronicle any more than what I have given you in my previous letter.
How to Transport Meat from the New World to the Old
What is of interest is that the supply of meat in England and on the continent has been overtaking supply during the mid-1800s that made the development of refrigeration a national priority for the English and for European countries. Not even refrigeration in particular, but the need for preservation that would allow meat to be transported over long distances. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4) Among the many suggested ways to achieve this, refrigeration was only one of many options.  Another option was, of course, curing and changing the meat into bacon, but this did not allow meat in its unprocessed form to be moved in large volumes between countries.
If a way could not be found, through whatever means, to economically supply England and Europe with meat from the new world of the Southern Hemisphere, the people of England and Europe either had to learn to be content with less meat or pay much higher prices for it. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4) Losing frequent meals that included meat was not just the loss of desirable food, but would seriously hamper the efforts to combat starvation and hunger. Refrigeration was by no means the obvious solution.
In around 1860, the Privy Council, also known as His (or Her) Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, a body of advisers to the sovereign of the Kingdom of England, started to discuss the matter of food supply to England. (3)  Many societies and institutions followed their lead. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4)  This was undoubtedly the most important matter!
In 1863 the Privy Council laid down a rule “that, to avoid starvation diseases, the weekly food of an average adult must contain 28,600 grains of carbon and 1,300 grains of nitrogen.” Dr. Brown, in ” The Food of the People,” published in 1865, wrote that “the plague-spot, the skeleton in the closet of England, is that her people are underfed.”” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4)  A committee of the Society of Arts was established which first met on 21 December 1866 to give direction to the charge to find a way to increase the food supply to England. (3) (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4)
Hunger and starvation were a major threat to the population and nutritional values were tested to find food that will best prevent starvation. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4) In 1876, Edward Smith writes about the value of bacon to the poor: “Dried bacon divides itself during the process of cooking into two parts, of which the labourer and his wife may have the solid and the children the liquid part, and thus both be in a degree pleased, if not satisfied.” (Smith, E, 1873: 65)
Smith continued that “so far, it may be said, that bacon is the poor man’s food, having a value to the masses which is appreciated in proportion to their poverty, and it is a duty to offer every facility for its production in the homes of the poor.” (Smith, E, 1873: 65) Many patents and methods were proposed to the committee of the Society of Arts. Each thoroughly investigated. Canned meat was just invented and on trial. Pemmican (4), and a certain Mr. Alexander’s powdered beef. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4, 5)
Interestingly enough, the committee found that “weight for weight, the dried beef was four times more nutritious than ordinary beef”. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 4, 5)
In total, 200 patients were registered for the preservation of meat. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 5)  I list some of the important ones here.
“Medlock and Bailey claimed that by dipping meat in their bisulphide of lime solution “anything of animal origin, from a beefsteak to a bullock, from a whitebait to a whale, can be preserved sweet for months. C. Nielson proposed to fix blood in the form of sausages, puddings, cakes, and so on. The Rev. M. J. Berkeley delivered a stirring address on fungi, but somehow the mushroom palliative failed to impress the committee as a substitute for the roast beef of Old England.” (5) “De la Peyrouse’s idea was to pack meat in barrels, and to pour in fat at a temperature of 300 F. all round the stored viands.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 5)
“Professor Gamgee loomed large, and his method, though revealing a touch of Max Adeler, certainly possessed genius. He suggested that cattle should be happily dispatched by being made to inhale carbonic oxide gas, at a cost of 2s. to 3s. per animal. The flesh of oxen so slain was declared to retain its fresh and bright appearance, and the committee reluctantly and warily tasted chops from a sheep killed in this way, reporting, doubtless to the chagrin of the Professor, that the meat was ” slightly flat.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 5) (6)
“A tin of meat forty-one years old, from the stores of H.M.S. Blonde, was tested and found sound. Professor Redwood advocated raw meat preserved in paraffin.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 5)
“Scores of different processes for tinning meat were tested. Dr. Hassalts ” Flour of Meat,” Australian “mutton hams,” meat dried by sulphurous acid, and many other inventions, were put before this committee, evidence which contained the germs of many of the modern methods of preserving and handling animal substances for food. The work of the committee came to a sudden stop in 1881. After 15 years of focused and hard work, it has failed to produce a way to export meat successfully.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 5, 6)
“In 1881 the committee delivered a gloomy report, and found itself unable to award the 100 prize which Sir Walter Trevelyan had presented for the best means of preserving fresh meat. This 100 was disposed of by being divided into five sums of 20 and granted to food and cooking exhibits at the 1884 Health Exhibition.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 6)
“Without doubt, the introduction of frozen meat in 1880 settled the whole difficulty which the Society of Arts’ committee had spent so many years in trying to solve” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 6)
It was the United States of America who first exported meat in artificially cooled storage units when in 1874, beef was first exported to Great Britain. “Undoubtedly, the real genesis of the meat export trade under conditions of refrigeration is to be found in the shipments of chilled beef from the United States of America in the seventies. By the end of 1880, when only 400 carcasses of mutton had reached home from Australia, Great Britain had imported from North America 120,000 tons of fresh beef.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 19)
Solving the refrigeration riddle
The photo on the right by Colin Beazley  Hy wife works in the building previously occupied by Goldsborough, Mort & Co. on the Ultimo side of Darling Harbour.
Thomas Sutcliffe Mort from Australia is probably the most important name in the story of the frozen meat trade. (Critchell, JT, 1912: 19)  Mr. Mort was born at Bolton, Lancashire, on December 23, 1816, and emigrating to Australia in 1838.  He founded the great financial and wool-broking firm of Mort and Co..
His company amalgamated with that of R. Goldsbrough and Co., Ltd., under the name of Goldsbrough, Mort and Co., Ltd. In 1843 he turned his attention to meat matters and was introduced by Mr. Augustus Morris to the French engineer Nicolle. Together they took up the subject of freezing meat for export and started experimenting with it.  Mort supplying the capital and Nicolle the engineering skill.
Partial freezing or “chilling,” which was Telh’er’s plan, was tried and rejected, as they realized that thorough congealing was required for the preservation of meat. Mr. Mort in 1861 established at Darling Harbour, Sydney, the first freezing works in the world. Thirteen years later Mr. Mort’s company became the New South Wales Fresh Food and Ice Co.. The original freezing process at these works was applied in two large apartments, each about 75 feet square and 9 feet 9 inches high, and enclosed by brick walls 4 feet 6 inches thick. The freezing room below was used for the treatment of meat for export. In 1875 the collateral enterprise, the slaughtering works at Lithgow Valley, Blue Mountains, was completed.  The two establishments were intended to supply the Sydney market. Ammonia compression refrigerating machinery was used at these works.
At an inaugural lunch on September 2, 1875, at which 300 persons attended, Mr. Mort made his famous speech, the concluding part of which remains a jewel in the annals of the Australian meat trade.  It portrays him as a man of imagination, noble aims, and high character. Mr. Mort in this speech said that Mr. Morris first suggested the “diabolical idea” of freezing meat to send to England. “I can tell you that not once but a thousand times have I wished that Mr. Morris, Mr. Nicolle, and myself had never been born.” Mr. Mort mentioned that the Sydney Chamber of Commerce about 1867 had put up a sum of money for him to provide meat for distribution in England, and to overcome the English prejudice against “frozen” meat. This is an interesting comment since, in 1867, not a single morsel of (mechanically) frozen meat had reached England! The that Mr. Mort served for his 300 guests was, of course, all frozen.  He claimed that some of it had been kept since June 1874. In his speech, he said that Australia was to become “the great feeder of Europe.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 19) With great pride, I give you the concluding remarks of Mr. Mort.
