#and i do mean Incredibly Stressed. so id relieve it all creatively and get like 80 drawings a year
dexaroth · 2 years
auuugh im so tired of not managing to accomplish anything in like thelast 3 years i just cant start a project anymore and nothing gets doneeee
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inthestars011 · 4 years
hii could you please tell me something about aries sun in 3rd house, leo moon in 8th, sagittarius rising, taurus mercury in 4th, taurus venus in 5th and gemini mars in 6th? i'll understand if that's too much, have a nice day :*
heyyy thanks and hope ur doing well 
as for your leo moon in the 8th and your sag rising (both awesome placements xx) , i believe i described this in my last post and because it’s so recent id rather not type it all again so maybe you could just go check that out for that part, the person yes has a different chart but there is a paragraph i dedicated to those certain placements that will most def apply to you as well for the most part xx
Aries sun in the 3rd- likely was seen as very smart and intellectual at a young age,since ur sun is in a fire sign, i assume this type of intelligence was bursts of creativity and grand ideas. You’re naturally curious and naturally talkative as well, probably a rather fast talker. Probably excel in your studies. You are naturally proud of your smarts and knowledge and if badly aspected could be a bit of a smart ass. Honestly a natural teacher. If you have any siblings they probably were of importance to you in your life, whether you looked up to them or were compared to them etc. Very good social skills, friendly and communicative the type to chat up a random person in line (unless u have rlly anxious placements that counteract). Tendency to gossip!! be careful with that, especially since you have an honest and firey tongue.
Taurus Mercury in 4th- many ppl think taurus mercury is all common sense and though you can be you also have quite a musical and artistic mind. you are slow to formulate thoughts and usually i’d say you are slow talking but you have sun in the third which is usually quite a fast talker so take what resonates. very book smart. Your parents are likely well educated and encouraged you to voice your thoughts. May be truly fascinated with where you come from, the type to research ancestry and such. May also be fascinated by history. You probably enjoy curling up with a book or doing this research as one of your hobbies and even prefer it to going out all the time. Very attached to your culture. You really like your home and probably don’t want to leave and if you have, you may have a frequent home sick feeling. Can be stubborn to opening ur mind to new ideas if you are really stuck on a thought you’ve grown up with. This is a placement of bias though we all are biased. Don’t cling to what you know, be more open to understanding you don’t know everything.
Taurus Venus In 5th-marry me omg i love taurus venus’s lol. A taurus venus loves physical touch when it comes to love they express it quite physically.  they love all the sensual pleasures, so they love scented candles, good food, flowers, neck kisses etc. Extremely loyal and romantic. Can become possessive. They are cautious about commitment so if you have expressed your love you really mean that you are ready for the long game. You love practical forms of romance like jewelry and all things beautiful and venusian to show you care. You are also likely incredibly stylish. Though cautious you’re still rather playful and fun in love with your venus in the 5th. You probably are pretty popular and love kids as well. You almost always have a silent crush or an actual affair even in childhood or early teen years. If negatively aspected some promiscuity can happen, but either way love will somewhat be fun and a breeze for you in life. You naturally get a lot of admirers which can turn you into a heartbreaker of sorts. Sex has to be passionate and romantic. You have lots of artistic tendencies and may often show your romantic love through art. Can be at points in life, a bit of a party animal. The taurus however keeps you in control and keeps you still valuing your alone time. Just be sure not to overindulge in the fun you’re having, too much of anything is self destructive!
Gemini Mars in the 6th- AYYY i have mars in the 6th too. If you identify with the male archetype, you sexually seduce people through your words. You know that the things you say are charming and irresistible and you’re a bit of a tease. May have a non committal vibe as well. and if we bore you, you’re moving on to the next person. If you identify with the female archetype, You are super attracted to people who are intelligent, smooth-talkers, and maybe even teases. You like people that keep things light and flirty and always keep you on your toes. Whichever archetype you are, when in a dispute you tend to verbalize your anger, you can say things that are very brutal when you are hurt and maybe even regret it after. You thrive in high paced situations. And you may have an issue with gossiping too much but how you relieve stress is talking through things. With mars in the 6th, you may over work, or over stimulate, or overstress yourself and this damages your physical health a lot. You probably have a daily routine and will be very stressed if someone tries to mess with it. It is doubtful that you are lazy when it comes to your work. You need to be less perfectionistic when it comes to your work and learn to calm down your insane anxious energy. Don’t doubt your amazing contributions to the world because you contribute a lot but you need to lay back once in a while and slow down.
