#safe ireland
ardri-na-bpiteog · 4 months
Just a reminder to my European followers that the European Parliament elections are coming up and they are very important! The far-right parties are projected to win a lot of seats and many of the left/environmentalist parties are expected to do poorly.
This could have serious implications for major issues like climate action in the EU. It is very important that young people turn out to vote, EU elections typically have relatively low turnout but the composition of the EU Parliament does impact the lives of people in the European Union in a lot of ways.
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femrodeeeeo · 3 months
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from another article
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Natasha O'brien
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hamletshoeratio · 10 months
The right wing saying immigrants are ruining the country while actively burning Dublin City centre...
Do not pretend that they care even a little about the horrific events that unfolded today. They just needed an excuse to stand behind as they rioted.
They are using the same disgusting rhetoric that was used against us for centuries. Signs with statements like "No cats, no dogs, no Irish" were hung in windows in England as well as the States. They are nothing but bigots, bigots who know nothing of their own history. Immigrants are not the issue.
They're complaining about the gardaí not saying that it's a terrorist attack, when this horrific incident only happened less than 12 fucking hours ago. It's still under active investigation, an investigation that they are very much hindering by them rioting as a result of their outrage. If we want the man responsible to face justice, a thorough investigation is needed so that his lawyers can't turn around and argue, "actually just hours after the attack before a proper investigation was begun, a garda called this a terrorist attack. There is no evidence of this, nor does the evidence gathered later as part of the investigation indicate that this meets the criteria of a terrorist attack outlined in the criminal justice act. Gardaí labelling my client as a terrorist has made an impartial objective jury impossible." The state could lose their case if everything is not done explicitly by the book. Defence lawyers have to do their job, just as the gardaí do. Gathering evidence and doing their job, which takes time, is what the gardaí were trying to do before they themselves got attacked.
I'm beyond disgusted by these people. I'm just horrified. I'm pissed that they are using these children as an excuse to be bigoted.
I pray to God that those harmed will make full recoveries. They should be the sole focus.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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dduane · 2 years
Meanwhile, in Ireland...
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aiteanngaelach · 3 months
Níl mé marbh, tá mé slán/Deireann siad go bhfuil mé gann/Níl tada anois ar féidir a rá/Tá tóir agat orm ach tá mé ann/Is mise Ghaeilge
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oifaaa · 1 year
I saw your tags on the Jason and bunny ask and I thought I'd suggest some ideas! Join some sort of class or club, libraries and community centers and community colleges usually have them available, either for free or for cheap. That way you'll be meeting people regularly and it gives you a chance to make new friends!
Idk what your work situation will be but yes, meeting people through work and maybe hanging out every once in a while is also a good way to make friends
See that's one of my problems I'm currently working from home (it's why I'm moving to begin with don't need to stay where I am) but that also why its a bit harder to make work friends so actually have to look a bit harder when I move to find friends - but thanks for the suggestions ill have to actually look into seeing if there's any good clubs or classes I'm not gonna dox myself by saying where exactly I'm moving to but I am staying in Ireland so not too sure about the community college thing but who knows
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viggos-mortensen · 10 months
when they say it's "immigrants" it's always the ones that aren't white lmao like it was never super obvious but it's always been this way
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vyorei · 11 months
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Please get home safe, and soon, I'm sorry our government hasn't moved fast enough or done the right things
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Source: @rtenews on Twitter
Full article here:
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ilovespidermansomuch · 3 months
actually sopping wet from this rain, wish I have a partner to make tea and cozy up with ngl😭
trying to embrace the single life but also I'm too much of a romantic to be alone😭
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ornithological · 4 months
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sanderling (calidris alba) in summer plumage, ireland
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doueverwonder · 5 months
not to project but Ari going through a Bad Time Mentally, and he can't admit that to Sigurd because dads always want you to tough it out. And he can't go to Harald because then that'll hurt dads feelings, even if your closer to your uncle now then you've been with your dad in centuries. And before he can even think about it any more he's at the Dublin airport waiting for Molly to pick him up, because mom doesn't care she'll just hug him and let him stay for a few weeks while he figured out whats going on.
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grunge-mermaid · 5 months
my predictions were 7/10
not surprised I was wrong about Serbia, very surprised I was wrong about Ireland
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depravedangelbaby · 5 months
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bruised bby :((
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