“I feel, as I have always felt, that there is no work on the world’s carpet greater than this in which I have been engaged. Yes, gentlemen, I now say that the time has arrived at all events, is not far distant when the various portions of the earth will each give forth their products for the use of each and of all; that the over-abundance of one country will make up for the deficiency of another; the superabundance of the year of plenty serving for the scant harvest of its successor; for cold arrests all change. Science has drawn aside the veil, and the plan stands revealed. Faraday’s magic hand gave the keynote, and invention has done the rest. Climate, seasons, plenty, scarcity, distance, will all shake hands, and out of the commingling will come enough for all, for ‘ the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof,’ and it certainly lies within the compass of man to ensure that all His  people shall be partakers of that fulness. God provides enough and to spare for every creature He sends into the world, but the conditions are often not in accord. Where the food is, the people are not; and where the people are, the food is not. It is, however, as I have just stated, within the power of man to adjust these things, and I hope you will all join with me in believing that the first grand step towards the accomplishment of this great deed is in that of which you yourselves have this day been partakers and witnesses.” (Critchell, JT, 1912: 20)
These monumental developments would mark, not only the start of the frozen meat trade, but it would continue to impact the way bacon is being made and priced.  Frozen meat will at some  point be used as raw material.  Freezing will alter the characteristics of bacon and add to the complexity of how bacon is created.
Freezing solved the matter of the long term preservation of meat but proved another point.  In our effort to preserve meat we have developed products of such supreme quality and taste that it will be part of human culture for as long as humanity will prevail.  Bacon, with its reddish/ pinkish fresh meat colour and distinct taste; its subtle saltiness in the case of mild cured and sweet cured bacon and smokiness in the case of smoked bacon; its inherent ability to withstand bacterial spoilage.  Its meatiness.  All work together as characteristics of one of the greatest products on earth.
There is one statement that I am not sure if I am in full agreement with Mr. Mort. It relates to his comment that “cold arrests all change.”  This is a matter that “feels right”, but animal and human remains that have been discovered in places of extreme cold have been preserved remarkably well and seems to support his point, but in no way can it be said that the flesh is completely without any change.  What exactly the changes are and how it will impact on bacon taste is something that must be investigated very carefully.
I keep his speech in front of the notebook I currently use and I refer to it often. It is almost Biblical in its tone.   In the midst of all these matters that continue to flood my mind, I think of you, my dear children and Minette.  How is the rugby going Mr. Tristan? I hear from Minette that you intend going to Rondebosch boys high for high school.  It is an excellent suggestion even though I would have chosen Wynberg Boys High. The decision is, however, yours my son!  I miss you, Lauren!  You’re infectious laugh!  Please remember that someone who laughs as effortlessly as you also feel sorrow in equal strong and unexpected measures!  I miss you so much that it physically hurts and it helps to keep my mind occupied with quotes from old Australians.
I continue to miss all of you dearly!
Your Dad.
Further Reading
C & T Harris and their Wiltshire bacon cure – the blending of a legend
The Freezing and Storage of Meat
Freezing for Slicing Bacon
(c) eben van tonder
“Bacon & the art of living” in bookform Stay in touch
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(1)  The Graaff Electrical Lighting Works, constructed at the Molteno Dam was commissioned in 1895.  It was Cape Town Municipality’s first power station. It was able to run on steam (the chimney stack has since been removed) as well as water. It was the first hydro electric station in South Africa.
Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
The Molteno Dam. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
(2) Ward wrote a ground-breaking paper in 1895, Bacillus Ramosus on the topic. (WINSLOW, CEA and WALKER, HH. 1939)
(3) Its members were often senior members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, together with leading churchmen, judges, diplomats and military leaders (Wikipedia. Privy Council of England)
(4) “Pemmican is a concentrated mixture of fat and protein used as a nutritious food.” (Wikipedia. Pemmican)
(5) This method of creating “meat replacements” has gained wide popularity in the early 2000’s. So much so that the Woodys Team has put it on their list of long term trends to watch.
(6) “CO2 stunning will reduce bloodsplash,” thus improving quality of meat. The disadvantage is that it is considerably more expensive and difficult to maintain. (Temple Grandin, 2000) Pigs killed with CO2 show a reduced occurrence of PSE meat, less petechiae (red or purple spot on the skin, caused by a minor hemorrhage ) and ecchymoses (larger than 1 centimeter or a hematoma). It appears however that animals who carry the halothane gene are more sensitive to CO2 gas so that the meat quality advantages may be dependant to some extent on the genotype of the pigs. (Warriss, PD. 2010: 54, 55)
Critchell, JT and Raymond, J. 1912. A history of the frozen meat trade. An account of the development and present day methods of preparation, transport, and marketing of frozen and chilled meats. Constable & Company LTD
Hui, YH, et al.  2004.  Handbook of Frozen Foods. Marcel Dekker Inc.
Smith, Edward. 1873. Foods. Henry S King and Co.
Temple Grandin. 2000. Methods to reduce PSE and bloodsplash. Veterinary Outreach Programs, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
*Warriss, PD. 2010. Meat Science: An Introductory Text
Winslow, CEA and Walker, HH. 1939. The earlier phases of the bacterial culture cycle
Figure 1:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molteno_Dam
Figure 2:  Waterfall on Platteklip Gorge by Eben van Tonder in 2014.
Figure 3:  The Times (London), Thursday, 20 May 1920
Figure 4:  Cook County Herald, Friday, 29 Nov 1907.
Figure 5 – 9:  Graaff electrical station. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Figure 10:   The Molteno dam. Photo taken in 2014 by Eben
Chapter 09.05: Ice Cold Revolution Introduction to Bacon & the Art of Living The quest to understand how great bacon is made takes me around the world and through epic adventures.
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Bbc news Daphne Caruana Galizia: las figuras clave en la crisis de Malta por su asesinato
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Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Executive figures beget resigned over the abolish of Daphne Caruana Galizia
Maltese Top MinisterJoseph Muscat has launched he's going to resignin the unique year amid avenue protests over the investigation into the abolish of a journalist in 2017.
Daphne Caruana Galizia relentlessly investigated corruption, which she alleged ran deep into her nation's politics, sooner than she became killed by a car bomb shut to her house.
Four people had been charged over her abolish whereas an alleged intermediary became granted immunity in change for evidence.
Here's a manual to the major figures involved.
Bbc news The sufferer
Daphne Caruana Galizia became described when she died worn 53 as one in all Malta's most indispensable, viewed and audacious journalists.
She ran a most current blog, Running Commentary, which investigated allegations of corruption and different prison wrongdoing which she alleged ran into the very best phases of authorities. Folk who ordered the bomb attack on her Peugeot 108 wanted to "shut her up", her sister Corinne Vella said later.
Image copyright Getty Footage for the Daphne Project
Image caption Caruana Galizia (pictured in 1989) became survived by her husband and youngsters
Before her loss of life, she had been reporting on allegations referring tothe Panama Papers- a mass of paperwork leaked in 2016 from a Panamanian laws firm. The paperwork printed that two of Top Minister Muscat's shut associates were fascinated with secret offshore industry. One became his chief of team, Keith Schembri, and yet any other a minister, Konrad Mizzi. There may be now no longer any evidence of money changing fingers.
Caruana Galizia's abolish - bearing the hallmarks of a contract killing - unnerved now no longer handiest Maltese society but additionally European human rights figures who criticised Malta's handling of the investigation.
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Media captionPaul Caruana Galizia says his mother's critics investigated her abolish
Her family beget led the requires justice, including pushing for a public inquiry.
They've also printed thatthey suffered years of intimidation,including the abolish of three pet dogs, thanks to her reporting.
Bbc news The four men charged
Essentially based fully on a Reuters records agency investigation, the attack earned the killers €150,000 (£128,000; $165,000).
Brothers George and Alfred Degiorgio and their buddy, Vince Muscat, were arrested soon after the abolish on suspicion of planting and triggering the gadget.
They were charged with voluntary homicide, possession and detonation of an explosive, and forming allotment of a prison organisation. All three men pleaded now no longer responsible at a pre-trial hearing.
Vince Muscat, who is now no longer any relation of the prime minister, has sought a presidential pardon in return for records, essentially based mostly on stories.
Maltese businessmanYorgen Fenech has been charged with complicity in the abolish. He pleaded now no longer responsible to that charge and 4 others others including membership of a prison gang.
A well-identified figure in Malta, he has served as head of the Tumas industry group and a director of vitality company Electrogas but fair now no longer too long ago resigned from every positions.
Image copyright Reuters
Image caption Mr Fenech photographed at a on line casino in 2014
Final year he became acknowledged as being the proprietor of a mysterious Dubai-registered company, 17 Dark, listed in the Panama Papers.
Caruana Galizia had written about 17 Dark eight months sooner than her loss of life, alleging it had links to every Keith Schembri, the prime minister's chief of team, and Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi. The two men resigned on a day of drama on 26 November and every verbalize wrongdoing.