Overall I’m seeing a lot of placements with anxious energy so maybe try meditation to combat that. also a lot that give you great social skills but perhaps lay back on the gossiping!
have a nice night xoxo
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These days, your workout routine might not involve a big box gym. And if you’re up on the latest fitness trends, it might look a little something like this: sled pushes and battle ropes before work, mindfulness meditation during your lunch break, and a cryotherapy appointment before dinner. Because when it comes to wellness, it’s more than just a routine; it’s a lifestyle. And the numbers say it all: According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry is a $3.7 trillion business. It grew 10.6 percent from 2013 to 2015, and is expected to grow 17 percent in the next five years. But it's not just the feel-good effects of exercise that keep us coming back for more. It’s also the appeal of training and living like an athlete. Pete McCall, MS, CSCS, former exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise and director of fitness programming for Vicore Fitness, says, “More people want the athlete experience and that’s why we’ll continue to see athletic-based training workouts.” That’s right, people aren’t just interested in working out like LeBron James. They want to eat and recover like him, too. So if you, too, want to train like athlete, check out our list of the biggest fitness trends for 2018. RELATED: The Most Popular Health Food Trends of 2017
 8 Biggest Fitness Trends to Try in 2018
[caption id="attachment_64329" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Undefeated[/caption]
1. Boutique Boxing
Muhammad Ali fans aren’t the only ones hopping in the ring to train “Thrilla in Manila” style these days. Celebs, models and everyday athletes are shuffling into new studios like Rumble, Everybody Fights and Box Union in impressive numbers. And when people can’t hit a bag, they can do it at home with programs like Daily Burn’s Undefeated kickboxing program. One reason boxing is the knock-out workout of the year? Sandy Todd Webster, editor in chief of the IDEA Fitness Journal, says, “We’re all living with an incredible amount of stress in our lives and hitting a bag or throwing forceful air punches using the torque of our whole bodies is an amazing release!” And since most boxing studios offer the experience of training like a true boxer with strength training and conditioning components in each class, you get the performance benefits, too. Rick Richey, MS, LMT, NASM-certified trainer, says, “Exercise can seem boring when only focusing on physiological outcomes, but sports conditioning classes provide us with performance-based outcomes that make the exercises more engaging and fun.” [caption id="attachment_64330" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20[/caption]
2. Functional Training 2.0
While functional training is nothing new, McCall says there’s going to be greater focus on enhancing strength in all planes of motion. Think about the daily activities, like pushing, pulling, lifting, bending and twisting, you do. “If you’re going to live a healthy, active and injury-free life, functional training needs to be the baseline for everything else you do,” Webster says. Barbells have become more popular for functional training, but McCall thinks, “We’ll see a re-birth in using medicine balls, resistance bands and plyometric training.” On the other hand, Richey says since more educational courses and trainers are trending toward weightlifting modalities themselves, their clients and classes will soon follow. "There will likely be an uptick in weightlifting, Olympic lifting and kettlebell classes that focus on building strength.” According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association 2017 report, the use of barbells rose 4.3 percent last year and kettebells 3.2 percent. [caption id="attachment_64336" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Tone House[/caption]
3. Revved-Up Recovery
Over the past decade, workouts like HIIT and CrossFit have encouraged us to dial up the intensity, but 2018 is going to be all about slowing down. “Instead of killing ourselves with extremely intense workouts seven days a week, we’ll see more intelligent programming that includes recovery,” McCall says. “High-intensity workouts are just one part of the equation for better performance. The other half is recovery,” he explains. But recovery goes beyond taking a 30-second water break in between circuits or supersets. Webster notes, “Recovery is multifaceted and includes taking short breaks from exercise, active rest, myofascial release, sleep…they’re all a huge part of overall health.” RELATED: 3 Fitness Studios That Are Going Big on Recovery [caption id="attachment_64331" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Pond5[/caption]
4. Going hot…or cold
