#and i dont even like the country carter album !!! it's literally the first beyonce album i DISLIKE and YET
dreamgirledward · 2 months
sorry. sorry i hate to be this person but people who say taylor swift is the biggest musician of this century........when beyonce is right there.....do yall hear yourselves ???
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idolclimb · 6 years
BEYWITCHED: Evidence that PROVES Beyoncé is a Witch
There can be no more hiding from the truth: Beyoncé is a witch.
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And she’s not just some hedgewitch performing charms at the crossroads in the forest for a day’s worth of cornmeal or the run-of-the-mill conjurewoman your grandma goes to after Sunday service on the hush-hush to get some “work” done – oh no! Beyoncé is a Grade A sorceress the likes of which the world hasn’t known since Merlin and Morgana le Fay.
Even Aleister Crowley’s toes would curl if he were alive to see the power the Queen of all Bees and Bey of all Queens wields!
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Conveniently in time for spooky season but with no correlation to Halloween coming whatsoever, news broke that Beyoncé cursed her former drummer, who described the Bey Queen of using “extreme witchcraft” against her.
Nope. Not a publicity stunt at all.
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That said, here are a bunch of [not randomly cobbled together] pieces of evidence that prove just below a shadow of a doubt that Beyoncé is a total witch.
Her Ascent into Super-Stardom
It can’t just be cultivated talent, smart business maneuvering on the part of her father, and hard work toward a single goal over the span of 3 decades that led Beyoncé to be the superstar she is – nope! It’s witchcraft.
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She sells out arenas at every show, has an army that if mobilized could probably snuff out an actual country’s military, and still doesn’t miss a beat (or when she does misstep, it doesn’t count because it’s on beat).
That’s not great business dealing, high-level sponsorship, marketing and tightly-controlled public relations. It’s pure magic.
Also, what are the odds that having a success-hungry father, an entrepreneurial mother, and sacrificing oodles of time and energy to perfecting her natural talent at the expense of a typical kid’s social life would end up in the fame Beyonce has today? Why would partnering with mega-corporations and media conglomerates, working hard on tour after tour, and making a name for herself during and after her stint with her band be anything but witchcraft in the highest degree?
That’s what I thought.
The Basketball Game Head Bob
She’s also a witch because she was bored out of her mind during a basketball game and was caught marching to the beat of her own drum – no, humming to the beat of the music she would soon release – NO! ACTIVATING MAGIC THE LIKES OF WHICH THE WORLD WOULD ONLY KNOW AFTER ITS EDGES WERE SAVAGELY RIPPED FROM ITS SCALP!
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BEYONCÉ was Released Without Promotion and SUCCEEDED 
The visual self-titled album is definitive proof that Beyoncé is the witch to end all witches. We know this because of the manifestation work she did publicly before and the boasting she did after! Let’s break it down:
Exhibit A: On March 17, 2013, she referenced the spell she was working on in Bow Down/I Been On when she incantated:
I’m the number one chick, I don’t need no hype.
Exhibit B: BEYONCÉ was released on December 13, 2013.
Exhibit C: In May 2014, Nicki Minaj dropped a track on her album The Pinkprint on which Beyoncé collaborated with her for the track Feeling Myself. The Witch in Question audaciously croons:
Changed the game with that digital drop Know where you was when that digital popped I stopped the world Male or female, it make no difference I stop the world, world stop… Carry on
Here’s what these exhibits prove:
Exhibit A: Beyoncé needed unconscious attention to pull off the December 13th drop. This was a step in the magic she had been putting in motion – telling you through prophecy that she would not use her massive publicity machine to do successful work. She would just do it. She needed no hype.
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It’s not like Bow Down/I Been On was a braggadocious piece that meant to do what artists in hip hop had been doing forever: Propping themselves up and talking about their achievements. Nooooope. It was extreme witchcraft.
Exhibit B: The magic culminated and mushroom-clouded a few minutes before midnight (AKA: THE WITCHING HOUR). The world lost its collective shit. Singlehandedly, this powerful witch had fucked up the sleeping schedule of every professional that had to wake up and get to work in the morning, the studies of every student that had class to get to, and every night shift worker who told their boss to STFU because Beyoncé was drunk in love and telling the driver to roll down the petition.
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It could not be that she had an incredibly consolidated fanbase that, as we talked about earlier, could probably cut the supply lines and wreak havoc on an actual military unit. No. This was straight up Black Arts incarnate.
Exhibit C: After the pre-work of I Been On/Bow Down and the successful deployment of the self-titled spell that altered this world’s whole timeline for the better, Beyoncé was exhausted from the magical effort, but gathered herself together enough to explain the mechanics of her magic work, reminding us that we knew where we were when she’d stopped the world and executed the spell.
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Classic monologuing like a villainous sorceress. Nothing whatsoever to do with the track being hip hop and Bey bragging about her well-deserved achievement after years of hard work. T’was solely magic.
Her witchy Aesthetic
If she succeeds like a witch, does spells like a witch, twirls on her haters like a witch, she must be a witch, right?
RIGHT! Because extreme witchcraft is not done in secret, but out in the open!
It’s not like it would be clever to hide witchery from the wider world. Humans are totally understanding of difference and would never actively hunt down witches were their existence to be known widely. And because this is totally true and not exaggerated, here is definitive visual proof that Beyoncé is a witch.
She already admitted to stopping and restarting time. Here she is bringing all of the alternative realities she created into one place. She’s using this powerful magic all willy-nilly just for VMA BEYMA ratings! Reckless!   
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What’s a more classic witchism than this spooky shit right here? CLEAR WITCHERY!I mean, NOBODY has that much coordination! Oh, and she’s leaning backward without any obvious means of support. Low-level stuff in comparison, but still.
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Do I even need to spell out what we’re seeing here? She’s literally lifting the veil between worlds. UGH! Dont you just HATE IT when worlds collide?
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Beyoncé and her coven CAUGHT IN THE ACT of summoning.
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Disregard that it MIGHT have been a trend during that year’s (2014) MET gala. Sidenote: How did Beyonce’s brand stay strong during ElevatorGate?! MAGIC!
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The coven at rest. Plotting. Sipping the tea of their haters.
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