Mr Fenech became arrested after his yacht became intercepted on 20 November - he became reported to beget supplied police records that will additionally "convey the home down".
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Mr Fenech's yacht became escorted lend a hand into a marina in St Julians by police
In a failed question for a pardon, Mr Fenech's lawyers supplied records spicy Mr Schembri, Mr Mizzi and Financial system Minister Chris Cardona.
Maltese media express Mr Fenech became accustomed to Melvin Theum, an alleged intermediary in the abolish who labored as a taxi driver at his house constructing.
Bbc news The 'intermediary'
The finest figure who has secured a pardon is Mr Theuma, a taxi driver with links to prison enterprises.
He became arrested in November in connection with a separate anti-money laundering investigation but supplied police records referring to the 2017 abolish in change for immunity from prosecution.
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Media captionProtesters originate air Malta's parliament ask justice
He became suggested for a presidential pardon by Top Minister Muscat, who previously said one would handiest be supplied if the evidence would possibly per chance well additionally very well be corroborated and would arise in court.
Maltese media reported that he allegedly had evidence, including audio recordings, to pork up his claims.
His pardon prompted a flurry of developments and he had been because of the give evidence in court referring to the abolish, but that session became postponed.
Bbc news The authorities figures
The prime minister's chief of team and the tourism minister resigned, and the financial system minister mercurial suspended himself.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Konrad Mizzi, Chris Cardona and Keith Schembri (left to upright)
Keith Schembri
The dilapidated chief of team became the topic of Caruana Galizia's final blog submit minutes sooner than her loss of life. Caruana Galizia alleged he had benefited from secretive shell companies.
His arrest this week became the second that the police investigation drew shut to contributors of Joseph Muscat's authorities.
Police released him leisurely on Thursday asserting he became now now no longer considered as an particular person of curiosity, to the fury of the leisurely journalist's family.
Konrad Mizzi
Mr Mizzi became eliminated from his submit as health and vitality minister in 2016 after it emerged that he had situation up a company in Panama. Mr Mizzi said he had merely made arrangements for managing family sources and had done nothing wicked.
In his health role he oversaw the allotment-privatisation of Malta's health carrier. He became later made tourism minister but stepped down this week asserting it became his accountability to permit Mr Muscat's authorities to proceed.
Chris Cardona
Even supposing Mr Cardona became now no longer named in the papers, he became fair now no longer too long ago approached by police for "extra clarifications" and said he became stepping aside as financial system minister in the national curiosity. He too had been a field for Daphne Caruana Galizia's blog and became suing her for libel on the time of her loss of life. He too denies wrongdoing. He became reinstated on 1 December.
Bbc news The prime minister
Joseph Muscat, head of the Labour Birthday party, has been prime minister since 2013.
He'll stand down after the course of to clutch a successor begins on 12 January.
"Malta needs to originate a brand unique chapter and handiest I will give that signal," he told the nation on TV.
Image copyright AFP
Image caption Mr Muscat launched the resignation of his Chief of Workers
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 23/10/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Mid-Week Nation Newspaper (MWN).
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NOT FIT FOR CLASS – Just over a month after a late return to classes by children, some parents are fuming over conditions at St John Primary School. The latest concerns relate to the amount of dust blowing into classrooms from a nearby mains-laying project being undertaken by the Barbados Water Authority (BWA).  According to sources, students of Class 4, who were seated closest to the nearby Colleton Road junction, were mostly affected, with many of the windows on that side of the compound having to be closed. At least three students had to be sent home yesterday after suffering ill effects from the dust. Vocal parent, Geoffrey Lashley, feared for the safety of the children as there was no traffic warden on mornings and evenings. (MWN)
PRINCIPAL’S WAY – One secondary school plans to spare the rod, but it has no intentions of spoiling the child. Principal of St George Secondary School, Dennis Browne, said that instead of cutting the children’s backsides, he preferred to discipline them by having them cutting the grass, beautifying the school and using vocational options. His comments came just after acting Chief Education Officer Joy Adamson, in addressing the Constant, St George school’s Founders’ Day service yesterday, said the Ministry of Education was continuing its push towards alternatives to the strap and bamboo punishment. Browne said that at a recent meeting of the school’s board, he had asked if they could be supplied with four or five weed whackers. (MWN)
PROPERTY DEMAND – CLICO has folded, but its prime South Coast real estate is now a hot ticket for local and foreign property investors. Tony Hoyos, chairman of the failed insurer’s successor, Resolution Life Assurance Company (ResLife), yesterday confirmed that more than 24 domestic and overseas entities submitted offers to purchase Worthing Corporate Centre in Christ Church, where ResLife is located, adjacent properties occupied by Trimart Supermarket and Courtesy Garage, and four nearby residential/vacant lots. This comes more than a month after the properties were advertised for sale. Hoyos said they were now “asking certain bidders for clarification” on what they intended to do with the real estate if their offers succeeded. Given that the sales involved competitive bidding, with Cabinet ultimately deciding on the outcome following a recommendation from the ResLife board, the chairman did not disclose the exact offer prices, but said they were worth millions of dollars. (MWN)
HONOUR COMING FOR PARISH HEROES – The Mia Mottley-led administration has passed legislation through the Lower House to honour unsung community heroes at a national level. Opening debate on the Award of Pride of Barbados Bill, 2019 that was passed in Parliament on Monday, Leader of Government Business Santia Bradshaw said the legislation was necessary since in the past people have complained that they feel left out of the process of being honoured and as though only privileged individuals have the opportunity to be recognized. “It is therefore important that this type of legislation comes before this Parliament at a time, on the eve of what will soon be another celebration of Independence. It is also important that Barbadians feel a sense of involvement in the process particularly as we approach WeGatherin 2020,” Bradshaw said. The Award of Pride of Barbados is intended to recognise persons deserving of recognition by virtue of their humanitarian, social, religious or educational contributions to the development of each parish in Barbados. Bradshaw explained that it is intended that annually an estimated 120 Barbadian citizens and permanent residents will be honoured. She said those nominated must have made an outstanding contribution to community life in Barbados or to the improvement of the economic and social conditions in a parish. The Minister of Education, Technological and Vocational Training, also said that the Award can be conferred on a person who formerly lived in a parish in Barbados, but now resides overseas, but has been nominated by persons who reside in that same parish, or who now also live abroad. “One hundred and 20 may seem like a lot to you now, but I do think that we have a lot of making up to do in order to give communities the power to be able to recognise persons who have contributed. And to allow us to be able to take it a step further because it is not sufficient for us to simply recognise persons. “I believe the time has now come for us to teach our young people, and also the wider population of the world about the contributions that these people have made in their communities but also to wider,” she said. Bradshaw urged Barbadians to begin the process of identifying those in their communities who fit the criteria for the award. In his contribution Minister of Creative Economy, Culture and Sport John King said that the number of those to be honoured should not be called into question. The Minister was responding to earlier comments made by the Leader of Opposition Rev Joseph Atherley. King said the new law allows for any person regardless of colour, class, creed or ethnicity to be eligible for recognition as a Barbadian for their contribution. “The honourable Leader of the Opposition said that he felt the numbers being granted this award every year were too many but my question to him and to anyone else who actually feels the same way would be how many is too many when you are seeking to repair damage that has been done over centuries to people?” King who referred to periods of slavery and colonialism to explain the significance of the award said for too long we have been afraid to value the contribution of our own. “How many is too many when you are trying to change a mindset that has been part and parcel of the Barbadian dialogue for a very long time? (BT)
DENY THIS – Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley has charged that shopkeepers of former times who helped to raise families, households and villages in Barbados have been “largely succeeded by the drug lords and the criminal element of that ilk, who exercise enormous influence now in the midst of our harsh economic times”. Bishop Atherley also fearlessly declared in Parliament during debate on the Award of the Pride of Barbados Bill 2019, that criminal elements were also being facilitated by “some who are involved in the political process”. “At the district community level . . . they are raising districts, and they are raising families and it is a sad thing that we have come to that point. They [the shopkeepers] have now been succeeded in these perilous times by the drug lords who operate at the community and district and village levels in Barbados and I say without fear, facilitated by some who are involved in the political process. “Since 2008 that has been clear to me, that there are people involved in the practice of politics [at the] elective level in Barbados who are attaching themselves to persons involved in illegal drug activity in Barbados, to help their cause and I dare anybody in here to stand and say that is not true,” Atherley charged. He described the development as a sad day in Barbados. “It is something that strikes at the heart of our democracy. It is something that strikes at the institutional heart of our governance process. It is something that strikes at the heart of wholesome community life in Barbados. It is one of the most sinister perils that we face today and I really would want to hope that the Government would have the resources, the wherewithal and the tenacity to ensure that something like that is brought to a swift halt,” Atherley added. The political leader of the newly formed People’s Party for Democracy and Development made the comments as he called on Government to ensure that among those who are awarded the Pride of Barbados honours are the people on whose backs Barbados has been built and who have given tremendous service to the country. “This country has been built on the backs of a lot of unnoticed, unheralded efforts on the part of people who live at lower stations in life. Many of them have been the single mothers of yesterday . . . who knew what economics was all about. Labourers . . . [who] contributed to the economy, so that others might come along and build upon the foundation laid . . . of teachers, headmasters and headmistresses who were more than institutional figures. These are the builders of this county . . . lawmen of a former time, with high integrity  . . . “This are the kinds of people I believe and hope will be and should be captured in the awards,” he stated. (BT)