Speaking of chilling out between sweat sessions, cryotherapy is continuing to gain popularity for post-workout recovery. Proponents of cryotherapy believe that sub-freezing temps can help speed up muscle recovery and reduce inflammation by constricting blood vessels. Post-session, you should experience improved blood flow and less pain overall. “Cryotherapy is something you see more professional athletes who train at a high level doing,” McCall says, but with ClassPass offerings and flash sales, cryo appears to be making a cold dash for the mainstream. Meanwhile, some fitness studios believe heat is a better way to relieve pain and reduce stress. Sky Ting yoga studio in New York City has a built-in infrared sauna, and the Fhitting Room recently partnered with HigherDOSE to offer a sauna sesh post-workout. But are these recovery methods just a smoke show? Richey, who is opening his own recovery facility in early 2018, says, “There’s a lot of theoretical reasoning and rational, but little empirical research [about these recovery methods].” That will all change once science starts catching up with the trends, he says. “Research in fitness is often not pioneering. Research tries to measure, validate and quantify outcomes of what is already being done in the field. “ [caption id="attachment_64332" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Asi Zeevi / Woom Cetnter[/caption]
5. Exercise in 3D
Basic, one-dimensional fitness classes won’t cut it in 2018. Studios are going immersive with their experiences. That means yoga studios with sound baths, and spin studios leveraging virtual reality into their classes. “Change and experimentation are inevitable in an industry with super creative minds, and necessary to keep offerings dynamic for exercisers who want to stay motivated through change,” Webster explains. These immersive experiences also provide perspective on how to use fitness to overcome life’s challenges. Webster says. “The instructor takes you on an amazing journey through imagery, storytelling, varied tempos and inspiring music.” RELATED: Mindfulness for Athletes: The Secret to Better Performance? [caption id="attachment_64333" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20[/caption]
6. At-Home Workouts
This year, we saw FlyWheel and ClassPass expand their businesses online with live streaming workouts, joining the likes of Daily Burn and Peloton. “I think this is the next generation of exercise DVDs. Some people just prefer to work out in the comfort of their own homes,” Webster says. McCall says this is also another way for trainers to connect with their clients when they can’t make it to the gym. “It will be interesting to see how people start to re-create a live experience. We’re going to see how technology can change fitness,” McCall says. [caption id="attachment_64337" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Matt Doyle[/caption]
7. Mindful Movement
Meditation hit it big in 2017. And it incorporated HIIT, too. Nike Master Trainer Holly Rilinger’s Lifted class, for instance, infuses a meditation pre- and post-workout. But McCall predicts meditation will be baked into other types of workouts in the new year. “We’re going to see mindful movement as part of strength training to improve cognitive function and mental acuity,” he says. Think: Workout apps and audio workouts with five-minute meditations. Webster says since we’re constantly glued to our screens, meditation can give us the headspace we need to truly focus on the push-up at hand. “If it’s five minutes before or after a class of guided meditation, it might be the only personal quiet time a person gets all day,” Webster says. RELATED: Meditation Meets HIIT in New Mindful Fitness Approach [caption id="attachment_64334" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20[/caption]
8. Breath Work
OK, now that we’ve learned how to be more present, what’s the next step in fueling our workouts from within? That’s where breathing classes come in. “Meditation classes may turn the corner this year and start offering breathing techniques,” Richey says. The Valsalva maneuver is a method used in many weightlifting workouts. It involves taking a deep breath before lifting and holding that breath while you lift. At the release, you exhale. And if you’re new to meditating altogether, perhaps simply sitting and breathing could be the first step. “We are distracted by our screens and devices 24/7,” Webster says. “Emphasis on being more present and mindful in our lives — for however long we can manage — is an important way to regroup with yourself.” Read More Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, 7 Days a Week 3 Quick HIIT Workouts for Beginners 5 Moves, 30 Minutes: Your Ultimate Kickboxing Workout
The post The Top 8 Fitness Trends for a Fitter 2018 appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.
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