#and i dont wanna disappoint people looking for actual surv or monk content
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*slaps roof of comic* this bad boy has jokes (explanations under the cut)
okay so. this part is here because the rain world fandom and toki pona fandom have (seemingly) very little overlap, and i want as many people as possible to understand this steaming pile of nonsense. so for this i am going to assume you know nothing about either rain world or toki pona.
on panel 2, spearmaster (the purple one) is trying to participate, but does not have a mouth, so they can only moan unintelligibly.
on panel 3, saint (the green one) says the sitelen pona glyph for "wawa", which in toki pona means something like "strength" or "energy". saint can speak a glyph because they are more powerful than the other slugcats.
on panel 4, rivulet (the blue one) is about to be ascended (aka killed but harder) by saint. in other words, saint is about to commit an act of violence.
yeah thats it
oh also! since you're here, at some point during production i wanted to let this comic fade from my memory so i could review it with fresh eyes, so here's the thing i drew to cover this comic so i didnt accidentally look at it!
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on top is the latin and sitelen pona for "len". its root definition refers to clothing, and other definitions come from aspects of said root definition. definitions such as "cloth", "covering", and "layer of privacy". guess which definition is being used in this context!
on bottom is saint. saint has a long tongue that they use to grapple around. i just think they're neat!
anyways thanks for reading this far, hope you have a good day <3
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