SAFE HAVEN – Ninety homeless women, children and men will move into new high rise luxurious living quarters at month end. Last night, The Barbados Alliance to End Homelessness (BAEH), formerly known as the Barbados Vagrants and Homeless Society (BVHS), officially opened the new Homeless Shelter and Rescue Mission in the multi-storey complex on Spry Street, The City, and announced that it was here to stay. President and founder Kemar Saffrey told the “by-invitation-only” ribbon-cutting ceremony which included Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson, Cabinet ministers, Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley, President of the Democratic Labour Party Verla DePeiza and sponsors, that thanks to the Maria Holder Memorial Trust, the new $10,000 per month rental home would be paid up for a limited time only. He said after that, he would need all hands on deck to carry on the payments. And he issued an impassioned appeal to all Barbadians and residents to help his organisation buy the three-storey building which he said Republic Bank had offered to sell them for $1 million dollars within three years, down from a previous offer of $2.4 million. Saffrey said if ever Barbados needed such a facility it is now. (BT)
MORE HEALTH & SAFETY RULES COMING – Government is planning to enhance the Safety and Health at Work Act by adding nine regulations to the legislation, which would further guide the standards and conditions under which the Barbadian worker is expected to operate. This revelation was made by Minister of Labour Colin Jordan who was delivering an address at a workshop on proper building maintenance, held at the Courtyard Marriot this morning. The Minister revealed that the new regulations, which would be up for Cabinet approval next month, range from examining noise levels, to access to and the use of personal protective equipment, visual display units and workstations, the availability of drinking water, and the provision of sanitary conveniences or bathroom facilities. “I am pleased to inform you that within my ministry, we have completed our discussions on nine initial regulations to accompany the Safety and Health at Work Act. Within the next month the requisite Cabinet Paper will be prepared for consideration, after which the Chief Parliamentary Counsel’s office will be required to prepare the regulations. These important regulations are long overdue and will enhance the operationalization of the Safety and Health at Work Act,” he said. Jordan explained that the Safety and Health at Work Act, at Sections 105-108, makes provisions for the development of regulations related to safety, health, welfare and general matters.  He further noted that ILO Convention No. 155 on Occupational Safety and Health and the accompanying recommendation No. 164 outline actions required to be taken at the national level which include the issuing of regulations. The Minister made it clear that this was by no means a one-off process and that his ministry is willing to add to these regulations should the need arise. In the meantime, he urged employers not to wait on Government to legislate measures in order to implement, as these measures will redound to the benefit of their companies. “Promoting wellness, safety and health in the workplace will lead to a healthier worker, higher morale and increased productivity… Employers, please engage and communicate with your workers as you continue to develop strategies and interventions targeted at occupational safety and health and wellness for workplaces and for your workers. Broadening the scope of your workers and allowing them to suggest ideas to enhance safety and health initiatives will allow them to feel a part of the decision-making process and would make them more committed to the organisation’s goals and success,” he said. (BT)
AGRICULTURAL SAFEGUARDS A MUST – Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Indar Weir is expressing grave concern about the impact climate change could have on the island’s food security. Disclosing that one farmer lost close to four dozen sheep last year due to drought conditions, Weir told an agriculture conference this morning that the threats climate change continue to pose stood to wipe out any gains. As a result, he said Government has already started to put measures in place to make the sector more resilient. Weir was addressing a regional workshop on Climate Finance and Support Mechanisms for Resilient Agriculture Sector in the Caribbean at the Radisson Aquatica when he told participants that his ministry was aware that a number of factors were posing a challenge to the island’s food security including pests, lack of education, flooding and drought. “There is a close balance between water and plants, water and agriculture. Too little water will result in stunted growth, and too much water will also impact growth. We know this. This equally will impact our livestock,” said Weir. “This is well document because I have actual proof that throughout the drought period last year one black belly sheep farmer literally lost 46 heads due to the drought. This speaks to the seriousness of the matter,” he said. “What is before us is a challenge. It is a very complex situation, but one that we must seek to manage,” he added. Pointing to the need for ongoing education and communication, Weir said this was necessary so that problems could be easily identified and solutions developed. “We have started the process with the University of the West Indies and we have looked at bio-digestion and of course, we have looked at biodiversity. It is a hardcore reality that we must address climate change, but in doing so we cannot leave the most vulnerable behind,” he said. “That is why I have been speaking to climate smart agriculture. In climate smart agriculture what you are able to do is transition a mindset from the past to that which is relevant to our 21st century requirement that says we must all now come together and collaborate in terms of how we find the financing to be able to support a new type and way to do agriculture,” he said. The Agriculture Minister said it was also necessary for public and private sector stakeholders to collaborate to provide education programmes and help people understand the impact of climate change on food production and get them to do the things necessary for us to build resilience. Pointing to steps being taken by Government to protect the sector, Weir highlighted plans to plant one million trees over the next couple of years in the Scotland District and via various farming programmes across the island. Ena Harvey, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) representative for Barbados, said the region’s agriculture remained under severe threat from a variety of issues relating to climate change as well as organisms. “As we all know, our Caribbean nations are victims rather than perpetrators of the climate change impacts. Our agro-food sectors remain severely threatened by climatic events,” she said. “Climate change has brought new invasive species, loss of biodiversity, drought, loss of top soil – real threats to our food and nutrition security,” she warned. She said IICA was working with regional partners to mitigate the risks associated with climate change and build resilience so that our member states not only bounce back but bounce forward in a sustainable way. Adding that work was being done through capacity building and training, she said the support was needed trhough private and public sector partnerships, national, regional and international initiatives. According to Harvey, this was necessary “to promote production integration, cross border investment and knowledge exchange across the Caribbean”. During the three-day workshop, which has attracted some 40 agriculture stakeholder representatives from the region, participants will identify and discuss priority areas in the sector and come up with ways to encourage more investment to support climate resilient action. They will also seek to come up with ways to enhance coordination among policymakers and private sector players. (BT)
MAKE AGRICULTURE ATTRACTIVE TO YOUTH – The Caribbean is being warned to get policies right in order to attract more investment and participation from young people in the agriculture sector to ensure food security. This advice has come from senior coordinator and lead specialist on Climate Change and Agriculture at the Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA) Oluyede Ajayi. He told Barbados TODAY that while there were many ways to ensure food production was ramped up and food security was guaranteed, a key component was putting the right policies in place. “Get the policies right to encourage private sector investment in agriculture in the region so that we can get fresh fruits and so forth. Private sector operators are risk takers. They want of course to go into agriculture, they want to invest, but they want to make sure they are investing where they can get a return. And for that you need a stable policy environment, a coherent policy that encourages investment in agriculture. That is essential,” he explained. He said authorities needed to also do everything possible to minimize post harvest losses, pointing out that estimates showed that it could reach as high as 30 per cent. “Thirdly, make agriculture encouraging for farmers, make it profitable for farmers through the various fiscal administrative policies,” he said. Pointing to the thousands of university graduates each year, he said it was also important that policymakers look for ways to better encourage school leavers to get involved in the sector at various levels. He said the use of information and communication technology was a key component of getting the youth involved in the sector. “There are so many levels that the youth can engage themselves in. Agriculture can potentially absorb the youth,” said Ajayi. He said Barbados could look at best practices from around the world, adding that there were countries that have already created “enabling policies” and use public funds to leverage some private investment to kick-start investment in agriculture. The agriculture official said it was understood that the sector attracted varying degree of risks including that of heavy rainfall and drought, and it was therefore important that governments find ways to “shield farmers and people who invest”. “There are some policies that can be used to protect and support them at the beginning of their investment,” he pointed out. With access to funding being cited as one of the major challenges facing farmers in the region mainly because of the procedures involved, Ajayi said famers could form alliances to access available international financing, while governments should create policies to encourage investment from the local private sector community. “Sometimes it is very difficult for farmers but then how can they come together as a group so they can apply for this funding? Secondly, there are some domestic resources that can be found within the country. You have to encourage private investment in agriculture. So I think it has to be both international and domestic,” he explained. (BT)
SUPERBUG CAUTION – Two superbugs have shown up in Barbados in the past and infectious disease specialist Dr Corey Forde says the country cannot lapse when it comes to dealing with treatment-resistant organisms. Forde, head of the Infection Prevention and Control Department at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, however stressed there was no need to panic over the matter. “Pan drug resistant organisms means the antibiotics we have available either won’t work well or we have nothing to treat them. Those [organisms] have arrived on the world scene and in Barbados and the Caribbean we are at a similar state where we already have recorded pan drug resistant organisms where we have limited amount of drugs to use to treat them. “We have [recorded] high-level [treatment] resistant [strains] of Klebsiella and E Coli (Escherichia Coli), where there were two or three ‘bugs’,” said Forde, who was speaking yesterday after the opening ceremony of the two-day Caribbean Infection Control/Antimicrobial Stewardship Conference at the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)/World Health Organisation (WHO) office in Dayrells Road, St Michael. (MWN)
QEH ISSUES URGENT APPEAL FOR BLOOD DONATIONS – The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) Blood Bank is issuing an urgent appeal for A positive blood donations. Volunteers between the ages of 18 and 70, who weigh at least 110 pounds, and are in generally good health are asked to donate blood at the National Blood Collecting Centre located at Ladymeade Gardens, St Michael, between 8 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. on weekdays or 8 a.m. and 12 noon on Saturdays. Donated blood products will help replenish the QEH Blood Bank’s supply to ensure that blood products are readily available for patients with serious medical needs. (MWN)
PM MOTTLEY: GREATER COLLABORATION NEEDED - The Caribbean represents one-third of all the destinations the cruise industry covers, yet generates almost half of the revenue it makes on an annual basis, and these numbers are expected to grow over the next few years as the industry prepares to launch at least 100 more new vessels. Therefore, given the importance of the sector to the Caribbean, Prime Minister Mia Mottley believes the entire region must work to foster stronger ties with the industry to sustain our economies. Speaking at the opening of the 26th annual Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Convention and Trade Show in Puerto Rico, the Prime Minister said: “With all the challenges our region faces from climate change, and the inability to borrow funds from international lending agencies to rebuild our damaged infrastructure in the wake of the hurricanes over the last two years, we are pleased that players in the cruise industry have come on board to help us in terms of port development. This is a significant departure from the past.” Citing an example, she noted that Prime Minister of St Lucia, Allan Chastanet, had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Carnival Cruise Lines and Royal Caribbean to build out cruise facilities in that country, and she said Barbados and the Cayman Islands were holding similar discussions. Regarding climate change, Mottley expressed her concerns about the future of the region from that perspective, noting that, “I saw a slide last year at the United Nations which will forever haunt me. It recognised that the first countries to suffer from a three degree shift in sea temperatures will be the Arctic and Antarctic summer sheets, Greenland and the coral islands found around the world in the Caribbean, Pacific and other oceans. The Caribbean must remain a sea that is literally capable of protecting our islands and feeding our people. Sea level rise and ocean warming has been damaging our coastal communities, and many of our economies are coastal. Regrettably, the global community has not recognised this is the most important battle and there are some countries that may or may not survive the next 50 to 100 years.” Therefore, given this situation, she believed leaders from the English, French, Spanish and Dutch-speaking Caribbean should come together to plan the region’s future, a dialogue she is willing to commence. “Barbados is chairing the Association of Caribbean States, and will be taking up the chairmanship of CARICOM in January. We are prepared to host a meeting between owners and leaders of the cruise industry and leaders from across the entire Caribbean, all of the states that are touching the Caribbean Sea, as we have to ask ourselves whether we can allow things to continue as they are, or plan for any contingencies that may arise decades from now. Once we get this process right, future generations will be able to thank us for planning ahead.” The Prime Minister also mentioned pollution and overfishing as other elements the Caribbean must examine. She also stated that it was important for the Caribbean to remain a “zone of peace” in the world where people could come and enjoy themselves without fear of being involved in conflicts between countries. (BT)
CCJ HEARING ON FREE MOVEMENT - Whether countries can opt out of a decision of CARICOM when it comes to widening the classes of people entitled to work and move within the region is the crux of a hearing before the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). The court has been asked by CARICOM to give an historic advisory opinion in relation to the matter based on its decision to give special consideration to St Kitts and Nevis, and Antigua and Barbuda, to opt out of the move to expand the classes of people who can move and work freely in the region to include agricultural workers and security guards. The five-member CCJ panel heard from several legal teams, including those for CARICOM, Barbados, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, and the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus. The court will reconvene today. The hearing for further directions on the first advisory opinion is being sought to determine whether a member state can lawfully opt out of a decision of the Conference of the Heads of Government, and whether the nationals of those member states which opt out can still derive the benefits of having their citizens work in the other states. (MWN)
DRUG LORDS HELD HIGH – Drug lords are exercising overwhelming influence on communities and families in a way that outstanding community figures once did, charges Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley. And they are being facilitated by some politicians. The St Michael West Member of Parliament, speaking in the House of Assembly yesterday, has challenged fellow parliamentarians to refute his claim.  “Since 2008 it has been clear to me there are people involved in the practice of politics at elected level in Barbados who are attaching themselves to persons involved in illegal drug activity in Barbados to help their cause. If there is anybody in here to stand up and say that is not true, you may say you do not know, but you can’t say it is not true,” Atherley said, thumping the table. (MWN)
63 YEAR OLD WOMAN SHOT – A 63-year-old woman is now in critical condition at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital after being shot this morning. Lawmen said they received a report that Sandra Ann Farrell of Clarke's Road, Delamere Land, St Michael was shot after being involved in an argument with a man just before noon today. Police responded to the scene and confirmed the report and have a number of people assisting with investigations. (MWN)
GLOCKS FOUND AT FETE IN ST. MICHAEL – Investigations are underway into the discovery of two firearms at an illegal fete at Greenfield, St Michael in the wee hours of yesterday morning. Police spokesman Inspector Rodney Inniss says officers from the Tactical Response Unit were on patrol when they came across the party, with about 150 people in attendance, around 12:10 a.m. on October 21. The partygoers fled on seeing the police. A search was conducted and the guns – a .40mm glock 22 with an extended magazine containing 21 rounds of ammunition and a .40mm glock 23 with a magazine containing 14 bullets – were confiscated. One hundred grammes of vegetable matter suspected to be marijuana was also found. No arrest was made. (BT)
GIS PROBE – Police have been called in to investigate an alleged attack against an employee of the state-run Government Industrial School (GIS) in St Lucy by a female inmate. Police confirmed to Barbados TODAY this evening that they received the report from an employee of the alleged assault on staff member Paula Haynes at around 9:50 this morning. “In respect of that matter down at the Government Industrial School, that is a case of an alleged assault between a ward, who is 13 years old, and an employee.  The police got the report at about 10 to 10 this morning that an employee Paula Haynes had been injured after being involved in a dispute with a ward,” police Public Relations Officer Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss told Barbados TODAY after he was contacted. Police investigations reveal that the teenage ward was walking in the company of another worker when she crossed paths with Haynes. Police said it is not certain if words were exchanged, but they are investigating claims that the employee received a “cuff” at the back of her head. “The police are now investigating that matter. We don’t have anybody in custody and are in the process of getting statements. But the injury is not that serious,” he added. However, independent investigations by Barbados TODAY revealed that the employee was temporarily stunned by a blow and sought medical attention at a private doctor soon after speaking with the police. We have also been reliably informed that the alleged victim has told the police she will be pressing charges. This incident, according to some disgruntled staff members is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Speaking about the working environment at the state-run correctional institution for juveniles, some employees say that for several months, they have been the target of abuse, threats and intimidation and “no one seems to be listening or doing anything about our complaints”. In April this year, board members called for swift and sweeping changes to the way operations at the Barrows, St Lucy facility are conducted, including Chairman Rev Joseph Johnny Tudor who even suggested the removal of Principal Erwin Leacock following a meeting at the Ministry of Home Affairs. But since then, sources said Minister of Home Affairs Edmund Hinkson has directed that only he should be making statements on behalf of the institution. Some officials close to the board have described the situation at the GIS to be at “crisis” level. Principal Leacock has previously refused to comment on the affairs at the school. Other staff members who were willing to provide information, however, declined to be identified for fear of victimization. Minister Hinkson was unavailable up to the time of compiling this story. (BT)
ACCUSED SAID HE HIT MAN ‘A FEW TIMES’ – Two surgeries were performed on Anderson Busby as a result of a single stab wound that presented life-threatening injuries. That was the evidence presented by Dr Margaret O’Shea, a general surgeon at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), when she appeared in the No. 2 Supreme Court yesterday. Busby, 34, of No. 3 Whitehall, St Michael, is accused of unlawfully killing 16-year-old Taylor, formerly of Gills Road, St Michael, on October 13, 2012. Dr O’Shea told the court she performed surgery on Busby on October 13, one day after he was admitted to the QEH. She said he had sustained injuries to his stomach, pancreas and kidney and had lost 3.5 litres of blood. Dr O’Shea said after that surgery was completed he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he was placed on a ventilator. Two days later a scan revealed another injury to his intestines and another surgery was performed to repair that injury and he was again admitted to the ICU, the doctor told the court. She said after spending four or five days on the ICU he was eventually discharged and placed on the ward. Busby was discharged from the QEH 11 days later. “The injuries were serious and life-threatening and were caused by a single stab wound to the abdomen,” Dr O’Shea noted. She said there was no record of Busby returning to the QEH for treatment after February 13, 2013. In the closing arguments which followed, Principal Crown Counsel Alliston Seale told the court that Busby lost his temper and as a result “must accept that he overstepped the crease that day and lost control and a whole life gone”. Seale insisted that it could not be regarded as self defence. He also argued that there was an imbalance of power as Busby was 21 at the time, while the deceased was only 16. Defence attorney Arthur Holder in his arguments described it as an “interesting trial”. He told the jury that they needed to go through the evidence very carefully as they were several unanswered questions. “Where did three extra knives come from? Where did Busby get stabbed? And what became of the other black-handled knife that one of the witnesses spoke about?” Holder asked. He charged that all Busby did was to defend himself and ward off danger. “What is so wrong with that?” Justice Randall Worrell will make his summation tomorrow after which the jury is expected to deliberate. (BT)
A REVENGE KILLING – A revenge killing! That is how prosecutor Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas summed up the actions of murder accused Pedro Ellis in closing arguments in the No.3 Supreme Court this morning. Ellis, 38, of Morris Gap, Westbury Road, St Michael is accused of murdering Antonio Harewood on May 5, 2013. Thomas, who along with Crown Counsel Rudolph Burnett prosecuted the matter before Justice Carlisle Greaves, told the 12-member jury Ellis was vexed that Harewood had beaten his son on Brandons Beach earlier that day. He said several witnesses had given evidence that they saw the accused chase the now deceased man through a track. Thomas said those witnesses also recounted seeing Ellis brandishing a knife both before and after the alleged stabbing. He maintained that despite the accused’s claim that he “went in peace”, it was clear he had gone to confront Harewood with the clear intention to kill him. However, defense lawyer Queen’s Counsel Larry Smith described the Crown’s attempt to prove Ellis’ guilt as “magical”. He said the evidence given by those witnesses who claimed to have seen the accused with a knife was untruthful and implored the jury to find his client not guilty of murder. Furthermore he said no knife had been presented as evidence. “No knife has been produced, nothing from the police about the knife, nothing at all. So when you look at the case for the Crown it is a case about magic, it is a magic case; a case of the appearing and disappearing knife,” Smith argued in his hour-long argument. The attorney contended that the Crown had not proved Ellis’ guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. He also insisted that there was “indisputable evidence” that Harewood had been the aggressor. Smith argued that Ellis had been attacked by the bigger and stronger Harewood and was forced to fight for his life. He told the jury the accused had suffered enough and deserved to be released. “This happened on the 5th of May 2013 and this is now October 22, 2019. He has suffered enough for defending himself and I urge you, I implore you to return a verdict of not guilty because it is the only verdict that is fair and reasonable. Allow Mr Ellis to go home to his family because he has suffered enough,” the lawyer said. Smith along with Kashka Haemans, Safiya Moore and Jamila Smith are representing the accused. (BT)
BOA: FUNDING IS KEY – Barbados Olympic Association (BOA) president Sandra Osborne reckons more funds are required for this country to produce world-class athletes and obtain global medals. Speaking at a press briefing yesterday at the Wildey headquarters, Osborne spoke about the BOA’s 2018-2024 strategic plan and the funding model for local sportsmen in which six Barbadians are benefiting from the Olympic Solidarity Scholarship. Osborne also gave a roll out of the new funding from the BOA which will be on offer for 33 sportsmen divided into three tiers. “The Olympic Solidarity Scholarship is providing X amount. We consider these athletes worthy to invest in, so we top up by the subsidy, so some of them are getting from more than one source, but it is not enough to produce a world-class athlete and that is the challenge that we have,” she said. (MWN)
BCA LOOKING FOR OVAL’S RETURN – Government and the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) are currently holding discussions that could lead to the management of Kensington Oval returning to the BCA, says president of the BCA Conde Riley. When Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced the Barbados Economic Recovery Transformation programme (BERT) last October, she hinted that the management of the Kensington Oval which is vested in Kensington Oval Development Corporation would be returned to the BCA. Since the Prime Minister’s announcement, nothing has been made public about the progress between the Government and the BCA on the matter. But according to Riley discussions have been taking place between the two parties.  “We are currently in discussions with the Government in relation to the management of Kensington Oval returning to the BCA. It is just a matter of working things out in accordance with the deal of lease that we would have signed in 2008. It is a work in progress. The Prime Minister’ statement last October was made in relation to the BERT programme. Since then, we have met with White Oak about the money owed to the BCA by the Government. We had to submit our Financial Report for five years to them along with a business plan, and we have done so. There were two issues that called for qualified opinions from our auditors and we settled both of them. So it is a matter of meeting with the Government and the BCA outlining our vision for Barbados,” Riley said.  While he could not say when the next meeting between the Government and the BCA would take place, he revealed his organisation had big plans for the Oval as soon as it was returned to them.  “We have big plans for the Oval but we cannot proceed with them until we are in control. I would love to see the indoor practice facility built along with restaurants and a small boutique and hotel at the venue. We have the brains on the BCA’s Board and among our membership that would allow us to do these things. It cost us to prepare the business plan but we did. I have no doubts that under my leadership all of these plans will become a reality, “ the president said. He stressed that under his leadership the BCA had a record of getting things done and alluded to a dispute between the BCA and lottery operators CAGE which lasting for over ten years before it was settled during his first term as president of the BCA. “We are about getting things done for the benefit of Barbados’ cricket. The ideals we outlined in our business plan would add a new dimension to our cricket and take it to a new level. It is my intention to try my utmost to see these plans come to fruition when Kensington Oval is returned to us,” Riley said.  The president said the building of an indoor facility at Kensington was a priority for the BCA. He explained that such a facility would stop net practice from being a victim of the weather and could generate income for the BCA.  “We want to make our indoor facility a first-class venue that will generate revenue, we would like to market it at as a place that the English counties can use for practice during their winter, but we cannot do so if they are constraints due to the weather,” he explained. Riley revealed that the former Barbados and West Indies left-arm spinner Sulieman Benn was now a member of the coaching staff at the Centre of Excellence and plans were afoot to contract the services of Dr Kevin Williams at the Centre to deal with sports medicine and science, as well as sports physiologist Rudy Alleyne. “We hope that Kevin and Rudy enhance our programmes at the Centre of Excellence. I think these two gentlemen have a lot to offer to the development of our cricket. Another initiative that we are planning is contracting all of our cricketers from the Under-13 up. And in an effort to boost our women’s cricket programme we are seeking to have a girl included in each school team,” Riley said. (BT)
There are 70 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Circling back to magick: 55 ways to live a more spiritual life every day
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Mar 20, 2019
Working magick can transform your life, but the last time you felt its full power was…well, a while ago. Burnout happens.
No matter how experienced you are, or how dedicated you are to your Craft, sooner or later you will find yourself stuck in a rut. You may feel uninspired or disconnected from what drew you to magick in the first place. It’s time to get back to basics, re-charge, and reconnect with your super-awesome witchy self.
There are dozens of simple rituals and practices that can help the erstwhile Witch recover their mojo. Most people hear “ritual” and think of an elaborate ceremony with candles and chants, but it doesn’t have to be that way. For the sake of this guide, I’ve stretched the definition of ritual to include any purposeful action, no matter how small. The actions are the 55 items in this article, and the purpose is getting you back in step with your personal magickal path.
I compiled this list with the intermediate practitioner in mind. But beginners can use it, too. If you don’t know how to work with energy, draft a sigil, cast a circle, and so on…don’t worry about it. Those are skills you can learn later. In the meantime, just do any of the exercises that appeal to you.
Some of the items on this list require an investment of time or money, but most are things you can do with little planning ahead. The focus is on feeling more magickal right now—not in the future, and certainly not in the past.
A few of the items on this list may not seem specifically magickal, because they’re focused on the basics of self-care. Remember the Hermetic axiom: As above, so below. As within, so without. If your body, mind, and spirit aren’t in top condition, then any metaphysical work that you attempt will yield subpar results.
So here are some tried-and-true ways to invite more magick into your life. You can do these little rituals in any combination and in any order:
1. Get moving! Physical activity clears out blockages and sluggish energy. Finish a home project, go for a run, take a yoga class, have sex—anything active.
2. Take an inventory of your magickal tools and supplies. Refresh and re-consecrate your favourite items. Retire anything that no longer serves your magick.
3. Visit with an elder in your spiritual tradition.
4. Treat yourself to a new magickal book (or revisit an old favourite).
5. Spend time with an animal familiar or pet.
6. Do a solo meditation or energy session. If you have trouble getting motivated on your own, download a video or podcast to guide you through it.
7. Update your altar. Out with the dust, in with fresh items that fit the season and your current magickal mood.
8. Make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and read/scry the tea leaves or foam.
9. Take the scenic route. The beauty of the world outside is inspiring, whether it’s a tree-lined road or the marvellous lights of the city at night.
10. Don’t wait on the calendar to do magick: Take note of the current season, moon phase, day of the week and select (or write) a simple ritual that you can do today.
11. Take a sacred bath—complete with salt, candles, and anointing oil to make you feel like the God and/or Goddess you are.
12. Re-visit your dream journal or Book of Shadows. Sometimes, seeing how far you’ve come can be the push that helps you keep going.
13. Soak up some sunlight or moonlight (Witch’s fuel)!
14. Find a devotional poem or invocation that inspires you and read it out loud. (Stumped? You can’t go wrong with the Charge of the Goddess.)
15. Write a note of gratitude to someone who has helped you on your magickal path. This could be an author, teacher, spirit being, or friend.
16. Charge a Quartz crystal under the full moon and place it under your pillow to encourage lucid dreaming.
17. Identify a magickal skill you’ve always wanted to learn (pendulum dowsing or writing chants, for instance) and take the next step. Sign up for a class, grab a beginner’s book, or track down someone who has the knowledge you seek.
18. Teach a beginner’s class or chat with someone who’s just getting started in the Craft. Newbies have an enthusiasm for magick that’s simply unmatched.
19. Smudge your house, altar, or yourself.
20. Practice guerilla magick: Create positive sigils and omens and leave them in unexpected places for others to find. (Please no graffiti or outdoor litter.)
21. Heal your heart. Identify someone or something that has hurt you and perform a ritual to put them/it behind you.
22. Cook a healthy, energy-rich meal with fruits and vegetables from a garden or farmer’s market. Wash it down with a big glass of water.
23. Create a work of art or poetry that honours a favourite deity, place, or person.
24. Go someplace new in your city or town. Keep your eyes open for signs and oracles. Magick can enter your life in many ways—from a found object to a chance encounter with a stranger.
25. Choose an attribute of your zodiac sign (good, bad, or neutral) and give yourself permission to fully embody it for an entire day. Enjoy being an impulsive Gemini, brooding Cancer, or sexy Aries.
26. Do a daily draw from your Tarot deck or rune set.
27. Attend a Pagan festival, Pagan’s Night Out, or Witch’s meetup.
28. Start decorating for Halloween (yes, even if it’s only February)!
29. If your health allows for it, consider a brief fast. A day or two without food can be energetically and creatively stimulating.
30. Clean house. Clutter and unwanted junk can cause energy to stagnate in your home, mind, and body.
31. Browse social media for new witchy ideas for your home or altar. (One caveat: Only do this as long as it feels inspiring. If you start feeling overwhelmed or envious from altar porn, disconnect from Instagram and reconnect with what you’ve got right in front of you.)
32. Create a labyrinth with stones on your property. A labyrinth is a tool for contemplation that can be big or small, indoors or outdoors. Walk it with your feet—or fingertips!
33. Practice automatic writing or drawing.
34. Visit a craft store or vintage market and dream up magickal uses for mundane items. An old planter could become a magickal faery herb garden, a piece of costume jewellery might be your new scrying ring.
35. Do a simple prayer/ritual to thank your ancestors for the blessing of life and for your magickal gifts. (Don’t worry if you don’t know who your all your ancestors are—they know who you are.)
36. Create and charge a sigil that represents a current goal.
37. Energy practice is like kegels—you can do it anywhere, anytime, and (probably) no one will know. Flex your chakras on the bus, at the grocery store, sitting in traffic.
38. Cast a circle (or your version of sacred space) just because.
39. Hug a tree. Play in the dirt.
40. Re-watch a movie that inspired you to become interested in magick, and feel the thrill of discovery all over again. (Was it Practical Magic? I bet it was Practical Magic. Mists of Avalon? Harry Freakin’ Potter? Go ahead, we won’t judge.)
41. Visit a cemetery or memorial park.
42. Explain something about your path to a person who doesn’t participate/believe in witchcraft. Get in touch with your own convictions. Practice not worrying about what others think.
43. Choose a special outfit or piece of jewellery that you will only use in a magickal context. Bless this item and store it in a safe place.  
44. Burn something! Fire evokes transformation and change—so meditate with flame, whether it’s a single candle or a backyard bonfire.
45. Get excited about the next Sabbat. Select recipes and words for a solo ritual, or plan ahead to celebrate with your community.
46. Make friends with your neighbourhood Fae and nature spirits. Make gifts of your labour, reverent attention, and material offerings (when appropriate).
47: Choose a Tarot or oracle card that stands for something you want to draw into your life and display it on your altar.
48: Learn about the magick of a group or culture that’s unfamiliar to you. Read a book—or, if possible, sit in on a ritual. Every civilisation in history has had its own Mystery traditions and studying another system can put you in touch with what’s true about your own.
49: Get a psychic reading from a friend or professional.
50: Create a special ceremonial beverage with ingredients that are significant to you and your magick. Charge the mixture and consume it alone or with (consenting) others.
51: Craft a mojo bag or talisman and carry it with you. Try a Lunar charm for psychic awareness, Mercury for increased energy flow/communication, or Jupiter for wisdom and opportunity.
52: Take a trip to your local metaphysical shop and see what’s new.
53: Your body is a temple—remember to treat it that way. Gift yourself with a new outfit, haircut, orgasm, massage, favourite food, or whatever else makes your vessel feel fabulous.
54: Light some incense: Frankincense-Myrrh, Copal, or Amber are all magickal fragrances that call up deep ancestral memories.
55: Meditate or do energy work with a partner. Afterwards, take a few moments to talk about your experiences.
56 (extra credit): Create a simple magickal routine that feeds your spirit and that you can—realistically—stick to. Try your damnedest to make it a daily practice.
As you perform the rituals on this list, I hope you will seize the opportunity to fall in love again with your spiritual self. When you’re stuck in a blah daily existence, you may wonder where the magick went. The answer, of course, is that the magick has been there all along—it was you who stepped away for a bit.
Living in the mundane world doesn’t make you less of a Witch, it makes you a balanced human being. Psychically dormant and latent periods are part of learning and growing in the Craft.
Above all, don’t blame yourself for lapses in your magickal practice. Guilt and regret are enemies of the ecstatic self-love that is the basis of all constructive magick. Just pick up where you left off, and coming home will feel all the sweeter.
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Links 7/27/19
Digital Elixir Links 7/27/19
Dear patient readers,
I hate the Twitter redesign with the burning passion of a thousand suns.
Great White Shark Fever Sweeps Cape Cod Bloomberg (David L). Wish they were worried about pitchforks instead.
Local man accomplishes stand-up paddleboard trip from Duluth to Arctic Ocean Duluth News Tribune (Chuck L)
Star Orbiting Massive Black Hole Lends Support To Einstein’s Theory Reuters
Our lives have been co-opted by the Convenience Industrial Complex TreeHugger (resilc)
Wind Is Outpacing Coal As a Power Source In Texas For the First Time CNN
The USDA Didn’t Publish Its Plan to Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change. Here’s Where They Need It the Most. Mother Jones (resilc)
Compound in red wine may decrease depression and anxiety New Atlas (David L)
Japan Approves First Human-Animal Embryo Experiments Nature
What If Avoiding the Sun Is Bad for You? Medium (Glenn F). They didn’t control for exercise. Outdoorsy, athletic people are more active: walking, hiking, biking, sports. If there is any connection here, the causality is likely to be the other way: more energetic people are in the sun more. People who use tanning beds almost without exception have a body fetish. When I was very briefly using tanning beds, the salon was full of body builders and other fitness enthusiasts who were exercising to get a body beautiful. In general, people in more temperate parts of the US get more sun. Ditto Europe. If sun exposure were as powerful a factor as this article suggests, you’d see noteworthy variations by region of the US and by profession (like lower rates of heart disease and diabetes among fishermen and ranchers who are in the sun v. office workers).
‘What keeps me going? My patients,’ says France’s oldest doctor at 98 Guardian
Some wonder whether the Chinese army might be deployed to restore order https://t.co/g21Z1LJ93Y
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 27, 2019
Trump Denounces Both China and WTO: President presses trade organization to change China’s ‘developing country’ status Wall Street Journal
China May Delay Trade Deal Until After 2020 Elections, Trump Says Bloomberg
“Use imperial measurements” eg “The population of the UK is 20 Bengal famines” or “Britain’s cyclically-adjusted trade deficit is half an Opium War”. pic.twitter.com/nSGekyNRKe
— Alan Beattie (@alanbeattie) July 26, 2019
Boris Johnson plans to frighten Europe then charm it. Here’s why he’ll fail Guardian. A key bit at the end, which explains why Labour hasn’t called a general election. But remember how May’s supposedly “fatal blow to Labour” snap election turned out:
The polls will show him [Johnson] that with the progressive vote split, with Labour down to 20% and the Lib Dems at 20%,, he could win a landslide in the first past the post system with an electoral understanding – even an informal one – with Nigel Farage. And he will know that if he waits too long into next year for an election, the recession will have begun to bite.
But we have this again: Boris Johnson ‘absolutely’ rules out pre-Brexit election BBC
Boris Johnson love bombs the North of England (after being mobbed in the Midlands) with £2billion fund for deprived towns as he promises new generation of rail routes to cut journey times Daily Mail
Leo Varadkar’s stern warning over Boris’s no deal Brexit – ‘Undermining the union!’ Express
Fernandez-Villaverde on Spain’s Economic Success Econlib. Reslic: “Brexit winner.”
The consequences of Switzerland’s lost equivalence status Bruegel
New Cold War
Cyber attack hits email users probing Russian intelligence Financial Times (David L)
Iran has freed nine Indian crew members of a Panama-flagged tanker it seized this month, the Indian foreign ministry said on Saturday, and it appealed for the release of three remaining crew members held from the same ship. https://t.co/b1JW2DI5aY by @sanjeevmiglani
— Reuters India (@ReutersIndia) July 27, 2019
Iran: The Case Against War New York Review of Books
Big Brother is Watching You Watch
The Encryption Debate Is Over – Dead At The Hands Of Facebook Forbes (David L)
Imperial Collapse Watch
The Crisis of Anglo-American Democracy Jeffrey Sachs, Project Syndicate
The Marine’s F-35 Has Afterburner Trouble National Interest (resilc)
Trump Transition
Supreme Court rules Trump can use military funds for border wall construction The Hill
US, Guatemala ink migration deal on Central American asylum-seekers DW
Guatemalan mother begs soldier to let her enter U.S Reuters (resilc)
The Democrats’ Immigration Problem Is Bigger than Trump New Yorker
Pay or Die The New York Times. Resilc: “Latin America is where our Middle East investment$ should really go. The real payback is there.”
Trump’s 3% Growth Feat in 2018 Undone by Annual Data Revisions Bloomberg
We Are All Executioners Now New Republic
Democrats dig in on probes post-Mueller The Hill
Medicare For All Isn’t That Popular — Even Among Democrats FiveThirtyEight (resilc)
MSNBC’s Anti-Sanders Bias Makes It Forget How to Do Math FAIR (UserFriendly)
Bernie Does Impromptu Medicare For All Town Hall In The Street YouTube (JohnnyGL). Important.
Dems Are Repeating GOP’s 2016 Primary-Season Errors Rolling Stone (UserFriendly). A feature, not a bug. As readers have said, the Dems would rather lose to Trump than win with Sanders, and this ridiculous field is all about draining votes from Sanders.
Sanders, Biden and the Electability Scam Black Agenda Report (resilc)
Warren Fellowship Applicants: Campaign Program Was a ‘Great Scam’ Daily Beast
Pro-Trump Republican aiming to unseat Ilhan Omar charged with felony theft Guardian. Resilc: “‘Send me to DC where I can really steal.’”
Airbus A350 software bug forces airlines to turn planes off and on every 149 hours The Register (resilc)
Latest 737 Max Fault That Alarmed Test Pilots Rooted in Software Bloomberg. Muilenburg said on an earnings call that the latest problems (which we discussed at length in a post). The bland description in the Journal:
In late June, Boeing and the FAA disclosed still another flight-control problem on the MAX, involving failure of a microprocessor that meant test pilots couldn’t counteract a potential misfire of MCAS as quickly as required.
And in the Times:
Boeing has been developing a software update for the Max for eight months, [a Boeing spokesman] said. It is unclear whether the new flaw can be resolved by reprogramming the software or requires a hardware fix, which would be costlier and could take much longer.
The post described at length why Boeing may have hit the limit of how much it can ask the chips to do, and there’s no room on chips this old for further optimization. It would be very good news for Boeing if it really can craft a software fix, but if not, Muilenburg made this representation on an earnings call, which meant if it was misleading (and misleading is broadly defined in securities law), he was engaging in securities fraud. Stay tuned!
Banks Sued Over LIBOR Manipulation Rolling Stone (UserFriendly)
As electric vehicle production ramps up worldwide, a supply crunch for battery materials is looming CNBC. You heard this here a long time ago.
IRS Sending Warning Letters to More Than 10,000 Cryptocurrency Holders Wall Street Journal
Class Warfare
When in reality the largest firm of welfare in America goes to the ones at the top. Wake up folks. Greed will be our downfall. pic.twitter.com/xo8NZdiaPw
— Richard N. Ojeda, II (@VoteOjeda2020) July 25, 2019
Why Corporations Want You to Shut Up and Meditate | The Nation
Legendary Job Killer Steve Mnuchin Complains About Amazon Killing Jobs Vice (resilc)
Privatization of public goods can cause population decline Nature (resilc)
Antidote du jour (furzy):
And a bonus (guurst):
The Majestic Dance Of The Manta Rays
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#NatureIsBeautiful pic.twitter.com/Z18j6ybWtv
— PROTECT ALL WILDLIFE (@Protect_Wldlife) July 21, 2019
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
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Links 7/27/19
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